Showing 39 items
matching silver-lead ores
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Third Term, 1901, 1901
... silver-lead ores...Articles include: Concentrating difficult silver-lead ores... Articles include: Concentrating difficult silver-lead ores ...Articles include: Concentrating difficult silver-lead ores, Estimation of chlorine, bromine and iodine (by D.Runting. Summaries and notes from the technical journals, Notes upon the use and care of platinum ware, Common sense, The machinery at the Tasmania gold mine, Beacons-Field, Tasmanina, Mining at Walhalla - The long tunnel mine, Past students, Mapping out of agricultural areas &c., in dense vine lands, North Queensland (by R. A. Suter. Licensed surveyor, Queensland and Victoria), News and notes, Concert balance sheet, Editorial notices.Soft covered magazine of 16 pages. silver-lead ores, estimation of chlorine, bromine and iodine (by d.runting), platinum ware, tasmania gold mine, beaconsfield, tasmania, mining at walhalla, long tunnel mine, vine lands, north queensland, r. a. suter, photography class, boer war, alumni, thomas vincent, basil sawyer, o. e. jager, a. s. burdekin, t. phillipson, glen macpherson, tom uthwatt, marcus marks, r. j. allen, cecil eales, cecil wakley, adam morton, e.p. lewers, harry leggo, jack hill, berk, nickolls, h. burrows, percy osborne, j. brangan, chris evans, adamson, alford, r. evans, arthur "thomas" atkins, charles campbell, hardy, a. basil reid, h. l. krause, k. grant, m. gray, a.b. reid, h. alston, playford, j. a. reid, s. b. vial, f. a. marriott, f. lush, c. whyte, karl moore, r. robin, w. j. lakeland, e. trend, h. l. giles, r. mccracken, k. bryron moore -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Selection of Geological Publications, 09/1866
... together for his own use. treatment auriferous lead silver ores ...This book was owned and used by Professor Ferdinand M. Krause of the Ballarat School of Mines.Ferdinand Krause was a renowned teacher at the Ballarat School of Mines. He also produced many important Geological Maps. This book has seven reports that Krause had bound together for his own use. Half black leather bound book with hand marbled paper cover. Marbling on cover is grey, maroon and darker grey with gold bands on black leather spine. The book contains 7 papers on various subjects associated with ores. The book includes: 1. Auriferous, Leads, & Silver Ores at Upper Hungary - G.H.F. Ulrich, 1868 2. Nuggetty Reef, Maldon, Victoria - G.H.F. Ulrich, 1866 3. Internal Communication - Lieut. Amsinck, 1856 4. Roads for Victoria - William Macredie, 1856 5. Mining & Mineral Statistics of Victoria - Robert Brough Smyth, 1866 6. Physical Geography & Geology of Victoria - R.C. Selwyn, 1866 7. Mineralogy of Victoria - G.H.F. Ulrich, 1866 Leather component is black with gold bands on spine with "Silver Ores etc" written on spine. 'G" on square cream paper at top of spine; "2" on square cream paper on middle of spine; and "3" on square cream paper on bottom of spine. Inside front cover on red paper rectangle near spine "bound by W. PAUL 17 Lydiard St BALLARAT" "Ferdinand M Krause C E" handwritten in black ink on title page of first paper (right hand side)treatment, auriferous, lead, silver ores, nuggetty reef, maldon, victoria, internal communication, roads for victoria, mining, mineral statistics, geography, geology, mineralogy, ulrich, amsinck, selwyn, ferdinand krause, macredie -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Enever, Jim, Journal of Australian Mining. Vol 19, 2012
... , concerning the search for elusive silver/lead ore lode in the Buchan... available sources, concerning the search for elusive silver/lead ore ...A well researched account, gleaned from available sources, concerning the search for elusive silver/lead ore lode in the Buchan area of East Gippsland. From the 1870's to the early 1890's a few companies were formed. This article refers in particular tomines and mining -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... : Cerussite, crystalline ore of silver lead Galena, ore of silver lead... on tan card: Cerussite, crystalline ore of silver lead Galena ...Fifty-three mineral samples collected by Amy Huxtable. Samples in two plastic partitioned boxes. Samples were originally housed in poor conditions in matchbox inserts and placed on cotton wool. Existing labels, hand printed on tan card: Cerussite, crystalline ore of silver lead Galena, ore of silver lead, fine grained Galena, ore of silver lead, coarse grained Native copper, wave like form Malachite, copper carbonate, ore of copper Chalcopyrite, copper iron sulfide, ore of copper lead Malachite, copper carbonate, ore of coppermining, sampling, mineral samples -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Galena Chalcopyrite, Unknown
