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Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 25.07.1972
... rdns ...Sister Barbara Watson is an RDNS Liaison Officer and is meeting with Hospital staff and a patient in a Ward at the Alfred Hospital before the patient is discharged home where he will receive the nursing care required from a visiting RDNS Sister. Sr. Watson is wearing her RDNS winter uniform, which is a blue/grey skivvie worn under a V neck tunic style frock made of herringbone blue/grey winter material.Liaison had occurred between doctors and the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in August 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Trained nurses (Sisters) but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective patients, coordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS District Sister. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the hospital Doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a Hospital.Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service, RDNS, Sister (Sr.) Barbara Watson who is standing with hospital staff and with a patient who is resting in a hospital bed. On the left foreground of the photograph is Sr. Watson, who has blonde shoulder length curled hair and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie worn under a darker grey V neck tunic style frock. She has her head turned to the left looking at the patient. Next right stands a Doctor, who is wearing glasses and has short dark hair. He is wearing his hospital white coat over his clothes and has his arms folded across his chest. Next right is another Doctor who is at the head of the hospital bed; He has short dark hair and is wearing his white hospital coat over a grey shirt. black tie and dark grey pants. They are all smiling at an elderly man who is sitting up in the bed resting against a white pillow and looking toward them. He is wearing glasses; has short dark sparse hair and is wearing a dark coloured pyjama coat with some white piping, and a white handkerchief in the pocket. He is looking at the three and has his hands clasped on top of the bedclothes. The hospital bed has a white iron frame and an 'over bed table' is at its foot and in the foreground of the photograph. On the right of the bed is a hospital Sister, who has short dark hair; is wearing glasses and wearing her white uniform dress and cap. She is smiling as she looks toward the patient and Doctors. A hospital curtain is against the wall behind her. Part of a window and curtain are seen on the far left of the photograph.Photographer stamp. Quote No. LA 6 Name of hospital and RDNS liaison district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns liaison, sister barbara watson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 19.07.1972
... rdns ...This photograph is taken in a room in the RDNS Heidelberg Centre. The Sisters are demonstrating a lifting technique to staff members. The Sisters are wearing their RDNS winter uniforms which are a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style herringbone winter material dress with the RDNS insignia on the upper left. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses. As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, their Trained nurses taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. RDNS at first held workshops given by a contracted private Physiotherapist, before employing their own Physiotherapist in 1975, who taught staff the correct transfer techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family members. When required the Physiotherapist accompanied the Sister on her visit to the patient in their home.Black and white photograph of three Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters demonstrating a safe bed transfer. From Left to Right is the side on view of Sisters Daphne Geldard, who has short dark curled hair with her left arm around the back of Sister Elizabeth Francis, and her right arm under her legs. Sister Francis has short dark hair and is smiling. She has her right arm over the shoulders of Sr. Geldard, and her left arm is over the shoulder of Sr. Bev Armstrong. Her buttocks are slightly off the bed which has a white pillow and grey blanket. Sr. Armstrong is facing both Sisters. She has short straight blonde hair and has her eyes closed. She has her right arm around the back of Sr. Frances and her left arm is under her legs. The three Sisters are wearing light coloured skivvies under a darker V neck tunic style dress with the RDNS insignia on the upper left. Barry Sutton's Photographer's Stamp. Reprint Quote Number: KY22 Handwritten on back of photo are the names of the RDNS staff members and the location is Heidelberg Centrerdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns physiotherapist, rdns centre, sister daphne geldard, sister elizabeth francis, sister bev armstrong -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1980
... rdns ...The photograph is taken at a function in the Board Room of RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Miss Mary Evans was the RDNS Director of Nursing from 1963-1978,From its founding in 1885 until 1891, the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). The Committee meetings were held at the Religious Tract Society rooms at Queen’s walk, off Swanston Street and then at the Library Room at the Melbourne Town Hall. The Annual General Meeting was held at the Town Hall. In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Nurses and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. They left from their Nurses Home each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurse, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. to Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy where they remained for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funds to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District nurses (Sisters) continued to live at No. 39. In November 1953 the District Nursing Division moved into their new Headquarters and Nurses Home at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. As RDNS expanded and now, with Centres opening throughout the suburbs, the Sisters lived in their own homes and the Nurses Home at 452 closed and those rooms used for administrative purposes. On April the 1st 1996 RDNS Head Office relocated to 31 Alma Road, St. Kilda. Coloured photograph taken at a function in a room at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). It shows, left to right, Sister Bev Armstrong, who has short blonde hair, Miss Mary Evans, who has short curled brown hair and another RDNS Sister who has short dark hair. The two RDNS Sisters are wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style dress with the RDNS insignia on the left hand side. Miss Evans, is wearing a long dark coat. The three are smiling and the Sister on the right is looking at Miss Evans who is turned slightly and has part of her right arm resting over the top of the back of the chair. They are sitting in front of a window and opened gold long curtains. A tree is seen through the window. Both RDNS Sisters have cups in their hands.royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns headquarters, miss mary evans, sister bev armstrong -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23 05 1967
... rdns ...This is a typical situation confronted by RDNS Sisters when travelling to the home of a patient to give them nursing care. The Sister is driving an Australian built Holden vehicle made in the mid 1960s which was part of the RDNS fleet of cars.From its inception in 1885 the Trained nurses of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles by the mid 1960s. In many areas there were unsealed roads, in various conditions, which the Sisters negotiated to reach their patients to give care. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966 which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so those that gave nursing care in the Launching Place, Yarra Junction, Warburton and Powelltown area used a large paper map and once the particular house was found an 'x' was marked to denote the street and approximate site of the house to assist the visiting Sisters. On the right of the black and white photograph is a front-on view of Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister driving her RDNS Holden car, with Registration number 'JPH 516' on the front number plate, on a dirt road approaching an intersection. Seen on the left hand side of the photograph is the cabin view of a truck as it is about to enter the intersection. A white house with a pitched roof can be seen on the left hand side of the photograph behind the truck. A lamp post is seen in the centre of the left hand side nature strip behind the bonnet of the truck. Trees line the road the RDNS car is traversing, and in the background behind the RDNS car, a hill with houses can be seen. photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 102rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1967
