Wangaratta Urban Fire Brigade
1987 presentation dinner, photographs
... val gleeson, kevin gleeson... Whitfield??), Trevor Poulter, June Poulter, Val Gleeson, Kevin... Poulter, June Poulter, Val Gleeson, Kevin Gleeson (mayor ...
All photographs taken at the 1997 presentation dinner at the Wangaratta Rovers football club. Wangaratta Brigade members and partners and guests from other brigades and their partners along with 'guests' were always invited.
.1 - Trevor Poulter (Chairman)
.2 - L - R - ???, Arthur Haynes (regional officer), Tess Haynes
.4 - L-R - ???, Trevor Poulter, David Allen (representing council)
.5 - L-R - David Allen (representing council, Allan Mills
.6 L-R - Brian Potter, Cyril Davidson
.7 L-R - Kevin Howard, Brian Humphries (station officer)
.8 L-R - Brian Potter, Cyril Davidson
.9 L-R - June Poulter, Trevor Poulter, Jack Prendegast, Heinz Baytala
.10 L-R - Brian Potter, Pat Briese
.11 L-R - Jack Prendegast, Craig Musselwhite (junior)
.12 L-R - Barrie Sanders, Brian Potter (giving award to Barrie)
.13 L-R - John Rosser, Brian Potter, (35 yr long service medal to John) (Band members in background)
.14 L-R - Peter Bell (when was a volunteer), Brian Potter
.15 L-R - Jack Prendegast, Craig Musslewhite
.16 L-R - Joan Rosser, Gail Humphries
.17 L-R - Barrie Sanders (speaking), Brian Potter
.18 L-R - Jack Prendergast, Heinz Baytala (winner of the reserve fireman)
.19, .20, .21, Members and guests doing the 'progressive barn dance'
.22, .23, .24, .25, .26, .27 Wangaratta running team members (end of competition season) - L-R - Eric Lawn, ???, Ron Webb, To Philp, ???
.28, .29 L-R - Aileen Sanders (12yr badge), Elaine Graham (20yr badge)
.30 Jon Briese 35yrs and Cyril Davidson 40 and John Kerr 25yrs - long service awards
.31 - S. Poulter + wife posing for the camera whilst on the dance floor, with several other people and part of the band in the background
.32 - T.Poulter (brigade chairman) standing at the lecturn/microphone speaking - there are 2 others (1 male, 1 female) seated to the right of him at a table
.33 - Front L- R - Dorothy Wise (with her back to us), ?, T Poulter.
Back L-R - Fire officer(unknown), Dianne Mills
.34 - Alex Carmody and wife Judy Carmody
.35 - Front R around table to front L - ? , ? , Dianne Mills, Angie Sheetz, Ron Webb, ? , Maxine Webb, Steve Allan
.36 - Chief Officer Brian Potter (speaking at lecturn), Arthur Haynes and wife Tess Haynes (seated in background)
.37 - L to R around table - Cyril Davidson, Alec Carmody, Judy Carmody, Margaret Howard, Kevin Howard
.38 - L to R Rhonda Allan, Jan Marshall (back to us), Stewart Marshall, Steve Allan
.39 - L to R Tess Haynes, Arthur Haynes(standing), (Pat Rooks - a guest from Whitfield??), Trevor Poulter, June Poulter, Val Gleeson, Kevin Gleeson (mayor of Wangaratta at the time), Aileen Sanders, Elaine Graham
40 - a 'head and shoulders' photo of S/O Brian Humpfreys. In the photo is also a lady standing on his right - but her head is cut off so cant be identified
.41 - Jan Marshall kissing Stewart Marshall S/O (various other members , guest and band in background)
.42 - Back L - R - Trevour Poulter, Craig Mussellwhite, Brian Potter (Chief officer),
Middle - Elaine Graham, Aileen Sanders
Front L - R- Peter Bell, John Briese, Cyril Davidson
.43 - L -R around table - Stewart Marshall S/O, Jan Marshall, Tracey Collier, Dianne Mills, ??? (standing), ???, Brendan Collier??, Gayle Humphreys, Brian Humphreys S/O
.44 - L to R S/O Stewart Marshall, S/O Brian Humpreys, Jan Marshall (sitting with her head back laughing)
.45 - all 3 standing side by side L to R Craige Musselwhite (reserve fireman of the year), Peter Bell (fireman of the year - holding the perpetual trophy shield), Trevor Poulter (runner up fireman of the year)
.46 - Steven Poulter and wife
.47- A. Hynes standing at lecturn speaking.
47 various photographs from the 1987 presentation dinner at Rovers.1- Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
Chairman Trevor Poulter
.2- Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
.3 - Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
L to R
S/O Allan
S/O Grenfell
Chairman Trevor Poulter
.29- Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
.30 - Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
.31 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
S. Poulter + missus
.32 - Nov 1987
Presentation Dinner
T. Poulter chairman
.33 - Presentation Dinner 1987
.34 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.35 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.36 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.37 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.38 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.39 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.40- Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
.41 - Presentation Dinner 1987 Nov
S/O Stewart Marshall
.42 - Presentation Dinner 1987 Nov
S/O Brian Humpreys
.44 - Nov 1987 Presentation dinner
L to R
S/O Stewart Marshal,
" Brian Humpreys
Jan Marshal
.45 - Nov 1987 Presention dinner
L to R
Craige Musselwhite (reserve fireman of the year)
Peter Bell (fireman of the year)
Trevor Poulter (runner up)
.46 - 1987 Nov. Presentation Dinner
Steven Poulter and wife
.47 - Nov 1987 Presentation Dinner
A.C.O A. Hynesaileen sanders, elaine graham, eric lawn, ron webb, tom philp, jack prendergast, heinz baytala, barrie sanders, brian potter, joan rosser, gail humphries, craig musselwhite, peter bell, john rosser, pat briese, june poulter, trevor poulter, cyril davidson, kevin howard, brian humphries, david allen, allen mills, arthur haynes, tess haynes, john jerr, stephen poulter, alex carmody, judy carmody, dianne mills, angie sheetz, maxine webb, steve allan, jan marshall, a. hynes, margaret howard, rhonda allan, stewart marshall, val gleeson, kevin gleeson, john briese, tracey collier, brendan collier