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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 895 Main Road, Eltham
Folder: 895 Main Road, Eltham Contents Listing 1. Certificate of Title; Vol. 8424, Fol. 334, 5 February 1963 2. Certificate of Title; Lot 2, Plan of Subdivision No. 63242, Parish of Nillumbik, Vol. 8479, Fol. 283, 18 May 1964 (Eltham War Memorial Trust) 3. Newspaper article: Extensions to shire offices will benefit all, by Fab Calafuri, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, July 8, 1986, p6 [Reverse side, p5, Residents rally to save dam by Helen Gillman about Peck’s Dam in Napier Street, Montmorency] 4. Office memo: Temporary Shutdown of Water Supply Shire Offices – Tuesday 9 March 1993; Anthony Guzzo, 5 March 1993 – Melbourne Water advice due to works on new library 5. Plan of Old Municipal Offices, date and creator unknown 6. Newspaper clipping: Move to convert shire office for police use, by Jodie Haythorne, Diamond Valley News, May 1995 7. Newspaper clipping: Sale of Eltham office / Removal of Question time; Nillumbik Happenings, Mountain Views, 15 May 1995 8. Newspaper clipping: Bid for TAFE campus, Mountain Views, 25 September 1995, p8 9. Newspaper clipping: Will the former Shire of Eltham offices become a TAFE college?, The Advertiser, circa September 1995 [Reverse side; Jezza! Photo of football legend Alex Jesaulenko at Watsonia RSL also Advertisement: Maternal and Child Health Centre Timetable] 10. Newspaper clipping: Eltham may get TAFE campus in shire offices, by Fiona Kaegi and Natalie Town, and Nillumbik set for rate cuts, Diamond Valley News, circa September 1995 [Reverse side; Art for hope – article about artist Damien Curtain at Hurstbridge Primary School] 11. Newspaper clipping: More talks on TAFE, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 17, 1995, p3 – includes photos of Nillumbik Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, Box Hill College of TAFE Executive Director Andrew Jackson and Niillumbik CEO Barry Rochford; Eltham MP Wayne Phillips with Eltham Chamber of Commerce President Norm Williams and Rotary Club of Eltham President Peter Bishop; Eltham College principal John Brennan with St Helena Secondary College head Ken Cunningham and Eltham High School principal Ron Edwards. [On reverse, p4, Sorry sag of botched relations, Jock Kyme] 12. Newspaper clipping: Eltham hails TAFE take-over, by Fiona Kaegi and Council to hold regular briefings, Diamond Valley News, 18 October 1995 13. Newspaper clipping (photocopy): Why no council office at Eltham?, Mark Burns, Letters, Diamond Valley News, 18 October 1995 14. Newspaper clipping: Future of Eltham office?, Mountain Views, Monday, October 23, 1995, p8 15. Newspaper clipping: Council seeks opinions on former shire offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 25 October 1995 16. Newspaper clipping: Shire office move, The Advertiser, December 1995 17. Newspaper clipping: Former shire offices up for sale; possibly Diamond Valley News, December 1995 18. Newspaper clipping: Agents to sell shire office, Mountain Views, Monday, December 18, 1995, p8 19. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Nillumbik Shire Council Proposed Sale or Lease of Eltham Municipal Offices, Diamond Valley News, 10 January 1996 20. Newspaper clipping: No Submissions on Eltham Shire Offices, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertiser, 30 January 1996, p1 21. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 31 January 1996, 7.4 Sale or Lease of Former Eltham Municipal Offices 22. Photocopy: Letter HTW Valuers to Nillumbik Shire Council, Valuation of former Eltham Municipal Offices at $1.45 million, 31 January 1996 23. Newspaper clipping: New G’boro, Eltham places, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertiser, Tuesday, March 26, 1996, p4 [on reverse, p3, ALP Faithful at Montsalvat] 24. Newspaper clipping: Legal costs a hurdle for action group, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, 16 April 1996 25. Photocopy (91 pages): Tender Documents for purchase of Former Eltham Shire Offices 895 Main Road, Eltham, Prepared for Nillumbik Shire Council, Maddock Lonie & Chisholm, Melbourne. Tenders close at 3.00pm on 24 April 1996 26. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Building’s asbestos riddle. By Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 26 June 1996 27. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 26 June 1996, 11.43/96 Sale of Eltham Offices, Main Road, Eltham 28. Media Release (Photocopy of facsimile from Barry Rochford, CEO): Community Facilities in New Gateway to Eltham, 28 June 1996 29. Photocopy (A3): TPA1 – Site Plan 1:200 Proposed Convenience Centre At Main Road Eltham, Baldasso Cortese Pty Ltd Architects, Collingwood, July 1996 30. Newspaper clipping: ‘Whopper’ For Eltham?, Letters, Sigmund Jorgensen, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 2, 1996, p3 31. Newspaper clipping: Ex-shire offices to go, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 3 July 1996, p1 32. Photocopy Newspaper clipping: Unsuccessful bidders criticise sale of offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 10 July 1996 33. Newspaper clipping: Insensitive proposal, Sue Dyet, Letters, Diamond Valley Newsm 17 July 1996 34. