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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionPale green covered exercise book with Victory printed in orange at the top right. Below is a circle with Victory at the top and Natural below. Across the centre is 100% Recycled Paper. Below is 96 page printed in white on an orange background. Below that is Exercise Book printed in dark green, and below that is the name plate. On the name line is a date 31-10-91. Book was used as a record of who bought tokens for the truckwash and how much they paid. Later the money was paid to the Council. Names in the book included: Robt Blake, Gib Davey,M Tappe, John Wilson, Allan Somerville, Peter Harris, ? Hearn, Andrew Beer, Jack McKenna, Don White, J Govett, J Wignall, Matthews Transports, Pickthalls Transport, Carlisle Bros, Noel Hartland, Grogans Livestock, K Stratton, Rutlands Transports, J Truscott, Des Byrne, Commercial Pig Co, Rick Thompson, M Connally, K Otoole, B McLean, K Stevens, S Bennitt, Alan Pickdall, L Boyd, Mathews Transport, Mathews, Cowan Transport, H J Sooble, John Kerr, Stone, John Wilson, Brendan Morgan, Bruce Stewart. Jack Covett, Len Terry, Neil Adams, P Llewellyn, Peter Norris, Steve Nann, Glen Bish, R Frazer, Rutland, S Johnston, R Hearn, Ronald D Stone, Stephen Bennett, Nick Connally, Wayne Wignall, G Chapman, Noel Hartland, Stan Rutland, Mr Preston, K Barrow, John Wilson, Mr McGrath, W Lanz, John Truscott, Craigs, M Vick, Craig Hoy, Cliff Johnson, N Johnson, Sullivan, Colin Bloomfield, R Thompson, M Vick, Jan Wignall, Bicknalls, JJ Wilson, Des Byrne, Keith O'Toole, Llewellyns transports, Reg Hearn, Don White, J Boon, Mr Webb, W Fergson, Glen Bish, G Pollock, Penview Pastoral Co, G Pollock, Meehan, Woodstock Holdings, J W Pekthall & Sons, John Wilson, Kerrs Transports, K Stevens, John Kerr, Benview Elmore, Steve Mann, Mr Anfuso, K Wignall, D Fawcett, P Johnson, Llewingtons, R Hearn, Paynes Transports, G Watson, Ian Johnson, G G Muller & Son, Pichard O'Sullivan, Gib Davies, Adams Transport, Kevin Marlow, Lewington, Maurie Bick, Isaac, Des Byrne, Lewington, J Govett, N Hartland, S Bennett, J Govett, R Thompson, B Morgan, Colin Bloomfield, J Kerr, Mr Carver, Richards, K Isaac, Amfuso, Bob McLean, Mr Marke, Geodie, Ted Goddard, Kulpinski, Hollingworth, W Hodge, G F Farmer, R Hearn, Kevin Stevens, Don White, Morrie Vick, Mr Gallagher, R McKenzie, L Lanz, L Kirk, D Harrigan, RG & F Moon, E J Hooper, Des Byrne, G Medlyn, J Wilson, N Hartland, H Green, D Vick, G D Gamble, Con Mulvahill, Pietorala Transports, C Reece, Graham Miller, Rinaldi, Les Smith, Brendan Morgan, Pickhalls Transports, Mr Dawn, Steven Bennett, Steve Mann, Les Smith, H Green, Connallys, Lewington, I Gallagher, Ray Collins, Burrow, Hugh Green, C Congrim, D Byrne, Don White, grogan, Mr Selly, Adams Transports, Kevin Marlow, Roberts Transports, J W Pickhalls, Wick Lockington, G Bish, Don White, GG Muller & Son, McKenna's, T Smith G Watson, Blacky, B Lee, Don Wright, Hue Green, John Wilson, Carl Cooke, Mr Connally, N Northland, Jan Hollingsworth, Mr Preston, Mr Hooper, Mr Rose, D White, Ron Mellier, GD Gamble, K Richards, Bond Bros, J Govett, Victorian Producers, Gavin O'Sullivan, Neil Adams, Mr Dowell, I Gallagher, W Lanz, Mr Boyd, Peter Bish, J McKay, Farmer, Joe Blow, J Matthews, M Vick, N Adams, Colins Pastoral Co, Younghusband, K Barrow, K Richards, Steve Bennett, Les Smith, Ben Webb, John Wilson, Gavin O'Sullivan, Mr McCarthy, Col Warrack, Steve Ellis, Charlie Reece, Mr Vanderene, D Hannagan, P Morgan, Don White, Sommerville, McDonald, P Meighan, Don White, Les Smith, Carl Koch, Ron Stone, M Connally, J Gover, Mr Craig, M Vick, Eddy Smith, B Morgan, B Hickson, Len Reid, Mr Curt, Mr Grogan, Rob Blake, Mr Goulthorpe, Bob McLean, O'Sullivans, Ricky thompson, Johnson, Mr Coffey, J McKay, D White, Giles, Johnstone, Nicholls, Govett, White, Wilson, Don White, Geoff Gill, D Gorden, Ray Collins, Pellegrino, Cory Watson, W Ferguson, Pickthall, McDonald, Cook, S Mann, J Govett, Collins Pastral, Broad, Rick thompson, R Hearn, S Bennett, W Fitzpatrick, Noel Hartland, K Rotheran, David Beers, Congran, R Blake, R Weeks, Taylor, R Frazer, K Stratton, M Connally, N Adams, Don White, Milgate, Findlays, J Dury, McKibbins, Morgan, Roberts, R Stone, K Stevens, M Vick, C Reece, Steve Bennett, Ahern, S Boyd, Rick thompson,McClean, Hearn, Govett, Peter harris, Graham Medlyn, McAllister, Noel Hartland, Beer, RJ Grogan, Hindle, Bendigo Horse Transport, Jack McKenna, R Hearn, J McKay, T