Showing 34 items
matching stanbury
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Stanbury Royal Reserve (Rew. 62.315.260)
Photograph of "Stanbury Royal Reserve" from the Stanbury Stud Farm, Ceres, Victoria, bred and exhibited by RE Wettenhall.Photograph of "Stanbury Royal Reserve" from the Stanbury Stud Farm.awards - sheep corriedale sheep sheep breeding - history export - live sheep, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e., awards - sheep, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding - history, export - live sheep -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Stanbury Royal Reserve (Rew. 62.315.260)
Photograph of Darcy Wettenhall and ram "Stanbury Royal Reserve" from the Stanbury Stud Farm, Ceres, Victoria, bred and exhibited by RE Wettenhall.Photograph of Darcy Wettenhall and ram "Stanbury Royal Reserve" from the Stanbury Stud Farm.awards - sheep corriedale sheep sheep breeding - history export - live sheep, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr darcy, awards - sheep, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding - history, export - live sheep -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, "Stanbury Royal Command" Rew. 59155-315
Photograph of ram "Stanbury Royal Commmand" from the Stanbury Stud Farm, Ceres, Victoria, bred and exhibited by RE Wettenhall.Photograph of ram "Stanbury Royal Commmand" from the Stanbury Stud Farm, Ceres, Victoria, bred and exhibited by R.E. Wettenhall.awards - sheep corriedale sheep, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e., awards - sheep, corriedale sheep -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, Stanbury Royal Replica (Rew. 65.260.273)
Photograph of Mrs Janet Wettenhalll and ram "Stanbury Royal Replica" from the Stanbury Stud Farm, Ceres, Victoria, bred and exhibited by RE Wettenhall.Stanbury Royal Replica (Rew. 65.260.273) Senior & Grand Champion ram & Supreme Champion Corriedale/....../Est R E Wettenhall, Stanbury, Ceres, Victoria Pastoral Review Photoawards - sheep corriedale sheep sheep breeding - history export - live sheep agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e. wettenhall, mrs janet, victoria, awards - sheep, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding - history, export - live sheep, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, Stanbury corriedales, 1960
Stanbury corriedale stud, owned by R E Wettenhall (1960)Booklet, 12pp. Promotional brochure for the Stanbury corriedale stud. includes photographs of show champions. Soft cover, printed black on white and with photographs of corridale sheep on front and back.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, Stanbury corriedales
Promotional booklet for "Stanbury corriedales: renowned world wide". The Stanbury Corriedale Stud was run by the Wettenhall family.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Catalogue, Stanbury corriedale stud, Ceres, Victoria, Catalogue of stud sale by tender
Stanbury corriedale stud, Ceres, Victoria, Catalogue of stud sale by tender c1991. The Stanbury Corriedale Stud was run by the Wettenhall family.922 / actual number sold..corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, Stanbury corriedales
Stanbury corriedale stud, owned by R E Wettenhall (1960)corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Pamphlet, Stanbury Corriedales - history of the 80s
"Stanbury Corriedales" - history of the 80s at the Stanbuy Corriedale Stud, run by the Wettenhall family.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Pamphlet, "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong (Auction, 1992)
Auction brochure for "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong, for 3rd Dec 1992. Executor's auction of the estates of J M, D R & G R Wettenhall.Auction Thursday 3rd December, 1992 at 2pm...corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Pamphlet, "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong (Auction, 1992)
