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Federation University Historical Collection
Equipment, Elwell-Powell, Elwell-Parker AC Generator
This AC generator operated for the State Electricity Commission in the Ballarat North Power Station prior to World War Two. James Oddie of Ballarat has an association with Thomas Parker of Elswell-Parker. In early 1887 Oddie arrived in England seeking information on electrical knowledge and its developments. At this time Henry Sutton was teaching Electricity and Magnetism at the Ballarat School of Mines. Oddie stayed in the United Kingdom for around three years and during that time became a close friend of Thomas Parker and his family. The two first met at the first official running of the Blackpool tram, and Oddie was invited to visit Parker at Wolverhampton. Over the years Thomas Parker kept newspaper cuttings (mainly Australian) relating to James Oddie and his work. The following article is a description of the Wolverhampton works by James Oddie, and was collected by Thomas Parker. After the dinner at Blackpool, Mr. Parker visited me, and cordially invited me to see his extensive works at Wolverhampton, an invitation I was not slow to avail myself of. This was the keynote of the best friendship I made in England. I went shortly afterwards and stayed several days, visiting the works daily, as Mr. Parker gave me the run of the whole works. There I ordered the installation of a 60 light dynamo, with a 28 cell storage battery and paraphernalia, now doing duty at the Observatory. I subsequently visited the works frequently, sometimes for a week at a time, and I regard it as the brightest spot in my English constellation. Mr. Parker started his works in 1880, with one man beside himself. He never had a single day’s instruction in electricity in his life; now he daily instructs between 300 and 400 employees, who worship him as a father. He is said to be now the most practical electrical engineer and mechanist in Europe. During one of my visits I took with me an artist, who is painting for me a portrait, 6 feet by 5 feet, of Mr. Parker, surrounded by dynamos, secondary batteries, measuring instruments etc. Electric tram cars are going to be a big thing in England. Parker’s Company Limited, is now, with three other companies, in the hands of the Electric Construction Company, with Mr. Parker as manager of the lot. The whole of the works will be taken to Wolverhampton. Before I left, a tender for £50,000 was accepted for the construction of new works.AC Generator painted read and black on a stand. This AC generator operated for the State Electricity Commission in the Ballarat North Power Station prior to World War Twogenerator, ac generator, elwell-parker ltd, state electricity commission, sec, ballarat north power station, james oddie, wolverhampton -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Leisure object - The Rose Stereograph Cards, Coronation of King George V, 1911
This collection of Stereograph card depicts scenes from the Coronation of King George V. Produced by 'The Rose Stereographs. George Rose was born in Clunes, Victoria in 1861 and later worked in his father’s boot-making business in Prahran while studying photography. In 1880 he founded the Rose Stereograph Company and became famous for producing stereographs, or stereoviews, which gave the illusion of being in 3D when seen through a hand-held viewer. Some of the pioneers of Moorabbin were staunch supporters of the Monarchy of England. This collection of cards was donated by one of the founding pioneer families.Stereograph cards - 25 cards produced by Rose Stereographs. - black and whiteDescription of each card written on bottomcoronation, king george v, england, monarchy, moorabbin, london, westminster abbey, trafalgar square, boy scouts, crystal palace, queen mary -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Documents relating to organizations (not Bendigo based): a. Flyer (bi fold) ''A Community Radio Station for Central Victoria?'' re obtaining an FM radio broadcasting licence- Central Victorian Community Broadcasting Association; b. paper presented at Bendigo seminar for ''Regionalism and the Arts'' 13/7/1985 by Ric McCracken, Footscray Community Arts Centre; c. 12 page booklet ''Info Pak - the Community Arts Paper'' published by the Footscray Community Arts Centre, 1978; d. 4 -paged Newsletter