Rinaldi, Hayes, G Muller, J Govett, Ranoldi, D Ford, K O'Toole, J Talbot, McKibbons, Barr, S Bennett, P Johnston, J Hird, Paynes Transport, D White, P Harris, Maurie Vick, P Bish, Don Hollingsworth, C Gilmore, Jack Talbot, G Chapman, J Wilson, Kevin Stevens, Eddy Smith, C Bloomfield, R thompson, Davies, Truscott, D Byrne, Hayes Transport, Yanga Pty Ltd, M Connally, A Rothacker, Coad, D Byrne, R O'Sullivan, K Stevens, Cliffton, M Douglas, Trevor Mathews, Botly, Anufson, w Fitzpatrick, R Hearn, R Collins, Craig Dorman, Brian Bentley, M Johns, T Sully, W Fawcett, Bob McLean, D White, Hugh Green, B Harris, Rod thompson, P Meighan, Allan McAllister, Mark Barri, Don White, M Connelly, P Lewellyn, G Gill, G Rand, Hayes, S O'Sullivan, D White, Bob Blake, R Stone, B Liddle, Bentley Trans, J Govett, Stevens Transport, N Broad, Govett, G Young, M Footh, Geoff Gill, Gamble, D Holingworth, C Reece, S White, S Bennett, M Barri, John Wilson, D Byrne, P Morgan, R Stone, Bentley, Pollock, Des Byrne, Doug Rinaldi, J Govett, B Harris, R Brunt, Roberts, R Burt, Tang, Peter Morgan, M Oxley, G W Nunn, D Boyd, Findley, C Johns, W Craig, A Beer, A & M Rinaldi, D Illingworth, M Barri, G Rand, G & P Nunn, R Hearn, A Broad, C Bloomfield, K Marlow, P Trailer, J Govett, Talbot, J Beer, M Gray, J Kerr, R Stone, R Stewart, English Trans, Argyle Transport, Bentley's, B Stewart, G Davey, Leavinitons, Lewington's, Miller, G Muller, J Talbot, S Mann, McKibbins, Hanson, D Boon, R Burt, English, Oxley, N Collier, Broadacres, Murphy, M Oxley, G Thomas, Holly, Dalgety, Elders, McKean, Nevins, Nuttall, Rodwell, Vains, VPC, Allan MacAllister, Hyland, Gathercole, Gilbertson, Hardwick, Le frankie, Midfield, Osullivans Wignall, John Crimmins, D Lane and Jack Fisher.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - record of tokens, robt blake, gib davey, m tappe, john wilson, allan somerville, peter harris, ? hearn, andrew beer, jack mckenna, don white, j govett, j wignall, matthews transports, pickthalls transport, carlisle bros, noel hartland, grogans livestock, k stratton, rutlands transports, j truscott, des byrne, commercial pig co, rick thompson, m connally, k otoole, b mclean, k stevens, s bennitt, alan pickdall, l boyd, mathews transport, mathews, cowan transport, h j sooble, john kerr, stone, john wilson, brendan morgan, bruce stewart. jack covett, len terry, neil adams, p llewellyn, peter norris, steve nann, glen bish, r frazer, rutland, s johnston, r hearn, ronald d stone, stephen bennett, nick connally, wayne wignall, g chapman, noel hartland, stan rutland, mr preston, k barrow, john wilson, mr mcgrath, w lanz, john truscott, craigs, m vick, craig hoy, cliff johnson, n johnson, sullivan, colin bloomfield, r thompson, m vick, jan wignall, bicknalls, jj wilson, des byrne, keith o'toole, llewellyns transports, reg hearn, don white, j boon, mr webb, w fergson, glen bish, g pollock, penview pastoral co, g pollock, meehan, woodstock holdings, j w pekthall & sons, john wilson, kerrs transports, k stevens, john kerr, benview elmore, steve mann, mr anfuso, k wignall, d fawcett, p johnson, llewingtons, r hearn, paynes transports, g watson, ian johnson, g g muller & son, pichard o'sullivan, gib davies, adams transport, kevin marlow, lewington, maurie bick, isaac, des byrne, lewington, j govett, n hartland, s bennett, j govett, r thompson, b morgan, colin bloomfield, j kerr, mr carver, richards, k isaac, amfuso, bob mclean, mr marke, geodie, ted goddard, kulpinski, hollingworth, w hodge, g f farmer, r hearn, kevin stevens, don white, morrie vick, mr gallagher, r mckenzie, l lanz, l kirk, d harrigan, rg & f moon, e j hooper, des byrne, g medlyn, j wilson, n hartland, h green, d vick, g d gamble, con mulvahill, pietorala transports, c reece, graham miller, rinaldi, les smith, brendan morgan, pickhalls transports, mr dawn, steven bennett, steve mann, les smith, h green, connallys, lewington, i gallagher, ray collins, burrow, hugh green, c congrim, d byrne, don white, grogan, mr selly, adams transports, kevin marlow, roberts transports, j w pickhalls, wick lockington, g bish, don white, gg muller & son, mckenna's, t smith g watson, blacky, b lee, don wright, hue green, john wilson, carl cooke, mr connally, n northland, jan hollingsworth, mr preston, mr hooper, mr rose, d white, ron mellier, gd gamble, k richards, bond bros, j govett, victorian producers, gavin o'sullivan, neil adams, mr dowell, i gallagher, w lanz, mr boyd, peter bish, j mckay, farmer, joe blow, j matthews, m vick, n adams, colins