Showing 291 items
matching parks – kew (vic.)
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, City of Kew, Hays Paddock, Kew East, c.1980
... kew (vic) - public parks... parks kew (vic) - farming Enlarged photograph mounted on board ...One of a series of photos created for an exhibition by the City of Kew of notable locations. The photos represent a snapshot in time.Enlarged photograph mounted on board, donated to the Kew Historical Society by the City of Kew on 10 April 1991.hays paddock - kew east (vic), kew (vic) - history, kew (vic) - public parks, kew (vic) - farming -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Parks and Gardens [Kew]
... Parks – Kew (Vic.)... Phillip Healey – Kew (Vic.) Parks – Kew (Vic.) Gardens – Kew (Vic ...Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)Documents pertaining to the maintenance and creation of gardens and parks within Kew and surrounding suburbs. The file includes: Letters from Kew Historical Society and Councillor Phillip Healey about place names in Kew, council notes detailing the gardens and parks in Kew, letters describing the pavilions and sporting ovals, letter from Kew Historical Society about the naming of the Council Estate at 121 Wellington Street, Kew.phillip healey – kew (vic.), parks – kew (vic.), gardens – kew (vic.)phillip healey – kew (vic.), parks – kew (vic.), gardens – kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Opening of the Dorothy Rogers Reserve, 1976
... public parks -- kew (vic.)... was opened in her honour. dorothy rogers reserve public parks -- kew ...Dorothy Rogers wrote two major books on Kew's history: Lovely Old Homes of Kew (1961) and A History of Kew (1973). In addition to her published works, she was a regular contributor on issues of local history to suburban newspapers. Her archives are held in the collections of the State Library of Victoria and Kew Historical Society. Three years after her death in 1973, the Reserve was opened in her honour.Faded colour positive photograph of the opening of the Dorothy Rogers Reserve in 1976. The naming of the reserve honoured the contribution of the historian Dorothy Rogers, foundation member of the Society. The reserve is located on the north side of Studley Park Road just west of Kew Junction. Inscribed verso: "Members and relatives of the late Dorothy Rogers. Memorial reserve named and unveiled in her honour by (Cr Whiting Mayor) and City Manager Mr Fell 1978. In respect for her great research and service to the history of early Kew, and other places."dorothy rogers reserve, public parks -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Opening of the Dorothy Rogers Reserve, 1976
... public parks -- kew (vic.)... was opened in her honour. dorothy rogers reserve public parks -- kew ...Dorothy Rogers wrote two major books on Kew's history: Lovely Old Homes of Kew (1961) and A History of Kew (1973). In addition to her published works, she was a regular contributor on issues of local history to suburban newspapers. Her archives are held in the collections of the State Library of Victoria and Kew Historical Society. Three years after her death in 1973, the Reserve was opened in her honour.Faded colour positive photograph of the opening of the Dorothy Rogers Reserve in 1976. The naming of the reserve honoured the contribution of the historian Dorothy Rogers, foundation member of the Society. The reserve is located on the north side of Studley Park Road just west of Kew Junction. Inscribed verso: "Left to right: Mrs Rogers Jnr, Joy Stewart, Miss Jenkins sitting / Mrs Richardson and Mr Richardson, Brother of D. Rogers), Mayor Cr Whiting, City Manager Mr Fell, Background / KHS President Miss Hall, Mr B O'Neill KHS member, / taken during the memorial unveiling of the Dorothy Rogers Reserve"dorothy rogers reserve, public parks -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Country Roads Board, Hays Paddock, East Kew, 1975
... parks and gardens - kew (vic)... paddock - kew east (vic) parks and gardens - kew (vic) Reverse ...Colour photograph of Hays Paddock in East Kew taken by a Country Roads Board photographer. The reverse provides details of the negative and the purpose of the photograph.Reverse: "Hays Paddock. Tops of bank to be rounded gently, grassed & planted."hays paddock - kew east (vic), parks and gardens - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, CAMPBELL, Dr. Kate (1899-1986), 1958
