Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, Eltham Village Shopping Centre, 950 Main Road, Eltham
... Travelscene Eltham...Eltham District Historical Society Inc 728 Main Rd Eltham ...
Newspaper Advertising supplement: "Earn a black belt in chop" and "Fresh produce, quality service"; Get to know... Your Local Traders in Eltham, Eltham Village Shopping Centre, Valley Weekly, 22 June 2005.
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 27 February 2019, Bank branch shuts doors.main road, eltham, shops, businesses, anz bank, biba, brumby's eltham, eltham goumet poultry & game, eltham travel, eltham village shopping centre, froot 2 boot, melbourne taekwondo centre, pro-health, travelscene eltham