pastoral co, younghusband, k barrow, k richards, steve bennett, les smith, ben webb, john wilson, gavin o'sullivan, mr mccarthy, col warrack, steve ellis, charlie reece, mr vanderene, d hannagan, p morgan, don white, sommerville, mcdonald, p meighan, don white, les smith, carl koch, ron stone, m connally, j gover, mr craig, m vick, eddy smith, b morgan, b hickson, len reid, mr curt, mr grogan, rob blake, mr goulthorpe, bob mclean, o'sullivans, ricky thompson, johnson, mr coffey, j mckay, d white, giles, johnstone, nicholls, govett, white, wilson, don white, geoff gill, d gorden, ray collins, pellegrino, cory watson, w ferguson, pickthall, mcdonald, cook, s mann, j govett, collins pastral, broad, rick thompson, r hearn, s bennett, w fitzpatrick, noel hartland, k rotheran, david beers, congran, r blake, r weeks, taylor, r frazer, k stratton, m connally, n adams, don white, milgate, findlays, j dury, mckibbins, morgan, roberts, r stone, k stevens, m vick, c reece, steve bennett, ahern, s boyd, rick thompson, mcclean, hearn, govett, peter harris, graham medlyn, mcallister, noel hartland, beer, rj grogan, hindle, bendigo horse transport, jack mckenna, r hearn, j mckay, t rinaldi, hayes, g muller, j govett, ranoldi, d ford, k o'toole, j talbot, mckibbons, barr, s bennett, p johnston, j hird, paynes transport, d white, p harris, maurie vick, p bish, don hollingsworth, c gilmore, jack talbot, g chapman, j wilson, kevin stevens, eddy smith, c bloomfield, r thompson, davies, truscott, d byrne, hayes transport, yanga pty ltd, m connally, a rothacker, coad, d byrne, r o'sullivan, k stevens, cliffton, m douglas, trevor mathews, botly, anufson, w fitzpatrick, r hearn, r collins, craig dorman, brian bentley, m johns, t sully, w fawcett, bob mclean, d white, hugh green, b harris, rod thompson, p meighan, allan mcallister, mark barri, don white, m connelly, p lewellyn, g gill, g rand, hayes, s o'sullivan, d white, bob blake, r stone, b liddle, bentley trans, j govett, stevens transport, n broad, govett, g young, m footh, geoff gill, gamble, d holingworth, c reece, s white, s bennett, m barri, john wilson, d byrne, p morgan, r stone, bentley, pollock, des byrne, doug rinaldi, j govett, b harris, r brunt, roberts, r burt, tang, peter morgan, m oxley, g w nunn, d boyd, findley, c johns, w craig, a beer, a & m rinaldi, d illingworth, m barri, g rand, g & p nunn, r hearn, a broad, c bloomfield, k marlow, p trailer, j govett, talbot, j beer, m gray, j kerr, r stone, r stewart, english trans, argyle transport, bentley's, b stewart, g davey, leavinitons, lewington's, miller, g muller, j talbot, s mann, mckibbins, hanson, d boon, r burt, english, oxley, n collier, broadacres, murphy, m oxley, g thomas, holly, dalgety, elders, mckean, nevins, nuttall, rodwell, vains, vpc, allan macallister, hyland, gathercole, gilbertson, hardwick, le frankie, midfield, osullivans wignall, john crimmins, d lane, jack fisher -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB News", 1966
Eight issues of "MMTB News" - The Magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board. Two copies of each issue held. All issues printed with an cream colour paper cover with the rest of the magazine white glass paper. 1723.1 - Vol. 3, No. 1 - 16 pages, January 1966, with a photo of the Mark VI bus No. 702 on the front cover, notes on Traffic Congestion, motor cars and supermarkets, depot masters, engineering, bus maintenance, sports and social club news. On rear cover includes a photo of a Christmas function with past senior employees - left to right - H. R. Steains (architect), H. S. McComb (Chief Surveyor), Mr. Aird, Mr. P. M. Ireland (Rolling stock engineer), J Fisher (Civil Engineer) and H. A. Warner (Secretary) 1723.2 - Vol. 3, No. 2 - 16 pages, February 1966, with a photo of counting decimal coins, Tribute to the W2 class tram written by Norm Cross, (with photo), Hawthorn Clothing Depot, retirement of Harry Munroe, introduction of decimal currency, donation of 1B bogies to SPER, tramways band, death of Neil Olsen, sports and social club news. See btm2720i9.jpg for image of the Norm Cross photograph. 