Auction brochure for "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong, for 3rd Dec 1992. Executor's auction of the estates of J M, D R & G R Wettenhall.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Pamphlet, "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong (Auction, 1992)
Auction brochure for "Stanbury" - Ceres- Geelong, for 3rd Dec 1992. Executor's auction of the estates of J M, D R & G R Wettenhall.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., stanbury corriedale stud, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Taxidermy Sheep, Stanbury Jacko, c1980
The Corriedale was developed both in Australia and New Zealand in the late 1800s and, after the Merino, is Australia’s second most prolific breed. 50% Merino and 50% Lincoln, the breed produces thick, stapled wool which is ideal for hand spun items. Its crimped fleece is long, medium fine and high yielding. Preferring colder, high rainfall climates, the Corriedale’s black feet provide some protection against footrot in damp conditions. Australasia’s largest breed, mature ewes generally weigh between 59 to 82 kg, while a mature ram like Stanbury Jacko may typically weigh between 79 to 125 kg. This breed has approximately 7.7kg of fleece per animal, averaging 24 to 32 microns.Corriedale ram. Medium size body and short legs with white fleece. sheep, south australia, corriedale -
Returned Nurses RSL Sub-branch
Photograph - Framed photograph, [Circa WWI]
Portraiture from WW1, Nursing "Coloured photograph of Matron Stanbury, Jean in oval brown frame. Trained Colac Hospital, Matron Bundoora, Died August 1954, Photo donated by Jean Wilks (Marendaz) Geelong. AANS WWI, Matrons, Stanbury, Jean. Photograph on heater shelf in Nurses Rooms. Anzac House." [Former catalogued description, entry P45]Hand-coloured photography, Portraiture, Photography, PrintFramed, printed photograph of portrait painting, subject is Matron Stanbury, ANWS, WWI [Former identification number and information on the back, glass marked with tape on front, some wear & tear on frame, hinge is missing from the back, backing nailed to frame, one nail head missing]aans, ww1, stanbury, world war one, world war i, world war 1 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS 38th BN, Post 1920
.1) William Edgar Stanbury No 997 enlisted on 26.2.1916 age 21 years in C Coy 38th Bn AIF, embarked for England 20.6.1916, hospital at sea with Measles, embarked for France 22.11.1916, WIA GSW to hand 8.6.1917, rejoin unit 5.8.1917, awarded “MM” 4.10.1917, made L/Cpl 8.11.1917, WIA 2nd occasion 31.8 1918 wounds to leg & chest, embark for Australia 25.1.1919, discharged from the AIF 30.4.1919. “MM” Military Medal East of Ypres. Being held up by 2 enemy machine gunners and on his own initiative worked forward sniping the gunners enabling others to advance and capture the garrison of 2 Officers and 20 OR’s. Throughout the day exhibited great coolness and disregard of self and by his skilful sniping enabled his Platoon to advance against other enemy strongpoints. .2) Stanbury seated, Leslie W Clark standing (Possibly 2087 Leslie William Clark) .3) Stanbury right Photos B & W, soldiers in uniform, studio background. .1) Edgar Stanbury standing, L/Cpl stripe on arm, “MM” ribbon on jacket. .2) Leslie Clark standing, Edgar Stanbury sitting. .3) Unknown on the left, Edgar Stanbury on the right, “MM” ribbon on jacket.photographs, 38th bn, “mm”, c coy -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Charles Sicura at Art and Craft Show showing Lucy Stanbury a Kiwi Fruit sparrow he made during demonstration at Bairnsdale Fruit Mart Stall Bruthen Victoria, Lakes Post Newspaper, 2/10/1994 12:00:00 AM