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 17 July 1996, 7.116/96 Sale of Eltham Offices, Main Road, Eltham 35. Newspaper clipping: Former shire office sale angers residents, Diamond Valley News, 30 July 1996, p3 36. Newspaper clipping: Eltham Offices Demolition, ‘You can’t demolish city hall’, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 30, 1996, pp14-15 features photos of Eltham protestors, Thelma Barkway, Harry Gilham, Jenni Mitchell, Jock Kyme and David Essex 37. Photocopy (A3): TPA1 – Site Plan Proposed Convenience Centre, Main Road, Eltham, Graeme Bentley Landscape Architects, August 1996 38. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Letters; Disbelief at plans, Margaret Jennings; Lack of respect, Mike Jansz; Community opinion, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, circa August 1996 39. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): ‘There was no conflict of interest’, The Advertiser, Tuesday, August 4, 1996 40. Newspaper clipping: Chamber supports plans, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, 7 August 1996 41. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Letters; Adding to the price, Kelly Fitzpatrick; Area being torn apart, Jenni Bundy, Diamond Valley News, 7 August 1996 42. Newspaper clipping: Labor joins battle to save offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, (7?) August 1996 43. Newspaper clipping: Letters to the Editor; ‘Atrocious assault of commercialism’, Lois Loftus-Hills, The Advertiser, Tuesday, August 13, 1996, p9 44. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Roll up for the show, Kahn Franke; Thanks for turn-out, Margaret Jennings; Way past time, Jenni Bundy; Angry at the vandalism (continued p13 missing), Diamond Valley News, August 14, 1996, p12 45. Newspaper clipping: ‘Enough is enough’ states John Cohen; Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertisers, Tuesday, August 20, 1996, p2 [Reverse, p1, Trade boost at Diamond Creek] 46. Newspaper clipping: Public viewing, Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p 47. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Chiefs must resign, Gayle Blackwood; Time to have your say, Margaret Jennings; Sensible balance, Gwen Jakins; Recycling: a fine example, Grace Mitchell; Limits on site use, Stephen Clendinnen; Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p4 48. Newspaper clipping: Letters; A lasting memorial, Ken and Laurel Eckersell; Stripping assets, Jack Lawson; Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p29 49. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Nillumbik: in the eye of the beholder, Sigmund Jorgensen; ‘Crying inside’ over Eltham Shire office, Grace Mitchell; The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 10, 1996, 2 50. Newspaper clipping: Public Notice; Notice of an Application for Planning Permit, Dallas price Homes Pty Ltd, Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 51. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Timing was the problem: chief, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 52. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Architectural monstrosity, Jenni Bundy; Bargain price, Gavin Gray; Paying for road works, Sue Dyet; Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 [ on reverse, articles on Queen’s Guide Nicola Blay (photo) and Plenty River and Diamond Creek waterways] 53. Newspaper clipping: Eltham Hub Plans on Show, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 17, 1996, p1 54. Newspaper clipping: Bleeding halted: Commish and Letters; Sigmund’s credibility gap, David Nolte; ‘Double standards’, Ros Harris, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 17, 1996, p3 55. Newspaper clipping: Gateway to the future; Plans on display, public comments sought, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, September 18, 1996, p8 [Reverse, p7, Policy limits event signs, and, Council ‘arrogant’ on ward option: MP] 56. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): 19 on council inquiry list, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, 18 September 1996 – about council listing 19 people who are only to be dealt with directly by CEO, Barry Rochford 57. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Eltham is wonderful, Sigmund Jorgensen, Letters, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 24, 1996, p4 58. Objection to Grant of Planning Permit (Photocopy): Russell Yeoman per Eltham District Historical Society Inc. re application 960376 for petrol station, convenience shop, retail shop, etc to be issued to Dallas price Homes Pty Ltd, 25 September 1996 59. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Public meeting, Eltham Gateway Action Group – to discuss latest plans to develop former shire office site on Sunday 4 September 1996; publication unknown, possibly Diamond Valley News 60. Newspaper clipping: Minister orders sale probe, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 12, 1996, p1 61. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Headline could mislead, Wayne Phillips, Member for Eltham, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 8, 1996, p3 62. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Few jobs for young, Margaret Jennings; The whole truth, Alan Ramsay, Diamond Valley News, October 9, 1996, p12 63. Newspaper clipping: Public outcry at Abbott veto with ‘reserve power’; 200 residents yell abuse as commissioners give ok to Eltham service station, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 15, 1996, p1 64. