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Ballarat Tramway Museum
Book, H.P. James, "Out of the Past", 1940
... and hand written note re Mr. Arthur M. David. 100 - Newspaper.... Arthur M. David. 100 - Newspaper cuttings - cartoon "Wally ...ESCo Employee Hours Work Record book that has been used by an ESCo/SEC inspector, H. P. James as a record / note book for his personal collection or papers or journal titled "Out of the Past". Book sewn with string in 36 page sections, blank end papers, board covers with stipple paper out sides and Rexene cloth binding. Comprising plain paper end papers and 104 printed pages (52 leaves), with each sheet printed in black on feint ruled paper for recording the hours worked and other details of drivers and conductors employed by ESCo. Printed for daily use, with Day and date page headings - made out for the 1930's. Images: Book - i1 Inside front cover - i2 Members Certificate - i3 Has been used to gather mementos such as photos, articles, newspaper clippings, letters and other miscellaneous documents on Ballarat local history. Newspaper cuttings etc often have side notes written by Mr. James. Inside front cover has certificate recording Mr. James membership to the Ballarat Historical Society for 1940. Receipt signed by Edward Crimmins. Also a newspaper cutting on the cost of pensions to Lord Nelson's family. On facing page a photo of Queen Elizabeth, a printer colour cover or sheet about Walt Disney's "Pinocchio", a newspaper cutting regarding Father's Day and a black and white photograph of a young girl in a hospital carriage being pushed by a man. Pages numbered odd numbers only in the top right hand corner in pencil. Primary items are: 1 - Coloured cover to a writing tablet, titled "Australian Birds". Underlying this on the back of the writing tablet is two newspaper cuttings: the Ballarat Historical Society - reports on the 6th Annual meeting of the Society. 3 - Photo of the pattern Ballaarat Horse Tram company tram outside the Duncan and Fraser's Carriage Works in Adelaide with hand written notes underneath, including a sketch of a horse tram drivers seat - see Reg. Item 2527. 4, 6 - Group of nine black and white printed cards (15 illustrations) of early Ballarat pasted onto the sheet - see Reg. Item 2528. 5, 7 & 9 - Printed notes titled "Valedictory to Bob Haines" - see Reg. Item 2529. On page 9 in the left hand margin, a printed list of Church Officers; Church of England. 8 - Newspaper cuttings titled "The Heralds Man's Quiz" and the answers adjacent. City of Ballaarat - Public Inoculation Depot - Influenza form for HP James of ESCo - See Reg. Item 2530. Page Numbering from this point changes - even numbers in top right hand corner of folios instead of odd numbers. 9A - Newspaper cuttings about a Theatre Show, 54 years service of Mr. E. R. Bodycomb (Ballarat Gas) and planting of trees in the Avenue of Honour - with a red line around H. P. James names and a reproduction of the opening photograph of ESCo Electric Trams - noting 30 years ago - See Reg. Item 310.2. ESCo 4d Ticket - Purple - Grenville St to Sebastopol Terminus - See Reg Item 2531. ESCo 3d Adult Transfer Ticket - See Reg. Item 2532. Illustration - cartoon - H.P. James - See Reg. Item 2533. 10 - Newspaper cutting "From Horse Tram to Trolley Bus" - See Reg Item 2534. Newspaper cutting "Melbourne's First Tramcars" - See Reg Item 2535. An inscription or written note from T. Thomas etc. on lower edge of the sheet. 11,12 - Newspaper cuttings about the Passing of Melbourne's Cable Trams, including a photo of cable trailer No. 1 - See Reg. Item 2536. Other cuttings about early residents of the Ballarat district. 13 - Newspaper cutting dated 2/5/1936 about the donation from the CTA to the Ballarat Hospital. 14 - Newspaper cuttings - Photo of Ballarat Bicycle and Tricycle Club in the Gardens, the issue of a stamp to commemorate the Centenary of Ballarat, radio stations in Sydney, Ballarat Choirs and fire brigade demonstrations trophies. 16 - Copy of the "City of Ballaarat Regulation No. 13" concerning Hackney and Stage coaches working within the City - See Reg. item 2537. 18, 20 - Newspaper cutting - "The Working Classes in Early Ballarat" - Nathan Spielvogel 21 - handwritten note on "Doctor" Thomas Blackett who died during 1940. 22 - Miscellaneous cuttings from the Melbourne Sun. 23 - Newspaper cuttings "Story of South Street", Show Grounds, and "The Alfred" Hall and a photograph of the 1938 Floral Carpet at Alfred Hall. 24 - Newspaper cutting - obituary and hand written note on Ballarat identity Mr. J. P. Bourke. 25 - Newspaper cutting - cartoon "Tiddley" Winks and Wally - Stan Cross (later "Wally and the Major" 26 - Newspaper cutting - "Ballarat in the sixties" - General R.E. Williams and "Early Recollections" - Arthur Reid. 27 - Handwritten note re Mrs. Bill Danks, dated Jan. 1941 - Tobacconist in Bridge St. 28 - Newspaper cutting - "First Town Hall" and note on "City Hall". 30 - Newspaper cuttings - "Good Friday, Now and Then - T.P. Long, Mont Albert and "On Fashions" James R. Pound. 32 - Newspaper cutting "School and School life in old Ballarat" - Nathan F. Spielvogel. 34 - Newspaper cutting continued from page 32 and Obituary - Mr. Archie Dawson and Tom Blackett. 35 - Newspaper cutting of Ballarat - 4 photos - include Bridge St. with a tram. 36 - Newspaper cutting - "Ballarat - Pastoral and Industrial Resources" from a Melbourne paper, 17/2/1940. 38 - Newspaper cuttings - obituaries - Mr. R. E. Tunbridge, Graeme Dowling and Thomas Crosthwaite. 39 - Illustration - black and white - Late Mr. P. J. Pringle - See Reg. Item 2538. 40 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat Trams and the power station staff - See Reg. Item 2539. 41 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat Pie Stalls 42 - Newspaper cuttings - cartoon "Professor Nimbus", photo of the Norwegian town of Hell (Railway station); bicycles on a Copenhagen bridge following German occupation and dragon flies in Melbourne. 43 - Newspaper cutting on the official opening of the Ballarat Historical Society's Museum. 44 - Newspaper cuttings and associated handwritten notes on a fire in Ballarat, poultry fanciers, historical dates for August. 46 - Newspaper cuttings - "Victoria's first profitable goldfield" - Ballarat and the unveiling of the Sovereign Hill direction pillar. 48 - Newspaper cutting - "Worked 27 years without holiday" - See Reg. Item. 2540. - Other newspaper cuttings - thoughts of a visitor to Ballarat from Sydney and H.P. James - Liquor control in Ballarat and "This Week at the Zoo". 50 - Handwritten notes on clothing. 51 - Handwritten note on a visit to W. H. Middleton 52 - Newspaper cuttings "The Kings Empire", "Ballarat Birthdays" for Sept and Oct and an obituary on Mr. W. H. Middleton. 54 - Newspaper cuttings "Richmond has Links With Early Goldfields" - Malcolm McCullum and "England's Greatest Battle" 55, 56 - Newspaper cuttings - "Ballarat Birthdays" for November and December, a photograph of Nick Oliver - former Ballarat fireman and "Railway Birthday" - birth of the VR. 57, 58 - Handwritten notes on Ballarat tram timetables, weekly tickets, motorman's record cards, tourist tickets and sample tickets or cards, See Reg. Item 2541. Lunch Hour Weekly Ticket - Reg. Item 2542 Morning and Evening Weekly Ticket - Reg. Item 2543 Motorman's Record - Reg. Item 2544 Tourist Ticket - 1/- - Reg. Item 2545. 60 - Newspaper cuttings - parts 1 and 2 - "The Two Ballarat" by Nathan Spielvogel. 62 - Newspaper cuttings - continued from page 60, the death of comedians Sam Mayo and Gus Bluett and some handwritten notes on comedians. 64 - Newspaper cuttings on cricket, choir rules, a Methodist ladies function at the home of H.P. James, Footballer Percy Beames and entertaining air force recruits at the showgrounds. 66 - Newspaper cuttings - "The Anvil Chorus" - Hitler and Mussolini and "Strength against Nazi Threat". 68 - Newspaper cuttings - 50 years ago in Ballarat, Social function at H.P. James house, coldest morning in Ballarat and the death of Col. A. W. Bennett. 70 - Newspaper cuttings - about the sale of spirits in early Ballarat, the first motorcars in Ballarat and handwritten note about Mr. Jago. 72 - Newspaper cuttings - misc. about horse racing, trainers and racing. 73 - Newspaper cuttings and handwritten notes about Ballarat Schools. 74 - Newspaper cuttings - Bruno Hauptmann (Charles Lindbergh) and the death of actor Darcy Kelway. 75, 76 - Newspaper cuttings - Rail services to and from Ballarat, effects of the war and Ballarat 70 years ago, the invasions of Britain and "A stroll down Memory Lane" - T.P. Long of Mont Albert. 77,78 - Newspaper cuttings - Lake Wendouree - Nathan Spielvogel, the opening of the new Ballarat Historical Society's Museum and farewell function of Mr. James Shannon. 79 - Newspaper cuttings - about boats on lake Wendouree. 99 - Obituary and hand written note re Mr. Arthur M. David. 100 - Newspaper cuttings - cartoon "Wally and the Major", Dr William Maloney, Gus Bluett and "Old Rowley" - in connection with the Melbourne Cup of 1940. 101 - Cartoon advertisement for Kolynos Dental Cream Inside rear cover - Programme for the Centenary of Thanksgiving Service - Back to Ballarat 1934, dated 4/11/1934 (has been affected by other sheets of paper due to their acidic nature), printed notes titled "A ramble on stilts with Freddie" written by Baker James. Many in pencil and inktrams, tramways, h.p. james, esco, horse trams, ballarat, civic history -