... parks and gardens - kew (vic)... sources. doctors - kew (vic) parks and gardens - kew (vic) Archive ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing information on Dame Kate Campbell MD (1899-1986), who was a pioneer doctor in the field of pediatrics. The file contains newspaper articles/clippings relating to her work. A number of the articles were written at the time of her death in 1986. Kate Campbell Reserve in northern Kew is named after her.doctors - kew (vic), parks and gardens - kew (vic)doctors - kew (vic), parks and gardens - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Chandler Park (Kew), 1958
... parks and gardens -- kew (vic.)... sources. chandler park -- kew (vic.) parks and gardens -- kew (vic ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing an extract from a Boroondara Bulletin (2016) outlining community feedback on the concept for a wetland at Chandler Park in Kew.chandler park -- kew (vic.), parks and gardens -- kew (vic.), wetlands -- kew (vic.)chandler park -- kew (vic.), parks and gardens -- kew (vic.), wetlands -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society, Dorothy Rogers Reserve, 1958
... parks and gardens - kew (vic)... sources. parks and gardens - kew (vic) dorothy rogers reserve ...Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing press clippings and correspondence regarding naming of Reserve.parks and gardens - kew (vic), dorothy rogers reserve, studley park road - kew (vic)parks and gardens - kew (vic), dorothy rogers reserve, studley park road - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - In the 'Alexandra Gardens', Kew, 1927
... parks and gardens -- kew (vic.)... to the layout and planting during the 1920s. parks and gardens -- kew ...The Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew were opened by the Governor of Victoria in 1910. The first curator of the gardens was George Pockett, who with his brother is credited with the layout of the gardens. The gardens were constructed on land originally owned by the King family of 'Madford' in Wellington Street. The land on which the gardens were developed was originally the back paddock of 'Madford' which was purchased by the Borough of Kew in 1906.A rare and early photograph of the gardens showing clearly the changes to the layout and planting during the 1920s. Small, sepia coloured photographic positive of a woman standing beside a path and bridge in the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew.Annotation verso: "Alexandra Gardens Kew 1927"parks and gardens -- kew (vic.), alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.), george pockett -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - In the 'Alexandra Gardens', Kew, 1927
... parks and gardens -- kew (vic.)... to the layout and planting during the 1920s. parks and gardens -- kew ...The Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew were opened by the Governor of Victoria in 1910. The first curator of the gardens was George Pockett, who with his brother is credited with the layout of the gardens. The gardens were constructed on land originally owned by the King family of 'Madford' in Wellington Street. The land on which the gardens were developed was originally the back paddock of 'Madford' which was purchased by the Borough of Kew in 1906.A rare and early photograph of the gardens showing clearly the changes to the layout and planting during the 1920s. Small, sepia coloured photographic positive of a woman with a suitcase standing on a gravel path in front of a semi-circular garden bed in the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew. The main plantings in the rock-bordered bed are varieties of palms. A wooden bridge can be seen to the woman's leftAnnotation verso: "Alexandra Gardens Kew 1927"parks and gardens -- kew (vic.), alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.), george pockett -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - In the 'Alexandra Gardens', Kew, 1927
... parks and gardens -- kew (vic.)... to the layout and planting during the 1920s. parks and gardens -- kew ...The Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew were opened by the Governor of Victoria in 1910. The first curator of the gardens was George Pockett, who with his brother is credited with the layout of the gardens. The gardens were constructed on land originally owned by the King family of 'Madford' in Wellington Street. The land on which the gardens were developed was originally the back paddock of 'Madford' which was purchased by the Borough of Kew in 1906.A rare and early photograph of the gardens showing clearly the changes to the layout and planting during the 1920s. Small, sepia coloured photographic positive of a woman standing on the grass in front of a garden bed in the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew. The Centennial Rotunda, built in 1910, can be seen in the background. Annotation verso: "Alexandra Gardens Kew 1927"parks and gardens -- kew (vic.), alexandra gardens -- kew (vic.), george pockett -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Melbourne from Yarra Bend Park, Kew