... Charles Rasp discovered a large amount of silver-lead-zinc ore... Charles Rasp discovered a large amount of silver-lead-zinc ore ...Galena Chalcopyrite is the earth's primary ore of lead and is mined from a large number of deposits in many countries. It is also an important source of silver. Galena Chalcopyrite is one of the most abundant and widely distributed sulfide minerals across the world. The mineral is found in igneous and metamorphic rocks in medium- to low-temperature hydrothermal veins. This specific specimen was recovered from the mines in Broken Hill, New South Wales. The mines in Broken Hill were first established after Charles Rasp discovered a large amount of silver-lead-zinc ore-body in the area in 1883. BHP (Broken Hill Proprietary) mining company was then established in 1885 and quickly became the lead in Australia's mining industry after they began excavating and exporting the country's largest amount of lead, silver, and zinc. This feat generated over $100 billion in wealth for the company.Galena Chalcopyrite is signifiant as it represents the catalyst for the rise of Australia's most influential mining companies - BHP. The mineral was one of the first to be mined in the country and after being made into lead, was used for a variety of things such as paint, batteries, ammunition, and plumbing materials before it was known to be harmful to humans. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study. A grey, solid hand-sized lead sulfide mineral with a silver metallic luster.burke museum, beechworth, geological, geological specimen, galena, galena chalcopyrite, chalcopyrite, broken hill, bhp, bhp mining, broken hill mine, mine, australia mine, lead, lead mine -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Guide for Prospectors in Victoria, 1931, 1931
... such as tin, antimony, copper, silver lead, Malybdenite, tungsten ores... such as tin, antimony, copper, silver lead, Malybdenite, tungsten ores ...The handbook was intended for those with little experience who wanted to prospect of fossick.Grey soft covered book of 90 pages. Includes fold out map of a portion of Victoria showing auriferous areas and mineral localities. Also show Counties of Victoria and localities of minerals such as tin, antimony, copper, silver lead, Malybdenite, tungsten ores, manganese, platinum, osmiridium and iron. Chapter heading s include: working alluvial deposits, equipment, geology of Victoria, gold deposits, quartz reefs, indicators, economic minerals, assistance to prospectors, Miners' Right, mining bye-law, mining leases, forest regulations and glossary. Descriptions are given of a god dish, puddling tub, cradle, puddling machine, ground sluicing, boring, windlass, whim, hand dollying, sweeping, California pump, and wing dam.mining, baragwanath, gold, prospector, geology, quartz reefs, alluvial deposits, indicators, victorian goldfields, miners rights, mining leases, forest regulations, sluicing, sluice box, puddling machine, miner's cradle, whim, whip, california pump, gold nuggets, saddle reef, ballarat indicators, state batteries -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901, 1898-1901
... Silver-Lead Ores * Estimation of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine... Silver-Lead Ores * Estimation of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine ...Bound copies of the Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1898-1901 Vol 1, No. 1, September 1898 * News and Notes (Ballarat School of Mines Museum, J.F. Usher, New British Pharmacopoeia, excursion to Bendigo) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines * Current Topics (Federation, Gladstone, Anglo-American Alliance) * Of Custom * Discovery of Coolgardie * Mining Notes(Clunes, Pitfield, Birthday Mine, Western Australia, Transvaal, Mt Bischoff, Rand Drill Co.) * From the Journals * The Societies - (Student Association, Ballarat Field Club and Science Society, Ballarat Photographic Club) * Original Poetry * Sports * Students' Association Committee Meetings * On the Increase of Temperature of the Earth With Increased Depth Vol 1, No. 2, October 1898 * Notes about some of the Past Students (E.M. Weston, J.A. Porter, H.R. Sleeman, G.E. Sander, B.C.T. Solley, T. Rhys, C. Burbury, D. McDougal, J. Matsen) * Excursion to Daylesford, p.3 * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * The Soudan * Greater Melbourne * Image of J. Hopkinson, electrical engineer killed ascending the Alps * What is