Camperdown & District Historical Society
Photograph - Isabella Dawson with First Nations informants, c1865
Isabella Park Taylor, nee Dawson (1842-1929), friend of Western Victorian First Nations people, and student of their languages and customs. Isabella grew up at "Kangatong" (1844-1866) in the company of First Nations people and became fluent in their languages. With her father, James Dawson, she wrote the book "Australian Aborigines" (1881). Black and white photograph taken at "Kangatong", near Hawkesdale showing group of First Nations people in conversation with Isabella Dawson, seated on right with notebook in hand. Standing at left is Kaawirn Kuunawarn (also know as Hissing Swan and King David).James Dawson's daughter, Isabella, learning from the Aborigines on her father's station at "Kangatong" (From the original belonging to Miss M. Turner Shaw of S. Yarra. Copied by A.E. Jackson of Timboon.)cdhs, miss mary turner shaw, kaawirn kuunawarn, hissing swan, cdhsfirstnations -
Orbost & District Historical Society
black and white photograph, C1900
This photograph shows Mr John Scouller, the manager, on the left with His assistant, Fred ?. Mr Scouller was the manager of the Orbost Butter Factory for 30 years and was succeeded by Mr Stafford after his retirement. The Orbost Butter and Produce Co. Ltd was registered on June 1st, 1892.The first shipment to England went rank and was only good for axle grease on wagons and carts.The milk was brought to the factory by horse and dray.Most people would take the whey home for their pigs,which were abundant on the farms in the Orbost district. First directors – James Nixon (chairman), James Cameron, Carl H. Grove, Harry Richardson, David Rhys Morris, Lachlan Ross. The factory opened 11th January, 1893 with John Scouller as the manager. The Orbost Butter and Produce Co. Ltd was registered on June 1st 1893 and was an important source of income to the Orbost district.A black / white photograph of two men standing near machinery inside the Orbost Butter Factory.on back - " Orbost. m. Gilbert. J. Scouller, Fred?????. Donated by Colin Perry"orbost-butter-factory scouller-john dairying -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Financial record - Toc-H Journal, Circa 1936
... . warrnambool toc h ellerslie hall david fletcher jones w m davies e ...Ellerslie Hall was established in Warrnambool in 1889, as one of the first private schools of the time. Apart from use as a private college, the hall housed the first classrooms of the Warrnambool High School (then Warrnambool Agricultural High School) for a period in 1907 then went on to be established as the home of the 3rd Warrnambool Scout Troup... in the 1920’s which had associations with the Toc H movement. The hall was also the location of the first Lutheran services in Warrnambool from 1933. In more recent years the property has been used as a residence and for office use. In 2023 the hall is being used by the Sanctuary Church.This journal represents a link to an important International movement, the Toc H movement. One of the founders, Tubby Clayton, visited Warrnambool in 1925 and again in 1952 when he stayed with Sir David Fletcher Jones who considered him one of the greatest spiritual influences in his life. Along with this journal donated by the Swinton family is a collection of photographs of Toc H members. Bottle green card cover with maroon cloth spine. Ninety five pages lined and columned. Handwritten cash book entries for Ellerslie hall accounts and Toc H at the front and journal entries towards the back. There are two loose sheets of paper at the back of the book, one containing a list of names and promised donations and the second, Toc H prayer and principles. Cash Book label on front cover with Journal Fol 75/6 handwritten underneath. On top of label:” Ellerslie Hall A/c. D.F. Jones: W. M. Davies, E. Salamy, H. W Horn, L. G. Mills, trustees. warrnambool, toc h ellerslie hall, david fletcher jones, w m davies, e salamy, h w horn, l g mills. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly
Order of service for the induction of Rev. K Moorhead into the Parish of Glen Huntly 19/01/1984 Order of service for the celebration of the life of Ronald. Henry Summers 1921 – 1999 at St David’s Uniting Church, Glen Huntly, dated June 08/06/1999. Reprinted service of holy communion for Glen Huntly Uniting Parish date unknown. Pamphlet, including photograph of St David’s Uniting Church Parish of Glen Huntly, for the rededication of the Peace Memorial. Pipe organ; for the uniting of the Congregational Methodist and Presbyterian in the Glen Huntly Parish. Reprinted leaflet, with order of service for re-dedication of organ at St David’s 03/03/1985.moorhead kenneth h rev., st david’s uniting church., glen huntly, hunkin edward rev., grange road, waters r rev., rayment rosalie rev, stuart-murray j. dr., duke s. mrs., wallis ken, denholm robin rev., summers ronald henry, gray robin dr., roach harry, roach rene, purcell mr., purcell mrs., stephen cathy, harkness jeff, funston neil, funston robin, sypott e., neerim road, hutchison a, rosedale avenue, barnes peter, fenton r, rockell d, clarke j miss, ness p miss, osborne ivy miss, brownbill jim, courtnay s., fenton leo, johnston e, leather t, moyle b, ness r, peden a, pregnell max, rockell d., jones a., halls, uhe mrs., milligan m miss, chapman may, choirs, abhaywickrema m, theobald j, jones f, abhaywickrema p, riegelhuth j, riegelhuth j, bates t, bates l, ballantyne m, kuhn m, kite l, cameron m, hoare j, roach r, avery d, holmes j, havie j, chapman m, brownbill ella, barren b, pregnall joy, hearn edward henry, toolambool road, mcintyre ted, moyle jenny, avery daisy, powney maisie, vertigan olwyn, dawson harry, davidson eileen, mitchell mabel, mccowan roger, wright lyn, yeaman j, courtnay j, smith j, yeaman d, fenton s, jones f, penfound j, wright l, lord e, brownbill j, brownbill e, hunter j, mitchell m, barren b, moores e, donaldson j, coulson o, moyle b, johnston e, peden a, osbourne i, mccowan r, waters r rev, duke s mrs., adam a. j. rev, hewitt john, davis lyle, organs, cowan john n, organists, scotland betty, musicians, vertigan earle l rev., muirhead j, andrewartha c. w., lomas chas., foundation stone, anderson george rev., fraser finley dr., hadley s. c. rev., simon r. p., mcnair mr, fender mr, forster k rev., flynn john dr., vertigan s. a. rev., muirhead j, smith a.w.f., glen huntly plant nursery, alcock bruce, callen graeme, murrumbeena, neerim road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Newspaper - Spurway Nursing Home
This folder contains three items relating to donations received towards the Building Appeal. 1) Photocopy of two newspaper article cuttings from Caulfield Progress dated 28/4/1988 and 26/05/1988, the former with a photograph of Councillor Patience holding the City of Caulfield Nursing Home Thermometer. 2) Newspaper cutting of Caulfield Contact, vol 13, no 6, 30/06/1988 advising of the sale of Spurway Homes and subsequent donation of $880,000 to appeal. 3) Newspaper cutting from Malvern-Caulfield Progress, 06/07/1988, Mayor’s Diary, regarding Spurway Homes sale and contribution to Nursing Home Fund.carnegie, shops, fund raising events, carnegie opportunity shop, caulfield voluntary workshop, clubs and associations, soldiers and airmen association, gladys e machin senior citizens club, community groups, caulfield community service, hughesdale community centre, carnegie-murrumbeena senior citizens centre, caulfield early planning retirrement group, fund raising committee city of caulfield, caulfield early planning retirement group, city of caulfield nursing home appeal, baby health centre committee, business people, reg hunt motors, churches, uniting church glenhuntly, st davids uniting church, green j m mrs, minnis d, campbell j, brocklebank b, mckenna s, james keith m, pratt m j, stewart m, simmons c, grant i, anderson s, bloom d, bloom i, tehan n, loftus e, curraweena flats, accommodation, hostels, spurway homes, charitable organisations, spurway homes trust, caulfield, anderson road, spurway robert -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Murrumbeena Baptist Church, Murrumbeena Road, 44