Originally contained in a 'magnetic' photo album of scenic photos of Yan Yean and Warrandyte believed to be donated by Mrs Eric Stephenson, Jingalong, 110 Ryans Road, Eltham, Vic. 3095; relocated to archival safe storage.Colour photographkew, melbourne, yarra bend park -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Outer Circle Linear Park
OUTER CIRCLE LINEAR PARK, joint submission by cities of Kew, Camberwell, Malvern and Caulfield. A bound fifteen page submission, dated 08/07/1985, by four councils urging the creation of the Outer Circle Linear Park. Includes map and photographs. OUTER CIRCLE RAILWAY: A PLAN FOR A LINEAR PARK, report of the Outer Circle Study Group. Bound booklet of one hundred and thirty five typewritten and photocopied pages about the creation of this park. The Introduction was signed by Tom Roper, Minister for Planning and Environment, and by Joan Kirner, Minister for Conservation, Forests and Lands. Undated but the Introduction states that public submissions must be received by 31/05/1988. Includes maps, sketches of proposed facilities, a history of the former Outer Circle Railway Line, and a description of notable plants and trees. A double sided, one page leaflet, published by the Murrumbeena Outer Circle Parkland Retention Group, MOCPRG, with timeline of the park and map. Undated but the last date on the timeline is 1985. Includes small sheet headed WHAT CAN YOU DO? Cutting from the CAULFIELD CONTACT titled A NEW PARK IT’S OFFICIAL, dated 26/02/1988, on official announcement of the new park. Two copies of OUTER CIRCLE LINEAR PARK, a four paged pamphlet published by Outer Circle Linear Park Implementation Committee on the new park. Includes detailed map. Letter between Felicitie E. Campbell of the Caulfield Historical Society, dated 14/09/1988 supporting the naming of a section of the Linear Park as Boyd Park. Two pages typed and a hand written copy. Also a type written letter from Jim Badger, Manager, Cultural Services, City of Caulfield, supporting the naming as Boyd Park, dated 16/08/1988. An album of thirty five colour photographs by Peter Foeden and Associates, of the official opening of the Outer Circle Linear Park by Premier John Cain, 1988. Photographs are numbered and the album includes handwritten descriptions of each photograph. Two mounted photographs of the Caulfield section of Linear Park, undated. One black and white and one colour.outer circle linear park, outer circle railway, parks, saunders r. e., briggs a. g., quinn m., rudski b., outer circle study group, roper tom, kirner joan, dunstan david, railways, trees, murrumbeena, campbell felicitie e., badger jim, peter foeden and associates, campbell adack, lang robert, gallney cr., cain john, cain nancy, boyd john, boyd arthur, boyd merric, boyd penleigh, boyd robyn, boyd james, boyd guy, ballantyne mr. -
Ruyton Girls' School
Photograph - Photographic Portrait, Mrs Charlotte Anderson
Mrs Charlotte Anderson was born Charlotte Eliza Alsop in England in 1838 and arrived in Australia in 1848. She married lawyer James Anderson in 1864, and in the year of his death in 1878 she became the founding owner-Principal of Ruyton Girls' School, Kew. Mrs Anderson operated Ruyton initially in her own home of 63 Bulleen Road, Kew (now 63 High Street South). According to Ruyton histories, Mrs Anderson is said to have begun the school with her own two sons, four daughters and some of her Alsop nieces and nephews who resided in Kew. Around the time of the addition of Maud King, the first student outside the family, the school changed to a 'Ladies College', and the boys were sent elsewhere for their education. By late 1881 Mrs Anderson began using the name 'Ruyton' for the school, in honour of a connection to Ruyton-XI-Towns, Shropshire, England where her great-grandfather had been vicar and where she was baptised. In 1882 Mrs Anderson moved the School to Edgecomb in Studley Park Road from 1882-1888. The larger premises enabled her to begin accepting boarding students from 1882. She retired due to ill health and sold the school to her friend Miss