Showing 375 items
matching strategy
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Strategy Steering Committee, East Gippsland Planning &Development Strategy Draft Strategy March 1997, 1996
This document summaries the first round of consultations and meetings between East Gippsland Shire Council Government departments residents and ratepayers prior to the formulation of an affective strategy for the municipality for the future East Gippslandlocal government -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Conservation Strategy Steering Committee, Protecting Port - A Conservation Strategy for our Bayside Municipality, Sep 1994
Report prepared by a local committee which consulted widely with the community during the last year of the Port Melbourne Council. Printed by the City of Port Phillip in order to provide a conservation strategy for the town. It covers both natural and built environments and contains recommendations.natural environment - conservation, built environment, environmental issues, peter maganov, friends of port melbournes foreshore -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Whitehorse City Council. Bushland Reserves. Fire Management Strategy, 1/05/2002 12:00:00 AM
Bushland Reserves fire management strategy review.Bushland Reserves fire management strategy review. Contains strategy objectives and standards, fire management strategy, fire history of the reserves, fuel rating ,fire danger and fire threat.Bushland Reserves fire management strategy review. parks and reserves, city of whitehorse, bushfire prevention -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Regional Coordination Group and Strategy Steering Committee, The East Gippsland Planning and Development Strategy, 1997
An outline of planning and proposed development by the East Gippsland, Victoria, Shire Council from 1997 to the year 2010. Maps included.township, land settlement, tourism -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Leisure object - Board Game, Strategy, n.d
a)'Strategy' war board game. heavy card board, folds in half, red and blue outside with black and white photo of 3 servicemen (army, navy, airforce) playing strategy. Inside, land, sea, air depicted by different colours, leaflet of rules b) Rothman's cigarette packet containing coloured metal counters for use with Strategy. 12 army, 8 navy, 4 airforcestrategy, game, board game, recreation, leisure -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Shire of Stawell, Local Conservation Strategy (Draft), 1990
Shire of Stawell Conservation Strategy (DraftCream card cover with green print and drawing of a man, koala, silo, tactor and two roads and trees.Shire of - Shire of Stawell coat of arms - Stawell Conservation Local Conservation Strategy (Draft) June 1990stawell -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Pamphlet - CoPP's Port Melbourne foreshore strategy, City of Port Phillip, Port Melbourne Foreshore Strategy, 1995
The Port Melbourne Foreshore Strategy, prepared during the time of the commissioners, was an attempt to create a framework to manage anticipated development pressuresPamphlet advertising the City of Port Phillip's Port Melbourne foreshore strategy, 1995 (see also 967)town planning, local government - city of port phillip -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Economic strategy (1993-94), 1993
City of Nunawading economic strategy 1993-9City of Nunawading economic strategy 1993-9City of Nunawading economic strategy 1993-9city of nunawading, commercial development, businesses -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book - Report, Shire of Stawell, Local Conservation Strategy, 1990
Photos of Steering Committee and Support Staff. Shire Map Photos, Maps.Grey Cardboard cover with Shire LogoBarry Clugston Shire of Stawell with Logo - Local Conservation Strategy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, South West Gippsland Tourism Development Strategy, 1989, c1999
Black plastic binding on a report tourism and development strategy report.tourism, tourism strategy, south west gippsland, gippsland, coal creek historical town, wilsons promontory, penguin parade, grand prix, grand ridge road, wonthaggi, phillip island, foster korumburra, inverloch, kilcunda, san remo, bass, bunurong marin park, port franklin, tarwin lower -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Conservation strategy on public exhibition, 1/04/1992 12:00:00 AM
Article advising the draft of a local conservation strategy to be put on public exhibition.Article advising the draft of a local conservation strategy to be put on public exhibition.Article advising the draft of a local conservation strategy to be put on public exhibition.recycling, city of nunawading, allan, peter, eastern freeway extension -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading Heritage Study Steering Committee Strategy Proposal
Memorandum to Heritage Study Steering Committee outlining possible Committee strategyheritage awareness study group, wright, ray, city of nunawading -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, The Met, "Metplan Draft Strategy - May 1988", May. 1988
Report - summary - folded A3 sheet titled "Metplan Draft Strategy - May 1988". Gives introduction, purpose, strategy, maps, options for the various regions, system improvements, resources and next stops. Has the Met logo on the rear.trams, tramways, the met, reports, melbourne, metplan, new tramcars, planning, mta -
Monbulk RSL Sub Branch
Book, Oxford University Press, Strategy in the contemporary world : an introduction to strategic studies, 2010
The most comprehensive analysis of strategic studies available, Strategy in the Contemporary World, Third Edition, reflects upon recent events and assesses the role of military power in the contemporary world. Taking a functional approach and looking at issues from both times of war and of peace, editors John Baylis, James J. Wirtz, and Colin S. Gray analyze the conflicts themselves--as well as what can be learned from them. This new edition covers topics such as intelligence and strategy, strategic studies and its critics, as well as strategy in practice, providing a comprehensive and insightful collection of contributions from a team of leading experts in the field.Index, bib, p.442.The most comprehensive analysis of strategic studies available, Strategy in the Contemporary World, Third Edition, reflects upon recent events and assesses the role of military power in the contemporary world. Taking a functional approach and looking at issues from both times of war and of peace, editors John Baylis, James J. Wirtz, and Colin S. Gray analyze the conflicts themselves--as well as what can be learned from them. This new edition covers topics such as intelligence and strategy, strategic studies and its critics, as well as strategy in practice, providing a comprehensive and insightful collection of contributions from a team of leading experts in the field.strategy, world politics - 20th century -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Bushland Reserves Fire Management Strategy, 2010