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Eltham Hub briochure has ‘trees that are a fiction’, Lois Lofus-Hills, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 15, 1996, p2 65. Newspaper clipping: Shrewd tactics row, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, p1 66. Newspaper clipping: Residents have their say on former shire offices, by Jodie Guest, and, Anger over reserve power, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, p9 67. Newspaper clipping: Office sale report will not be made public, Diamond Valley News, October 23, 1996 [Reverse, article featuring Youth development officer, Ian Patching] 68. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Happening in a hurry, Peter Dodds; Development unsuitable, Mark Burns; Vale those dreamers, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, October 23, 1996, two pages unidentified 69. Newspaper clipping: Group to fight council decision on office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, October 26, 1996 – re Eltham Gateway Action Group taking Council to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal over approval of controversial development [Reverse, article on Bend of Islands place name] 70. Newspaper clipping: Three days allowed to hear objection, by John Dubois, Diamond Valley New, December 4, 1996 71. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Site traffic dangers, Frank Burgoyne; Thanks for support, Margaret Jennings, Diamond Valley News, noted in pen as 8 December 1996 though probably 11 December 1996 [Reverse, What about that link, asks council, by Natalie Town – about ring road between Greensborough and Ringwood] 72. Newspaper clipping: Minister to rule on proposal, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, December 18, 1996 73. Report (Photocopy, 31 pages): Convenience Centre Development Proposal: Italian Cypress at Former Eltham Shire Offices Site, Main Rd. Eltham, Graeme Butler & Associates, 1997 74. Newspaper clipping: People unite to battle project, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, February 19, 1997 75. Letter (Photocopy): Ms B Martin to Fiona Kaegi to be submitted for Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley News 26 March 1996 edition 76. Letter (Photocopy): Thelma Barkway to Fiona Kaegi to be submitted for Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley News 26 March 1996 edition 77. Newspaper clipping: Legal Battle, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 2, 1997 78. Newspaper clipping: Site Row Saga, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 9, 1997 79. Newspaper clipping: Community fears loss of heritage, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 9, 1997 80. Newspaper clipping: Debate erupts over service station plan, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 9, 1997 [Reverse, ‘No’ to rates hike proposal] 81. Newspaper clipping: Letter to the Editor; “Your front-page last week is considerable inaccurate … a surplus of $14,000 is expected at 30 June 1977.”, Robert Marshall, The Advertiser, April 28, 1997, p1 82. Newspaper clipping: $1.1m Debt Plan, by Fiona Keagi, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 23, 1997, p1 and continued on p24, Shire to defer works programs 83. Newspaper clipping: Blast for Council, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 30, 1997, p1 and continued on p7, ‘Experts’ oppose plans for shire site. 84. Newspaper clipping: Photo – Uncertainty: the future of the former Eltham Shire office site is still to be decided by Planning Minister Rob Maclellan., Diamond Valley News, April 30, 1997 [ Reverse; Not your average convenience store, by Laeta Antonysen] 85. Newspaper clipping: Shire site decision soon, Diamond Valley News, May 28, 1997 86. Newspaper clipping: Letters to the Editor; Features to protect, Ken Eckersell, Diamond Valley News, June 4, 1997 87. Newspaper clipping: Costly bun fight over shire offices, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, July 2, 1997 [reverse, Montsalvat plans season of festivals, by Fiona Kaegi] 88. Newspaper clipping: Shire office shemozzle, Diamond Valley News, July 2, 1997 – provides a brief timeline of events June 1996 to April 22, 1997 89. Newspaper clipping: Law Suit Threat, by Fiona Kaegi and Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, July 9, 1997, p1 90. Newspaper clipping: Report rejects store plan, and, Residents with panel, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, July 9, 1997 91. Newspaper clipping: Councillors meet Shell developer, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, July 30, 1997 92. Newspaper clipping: Deadline extended to allow more talks, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, August 8, 1997. Also Curves to stay in link road about Nillumbik’s realignment plans for Diamond Creek’s ‘windy mile’ [Reverse, Shire tightens grants scheme] 93. Newspaper clipping: $10m option for shire office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, September 10, 1997 94. Newspaper clipping: New plan for shire office site, by Laeta Antonysen, and , Council refuses to do trade with developer, Diamond Valley News, September 17, 1997, p12 [ Reverse, p11, Mixed reaction to kangaroo culling] 95. Newspaper clipping: Gateway plan review, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, October 22, 1997, p3 96. Newspaper clipping: Top planner calls for rethink on office site, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News (includes photo of John Pizzey) 97. Newspaper clipping: Opposition offers help on planning, by Jamie Duncan, Diamond Valley News, November 5, 1997, p3 (includes photo of Opposition Leader John Brumby and Nillumbik Shire President Robert Marshall at the Eltham Gateway site) 98. Letter (Photocopy): Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Eltham District Historical SAociety to Mr B. Rochford, CEO, Nillumbik Shire Council, 15 November 1997 with specific reference to the health of the three “Shillinglaw” trees 99. Newspaper clipping: Puzzlement over delay on office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, November 19, 1997 100. Newspaper clipping: Developer pulls out, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, December 10, 1997, p3, and, Council uproar over officers [Reverse, p4, Final victory – announcing resignation of Jenni Mitchell as president of Etham Gateway Action Group] 101. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Asset of pride, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, January 14, 1998 102. Newspaper clipping: Minister ‘no’ to plan, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, February 11, 1998, p3 103. Newspaper clipping: Shell shocked as Eltham planning protest is upheld, by Gabrielle Costa, date and publication unknown; possibly The Age, February 1998 104. Newspaper clipping: Land review, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 1, 1998 105. Newspaper clipping: Bid to move shire offices to new site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News not specifically about 895 Main Road but former Diamond Valley Shire Offices at Civic Drive, Greensborough, circa June 1998 106. Newspaper clipping: Letters; What about us?, Gayle Blackwood, Diamond Valley News, circa June 10, 1998 107. Letter (Photocopy): Sigmund Jorgensen to Kahn Franke, 1 July 1998 re advertisement and list of contributors 108. Advertisement (Photocopy): Show that democracy is not dead in Nillumbik !!!, Saturday 17 Oct. 1998 109. Newspaper clipping: Arts dream shattered, by Natalie Birch, Diamond Valley Leader, July 17, 2002, p3 – Council about to dump plans for an arts centre on former office site 110. Newspaper clipping: Letters; This site belongs to the people, John Cohen; Pro-development, Jenni Bundy, Diamond Valley Leader, May 21, 2003 111. Discussion Paper: Community Use of Site, 895 Main Road Eltham, 8 pages, Gayle Blackwood, Sue Dyet, Ken Eckersell, 25 August 2003 with supporting drafts dated August 5 and 6. 112. Newspaper clipping: Shire plan ‘sacrilegious’; Residents fight war memorial sale, by Dave Cropssthwaite, Diamond Valley Leader, Nillumbik Edition, Wednesday, August 18, 2004, p1 – about council plans to sell Eltham War memorial and former Shire Office sites 113. Newspaper clipping: Land sales to come under more debate, by Dave Crossthwaite, Diamond Valley Leader, September 15, 2004, p5 114. Newspaper clipping: Council saves ex-office site, axes club plan, Diamond Valley Leader, March 30, 2005 115. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Ask the people, John Cohen, Diamond Valley Leader, April 6, 2005, p20 116. Newspaper clipping: Shire moving for public use zoning on Eltham landmark sites, Diamond Valley Leader, October 25, 2006 117. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Consultation a sham, Carol Doherty; Civic centre excellent, Marguerite Marshall; Only Eltham counts, Carmel Jacobsen, Diamond Valley Leader, May 22, 2007 [Reverse, Disability a test for councillor (Bo Bendtsen)] 118. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Nillumbik Planning Scheme, Approval of Amendment C49 – rezoning of 895 and 903-907 Main Road, Diamond Valley Leader, September 5, 2007, p7 119. Newspaper clipping: Illustration; An artist’s impression of the proposed Nillumbik civic centre in Main Rd., Diamond Valley Leader, June 25, 2008 [Reverse, City link with learning – about Eltham College setting up a city campus for Year 9 students, with photo featuring principal Dr David Warner and students] 120. Newspaper clipping: Civic centre forecast withdrawn, Diamond Valley Leader, July 2, 2008 121. Letter: Nillumbik Shire Council, 5 September 2008, re Civic Future Project 122. Letter: Nillumbik Shire Council to EDHS, 5 October 2008, re Civic Future Project 123. Letter (Copy): Mrs D. Bassett-Smith to Mayor and Councillors, 17 April 2009 re former shire office site and future community use 124. Letter (Copy): Eltham District Historical Society to Bill Forrest, CEO, Nillumbik Shire Council, 1 August 2009, in support of D. Bassett-Smith letter of 17 April 2009 and response from Council, 12 August 2009 125. Newspaper clipping: Hotel mooted for site, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, July 5, 2017 126. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Fury, surprise and support for Eltham development; Re: Grand plan for Eltham’s jewel (February 7), Cath McLardy, Diamond Valley Leader, February 14, 2008, p14 [Reverse, p13, Learning from the fateful day; the devastation on that day in 2009 will always stay in Steve Warrington’s mind. He recalls the tragedy] 127. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Plan to fight council on land sell-off, Jennifer Ambrudge and others, Diamond Valley Leader, February 14, 2018, p15 – about council plan to sell off reserves and shire office site and Eltham War Memorial 128. Newspaper clipping: Plans for site urged, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, September 5, 2018 129. Newspaper clipping: Approach under fire; Council plans for historic shire site raises eyebrows, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, September 19, 2018 130. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Our plan for a revitalised Eltham, Nillumbik Shire Council, Diamond Valley Leader, Wednesday, October 3, 2018, p7 131. Notice: Eltham Community Town Meeting, Saturday 134th October 2018 – about council plans to sell off community reserves and assets – along with flyer for Eltham Community Action Group 132. Essay A4 18 pages: An essay addressed to the Councillors of Nillumbik Shire, October 2018 (with addendum 7 November), Andrew Lemon 133. Photocopy Marked Up Flyer: The story behind 895 and 903-907 Main Road, Eltham – the heart of Eltham’s Town Centre, with marked up comments by Eltham Community Action Group, collected 9 December 2018 134. Newspaper clipping: Calls to fix ‘outdated’ site; negotiations cease with developers amid renewed push to improve civic space at Main St. Eltham, by Anthony Plovesan, Diamond Valley Leader, May 29, 2019, p5 135. Newspaper clipping: Ex-council site flagged for hospital; Councillor suggests former Eltham headquarters would be ideal spot, by Anthony Plovesan, Diamond Valley Leader, October 30, 2019, p3 136. Concept plan: Proposal; Nillumbik Cultural Gallery with Art Cinema, Restaurant, Tourism, Preliminary Sketch Design G, Barry Pearce Architect and Designer, 8 April 2022, 8 pagesmain road, eltham, property, houses, shops, businesses, shillinglaw trees, eltham shire offices site -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Aerospace Industry, 1958-1961
honeywell, scout rocket, echo satellite, mercury rocket, centaur rocket, advent rocket, mariner satellite, dyna soar, x-15, midas rocket, tiros satellite, discoverer rocket, vanguard satellite, aerospace industry, alan gardiner collection, space industry -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St. Stephen’s Presbyterian Church, Caulfield
Two A4 pages handwritten notes dated 23/08/2002, written by Keith Stodden regarding the Caulfield Indonesian Uniting Church, 158 Balaclava Road Caulfield North, formerly St. Stephen’s Church. Details very briefly the closure and re-opening of the church in 2001. Also included is an order of service for a service on 18/08/2012 which combined with Elsternwick Uniting Church that week to worship together. The program is written in Indonesian.stodden keith, porter ian rev. dr., caulfield, balaclava road, elsternwick, caulfield north, uniting church, presbyterian church, caulfield indonesian uniting church, st. john’s presbyterian church, elsternwick uniting church, st. stephen’s uniting church, st. stephen’s presbyterian church, religious ceremonies, religious groups, stained glass, events and activities, programs, religious structures an d establishments, languages, ethnic communities, indonesian community -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Japanese School of Melbourne
Six documents about the Japanese School: 1/The Japanese School of Melbourne Planning Brief document draft February 1984 to the City of Caulfield. Brief includes background of school, current educational standards of school and structure, future plans, including forecast of future student numbers, request to use prefabricated rooms. Also plans for new building and room alterations. Includes appendice which has current and projection graph of students attending. Period covered: January 1968-February 1984 (17 pages). 2/Fourteen page school prospectus, which includes history and location, term dates, school hours, curriculum subjects, teachers qualifications, health department approval and enrolment list. Also includes Division of School Duties, school educational aims and guidance priorities. Period covered: 07/09/1968-13/05/1986. 3/An 11/11/1988 Melbourne Development and Prospectus for the Japanese School of Melbourne, includes purpose of school, development options, planning brief, construction time, and development program. Includes seven plans and maps of school location and bus routes (14 pages). Prepared for the City of Caulfield on its request. 4/List of representatives of the Japanese School of Melbourne that met with City of Caulfield councilors on 23/11/1988. 5/Black and white photo of 'Ian Rob with Japanese students September 1991', six students included. 6/Colour photograph of 'Mayor Ed Biggs with Japanese students February 1992', thirteen adults and young people included.japanese school of melbourne limited, japanese school, caulfield, holy cross catholic, holy cross school, ellington school, keeron street, mockridge stahle and mitchell architects, architects, secondary schools, primary schools, playgrounds, hawthorn road, caulfield south, yaji hidero, japanese community, yazaki yasuo, morita hiroshi, teachers, bloink des, stokes tony, building surveyors, japanese supplementary school of melbourne, school committees, libraries, school houses, brick, bloink clarke harding consulting architects group, anthony stokes and assoc. building surveyors and town planners, rob ian, biggs ed mayor -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Brett Cheatley et al, Lower Plenty River Concept Plan; Maroondah Pipetrack - Greensborough to Yarra/Plenty Confluence; Draft Volume B, Resource Description and Issues, February 1991