... rdns ...Sister Rignall is undergoing In-service education at RDNS and is wearing the grey RDNS uniform of that era.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses who trained through the Hospital training system were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with nurses receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in this In-service Education and established the MDNS, later called RDNS, Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior trained nurses received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. Many programs were run at RDNS, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin did a Post Basic Course in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister J. Rignall using the Library facilities at RDNS. Sister Rignall has short curly hair and is wearing her short sleeve grey uniform frock; the RDNS insignia is seen at the top of her left sleeve. She is standing and looking down at a book she is holding. Shelves of library books are seen running behind her on her left hand side.Photographers Stamp and Quote No. GW 94melbourne district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, rdns library, sister j. rignall -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1980
... rdns ...This photograph is taken outside the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Rosebud Centre which was opened in the mid 1970s. This photograph is a record of Rosebud RDNS staff in the 1980s. The Sisters are wearing their summer uniforms, some with white frocks with a blue pattern and a red belt, others with a white blouse with a red pattern on it and a royal blue skirt. The Health Aides uniform is a royal blue dress with white piping.Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Their Trained nurses (Sisters) left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area,(district) taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. Most of the RDNS cars were housed at each Centre, only a few being driven home by a Sister. In 1980, a Home Health Aide ‘Pilot study’, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by RDNS Principal Nurse Educator. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was evaluated as successful. Following this Pilot study, Home Health Aides were employed by RDNS, and after instruction in the RDNS Education department, joined RDNS Centres and worked under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. The Sister assessed each client, then introduced and supervised the Health Aide in the client procedure required. The Sister wrote out clear, concise procedural instructions on a work card which the Health Aid followed each visit. If the Health Aide noticed any change in the client’s condition, this was reported immediately and the Sister visited. The Sister made routine visits to the client for review at least monthly. Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), staff outside a brick building with a flat roof. A white RDNS car is on the right hand side of the photograph with "RDNS" in capital letters on the door. A tree is in the background. The twenty-five, some partly hidden, RDNS staff are wearing their uniforms. Some are wearing white patterned short sleeve dresses with a dark belt, and others white patterned short sleeve blouses and dark skirts. The letters "RDNS" are displayed in capital letter on the left hand upper pocket of the Sisters. Two Health-aides are present and are wearing dark coloured frocks with white piping. mdns, melbourne district nursing service, rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns centres -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 30 08 1967
... rdns ...This photograph is of RDNS staff taken outside the RDNS Essendon Centre on the day of its opening on the 30th of August 1967. The RDNS Sisters are wearing their uniforms of a red cardigans over their grey cotton frocks. The opening of the RDNS Essendon Centre enabled Sisters to leave from this building to give nursing care in the community. They returned to this building at the completion of their shift.Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS, later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Their Trained nurses left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific areas (districts) taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for sterilization, and contact other medical personal as necessary. Most of the RDNS cars were housed at each Centre, only a few being driven home by a Sister.Black and white photograph of sixteen Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS) staff standing in two rows outside the Essendon Centre. The Sisters are wearing uniform dark cardigans over their grey uniforms; an RDNS badge can be seen attached on the upper left hand side front of some of the cardigans. They are wearing their grey peaked uniform hats, which have a round metal silver badge with the capital letter 'RDNS' written in blue across the centre section, attached to the centre front. They are standing in front of a building, which has a flat roof with a dark fascia and below this a large windows down to a short area of brickwork. Part of a light coloured building can be seen in the background on the left hand side of the photograph.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GJ 55rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns centre, rdns uniform -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, c.1970
... rdns ...Miss Wright is the Education Director of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) and is giving a lecture to the RDNS staff. Two of the RDNS Sisters are wearing their summer uniform which was a royal blue V necked tunic style frock, with the RDNS badge emblazoned on the upper left hand side, over a short sleeved white blouse. Three of the Sisters are wearing their winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvy under a blue/grey herringbone V neck tunic style winter material dress.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters graduated from the College of Nursing in Community Health, Education and Administration and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin did a Post Basic Course in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS SistersBlack and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Miss Ora Wright seated at a table in discussion amid a group of nine RDNS Educators, Physiotherapists and Clerical staff. Miss Wright has short light coloured hair and has her head turned to her right. She is wearing a long necklace of mixed coloured beads over a light coloured top. Three of the staff are standing behind the seated group. Three staff are seated either side of Miss Wright. Two of the RDNS Educators are wearing white short sleeve blouses under a V neck tunic style dress and the other three are wearing a light coloured skivvy under a V neck grey tunic style dress. The RDNS insignia on a white background can be seen on the upper left of each RDNS uniforms. A blackboard full of white writing can be seen in the left rear of the photograph and several tables joined together are in the foreground. Two books and several sheets of white paper are in front of the seated staff.Photographer stamp. Quote No. DR 12royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, rdns clerical staff, rdns physiotherapist, miss ora wright -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1975