1723.3 - Vol. 3, No. 3 - 12 pages, March - April 1966, with a photo of Tramways Bowl Tournament presentation on the front cover, Recent developments in public transport in North America, Vera Cruz Mexico, cable cars at Rushworth, sports and social club news and photo of the Melbourne bogies under Sydney tram. 1723.4 - Vol. 3, No. 4 - 16 pages, May 1966, with a photo of W2 321being overhauled at Preston Workshops, change over to decimal currency for accounting machines, "Tram Driver Salutes the L class tram" - written by A. Bailey, Melbourne's New Trams, retirement of Gordon Wilson, sports and social club news. 1723.5 - Vol. 3, No. 5 - 16 pages, June 1966, with a photo of the track relaying in Camberwell Rd with Camberwell fire station in background, Melbourne cable tram routes, opening and closing dates, retirement of G. H. Box, visit of SPER members to Melbourne, memories of Malvern Depot, sports and social club news. Death of A L Robertson, rostering, sports, Sydney trams, Safety and excuses for accidents. Full pdf copy added 28/8/2019 1723.6 - Vol. 3, No. 6 - 16 pages, July - August 1966 with a photo of the view from the St Kilda Junction signal box, more trams for Russia, retirements of 31 Employees, a contest to win an old W2, St Kilda Road Junction box - and how it works - signalling and interlocking, closure of Port Melbourne bus depot, sports and social club news. 1723.7 - Vol. 3, No. 7 - 16 pages, September - October 1966 with a photo of 610 on the Maribyrnong River Bridge, during the SPER tour, "Public Transport in Big Cities" - R. Risson - with photo - see image i10, MMTB Ambulance division, new trams, trams or buses, death of Harry Hood, Chas Samuels, retirement of Jack Ferguson, Reg Maxwell, manufacture of trackwork, cable tram working, sports and social club news. 1723.8 - Vol. 3, No. 8 - 16 pages, November - December 1966 with a photo of a wedding party on a tram (Richards / Fuller), apprenticeship training, Christmas message from the Chairman, tramway canteens, art of rostering by R. Drummond, Wattle Park Chalet, clock and instrument shop at North Fitzroy, tramways band, sports and social club news.trams, tramways, mmtb, carlton control, buses, pcc 980, ballarat, new trams, are, tmsv -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Administrative record - Depot List, Australian Electric Traction Association (AETA), "Allocation of Tramcars 1936", 1968
Depot list - book formed from 2 sheets, centre stapled with a single stapled titled "Melbourne tramcar to depot allocation during the year 1936 prior to the opening of Brunswick Depot" Published as a supplement to June 1968 issue. Prepared by B. Dwan from information supplied by R. G. Bishop. On the rear has a list of the number of grip cars and trailers at Clifton Hill, Collingwood, Nicholson St and South Melbourne.trams, tramways, preston workshops, lists, tramcars, lists, depots, depot allocation, brunswick, cable trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Braking Tests - car 140 - March 1952", 2/04/1952 12:00:00 AM
... Trams tramways Preston Workshops Reports Tramcars G class ...Report on G class tramcar No. 140, 19 pages including appendices and charts, titled "Braking Tests - car 140 - March 1952"". Dated 2 April 1952. Report looks at the braking characteristics of the tram under varying conditions.. Testing done in Miller St Preston. Document bound within a manila cover stapled with adhesive tape binding on the left hand side. Original copy marked "Chief Engineer's Copy"trams, tramways, preston workshops, reports, tramcars, g class, braking, tram 140 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Australian Electric Traction Association (AETA), "Electric Traction - July 1955", Jul. 1955
Eight page magazine, centre stapled, "Electric Traction - July 1955", with a photo of 974 undergoing noise testing in Bourke St. Has an article on the Minister for Transport, Mr. A. G. Warner speech at the time of the opening of the new East Preston Depot, and the efficiency of tramways. Has an item on the Resilient wheel that reduces noise. Also items on the new W7 tramcars, route numbers for the Bourke Street routes, NSW electric railways and Ballarat.trams, tramways, bourke st, w7 class, east preston depot, resilient wheels, wheels, testing -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of two Black & White Photograph/s, c1948