Eliza Bromby. Mrs Anderson lived at 'Bongamero', in the King Valley, Victoria until her death in 1906. She is buried in Boroondara Cemetery. One of Ruyton's four Houses, Anderson, is named for Charlotte Anderson. Artwork AC/0099 is a framed reproduction photograph of an original portrait of Mrs Anderson, c.1900-1906. The location and date of the original photograph is unknown, but may be held among Ruyton papers at the State Library of Victoria (MS 12079). The reproduction was probably created to be part of the gallery of Principals and significant people for the Conference/Boardroom, Henty House.A framed, black & white reproduction of a photographic portrait. The portrait shows the head and shoulders of a middle aged woman wearing Victorian-era clothing including a dark ribbon tied around her collar. She wears a lace cap on her head, and the cap's tail is draped around her shoulders. The woman's body is partially turned away from the camera, while her face is turned toward the camera. Plaque on frame: "Mrs Charlotte Anderson/ 1878-1888"charlotte anderson, ruyton, ruyton girls' school, kew (vic), bulleen road, high street south, studley park road, edgecomb, woman, school, teacher, principal, anderson, reproduction, 1990s -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
ID Bracelet
This object relates to Ivy Grace HALLANDAL. She was born on 27/11/1903 in Ballarat, VIC. Ivy Grace served in the Army (VF507143) enlisting on, 22/02/1943 in Kew, VIC before being discharged from duties with the AUST ARMY MEDICAL WOMENS SERVICES as a Army Non-Commissioned Corporal / Bombardier (CPL/LBDR) on 26/04/1946. Ivy Grace HALLANDAL was not a prisoner of war. Her next of kin is Ernest HALLANDAL. Ivy Grace Hallandal was awarded the Australia Service Medal 1939-1946 and the War Medal 1939-1945.Engraved - "J J McCarthy o/N A44955 R.A.N."personal items, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Ballarat RSL Sub-Branch Inc.
War Medal 1939-1945
This object relates to Ivy Grace HALLANDAL. She was born on 27/11/1903 in Ballarat, VIC. Ivy Grace served in the Army (VF507143) enlisting on, 22/02/1943 in Kew, VIC before being discharged from duties with the AUST ARMY MEDICAL WOMENS SERVICES as a Army Non-Commissioned Corporal / Bombardier (CPL/LBDR) on 26/04/1946. Ivy Grace HALLANDAL was not a prisoner of war. Her next of kin is Ernest HALLANDAL. Ivy Grace Hallandal was awarded the Australia Service Medal 1939-1946 and the War Medal 1939-1945.second world war (ww2), 1939 - 1945, medals, ballarat rsl, ballarat -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Victoria Park : Concept Management Plan, Research Papers, 2004, 2004
... victoria park - kew (vic)... architect victoria park - kew (vic) heritage studies - kew (vic ...Graeme Butler & AssociatesProject FilesProvenance OrderRed cardboard wallet containing historical research by Graeme Butler, heritage architect, into the history of Victoria Park, Kew. The file also includes a draft Victoria Park Concept Master Plan, 2004. The research includes memoranda, maps, photocopies of plans, forms, notes, aerial photos, and sundry references.graeme butler - heritage architect, victoria park - kew (vic), heritage studies - kew (vic.)graeme butler - heritage architect, victoria park - kew (vic), heritage studies - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Jas R Mathers Son & McMillan, Camberwell City Heights, 1922
"Following the 1919 amalgamation of suburban tramway trusts, an electrified tram service extended along Doncaster Road. Housing estates such as the 1919 Balwyn Park Estate, 1922 Hillcrest Estate and the Camberwell City Heights Estate, also 1922, quickly followed. These estates were built over by expansive suburban villas, set in fine gardens and along tree-lined streets. North Balwyn, largely constructed since 1933, was typified by even grander houses, many of them in the 'ocean liner' style and seen at their most distinctive in the Riverview Estate." (Source; 'Balwyn' in eMelbourne)Portions of subdivision plan mounted on both sides of cardboard sheet. Coloured pink, probably to show allotments sold. Area covered: Doncaster Road, Mountainview Road, Panoramic Road, Cityview Road, Longview Road, Riverview Road, Hillview Road, Bulleen Road. Includes location diagram showing railway lines and existing and proposed tram routes.Cardboard backing has advertisement for "Tillock's soluble coffee"subdivision plans -- camberwell (vic.), camberwell city heights subdivision -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, JUDD