... rdns ...This photograph is taken in the work room in a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Centre. The Sisters are writing up patient histories after giving nursing care to them in their homes during the day.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), had Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Their staff arrived at the Centre each morning to collect their work load and any messages, and then drove to their particular area (district) to give care to their patients. At the completion of the day they returned to their Centre where they wrote up the care they had given to each patient in the appropriate history folder. They also filled out forms to be sent to the RDNS Liaison Sister at the appropriate hospital when a patient was going to outpatients so the doctor would have a progress report. The Sisters also contacted other Medical and Community personal as necessary from the Centre. The RDNS cars were also kept at each centre, where they were collected each morning and returned after the Sister's community visits. Coloured photograph of a group of eleven Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters doing their book work in an RDNS Centre. Two of the Sisters are wearing the summer RDNS uniform of a royal blue V necked tunic style dress over a white blouse and a dark blue cardigan. The others are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey herringbone winter material V necked tunic style frock. Some Sisters are partly hidden. They are sitting at tables which have open patient history books and papers on them.In the rear are papers attached to walls and on the left a Venetian blind is covering a window.royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns uniform, rdns centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1980
... rdns ...Sister McLean is attending a function in the RDNS Board room at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. She worked in RDNS Headquarters. The RDNS insignia on the upper left of her uniform tunic has the words "Royal District Nursing Service" written in white in the blue circle. Across the centre of the circle are two clasping hands depicted in yellow..From its founding in 1885 until 1891, the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). Their Committee meetings were held at the Religious Tract Society Rooms, No 3 Queen's walk, off Swanston Street and later at the Library Room in the Melbourne Town Hall. The Annual General Meetings were held in the Town Hall. In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Trained nurses (Nurse) and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. They left from their Nurses Home each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurses, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. to Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy where they remained for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funding to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District nurses continued to live at No. 39. In November 1953 the District Nursing Division moved into their new Headquarters and Nurses Home at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne but as the Service expanded into the suburbs Centres were opened and their Trained nurses (Sisters) worked from home, so the Nurses Home section of 452 was closed and turned into more administrative areas. In 1996 Headquarters were relocated to 31 Alma Road, St. Kilda.Coloured photograph of the upper view of Sister Kath McLean of the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) who has short straight dark hair and is smiling as she sits holding a cake on a white plate. She is wearing her RDNS winter uniform; a grey skivvie under a blue/grey herringbone woolen V neck tunic style frock with a central zip. On its upper left It has the RDNS insignia of a round blue circle with writing on it, surrounded on either side by white swept up feathers towards the central crown above the circle. Under this is her name plate and a gold coloured medal. A pen is clipped into the left hand V neck section of the frock. rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns winter uniform, rdns board room, rdns headquarters, kath mclean -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1975
... rdns ...The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister has sterilized an autoclave pack for use by the RDNS Sisters when attending their patients in their homes who are requiring specific treatments for e.g. catheterization. This photograph is taken in the sterilizing room at a RDNS Centre. The Sister is wearing the RDNS Summer uniform of a short sleeve white blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS logo on its upper left.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) supplied sterilized equipment, such as ready set up catheter trays and dressing trays, as well as dressing packs for their Sisters to take to the home when attending to specific patient care. Patients bought their own future dressings, if these had not been given to them when discharged from Hospital. Following their day in the community the Sisters returned to the RDNS Centre and washed and set up the trays again ready for re-sterilization. Black and white photograph showing a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister who has blonde short hair; is wearing a short sleeved white blouse and dark tunic style frock, standing in the Autoclave room in an RDNS centre. She is emptying the Autoclave chamber after sterilizing a wrapped, 'gown and towel', which is written on the wrapping. Her right arm is extended with her hand on the metal wire basket which has a protective floral cloth covering the edge of the basket. The photograph shows a tall vertical Autoclave, which is made of metal. To the left above the chamber is a dark rectangular section with several switches, and to right of it are three white faced dials. royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns equipment, sterilizing -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.06.1971
... rdns ...RDNS Sister E. Anderson is Supervisor of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Footscray Centre and Mrs. J. Simpson is the coordinator of RDNS Auxiliaries. They are admiring items from auxiliaries and other interested friends which will be distributed, as required, by RDNS Sisters to any poor families whom they visit to administer nursing care.From its inception in 1885 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), held functions to gain finances to run the Society. They also asked the public for donations, ranging from food items to linen for bandages, bed linen, blankets, clothes, including baby clothes, etc to assist in the care of their patients. The public generously responded. Each year the President made a special appeal for donations at Christmas time for food and gifts for the MDNS sick poor. Out of this evolved, in 1925, the first MDNS Auxiliary in the Eastern Suburbs. This extended to Auxiliaries throughout the suburbs who worked to donate money and ‘gifts in kind’ to assist MDNS to continue their work, and to furnish wards in the After-Care Home. Before the District Division of MDNS had its own fleet of vehicles, a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 where the general public, when available, provided their car, and drove Sisters to visit patients who lived a distance away. This was disbanded in 1971 when the, now named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), had its own fleet of vehicles. The Jessie Henderson Auxiliary ran a Kiosk and Library with all profits to the Society for 20 years. By 1950 there were fourteen auxiliaries who continued to hold functions when the District division separated from the After-Care Hospital and became Melbourne District Nursing Service, which, with Royal patronage, became RDNS in 1966. A Council of Auxiliaries, with Mrs. J. Simpson at its head, and which comprised of two delegates from each auxiliary, was formed in February 1968 to work for District. There were nine auxiliaries in 1970. They continued to run into the 2000s, but the numbers of auxiliaries reduced over the years, as well as the number of members in each auxiliary as the members aged, so this form of support ceased.On the rear left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister E. Anderson, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a long sleeved grey frock, with a white name badge on the upper left; parts of RDNS insignia are seen on the top section of each sleeve. On the right rear is Mrs. J. Simpson, who has her long dark hair drawn up and is wearing a light grey coloured frock with white lapels, cuffs and a white pocket, all with dark piping. They are both holding baby items and looking at knitted and other donated items which are laying on tables in front of them.Photographers stamp. Quote No. KH 74melbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, mdns auxiliaries, rdns auxiliaries, ellen anderson,, j. simpson, -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23.05.1967