of the Victoria Welsh Male Voice Choir, issue 1, May2002 ''Tongues of Fire''; e. 8-paged booklet describing the Robert Blackwood Hall, Monash University, Clayton (pub. Ca. 1971?); f. 26- paged ''Work Guide - How to establish an Artist In Community project'' , published by the Community Arts Resource Centre, East Melbourne , 1989; g. info sheet on residential schools, Jan 1979 - ''Mime and Dance Education'', Dept of Continuing Education, University of New England; h. personal and artistic information re potter, Judy Lorraine , Wedderburn; i. Copied extracts from ''Australian Quilts - The People and Their Art'' descriptions of the work of nine quilters from The Quilters Guild, pub. By Simon Schuster (no date); j. letter from The Lieder Society of Victoria Inc to Arts Bendigo October 2001 re opportunities for concerts in area; k. information about various performances of the Australian Performing Group, APG, (Pram Factory) -no stated date -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Wooden box lid with metal clasp and clasp hole with brown leather 'hinge ' glued to top - / paper label glued on inside surface with shield of the Royal coat of arms of the United Kingdom words 'Duet Et Mon Droit' (The motto refers to the divine right of the Monarch to govern) the words Gold Scales and weights of all descriptions By R. Vandome Titford & Co 117 Leadenhall Street London Scale makers to Her Majesty Hon Boards of Customs & Inland Revenue her ? Hon East India Comp & The Bank of England Etc ? Table of Troy Weights ….THE STANDARD PRICE OF GOLD IS; £3.17.101/2d P.O.weighing, weights & measures -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Aulsebrook Collection: Consecration of the new church building of St. Clement's Huntly on Whitsunday, 10th June, 1973, 2pm by the RT. REV. R. E. Richards, M.A. ThD. The Bishop of Bendigo. -A4, green cover, typed, 8 pages -Detailed description of the consecration service, -2 pages on the history of the Church of England in Huntly -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Advertiser cutting. 1938 marriage photo and description of Mr & Mrs J H Thomas wedding at St Paul's Church of England Bendigo. Both from Sebastian district. Probably friends of Ennis family as the above was included with their collection.genealogy, family, ennis -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
50th Anniversary souvenir pamphlets of First England-Australia flight, 1919. A. Folded pamphlet issued by The Australian Post Office to commemorate the first flight to Australia by Ross and Keith Smith. Includes a brief description of the flight and 6 photos; b. small B&W Greetings card showing illustration of the Vickers-Vimy aircraft used.person, individual, basil watson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, North Virginia Gold Mining Co NL. a/ John Shaw Ltd, Wire Rope Manufacturers, Sheffield England. Certificate that 2 lengths of 2-1/2 cir. 6/7 construction Best Black Plough Steel Wire Rope, Quality, Acid Material. 100/110 ton each 1250 feet long supplied. Breaking strain of not less then 24.8 actual tons. Stamped: For Hardware of Australia Propriety Limited. Signed: ?? (attached by pin to b) b/ Hardware Co. Of Australia, Iron & Steel Merchants, South Melbourne. Descriptions per (a) 109.7.3 Signed: Hunt. Dated 15/11/1939. c/ Test Certificate For Wire Ropes Issued to J R Reid & Sons. Rope dispatched per S.S.''Mildura'' to Melbourne on 3.12.1946.Tested in the presence of A Boots, Abbott Supply Coy. Pty. Ltd. For the Australian Wire Rope Works Pty Ltd. Signed: J Humphy. Dated: 6/12/1946. Includes picture.organization, business, gold mine, mccoll rankin & stanistreet, north virginia gold mining co nl. a/ john shaw ltd, wire rope manufacturers, sheffield england 6/7 construction best black plough steel wire rope quality acid material 100/110 ton each 1250 feet long supplied reid & son -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Various draft articles for RHSV (Bendigo) Newsletter Feb 1972. 1 Big Hill Tunnel: description of memories by Lydia Chancellor of outings to area (Picnic Day); 2. Article by A W (Lew) Llewellyn re (fist fighting) Champions of England in 1700s and 1800s (incl details of ‘‘Thompson (w.) Bendigo'' - source ''Fistiana, pub. 1857); 3. ''Phenomenal Hail Storm'' by Edith Checcucci(?) description of hail-storm of March 27th, 1914 - hail 18'' thick in Hargreaves Street - describes damage from personal recollection as a child and Annals of Bendigo from March 1914; 4. Note from Neil Murray, President entitled ''Vale - Albert Richardson; obituary and condolences to family; 5. article by ''Jock'' re Chinese Masonic Hall, Bridge Street, and the future of this building describing the nature of the building, uses, owners/occupiers; 6. Handwritten original of #5 - named author; J O'C Hattam (''Jock'')document, newspaper, bendigo advertiser -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (item) - Bryan Ridgeway Collection See Description for list of items