Science * Mining Notes (Pitfield Plains, Victoria United G.M.Co., Lithgow, Avoca, great Cobar, Mt Whycheproof) * Student's Association (women's franchise) * Sports Vol 2, No. 1, March 1899 * News and Notes * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (continued) * Notes of Victorian Geology, 1. Granites, by Thomas S. Hart * Sir William Crookes * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * Sports * The Bush Assayer * Solubility of Gold-Silver Alloys in Potassium Cyanide * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 2, April 1899 * News and Notes (Smythesdale Excursion, New Buildings, A.S. Coyte, R.J. Allan) * History of the Ballarat School of Mines (Continued) * The New Students (J. Owen, A. Clayton Morrisby, A.S. Atkin, J. Alexander Reid, Alfred G. Johnston, L. Lowe, F.H. Dalton, W.M. Robertson, A. Hacke, H.L. Giles, W. Martin, E. Walshe, H.L. Krause, R. Sawyer) * Berringa by Oh'E Jay * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Mount Magnet to Victoria - A Long Bicycle Trip * 1898 Examination returns * Sports Vol 2, No. 3, May 1899 * Technical Education and the Proposed Affiliation of the Schools of Mines with the Melbourne University. * Laying of the Foundation Stone of the New Classrooms (now Administration Building). Alexander J. Peacock * News and Notes (Past Students - A.S. Lilburn, J.W. Sutherland, J. Richardson, E. Prendergast, J. Wallace, J. Kidd, J. Lake, Mathew Thompson), Coolgardie Exhibition. * Trip to Lal Lal * Students' Association * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Henry Louis on Mining Education * Corrections Used in Chaining by C.W. Adams * The Black Horse Cyanide Plant * Sports * Completed List of 1898 Examinations Vol 2, No. 4, June 1899 * News and Notes * The Education Problem by D.N. McLean * A Few Hints on Histological Technique by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Students' Association * A Visit to the Skipton Caves (Mount Widdern, Ormand Hill, volcano, Emu Creek, Mount Kinross, Mount Elephant, Mount Vite Vite, Mount Kinross, Mount Hamiston) * Mount Magnet To Victoria (cont) * The New Engines at the Ballarat Woollen Mills - includes image of the Compound 700 H.P. Engines constructed for the Ballarat Woollen Mills by Austral Otis Company and consulting engineers Monash and Anderson. * Sports * Original Poetry * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 5, July 1899 * News and Notes (E. Byron Moore, Visit to Britannia Gold Mine, J. Bryant, Visit to Last Chance Mine) * A Few Hints on Histological Technique (cont) by Emil Gutheil * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Professor Alfred Mica Smith (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology Part 2 The Trappean Rocks, by Thomas Hart * Origin of Diamonds * Hydraulic Mining by A.E.C. Kerr * Volcanoes by F.G. Bonney * Analytical Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Some Things Out To Do * Sports * Correspondence Vol 2, No. 6, August 1899 *Summaries and notes from the Mining Journals * Some Regulations of the Academy of Mines at Freiberg * A visit to Mt Lyell Smelters * Professor Gilbert J. Dawbarn (includes image) * Air compressor and Transmission of Power by Compressed air by A.E.C. Kerr * Chemistry Notes by Daniel Walker * Mineralogical Notes, Ballarat by Thomas S. Hart * Kalgurli Gold Mines, W.A. * OUr New Lab Vol 2., No 7, September 1899 * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Some recent Steam Plants at Bendigo by Gilbert Dawbarn * Professor Thomas Stephen Hart (includes image) * Students Association * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Centrifugal Pumps * A New Chum's Experience by E.M. Weston Vol 2., No 8, October 1899 * The institute of Chemistry Examinations * A New Method of Qualitative Chemical Analysis by Emil Gutheil * Steam Engine Valves and Valve-Gears by Gilbert Dawbarn * Daniel Walker (includes image) * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * Cyaniding Cripple Creek Tellurides (Metallic Extraction Company) * Notes on Two Ballarat Gravel Pumping Plants, G.A. Wilberforce (Eureka Jennings Co and Yarrowee Sluicing Co) * History of the School of Mines (concluded) Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * A Journey from Natal to Mashomaland with the British Police * A Plea for Research * New Caledonia by C.A.M. Deane * Notes of Victorian Geology - Lower Palaeoroic Rocks by Thomas Hart * Mt Bischoff Mine and Mill * Summaries and Notes from the Mining Journals * Things we Eat and Drink * Farewell to A.S. Coyte Vol 3., No 1, March 1900 * Mining Education * Model Locomotive made by the apprentices of the Phoenix Foundry, p2 * Glimpses of Rhodesian Police Camp Life * New Caledonia (continued) * Summaries from the Mining and Engineering Journals * Boot and Saddle Vol 3., No 3, May 1900 * A Students' Common Room * Geological Excursion to Hardie's Hill * Notes on Victorian Geology by Thomas Hart * The Planet Venus by John Brittain * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Assay Ton * Zeehan Smelters * Electrical Notes by Ohe Jay * Trop of the Cricket Club to Stawell * Students' Association * Solid Hydrogen Vol 3., No 4, June 1900 * The Minister of Mines on Mining Education (Minister A.R. Outtrim) * Lal Lal Geology Trip (Thomas Hart) * Rifle Club now defunct, pg 3 * A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (includes cross sections) (Wood's Point, Rand, Johannesburg, South Africa, Gaffney's Creek, Walhalla, Shady Creek, Sago Hill at Cardigan, Bunbury) * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard (Buninyong Estate Mine) * Monthly Progress Reports of the Geological Survey * Electrical Notes by John M Sutherland (Telagraphone, phonograph, telephone receiver) * Students' Theatre Party (Gordon Todd, Ohe Jaeger, C.S. Wakley) * Opening of the New Buildings - Ministerial Speeches (Outtrim, W.H. Irvine, New Mining Laboratory, Old Chemistry Building, Battery, Model Mine) * Students' Association * Relief of Mafeking * A Critic Criticised * Things We Eat and Drink by Ohe Jay - Oatmeal, Coffee and Cocoa. Vol 3., No 5, July 1900 * Research * Adelaide Varsity Students at Ballarat * The Manchester-Liverpool Mono Railway * Students Association * *A Contribution to the Mining Geology of Kalgoorlie, W.A. by Ferdinand Krause (continued) (includes cross-sections) * Motive Power, address by Charles A. Parsons * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Sugar Manufacturing by Sugna * Great Creswick Hydraulic Sluicing Plant (THomas Hart, Ballarat School of Mines Mining Class visit) * Reminiscences of a Students Life in Germany * Football - Ballarat School of Mines v Geelong Grammar School (Australian Rules Football) Vol 3., No 6, August 1900 * Cheap Mine Management * Library* Bendigo School of Mines, pg 3 * Notes on Ore Dressing by T, Vincent, Manager The Zeehan (Tas) Silver-Lead Mines Ltd) * Motive Power * Notes on Broken Hill - Its Mines and Minerals by J. Williams * The Concert * Summaries and Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * The Dandy Duke's Dreadful Demise * The Road Race Vol 3., No 7, September 1900 * Michaelmas Excursion (Melbourne University, Prof Kernot, Applied Mechanics) * Injury to School Property * Return of E. Ditchburn (Boer War) * Mt William Gold-Field visit, pg 3 * The Stoping of Wide Lodes by J.V. Lake (includes cross sections) * Summaries of Notes from the Australian Mining Standard * Notes on Broken Hill Part 2- Its Mines and Minerals by W.J. Williams * Motive Power from the Waves * Electrical Notes * Some Account of Italian Mining (Sarinia, Sicily, Peidmont, Lombardia) by Candido Maglione * Students Association * Should Women Have the Vote by Frank Bessemeres * The School Theatre Parly * Past Students * Poetry * Football * Surveying Rules Vol 3., No 8, October 1900 * Ballarat School of Mines Associateship * An Engineering Laboratory * Students' Practical Work * Notes on Broken Hill Part 3 by W.J. Williams * The Lake View Consols by F.S. Earp - Battery Treatment of Sulpo-Telluride Ore * Neglected Mineral Fields - Eurowie and Warrata * A Glimpse Ahead * News and Notes * A.W. G. McPherson, Boer War * Students Association * Ballarat School of Mines Melbourne Excursion to the Government Electric Lighting Station, Austral-Otis Co, Working Mens College * Ballarat School of Mines Concert in Aid of Soldiers Statue Balance Sheet * Football * Cricket Vol 3., No 8b, November 1900 * Position of the Ballarat School of Mines with Regards to Mining Education * Age Limit * Entrance Examination * Presentation t0 Professor Alfred Mica Smith * Image of a Group of Old Ballarat School of Mines Students in Coolgardie and Kalgoorlie. * Students Association Vol 4., No 1, March 1901 * Espirit De Corps * A few Notes on the Testing of Explosives * Round About Inverell, NSW by F. and J. Mawl * On the Choice of Drawing Instruments * Summaries and Notes From the Technical Journals * Annual Examinations 1900 * New Students * Sporting Notes * The Vale of Coolgardie Mine, Bonnievale, W.A. by G. Stephen Hart * News and Notes (Kerr Grant, C.L. Nash, R. Gordon Todd, Vial) * Editorial Notices Vol 4., No 2, Second Term 1901 * The Metallurgical Treatment of Sulpho-Telluride Ores by L.W. Grayson * Some Metallurgical Difficulties of Aluminium * Diehl's Sulphide Process by