... rdns ...This photograph shows the typical road conditions encountered by RDNS District Sisters during their days work visiting patients to administer nursing care. From its inception in 1885 their Trained nurses (Nurses) of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as MDNS, the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used; bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take their Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles by the mid 1960s. In many areas there were unsealed roads, in various conditions, which the Sisters negotiated to reach their patients to give care. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the nurses travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS) Sister in her RDNS grey car driving up the lower section of a hill on a dirt road. The car's rear black Victorian number plate, with 'JPH - 516' written on it can be seen. Dust is rising on either side of the car. In the foreground the road runs downward to a dip and then up the hill; trees are along either side of the road, and dirt and stones are seen on the side of the road in the left foreground. Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 95rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 01.05.1974
... rdns ...The photograph is taken at Western General Hospital. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Nurse Educator, Sister Nan Deakin, after teaching the RDNS Community Nursing Education program to the Western General's two Student nurses is introducing them to Sister Ellen Anderson, Supervisor of the RDNS Footscray Centre. Sr. Anderson will arrange for the Students to go on District nursing visits with RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters) from Footscray Centre who administer nursing care in the community. Sister Deakin is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style frock made of herringbone winter material. Sister Anderson is wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock. The RDNS logo is seen on the upper left on both uniforms.During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to an RDNS Centre and each Student accompanied a Trained nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS. From its inception as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, their Trained nurses (Nurses) worked in specific areas, 'districts'. The first Nurse worked east and west, between Victoria Parade and Flinders Street and, north and south, between Spencer Street and Spring Street. When a second Nurse was employed they divided this area at Elizabeth Street so each Nurse could attend to patients in the same area giving continuity of care. As the Society expanded, becoming Melbourne District Nursing Service, then, with Royal patronage, Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) many Centres were opened throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs. The District nurse's areas (districts) grew and were divided within Shire boundaries for e.g. Knox 1, Knox 2, Knox 3, Knox 4, within the area of the Shire of Knox. A map covering the Centre’s Districts was attached to a wall, and its different colour pins identified streets where patients lived who were currently receiving nursing care from the RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters) working in these areas (districts).On the far left of this black and white photograph is a male Student nurse, who has collar length, straight dark hair. He is wearing his hospital uniform of white trousers and top. To his right, is a Student nurse who is wearing her white nursing cap, with motif in the centre front, over her long drawn back dark hair. and her short sleeve uniform checked frock, with white two breasted buttons down it, and with white collar and cuffs. A nursing watch is attached to its upper left. Both are standing in the dark framed doorway of a room and are looking to the right and smiling at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Nurse Educator, Sister Nan Deakin. She has short dark hair; is wearing glasses, and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock. To the right of her, is RDNS Sister Ellen Anderson who has short curly dark hair and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a white short sleeve blouse, under a dark V neck tunic style frock. They are standing side-on facing the Students. Barry Sutton MA 78royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, western general hospital students, sister nan deakin, sister ellen anderson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.1980
... rdns ...The RDNS Sisters are attending a functions being held in the Board Room at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road in Melbourne.From its founding in 1885 until 1891 the trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). The Committee meetings were held at the Religious Tract Society rooms at Queen’s walk, off Swanston Street and then at the Library Room at the Melbourne Town Hall. The Annual General Meeting was held at the Town Hall. In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Trained nurses (Nurses) and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. They left from their Nurses Home each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurse, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered for e.g. to Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy where they remained for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funds to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District nurses continued to live at No. 39. In November 1953 the District Nursing Division moved into their new Headquarters and Nurses Home at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. As RDNS expanded with Centres now opening throughout the suburbs, their Trained nurses (Sisters) lived in their own homes and the Nurses Home at 452 closed and the rooms used for administrative purposes. On April the 1st 1996 RDNS Head Office relocated to 31 Alma Road, St. Kilda.Colour photograph of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sisters who are standing in a room - left to right - .....Pat (Paddy) Rowley, with short brown hair and wearing glasses, Kath McLean, with short dark hair, Betty Harris, who is wearing glasses and with short brown curly hair and on the far right Ruth May, wearing glasses and with short dark hair, Sister May and the unknown Sister on the far left hand side, are wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white blouse under a V neck royal blue tunic style frock. The three Sisters in the centre of the photograph are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of blue/grey skivvies under their blue/grey herringbone woollen V neck tunic style frocks. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the uniforms. Opened gold long curtains are in the background, along with three wooden chairs which have green backs and seats. The chairs are partly hidden by the standing Sisters. A vase of plumed feather flowers is behind Sr. Harris. Part of a white clothed table, with silver cutlery and white plates on it, is the the foreground.rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, rdns headquarters, sister ruth may, sister kath mclean, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister betty harris -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 09.1972
... rdns ...Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley, is the RDNS Principal Nurse Educator and she is instructing Sr. Margaret Affleck during an Education session. Both Sisters are wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style frock made of herringbone winter material. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the tunic. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with their Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of RDNS Sisters. Standing on the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister (Sr.) Pat (Paddy) Rowley, who is wearing dark rimmed glasses and has short dark hair. She is leaning forward with her right hand resting on a table and, with her left hand, is pointing to a passage in a white paged book which is open on the table in front of Sr. Affleck who is seated. Sr. Affleck has short dark curled hair and is looking up at Sr. Rowley. Both Sisters are wearing the RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker grey V neck tunic style frock. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the tunic. In the background dark shelving and books can be seen.Photographer stamp. Quote LD 6melbourne district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister margaret affleck -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, 10.08.1971