Family, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationKHS OrderSubject file containing information important information by and about the Judd family, pioneers of Kew, and owners of Park Hill (now in Hillcrest Avenue) from 1853. The file contains a number of original files provenanced to the Judd family including a subdivision brochure of the Park Hill Estate (1916) that includes a map of the subdivision, an early photo of the ten-roomed house. Other primary sources include a seven page photocopy (& transcript) of notes on early Kew by Thomas Judd Jnr (1950). An undated letter accompanying the information refers to Miss Ina Balaam, the last descendant of the family to live in the house. The file also includes a photocopy of the obituary of Thomas Judd and a newspaper article/clipping from 1972, which includes a short history of the house and a photograph. Other items relating to Thomas Judd and James Bonwick are stored in archive boxes in the collection store.c w rick fairhall, parkhill - hillcrest avenue - kew (vic), thomas judd, pioneers - kew (vic)c w rick fairhall, parkhill - hillcrest avenue - kew (vic), thomas judd, pioneers - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Kew Historical Society et al, KENT-HUGHES, Sir Wilfrid, 1958
Various partiesReference, Research, InformationSecondary Values (KHS Imposed Order)Subject file containing sundry newspaper articles dating from as early as 1923 relating to Wilfred Kent Hughes as well as items relating to his death and funeral. The latter examples of printed ephemera were customised to include messages from Edith Kent Hughes. The file includes correspondence between the Historical Society and Kent Hughes, some on parliamentary and Yarra Bend Park letterhead. The file includes a copy of the State Funeral Order of Service (1970).kew - history, wilfred kent-hughes, members of parliament - kew (vic), australian politicians - kew (vic), liberal party - kew - victoria - australiakew - history, wilfred kent-hughes, members of parliament - kew (vic), australian politicians - kew (vic), liberal party - kew - victoria - australia -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Grave of George Wharton, Boroondara General Cemetery, 2013
The Victorian-era architect George Wharton, the initial surveyor of Kew. In 1866, he designed and had built Fernhurst in Studley Park, the house a prominent landmark. He resided there until his death, aged 69, on 26 November 1891. He was buried on 27 November in Grave 1520, Church of England Compartment B, Boroondara General Cemetery. Fernhurst Grove is named after his house, which was demolished in 1979.Born digital image of the grave and headstone of the architect George Wharton in the Boroondara General (Kew) Cemetery, 2013. George Wharton created the first survey of Kew and was elected the Municipality's first Chairman in 1861.victorian architects - george wharton, chairmen of kew (vic) - george wharton, boroondara general (kew) cemetery -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Harriers' Pavilion, Victoria Park (Kew), 2014, 2014
... victoria park - kew (vic)... pavilions victoria park - kew (vic) kew harriers club Born digital ...While initially a pavilion at Victoria Park used by the Kew Harriers Club, the building was subsequently used by a range of community groups, including the East Kew Women's Club.Born digital image of the exterior of the renovated Harriers' Pavilion at Victoria Park (Kew)kew - sport pavilions, victoria park - kew (vic), kew harriers club -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Kew Croquet Club, Victoria Park (Kew), 2014
The Kew Croquet Club rooms were designed by Roland Chipperfield. The Club was founded in 1934 and is located in Victoria Park, Kew.Born digital image of the exterior of the Kew Croquet Club in Victoria Park, Kew.kew croquet club - kew (vic), sports -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Kew Croquet Club, Victoria Park (Kew), 2014
The Kew Croquet Club rooms were designed by Roland Chipperfield. The Club was founded in 1934 and is located in Victoria Park, Kew.Born digital image of the interior of the Kew Croquet Club.kew croquet club - kew (vic), sporting clubs -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Robert Baker, Kew Croquet Club, Victoria Park (Kew), 2014
The Kew Croquet Club rooms were designed by Roland Chipperfield. The Club was founded in 1934 and is located in Victoria Park, Kew.Born digital image of a seat at the Kew Croquet Club. kew croquet club - kew (vic), sporting clubs -- kew (vic.)