Set of two black and white photographs of scrubber No. 4 at Preston Workshops. Scrubber No. 4 began as PMTT tram No. 96 in 1919, one of 5 tramcars delivered on November 1 1919 (numbers 92-97). A single-truck straight-sill combination tram built by the PMT and James Moore, Melbourne. This design followed conversion of "summer car" 49 (later G class) as a prototype. Tram 96 retained its number when control passed to the MMTB in 1920 and assigned as a K class. Shown as allocated to the Kew depot on 24 March 1928. In June 1929 tram 96 was converted to Scrubber Car 9A (later number 4). In 1934, works trams were re-numbered from their separate "A" suffix series to the same roster as passenger trams, using numbers 1-25 (left vacant by scrapped trams). Scrubber car 9A was renumbered as number 4. Shown as allocated to Hanna St depot on 9 June 1934 as scrubber 4, and also 30 June 1938. In November 1947 Scrubber Car 4 (ex-K class 96) was withdrawn and stored. September 11 1948 4 Scrubber K 1 Workshops In March 1950, Scrubber Car 4 (ex K class 96) was scrappedtrams, tramways, preston workshops, scrubber tram, pmtt, k class, hanna st depot, kew depot, tram 4 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Photo Album, Transit Australia Publishing, "TAP - Part F - Miscellaneous", 1950's to 1990's
Photo Album - titled "TAP - Part G - Miscellaneous - Sheets G1 to G14", from Transit Australia Publishing. Photos used in the Destination City and other publications series. For a detailed list of photographs see htd4606i.pdf - Miscellaneous For individual photo images see: \dbtext\hawthtramcoll\photo collections\TAP-Part F, images TAP396 to TAP435. TAP396_272-646_VictoriaPde_RayMarsh.jpg TAP397_922_PrestonWorkshops_April1993_NormCross.jpg TAP398_937_Restaurant_SpencerSt_EarlEwers.jpg TAP399_RipponleaDestination.jpg TAP400_Wheels-etc-noise-reduction_MMTB.jpg TAP401_MaribyrnongBridge-single-track_c1942-3_PWDuckettColln.jpg TAP402_MaribyrnongBridge-doubletrack_PWDuckettColln.jpg TAP403_MaribyrnongBridge-from-tram_PWDuckett.jpg TAP404_961_ElizabethSt-trolleypole-and-arc-shield_WJohnWebster_28Sep1953.jpg TAP405_OverheadCrossing_Glenferrie-RiversdaleRds_26Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP406_MalvernDepot_26Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP407_BundyClock_Elsternwick_25Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP408_PleaseStepInside-sign_721_25Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP409-TramStopSign_WilliamRd-MalvernRd_23Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP410_SafetyZone_FitzroySt_25Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP411-TramStopSign_Ryrie-MooraboolSt_Geelong_24Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP412_NeonSign_GlenferrieRd_26Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP413_HailCarsHere_FitzroySt_25Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP414_Maintenance-staff-Malvern_Jan1922.jpg TAP415_TrackRepair_StKIldaRd_25Sep53_WJohnWebster.jpg TAP416_TrackWork_VictoriaPde-at-GisborneSt_1950_PeterDuckett-colln.jpg TAP417_VictoriaPde-just-before_LatrobeSt tramway-built_22Sep1950.jpg TAP418_VictoriaPde_new-LatrobeSt tramway_c1950.jpg TAP419_762-temporary-track_LygonS-near-ElginSt_WalJack_Jun1953.jpg TAP420_Trackwork_MalvernTownHall_PWDuckett_May1987.jpg TAP421_Trackwork_MalvernTownHall_PWDuckett_May1987.jpg TAP422_Trackwork_MalvernTownHall_PWDuckett_May1987.jpg TAP423_Trackwork_MalvernTownHall_PWDuckett_May1987.jpg TAP424_track-open-field_PWDuckett_Colln.jpg TAP425_track-open-field_PWDuckett_Colln.jpg TAP426_546_pantograph-test_Preston_ GraemeTurnbull.jpg TAP427_442_Restaurant-WilliamScott_May1984.jpg TAP428_RecruitingTram_Malvern_1915_MMTB.jpg TAP429_R10_2029_BourkeSt_HughBallment_Dec1992.jpg TAP430_214_works-train_RoyalPark_c1925.jpg TAP431_StKildaJunction-from-hotel_PeterDuckettColln.jpg TAP432_512_Seattle_Oct1990_IanCooper.jpg TAP433_648_Duncoe-at-MarketSt_WCWhittaker.jpg TAP434_178-869_CarlisleSt_JimSeletto_1960.jpg TAP435_FootscrayDepot_last-night_1962_JimSeletto.jpgtrams, tramways, transit australia, destination city, tramcars, depots, emergency, trackwork, bundy clock, signs, tram stops, pantographs, preston workshops, maribyrnong river bridge, tram 272, tram 646, tram 922, tram 937, tram 961, tram 762, tram 546, tram 442, tram 214, tram 512, tram 648, tram 178, tram 869 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Preston Tramway Workshops Canteen and Welfare Club, "Constitution of the Preston Tramway Workshops Canteen and Welfare Club", c1964
Book - 16 off white stapled sheets plus card cover, centre stapled, pocket sized titled "Constitution of the Preston Tramway Workshops Canteen and Welfare Club" Has a forward by the President G Hammond outlining the aims and benefits of the Welfare Club, commenced Octy. 1959, notes performance to May 1964. Gives the rules and basis of membership of the Club.trams, tramways, welfare, preston workshops, employees -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Slide - Set of 2, Keith Caldwell, late 1960's?
