Federation University Bookplate Collection
Book - Bookplate, P. Neville Barnett, 'Woodcut Bookplates' by P. Neville Barnett, 1934
... Peggy Sherriff... Hokusho Masama Akinaga Hild Wiseman T.V. Gilliver Peggy Sherriff ...
Grey hardcovered book of 244 pages with a foreword by Lionel Lindsay. Numerous text illustrations, of which 134 are tipped-in or mounted bookplates. 20 of these signed or initialled by the artist, including the coloured frontispiece bookplate of Edward, Prince of Wales, by Adrian Feint.
A standard edition of 210 copies of this book was privately printed at Beacon Press, Sydney. It contains fewer bookplates than the deluze edition.
bookplate, adrien feint, thomas bewick, g.d. perrottet, albrecht durer, lucas cranach, john everett millais, timothy cole, w.e. home, george eve, bernard partidge, wiliam heinemann, edward gordon craig, lucien psisaro, w. sturge moore, james guthrie, frank bangwyn, john renniel, bruno heroux, adolf kinst, karl michel, edward wengert, r. rother, josef weiss, willi knabe, otto feil, rose reinhold, victor eichler, georg neurath, f. chalandre, victor stuyvaert, ludvic rudo, edward pellens, chris lebeau, agta mijer, anton pieck, harriet sundstrom, john refberg, s. joudowin, paul schillingorski, n. presirvesy, john rerberg, a.i. kravchenko, s.o. chrostowski, bruno osima, antonello moroni, bruno da osimo, alfred peter, peter boesch, k. hanny, o. stafl, j. votruba, jan paroubek, vojtech preissig, karel nemec, a. burka, jaro beran, fr bilek, ant dolezal, josepf hodek, joseph vachal, viktor vavra, fr horky, f. kobliha, anna mackova, j. dobrovolsky, george wolfe plank, j.j. lankes, allen lewis, rockwell kent, yumeji, tatsuo tuzawa, gentaro kobayashi, eikichi katori, kyosen kawasaki, shu hokusho, masama akinaga, hild wiseman, t.v. gilliver, peggy sherriff, stephen champ, roy hunt, alfred cook, norman lindsay, lionel lindsay, george collingridge, margaret oppen, edgar satchell, ethel spowers, j.c. goodchild, philip m. litchfield, h.r. gallop, w.f. mahony, adrian feint, john b. godson, john bewick, christian yandell, napier waller, erick thake, g. west, herman theodore radin, mabel dickinson, ex libris, w. halberg, peter lindsay, vere ritchie, percy nevile barnett, peter tansey, christain waller, w.c. schmidt, w.f. hopson, r.a. clive, bernard patridge, e. muruyamo, yoshimo muto, vioet pilling