City of Whitehorse Strategy to assess the risk of bushfire and consider any necessary responses, Oct 2010.City of Whitehorse Strategy to assess the risk of bushfire and consider any necessary responses, Oct 2010.City of Whitehorse Strategy to assess the risk of bushfire and consider any necessary responses, Oct 2010.bushfires, bushland -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Recreation Reserves Strategy, 1/04/1993
Recreation reserves strategy. City of Nunawading Parks and Recreation Services, April 1993. (2 copies)city of nunawading. parks and recreation services., parks and reserves -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Whitehorse Open Space strategy, 1/09/2007 12:00:00 AM
City of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 2. Adopted 19 November 2007.City of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 2. Adopted 19 November 2007. Precinct recommendationsCity of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 2. Adopted 19 November 2007. city of whitehorse, parks and reserves -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Whitehorse Open Space Strategy, 1/09/2007 12:00:00 AM
City of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 1. Adopted 19 Nov 2007.City of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 1. Adopted 19 Nov 2007. Background and overall recommendations.City of Whitehorse's Open Space Strategy Part 1. Adopted 19 Nov 2007. parks and reserves, city of whitehorse -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document - Report, Bushland Reserves fire management strategy, 20/10/1997 12:00:00 AM
Draft Report on the fire managementDraft Report on the fire management strategy for bushland reserves by Whitehorse City Council. 20 October 1997. 45 pagesDraft Report on the fire management bushfire prevention, city of whitehorse, antonio park, mitcham, bellbird dell, blackburn lake sanctuary, hale property, heatherdale reserve, stephens reserve, somers trail, trove park, yarran dheran, r e gray reserve -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Summers, Harry G. Jr, On Strategy: A Critical Analysis of the Vietnam War, 1982
One of the most frustrating aspects of the Vietnam War from the Army's poit of view is that as far as logistics and tactics were concerned we succeeded in everything we set out to do.One of the most frustrating aspects of the Vietnam War from the Army's poit of view is that as far as logistics and tactics were concerned we succeeded in everything we set out to do.vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- united states, strategy -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Town and Country Planning Board Melbourne, Gippsland Lakes Strategy, 1978
A strategy plan to guide future development of the Gippsland Lakes in a rational manner, to benefit all residents and visitors to the area. Contains plans and mapsgovernment, community facilities, recreation -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Response to A Strategy for local authority libraries, 14/10/1986 12:00:00 AM
Library Council of Victoria's response to 'A Strategy for Local Authority Libraries' commissioned by a joint MAV / Municipal Library Services Review Steering Committee.Library Council of Victoria's response to 'A Strategy for Local Authority Libraries' commissioned by a joint MAV / Municipal Library Services Review Steering Committee.Library Council of Victoria's response to 'A Strategy for Local Authority Libraries' commissioned by a joint MAV / Municipal Library Services Review Steering Committee.public libraries, library council of victoria, municipal association of victoria, municipal library services review steering committee -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Strategy for golf course, 1993
Falling attendances at Morack Golf Course and budget shortfall of $20,000 has forced Nunawading Council to implement a range of marketing strategies to boost attendance and improve the viability of the course.Falling attendances at Morack Golf Course and budget shortfall of $20,000 has forced Nunawading Council to implement a range of marketing strategies to boost attendance and improve the viability of the course.Falling attendances at Morack Golf Course and budget shortfall of $20,000 has forced Nunawading Council to implement a range of marketing strategies to boost attendance and improve the viability of the, city of nunawading, morack golf course -
Latrobe Regional Gallery
Print, Dawn Raid Strategy, 2011
Linocut print on paper. Printer's Proof'P/P' in bottom left under printed section, 'DAWN RAID STRATEGY' in centre under printed area, signed on bottom right edge.linocut, line, pattern -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Dave McCabe, "Proposal Strategy for Introduction of Articulated trams to System", Oct. 1988
Three page, A4 document, multiple copied of a report titled "Proposal Strategy for Introduction of Articulated trams to System". Dated 3/10/1988, prepared by Trams Operations Development Department, looks the objectives of the articulated trams, factors impacting on the strategy, proposal for route introductions, timings, alternatives, depot and route impacts. Prepared by Dave McCabe, Manager Tram Operations Development. Note it has no notes regarding the use on the Upfield line.trams, tramways, b class, tramcars, articulated trams, routes, depots -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book - Report, Local Conservation Strategy Review Committee, 1993
Reviews Local Conservation StrategyPaper - Green CoverShire of Stawell with Logo -
Heidelberg Golf Club
Book, Shire of Eltham, Draft conservation and heritage strategy of the Shire of Eltham, 1990c
Draft conservation and heritage strategy of the Shire of Eltham.43 p., illus.Draft policy for discussioneltham, shire of eltham, conservation -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, East Gippsland Shire Council, East Gippsland Planning and Development Strategy Issues Paper May 1996, 1995
Strategy document which examines the options East Gippslands Shire Council has to introduce a fair and uniform rate over the newly amelgamated municipality considering that the State Government requires a 20% reduction in rate income in the first year Easlocal government -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book / document, Far East Gippsland Tourism Strategy Oct 1987, October 1987
The project team for this document comprised E. Beacham, T. Claridge, B. Ebbs, C. Wilso. and J. Cristofaro.This booklet is a useful refernce tool.A document of 86 pp, titled Far East Gippsland Tourism Strategy Study Interim Report October 1987. it has a cream cover and black binding with a b/w photograph of four people in a bushland setting. It contains fold-out maps.tourism-east-gippsland -
Greensborough Historical Society
Book, Banyule City Council, Banyule graffiti management strategy 2015-2018, 2015-2018
Banyule City Council outlines its strategy for managing graffiti or street art over the period 2015-201824 pages, text and colour illustrations.banyule city council, street art, graffiti