A.E. C. Kerr * A Californian Gold Mine by A.E. C. Kerr * New Express Locomotives for the Victorian Government (Phoenix Foundry) * An Excursion to Geelong (Electric Light and Traction Company of Australia) * The Linkenback Table for our New Mining Laboratory (Humboldt Company of Colgne) * Death of Thomas Bath * The Late Alfred G. Johnson (Boer War) * An Introduction to Natural Science by Emil Gutheil * The First Annual School Sports Meeting * Concert in Aid of Magazine Funds * The Men That Made the Concert (C.E. Denniston, W.H. Chandler, Mr White, William Litte Jnr, Marriott, Giles McCracken) * Sports * News and Notes Vol 4., No 2, Third Term 1901 * Bagging-Up - A Sketch * Concentration of Difficult Silver-Lead Ores * Estimation of Chlorine, Bromine and Iodine by D. Runting * Summaries of Notes from teh technical Journals * Notes on the Use and Care of Platinum Ware Common Sense * The Machinery at the Tasmania Gold Mine, Beaconsfield, Tasmania * Mining at Walhalla - The Long Tunnel Mine * Past Students * Mapping our of Agricultural Areas, etc, In Dense Vine Lands, North Queensland by R.A. Suter * News and Notes * Concert Balance Sheet e.m. weston, robert brough smyth, mcdougall, bruce, charles burbury, harrie wood, graham j. hopwood, emil gutheil, daniel walker, thomas hart, thomas stephen hart, m. hacker, schnitzler, f.a., ditchfield, l.h, alfred e.c. kerr, charles harvey, campbell, joseph bryant, campbell & ferguson, gilbert j. dawburn, irving, g.b., kerr, a.e.c., john walter sutherland, william robertson, herbert l. krause, alfred mica smith, binh pham, crosbie, d. jack, ditchburn, j., james hiscock, alfred johnston, reid, j.a., kidd, john, james bonwick, james, j.p, overall, d, e.h salmon, gaynor marquand, williams, w.w., williams, william, deane, c.m., vincent, tom, phillips, g.e., hart, d.w., jarnail suingh, rowlands, e., ferdinand m. krause,, easterby, f.l, parsons, r.g., partington, j.r., vial, s.b., meadows, h, atkins, arthur, john braisted burdekin, w.h. corbould, ditchburn, john, hill, john, otto e. jager, mcpherson, g.t, nicholls, c, thom, j.m., crafter, stewart, john brittain, peter lalor, hardy - commissioner, thomas bath, alf johnston, charles campbell, nash, llewellyn, watson, m.a, gardener, eddie, adamson, s.g, alford, l.c, allen, r.j, arthur, d.w.b., burge, a., willia, cairncross, cooper, i, maurice osric copland, maurice copland, dickinson, s., doepel, dunstan, john, loveday dunstan, eeles, terri, flegeltaub, israel, fletcher, a, fyrar, peter, kerr grant, w.kerr, green, gary, betty harris, harris, c.m., hay, a.l., hearn, hill, martin, james, david, johnston, alfred g, kilner, marion, kingston, thomas, lewin, f.c.k., lilburne, arthur m, linahan, colin, macready, w.h, major birlefco, markwald, henry, mccaffrey, mcfarlane, kaye, mciver, s.k, mellins, b, morton, felicity, w. kenneth moss, ken moss, nash, c.w., nash, neville, nickolls, berkeley, osborne, percy, philp, e., playford, william, reid, e, roberts, gordon, ross, f.c., royce, phillip, sawyer, basil, stewart, r.c., todhunter, i, vaisey, a., vincent, john, vinden, sue, wakley, cecil, watt, james, westcott, lewis, charles w. whyte,, vial, s browning, ballarat school of mines students in coolgardie and kalgoorlie, coolgardie, kalgoorlie, claude maitland, a.l. hay, a.s. lilburne, latham watson, arthur kildahl, thomas copeland, f.a. moss, w.a. hearman, cardoc james, alexander fraser, e.o. watt, g.m. roberts, j.j. dunstan, h.v. moss, j.a. hill,, john dunstan, c.m. harris, william h. corbould, j.w. sutherland, ballarat photographic club, ballarat field naturalists club, ballarat field club and science society, photography, geology, excursions, last chance mine, tasmania gold mine, beaconsfield, tasmania, rand, south africa, mount lyell, ballarat school of mines student excursion to mount lyell, h.l. krause, ferdinand krause, krause, hardie's hill, hardie's hill excursion, lal lal, lal lal excursion, lal lal geology excursion, smythesdale, smythesdale excursion, soudan, south african miners, south star mines, wynne and tregurtha battery, ananconda copper mining, arizona copper mining, boiler plates, british guinea, butte copper smelter, daylesford geology camp, daylesford excursion, diehl process, electric power house ballarat, electric pumps, geelong rope factory, gympie, golden horseshoe estate, c johnstone, jack nichol, c. macgennis, alec saunders, alfred g. johnstone, graeme jolly, william purdie, john mann, maxwell l gaunt, sale school of mines, freiberg school of mines, schools of mines, railway locomotive -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Copper Ore
