Showing 101 items
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Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Alternative SCDC plan for Bayside development, Port Melbourne, Barry Merat, Foreshore Use, 1987
Display item used during public information sessions conducted in 1987 by the Port Melbourne City Council's Community Committee (Brenda BEDFORD, Frank CALLAGHAN, Ron WEST and Barry MERAT) regarding SCDC Bayside Development.Sketched plan illustrating alternative to SCDC plan for Bayside planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, brenda bedford, frank callaghan, ron west, barry merat -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Sir John RIDDELL to Pat GRAINGER re proposed SCDC 'Bayside' development, Sir John Riddell, 1988
Letter was in response to a letter and posters forwarded to Prince Charles on 26.1.1988 while Charles was in Melbourne being given a presentation regarding the proposed SCDC 'Bayside' project; Mrs GRAINGER's letter expressed residents' concerns about that projectLetter from Sir John RIDDELL, Private Secretary to HRH Prince Charles, in response to Mrs Pat GRAINGER re proposed SCDC 'Bayside' developmentroyal visits and occasions, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, pat grainger, prince of wales -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Poster - SCDC Bayside Development protest, 1987
This object was one of several 'arts' projects against the SCDC Bayside development. proposals, funded by the Uniting Church's 'Social Justice and the City Project' in 1987. Posters urged residents to take part in the Sept. enquiry into the Environmental Effects statement. Information poster re SCDC Bayside Development, black and yellow on white - Port Melbourne motifs on sides.public action campaigns -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Technical Appendices, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.2, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 2: Technical Appendices July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Proposed Bayside development, Aug 1987
SCDC plans for the Bayside development were revised as investigations into water circulation in artifical canals/harbour were completed. This is the plan as originally proposed prior to the EES hearing in September 1987.Large plan of original proposed Bayside development as submitted to council in 1987town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan - Proposed Bayside development, Sep 1987
SCDC plans for the Bayside development were revised as investigations into water circulation in artifical canals/harbour were completed. This is the altered plan, with alterations drawn in red on the original proposal, for the EES hearing in September 1987. The EES hearing, scheduled for three days in September, ran for 57 sessions into February 1988.Large plan of original proposed Bayside development as submitted to council in 1987; as 502.01 but with alterations superimposed in red, It was this altered plan that was submitted at the enquiry into the Environmental Effects Statement in September.In blue: EES Variation September 1987:In red: markings to indicate alterations to land configurationtown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - CD-ROM, Sandridge City Development Corporation development
A CD index of everything to do with the Sandridge City Development Corporation (SCDC - Beacon Cove -Mirvac) as noted in other 2939 catalogue numbers .town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, built environment, local government - city of port melbourne, public action campaigns, bayside development action group, bayside working group, scdc, beacon cove, mirvac, beris campbell, sandridge city development company pty ltd -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book - Main report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One: Bayside Project EES Statement Vol.1, 1987 - 1998
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Port Melbourne Bayside project Environmental Effects Statement for SCDC proposal Volume 1 Main Report July 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Badge, Badge-a-minute, No Canals for Bayside, 1987
One of various protest badges produced by Port Melbourne residents to oppose the SCDC development - given or sold at a public meeting on the developmentLarge plastic badge c1987 'No canals for Bayside'. With drawing of beacon. White, with red and black.public action campaigns, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - Beris Campbell re Sandridge City Development Corporation, 1985 - 1992
Correspondence held by Beris CAMPBELL as Senior Social Worker for City of Port Melbourne. Supplemented by papers from Perce WHITE, Greg BYRNE, Wendy MORRIS, Pat GRAINGER, Janet BOLITHO and collected in 2016/early 2017.Beris CAMPBELL archives re documents in relation to Sandridge City Development Corporation (SCDC -Beacon Cove - Mirvac) at Port Melbourne, contained in large silver binders. A disk in .01 covers all and there is a second copy at B.15.03town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, built environment, public action campaigns, beris campbell, bayside development action group, bayside working group, sandridge city development company pty ltd, scdc, beacon cove, mirvac, local government - city of port melbourne -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Invitation, opening, exhibition of screen prints by Tom SANDERS, Acland Street Art Gallery, Nov 1987
Invitation to opening of exhibition of screen prints by Tom SANDERS 28 November 1987, with illustration of his impression of proposed SCDC 'Bayside Development'celebrations fetes and exhibitions, arts and entertainment - visual arts, tom sanders -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Drawing - Sketch, Artists impression, Bayside development proposal, Port Melbourne, Barry Merat, Sep 1987
Display item used during public information sessions conducted in 1987 by the Port Melbourne City Council's (PMCC) Community Committee (Brenda BEDFORD, Frank CALLAGHAN, Ron WEST and Barry MERAT) regarding SCDC Bayside Development.Drawn by Barry MERAT for 1987 public display:a general impression of Bayside development proposal elevations as seen from bay, based on Plot Ratio of 3 to 1 and Plot Ratio of 2 to 1.Top RH corner - reverse 'WRAP'town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, brenda bedford, frank callaghan, ron west, barry merat -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Drawing - Sketch, Artists impression, Bayside development proposal, Barry Merat, Port Melbourne's New Town Centre, 1987