Reprinted history of Murrumbeena Baptist Church 1890 – 1990 compiled for the church’s centenary celebrations in 1990 by Ross Harrison Snow and Geoft Barthold. Each chapter details certain periods of church history and associated events Handwritten notes, including wording on foundation stone, by person unknown & undatedmurrumbeena, murrumbeena baptist church, pitt annie sophia, dandenong road., george samuel, baptist church, emily street, whitlam janet, box henry, snow ross harrison, gallop abel, pay henry mrs., rollings william, barthold geoff, thomas pay, pay e – miss godfrey, w- mrs, pitt st clair percival, godfrey william, pay t. a. h – mrs, blair mrs, white mrs, shearer mrs., box marie miss, box nellie miss, gallop prudence miss, gallop e. j. miss, rosstown wesleyan churches, murrumbeena baptist church, churches, gresswell f. l. mrs, neerim road, public halls, murrumbeena railway station, union chapel, kangaroo road, oakleigh, cole. j. h., turner mr., williamson r. rev, stewart allan., rosstown., architects, laver and flick messrs, mayhew george mr., chambers a. r. mr., godfrey brother, whitley w. t. rev., williamson rev., endersby elizabeth miss., meehani francis, french john, whyte mrs., thompson isabella mrs., burgess mary mrs., organ, tarry j. brother, mclean donald f. rev., wilkins george mr., sutherland mr., sydney street, nopkins ivor. rev, gallop mrs, pay brother, pitt brother, hopkins mrs, thompson ethel. miss, thompson mabel. miss, lavender mr. fred, whitlam george. master, varley frank mr, whitlam fred. mr, varley mrs, hale g. e. rev., whitlam crissie miss, curnick elizabeth miss, byrne mr, clemens f. rev., tennis club, tennis courts, cheffer mr., peace george mr., green mr., nash w. f rev., earl stanley j. rev, earl mrs., parker miss, adelaide street 12 manses, endersby david, harvey nellie. miss, fasham f. miss, mills mr., kelly mr., dyason mr, mckeon mr, lavender b. mr., chaffey alf, nelson norman, guthrie andrew, hopkins mrs., kindergarten, girl guides, loyal orange lodge, hall, fire, juniour christian endeavour league, intermediate christian, endeavour society, endersby mr, wilkins mr, wills mr, kelley mr, golden jubilee 22- 29 sept. 1940, knight e. o. rev, marriott e staunton m stone j., clay clark e. messrs, carter mr, carter mrs, deacenesses, helmore p. h. mrs, ryall c. m. mrs, carbis l. miss, wilson a. mrs, clark e. j. mrs, cornock m. miss, smith a. w. rev, mcdonald h. miss, stewart j. miss, edwards. w. messrs, crowe m. messrs, diggins l. messrs, wilson k. mr, ryall c. m. mr., wright a. mr., watkins mr., smith k. a. rev, scout groups, hobart street – 59 manses, helmer p. mr, filmer mr, carter mr., staunton martin mr., lewis donald rev 1951- 1956, perri john, collrus barry, ferguson mrs, white mrs, outhread noel mr., burleigh betty miss, orchestras, clark ted mr., daniels alan mr, staunton keith mr., staunton martin mr, steer doug mr, pascoe vack mr., ryall mert mr., clay ken mr., carter francis mr., chambers harry mr, hendry t. j. mr, andrews. e. f. rev, venning frank, provis keith, lee milton f. rev, kingdom max rev, kingdom fredq, allison c., eleiner e mrs, provis jan miss, chambers merle miss, collicot allison miss, cook john, cook family, horn neville rev, horn family, benneld family, bennett john., bennetts cliff, wiesmayrs’ family, allison barbara miss, jones ross, jones joy, fverst walter, doyle family, bertram estelle, bertram family, saletta margaret, saletta len, close kevin, close family, close anne, stewart des, stewart family, peel family, fisher family, leis family, arms harry, jones ross, jones family, jones joy, langdon family, bertram bill, staunton ian, staunton yvonne, staunton jean, staunton keith, staunton martin, clifferd. patricia, clifferd. charles, chambers awen, wall brian, wall bev, ryall geoff, ryall kay, ryall edna, davidson max, davidson mary, freeman john, hendry t s, provis keith, terrington michael, terrington doreen, carbis hazel miss, butterworth ern, clay ken, clay mrs., clay judith, clay noelle, muller ron, cook john, kingdom joy, kingdom graham, strong david, owens cliff, chambers harry, christy family, warr bill dr., morrison grace mrs., soderholm harvey, soderholm mrs, harris jeanette mrs, harris trevor rev., freeman pauline, freeman john., hendry t. j., steer doug, owens allison, owens graham, henderson ray, henderson chris, rathbone ian, rathbone pat, jenkins marion, girls’ club, wilson cliff dr., ladies evening group (legs), anderson family, l’ amont family, powell harold., harris luke, harris trevor, davies mrs, young george, anderson russell, wade joan, sauvarin lois, hill fred, wilson david., hansell fiona, hansell jane, brammer leanne, bertram ruth, langton john, crowe ken, dobney john, nobbs steve, jordan mr., steer david., steer doug, murrumbeena christian education centre (cec), suggare alwyn, gray s. mr., wilson clive rev., jephcott hume, jephcott heather, mccleary ross, mccleary glenn, claringbold mary, bennetts marcia., langton phil, worthy reg, thomson ave, mckerlie darrell rev., henderson ray, langenberg stewart van, crowe malcolm., sydney street, wall brian, zegelis imants, allison doug, owens rhonda, anderson peter, provis ken, vaitch fay, longenberg roger van, ife david, warren lena, churches bruce, churches mrs, bennetts john, mcdonald. k., cathie ian., cathie wendy, wright norman rev., alma street, mckerlie darrell rev., hampton keith rev., robinson john rev, jolly rod, crowe malcolm, lakey m, ferdinands ann, ferdinands ken, inders brett, inders jenny, cooke stephen, cooke deanne, langenberg jeremy van, binks paul, wall john, leslie geoff, leslie debbie, macleod nelson, macleod heather, dalton steven, pugh jeff, jones ross, ceulson joy, jackel lindsay, jackel sue, berry graham, wall brian, wheatland don, langton phil, stewart margaret, wheatland elise, wall bev., chambers gwen., foundation stone, morley john rev., sunday seekers, young marrieds, mothers’ group, choirs, walrond cw, turner mr, chisholm mr, mcdonald mr, church furniture, williams brother, sunday schools, victorian baptist preachers’ society, pitt mrs, thompson m miss., pitt w. miss, pay miss, thompson e. mrs., stained glass, christian endeavour society, young worshipper’ league, baptist women’s association, men’s society, murrembeena baptist football club, children’s church, youth council, junior christian endeavour, buds, baptist girls’ fellowship, boys club, baptist men’s society, youth fellowship life boys, boys brigade, alma street 17 chadstone manse, one way searchers’ group -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Crotonhurst
A letter from Mrs M Ring to the Caulfield Historical Society, dated 14/03/1986, conveying gratitude for the information provided about the house Crotonhurst located at the corner of Hawthorn Road and Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North, and requesting information about the Langdon and Webb families and the property Lirrewa. Enclosed with the letter is a copy of a two page report on the Life of George Frederick Webb. The file also includes a seven page report conducted by Irene Victoria Anderson in 1982 on the history of the Langdon and Webb families and the house Crotonhurst. Two earlier drafts of the same report are included and one of these has further handwritten notes.crotonhurst, rosecraddock, lirrewa, caulfield north, hawthorn road, langdon road, glen eira road, mitchell road, crotonhurst avenue, caulfield city hall, city of caulfield, polo ground, polo parade, neerim road, powderham road, walworth avenue, langdon family, webb family, rosecraddock family, webb george henry frederick, webb george henry webb justice, field matilda, agg sophia sarah, agg sophia sarah annie, webb sophie sarah annie, agg dottie, webb dottie, langdon william farrar, langdon willie, langdon bill, langdon h j mrs, langdon mrs, webb george edward, webb matilda elizabeth, webb isabella elizabeth, webb james hemming, murray peter r, wells john c, langdon marie, langdon clive, murdoch keith, egerton-warburton mr, yorston mr, yorston rita, langdon violet, langdon. philip, gillespie ray, lindsay joan, ring m, paterson mrs, coffey eileen, fitzsimmons eileen, ronald heather, william gluyas, maidment isobel, langdon rr, langdon charles, langdon r b, knox david, langdon dick, hart trevor, mclaughlin j, ballantyne r, webb matilda sarah, somers charles, mckenzie barbara, mcleod lexie, richards barbara, richards lexie, sims betty, anderson irene victoria, short hand writer, lawyers, phthisis, queen’s counsel, judge of the supreme court, court reporter, architectural features, world war 1914-1918, soldiers, point to point steeplechase, master of the hounds, organs, sculptor, statues, stained glass, crests and emblems, elsternwick congregational church, government shorthand writers’ department, eureka treason trials, swamp sand and heath, dickson and yorston, caulfield council, caulfield historical society, harrison ramsay, time without clocks, the hounds are running, melbourne hunt club, st mary’s church, geo. fincham and sons, city hall gallery, mansions -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book, The Book of Common Prayer-Hymns A & M