Set of two Agfa colour blue white plastic mount slides, photo by Keith Caldwell of trams in Spring to Nicholson St Melbourne. In the background is Parliament House and the Windsor Hotel. .1 - W6 984, route 96 to East Brunswick Blyth St, has adverts for Holden, Vincents and Johnnie Walker whiskey .2 - W7 1024, route 88 to West Preston, has adverts for Ferris Car Radio and T&G insurance c early, possibly late 1960's, slides not datedtrams, tramways, spring st, nicholson st, route 88, route 96, east preston, east brunswick, tram 984, tram 1024 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, c1975
Black and White photograph of SW6 923 towing a Z class truck into Miller St tracks alongside Preston Depot - c1975. The truck has a cover over it and has been fitted with two red flags, one of which is bent. The tow bar itself also has a severe bend in it. The tram has adverts for Gauloises cigarettes and T& G Life insurance.trams, tramways, preston workshops, sw6 class, z class, testing, tram 923 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "9.9.1988 to 16.9.1988"
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT055 Bundoora Extension - RT056 Bundoora Extension - tram 261 - "Special" route 00 RT057 Bundoora Extension - tram 86 - "Bundoora" route 86 RT058 St Kilda - Esplanade - Carlisle RT059 Relay - Danks St RT060 "City Brunswick St" - route 12 RT061 tram 1003 - "City Brunswick St"- route 12 RT062 track work on route 12 RT063 tram 774 - "City Brunswick St"- route 12 RT064 track work RT065 light rail - tram 2005 - "Depot" RT066 light rail - tram 273 - "Port Melbourne" - route 111 RT067 St Kilda Light Rail Station -tram 291- "St Kilkda Beach - route 06 RT068 St Kilda Rd - tram 830 - "City" - route 6 RT069 StKildaRd-tram928-"??"-route05 RT070 St Kilda - tram 272 - "East Brunswick" - route 96 RT071 Elizabeth St Terminus - tram 80 - "Ascot Vale" - route 9 RT072 West Coburg Reserved Track - tram 78 - "Domain & St Kilda Rds" - route 56 RT073 West Coburg Terminus - tram 66 - "Domain & St Kilda Rds" - route 56 RT074 West Coburg Terminus - tram 87 - "Domain & St Kilda Rds" - route 56 RT075 Batman Ave Terminus - tram 118 - "Wattle Park" - route 70 RT076 Collins St Terminus - tram 1022 - "West Preston" - route 11 RT077 North Balwyn Terminus - tram 255 - "City - Lonsdale St" - route 48 RT078 Kew Cotham Rd Terminus - tram 865 - "St Kilda Beach via Balaclava Rd" - route 69 RT079 St Kilda esplanade - Carlisle - tram 946 - "Kew Cotham Rd" - route 69 - tram 295 - "East Brunswick" - route 96 RT080 West Preston Terminus - tram 943 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 10 RT081 Mont Albert Terminus - tram 250 - "Mont Albert" - route 42 RT082 Carnegie Single Line - tram 998 - "City" - route 67 RT083 Carnegie Single Line - tram 736 - "Carnegie" - route 67 RT084 Carnegie terminus - tram 736 - "City" - route 67 RT085 East Brighton Terminus - tram 914 - "City" - route 64 RT086 St Kilda Jct - tram 998 - "East Malvern Darling Rd" - route 3 & tram 969 - "City" route 3 RT087 Bourke St Spencer St - tram 271 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 96 RT088 Preston Railway Overbridge - "Northcote via St Georges Rd" - route 9 RT089 Victoria Parade - tram 906 - "Mont Albert" - route 42 & tram 252 - "City" - route 42 RT090 Victoria Parade - tram 1025 - "City Spencer St" - route 31Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 36 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, track construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, AETA Convention 1971
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT123 1971 Convention - 9.4.71 - tram 610 - "Special" - Wattle park terminus RT124 Mt Alexander Road - 980 - "Special" RT125 St Kilda Jct - 7.4.71 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 16 RT126 North Balwyn Terminus - 9.4.71 - tram 840 - "Nth Balwyn" route 79 RT127 Preston - tram 980 - "City - Spencer St" - route 9A RT128 St Kilda Jct - "E Brighton Malv Burke Rd" - route 64 RT129 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 394 - "Special" & tram 1017 - "West Preston - Northcote" - route 10 RT130 Carnegie 9.4.71 - tram 106 - "St Kilda Jun" - route 17 RT131 High St - tram 980 - "East Preston" - route 98 RT132 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 894 - "West Preston" - route 10 RT133 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 894 - "West Preston" - route 10 RT134 Wattle Park - 9.4.71 - tram 610 - "City" - route 70 RT135 Wellington Parade - 9.4.71 - tram 840 - "City - Flinders & Spencer St Cnr" - route 23 RT136 Melville Rd West Coburg 12.4.71 - tram 787 - route 55 Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 14 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "Melbourne 1965 April Box 2"
