Unions Ballarat
Leaflets, pamphlets, periodicals, newspapers, cuttings and roneoed material retained by the Council, 1891-1962
... plumbers and gasfitters employees' union of australia.... Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees Union of Australia, Melbourne... of victoria ballarat east plumbers and gasfitters employees' union ...
TBATBATwo boxes, paper.
1. Anti-Hanging Committee - regarding hanging. 1962.
2. Ballarat Banking Co. Ltd. Chairman's address and 145th report. August 1954.
3. Country Municipal Association circular regarding conference on centralisation, Ballarat. 22 November 1916.
4. Geelong Town Band's weekly performance programme. n.d.
5. Ironmasters' Association of Victoria rules and regulations agreed upon at the General Iron Trades' Conference, Melbourne. 1891.
6. Melbourne Eight Hours Anniversary programme. 1901.
7. Museum of Applied Science of Victoria, on gas from our brown coal. n.d.
8. New Australian Trade Unionist Committee regarding rally to protect shooting of Polish workers. 195-?
9. Circular from Ballarat Trades and Labour Council to Ironmoulders' Society regarding the Congress. 1891.
10. List of subjects to be discussed at Congress.
11. Circular from Melbourne Trades Hall Council regarding financial help for Congress. 1891.
12. Reports of Standing Orders Committee appointed by the Congress, 23-29 April 1891.
13. Trade Mark Committee report.
14. Committee on Federation report.
15. Draft scheme of Federation (Australasian Federation of Labor).
16. Draft scheme of Federation (Australasian Federation of Labor) to the Labour Councils and Unions of Australasia. (2 copies.)
17. Asian and Pacific Regions Peace Conference, Peking, October 1962. Report on Peking, Melbourne. 1962. (2 copies).
18. Australian Bureau of Census and Statistics. Labour and Industrial Statistics, Melbourne. 1911.
19. Australia. Laws, Statutes, etc Trade Marks Bill, 1905. Workers' Trade Marks. Melbourne, 1905.
20. Australian Council of Trade Unions. Agenda paper for ... Congress, 1953. Melbourne, 1953.
21. Australian Labor Party. Work of the Labor government. Melbourne, 1928.
22. Australian Textile Union, Victorian Branch. Wages Sheet. Melbourne, 1953?
23. Baker, W.A. The Commonwealth Basic Wage. 1907-1953. Sydney, 1953?
24. Building Workers' Industrial Union. Building Workers support your convention. n.p. 1954?
25. Carters' and Drivers' Union. Committee of Management. Important to members of Carters and Drivers' Union. Melbourne, 1936.
26. Dougherty, Tom. Santamaria unmasked. Melbourne, 1954?
27. Eight Hours' Anniversary Sports Programme, 1893. Ballarat 1893.
28. Eight Hours' Anniversary Programme, 1894. Ballarat, 1894.
29. Fadden, Arthur W. The menace of political banking. Sydney, 1945.
30. Federated Clerks' Union, Victoria Branch. The Fennessy Story. The Braun Story. n.p., 1954.
31. Federated Clerks' Union, Victoria Branch. Manifesto, n.p., 1955.
32. Greater Ballarat Association. Seventeenth annual report. Ballarat, 1954.
33. Langridge, H.E. Employers in the Labor Party. Melbourne, 1914.
34. Metal Trades Federation. National Conference of Federal Council and delegates from State branches. Sydney, 1960.
35. Municipal Association of Victoria. Arbitration aware regarding employment of members of the Municipal Officers Association of Australia. Melbourne, 1950.
36. Municipality of the Town of Ballarat East. Annual report, 1919. Ballarat, 1919.
37. Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees' Association of Australia. Melbourne Branch. Why did Menzies abdicate when he had a working majority and 18 months to go? Melbourne, 1955?
38. Plumbers and Gasfitters Employees Union of Australia, Melbourne Branch. Who are the wreckers in the Australian Labor Party? Melbourne, 1955.
39. Spence, W.G. The ethics of New Unionism. Sydney, 1892. (42 copies)
40. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. Statement of accounts, 1959. Melbourne, 1959.
41. Universal Business Directories (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Home edition for Ballarat. Melbourne, 1954.