The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of The Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons.Cover is salmon in color and has the title on the front cover and the spine in gold lettering.non-fictionThe Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the church according to the use of The Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests, and Deacons. prayer, church of england -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Book - Hardcover book, The Book of Common Prayer Hymns-A&M
The Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of The Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.A small black book with the title in gold print on the spine. Front cover has a cross in gold.non-fictionThe Book of Common Prayer and administration of the sacraments and other rites and ceremonies of the Church according to the use of The Church of England together with the Psalter or Psalms of David pointed as they are to be sung or said in churches; and the form and manner of making, ordaining, and consecrating of Bishops, Priests and Deacons.prayer, hymn, church of england -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Correspondence, VIOSH: Letter from Professor Ralph Vernon, Texas A&M University, to J Brassil, Chair, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, 1985
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. J Brassil was to be the Chair on the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. The letter outlines contacts that may be of value to the task. This advice is from Professor Ralph Vernon who had contact with these people while visiting Australia. This copy of the letter was sent to Derek Woolley and has personal comments written in red. Prof Vernon has offered to be available in July if needed. People listed are: David Pugh - R.M.I.T. Melbourne; Dr Svensson, Dean Faculty of Engineering, University of N.S.W.; Eric Wigglesworth, Chairman, Federal Education Commission Safety Institute, Melbourne; Derek Woolley, BallaratTwo A4 pages typed with handwritten notes in red.Letterhead of Texas A&M University Signature of Ralph Vernon - Professor at universityviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, national occupational health and safety commission, j brassil, professor ralph vernon, derek woolley, david pugh, royal melbourne institute of technology, rmit, eric wigglesworth, federal education commission, safety institute of australia, ballarat college of advanced education, texas a&m university -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Correspondence, VIOSH: Letter from Professor Ralph Vernon, Texas A&M University, to J Brassil, Chair, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, 1985
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. J Brassil was to be the Chair on the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission. The letter outlines contacts that may be of value to the task. This advice is from Professor Ralph Vernon who had contact with these people while visiting Australia. This copy of the letter was sent to Derek Woolley and has personal comments written in red. Prof Vernon has offered to be available in July if needed. People listed are: David Pugh - R.M.I.T. Melbourne; Dr Svensson, Dean Faculty of Engineering, University of N.S.W.; Eric Wigglesworth, Chairman, Federal Education Commission Safety Institute, Melbourne; Derek Woolley, BallaratTwo A4 pages typed with handwritten notes in red.Letterhead of Texas A&M University Signature of Ralph Vernon - Professor at universityviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, national occupational health and safety commission, j brassil, professor ralph vernon, derek woolley, david pugh, royal melbourne institute of technology, rmit, eric wigglesworth, federal education commission, safety institute of australia -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Ballarat School of Mines Correspondence, 1895, 1895
A number of letters clipped together with a brass split in. * Rock Specimen from J. Hornsby, Clunes * Bendigo School of Mines Letterhead from G. A. Thomas * J.A. Bickford, Daylesford * Geelong Technical College * Library of Victoria * Australian Museum Letterhead from S. Sinclair * University of Sydney Letterhead from H.L. Barff, Librarian * Library, Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia letterhead * Library, Museum and National Gallery and Victoria * Central Gold Mining Company by John Dunlop * SMB Students asking the Council to strenuously attempt to retain the services of Professor Krause ( Signed by about 70 students) * SMB staffmembers asking the Council to strenuously attempt to retain the services of Professor Krause ( Signed by Dawbarn, Dawson, Daniel Walker. W.E. Bennett, Kerr, Henry J. Hall) * Correspondence from Ferdinand Krause * Telegram from R.T. Vale * Queensland Museum letterhead * Stawell Technical College and School of Mines from W. Matthews j. hornsby, ballarat school of mines, letter card, j.a> bickford, daylesford, south central gold mining company, mining, geelong technical college, geelong technical school, state library of victoria, library of victoria, e.f. pittman, australian museum, alfred meller, e. whatman, university of sydney, richard benham, art gallery of south australia, national gallery of victoria, j.j. lanigan, ferdinand krause, j. flegeltaub, william reid, j.h. crittenden, james gibson, c.j. sayle, f.h. hollway, theo willaims, j. sutherland, p. flegeltaub, maurice hamburger, s. marrow, f. kittelty, a. don, a. bell, james a. gilchrist, j. ronaldson, e. stuck, w.j. whyte, ernest leggo, percy learmonth, kaboonga mining company, smeaton, g. alec thornsol, alex gilfillan, geologist, thomas j. hart, alfred hodgkinson, george t. clarke, a.w. pratt, walter fieder, w. macdonald, queensland museum, r.h. walcoth, stawell school of mines, stawell technical college, stephen richards, martin ford, b. herold, george w. gallagher, broomfield, j. money, smythesdale, john law, great western, mordaunt hall, eight hour procession, model locomotive, arthur kildahl, g. seymour, mt lyell, e.h. parry, d. grassy, aurora gold mining co, j. broomfield, burbury, dawburn, eustace m. weston, english and austrakuab copper co, martin gardiner, william little, david gracey -
Federation University Historical Collection
Sign, Faculty of Visual and Performing Arts Friend of the Arts Theatre, 1988
The Ballarat College of Advanced Education Arts Theatre was officially opened by Ian Gordon, President of Council on 11 October 1988.Metal sign listing 35 names of donors. ballarat college of advanced education, ian gordon, david addenbrooke, david alexander, bruce bartrop, btv channel 6, byrne jones & torney, bcae student union, j. corbet, c. crook, john crump, barbara crump, r. de fegely, dick de fegely, doyle cinque & co, m. dunn, p. hall, b hassett, paul hemming, r. hoo, david larmouche, p. kierce, j. maone, g. mangan, mccain foods, r. mitchel, e. phiilops, colin prowse, shirley prowse, j. rose, j. silkirk, selkirk bricks, john sharpham, frank sheehan, j. strickland, st patrick's college, r wilkie, john williams, voi williams -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of MInes Certificate Book, 1911-1912, 1911-1912
A Certificate stubb book, the stub recording when a Ballarat School of MInes certificate was collected, and the right hand section signed by the person who picked it up. g.o. ramsay, assaying, mining engineering, reginald a. roberts, virgil tucker, thomas sim, fitter and machinist, john worthington, ernest h. fraser, metallurgy, george w. cornell, thomas r. williams, mt morgan, jubilee hill, e. morshead, engineering drawing, norman buley, p.e. marmion, loyal h. finch, engineering draughtsman, elsie lewis, dressmaking, dresscutting, harold h. bieske, chemistry, mineralogy, leslie james middleton, f.v. retallack, a.g. campbell, mining engineering, leslie j. coulter, w. baragwanth, geology, w. moon, w.j. sayer, john f. foster, j.h. thomas, algebra, geometry, electrical technology, francis c. hall, chemistry, dynamics and heat, applied mechanics, vincent m. booth, turning and fitting, fitting and turning, steam and gas engines, h.i.w. dixon, colin c. corrie, f.v. retallack, r.a.j. roberts, v.e. mellington, j. sides, trigonometry, h.j. whittingham, w.h hull, milton williamson, a.c. stanger-leathes, w.j. mckenzie, e.s. anderson, richard g. walker, h.g. cornell, r.h. achison, s.h. mayo, allan o'meara, r.m. serjeant (jnr), j.h. thomas, l.h. finch, leslie j. middleton, virgil tucker, h.e. hawkesworth, r. ingram moore, reginald e. callister, rudolph bieske, j.f. roy, william geldard, w. richardson, l. trahar, albert j, robin, tongala, mine surveying, land surveying, john l. sampson, edgar c. hurdsfield, george e. stephenson, sherbourne hal. sheppard, oliver w. williams, e. mowbray boyer, first aid to the injured, lilliam nankervis, alan j. perry, albert e. coates, r. hamlyn, r. ironbridge, s.e. ellsworth, j.m. matthews, ross ironbridge, sarag e. ellsworth, frncis r. mcgregor, f.g. middleton, dora furness, v. matthews, george farmer, d. owen, ethel m. woolcock, r.j. walker, port pirrir, n. buley, electricity and magnetism, l.s. anderson, aubret simmons, william f. williamson, robert n. allan, jack blackie, nelson h. ferguson, ronald ferguson, w. mckenzie, david w. bonar, harry j. myles, charters towers, howard hall, r.a. roberts, william baragwanath, guy o. ramsay, harold bieske, leslie coulter, john foster, francis hall, vincent booth, colin corrie, milton wiliamson, albert coates, francis r. mcgregor, ethel woolcock, aubrey simmons, ronald j. ferguson -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Shield, Bevan A John Shield
