Physical description

McColl Rankin & Stanistreet, North Virginia Gold Mining Co NL. a/ John Shaw Ltd, Wire Rope Manufacturers, Sheffield England. Certificate that 2 lengths of 2-1/2 cir. 6/7 construction Best Black Plough Steel Wire Rope, Quality, Acid Material. 100/110 ton each 1250 feet long supplied. Breaking strain of not less then 24.8 actual tons. Stamped: For Hardware of Australia Propriety Limited. Signed: ?? (attached by pin to b) b/ Hardware Co. Of Australia, Iron & Steel Merchants, South Melbourne. Descriptions per (a) 109.7.3 Signed: Hunt. Dated 15/11/1939. c/ Test Certificate For Wire Ropes Issued to J R Reid & Sons. Rope dispatched per S.S.''Mildura'' to Melbourne on 3.12.1946.Tested in the presence of A Boots, Abbott Supply Coy. Pty. Ltd. For the Australian Wire Rope Works Pty Ltd. Signed: J Humphy. Dated: 6/12/1946. Includes picture.