Charles Sicura at Art and Craft Show showing Lucy Stanbury a Kiwi Fruit sparrow he made during demonstration at Bairnsdale Fruit Mart Stall Bruthen VictoriaBlack and white photograph of Charles Sicura at Art and Craft Show showing Lucy Stanbury a Kiwi Fruit sparrow he made during demonstration at Bairnsdale Fruit Mart Stall Bruthen Victoriaarts, exhibition, arts and crafts -
National Wool Museum
Booklet, Corriedale: IV Congreso Mundial
Corriedale: IV Congreso Mundial: Part 1"Third Corriedale World Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina 1961'. Part 2 is titled "Corriedale throughout the world"Booklet, 12pp. Promotional brochure for the Stanbury corriedale stud. includes photographs of show champions. Soft cover, printed black on white and with photographs of corridale sheep on front and back.corriedale sheep sheep breeding, australian corriedale association, pettitt, mr r. w., corriedale sheep, sheep breeding -
National Wool Museum
Certificate, The Australian Corriedale Association: Champion - International Fleece Competition 1965
The Wettenhall family were well known sheep breeders. The family owned the "Stanbury" corriedale stud at Ceres.ESTATE LATE R E WETTENHALL/ VICTORIAN CORRIEDALE RAM FLEECE/ 13/ 268sheep breeding corriedale studs agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud australian corriedale association, sheep breeding, corriedale studs, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
Certificate, The Australian Corriedale Association: Supreme Champion - International Fleece Competition 1965
The Wettenhall family were well known sheep breeders. The family owned the "Stanbury" corriedale stud at Ceres.ESTATE LATE R E WETTENHALL/ VICTORIAN CORRIEDALE RAM FLEECE/ 13/ 268sheep breeding corriedale studs agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud australian corriedale association, sheep breeding, corriedale studs, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
The Wettenhall family were well known sheep breeders. The family owned the "Stanbury" corriedale stud at Ceres.INTERNATIONAL/ CORRIEDALE FLEECE COMPETITION SUPREME CHAMPION/ CORRIEDALE RAM FLEECE/WON BY ESTATE LATE R E WETTENHALL/ 1965sheep breeding corriedale studs agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e., sheep breeding, corriedale studs, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
The Wettenhall family were well known sheep breeders. The family owned the "Stanbury" corriedale stud at Ceres.sheep breeding corriedale studs agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e., sheep breeding, corriedale studs, agricultural shows -
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - PAMPHLET, The British Council, This is London, Post 1939
This publication due to Wartime paper restrictions was only available to “Overseas Service personnel” (Allies) Book sellers had an obligation to only sell it to people in uniform. Stanbury collection. Souvenir pamphlet paper, B & W 40 pages, photos with details of London covering all, souvenir, pamphlets -
National Wool Museum
Rosette, Victorian Champion Ram Fleece: International Corriedale Competition 1965
Red white and blue felt trophy rosette, International Corriedale Fleece Competition, 1965, and Victorian Champion Ram Fleece, presented to Stanbury Coriedale Stud, R EWettenhallINTERNATIONAL CORRIEDALE FLEECE COMPETITION 1965 VICTORIAN CHAMPION RAM FLEECEcorriedale sheep sheep breeding agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e. wettenhall, mrs janet, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
Rosette, Supreme Champion Ram Fleece: International Corriedale Competition 1965
Red white and blue felt trophy rosette, International Corriedale Fleece Competition, 1965, and Supreme Champion Ram Fleece, presented to the Stanbury Coriedale Stud, R EWettenhall.INTERNATIONAL CORRIEDALE FLEECE COMPETITION 1965 SUPREME CHAMPION RAM FLEECEcorriedale sheep sheep breeding agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e. wettenhall, mrs janet, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding, agricultural shows -
