Showing 208 items
matching stawell grampians industry
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with people around a rock pool
... Stawell Grampians Industry... around a rock pool. Stawell Grampians Industry Black and White ...Heatherlie Quarry. B/W photo Mountain Scene. Many people around a rock pool.Black and White Photo - Mountain Scene. many people around a rock pool. Oval Shaped photo in black background.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry 1930
... Stawell Grampians Industry... grampians Heatherlie Quarry photos taken 1930. Stawell Grampians ...Heatherlie Quarry photos taken 1930.Two (2) B/W photos showin heatherlie Quarry. One with tow groups of peope looking into the Quarry at the other group and machinery. The othe rphoto showing two men working on the quarry working on a sloping rock face.stawell grampians industry, heatherlie quarry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Crane at Heatherlie Quarry taken during train excursion 1920s
... Stawell Grampians Industry... grampians Heatherlie Quarry train excursion 1920s. Stawell Grampians ...Heatherlie Quarry train excursion 1920s. One small and one enlargement of a quarry with a crane and an unidentified male next to crane.on the back of the small photo "Quarries Train excursion 1920's"stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with Miss Margaret Frawley & later Mrs John Alexander Hall on the rail track
... Stawell Grampians Industry.... Stawell Grampians Industry Black and white Photographs of Lady ...Heatherlie Quarry. Lady on rail track is Margaret Frawley later Mrs John Alexander Hall. Holding a bunch of Thryptomene.Black and white Photographs of Lady standing on Railway tracks, holding a bunch of Thyrptomein stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with Engine and carriages on the rail track
... Stawell Grampians Industry... Stawell Grampians Industry Two Black and White Photgraphs 213-4 ...Heatherlie Quarry. Engine and carriages on rail trackTwo Black and White Photgraphs 213-4 One showing two people. One woman in the fore ground and one Male standing on the back of a Steam eanine behind carraiges. This photo is estimated to be taken between 1923- 1925.. 213-4a Black and White Photgraph showin train carriages in bushland with hills behind the carriages, and train tracks in foreground.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry -- Coloured
... Stawell Grampians Industry... grampians Coloured Photo Heatherlie Quarry Stawell Grampians ...Coloured Photo Heatherlie QuarryColour Photograph of old engine and brick chimney surrounded by trees."Heritage Victoria - Industry" on top right. Unknown Logo on top Left. Courtesy of Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands. Mount Difficult Quarry, Heatherlie Engine Room On reverse information about Mount Difficult Quarry, Heatherlie, including two photgraphs.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with Geoff Sudholz standing in doorway of the stone building -- Coloured
... Stawell Grampians Industry... Sudholz standing in doorway. Stawell Grampians Industry Coloured ...Heatherlie Quarry colour photo of stone building. Geoff Sudholz standing in doorway.Coloured Photograph of GeoffSudholtz standing in a doorway of a stone building with an iron roof in a bushland setting. Building is at Heatherlie Quarrystawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with Historical Society members listening to Janet Witham
... Stawell Grampians Industry... to Janet Witham Stawell Grampians Industry Colour Photograph ...Heatherlie Quarry. Historical Society members listening to Janet WithamColour Photograph of Stawell Historical Society Members visit to Hetherlie Quarry 1997. Ian Jackson, Gary Middleton, Pat Cook, Betty Jackson, Don Rickard, Janet Witham, Marie Cox, Marie Val Leeuwen, Carmel Loats, Thea Tucker, Clive Cawthorn, Wal Perry, Lorna Harris, Eddie Haris & John Van Leeuwen ( Blue Coat)stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with Historical Society Members enjoying lunch
... Stawell Grampians Industry... lunch. Stawell Grampians Industry Colour Photograph of Stawell ...Heatherlie Quarry Historical Society Members enjoying lunch.Colour Photograph of Stawell Historical Society's Visit to Heatherlie Quarry 1997. At Lunch A Group of Seated people. Left to Right John Van Leeuwen, Clive Cawthorn, Lorna Harris, Bill Cook, Carmel Loats, Marie Van Leeuwen, Jean Perry, Thea Tucker, Wal Perry, Eddie Harris.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with the Stawell Historical Society visit -- 12 Photos -- Coloured
... Stawell Grampians Industry... Members visit. Stawell Grampians Industry Heatherlie Quarry ...Heatherlie Quarry. Twelve coloured Photos of Society Members visit.stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Heatherlie Quarry with crane on right and cut blocks at bottom of cliff face
... Stawell Grampians Industry... grampians Heatherlie Quarry. Stawell Grampians Industry Black ...Heatherlie Quarry. Black and white Photograph of Heatherlie Quarry with crane on right and cut blocks at bottom of cliff face. One small original and one enlargement. On the back of the small photo Quarries train escursion 1920. Third photo is different but given the man's clothing, he possibly was on the excursion. as were the people at the rock pool in 213-1stawell grampians industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Picknickers outing at Heatherlie Quarry in the Mt Difficult Area, c 1914 -18