St Kilda Historical Society
Booklet - Diary, Price, F G, War Diary F. G. Price, 1916-1919
A detailed account of Pte Price's experience of WWI from his embarkation to his return. Sections include: Description of Journey (Arrival at Albany WA; From Albany to Cape Town; Cape Town to Vincent, Verde Island; The Village Blacksmith; Four Days Holiday in London; Back at Camp; Second Visit to London); Review by King George; Zeppelin Air Raids; Embarking for France; The Idea of a Raid; St Omer; Battle of Messines; Bombardment Prior to Advance on Messines; A Visit to France by King George & Prince of Wales; Five Days March from Senlicques; First Battle of Ypres; Preparation for Second Battle of Ypres; 14 Days Leave from France to England; 14 Days Sick Leave62 pages, typewritten, on white paper with a brown paper cover. Bound along one side by 3 brass metal fasteners.non-fictionA detailed account of Pte Price's experience of WWI from his embarkation to his return. Sections include: Description of Journey (Arrival at Albany WA; From Albany to Cape Town; Cape Town to Vincent, Verde Island; The Village Blacksmith; Four Days Holiday in London; Back at Camp; Second Visit to London); Review by King George; Zeppelin Air Raids; Embarking for France; The Idea of a Raid; St Omer; Battle of Messines; Bombardment Prior to Advance on Messines; A Visit to France by King George & Prince of Wales; Five Days March from Senlicques; First Battle of Ypres; Preparation for Second Battle of Ypres; 14 Days Leave from France to England; 14 Days Sick Leavewwi, world war i, f g price -
Puffing Billy Railway
3 NAL (Teepookana), 1st. class saloon car, 1901–1902
3 NAL - Teepookana - (Mt. Lyell) O 3; 3 NBL - 1st. class saloon car (20) NAL FIRST-CLASS SALOON CAR. Four saloon end-platform cars originally built during 1901–1902 by the Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd. for the 3'6" gauge Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania and classed O. Converted for use as second-class cars on the 2'6" gauge Puffing Billy Railway during 1965–1966, these cars were reclassified NBL and numbered 1–4. The L recognises their Mt. Lyell origin, No. 1 was kept for use as the Railway's VIP car and was reconditioned to a higher standard. No. 2 was similarly upgraded in 1985 for use on special occasions. In 1989 No. 3 was similarly reconditioned with No. 4 receiving similar treatment in 1995. These cars were re-classified NAL in recognition of their new first-class nature. The Mt Lyell Railway was closed in 1963 and subsequently dismantled, but fortunately several of the locomotives and carriages passed into preservation. Purchased by Puffing Billy Preservation Society from the Mount Lyell Mining & Railway Company in the 1960s, it was converted to 2' 6" gauge. It has since given many years of service on the Puffing Billy Railway. TASMANIAN CARRIAGES & GUARDS VANS No. Builder Type Year built Ex. Location Note NAL 1 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Mt Lyell NAL 2 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Rinadeena NAL 3 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Teepookana NAL 4 Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co Saloon 1901 Mt Lyell Railway Named Dubbil Barril Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co The Lancaster Company was formed in 1863 and owned extensive works on the outskirts of Lancaster where it produced railway rolling stock of all descriptions, tram cars, wheels and axles, etc and had a reputation for work of a very high-class character. In 1902 Metropolitan Amalgamated Railway Carriage and Wagon Co was registered on 18 April and incorporated as a limited company to amalgamate 6 companies including Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Co These works