This is the second Bevan John Shield The Touchstone December 1939 p. 9: House rivalry was greatly stimulated on Sports' Day by the gift of the Bevan John Shield. The Shield is made of rosewood with silver plates attached, on which is to be inscribed the name of the Winning House. Also each year an enamel band the colour of the victorious house is to be placed around the silver plate. We are grateful to MrJohn for his generous and much appreciated gift. Old Collegian and parent of old collegians Morgan B John (BC 1923) was President and Council Member 53yrs of SMB Ballarat, Foundation President & Council member 1975-88 BCAE (Univ of Ballarat). The son of M W B John Pleasant St, twin brother of James, brother of William, David & Ian, Parent of Beverly, Gwynion, Marg & Catherine(Kate). Hardwood shield with ornate silver scroll and shield title plates and 30 winner plaques 1951 - 1997 (some winner plaques have more than one year). Engraved on scroll: BEVAN A JOHN SHIELD Engraved on title plaque: CLARENDON / PRESBYTERIAN / LADIES COLLEGE / Inter-house / ATHLETICS Engraved on presentation plaque: Presented / 1951bevan-a-john, morgan-john, sports, inter-house-competitions -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Students and Australian Institute of Mining Engineers at the Central Mine, Broken Hill, 1906, 1906
Each year The Australian Insitutue of Mining Engineers held a meeting in an important mining district or township. In 1906, via the good offices of David Ham an invitation was extended to the Ballarat students to take part in a trip to Broken Hill, via Wallaroo and Moonta, and Port Pirie. They left the Ballarat station on Saturday May 19, 1906 aboard the Adelaide Express. The Ballarat party consisted of David Ham (Ballarat School of Mines Council Member); staff members Frederick J. Martell, A.D. Gilchrist, John Sutherland, A.E.C. Kerr, A. Garard and E.J. McConnon. The attending students were W.P. Avery, M. Boyer, M.H. Bade, E. Booth, E. Crossly, A. Cooper, G.H. Davenport, W.E. Figgis, R. Galloway, C. Hesselmann, H. Hawkesworth, M. McCallum, H.F. Owen, W. Pearce, W. Sayer, J. Sutherand, Arthur E. Tandy and H.C. Valentine. Students were also present from the Working Men's College (later RMIT), Bairnsdale School of Mines, Melbourne University and the Bendigo School of Mines. Members of Australian Institute of Mining Engineers and students from the Ballarat School of Mines at the Central Mine, Broken Hill. It is assumed the Ballarat School of Mines students are in the boater hats with the striped hat braid. ballarat school of mines, australian institute of mining engineers, central mine, broken hill, broken hill, visits, excursions, david ham, frederick j. martell, a.d. gilchrist, john sutherland, a.e.c. kerr, a. garard, e.j. mcconnon, w.p. avery, m. boyer, m.h. bade, e. booth, e. crossly, a. cooper, g.h. davenport, w.e. figgis, r. galloway, c. hesselmann, h. hawkesworth, m. mccallum, h.f. owen, w. pearce, w. sayer, j. sutherand, arthur e. tandy, h.c. valentine. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Education Department Certificates 1908 - 1922
School of Mines Ballarat was a predecessor of Federation UniversityBlack cloth covered book with handwritten pages and loose foolscap pages at the front and sticer on front cover with CERTIFICATES written on department, school of mines ballarat, leslie bennett, eulali perry, hector osborne, doris mcdougall, mary mullins, john mclean, mary morrish, francis kelly, robert gullan, henry bull, clara clegg, john david, albert ferguson, ina westcott, vera walker, agnes walker, eileen tremain, florence smith, lizzie pier, annie reynolds, charles peverill, william pearson, doris patterson, rebecca mcphan, constance mchenry, jean mcgregor, florence mingst, gwen mann, roz kelly, edward jones, freddi jacobi, percy baker, doris carter, stephen chambers, ruth catt, arthur dousey, d'arcy, bessie doncaster, alan eggleston, lena featherstone, clarice fisher, sylvia williams, james walker, annie treloar, shearer, cora sandberg, elsie pearce, jan mcgregor, cyril mcgibbon, margaret moore, thomas kierce, william james, alice horan, lucy hamilton, beatrice blake, catherine bowers, mona callow, lillian cameron, joyce dopel, iva denovan, william thompson, irene hewitt, catheriine kardens, beatrice stuart, hugh ross, mavis regelhuth, isabelle bell, melba perriman, vera muny, alan bernaldo, kathleen conway, dorothy darling, walter dunston, mary dwyer, agnes fraser, enid gates, maude williams, violet wheeler, jean tunbridge, maud auberry, john b. allen, rose c. andrews, willie banagwanath, john n. bennett, alfred bayley, geo h. blake, ida bolte, allison brown, eva brown, harold r. brown, henry f. bull, arthur burge, olive cotton, gertrude f coxon, alice culph, curtain, r.l. cutter, florence davis, w.m davies, helen dempster, ed dopel, l.c.m. dovey, ernest duncan, hugh elliott, nelson h. ferguson, mary featherstone, amelia field, david cochrane, phyllis polson, frederick proctor, geoff richards, bessie robertson, catherine ronald, cora saudberg, mary sheppard, scott smith, leonard steele, j.b. suttcliffe, nellie thornhill, vernon fisher, gordon fletcher, elsie ford, constance furness, grace m. geddes, ada giacometti, mary gleeson, v. hall, harold herm, dorothy hambley, clemence hill, evelyn hodgson, annie holmes, glynis humphreys, augus henderson, joseph james, queenie johnson, harold jolly, francis n. king, william knott, mary kinnear, adelaide leash, doris lonie, a lilbourne, f.j. llewellyn, herb malui, muriel mathew, nellie moloney, mabel morris, ernest morshead, w.k. moss, winifred moyley, eileen mcinerney, jack mclean, chas mcnamara, maryanne medwell, alice osbourne, elsie pitts, percy trompf, basil tunbridge, david walker, ruby walton, annie whitla, kenneth whittle, walter wilberforce, alb e williams, masie wise, amy wolff, olive wunhym, beryl atkins, hector ashby, geo banagwanath, g.n.j. barker, marion r. bailey, kathleen bowe, lelia brough, cecil campbell, basil craddock, ida chapman, iris campbell, una campbell, eileen cleary, reg m.l. cuttter, lyle eves, violet elston, eric embling, violet evans, f.l. ellsworth, vera fisher, una fowles, colin graham, victor greenhalgh, clarence grose, dororthy hall, margaret hannaby, leslie henderson, harold herbert, effie holmes, herbert hopkins -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Cyclopedia of Victoria: Ballarat , 1904, 1904
Digital images of the Ballarat section of the Cyclopedia of Victoria, 1904cyclopedia of victoria, ballarat, ballarat benevolent asylum, john adam, gold discovery, lake wendouree, boat house, sailing, eureka stockade, ballarat botanical gardens, statuary, statues, ballarat school of mines, ballarat town hall, sturt street, shoppee square ballarat, ballarat mecahanics' institute, ballarat hospital, henry cuthbert, charles collett shoppee, john murray, richard greenwood middleton, john m. kline, john ritchie, thomas stoddart, william little, john robson, hugh v. mckay, h.v. mckay, n. clark, a. h. powell, r.j. powell, edward shaw, charles j. reid, frederick g. haymes, james thomas mitchell, robert scott, frane longden, robert d. pinnock, thomas a. wilson, sydney b. fisher, david bartholomew, t.r. treloar, s-ray, w. cornell, alexander greenfield, andrew callow, victorian mounted rifles, s.g. valentine, andrew scott, thomas robertson, john gordon robertspm, w.t. rowe, thomas a. oddie, william morris, jospeh walshe, william acheson, joseph dill, william mason, llanberis no 1, anthony jenkin, james carey, wlliam emery, percy kent, henry bath, j. rowe, john couttie, william sansom, francis coote, john mckenna, robert ditchburn, thomas mitchell, john daniel, george williams, william treloar, r.b. squire, jonah ward, robert smyth, william bell, thomas couper, w. joseph, william wallace, benjamin dowling, robert crawford, alexander aikens, c. dennison, w.f. coltman, federal timber yard, george hotel, williaim dones, j. dreaden, richard's and co, j.a. gear, r.w. fleming, l.e. cutter, l.s. cutter, a.e. cutter, c.f. cutter, george anderson, w.e. longhurst, christopher howlett, david mcgrath, james wishart, f.g. reeve, eureka iron works, j.e. cowley, albert foundry, john robert harrison, j.b. cameron, p.b. sutherland, george richards, ballarat brass foundry, m.b. john, morgan john, m.w.b. john, james smith, w.p. davies, j.t. vercoe, james kelly, williaim osbourne, alexander mcdonald, alexander e. mcdonald, henry john symons, bridge street flood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Various Committee minute book, Ballarat School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat, Ballarat School of Mines Equipment committee, Student loan fund committee, Legislation/constitution committee and appeal committee minutes, 13/03/2021