42. Victoria, Apprenticeship Commission. Twenty-seventh annual report. Melbourne, 1956.
43. Victorian Labor College. Labor Colleges. Melbourne 191? (3 copies)
44. W.F. Williams. An appeal to the workers of Victoria. n.p., 19??
45. Workers' Industrial Union of Australia. Preamble, classification and rules. Melbourne 1919?
46. ACTU Bulletin, 1955, Vol 2, No. 2
47. Amalgamated Engineering Union monthly journal, 1954, No. 3. March
48. American Economist, (New York), 1893, Vol 12, No 12, September
49. Australian Worker, (Sydney), 1955, Vol 64, No. 10, May; No. 15, September (held by ANU and at Trove online)
50. Building Workers' Organiser, official organ of the Building Trades Federation, 1954, June
51. Bulletin issued by the Economic Information Service, Melbourne.
No. 2
1954, Nos. 10, September; 13 August;
1956, No 14, January
52. Ballarat Courier, 1890, Vol 46, No. 7096, April
53. Ballarat Star, 1888, Vol 33, No. 95, April
54. The Clerk, official journal of Federated Clerks' Union, Victorian Branch, 1955, Vol 10, No. 2, February/March
55. Common Cause, official journal of the Miners' Federation of Australia
1954 Vol 19, No. 10, March; No. 12, April
1955 Vol 20, No. 12, April; No. 19, May
1955 Vol 20, No. 23, June; No 28 July
1955 Vol 20, No. 29, August
1956 Vol 21, No. 17, May
56. Evening Echo, Ballarat, 1915, No. 6673, September
57. Evening Post, Ballarat, 1889, Vol 38, No. 6326, March
58. Industrial Herald, published by Labor Press, Geelong
1952 Vol 34, No. 35, June
1954 Vol 36, No. 20, March; No. 23, April
1954 No. 36, July; No. 39 July
1958 Vol 40, No. 19, March
59. Labor Call, published by Industrial Printing and Publicity Co., Melbourne. 1953, Vol 46, No. 2417, September
60. Labor Supplement.
1952, November
1954, February; March
61. Light, Ballarat diocesan journal. 1955, September.
62. Locomotive journal, published by the Australian Federated Union of Locomotive Enginemen. 1954, Vol. 16, No. 4, January.
63. People's Tribune Supplement, ed. by E.E. Jones, Melbourne. 1886, Vol 5, No. 20, April.
64. Railways' Union Gazette, published by J.D. Michie, Melbourne. 1919, June, Frank Byett in memoriam edition.
65. Rehab News issued by Central Ex-Servicemen's Office, Melbourne. 1946, Vol 2, No. 30, May.
66. Sheet Metal Workers, official organ of the Sheet Metal Working, Agricultural Implement and Stovemaking Union of Australia, Sydney. 1954, No. 107, February.
67. Socialist Comment, Socialist Party of Australia, Melbourne. 1937, No. 2, February.
68. Tocsin, A.L.P. Victorian Branch. 1955?, No. 2, October; No. 4, December. 1956, No. 5, February.
69. Tribune, CPA Sydney. 1965, No. 958, August.
70. UN World, published by Egbert White, New York. 1948, Vol 2, No. 11, December.
71. Miscellaneous newspaper cuttings.
72. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 22 April 1892.
73. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 21 April 1894.
74. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 21 April 1913.
75A. Eight Hours' Anniversary, Ballarat, 3 April 1922.
75B. Electoral Rolls, persons entitled to be enrolled and to vote, 1922.
76. Progress, prospectus of debentures to publish a daily Labour paper to be called "Progress". 1904, Vol 1, No. 1, December.
87. Smoke night social
88. Bi-election
89. How to vote card
Roneoed material
77. Circular letter regarding new morning newspaper. n.d.
78. Circular letter from Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. 21 March 1955.
79. Article, History of the recent ALP dispute. n.d.
80. Article: What is freemasonry (from Ballarat St. Patrick's Gazette, October 1854). (2 copies)
81. Information summary of HRH Duke of Edinburgh's study conference on the human problems of industrial communities.
ALP Broadcasts from Station 3KZ
82. Incentive payments by Norman A. Gibbs. 17 August 1953.
83. Escalating wages by F.J. Riley. 25 February 1954.
84. Margins by F.J. Riley. 4 March 1954.
85. Freezing margins by F.J. Riley. 17 March 1954.
86. The struggle across the Ages (No. 2) by F.J. Riley. 7 May 1954.
ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, unions, anti-hanging committee, hanging, ballarat banking co. ltd., country municipal association, geelong town band, ironmasters' association of victoria, general iron trades' conference, museum of applied science of victoria, new australian trade unionist committee, ironmoulders' society, melbourne trades hall council, btlc, intercolonial trades and labor union congress, 7th., trade mark committee report, committee on federation report, australasian federation of labor, asian and pacific regions peace conference, australian bureau of census and statistics, abs, australian bureau of statistics, trade marks bill, actu, australian council of trade unions, australian labor party, alp, australian textile union, w.a. baker, building workers' industrial union, carters and drivers' union, tom dougherty, eight hours' anniversary sports programme, labour and industrial statistics, workers' trade marks, building workers, santamaria, arthur w. fadden, federated clerks' union, fennessy, braun, greater ballarat association, h.e. langridge, metal trades federation, municipal association of victoria, ballarat east, plumbers and gasfitters employees' union of australia, menzies, w.g. spence, new unionism, universal business directories, victoria apprenticeship commission, victorian labor college, w.f. williams, workers' industrial union of australia. preamble, classification and rules. melbourne, 1919?, amalgamated engineering union, american economist, australian worker, building workers' organiser, building trades federation, economic information service, the courier, ballarat star, the clerk, common cause, miners' federation of australia, evening echo, evening post, industrial herald, labor call, labor supplement, light journal, locomotive journal, australian federated union of locomotive enginemen, people's tribune supplement, railways union gazette, frank hyett, rehab news, central ex-servicemen's office, sheet metal worker, sheet metal working, agricultural implement and stovemaking union of australia, socialist comment, tocsin, tribune, un world, eight hour anniversary, electoral rolls, progress, freemasonry, st patrick's gazette, hrh duke of edinburgh, incentive payments, wages, f.j. riley