Showing 16 items
matching rachel levita
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Rags; date unknown
... Rachel Levita... Dovid Herman Theatre Rachel Levita Rachel Holzer Mendel ...By H. Levick with Rachel Holzerdovid herman theatre, rachel levita, rachel holzer, mendel szmerling, shia tigel, jacob milchman, pnina kochen, berl lustig, shmuel hochgelernter, yasha sher, abram cykiert, shmuel migdalek, sholem shwartz, abram wigushin, zvi gershove, simche reichstein -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Audio - Oral History, Oral History Interview with Alex Dafner June 2021
... Rachel Levita... Gryfenberg Lova Friedman Yizhak Khan Avrum Cykiert Rachel Levita ...Alex Dafner was interviewed about his involvement in the Kadimah from the 1970s through to the 2020s. Alex has been widely involved in Yiddish life in Melbourne. He served as a Kadimah board member (1970 – 2022) and President (1995-2015). He currently leads post-VCE Yiddish reading and conversation group. The interview was conducted by Jordy Silverstein in June 2021 for the Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library.Digital recording of an Oral History Interview with Alex Dafneralex dafner, kadimah committee, president, melbourne yiddish youth theatre, dovid herman theatre, bund, lectures, mitvokh club, 100 year celebration, in one voice, kadimah chess club, sholem aleichem college, sender burstin, bono wiener, yasha sher, hershl bacharach, josef auerbach, moshe ajzenbud, pinchas ringelblum, nachman gryfenberg, lova friedman, yizhak khan, avrum cykiert, rachel levita, cesia goldberg, abram goldberg, yossl winkler, renata singer, joe tigel, eugene orenstein, avraham novershtern, dov noy, herschel klapfisch, adam gruzman, pinchas goldhar, herz bergner, leo fink, samuel wynn, simche burstin, varshavski -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Back-Lane Centre
... RACHEL LEVITA... SZMERLING RACHEL LEVITA FRANCA EINHORN JASHA SHER JACOB LEWIN SHMUEL ...Back-Lane Centre by Eliahu GilnerArt Show programjacob waislitz, rachel holcer, stella brustman, shie tigel, metndel szmerling, rachel levita, franca einhorn, jasha sher, jacob lewin, shmuel hochgelernter, israel rothman, rachel beker, arnold zable -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Wooden Dish (3); 1958
... Rachel Levita... by Shia Tigel Dovid Herman Theatre Jacob Waislitz Rachel Levita ...By Edmund Morris, directed by Shia Tigeldovid herman theatre, jacob waislitz, rachel levita, jacob lewin, chayele storch, israel rothman, shie tigel, yasha sher, andrew firestone, sam king -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Wooden Dish (2); 1959
... Rachel Levita... Waislitz Rachel Levita Jacob Lewin Chayele Storch Israel Rothman ...dovid herman theatre, jacob waislitz, rachel levita, jacob lewin, chayele storch, israel rothman, shie tigel, yasha sher, andrew firestone, sam king -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Wooden Dish; 1977
... Rachel Levita... Kochen Janette Freedman David Ringelblum Yasha Sher Rachel Levita ...By Edmund Morris, directed by Shia Tigeldovid herman theatre, rachel holzer, shia tigel, pola kochen, janette freedman, david ringelblum, yasha sher, rachel levita, joseph chaberman, mendel szmerling -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Treasure Seekers; 1940
... Rachel Levita... Theatre A. Boral Anna Light Rachel Levita S. Kenigsberg I ...Comedy in 3 Acts. Produced by B. Newman-Jubal for the Kadimah Jewish Concert Theatredovid herman theatre, a. boral, anna light, rachel levita, s. kenigsberg, i. garfinkel, ella honig, m. wald, s. king, m. brown, malka honig, sarah honig, i. rothman, i. ripps, n. fogel, sarah kay, dora rothman, s. freedman, s. factor -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Morals of Madam Dulska; 1953
... Rachel Levita... Brustman Rachel Beker Rachel Levita Leah Zuker The Morals of Madam ...Comedy in 3 acts by Gabriel Zaploska, produced by Rachel Holzerdovid herman theatre, rachel holzer, israel rothman, shie tigel, pina kochen, eva swiatlo, stella brustman, rachel beker, rachel levita, leah zuker -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Heirs; 1976
... Rachel Levita... by Jacob Rotbaum Dovid Herman Theatre Rachel Levita Ida Lustig ...By Sholem Aleichem, directed by Jacob Rotbaumdovid herman theatre, rachel levita, ida lustig, mendel szmerling, josl chaberman, mira pfau, shmul migdalek, yasha sher, shmul szwarc, gitl zajdenberg, leah zuker, moshe kenigsztain, berl lustig, abraham wyguszin, moshe fayntuch, shia tigel, cyla meerkin, rachel beker, mair ceprow, raizl kenigsztain -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Family Cahana; 1973
... Rachel Levita... Herman Theatre Rachel Levita Abraham Wiguszyn Shmul Szwarc Mair ...Directed by Shia Tigeldovid herman theatre, rachel levita, abraham wiguszyn, shmul szwarc, mair ceprow, rachel holzer, gitl zajdenberg, pola kochen, yahsha sher, mendel szmerling, mira pfau, shia tigel, moshe kenigsztain -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Motke Ganev; 1978
... Rachel Levita... Levita Berek Lustig Jerry Diner Rachel Beker Pola Kochen Motke ...By Sholem Ash, directed by Shmuel Atzmon, Music by Nechama Patkin and Triodovid herman theatre, shia tigel, mendel szmerling, shmuel atzmon, lea shlanger, henry osowicki, yasha sher, ida lustig, mira pfau, tamara rozenblum, rachel levita, berek lustig, jerry diner, rachel beker, pola kochen -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Ida Kaminska and Company; 1960
... Rachel Levita... Latowicz Sam Migdalek Meir Melman Rachel Levita Yasha Sher Anne ...Two Plays - Mirele Efros and The Trees Die Standingdovid herman theatre, ida kaminsa, karol latowicz, sam migdalek, meir melman, rachel levita, yasha sher, anne light, ruth turkow-kaminska, pnina kochen -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, High Society; 1989
... Rachel Levita... Rachel Levita Mendl Szmerling Mira Pfau Francesca Savicky Yossi ...Leo Kobrin & Ed. Linderman's musical directed by Roza Turkowdovid herman theatre, yasha sher, rachel levita, mendl szmerling, mira pfau, francesca savicky, yossi azoulay, shimen freedman, yosl chaberman, tamara rosenbloom -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Back-Lane Centre; 1962
... Rachel Levita... Brustman Shie Tigel Mendel Szmerling Rachel Levita Franca Einhorn ...By Eliahu Gilner. Drama in 3 actsdovid herman theatre, jacob waislitz, rachel holzer, stella brustman, shie tigel, mendel szmerling, rachel levita, franca einhorn, yasha sher, jacob lewin, shmuel hochgelertner, irael rothman, arnold zable, rachel beker -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, The Father; 1947
... before leaving Australia, dram a in 3 acts, produced by Rachel ...Last concert of Jacob Waislitz before leaving Australia, dram a in 3 acts, produced by Rachel Holzerdovid herman theatre, jacob waislitz, rachel holzer, rochel levita, j. ginter, y. sher, yedit silman, marian dombrowski -
Kadimah Jewish Cultural Centre and National Library
Programme, Mirele Efros 1948; 1948
dovid herman theatre, rachel holzer, sh. king, i. bluthal, d. rothman, sh. hochgelernter, y. sher, ch. light, r. levita, sh. migdalek