... rdns ...The RDNS Sister is about to leave to visit patients in their homes in the community to administer nursing care as advised by a Doctor. The RDNS insignia on the door of the car is a round badge with a royal blue circle around the edge with the words "Royal District Nursing Service" in white, and the centre section is in three parts ,with the upper and lower sections white, and a royal blue centre strip with the large white capital letters "RDNS".Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and White Photograph of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister about to enter one of the new light grey 2 door Holden Torana RDNS cars. The Sister, who is smiling, is wearing her uniform grey peaked hat over her long dark hair which is drawn back. She is wearing her long grey coat with the RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve and is holding the partly opened driver side door of the car with her left hand. She is holding the handle on the top of her rectangular black nursing case with her right hand. To the right, the grill and black number plate, with the white writing displaying "KXF 024", can be seen. The round RDNS insignia is on the upper centre of the car door. The car is the same width all over, has a flat bonnet which joins a sloping windscreen adjoining a flat roof which runs along and joins a short back window running down to a boot. A black tyred wheel can be seen under wheel arches at the front and near the rear of the vehicle. In the background to the left is a mid size bare tree; behind this portions of several parked cars and behind them a multi storey building with the Written words "Rioby House". To its right and directly behind the car is a mid size bare tree and behind that the end view of a brick building with a hip roof. Barry Sutton Photographer. Quote KL 52rdns transport, rdns uniform, royal district nursing service, rdns -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 28.06.1977
... rdns ...These student nurses are doing their Nursing training at the Western General Hospital and are being given a lecture by RDNS Nurse Educator, Sister Hengstberger, during their Community Nursing Education Program with RDNS. The photograph is taken at the RDNS Education Department at 448 St. Kilda Road. Sister Hengstberger is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvy worn under a blue/grey herringbone V necked winter weight tunic style dress. During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures, Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Registered nurse (Sister) for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced after discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS.Black and white photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Cecily Hengstberger, who is wearing glasses and has short dark hair, instructing a group of student nurses. Sister Hengstberger is standing facing the group and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a dark V necked tunic style dress over a lighter colour skivvie. The RDNS logo is emblazoned on the upper left hand side of the tunic. She is standing in the centre rear of the photograph, facing the students, and is holding a piece of white paper in her hands. From the foreground of the photograph, the backs of several rows of nurses, wearing a variety of day wear, can be seen seated at small, metal framed, dark wooden top individual tables. The tables have sheets of paper and pens on them. In the left background of the photograph stands a small blackboard; above this is wall clock, and to its right a large blackboard is.attached to the wall.Photographer stamp. DR 17mdns, melbourne district nursing society, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns education, sister cecily hengstberger -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1974
... rdns ...Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at RDNS and is giving a lecture to RDNS Sisters in the Education Department at 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne. She is wearing the RDNS summer uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V neck tunic style frock with the RDNS insignia on the upper left.Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses (Nurses), through the Hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Trained nurses (Sisters) receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior Sisters received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration, and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and District nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS Sisters attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some patients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic patients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of patients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her Education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Sisters. This black and white photograph shows Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley and seventeen (some partly hidden), Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters. The bulk of the photograph shows the front view of three rows of RDNS Sisters sitting at tables which have books and sheets of paper on them. The Sisters are wearing a variety of day clothes. In the right foreground of the Photograph is a table containing papers, and standing to its right, facing the group, is the back view of Sr. Rowley, who has short dark hair and glasses. She has her left hand on a sheet of paper on the table. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a white short sleeve blouse under a dark tunic style frock. In the rear of the photograph a brick fireplace can be seen with some books and a vase of flowers on the mantelpiece. On the right is a long curtain, some lockers and an open wooden door with glass panel. Some of the Sisters named are:- Ann Greenwood, Judy Peter, Ethel Fullarton, Barbara Lovell, Shirley Lewis, Jane Ball..Barry Sutton Stamp. Quote LY 68royal district nursing service (1966-2017), rdns, rdns education, sister ethel fullerton, sister barbara lovell, sister shirley lewis, sister jane ball, sister pat (paddy) rowley, sister ann greenwood, sister judy peter -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.01.1973
... rdns ...Sr. Tarn is based at the RDNS Heidelberg Centre and is wearing her RDNS uniform of a royal blue V neck tunic style frock over a white short sleeve blouse, and her uniform royal blue peaked cap with the central attached RDNS insignia. The photograph is taken at two year old Lynette Singh's home. Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs with Heidelberg Centre opening in 1971. Their Trained nurses (Sisters) left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area (district), taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for re-sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. The Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care their Trained nurses (Sisters) provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Black and white photograph of Sister (Sr.) Joan Tarn of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), holding little Lynette Singh in her arms. On the left of the photograph is the upper view of Sr. Tarn who is slightly turned to her left, and has her left arm under Lynette supporting her, and her right hand is on the upper area of Lynette's left arm . She is smiling as she holds Lynette who has a round visage; is looking to her left and her dark curled hair is against Sr. Tarn's left cheek; her left arm is extended over Sr. Tarn's right shoulder. She is wearing a frock with a white background and dark poker dot top section and a darker patterned skirt. Sr. Tarn is wearing her RDNS uniform of a dark V neck tunic style frock over a white short sleeve blouse. Her uniform peaked cap with the central RDNS insignia is worn over her dark curled short hair. In the background the weatherboards of Lynette's home can be seen with a short curtain covering part of a window.Photographer stamp. Quote No. LF 88royal district nursing service, rdns, sister joan tarn, lynette singh -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.06.1971
