University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white and colour slides, colour negative, Miscellaneous Horticulture, 1947-1985
... soil probe...) "Mildura-Soil Probe Oct 67." (12) Virus tested stock trees & layout... mildura soil probe pests machinery excursions tatura library ...
57 slides and 1 negative. (1) "1947 Rolling the surface," in front of the newly constructed Administration Building. (2) "5-5-60 Same tree 7 months later-New Growth." (3) Men standing around a large horticultural machine. (4) "Lawns Housing Com" Aug "66?" (5) "Flemington Racecourse." (6) "Mustard-Cover Crop. 1960." (7) Tree climbing. (8) "Grafting-scions. BHC." (11) "Mildura-Soil Probe Oct 67." (12) Virus tested stock trees & layout Flemings Apr 70." (13) "Best's Winery Mar 75." (15, 16) Best's single student and group. (17) "Ploughing-Diagram to show incomplete cover of trash? Farm Practices." (18) "Spraying Hand Equipment for Insect Control in and around Buildings USA Yearbook 1952." (19) "Pasture Harrows." (20) "Mould Board Plough-Tractor." (21) "Disc Harrows-Offset-Tractor." (22) Tyne Cultivator-for Tractor." (23) See B91.258." (24) Burnley College libary. (25) "Irrigation-Delver Tatura 12/59." (26) "Tatura 12/59 Delver Ferguson T." (27) "Wilson's Prom? date." (28) "Wilson's Promontary Nov 1960 lunch." (29) "W. Prom." (30) Camp 1957 Wilson's Promontary." (31)" Longeronong Field Day 1964 Machinery Combination (Small)." (32, 33) "Longeronong Field Day 1964 Machinery Cultivating." (34-36) Photographs of plants in book. (35) Alnus? (37) "Meterosideros excelsa." (38) "Rhipsalidopsis rosea." (39) "Protea neriifolia." (40) Banksias-Species." Insects: (41) "Lacewing larva." (42) "Mites Aug 75." (43) "Yellow Mite, Red Spider (Arachnida)." (44) "Jassid-Life Cycle 9/51." (45) "Grape Fruit Crop (Florida) Destroyed by Fruit Fly. Animals without backbones." (46) "Jassid-Vegetable 9/51." (47) "Field Day 57 (Fruit Fly-Enlarged)." (48) "Field Day 57 (Fruit Fly-Stages)." (49) Insect Life Cycle. (50) "Comatibility (sic) Chart." for Insecticides & Fungicides. (51) "Insecticides-Toxicity." (52) "Life Cycle of the Leather Jacket." (53) "Grasshopper-Head Dissected Mouth Parts." (54) "Types of Antennae." (55) "Spider Mites USA Yearbook 1952." (56) "Cultivator." (57) "Organic Phosphates." (58) Negative Isopogon anemonifolius.administration building, lawns, flemington racecourse, mustard-cover crop, tree climbing, grafting, mildura, soil probe, pests, machinery, excursions, tatura, library, wilsons promontory, plants, alnus, zygocactus, schlumbergia, feijoa, acca sellowiana, protea neriifolia, banksia, isopogon anemonifolius