Royal Brighton Yacht Club
Trophy, Cerberus Trophy
Cerberus Trophy
Donor :
Deed of Gift: No
For several years at the end of the season, the yachts Dystiny and Phantom had a picnic race to the Cerberus located at Black Rock. This was later taken up by the RBYC and became the end-of-season race for all RBYC yachts. The clubs’ staff set up a BBQ and bar on the deck of the Cerberus and a great time was had by all prior to returning to the RBYC.
Later when the Cerberus became too dangerous to board, the destination was changed to a laid mark north of the wreck with the race finishing at the RBYC tower. The BBQ continues and is organised by the race management team. The actual trophy is made from timber taken from the deck of the Cerberus.
First Winner: Gum Blossom, T. Gunnerson 1990/91
cerebrus, rycv, black rock