Showing 5 items
matching staff 1950-1959
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Photographs: PTS Staff 1948-1959
... Staff 1950-1959... Techinical School Staff 1950-1959 Staff iNMIT Black and white ...Black and white photographs of Preston Technical School staff from 1950 when CH Beanland was Principal to 1959 when WJ Baker was Principal, preston techinical school, staff 1950-1959, staff, inmit -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Reports: Collingwood Technical School 1932-1961, Principal's Reports to School Council. 1932-1961, 1932-1961
These reports include important details about staffing, amenities and school activities. Principals reports 1932-1947 To Box 1930-39.2b; Principals reports 1947-1959. Loose pages in this binder 1951-1959 To Box 1950-59.2b; Principals reports 1960-1961. Includes loose ‘business paper’ June 1960 To Box 1960-69.2b. In original condition, these reports give a significant insight into CTS activities and development over three decades.Handwritten or typed Principal's Reports to School Council. Foolscap pages in hard cover ring binders. 3 Volumes. Copies also heldOn spine of each binder: "Principal's / Report"collingwood technical school, cts, reports, principal's reports, school council, nmit, -
NMIT (Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE)
Minutes of Meetings of School Council PTS and PTC 1936-1965, Minutes of Meetings of School Council Preston Technical School and Preston Technical College 1936-1965
Bound volumes with varied coloured covers, of Minutes of Meetings of School Council. Begins with Preston Technical School then changes to Preston Technical College. 17 December 1936 - 31 December 1940 1 January 1941 – 31 December 1945 1 January 1946 – 31 December 1950 1 March 1951 – 31 December 1952 5 March 1953 – 31 December 1955 1 March 1956 – 31 December 1959 3 March 1960 - 8 March 1962 12 April 1962 - 13 March 1964 9 April 1964 - 9 December 1965. Include Lists of Staff, Annual Reports, Financial Statements. preston technical school, preston technical college, proceedings, reports, nmit -
Grey Street Primary School, Traralgon
Binder, 1950 -1960 Photos
Plastic pockets with mounted photos: 1956 Staff (named); 1955 Gr 4 (n), 1950's named group of children, 1955 Gr 2B (n); 1955 Gr 5 (n); 1955 Gr 2A; 1955 Gr 6A (n); 1956 Gr 5 & 6; 1956 Gr 6 (n); 1957 Gr 4B (n); 1957 Football Premiers; 1957 Gr 6A; 1958 Gr 5C (n); 1958 Gr 5C (photo reversed); 1959 Gr 1A; 1959 Gr 1B (n); 1959 1C; 1959 1D; 1959 2B; 1959 3A (n); 1959 3B; 1959 Gr 3-4; 1959 4A; 1959 2A (n); 1959 4B; 1959 5A; 1959 Gr 5 & 6; 1959 Gr 6A; 1959 6B (n); 1959 Special Grade,; Traralgon & District Hospital Certificate of Honor for fundraising.4 Ring, green plastic cover labelled "1959 -1960" on front cover and on spine -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Centennary Contact details, 2009
Seven black ring bind folders, with white spines containing contact details from ex staff and students used in organising the centenary reunion in 2009. 1940-1949 1950-1959 A-J, J-Z 1960-1969 1970-2008 2009.