were closed in 1908 when the business was transferred to Ashbury 1st Saloon Carriage Owner Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Queenstown, TAS Builder Lancaster Railway Carriage and Wagon Company Ltd, England Build date 1901 - 1902 Car length 31 ft 4 in (9.55 m) Car weight 11 t (11.18 ton) Gauge Original Narrow: 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in) Rebuilt Narrow: 762 mm (2 ft 6 in) Configuration Bogie Capacity 1 -3: 20 Passengers 4: 28 Passengers Number in class 4 Numbers Mt. Lyell: O 2 - O 3, O 5, O 6 Puffing Billy: NBL 1 - NBL 4, NAL 1 - NAL 4, Mt. Lyell, Teepookana, Rinadeena, Dubbil Barril First run 1901 No. Name Location In Service Withdrawn Condition Livery NAL 1 Mt Lyell, NBL 1 Puffing Billy Reclassed from O 5. Recoded to NAL 1. Operational NAL 2 Teepookana, NBL 2 Puffing Billy Converted from O 2. Upgraded - 1985. Recoded to NAL 2. Operational NAL 3 Rinadeena, NBL 3 Puffing Billy Converted from O 3. Upgraded - 1989. Converted to NAL 3. Operational NAL 4 Dubbil Barril, NBL 4 Puffing Billy Converted from O 6. Upgraded - 1995. Converted to NAL 4. Operational Historic - Industrial Narrow Gauge railway - Mt. Lyell Mining & Railway Company in Tasmania - 1st Class Saloon Carriage1st. class saloon car made of Timber and steel3 NAL - Teepookanapuffing billy railway -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Document, Souvenir Edition of the Royal Tour, 1954
Day by day itinerary of 1954 Royal Tour and description of journey home to England by Royal couple on the back page. Royal Tour of Australia by Queen Elizabeth 2 and Duke of Edinburgh 1954|Tatura8 page souvenir edition of Australian Royal Tour. Supplemtn of Kyabram Free Press, Nathalia Herald, Tatura Guardian. Photos of Queen and Prince Phillip. White cover, blue border, Coat of Arms of England, Australia, Victoria in colour.royal tour, documents, newspapers -
Chiltern Athenaeum Trust
Aid All Pre WW2 British First Aid Outfit Tin - White Cross, pre WW2 1940
Associated with issue to personnel leading up to and including WW2 in Britain . Circa pre 1940's. Associated with issue during WW2. Small cream coloured tin with white cross centrally placed on the lid. Tin opens with hinges and has wording on the lid "Aid A;; First Aid Outfit Tin made in England". There is a faded description of the contents. Within the tin is a smaller cream and red coloured circular tin containing boric ointment. The first aid outfit tin is 130mm x 75 and the small circular tin with boric ointment is 35mm x 35mm. The lid of the tin says : Aid All First Aid, a white cross emblem and underneath the emblem the wording OUTFIT TIN. There is a description of the items and then the annotation that the tin is made in England. Both tins are cream in colour with red edgings. aid all first aid outfit tin pre 1940's, white cross first aid outfit tin, pre ww2 and ww2 issue -
Nillumbik Historical Society Incorporated
Book - Softcover book, Tarcoola Press, A Diary of James Thomas Donaldson of Kangaroo Ground and Ivanhoe Victoria, 1998
on an 1889 visit to England and Scotland & Family Letters of the 1850'sCover is parchment coloured card 300gsm with white paper pages 100gsm - 50 pagesnon-fictionon an 1889 visit to England and Scotland & Family Letters of the 1850'sdonaldson james t 1832-1916, great britain - description & travel, kangaroo ground, heidelberg -
National Wool Museum
Administrative record - Business Card, George Hodgson Limited Business Card, Unknown
George Hodgson Limited Business Card, a British loom manufacture based in Bradford England. The card showcases the awards the company as won as well as a description of one of their looms.Cream business card printed with the black ink. The front of the card lists the awards and medals the company had one in the background with an image of each award. The company logo is placed in the center. The back of the card has a drawing of a loom with a decorative border.Front top edge - Awards for Improvements & Excellence in Power Looms for Weaving. Front middle - George Hodgson Limited Makers of Power Looms for Weaving. Bradford, Yorkshire, England Front bottom edge - Presented by J T Elioors (?) Back bottom edge - One shaft heavy underpick worsted and woollen cloth loom, with 4 holed drop box on each side, fitted with positive wheel dobby.textile machinery, wool manufacture, wool, loom, george hodgson limited -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Certificate - Certificate - City of Nunawading