School of Mines is a predecessor of Federation UniversityThese minute books record the meetings of several different committees, including Equipment committee, student loan fund committee, legislation and constitution committee and appeal committee, of School of Mines in the 1970's and give us an understanding of the operations of the School of Mines in that era and of the people involved with the institution at that time. It shows projects that were being undertaken at the institution at the time and gives us an historical perspective on project costs and the type of work being done.Large red book with gold lettering on the front and hand writing on the spine in black marker.Sticker on front cover listing committees and writing on the spine.ballarat school of mines, appeal committee, equipment committee, legislation and constitution committee, student loan fund committee, w.j.c north, e.j tippett, w.j. anderson, a.e stohr, m.b john, k.h price, j.j smail, l.c yandell, h. patterson, g.k sutton, william d jenkins, maxwell lazarus, neil. a matthews, anthony m. smith, peter. j smith, neil. a pinniger, peter. j white, christopher. f bones, dannt livitsanos, ronald f. mason, david. j douglas, philip. a findlay, kevin. j mcilvena, bruce. e greening, j.a sharrock -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Associates Board 1951-1957, c1984
In the early 1880s the Ballarat School of Mines Council introduced a three year course of training under the professors to qualify students in the following professions: 1. Mining Engineering 2. Metallurgy 3. Geology 4. Electricity [45] Each of these courses had an additional, but optional, fourth year of study. The prescribed subjects of study for an Associateship was set out in the Calendar of the Ballarat School of Mines in each year. Any student who passed the prescribed examinations in any of the above courses was issued with a Certificate of Competency, and conferred with the distinction of Associate. By the 1890s the professorial staff had drawn up a curriculum leading to an Associateship of the Ballarat School of Mines. The first two years work was to be common to all courses, but in the third and subsequent years the student wold be devoted to a specialised branch of study. The Associateship was to be conferred in one of another of the following Courses: Agriculture, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, [Geology], Metallurgy and Mining Engineering. All were three year courses except for Agriculture which was two years. Each course was conducted in accordance with a prescribed curriculum and syllabus. During the 1910s there was an expectation that candidates for the Associate course should have attained the age of sixteen, and have received preparatory training equivalent to University Matriculation at least in the subjects of Elementary Mathematics, English Grammar and Composition, or have passed through Junior Technical School. In 1960 an new procedure for admission to graduate status as Associates was introduced to the Ballarat School of Mines where Associateship would be conferred at a public ceremony. After 01 July 1976 graduates of Ballarat College of Advanced Education and Ballarat College of Advanced Education were admitted in major studies relating to mining for Australian accreditation and overseas purposes. Ballarat School of Mines Associates could ascribe ASMB after their name.Black and white photograph of Associatedsof the Ballarat School of Mines from 1951-1957.Associates of the Ballarat School of Mines :Lists names 1989-1964ballarat school of mines, smb campus, electrical engineering 1958, brian w. schreenan civil engineering 1958, clifford j. restarick metallurgy 1958, john t h. clelland metallurgy 1958, donald c. stevens mining engineering 1958, john g. wolfe civil engineering 1959, james e. mcneil electrical engineering 1959, patrick h. nally civil engineering 1959, graham j. willey metallurgy 1959, stanley p. kisler civil engineering 1959, donald j. overall electrical engineering 1959, brian j. mclennan civil engineering 1959, philip j. davis art 1959, bruce v. mcdougall mining engineering 1959, lancelot j. matthews mechanical engineering 1959, alan w. wilson mechanical engineering 1959, alan w. wilson electrical engineering 1959, george a r. lewis art 1959, noel e. meagher electrical engineering 1960, john l. collier mining engineering 1960, john l. collier civil engineering 1960, frank andrewartha mechanical engineering 1960, norman leckie art 1960, lansell j. groat civil engineering 1960, boon thiam lu mining engineering 1960, oswyn n. hails civil engineering 1960, john a. watts applied chemistry 1960, thomas b. gallagher civil engineering 1960, brian a. bellingham civil engineering 1961, alan c leviston applied chemistry 1961, walter j wynd civil engineering 1961, francis d benjamin civil engineering 1961, leonard e fox mechanical engineering 1961, yan kai chung applied chemistry 1961, george d mcgrath mechanical engineering 1961, john r sawyer mechanical engineering 1961, ronald horgan applied chemistry 1961, douglas j vendy civil engineering 1961, john a barnes electrical engineering 1961, brian w smith metallurgy 1961, william r carlyon metallurgy 1961, chris p livitsanos metallurgy 1961, lawrence g trevan civil engineering 1961, richard g dunlop mechanical engineering 1961, ronald m ingleton mechanical engineering 1961, peter m robinson mechanical engineering 1961, david j jelbart mechanical engineering 1961, john g hollway mechanical engineering 1961, george m hetherington civil engineering 1961, david w brown mechanical engineering 1961, john r gowan civil engineering 1961, geoffrey a christian civil engineering 1961, arthur c burrow mechanical engineering 1961, john n mcarthur applied chemistry 1961, graeme r bromley mechanical engineering 1961, william davison civil engineering 1961, ben a johnson electrical engineering 1961, ben a johnson civil engineering 1961, allan j tinney civil engineering 1961, thomas h j coad applied chemistry 1961, brian h duthie civil engineering 1961, basil c bautovich mechanical engineering 1961, reece pullen electrical engineering 1961, john d carmichael electrical engineering 1961, william j spencer civil engineering 1961, neil a brogden civil engineering 1961, michael villani civil engineering 1961, ralph j hepburn mechanical engineering 1961, peter w linaker mechanical engineering 1961, peter j matthews mechanical engineering 1961, edgar mca bartrop mining engineering 1961, donald j stewart, brian schreenan -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Tulloch & King, Printers, Ballarat School of Mines Examination Results 1902-1917, 1917
Examination results for a range of subjectsBrown quarter leather bound book with examinations results for students of the Ballarat School of Mines. non-fictionExamination results for a range of subjectsballarat school of mines, examination, alumni, j.b. robinson, practical chemistry, land surveying, assaying, mineralogy, metallurgy, geology, mining geology, building contruction, engineering, geometry, botany, mining, mechanics applied to mining, petrology, sound and light, steam and gas engines, engineering drawing, maxwell gaunt, a.s. ritchie, john adam, george hepburn, george cornell, godfrey hary, valentine anderson, john sutherland, william h. callister, lionel lambert, john currie, ferdnand g. krause, thomas lakeland, william troon, charles lund, richard cowles, glyndwr evans, norman buley, wilfred avery, norman lagerche, frederick l. treloar, arthur tandy, reginald callister, henry kofoed, david bonar, herbert j. semmens, a.d.r. galloway, william e. figgis, emma wardle, photography, leslie blick, leslie coulter, ernest heighway, henty whittingham, charles vale, james brokenshire, eric bieske, william baragwanath, harold cornell, j. raymond blight, george kidd, joseph mcgoldrick, samuel j. tongway, thomas k. sim, hevill tinworth, israel flegeltaub, oliver jaegar, charles flude, william burbridge, hubrt murphy, samuel mayo, ellen b. morris, elsie m. naples, jean rankin, hilda wardle, ernest morshead, arthur lilburne, herbert malin, robert serjeant, mollie o'dowd, robert w. allan, albert w. steane, leslie de j. grut, norman tinworth, robert m. serjeant jnr, vincent giuliano, william coates, allan bernaldo, loyal finch, john dulfer, william carroll, noel brelaz, guido brelaz, kathleen fisher -