concept plan, melbourne metropolitan board of works, plenty river, report -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph - Christian Family
Four pages of photographs of members of the Christian Family including Violet Christian, aged nineteen years; family group at Myoora; Violet in early 1900s and Thomas Christian in late 1880s.christian grace, christian alison, christian violet mary, christian may, christian gertrude, christian dorothy, christian ian, myoora, christian thomas, player c., richards h. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Hopetoun, Hopetoun Street, 2, Elsternwick
Two items about the inclusion of this property on the National Trust's Register: 1/1 copy of one page of typed correspondence and six page enclosure from T Chandler for Ian Wight, Assistant Administrator (Conservation) of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), dated 19/07/1991 to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Caulfield, outlining that the Hopetoun Private Hospital has been classified in the National Trust’s Register and also noting a cc for Caulfield Historical Society. The enclosure is a six page typed classification report on Hopetoun by the National Trust and includes a reference list. 2/1 copy of one page of typed correspondence and six page enclosure from T Chandler for Ian Wight, Assistant Administrator (Conservation) of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), dated 19/07/1991 to Kopat P/L, outlining that the Hopetoun Private Hospital has been classified in the National Trust’s Register. The enclosure is the same six page typed classification report on Hopetoun by the National Trust which includes a reference list.hopetoun private hospital, hospitals, elsternwick, charles webb and son, melrose, italianate style, architectural features, glenhuntly road, korong road, duffy frank gavan, geoghegan hanbury c, cutts joseph e, hopetoun street, koorong road, caulfield, mansions, caulfield historical society, city of caulfield, webb charles, architectural styles, hopetoun lord, webb alfred william, webb florence mabel, cordner florence mabel, o’brien annie may, reeve charles frederick, haines edith faith, thomas albert edward, kopat pty ltd, cordner l -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Howitt Road, 32, Caulfield North, Fooks House
... A copy of a one page typed letter from Ian Pausacker... VIC 3162 melbourne A copy of a one page typed letter from Ian ...A copy of a one page typed letter from Ian Pausacker of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) to the Manager of the Planning Section of the City of Glen Eira, dated 08/02/2002, informing the Manager that Fooks House at 32 Howitt Road, Caulfield north has been classified by the National of glen eira, fooks house, howitt road, caulfield north, heritage studies, the national trust of australia (victoria), historic buildings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Classic Retirement Village, Brighton
Four documents about the history of this site pre Classic Retirement Village: 1/A copy of a description of the sale process of the Gascor site, cnr Nepean Highway and Thomas Street, to Becton Corporation in 1997 And 1998. Printed on 31/07/2010 from the Victorian Auditor General’s Department website with aerial photograph 2/A copy of page one of the Gleneira Planning Scheme dated 19/01/2006 which mentions the Gascor site. 3/Research note by Andrew Frederick dated August 2010 listing occupiers of the site in the 1960 and the 1970 Sands and Mc Dougall Directories. 4/Research note by Claire Barton dated May 2010 containing Ian Swan’s recollections of working at Daylesford Worsted Woollen, occupier of the site, in the 1960s.thomas street, brewer road, bentleigh, gascor, becton corporation pty ltd, virginia park, gas and fuel, hughesdale dairy, east boundary road, moorabin, east bentleigh, hooblerstone, clairmont avenue, glen eira, daylesford centenary woollen and worsted mills pty ltd., nepean highway, f and j industries australia plastic and rubber division., swan ian, korman stanley, mills, wool industry, weaving mills, textile factories, textile manufacturing, manufacturing industry -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 1, No. 2, Dec 1996/Jan 1997, 1996
Vol. 1, No. 2 Dec 1996/Jan 1997 CONTENTS ADVENTURE WITH COLOUR Teenage cancer patients challenge their illness with art 3 CD REVIEWS New music by local musicians 5 LIVE AND LET LIVE 20 years of environmental living 6 AUSTRALIA REVISITED Artist Charles Reddington ponders live 30 years on 8 POETRY REVIEW Anne Delaney looks at new work by Jennifer Harrison and Jordie Albiston 11 PHOTOGRAPHY Katherine Jones aims at hard edges 16 IMAGES FROM A DARK PAST Holocaust survivor paints out a traumatic part of his life 18 MORALITY OF JUSTICE The Truth Game - a play by Ray Mooney 21 ART FROM THE HEART An exhibition that crosses boundaries 22 SHORT STORY New story from an emerging writer 25 ART IN THE CEMETERY Darebin launches a new project to decorate its new mausoleum 28 LISTINGS Artists, performers and galleries 29 KEYWORDS 895 Main Road, 1994 Moet et Chandon Fellowship, Adventure with Colour, Alan Bonney, Alan Constable, Alun Leach-Jones, Amada Laming, Anne Connor & Associates, Anne Delaney, Anthony Day, Art Streams Magazine, Artist-in-residence, Arts by the Waters, Arts project Australia, Auschwitz, Banyule Jazz Festival, Barbara