Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Shennan Publishing & Publicity, "Special 12th Anniversary Issue" - Truck & Bus Transportation - July 1948, 1948
Yields information about Australian transport history, transport at the time of publication and the development of buses and the Ansett organisation.Large format 208 page , July 1948 issue of Truck and Bus Transportation with colour cover, fold out and advertisements, colour printing, articles on buses, trucks, cable trams, Australian Transport, personnel in industry, Ansett, executives - special 12 the anniversary issue.
See photocopy of title and contents pages with item notes.
Notes on Truck & Bus Transportation - Special Anniversary Issue - July 1948, with particular relevance to BTM Archives
White Bus Co - similarity to the US PCC Tram - inside front cover Ansett's and Ansair - p131
AC buses - p162
Has Australia's Railways Reach the Doldrums? - p38
Modem Street Transit Authorities Announce Development Policy - p42
(includes photos of Sydney, Adelaide Glenelg H class, Bourke St, trams etc, being replaced by buses)
These were the Events that made our Headlines (war years - photos included - p61
Riding the Rattlers behind Horses, Ropes and Billies - cable trams, horse and steam trams p66. - demise of Melbourne cable cars.
Tracing the development of the Motor Bus in Aust. - p73.
Australian Transport Administrations - whose , photos, responsibilities, liquid fuel control (petrol rationing), Australian Road Transport Associations, executives etc. - pl16 onwards
Ansett organisation - p 1 72 onwards
trams, tramways, trucks, buses, cable trams, road transport