Showing 1425 items
matching weapons
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Range of various non-issue weapons which Audio, CDT-3 collected during their time in Vietnam
... Range of various non-issue weapons which Audio, CDT-3...Weapons ...Colour photograph of weaponsphotograph, weapons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Vietnam Weapons Pamphlet
... Vietnam Weapons Pamphlet...Weapons ...184 page booklet/pamphlet describing in English and Vietnamese, identification of enamy weapons used by Viet Congpamphlet, weapons -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Image, Victorian Aboriginal Weapons
... Victorian Aboriginal Weapons...weapons ...From Victoria and Metropolis.Black and white image of timber weapons made and used by Victorian Aborigines.aboriginal, aborigines, boomerang, spear, weapons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Various Weapons
... Various Weapons...Weapons ...Framed coloured photo of what appears to be captured weapons including a rocket launcher, serveral rockets and land mines. civilian men, women and children can be seen in the background.photograph, weapons -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Brassey's (UK} Ltd, John Norris: Anti-Tank Weapons, 1996 (exact)
... John Norris: Anti-Tank Weapons, ...weapons ...Description and characteristics of anti-tank weapons of various countries. The book concentrates on ant-tank weapons available to infantry, either directly, or as support weapons. From Brassey's Modern Military Equipment series. ISBN 1 85753 177 9 ISBN 1 85753 177 9mines, anti tank, weapons, missiles, anti armour, rocket launcher, shoulder fired, rcl, john norris, brassey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Correspondence, Loan of 'native weapons' from the Ballarat School of Mines Museum, 1914, 16/06/2014
... Loan of 'native weapons' from the Ballarat School of Mines ...Handwritten letter relating to the loan of 'native weapons' from the Ballarat School of Mines Museum for exhibition at the Missions Exhibition on the Melbourne Exhibition Building. 46 Sturt Street Ballarat 19-6-14 Dear Mr Fenner Will you be good enough to give Mr Vickary some native weapons from the museum for a show at the missions exhibition being now held at the Exhibition building. Yours truly W. Middletonballarat school of mines museum, aboriginal, aboriginal weapons, melbourne exhibition building, missions exhibition, middleton, fenner, vickary -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Chien Cu. (Enemy Weapons & Equipment Identification), 1/02/1966 12:00:00 AM
... Chien Cu. (Enemy Weapons & Equipment Identification)....Weapons ...Standard issue item as used by Australian servicemen during the conflict in Vietnam.Thick booklet, yellowed cardboard cover. 184 pages. Front cover with Vietnamese writing & shield with sword. Star on the wings over the anchor. Book showing weapons & equipment used by the enemy in Vietnam.north vietnam army, weapons, australian army, vietnam -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Film - DVD, The Weapons of War - Tanks at War
... The Weapons of War - Tanks at War ...DVD in caseThe Weapons of War - Tanks at Warww2 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Weapons Capture (Viet Cong) 1966
... Weapons Capture (Viet Cong) 1966 ...Photograph on cardboard encased in plastic leaf of a collection of captured Viet Cong weapons. Dark photograph of weapons laid out on canvas. Weapon captured at Long Tan on 18 August 1966photograph, viet cong -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, B & M Ltd, Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 11 Trained Soldiers Exercises in Handling Weapons, 1955
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 11 ...A soft covered booklet with suggestions for sub-unit commanders in ways of exercising their trained soldiers in the handling of infantry weaponsWO Code No 8930 Adhesive label: "Sgt P W A Fernleigh"infantry weapons training -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Native Throwing Weapons: Romance of their Origin, by Dr Sydney Pern
... Native Throwing Weapons: Romance of their Origin, by Dr ...The Pern Collection was formerly part of the Ballarat School of Mines Museum, and is now housed by the Gold Museum.Printed article on Aboriginal throwing weaponssydney pern, pern, aborigines, aboriginal, throwing weapons, ballarat school of mines museum -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 9, The Anti-Tank Grenade No 94 (ENERGA) 1953, 1953
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 9, The ...A soft covered booklet for training soldiers in the use of the weaponWO Code No 8773energa anti-tank grenade -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, Recognition Handbook Foreign Weapons & Equipment (USSR), Oct 1964
... Recognition Handbook Foreign Weapons & Equipment (USSR) ...Soft covered booklet of photographs and descriptions of Soviet weapons and equipmentArmy Code No 70009soviet weapons -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (3 copies), Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 9 Part II, 3.5 inch Rocket Launcher 1953, 1953
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 9 Part ...A soft covered booklet covering handling, firing and maintenance of the weaponWO Code 87743.5 inch rocket launcher -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, Infantry Training Vol 2 Infantry Heavy Weapons Pam 25 Portable Flame Thrower M2A1-7 1967, 1967
... Infantry Training Vol 2 Infantry Heavy Weapons Pam 25 ...A soft covered loose leaf, stapled, booklet for instructors on the weapon 7610-66-027-2817flame thrower, handbook -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Magazine - Magazine Series, Weapons and Warfare
... Weapons and Warfare ...8 Magazines bound by a single cover titled Weapons and Warfare -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (2 copies), Royal Armoured Corps Weapons Training Pam No 34 Smoke 1940, 1940