Federation University Historical Collection
Accessory, Ballarat Mathematical Association, 1967-1972, 1967-1972
The inaugural meeting of the Ballarat Mathematical Association was held at St Patrick's College on 12 July 1967, in the presence of visitors Solway Love and the Australian Broadcasting Commission. The Ballarat organisation was a newly formed branch of the Mathematical Association of Victoria. The first committee of the Ballarat Branch were Miss I.H. Moore, (President) D. Scoltock (secretary), Brother Stanley, J.W. Netherway, D. Bremner, Sister Agnes (St Martin's in the Pines), Miss I. Tabaco (Ballarat High School) and Mother Michelle. The second meeting was held on 03 September 1967 and included a talk by Clive Keating, Inspector of Schools and President of the Mathematical Association of Victoria. The next guest speaker was Mr McLaren who spoke on Patterns in Mathematics forms I to IV.A harcovered ledger with leather spine containing minutes of the Ballarat Mathematical Association. Many of the attendees were nuns and brothers. The first meeting includes notes on a talk by I.H. Moore on The Language of New Mathematics. ballarat mathematical association, mathematical association of victoria, i.h. moore, new mathematics, j.j. netherway, d. scoltock, . scoltock, d. juniper, d. van leeuwen, c.m. flynn, m. hatfield, d. bremner, g.w. kershaw, clive keating, a.j.m. arnts, j. bold, d. rodger, r. wilson, d. yee, f.j.d. syer, m.s.i. dunwoodie, j. greening, rodney martin, don bremner, m.h. thomas, terry speed, david scoltock, alan ballard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Apprenticeship Commission of Victoria Enrolment Forms, 1969
Blue enrolment formstrades, fitting and turning, carpentry, machining, albert l. ferrara, m.b john & hattersley ltd, bruce m. schulz, colin h jennings, victorian railways department, richard j. stewart, villiers australia pty ltd, jeffrey h. jenkins, humes limited, hans gram, concrete industries (monier) ltd, terence w. glazner, john w. berriman, ian g. butson, christopher brand, norman l. plover, burton & co pty ltd, eddo dellore, barry e. harrison, john g. flynn, firth & cleveland pty ltd, geoffrey p. gladman, james d. hutchins, burridges agricultural development pty ltd, devan w mcphan, john l. dolan, t.j. coutts pty ltd, philip j. ritchie, david j. douglas, colin a. hill, john bennett, lindsay i litchfield, collin w ludbrook, rodney j page, alexander f r lloyd, vashti a f lloyd, robert l. rowe, james h. jolly & patricia m jolly, jacobus t weyers, g. irish and sons pty ltd, peter j. slater, louis o deutscher, edward h. fairhall, geoffrey r. pfeiffer, gary j. lorensene, gregory r tingate, ronaldson bros & tippett pty ltd., peter c. isaac, chris p. molenkamp, john l. mcniece, russell g harbour, barry r. ward, michael i. kennedy -
Bendigo Military Museum
Currency - CURRENCY JAPANESE, C.1941 - 45
Souvenired by Keith David Livingston VX136969 2nd AIF. Refer Cat No 1911P for his service history.Japanese Invasion Money Qty six notes: - "THE JAPANESE GOVERNMENT" .1) 10 dollars - green ink - letters "MN" stamped on front (No country mentioned) .2) 50 cents - brown ink - letters "MP" stamped on front (No country mentioned) .3) 5 dollars - yellow purple ink - letters "MK" stamped on front (No country mentioned) .4) 1 dollar - pink & blue ink - letters "MD" stamped on front (No country mentioned) .5) 10 cents - green ink - letters "M" over "AJ" stamped on front (No country mentioned) .6). 5 cents - brown ink - letters "ML" stamped on front (No country mentioned) currency, japanese invasion, occupation -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Dianne Campbell, Ballarat Lawyers 1853-1895 Research Folders, c2000-2021
Folders of research notes on Ballarat Lawyers, including newspaper clippings, website information, etc. .1) Ballarat Lawyers - A (Australian Law Firm histories, Jamaican in Australia, History of the Court System, University of Melbourne Law Students c1870s, Melanie Senior, Cinque Oakley Senior Lawyers, 19th Century Castlemaine Police Courts, New Victorian County Court, Scots and the Law in Scotland, Solicitor online encyclopedia, Alfred Akehurst, Artur Akehurst, J.T. Ansdell, Butler Cole Aspinall, Alfred James Bailey, Henry Stephen Bailey, Matthew Baird, Hugh Sutherland Barrett, William Field Barrett, Redmond Barry, George Elliott Barton, George Frederick Bartrop, John Bell, Thomas Bellas, George Booker) .2) Ballarat Lawyers B (Hugh Sunderland Barrett, Peter Beckford, William Beckford, John T.F. Bowker, William Box, George Boyd, William Boykett, B. Browne, Richard Archer Burton, Alfred Butler) .3) Ballarat Lawyers C-E (Thomas B.S. Carwithen, J.B. Cathcart, John Alfred Chalk, David Clarke, John Collins, Matthew Combe, Thomas Spemcer Cope, Richard. Crouch, Charles Curwan-Walker, Frank H. Cole, John Rowland Davies, Charles J. Dawson, Christopher John Dease, J.E. Dixon, Robert Willian Dobson, Roy Dobson, Edward Doward, Charles R. Doward, Edgar R. Doward,) .4) Ballarat Lawyers F-G (Charles B. Finlayson, Peter T. Finn, John Findlay, John Fitzgerald, John Olsen Foss, Alexander Fraser, J.A. Doane, Andrew Garran, George Garrard, David Gaunson, William Gaunt, MAry Gaunt, F.T. Gell) .5) Ballarat Lawyers H-J: (Frederick Ham, Jeremy Harper, John H. Harris, solicitors, Amelia Harris, J. Henry Harris, Peter Blake, Henry Plomer, Arthur Plomer, Ballarat Chamber of Commerce, Freemasons, White Flat Drainage and Mining Company, Henry R. Nicholls, Francis Ham, Richard T. Harvey, Edward Heady, Peter Heinz, T.t. Hollway. Thomas tuke hollway, William Higgins, James V.M. Hitchins, frederick Hitchins, James Hitchins, Edward Hockley, Robert W. Holmes, Catherine Kain, JOhn Ireland, Richard D. Ireland, Peter Jacobs) .6) T.C. Williams, John Kidahl, Arthur W. King, Pendrell family, M.A. Lazarus, Edward Lewis, W.H. McCormick, Soho Foundry, Henry S, Ochiltree, James V. McCormick, McDonnell, Townsend MacDermott, Morgan McDOnnell, Percy McDonnell, Cyprian McDonnell, John McFarland, Samuel W, McGowan, Bill McGregor, David Madden, Charles Holthouse, J. Madden, Samuel Mann, Samuel F. Mann, Tobias Furneaux, Samuel Mann, Agar Wynne, thomas Mann, Henry MacDermott, Archibald Midnie, Arthur Nevett, Arthur H. Nevett, Alfred Mitchell, William Mitchell, H.W. Morrow, William Mitchell, Norman P. Must, George F. Oakley.) .7) Ballarat Lawyer Q-R (Henry S. Ochiltree, W.B. Ochiltree, Edward G. Ochiltree, J.J.P. O'Dee, Bernard O'Dowd, John Ogier, Cornish Lawyers in Central Victoria Q-R, John Bateman Paynter, J.B. Pearson, Mondle Emmanuel Phillips, Robert King Piers, Robert King Piers, Pinkerton, Frank Pinkerton, Martha Pinkerton, Charles Purcell, R.H. Ramsay, Henry Randall, James Randall, Thomas Randall, John Warrington Rogers, John M. S. Rodd, George Rutler) .8) Lawyers in Central Victoria S-W (Charles Salter, H. Holmes, George Staveley, Charles Salter, George T. Boyd, Edward Sandford, Henry G. Shaw, Thomas W. Snape, Thomas S. Standish, Charles Snape, Frederick C. Standish, Edith Snape, James Snape, Thomas Snape, Philip Snape, George Staveley, John G. Stoker, William Stone, Henry Sturt, Matthew W. Taylor, Bread and Cheese Club, R.D. Thompson, Roger D. Thompson, R.H. Ramsay, R.G. Turner, F.H. Tuthill, W.M.K. Vale, William Vale, May Vale, William L. Vardy, Gordon Vardy, William S. Vardy, Charles Von Ende) .9) Lawyers in Central Victoria W-Z (Henry Walker, Andrew Wallace, John Wellesley, Brereton Watson, C.G.M. Watson, James Watson, George Armytage, Thomas Watson, Patricius Welsh, John Westmore, Theodore Whipham, Arthur Whipham, Thomas H. Whipham, Frances Whipham, Thomas Bellas, James L. Willoughby, John Noble Williams, James Wisewould, Horace Wright, H.M. Wright, William Wright, Henry J. Wrixon, Agar Wynne, Samuel Young) . ballarat lawyers, ballarat, dianne campbell goldfields lawyers collection -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Ballarat School of Mines Rough Correspondence, 1916-1917, 1916-17