This specimen was recovered from Silverton Mine in Broken Hill, New South Wales. Otherwise known as the 'Day Dream Mine', the Silverton Mine was first established in 1883, when silver and lead deposits where discovered. Within a few short years, the population of Broken Hill reached 3000 people. As of today the Silverton Mine is still open, and has produced over 200 million tonnes of ore, which has generated over $100 billion. The Silverton Mine was also famous for a number of specimens such as silver, iron and zinc.Copper is considered to be a rare ore in that finding it in its pure form is rare. Nowadays when mining for Copper it is often found in mixed in with other minerals or it is recycled from use. Moreover, Copper is found in a range of everyday uses such as coins, cookware, pipes, heating conductors and anything that generate electricity. The fact that Copper is heat a heat conductor, electricity conductor and it does not corrode easily, makes this ore a versatile and useful. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study.A solid hand-sized cube-shaped sulfide and oxide with shades of green, grey and brown throughout. Copper is typically found as nuggets in the ground. It can be found in a range of forms such as its native state; mixed with other ores, such as zinc and iron; as porphyry copper deposits; and as major deposits. Porphyry deposits are when the mineral is scattered evenly throughout the rock. Major deposits are when the mineral is scattered amongst other minerals.burke museum, beechworth, indigo shire, beechworth musum, geological, geological specimen, mineraology, copper, copper ore, copper ore speciment, broken hill, new south wales -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Rhodonite with Galena and Sphalerite
... is an important lead ore mineral, and, in some regions, it is also ...This specimen is from Broken Hill, NSW. Galena is a natural mineral form of lead sulphide and is often found associated with sphalerite, calcite, and fluorite. Galena is an important lead ore mineral, and, in some regions, it is also an important mineral associated with silver ore. Sphalerite is a sulphide mineral that is the main ore of zinc. Rhodonite is an uncommon mineral once used as an ore of manganese in India, however today the scarcity and fragility of the crystals mean it is primarily used as lapidary materials or mineral specimens. In 1883, Charles Rasp who was a boundary rider at the time, discovered what he thought were deposits of tin but were in fact samples of silver and lead. He and six others went on to set up the first mining company in Broken Hill (BHP). The ore body became the largest and richest of its kind in the world mining ore worth more than 42,000 pounds in its first year. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study. Galena contains lead and silver, Sphalerite contains zinc. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study.A hand-sized piece of Sphalerite and Galena with Rhodonite crystalsburke museum, beechworth, geological, geological specimen, galena, rhodonite, sphalerite, silver ore, manganese, lead sulphide, lead ore, zinc ore, lapidary, mineral specimen, broken hill, nsw -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Geological specimen - Galena (lead sulphide), Unknown
Galena occurs in a range of deposit contexts, often in metalliferous veins, such as Broken Hill, Australia; Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, United States.; Clausthal Zellerfeld, Germany; and Cornwall, England. Large deposits also replace limestone, dolomite, or occasionally organic matter, or have a contact-metamorphic origin. Galena is additionally found in cavities, brecciated (fractured) zones in limestone and chert, and in coal beds. This specimen was recovered from Broken Hill NSW and is 60% lead with 8-12 oz/silver to the ton.Galena or 'lead glance' is a grey lead sulfide and the chief ore mineral of lead. It forms isometric crystals in which the ionic lattice is similar to sodium chloride. Galena is brittle and easily weathers to secondary lead minerals, with the upper part of mineral deposits often containing cerussite, anglesite, and pyromorphite. It usually contains silver, which is mined along with its lead content. Other commercially important minerals that form in close association with galena are antimony, copper, and zinc. This specimen is part of a larger collection of geological and mineral specimens collected from around Australia (and some parts of the world) and donated to the Burke Museum between 1868-1880. A large percentage of these specimens were collected in Victoria as part of the Geological Survey of Victoria that begun in 1852 (in response to the Gold Rush) to study and map the geology of Victoria. Collecting geological specimens was an important part of mapping and understanding the scientific makeup of the earth. Many of these specimens were sent to research and collecting organisations across Australia, including the Burke Museum, to educate and encourage further study.A small-sized solid specimen containing one mineral with a sparkly silver metallic lustre exterior and pastel-grey interior.geological specimen, geology, geology collection, burke museum, beechworth, galena, lead sulphide, alfred selwyn, broken hill -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1893