Issued for the City of Nunawading before it became the City of WhitehorseCity of Nunawading with full description of the Coat of Arms 'The Blazon'. Motto used by City of Blackburn (England).|Unframed copy NB 4954.civic mementoes, presentations -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Old Mitcham, 1993
Old Mitcham, by Tom Francis, ed. by Eric Montague.Old Mitcham, by Tom Francis, ed. by Eric Montague. Photographs of Mitcham (England) during the period c. 1890 to 1910 with description of life in the village in that period.Old Mitcham, by Tom Francis, ed. by Eric Montague. mitcham, surrey, england, slater, william henry -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Crown Portion 119, c1970
Description of transfers of ownership of Crown Portion 119, Parish of Nunawading, 1858 - 1960, bounded by Whitehorse and Mitcham Roads, Mitcham.morgan, robert rowland, the church of england trusts corporation, mitcham, whitehorse road, mitcham, mitcham road, mitcham, peel street, mitcham, ormond avenue, mitcham, edward street, mitcham, christ church anglican church, mitcham, churches -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Ten pound Poms, 2005
Description by Ken and Grace Swiney of their journey to Australia from England in 1959 and settling in at Box Hill.Description by Ken and Grace Swiney of their journey to Australia from England in 1959 and settling in at Box Hill.Description by Ken and Grace Swiney of their journey to Australia from England in 1959 and settling in at Box Hill.swiney, ken, swiney, grace, migrants, clyde street, box hill north -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Card of Hooks and Eyes, c1955
Red and blue printed card of 12 hooks and eyes. Made of enamelled metal . On the reverse of the card - continuous strip of labelling with makers details and description of material. Hooks secured to card with thread.'Neway's' 'World famed' Hooks and eyes by appointment to her majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother - If it fastens NEWEYS makes it - Made in Englanddomestic items, sewing, costume accessories, haberdashery -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Manual, Bell Punch Co, "The Ultimate Fare Collection System", c1948
3628.1 - Book with orange covers, 22 pages on gloss paper, bound with fine wire binding titled "The Ultimate Fare Collection System", manufactured by the Bell Punch Co. of London England. Has a address details of the company, photo of the London Offices, photo of company factory in Uxbridge in 1946, details of the Ultimate machines, copies of sample tickets, general description, description, photographs, method of operation., machine loading, maintenance, ticket box and advantages of the system. 3628.2 - contained within .1, two copies of a two page pamphlet, reprinted from "Modern Transport", May 14, 1949 titled "New Fare Collection System / Ultimate in Production by Bell Punch". Gives details of the Ultimate machines. Have been stapled together. 3628.3 - contained within .1, Four page printed pamphlet titled "Wolverhampton Corporation Transport Department / The 'Ultimate' System", gives details and instructions regarding the machines and their use. Has initials "AHW / 500 / 25226" in the bottom right hand corner of 4th page.On 3628.1 in pencil "NC 23456 and NC24536"trams, tramways, tickets, ticket machines, buses -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Yellow covered booklet 'History of the Bendigo Goldfield from its commencement in 1851 to June 1881' Presented with the Eaglehawk Specimen Case and giving a description of its contents, for transmission with the said case to England. Dedicated to G.D. Peters, Esq, London, by Mr. Hay Kirkwood, Eaglehawk. Inside first page ( un-numbered) 'The Bendigo Goldfield Compiled by Messrs Hay Kirkwood and Wm. Welch. The Rise and Progress. At the latter end of 1851, a few enterprising pioneers, with Captain Harrison, now police magistrate of Castlemaine, made their way from Forest Creek ( Castlemaine ) 30 miles distant, to a place on the Bendigo Creek, now called Golden Square, then a squatter's run, where rich auriferous ground was met with. The new soon spread far and near, and the world was soon startled with the intelligence that another very extensive goldfield had been discovered, the importance of which may be gathered from the fact that in the month of June, in the following year, six months after the first sod was raised, 80,000 ounces of pure native gold was taken by Melbourne.Printer: W. Welch, View Streetbendigo, mining, melbourne exhibition 1880 -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - BE2A Wings, 1912