The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870, and is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A bundle of rough correspondence from the Ballarat School of Mines. Includes Ballarat School of Mines Letterhead, a list of Trade Students, their address and the fees they paid; Special Grant for Photography Equipment; Building valuations; Annual Staff Social, Ballarat School of Mines Technical School Annual Report, Quarterly Attendance Return, Medical Certificate ballarat school of mines, 45th a.a.m.c., 49th a.a.m.c., camp, f.c. buchanan, e.l. fidge, r.c. valentine, r.c. smith, j.m. turnbull, w.l. carroll, e.w. simmering, f.m. wesley, k. whittle, allan bernaldo, j.b. sutcliffe, e.n.t. henry, f.t. jellett, a.p. doran, e. somerville, t.h. robinson, ballarat school of mines evening trade time table, victorian education department receipt, letterhead, charles graham, h.s. hall, gauge tower, trade fees., trades, f.r. eva, m.a. fiscalini, v. giuliano, walter baxter, humffray, james walker, clemence hill, mcpherson's pty ltd, robinson, telephone account, charles e. bright, plumbing, g.r. king, a.e. anderson, buildings, n.r. worrell, h.v. duncan, ballarat junior technical school, a.w. steane, philately, stamp duty, bhp, broken hill, excursion, broken hill south mining co, g. fenner, wallaroo, moonta, daniel walker, t.h. shattock, j.m. sutherland, myra bolte, nellie grigg, j.a. greenshields, dora gooch, myra howe, mavis mcgrath, charles mcnamara, kath reidy, percy albert trompf, percy trompf, h.g. wakeling, rene hardess, quarterly returns, accounting, sands and mcdougall, travel lists, w. coltman, gladys kitchen, h. beanland, eva betteridge, victor greenhalgh, staff salary, goliath and hercules, cuming smith and co, australian engineering school, e.j. powell, e.w. hurfield, e.j. mcconnon, hilda wardle, dorothy hambly, assay report, north woah hawp, supplementary examinations, hugh m. rowlands, frank b. maxwell, richard buchanan, walter j. ewart, r.f. finnis, f.g. davis, w.g. walker, charles schroeder, k. bailey fisher, robert hutchinson, w. o'halloran, s.j. chambers, a. westcott, m.f. larking, k. jebb, john dulfer, daniel liddy, louis vernon, pharmacy board victoria, scholarships, david cochrane, howard bennett, herbert werner frederick de nully, thomas robinson, john sutcliffe, thomas carmichael, bessie beatrice robertson -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Machine - Pulley Sheave, Circa 1886
The pulley sheave comes from the Falls of Halladale, a four-masted iron-hulled barque that was built in 1886 for the long-distance bulk carrier trade. The vessel was built for the Falls Line (Wright, Breakenridge & Co., Glasgow, Scotland) at the shipyard of Russell & Co., Greenock on the River Clyde, she was named after a waterfall on the Halladale River in the Caithness district of Scotland. The ship's design was advanced for her time, incorporating features that improved crew safety and efficiency such as elevated bridges to allow the crew to move between forward and aft in relative safety during heavy seas. The Falls of Halladale was the seventh vessel in a series of eight similar iron-hulled sailing ships, all built by Russell & Co and all named after waterfalls in Scotland. The Falls of Halladale was preceded by the Falls of Clyde (1878), the Falls of Bruar (1879), the Falls of Dee (1882), the Falls of Afton (1882), the Falls of Foyers (1883) and the Falls of Earn (1884). The Falls of Halladale was followed by a sister ship, the Falls of Garry (1886). The Falls of Clyde is afloat today and is a major attraction at the Hawaii Maritime Center in Honolulu. The Falls of Halladale is best known for her spectacular demise in a shipwreck near Peterborough, Victoria on the shipwreck coast of Victoria, Australia. On the night of 14 November 1908, she was sailed in dense fog directly onto the rocks due to a navigational error. The crew of 29 abandoned ship safely and all made it ashore by boat, leaving the ship foundering with her sails set. For weeks after the wreck, large crowds gathered to view the ship as she gradually broke up and then sank in the shallow water. Soon after the accident the ship's master, Capt. David Wood Thomson was brought before a Court of Marine Inquiry in Melbourne and found guilty of a gross act of misconduct, having carelessly navigated the ship, having neglected to take proper soundings, and having failed to place the ship on a port tack before it became too late to avoid the shipwreck. Capt. Thomson's punishment included a small fine and he had his Certificate of Competency as a Master suspended for six months. Today the Falls of Halladale is a popular destination for recreational divers. The wreck is easily accessible by scuba divers about 300 m offshore in 3 to 15 m of water. The hull lies on its collapsed starboard side. Some of the original cargo of 56,763 roof slates remains at the site of the wreck along with corroded masses of what used to be coils of barbed wire. Twenty-two thousand slates were salvaged in the 1980s and used to provide roofing at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool. An anchor that was recovered in 1974 is on display at the village. The pulley sheave is significant as a salvaged item from the Victorian heritage-listed Falls of Halladale wreck. As an artifact from the wrecked ship, it helps us to remember today the story of the wrecking and is an important reminder of a marine incident in Victoria's maritime history. Wooden Pulley Sheave from the vessel Falls of HalladaleNoneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, wooden pulley sheave, falls of halladale -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Reference Book, T E Cliffe Leslie (Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie), Land Systems and Industrial Economy, 1870
The inscription "David Evans, Timor St., June 1875" is assumed to be the previous owner, perhaps a donor to the Old Warrnambool Library. The book is part of Flagstaff Hill's Pattison Collection. The author, Thomas Edward Cliffe Leslie (1825 – 1882) was an Irish jurist and economist and was the Examiner in Political Economy in the University of London, and a Professor in Queens University in Ireland and Queen's College, Belfast. The book was published by Longmans Green and Co of London. The publisher firm, Longmans, Green & Co, was originally founded in 1724 in London by Thomas Longman under the name Longman. In August of that year, he bought the two shops and goods of William Taylor and set up his publishing house there at 39 Paternoster Row. The shops were called Black Swan and Ship, and it is said that the 'ship' sign was the inspiration for Longman's Logo. After many changes of name and management, the firm was incorporated in 1926 as Longmans, Green & Co. Pty Ltd. The firm was acquired by Pearson in 1968 and was known as Pearson Longman or Pearson PLC. The book is significant for its connection to the publisher Longmans, Green and Co., of London, a firm that has been established for over two centuries, renowned for publishing encyclopedias, dictionaries, books on English grammar, textbooks, poetry, reference books, novels, magazines and more. The book has additional importance for its connection to the Pattison Collection, which, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institutes’ Collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and its important role in people's intellectual, cultural and social development throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance.Land Systems and Industrial Economy of Ireland, England, and Continental Countries Author: T E Cliffe Leslie Publisher: Longmans Green and Co Date: 1870 Green cloth hardcover book with gold embossed text on the spine. Part of the Pattison Collection. Inscriptions on label, stickers and fly page. Inscription with name and date in pencilHandwritten in pencil on endpaper: "David Evans, Timor St., June 1875" Label typed "RH 940.28 LES" Sticker "Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library" Stamp "Withdrawn from circulation from Warrnambool Public Library." Handwritten on fly: "(crossed out) 191", "M" "201" "4)flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, great ocean road, shipwreck coast, pattison collection, ralph eric pattison, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, mechanics’ institute library, warrnambool library, free library, corangamite regional library service, longmans green and co. london, land systems and industrial econom, t e cliffe leslie, thomas edward cliffe leslie, 1870, edonomy, politics -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, BAUDIN, Nicolas, journal of Post Captain Nicolas Baudin, Commander-in-Chief of the Corvettes Geographe and Naturaliste, assigned by order of the government to a voyage of discovery; trans. Christine Cornell, foreword Jean-Paul Faivre, 1974
... Inscribed: M. Weidenhofer 1974. For David with best wishes...-island-and-the-bass-coast nicolas baudin Inscribed: M ...Inscribed: M. Weidenhofer 1974. For David with best wishes Maggie Reid (Weidenhofer).nicolas baudin