... rdns ...Miss Evans, the Director of Nursing of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) is holding a meeting with some RDNS Sisters in a room at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Mary Evans was born in Adelaide in 1915. She completed her General Nursing Training at the Royal Adelaide Hospital and her Midwifery Certificate at the Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital in Melbourne. Mary worked in the Midwifery section of Melbourne District Nursing Society from 1943–1945, and then qualified as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse. Gaining a Scholarship from MDNS in 1959, she studied and investigated District Nursing practices in England, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Canada and the USA, which had a profound impact on the planning of MDNS. As Deputy Matron, then Matron from 1963, she began implementing her 5 point plan of - Education, Liaison, Ancillary Services, MDNS Centres in strategic areas and Home Health Aides. Miss Mary Evans retired as Director of Nursing of, the now, Royal District Nursing Service in 1978 and became an adviser to the Australian Council of Community Nursing Services. In 1981 she was awarded an O.B.E. for services to District Nursing, and as recognition for her leading role in Community nursing in Australia. From 1986-1990 she was heavily involved in the running of the Baxter Retirement Village. She was also Vice President of the Airdrie Retirement place for nurses in Canterbury. Mary Evans was placed on the Honour Roll of Victorian Women in 2001. Miss Mary Evan, O.B.E. died in early 2004.Black and white photograph of Miss Mary Evans, Director of Nursing of the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), with a group of RDNS staff. Miss Evans is sitting in a floral patterned lounge chair on the far right hand side. The other staff are sitting in a semi-circle in matching lounge chairs and couches. In attendance are Sisters: P. Holdsworth, B. Harris, E. Holland, M. Campbell, H. Beckett, J. Wilkinson, J. Tarn, E. Anderson. Some are partly hidden. Miss Evans has short dark curled hair and is wearing her grey uniform skirt and jacket. The rdns insignia can be seen on her upper left sleeve. The Sisters are wearing their grey short sleeve uniform frocks; some are wearing cardigans. The RDNS Insignia can be seen on the upper sleeve of some Sisters. A small round table with papers on it, sits beside Miss Evans and a rectangular coffee table in front of some of the Sisters. A plain carpet is on the floor and in the background two windows with long side curtains can be seen.Photographer Stamp. Quote No. 5 Aroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns matron, miss mary evans, sister pat holdsworth, sister betty harris, sister e. holland, sister m. campbell, sister h. beckett, sister joanne wilkinson, sister joan tarn, sister ellen anderson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, c.2000
... rdns ...The photograph was taken in a Shopping centre and shows an RDNS Sister about to check the blood pressure of a lady..Over many years the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), was involved with carrying out health screening checks at many Shopping centres, and other venues, when requested.A coloured photograph taken in a Shopping centre, showing a Royal district Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who is wearing glasses and has short blonde straight hair, standing on the left hand side of a seated elderly lady. The RDNS Sister, is wearing RDNS dark blue slacks and a jumper over a white blouse, with the collar and cuffs seen. She is looking down at a blood pressure machine and holding the dial with her right hand. A stethoscope is hanging down from around her neck. The elderly lady has a blood pressure cuff around her right arm. She has grey curly hair and is wearing a blue and pink patterned jacket over a navy blue frock. She is facing the camera and looking serious. To the Sister's left are some open cardboard boxes, one with a white balloon on a stick from it, and further to the left part of a table covered with a red tablecloth can be seen. A shoe shop can be seen in the rear, as well as a vertical dark banner with the word 'Police' running down it in white letters.royal district nursing service, rdns, health screening checks -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 23.02.1978
... rdns ...The RDNS Sister is giving Post Natal care to the Mother and babe. She is wearing her RDNS summer uniform which is a white short sleeve blouse under a royal blue V necked tunic dress with the RDNS insignia emblazoned on the upper left.In August 1893 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), commenced a Midwifery Service with Nurse Fowler, who was trained in General nursing and Midwifery nursing, being the first Midwife employed. Mothers were assessed for suitability of a home birth or if they required delivery at the Women’s Hospital. The Midwife worked in conjunction with the Doctors at the Women’s Hospital and if a complication arose the patient was transferred to their care. Following birth they gave Post-Natal care to both the mother and babe. In 1898 the service ceased due to lack of funds but recommenced in 1906, and in the August 1925 Annual Report the number of MDNS home births was recorded at 478. MDNS built the After-Care Home and an Anti-Natal Clinic was opened in 1930. The last Ante-Natal clinic was held there in December 1951 and the MDNS Midwifery service ceased in February 1952. In 1964 MDNS commenced a Post-Natal Service with general and midwifery trained MDNS nurses working from a room at Footscray Hospital, and visiting early discharged Footscray Hospital maternity cases at home. Now as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), this service was extended to a Domiciliary Infant and Maternal Care, (DIMC) service operating from most Centres and visiting early discharged, often 24 hours after birth, maternity cases from hospitals to give post-natal care to the mother and babe.Black and white photograph of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister visiting a family in their home. The family are sitting on a dark coloured couch. From left to right:- The father, who has short dark hair and is wearing a light coloured patterned shirt and dark pants, is looking at his young blond haired daughter who is sitting on his right knee. She is wearing a light coloured top and darker coloured bib and brace pants. The mother, who has long dark hair and wears glasses,.is next to him and is smiling and looking towards the RDNS Sister. She is wearing a long sleeve buttoned grey top and darker coloured slacks, and is holding her babe in her lap with both hands supporting the baby's head. The babe has sparse dark hair and is wrapped in a white bunny rug. Next is a young girl, who has short dark hair and is wearing a light coloured top, darker coloured slacks and has her hands on the top of her left striped sock. Seated on the far right is the RDNS Sister, who has short straight dark hair, and has her face turned towards the child and mother. She is wearing her RDNS uniform of a short sleeve white blouse under a dark V neck tunic style dress which has the RDNS insignia on its upper left. The Sister has a pen attached to the V neck of the tunic and is holding a note book in her hands. She has a watch with a dark band attached to her left wrist. In the background part of a wooden and glass door can be seen and a patterned wallpapered adorns the wall behind the couch.Photographer stamp. Quote No EA 28melbourne district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, dimc, mdns midwifery, rdns domiciliary infant and maternal care -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1975
... rdns ...The Sister is supporting the elderly lady as she takes her for a walk on her veranda. The RDNS winter uniform at that time was a blue/grey skivvie worn under a V neck, tunic style, blue/grey herringbone winter material frock. The RDNS insignia is on the upper left of the frock.From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in 1885, known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, the rehabilitation of patients to insure they were able to live independently in their own homes was at the forefront of care given by their Trained nurses (Sisters). As well as teaching and supervising the use of equipment, the Sisters taught them safe transfer techniques. These techniques were also taught to family members to enable them to care for their loved ones. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family membersOn the left of the black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister, who has short dark curly hair and is wearing her RDNS winter uniform of a light coloured skivvie under a V neck tunic style frock, standing with an elderly lady on the wooden veranda of her home. The lady, who has short white hair, is wearing a dark buttoned up cardigan over a floral frock, The lady has her right arm hooked through the left arm of the Sister, who is clasping the ladies hand. The Sister is looking to the left at the lady, and the lady is looking to the front. The weatherboard wall of her house is seen in the background. Part of a chair and small table are on the far front left of the photograph.Type written informationroyal district nursing service, rdns, rdns rehabilitation -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.06.1971