Veheary, Bend of Islands Conservation Association (BICA), Bend of Islands Estate, Bend of Islands, Bill Downing, Bulleen Art & Garden Centre, Bulleen Nursery, Caffe Poco, Carlton Courthouse Theatre, Catani Boulevard, Catherine Oxley Reserve, Charles Reddington, Charlie Dowley, Cheryl Daye, Chris McAuliffe, Clifton Pugh, Colin Lanceley, Cornelia Selover, Creativitie et Handicap Mental (CREAHM), Cynthia Hardman, Cyril Tawney, Damian Eyre, Daniel Lillford, Danuta Michalska, Darebin Arts and Entertainment Centre, Darebin City Council, Department of Fine Arts, Donald Campbell, Dora Zable, Dorothy Berry, dunmoochin, E.H. Cameron, Edward (Ned) Haughton, Edward Car, Elizabeth Vercoe, Eltham High School, Eltham Living and Learning Centre, Environmental Living Zone (ELZ), Eric Bogle, Eucalypso, Felix Tuszynski, Food For All Seasons, Frank Hodgkinson, Fulli Andrinopoulos, Gallery of Georges of Collins Street, Gallery of Slavic Art, Glen Agnes Bend of Islands Estate, Glen Agnes Estate, Gongflers drive, Greg O'Leary, Harold (Jimmy) Fuller, Helen O'Grady Children's Drama Academy, Henley Road, Ian Doolan Hamilton, Ian Gawler, Inside Out/Outside In, Ironbark Road, Janice McBride, Jennifer Harrison, Jennifer McGregor, Jessie Agnes Haughton, Jimmy Pike, Joan Blakey, John Mackay Northe, John Rasmussen, Jordie Albiston, Julian Martin, Kangaroo Ground, Katherine Jones, Kelvin Heffernan, Kew Coattage, Kitty Ginter, Lavita Mossop, Les darcy, Les Gyori, Life with Jane, Lorraine Larter, Luc Boulange, Luciana Giardina, Manningham Artspace, Manningham City Council, Mariann Moxon, Mark Capozzi, Mark Chapman, Mark Wilkinson, Maxine Ryder, Melbourne Police Pipe Band, Mick Woiwod, Mike O'Rourke, Monica Burns, Montsalvat, Myra Hilgendorf, Nancye Ball, Page family, Pam Crohan, Pam Dougherty, Poetry, Preston Public Cemetery, Ray Mooney, Richard Haese, Robert Hughes, Robyn Kirkpatrick, Roger Lemke, Ron Hanson, Sandra Harvey, Shire of Eltham Office site, Shire of Healesville, Shire of Nillumbik, Shire Offices, Sounds by the Waters, Stelio Costa, Steven Tynan, Steven Worrell, Stewart Whiffin, Sue Howard, Sue Whiffin, Sugarloaf Reservoir, Sydney Ball, The Art of Australia, The Mews, The Truth Game, Tom Fantl, Tony Inglese, Tuszynski Survey Exhibition, University of Melbourne, Valerio Ciccone, victorian artists supplies, Watson Creek Bridge, Watsons Creek, Wayne Marnell, Woody Guthrie, Yarra Brae Dam, Yarra River"Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, feliz tuszynski, elizabeth vercoe, eucalypso, bend of islands, charles reddington, jennifer harrison, jordie albiston, katherine jones, anne bonney, mick woiwood, anne connor, anne delaney, ray mooney, pam dougherty, arts project australia, lavita mossop, preston public cemetery, helen o'grady children's drama academy, bulleen nursery -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 2, No. 6, Dec 1997-Jan 1998, 1997
Vol. 2, No. 6, Dec 1997-Jan 1998 CONTENTS TRAVELLER IS TALES Field work by writer Stuart Solman and artists Jenni Mitchell and the Gregory brothers 3 BOOK REVIEWS The Shadows Keep, Ziggurat, The Last Cry Fitting the Pieces and Drawn from Life 7, 8, 18, 20 & 31 CD REVIEWS Small Miracles, Flight and Identify 10 CHRIST, l1M PISSED OFF Clive Dickson comments on the Andres Serrano exhibition 12 THE REAL THING An exhibition explores realism in Australian visual art 14 WRITERS AND READERS A pictorial review 16 JINDYWOROBAK POETS A memoir 22 SHORT STORY Gerald Learns to Swing 25 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES New works for Nillumbik and Darebin 28 TAFE COURSE WINS AWARD Success for North Melbourne Institute of TAFE music program 30 DAREBIN-LATROBE ART PRIZE A new acquisitive art award 30 ART SERVICES & TEACHING 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, bridget mcdonnell gallery, templestowe village festival, stuart solman, jennii mitchell, opera in the outback, marguerita marshall, marguerite marshall, volumes, john dougals anderson, lucinda mcnight, ivan southall, ernie tucker, eric bogle, brian brown, sue johnson, scott dunbabin, alex pertout, toby mak, mal sedergreen, steven sedergreen, dean addison, peter ayliffe, daniel chable, eltham bookshop, clive dickson, were street cafe, realism, ray liversidge, jordie albiston, kevin pearson, jon weaving, isha molloy, di morrissey, ian mcbryde, morag fraser, moira rayner, mick woiwod, jim poulter, victorian artists supplies, do lunch at the library licensed cafe, the last cry, michelle lonsdale, la piazza restaurant bar & cafe, trevor hay, daniel donahoe, llobex image wizards, slickers, art in public places, darebin latrobe art prize, john olsen, roger palmer, wholefood delights -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 3, No. 1, Feb-Mar 1998 Month of Festivals Supplement, 1998