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc Lead production Manganese opalsRed hard cloth covered book of 115 pages. INcludes contentsnon-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc Lead production Manganese opals mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1898
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc Lead production Manganese opalsRed hard cloth covered book of 984 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc Lead production Manganese opals mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1899
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 982 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1901
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc. Australasian co.Red hard cloth covered book of 986 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc. Australasian co. mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, quicksilver, rare elements, silica, slate\ -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 11902
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 982 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1902
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 932 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1902
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 589 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1905
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 589 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1906
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 589 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1910
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 589 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade in the United States and Other Countries 1907
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 1127 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1909
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 877 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Mineral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1911
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 995 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The Mineral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1912
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 1090 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1913
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 1010 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1914
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 998 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1915
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 998 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1916
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 939 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1917
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 928 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, The MIneral Industry its Statistics, Technology and Trade during 1918
This volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zincRed hard cloth covered book of 937 pages. Includes contents and index.non-fictionThis volume includes Australasia, and lists each state seperately , as well as New Zealand, It also lists Bismoth, Chome iron ore, coal, copper, gold, lead, mineral industry growth, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, gold, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver, silver-lead, tin and zinc mining, statistics, technology, trades, metal industry, minerals, united states, canada, china, france, germany, italy, japan, russia, south america, spain, sweden, united kingdom, ireland, coins, cuba, blast furnaces, gold, lead production, manganese, opals, silver, +, alumite, antinomy, cobalt, coke, copper ore, iron, lead, limestone flux, managanese, shale, silver-lead, tin, zinc, abrasives, chemical industry, gems, precious stones, dividends, akalies, salt, earthernware, glass, petroleum, aluminium, bismuth, tungsten