Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... 'WIPPLEGONG IN SPRING' DOROTHY R. WELLS...wipplegong in spring...: ''Wipplegong in Spring' by Dorothy R. Wells, a factual text detailing... Rural wipplegong in spring Axedale Knowsley farming magpie ...
Booklet, 2 pages with lemon cover and brown text. On front: ''Wipplegong in Spring' by Dorothy R. Wells, a factual text detailing what Dorothy experiences in her garden with the coming of Spring. ...'the name of the place is happily chosen, for wipplegong is the aboriginal word for magpie. The liquid warbling of these birds in the early morning and late afernoon is one of the joys which no one who has stayed at this home will ever forget'
Wipplegong is the aboriginal word for magpie, the word being evocative of the warbling of a magpie.Dorothy R. Wellsbook, rural, wipplegong in spring, axedale, knowsley, farming, magpie