Display item used during public information sessions conducted in 1987 by the Port Melbourne City Council's (PMCC) Community Committee (Brenda BEDFORD, Frank CALLAGHAN, Ron WEST and Barry MERAT) regarding SCDC Bayside Development.Artist's impression of proposed Bayside development (highrise office blocks).town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, brenda bedford, frank callaghan, ron west, barry merat -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Archive - Inner Urban Development re Sandridge City Development Corporation, 1985 - 1992
Inner Urban Development, documents in relation to Sandridge City Development Corporation (SCDC - Beacon Cove- Mirvac) at Port Melbourne. Some items have individual catalogue numbers .12 -cat numbers 378,967, 1541, 1721, 2964 .13 - cat nos 1205, 1543, 2640, 2752R .14 - cat nos 2898, 2131, 1414, 1048, 3856town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, built environment, public action campaigns, beris campbell, bayside development action group, bayside working group, sandridge city development company pty ltd, scdc, beacon cove, mirvac, local government - city of port phillip -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 4, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol.4 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 5, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol.5 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 6, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol. 6 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 7, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol.7 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 8, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol.8 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 9, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987
Sandridge News vol.9 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 26, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987- 1990
Sandridge News vol.26 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 22, SCDC, Sandridge News, 1987- 1990
Sandridge News vol.22 (no date): a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Newsletter, Vol 2, SCDC, Sandridge Construction Bulletin, 1992
Sandridge Consruction Bulletin vol 2, March 1992: a newsletter from the Sandridge Project, Sandridge City Development Companytown planning - proposals shelved - bayside, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Sandridge - A Port Melbourne Bayside Development by the Sandridge City Development Company, 1996
This book is a submission produced to accompany the formal response to the State Government's development brief dated October 1986. This was City Engineer Bill Thackray's copy.Sandridge - A Port Melbourne Bayside Development by the Sandridge City Development Company': Large, square 32 pp plus hard cover book; bound in pale green linen, with white plasticised dust cover; response to to Vic Gov't brief 1986.Stamped in blue on front end paper: W.A. Thackray'william a thackray, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - SCDC Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1987 - 1998
Ewan OGILVY, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan OGILVY's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Sandridge City Development Corporation report on hydraulic model testing and comp. modelled traffic estimates September 1987All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, transport - motor vehicles, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Letter - Brian Robinson, EPA Chairman re cleanup of Bayside development site, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Letter from EPA chairman Brian Robinson regarding cleanup of development site, included in bound black fileAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, brian robinson -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report: Ewan Ogilvy's initial comments, May 1988, handwritten (4 copies)All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Minister's assessment of Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: List of panel recommendations and Minister's assessment of each 20pp on Bayside EES Inquiry 1997/8, included in bound black fileAll items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, tom roper, evan walker -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Report, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Bayside EES Inquiry, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box One, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: EES Inquiry report to the Minister for Planning and Environment 7 April 1988, included in bound black file. Appendix 5: Panel's recommendation re site contamination (one page)All items signed 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, ewan ogilvy, centre for urban research and action, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, judy arndt, francis b barnes -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document, Ewan Ogilvy's Bayside Papers, Box Three - Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development, 1988
Ewan Ogilvy, former Melbourne Councillor and also of Community Services Victoria, Inner Urban Ministerial Advisory Committee and Uniting Church's Centre for Urban Research and Action (CURA), was instrumental in social justice approaches to town planning. He and CURA's Social Justice and the City Project funded Port Melbourne community groups protesting against the SCDC development in 1987. His files were presented to the Society in May 2001 on his preparation for leaving Victoria.From Ewan Ogilvy's chronologically organised 'Bayside Papers' relating to the proposed development of Port Melbourne industrial land in the late 1980s: Victorian Auditor General's Office - Special Report No. 18: Bayside Development - blue/green soft cover bookSigned 'Ewan Ogilvy'town planning, town planning - proposals shelved - bayside, public action campaigns, environmental issues, public housing, missions to seamen, ewan ogilvy, sandridge city development co pty ltd, scdc, linton r lethlean, barry pullen - mlc