National Wool Museum
Trophy ribbons won by the Wettenhall's Stanbury Stud. According to Mr Parsons, (19 Mar 2004) the quilt was almost certainly made by Mrs Janet Wettenhall. It was hung in her sun room.Quilt, composed of felt ribbons stitched together and lined with beige woollen fabric. Most of the ribbons are royal blue, there are two purple ribbons and the quile is edged with green ribbons. All the ribbons have been screen printed in yellow ink. There is a velcro strip attached at upper back edge.The ribbons are prizes from sheep breeding competitions from 1958 to 1961.[various]corriedale sheep sheep breeding agricultural shows, stanbury corriedale stud, wettenhall, mr rupert e. wettenhall, mrs janet, victoria, corriedale sheep, sheep breeding, agricultural shows -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS 38th BN, 1916 - 1918, post war
.1) Albert Ladlow No 1865 C Coy 2nd reinforcements. .2) Jack Grinton No 1043 C Coy, refer Cat No 1280 for service details. .3) Soldiers unknown at this point. .4) Group photo. 38th BN men C Coy. Three are recognisable, front centre Frederick Lehmann MM No 1048 C Coy, rear 4th from right Edgar Stanbury MM C Coy, 2nd from right Dick Verso C Coy. Items in the collection re Edgar Stanbury MM, refer Cat No 5032.3P Two Post card photos 1sepia 1 B&W soldiers in uniform, 1 sepia tone single soldier, 1 sepia group photo. .1) Portrait photo soldier with CPL stripes. .2) Soldier in gardens holding a camera. .3) Two soldiers standing with buildings in background. .4) Group photo post war 15 men in civvies against a brick wall background..1) On rear, “Cpl Albert Ladlow C Coy of Horsham Vic, 25.10.18 at present in Blighty, was Gassed” .2) on front, “4133, T.L.Fuller Amesbury”photographs, c coy, 38th bn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Magazine - 10th BRIGADE NEWS, G.A.Green Melbourne, 1917 - 1918
The main Units of the 10th Brigade were the 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th Battalions of the 3rd Division AIF. The magazines were in the collection relating to Edgar Stanbury MM C Coy 38th Bn, refer Cat No 5032.3P for his details..1) - .6) 10th Brigade News, paper, covers are red, inside cover has advertising followed by 12 pages of stories, Comforts Fund works, news re units of the 10th Bgd, articles, awards, casualties, letters from the front. Volumes are; Vol 1 No 4 June 1917, Vol 1 No 11 Jan 1918, Vol 1 No 12 February 1918, Vol 1 No 4 June 1918, Vol 2 No 5 July 1918, Vol 2 No 7 Sept 1918. Price was 3 pence, each is held together by 2 staples.On front cover, “Work for it, Fight for it, Die for it”. On first page heading, “10th Brigade News - Work of the Men abroad & the Women at home”.magazines, c coy, 38th bn, 10th brigade, 3rd div aif -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS 38th BN, 1917 - 18
.1) Cpl Anderson. Possibly Thomas Anderson No 806 C Coy, KIA 7/9th June 1917. Sgt Rowling. Possibly Walter Liscombe Rowling No 981 C Coy, KIA 4.10.17. .2) The card is written by Edgar Stanbury MM to his mother, in it he states the two names of the soldiers in the photo, Percy Bull, Joe Carter. Details are Percy Robert Bull No 833 C Coy, Joseph Leslie Carter No 842 C Coy. .3) Sgt. Francis Ramsdale MM, No. 668, 37th Battalion. .4) Sam, no details at this point. Cards in the collection relating to Edgar Stanbury MM, refer Cat No 5032.3P for his details.Post card photos sepia and B &W colour, soldiers in uniform in studio background.. .1) On left soldier short with Cpl stripes, on right soldier with Sgt stripes. .2) On left soldier sitting with crop, on right soldier standing. .3) In round shape soldier with L/Cpl stripe.. 4) Soldier sitting astride a bench. All photos have hand writing on..1) “Cpl Anderson, Sgt Rowling”. .2) “Re ...... 18.7.17 In field 6 June 1917, Dear Mother” .3) “Now a Sergeant, Ramsdale in the 37th Battalion”. .4) “Sincerely yours, Sam 4.11.18”photographs, c coy 38th bn -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS 38th BN, 1917 - 18