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT137 Peel St - tram 392 - "West Coburg via William St" - route 55 RT138 Batman Avenue - tram 954 - "Prahran" - route 77 RT139 Batman Avenue - tram 388 - "Wattle Park Elgar Rd" - route 70 RT140 Elizabeth Street - tram 949 - "North Coburg" - route 19 RT141 East Coburg Ter - tram 668 - "South Melb Beach" - route 1 RT142 Royal Pde Jct - tram 764 - "North Coburg" - route 19, Haymarket, Hotel Gresham RT143 High st - tram 979 - "City Spencer St" - route 90, Clifton Hill RT144 High St - tram 1036 - "East Preston" - route 88, Clifton Hill RT145 tram 52 - "Footscray" - route 82, Maribyrnong River bridge reconstruction RT146 tram 802 - "City via North Melb" - route 57, tram 599, West Maribyrnong - Maribyrnong River bridge reconstruction RT147 tram 52 - "Footscray" - route 82 Raleigh Road, near Rosamond Road RT148 tram 52 - "Footscray" - route 82 at Moonee Ponds, Ascot Vale Road Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 12 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "13.11.2001 to 19.11.2001 October 2003 512-537"
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT149 Docklands - track work RT150 "2" track work at Glenferrie Rd RT151 Box Hill terminus - tram 3029 - "Port Melbourne" route 109 - at Elgar Rd stop RT152 Docklands RT153 East Brighton terminus - tram 112 - "University" - route 64 RT154 "4" - track work excavators at Malvern & Glenferrie Rds RT155 Box Hill terminus - tram 3035 - "via City" route 109 RT156 Docklands - track work RT157 "1" New Junction Malvern - Glenferrie RT158 "3" track work at Malvern & Glenferrie Rds RT159 Docklands - La Trobe St - tram 2073 - "Bundoora RMIT" - route 86 & tram 2003 - "Bundoora RMIT" - route 86 RT160 Docklands RT161 Docklands - Collins St extension RT162 Docklands - track work RT163 Collins St -tram 124 - "West Preston" - route 112 - at Town Hall stop RT164 Port Melb terminus - tram 278 - "Mont Albert" - route 109 RT165 Swanston St - tram 67 - "University" - route 6 RT166 Port Melb terminus - "Mont Albert" - route 109 RT167 Camberwell Depot - tram 971 - "City" - route 55, tram 881 - "Camberwell" RT168 Victoria Pde - tram 3004 -"Mont Albert" - route 109 RT169 Victoria Pde - tram 175 - "St Kilda Fitzroy St" - route 112 & "Mont Albert" - route 109 RT170 Spencer St - tram 957 - "City Circle" route 0 & tram 195 - "West Preston" - route 12 RT171 Domain Road Interchange - tram 134 "West Coburg" - route 55 7 tram 22 - "Camberwell" - route 72 RT172 St Kilda Rd - tram 96 - "University" - route 67 RT173 Swanston St - tram 24 - at Collins St RT174 West Coburg - tram 130 - "Doman & St Kilda Rds" - route 55Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 26 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams, track construction -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Album - Robert Thomson Slide Collection, "April 1981 (RT291-314)"
Photo - see pdf file for further information. Number Brief Description RT291 April 1981 Comeng - Z class tramcar on trailer at Comeng factory RT292 April 1981 E Burwood Terminus - tram 145 - "City - Lonsdale St" - route 75 RT293 April 1981 Batman Ave - tram 728 - "Prahran" - route 77 RT294 April 1981 Carlisle St - tram 223 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 79 RT295 April 1981 Airport Terminus - tram 1005 - "City" - route 59 RT296 April 1981 St Kilda Rd Extn - tram 311 - "City" - route 67 RT297 April 1981 Swanston St - tram 1018 - "City" RT298 April 1981 Elizabeth St - tram 52 - "North Coburg" - route 9 RT299 April 1981 Collins St - tram 939 - "West Preston?" - route 10 RT300 April 1981 Camberwell Depot - tram V214 RT301 W2 with pantograph Preston W'Shops - tram 546 - "Special" RT302 April 1981 Preston W'Shops - tram 170 - "Special" - route 00 & tram 1041 - "Special" - route 987 RT303 April 1981 Tram Over Bridge - tram 1011 - "Sth Melb & St Kilda Beach" - route 10 RT304 April 1981 Bourke St - tram 155 - "City" - route 96 RT305 April 1981 Camberwell Depot - tram 140 - "Camberwell Depot" - route 00 & tram 141 - "City - Lonsdale St" - route 75 RT306 April 1981 Bourke Street - tram 162 - "East Preston" - route 88 RT307 April 1981 Collins Street - tram 848 - "Mont Albert" - route 42 RT308 April 1981 St Kilda Rd Extn - tram ? - "? Glenferrie Rd" - route ? RT309 April 1981 Spring Street - tram 164 - "East Brunswick" - route 96 RT310 April 1981 Bourke Street - tram 162 - "City" - route 88 RT311 April 1981 east Preston Ter - tram 125 - "City" - route 88 RT312 April 1981 Port Melb Stn - train at station RT313 April 1981 Park St St Kilda - tram 883 - "?" - route 10 RT314 April 1981 Collins Street - tram 1002 - "Northcote via St Georges Rd" - route 9 Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slidesAssembled album in a black presentation folder of 24 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson. All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive. A list of all photographs with details has been compiled. melbourne, tramways, trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing - Tramcar floor plans to 1923, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), c1924