... Stawell Grampians Industry.... Machinery near a rock pool. Three men and a lady Stawell Grampians ...Picnic outing at Heatherlie Quarry Mt Difficult Area. Machinery near a rock pool. Three men and a ladyBlack and White Photgraph in a quarry with machinery in foreground and a group of people of in the distance.stawell grampians industry -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W
This is a photo of R C Ingleton's (sawmiller from Stawell) truck carting logs in the Glen Hills area.The photo is a close up of a truck hauling large logs on its tray. There is a wooded slope behind. The door of the truck says "R. C. Ingleton, Sawmiller, Stawell and the registration number is GKH546 (or possibly CKH546)timber industries, logging -
Halls Gap & Grampians Historical Society
Photograph - B/W, C 1919-1920
Photo has been taken from Stawell Sec. College magazine 'The Pinnacle' published 1920Photo shows a smouldering pile of charcoaltimber industries, charcoal burning -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Datab Pty Ltd, A Regional Tourism Development and Promotion Strategy for the Stawell and Halls Gap Area, 1995, 1995
A report of the the Stawell and Halls Gap tourism area.Notes in pencil by Mary Hollick, lecturer in Tourism at the University of Ballarat.victorian tourisim industry, tourism, goldfields, victorian goldfields, stawell, halls gap, dunkeld, big hill, great western winery village, brambuk living cultural centre, grampians art gallery, built heritage -
Federation University Historical Collection
Report, Read Sturgess and Associates Consulting Economists et al, The Economic Significance of Grampians National Park, 1994 (and other reports), 1990-4
.1) Grampians Surround Strategy, 1990 .2) Tourism and the Grampians Region: A Background Paper, 1990 .3) Grampians Surround Strategy and Discussion Paper, 1991 .4) The Economic Significance of Grampians National Park for the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1994Notes in pencil by Mary Hollick, lecturer in Tourism at the University of Ballarat.victorian tourisim industry, tourism, halls gap, grampians, grampians national park, recreation, water production, bee keeping, arapiles, dunkeld, balmoral, pomonal, wartook, population, agriculture, water supplies, minerals, hamilton, ararat, stawell, horsham, wimmera, koorie heritage, aboriginal heritage, koorie art sites, brambuk, waterways, wannon river, wimmera river, mount william creek, rocklands reservoir, lake lonsdale, lake fyans, lake toolando, cherrypool, mirranatwa, zumstein -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Brick remains of the Tannery of Mr C Whel off Halls Gap Road Stawell West behind the London Hotel 1982
Brick remains of Tannery run by C Whel off Halls Gap Road Stawell West behind the London Hotel 1982stawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Poultry Pens at Bradleys Poultry farm cnr Dawson and Sloane Streets Stawell 1941
... grampians Primary Industry - Poultry Pens 1941 Bradleys Poultry farm ...Primary Industry - Poultry Pens 1941 Bradleys Poultry farm cnr Dawson and Sloane Streets stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Debutante Set at the Stawell Timber Industries Ball 1954
... grampians Debutante Set. Stawell Timber Industries Ball 1954 Stawell ...Debutante Set. Stawell Timber Industries Ball 1954stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr Theo Prior & Mr Jack Chapman -- Stawell Timber Industry Workers
Theo Prior & Jack Chapman - S.T.I. Workersstawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Uniform - Costume and Accessories, 1950
Stawell Timber Industry (STI) Social Club Blazer. Junior Navy Colour. Blue and Blue trimming on pockets and sleeves.stawell clothing material -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Painting, Mr J. McDougall’s Stawell Aerated Water Cordial Factory 1869 --- Photo of a Painting
Photo of painting of J. McDougall’s Aerated Water Cordial Factory 1869. Stawell opposite old Pleasant Creek Hospital.stawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr John Rickard's Coach Factory, Wheelwright & Black Smith on the corner of Main and Wimmera Street Stawell
Workers in Front of Coach Factory Wheelwright & Black Smith (John Rickard) Cnr. Main Street and Wimmera Streetstawell business industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Davies-Coop Cotton Factory Staff at the Stawell Drill Hall in Sloane Street during WW2
Stawell Army Drill Hall. Davies-Coop Cotton Factory Staff Sloane Street during WW2stawell industry war -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills - Framed
North Western Woollen Mills - Framedstawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills -- Preparing the Site
North Western Woollen Mills - Framed - Preparing the Sitestawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills during Construction
North Western Woollen Mills - Framed - Partly Constructedstawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills during Construction
North Western Woollen Mills - Framed - Roof Constructionstawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills during Construction
North Western Woollen Mills - Framed - Machinery Arrivingstawell industry -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, North Western Woollen Mills -- Carding Machines
North Western Woollen Mills - Framed - Carding Machinesstawell industry