Historical Details: The AARG B.E.2a wings are a pair of upper main planes or wing panels without ailerons, of a wing warping design, and are almost certain to be sourced from the Central Flying School at Point Cook, as no other B.E.2a aircraft were ever brought to Australia. Description: The Royal Aircraft Factory in England was formed in 1911 and among its designers was Geoffrey de Havilland who later founded his own company. The B.E.2 was designed by Geoffrey de Havilland and first flew in February 1912 with de Havilland as the test. Level of Importance: National -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - BA Swallow II VH-UUM, 1935
Historical Details: The AARG BA Swallow is one of two examples surviving in Australia, along with a Klemm L.25 Swallow, although it is the only one in a public collection, while 4 airworthy survivors exist in the UK. It is a rare example of the pre-war civil open cockpit. Description: The BA Swallow was developed in England by the British Aircraft Manufacturing Company Limited and was based upon the German designed Klemm L25 light aircraft that first flew in 1927. A total of 133 were built and nine examples found their way to Austra. Level of Importance: National -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - DAP (Bristol) Beaufighter Mark 21 A8-328 (Marked As "A8-39"), 1945
Historical Details: DAP Beaufighter A8-328 was delivered from DAP to the RAAF at Laverton 1AD on 9 September 1945, and consequently did not see any wartime service. Placed into storage at Tocumwal it returned to Laverton 1AD in 1953 for overhaul and preparation as a Target. Description: The Bristol Beaufighter was designed and built in England as a long range fighter but initially saw service as a night fighter. Carrying the newly invented airborne interception radar, it played a major role in ending the Blitz. British-built general purp. Level of Importance: Nationalbeaufighter -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - Desoutter II VH-UPR ("Latona"), 1930
Historical Details: The AARG aircraft VH-UPR was the first Desoutter to be imported into Australia, and arrived in 1930. VH-UPR was imported by the local Desoutter agent Hart Aircraft Services and spending its early working life with them at Essendon Airport until 1937, wher. Description: Desoutter Aircraft was formed by Marcel Desoutter in 1929 at Croydon Airport in England. The company produced the Dutch designed Koolhoven FK41 under licence as the Desoutter II. The museum’s Desoutter II arrived in Australia in December 1930 and was o. Level of Importance: National -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - Douglas DC-2 A30-9 ("VHCRK", Nc13782), 1934
Historical Details: The AARG aircraft as NC13782, the 32nd DC-2 to be constructed, was one of the first ten DC-2's purchased by famed American WW1 ace Eddie Rickenbacker in October 1934 to create his famous "Great Silver Fleet" at Eastern Airlines in the USA. Replaced by D. Description: The Douglas DC-2 holds an important place in world and Australian aviation history with its success in the 1934 England to Australia Air Race. Operating as a scheduled KLM airline service, with passengers and airmail, a DC2 PH-AJU "Uiver" placed outright. Level of Importance: Nationaldc2 uiver -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - Armstrong Siddeley Genet 80 HP 5 Cylinder Radial
Historical Details: . Description: The Armstrong Siddeley Genet was developed in England and was first tested in 1926. It was a popular power plant for many light aircraft of the day.. Level of Importance: State -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Machine - Armstrong Siddeley Viper 2,700 Lbs Of Thrust Turbo Jet
Historical Details: . Description: The Viper was developed in England from the earlier Armstrong Siddeley Adder engine. It introduced the concept of 'Power by the Hour' where operators paid Armstrong Siddeley a fixed rate per flying hour for maintenance. The Viper powered many aircraft inc. Level of Importance: State