Set of 16 floor plans of electric trams of the MMTB and the trusts from the A class of 1910 to W class of 1923. Shows floor plan, seats and a table with car numbers, loading, truck type, type of equipment, horse power, remarks and total weight. 1 - Malvern Combination - A, B, H, J classes 2 - Drop centre cars - Malvern - C, E and D classes 3 - Summer car - Malvern - F class 4 - Short saloon combination - Malvern G class 5 - Short saloon combination - Malvern K class 6 - Four motor bogie car - Malvern - L class 7 - Combination car - Hawthorn - M class 8 - Drop centre bogie car - Hawthorn - N and P class 9 - Closed bogie car - Hawthorn - O class 10 - Combination car, Preston - R and Q class 11 - Combination car, Coburg - S class 12 - Double saloon combination car - Coburg - T class 13 - Box Car Essendon U class 14 - Cross seat (toastrack) car, Essendon, V class 15 - Four motor bogie car - W class 16 - "Birney" Safety car - X class Plain copies - black on white paper held for all cars except the X class.Yields information about various classes of electric trams up to about 1923 that the MMTB absorbed from the Trusts and/or built themselves.Folder of 16 blue prints secured with three brass clips,tramways, tramcars, floor plans, drawings, a class, b class, c class, d class, e class, f class, g class, h class, k class, l class, m class, n class, o class, p class, q class, r class, s class, t class, u class, v class, x class, pmtt, htt, mbctt, fnptt -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, G. McEldowney, "100 years of Melbourne's Trams", Nov. 1985
Thirty Two page book, A4 landscape format, saddle stapled, titled "100 years of Melbourne's Trams", published by the Metropolitan Transit Authority and the Australian Tramway and Motor Omnibus Employees Association in 1985. Colour cover featuring drawings of Melbourne trams from cable trams to articulated electric trams. Has foreword by Tom Roper, Minister for Transport. Book published to celebrate the centenary of the opening of the first cable tram in Melbourne, 11/11/1885. Reviews the history of trams in Melbourne, cable trams, horse trams, Clapp, municipal tramways, electric trams, MMTB, buses, Preston Workshops, Wattle Park and the Metropolitan Transit Authority. Notes the MTA winning the tender to building the Kowloon - Canton Light Rail system and Melbourne's Automatic Vehicle Monitoring System. Has colour photos and sepia toned (black and white) photos throughout. Second copy added 26-6-17 from donation of Neil Elfick.trams, tramways, melbourne, mmtb, cable trams, mta, horse trams -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of two Black & White Photograph/s, Vicki Wilson, 2010
Black and white reproduction print from an original commercial print of the "Victorian Tramways Union Popular Conductresses Competition" ball in 1944. Features 12 ladies standing or seated for a formal photograph at the ball. Has the name of the ladies, underneath. Most popular conductress. Back Row Miss J Lake Miss J McCurdy Mrs. S. Mitchell - Ballarat Mrs G. Morrison Mrs. M Berry Mrs R. Bale Front Row Mrs L. Pickup Mrs. M. Holmes Mrs D. Rosewarne Miss M. Pelly Mrs. W. Gibson - Preston Depot, mother of donor. Miss B, Campara President - R. Broadby - Essendon Depot Hon Secretary - H. Nott - Malvern Depot Photographer - Adamson Melbourne. .1 - large A4 with top line cut off .2 - small A5 photo with top line and photographer etc details. See Reg Item 181 for a funding raising ticket of Mrs. W. Gibson See Reg Item 1026 for a story about this photograph that appeared in the Autumn 1982 (Reg Item 1026.8) Metra News or see image htd180i3 for the story. Added 17-9-2015.On .2 - in ink (Top line of writing missing on larger photo) and "My dear Mum - Winifred Gibson (Preston Depot)trams, tramways, most popular conductress competition, conductresses, world war 2 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Functional object - Ticket punch, Set of 4, c1970
Set of four brass cast, chrome plated, machined, device or ticket punches used to cancel or punch paper tickets when purchased. Placed a hole in the ticket. Spring loaded, consists of two main parts with a pin & spring in addition. . Some of the chrome plating has been worn off. There are no manufacturer markings on the punches. .1 - number P1554 - punches a four pointed hole - would have been used at Preston Depot. .2 - number 1079, punches a hole in the shape of a club as on a card game. .3 - number 1113, punches a four pointed hole. .4 - number 190, punches a heart shaped hole. Item .2 to .4 advised by G. Young 11/11/17 associated with an Almex machine.trams, tramways, ticket punch, tickets, fares, conductors, preston depot -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Notice to Passengers, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "La Trobe St tram service", 27/10/1952
Notice to Passengers titled "La Trobe St tram service" advising that from 3/11/1952 services from North Balwyn, Mont Albert, East Preston and West Preston would be operated using La Trobe St during the am and pm peaks. Gives details of the services, times, and a list of first and last trams. Dated 27/10/1952 and signed by F G Wraith as Manager.Yields information about the use of the La Trobe St line by suburban trams.Notice - printed on foolscrap size paper.Has "Mr Rigaldi" in pencil in top left hand corner.tramways, la trobe st, timetables