Historical information
Photo - see pdf file for further information.
Number Brief Description
RT123 1971 Convention - 9.4.71 - tram 610 - "Special" - Wattle park terminus
RT124 Mt Alexander Road - 980 - "Special"
RT125 St Kilda Jct - 7.4.71 - "St Kilda Beach" - route 16
RT126 North Balwyn Terminus - 9.4.71 - tram 840 - "Nth Balwyn" route 79
RT127 Preston - tram 980 - "City - Spencer St" - route 9A
RT128 St Kilda Jct - "E Brighton Malv Burke Rd" - route 64
RT129 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 394 - "Special" & tram 1017 - "West Preston - Northcote" - route 10
RT130 Carnegie 9.4.71 - tram 106 - "St Kilda Jun" - route 17
RT131 High St - tram 980 - "East Preston" - route 98
RT132 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 894 - "West Preston" - route 10
RT133 St Kilda Park St Terminus 12.4.71 - tram 894 - "West Preston" - route 10
RT134 Wattle Park - 9.4.71 - tram 610 - "City" - route 70
RT135 Wellington Parade - 9.4.71 - tram 840 - "City - Flinders & Spencer St Cnr" - route 23
RT136 Melville Rd West Coburg 12.4.71 - tram 787 - route 55
Demonstrates the work of Robert Thomson in photography, collection and/or production of slides
Physical description
Assembled album in a black presentation folder of 14 colour slides, collected or produced by Robert Thomson.
All photographs have been scanned and placed on the Museum's G drive.
A list of all photographs with details has been compiled.