... rdns ...The Student nurses are trainees from Footscray Hospital who, as part of their training, are to go out with and observe RDNS Sisters at work for a week. Sister Anderson is Supervisor of RDNS Footscray Centre, During their training, Student nurses from several hospitals either attended the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Education Department, or, a RDNS Nurse Educator travelled to the appropriate hospital’s Education Department to educate the Trainees on District nursing through the RDNS Community Nursing Program. Following the lectures Students went to a RDNS Centre and each student accompanied a Sister for a week observing and gaining knowledge of all facets of nursing care in the home. This gave them an insight into the home conditions and situations patients faced following discharge from hospital. During 1971 there were 584 student nurses who received field experience with RDNS.Black and white photograph showing two Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters and three student nurses outside the glass door and large glass window, with a white rectangular sign with the black capital letters, some partly hidden, "Royal District Nursing Service Footscray Centre" attached. In front of this, on the left hand side of the photograph is a side on view of Sister Clare McHugh, wearing her uniform grey coat with RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve, and grey peaked hat over her blonde hair, looking towards two of the Hospital trainees to her right. They are wearing their hospital uniforms of a light grey frock with two rows white buttons down them, and white collars, white caps and dark capes. Further to their right is another uniformed Student nurse who is facing Sister E. Anderson who is in the far right of the photograph. Only the back of her dark short curled hair is seen, as she stands side on looking at the Student nurse. She is wearing her RDNS long sleeve grey uniform. Photographers stamp. Quote No. KH 66royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns - education of student nurses, clare mchugh,, ellen anderson, -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 24.04.1974
... rdns ...Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley is the Principal Nurse Educator at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) and is standing with a group of RDNS staff in the Education Department at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. Sr. Rowley is wearing the RDNS winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey V neck tunic style dress made of herring bone winter material. She, and the lady in the white dress, are displaying the RDNS winter beret made of the same herringbone material as the RDNS winter dress.From its earliest years when the Trained nurses (Nurses) of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS began to wear uniforms the chosen colour was grey, though the style changed throughout the years as fashions changed from the late 1800s through to the 1970s. Their Nurses firstly wore long grey frocks, and on their heads, a white cap with a long white tail hanging from the centre back. When bicycles were introduced the headgear changed to a white pith helmet adorned with a red Maltese cross in the centre front. This was held on with a veil going over the hat and tied under the chin. Over the years there were complaints that the veils became wet in the rain and they asked for a change of uniform, but this did not happen until 1921. Later the Trained nurses (Sisters) complained their skirts became wet when riding their bicycles in the rain and asked, when raining, to be able to wear breeches and gaiters. This was granted provided they wore aprons when attending patients. It was not long before the uniform changed to a shorter length grey frock, red cardigan, grey coat and grey brimmed hat; later changed to a peaked grey hat. In 1966 MDNS were granted Royal patronage. Now as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), the uniform was redesigned and colour changed in 1971. By 1972 the Sisters were wearing the new winter uniform of a blue/grey skivvie under a V neck tunic style frock made of blue/grey herringbone winter material with the RDNS insignia on the upper left, and a beret of the same material. In summer the uniform became a royal blue V neck tunic style frock, with the RDNS insignia on the upper left, worn over a short sleeve white blouse. A royal blue peaked hat with the RDNS insignia in the centre front was worn at first and then only worn on official occasions. This uniform was worn until changed to a corporate style in the mid 1980s,This black and white photograph depicts six Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) staff standing in two rows in front of closed long grey curtains. They are looking at the camera and smiling, some are partly hidden. L- R back row - A lady who has short dark hair and is wearing a grey and black patterned frock. Next is a lady with her black hair drawn back; is wearing black pants and a black sleeveless V neck jacket over a white skivvie. The next lady has wavy short dark hair; is wearing white slacks, a light grey jacket with lapels and the pocket on its upper left has a vertical zip in the centre. She has a black and white striped scarf around her neck. Front row L-R - A lady with shoulder length black curled hair who is wearing a white uniform style dress and is turned toward the right of the photograph. Her right hand is on the top edge of an RDNS beret which is held on its edge with the inner white lining seen, and the upper section showing the deep front of the beret which has a central RDNS logo. To the right of this, is Sister Pat (Paddy) Rowley who has short dark straight hair; is wearing dark rimmed glasses and is wearing a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style dress. She is turned toward the left of the photograph and her right hand is holding the bottom edge of the RDNS beret and her left hand is on the top edge. The next lady, on the far right, has shoulder length black curly hair and is wearing dark grey slacks, and a black round neck jumper over a white blouse with the peaks and cuff seen.Barry Sutton MA 23 rdns, rdns education, royal district nursing service, rdns uniform, sister pat (paddy) rowley -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1973
... rdns ...The photograph is taken in the car park at Royal District Nursing Service ( RDNS) Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Rd, Melbourne. Sr. Harris is assisting to load the bassinet and the other nursing equipment into the RDNS Van for Mr. Pincher to deliver to the appropriate RDNS Centre or to patient's homes. In 1971 the Commission shop donated a Van to Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), to be used by the Maintenance crew for delivery of equipment and transporting goods and documents between RDNS Centres and Headquarters. It was also used for transporting Maintenance staff, and the equipment they required, to do maintenance work at RDNS Centres as needed. The Commission Van was kept at the RDNS Service Centre at Chessell Street, South Melbourne. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, known as the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, equipment was loaned and demonstrated to patients, and their family members, to enable them to care for their loved ones in their home. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught RDNS staff the correct transferring techniques, including the use of a hoist when this became available. RDNS staff taught and used these techniques in patient’s homes to undertake safe transfer of the patient and to reduce physical strain on RDNS Sisters and family members. Each RDNS Centre had a room or shed where equipment for loan was kept, and Headquarters also kept additional equipment which could be transported to Centres as required.On the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing (RDNS), Sister Betty Harris, who is standing side-on in front of the open door of a white Van. She wears glasses, has dark curled hair, and is smiling, as she has her arms outstretched with her right hand under a white bassinet as she passes it to Mr. Pincher who is standing in and leaning out of the opening of the Van. Mr. Pincher has wavy light colour hair and is smiling at Sr. Harris as he is holding the other end of the bassinet. He is wearing a dark cardigan over a white shirt. On the far left of the photograph, part of an RDNS car is seen and in front of this part of a walking frame. A pair of wooden crutches lean against the open Van door and a wheelchair and a 4 pronged stick are to the right of Sr. Harris. Behind them part of the Van with part of a window in its upper area are seen. Sr. Harris is wearing her RDNS uniform of a light grey skivvie under a darker V neck tunic style frock.rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns equipment, rdns uniform, sister betty harris, mr pincher -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 07 06 1967
