Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
4x photograph - auxiliary
... pat briese, jean brown, sue read... wise pat briese, jean brown, sue read lamington drive lamington ...
2 x colour photographs of the auxiliary members making lamingtons at the Ely St fire station meeting room and kitchen.
Photo 1 L-R: unknown person at sink, Dianne Mills(in kitchen), Pat Prendergast, Beryl Nolan, Annette Norley, unknown person on right edge.
Photo .2 L_R: Dianne Mills, Annette Norley, Pat Prendergast.
.3 - front L to front R around table - Pat Prendegast, Dorothy Wise, ? , ? , Pat Briese, Jean Brown
back table L-R - , ? , Sue Read( half a head showing), ? ,
.4 - front L to front R around table - Pat Prendegast, Dorothy Wise, ? , ? , Pat Briese, Jean Brown
back table L-R - Sue Read, ? , ? ,2 x colour photographs of the auxiliary making lamingtons.
2 x black and white photographs of the auxiliary making lamingtons.
lamington drive - top left
.3 and .4 have "lamington drive
Ladies Aux
on back in the middle in penauxiliary, dianne mills, pat prendergast, beryl nolan, annette norley, dorothy wise, pat briese, jean brown, sue read, lamington drive