... Royal Armoured Corps Weapons Training Pam No 34 Smoke 1940 ...Soft covered booklet describing types of smoke weapons and how to deploy smoke as a screen.Not to be publishedsmoke tactics -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Picture F-111 A8-146 with a selection of the ordinance it can deliver, Picture Australian Aircraft Aardvark--the General Dynamics F-111 and array of weapons available to be used in association with F-111 Aircraft
... F-111 and array of weapons available to be used in ...Picture shows the wide variety of the ordinance that can be used by the Aardvark--the General Dynamics F-111Great view of the aircraft and its ordinance - Australian Aardvark--the General Dynamics F-111Picture of Australian Aardvark--the General Dynamics F-111 and ammunition available to be fitted to the aircraft. Bombs , cannon shells, rockets etc. mounted on a MDF backboard.F-111 Australian Aircraft on the ground with a large variety of weapons that can be fitted too the aircarft.f-111 and ordinance, aardvark--the general dynamics f-111 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (4 copies), A Beginner's Guide to the Weapons of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps, 1970's
... A Beginner's Guide to the Weapons of the Royal Australian ...A soft covered booklet, stapled, giving a brief description and history of the weapons used by the Australian Infantryinfantry weapons -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (7 copies), Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 3, Gun, Anti Tank L14A1, 1966
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 3, Gun ...A soft covered booklet for instructors on the weapon. Five copies have amdt No 1 Feb 70.7610-66-024-4971carl gustav anti tank weapon -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Guide book, Department of the army, Weapons and equipment recognition guide, March 1969
... Weapons and equipment recognition guide ...Weapons and equipment recognition guide, log book. Department of the army pamphlet. Country coverage Southeast Asialogbook, weapons and equipment, guide -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (3 copies), Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 14 66mm Light Anti-tank weapon M72, 1966
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 14 ...A soft covered booklet providing information to train soldiers to handle and fire the weapon. On copy has Amdt No 17610-66-024-4120m72 "66 mm anti tank weapon" -
Federation University Historical Collection
Weapon - Ethnographic Material, Two native weapons, probably South Pacific in origin
... Two native weapons, probably South Pacific in origin...weapons ...These items were in the Ballarat School of Mines Museum, and when the museum was closed they were saved from the tip, and returned decades later. The Alafolo or afui are anthropomorphic clubs found across the island of Malaita. As war clubs, blows were struck with the edges of the club, which varied in length from under three to four feet. At least some of these clubs served a largely ceremonial function, particularly those rare examples with shell inlay. Malaitans war clubs are usually made of tooa, a reddish hardwood. Most finished clubs are submerged in mud (saltwater or fresh) for about a month, during which time they acquire a glossy black finish.Two native weapons, probably South Pacific in origin. .1) light coloured timber paddle with carving. Possibly Solomon Islands. .2) A dark coloured Alafolo made with heavy ironwood, with geometric designs from the Solomon Islands with stylized face, carved geometric design at top end; two carved rings with geometric design between them toward bottom end.ballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines museum, ethnographic, paddle, club, ethnographic material, new number, solomon island, alafolo, malaita, weapons, new guinea -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet (2 copies), Central Drawing Office, Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 3B The 7.62 Self Loading Rifle and Bayonet, 1961
... Infantry Training Vol 1 Infantry Platoon Weapons Pam 3B The ...A soft covered booklet containing the material necessary to equip an instructor on the weapon. The booklet is set out in lesson plan format.7610-66-013-1640rifle 7.62 slr -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Document, 4 Task Force, 4TF Weapons and Equipment Display 5 AUG 66 Healesville, 1966
... 4TF Weapons and Equipment Display 5 AUG 66 Healesville ...A 25 page document produced for a display of Army weapons and equipment on 5 Aug 1966. Provides an outline, general description and characteristics of each item.weapons displays, 4tf -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Aboriginal at Carrs Plains with Traditional weapons
... Aboriginal at Carrs Plains with Traditional weapons ...Aborigine at Carrs Plains beside River Red Gum Tree with weaponsstawell aboriginal portrait -
Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Black and White Photograph, Woomera Army Guided Weapons Trials Unit Staff 1965
... Woomera Army Guided Weapons Trials Unit Staff 1965 ...Photo shows The Army Guided Weapons Trials Unit: Staff 1965 Woomera.Framed Black & White photograph.Inscribed with "AGWTU Woomera 1965." -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - F/A-18 Program Report Regarding Weapons Pylon Manufacture, Overseas Visit by: A. Pugh Period: 2 Weeks Task: Weapons Pylon Manufacture
... Overseas Visit by: A. Pugh Period: 2 Weeks Task: Weapons ...Report relates to A.Pugh's visit, regarding manufacturing the F/A-18's weapons pylons. -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Documents, School of Infantry, School of Infantry Seymour Syllabus and Programmes 8/58 All Weapons Course, Jan 1958
... Weapons Course ...A loose leaf folder containing lesson plans etc for the School of Infantry (then at) Seymour all weapons course covering Owen Machine Carbine, rifle, Bren Light machine Gun, grenades and 2" mortarinfantry weapons training -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Equipment - Equipment, Army, Weapons Trunk
... Weapons Trunk...Weapons ...A green plastic container for storage of Anti tank Guided Missile Entac 130-59. Serial No: 73330 Lot No: 3 NA 65trunk, weapons, anti tank guided missile