... rdns ...Miss Evans, Director of Nursing of Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), is holding an Education session with RDNS staff. Her uniform is a grey skirt and jacket with the RDNS badge emblazoned on her right shoulder. The badge has a white background and black writing. The RDNS Sisters are wearing their grey uniform frocks and red cardigans. Education was an integral part of Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, later, in 1966, called Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS). From 1885, only Trained Nurses, through the hospital training system, were employed by the Society, and on visits to patients they taught the necessity of hygiene and cleanliness, as well as the need for a good diet, to bring about good health. Doctor’s lectures were later given at the MDNS home to instruct patients and their families on prevention of disease. Education to patients continued throughout the years regarding health care and the use of equipment in the home. In 1961, Education programs commenced at MDNS with Sisters receiving In-service education. Sr. Pat (Paddy) Rowley was a leader in In-service Education and established the RDNS Department of Community Nursing Education in 1962. Staff could also apply for scholarships to further their education outside of RDNS. Many of their senior trained nurses received Postgraduate diplomas from the College of Nursing in Community Health Nursing, Education, and Administration and several travelled overseas visiting nursing organizations viewing their public health and district nursing systems. At RDNS many programs were run, including: a Post Basic Course, Cardiac Rehabilitation Nursing, Haematology/Oncology Nursing, Palliative Care program, Diabetic Stabilization Program, Leg Ulcer Management Program, Wound Care Specialist Program, HIV/AIDS Nursing Care, Cystic Fibrosis Home Support, Veterans Home Care Program, Breast Cancer Support Program, Continence Management Program, Stomal Therapy Program, In-Home Lactation Support Program and the Homeless Persons Program. RDNS staff attended several hospitals to observe and learn special care needed to some clients, e.g. to the Austin Hospital to learn the care required for paraplegic and quadriplegic clients at home, and to Mount Royal Hospital to observe the care of clients in the Rehabilitation ward. A Community Nursing Education Program was extended to student nurses from hospitals and to other nursing organizations. These Education programs kept the RDNS Sisters abreast of new techniques, such as changes in technology for e.g. new testing methods in detecting glucose levels in Diabetic patients. Sr. Nan Deakin obtained a Post Basic Certificate in Psychiatric Nursing and included this area in her education lectures. Sr. Daphne Geldard specialized in the area of Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia. These Sisters visited patients in District areas with the regular RDNS Sister when required. Every member of staff, both professional and non professional staff, received regular education in the Education Department. In 1980, a Home Health Aide pilot study, funded by the Federal Government, the Brotherhood of St. Laurence and RDNS, with the program written and taught by Sr. Rowley, was evaluated as successful, and Home Health Aides were employed and worked in RDNS Centres under the supervision of the RDNS Registered Nurses. Black and white photograph showing Miss Mary Evan standing in the centre rear of the photograph. She is with five RDNS Sisters who have short hair, three with curly hair and two with straight hair, who are sitting on chairs with white paged books resting on 'over the lap' tables. Three Sisters are seated in front of Miss Evans, and another two Sisters are sitting in the foreground. Miss Evans, who has short dark curled hair, is wearing her grey uniform jacket which can be seen with the RDNS cloth badge visible at the top of her right sleeve. She is bending over one of the Sisters and has her right hand pointing to something on the Sister's book. Closed light curtains are seen in the rear of the photograph and a dark desk to the right. On the wall above this, part of a blackboard can be seen.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GF 28rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns education, miss mary evans, rdns d.o.n -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 09 05 1967
... rdns ...This Sister is working at the Control Centre at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne where she is receiving a phone call which she will transfer to the appropriate staff member in Headquarters, or if appropriate pass the message onto an RDNS Centre to take action. Central Control was based in the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Headquarters and the Sister working there took and directed all incoming telephone calls to persons in Headquarters or to the appropriate RDNS Centre. Each Centre contacted the Control Sister each morning for any messages received over night. She remained in contact with each RDNS Centre during the day, and in contact with Evening staff after each Centre was closed at 6 p.m. Evening staff contacted Central Control after completing their evening visits, and book work, so the Sister in Central Control knew they were safe and had completed their shift before leaving the RDNS premises. Of a weekend, when reduced staff numbers were working, the same procedure was carried out by the Sister working in each Center's office. In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister, who wears glasses and has short curly hair, is wearing a watch on her left wrist and is wearing her grey short sleeved uniform with an RDNS cotton badge applied to the top of the sleeve. She is sitting behind a desk and is holding a telephone to her right ear; she has a pen in her left hand and is ready to write in an open white paged book. A typewriter is on the left hand side of the desk and a black telephone can be seen on a shelf adjacent to the desk, A framed rectangular mirror can be seen on the left hand side wall. A shelf, with several books on the left hand side, can be seen attached to the upper part of the wall behind the Sister. Below this a large chart is on the wall and a wooden shelf below itPhotographers Stamp. 'Quote No. GE 14rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns administration -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, colour, 01 03 1985
... rdns ...The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters are using a hoist to transfer a lady who has limited mobility into her wheelchair. The photograph is taken in the lady's home. From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, known as the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, equipment was loaned and demonstrated to patients, and their family members, to enable them to care for their loved ones in their home. RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught RDNS staff the correct transferring techniques. New lifting techniques, such as the use of a hoist, was taught to RDNS staff and were used in patient's homes to undertake safe transfer of the patient and to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and family members. The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.Coloured photograph showing Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Helen Pelosi on the left hand side. She has short dark hair; is wearing a a light blue apron over her RDNS uniform, and is moving a lady in a hoist to a wheelchair. Another RDNS Sister, who has short blonde hair, is wearing her RDNS uniform of Royal blue V neck tunic style frock, with part of her white blouse seen and a navy blue cardigan. She has her right arm extended towards the top of a hoist. The lady is laughing and is suspended in a sling attached to the metal hoist. Around her neck is a white scarf with blue dots which is hanging over her red jumper. She is wearing a blue dress and long dark socks. Both her hands are extended upward holding onto the metal cross bar of the hoist. Part of a wheelchair is seen in the left foreground. Open long gold curtains with voile curtains in the centre can be seen in the background.royal district nursing service, rdns, patient care, rdns equipment, sister helen pelosi