.1) John Jacob Giddens No 884 C Coy. .2) Sitting, Stanley Brunker Verso No 1015 C Coy. .3) Herbert Waterland No 1929 2nd reinforcements C Coy. .4) James Leslie Grant No 889 C Coy. Edgar Stanbury MM collection, refer Cat No 5032.3P for details.Post card photos sepia tone rectangular shape, soldiers in uniform studio background. .1) Sitting Jack Giddens, WIA stripe on arm, cigarette in hand. .2) On left sitting Dick Verso in Officers uniform, standing Alan Verso. .3) Sitting Herb Waterland cigarette in hand. .4) Jim Grant. All cards have hand writing on the back..1) “Jack Giddens, he was in the carriage with me that morning at Flinders St and is still going strong, he is a mate of Mr Verso, he was on leave with us in Blighty, he comes from Mernda near Whittlsea Vic, Edgar” .2) “Lieut Dick Verso of the Company, he came over with us a Private, he is a nice chap, Ed”. .3) “Pte H Waterland C Coy, I was on leave in Blighty with him, 25.10.18 still with the Coy, Ed”. .4) “To Ed with best wishes from Jas Grant 7.5.18. Jim Grant of Beaufort Vic, C Coy, 25.10 10 with the Coy yet, Ed”.photographs, 38th bn, c coy -
Bendigo Military Museum
Literary work - 38th BN ON THE SOMME, 1).2) 1918, .3) system generated
The story covers mostly men of C Coy 38th Bn as well as others to give a broader pictutre. Edgar Stanbury MM as a C Coy Scout retrieved the maps from Capt G.A Dutton who was KIA. Stanbury then proceeded to keep reconnoitering towards Clery until they reached trenches near Clery Copse. The photos relate to the following, Jack Grinton, Bert Grinton, Edgar Stanbury, C.E. Newton, D.T.Hull, A.E.Pegler, Albert Gilhooley, C.E.A.Dunn, Hugh Pippin, G.A.Dutton, C.J.Holmes, Capt Selleck, Major Maudsley, last photo is labelled “Past Clery Copse”. Jack Grinton No 1043 C Coy, refer Cat No 1280. Bert Grinton No 5024 C Coy, awarded DCM 31.8.1918, refer Cat No 1320P. Edgar Stanbury No 997 C Coy, awarded MM 1917, WIA 2nd occasion 31.8.1918, refer Cat No 5032.3P. Charles Newton No 951 C Coy, awarded MM 26/31.8.1918. David Hull No 904 C Coy, Gassed 24.8.1918. Albert Gilhooley No 890 C Coy, KIA 31.8.1918, refer Cat No 5047. Augustus Pegler No 967 C Coy, awarded MM 31.8.1918. Cyril Dunn No 3058 7th Reo’s C Coy, KIA 31.8.1918. Hugh Pippin No 1895 2nd Reo’s C Coy, WIA 2nd occasion 11.8.1918, refer Cat No 1502. George Dutton Lieut No 532 C Coy, KIA 29.8.1918. (Photo of his name on Map & note to Jack Grinton) Charles Holmes No 910 C Coy, KIA 24.8.1918. (Photo of original grave) Horace Selleck Capt C Coy, KIA 19.7.1918, refer Cat No 1515. (Photo of address book) Arthur Fyfe No 1841 2nd Reo’s C Coy, KIA 30.8.1918. (Photo of original grave) Arthur Maudsley Major D Coy, KIA 31.8.1918. (Photo of original grave) Fyfe, Maudsley and Duttons graves are in the one photo. Last photo labelled “Past Clery Copse” This is the area where Bert Grinton is awarded the DCM on 31.8.1918, photo was taken by his brother Jack. .1) Map of France, trenches corrected to 15.4.1918, 1/20,000, Sheet 62D N.E, covers an area from Ribemont to Bray. .2) Map of France, trenches corrected to 6.3.1918, 1/20,000, sheet 62C N.W, covers area from Suzanne to Mt St Quentin. Both maps follow the Somme River. .3) Photo - story covers the events relating to the two maps from July 17th. - Sept 1st 1918 on the Somme . There are 14 photos with the story, 3 sections make up the story, Map 1, Map 2 and then details on the advance, the men, casualties and other.maps, 38th bn, c coy, the somme