Vol. 3, No. 1, Feb-Mar 1998 Month of Festivals Supplement CONTENTS Yarra Valley Grape Grazing February 28 & March 1; Banyule Festival March 13-22; Templestowe Village Festival March 15; Pettys Antique Apple Festival March 21 & 22; Warrandyte Village Festival March 28 & 29 BANYULE FESTIVAL Festival full of fireworks 11 Poetry in motion at Montsalvat 12 TEMPLESTOWE VILLAGE FESTIVAL Festival takes you on a journey round the world 14 WARRANDYTE VILLAGE FESTIVAL Down by the riverside … 16 PETTYS ANTIQUE APPLE FESTIVAL 18 POETRY 20 A SENSE OF PLACE Exhibition of banners depicting a lifestyle 23 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, banyule festival, ward sagar, arts on burgundy, montsalvat, were street cafe, rosanna fire station community house, bibby's bahnhof cafe, templestowe village festival, the pool and spa care centre, templestowe hotel, la piazza restaurant bar & cafe, recherche bespoke framers, margaret roadknight, mezze restaurant warrandyte, wintyre recital gallery, rivergum gallery warrandyre, food for all seasons, potters cottage, warrandyte festival, pettys orchard antique apple festival, fleur de feliss florist, allwood neighbourhood house, ray liversidge, llobex image wizards, victorian artists supplies, ian mcbryde, dynamic vegies, jackie wilson, boroondara litfest, mia mia gallery, eltham banners -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: News in arts and cultural heritage; Vol. 3, No. 4, Aug-Sep 1998, 1998
Vol. 3, No. 4, Aug-Sep 1998 CONTENTS THE GREAT DAREBIN MUSIC EXPO Celebrating cultural diversity 3 THE FINAL TOUCH Dangers of inappropriate picture framing 6 BOOK REVIEW Michele Lonsdale reviews Raymond Gaita's Romulus May Father 9 A NEW FACE IN ELTHAM ARTS From Brown's Town, Jamaica, to Eltham Wiregrass 10 BANYULE YOUTH ART AWARDS Young artists throw down the gauntlet 12 CD REVIEWS Authentic and Get A Handle On It 14 PHOTOGRAPHY John Fitzgerald's first exhibition 16 SHORT STORY Girl in a Yellow Sweater by Morag Kirk 18 POETRY REVIEW Ray Liversidge reviews Ian McBryde 22 THEATRE Carolyn Pickett at Heidelberg Theatre company 23 DAG HOUSE ON HIGH STREET New home for Darebin Arts Action Group 24 SIGMUND JORGENSEN DINES OUT Food and wine as culture 25 POETRY Sandy Jeffs' Poems From the Madhouse 27 RAY MOONEY PLAY REVIEW 27 THEATRE Alabaster Youth Theatre and Daniel Kahans at La Mama 28, 29 WINING, DINING & ENTERTAINING 30 PICASSO AND TUCKER AT HEIDE 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, john fitzgerald, annie keil-taggart, just add water, melanie shanahan, darebinn music expo, ruby hunter, cretan brotherhood dance academy, tim nikolsky, margaret leighton, paper moon, alfie massoud, conga pa gozar, neville crawford, framing, dymocks booksellers, raimond gaita, michelle lonsdale, eltham wiregrass gallery, charmaine sheppard, banyule young artists award, brett wood, rebecca james, saramcfarland, michael hebden, heath warwick, michelle wood, victoria ashton, pietro ristorante grossi, la mama theatre, robbie greig, nerida kirov, george kirov, mathew arnold, john skinner, jeff buckland, laurie strickland, eltham high school, montsalvat, eltham library community gallery, alan marshall short story award, morag kirk, dynamic vegies, jenni mitchell, ruth johnstone, la trobe university art museum, ian mcbryde, ray liversidge, heidelberg thearte company, carolyn pickett, darebin artists action group, sigmund jorgensen, sandy jeffs, la piazza restaurant bar & cafe, adams of north riding, llobex image wizards, yarra valley country club, daniel kahans, bulleen art & garden centre, museum of modern art at heide, monty deli & catering services, albert tucker, volumes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Arts & Culture in Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik & Whittlesea; Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan-Feb 1999, 1999
Vol. 4, No. 1, Jan-Feb 1999 CONTENTS LEGACY OF WILLIAM WESTGARTH Beginnings of German culture in Victoria 3 POSTCARD FROM VIENNA Soni Stecker in the coffee capital of Europe 6 SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL Poets Christen the Montsalvat barn 9 NEW BLOOD FOR ARTS OF ELTHAM 11 HILARY JACKMAN IN PROFILE An artist examines her motives 12 POETRY 14 VOLUMES 1ST BIRTHDAY Celebrating a new chapter in the story of Nillumbik 16, 17 NEW HEIDE EXHIBITION Luna Park and the Art of Mass Delirium 18 SONGLINES A dream takes shape for Nerida Kirov 20 THEATRE WITH CAROLYN PICKETT 23 BOOK REVIEWS 24 - 28 CD REVIEWS Coco's Lunch -Wally Wombat Shuffle; Hooray! for Mr Whiskers 29, 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, john borrack, ziebell farmhouse, sumer in the parks, william westgarth, westgarthtown, yarra valley country club, llobex image wizards, soni stecker, vienna, victorian artists supplies, adams of north riding, pool & spa care centre, montsalvat, eltham arts council, hilary jackman, st andrews hotel, jordie albiston, ian mcbryde, city of whittlesea community festival, volumes, clive dickson, luna park, museum of modern art at heide, art in public places, songlines, nerida kirov, manningham arts centres, carolyn pickett, women's circus, edna walling, trisha dixon, jennie churchill, gwen ford, eltham library community gallery, roberta sykes, soni silvan strecker, dymocks booksellers, wintyre recital gallery, carolyn morwood, anne delaney, coco's lunch, bulleen art & garden centre, franciscus henry, monty deli & catering services -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Arts & Culture in Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik & Whittlesea; Vol. 4, No. 2, Mar-Apr 1999, 1999
Vol. 4, No. 2, Mar-Apr 1999 CONTENTS 'VISUALISE' WITH JOHN WOLSELEY Guest speaker at Banyule Festival 2 FROM ASSISTED IMMIGRANTS TO MODEL FARMERS Gulf Station 3 THE PARADOX OF HUMAN FRAILTY AND MAGNIFICENCE Isobel Clements on art and life 7 MONTH OF FESTIVALS EVENTS GUIDE Banyule Festival 10 Heidi Festival 13 Petty's Orchard Antique Apple Festival 16 Boroondara LitFest 17 Mullum Mullum Festival 17 Templestowe Festival 19 Warrandyte Festival 21 City of Whittlesea Community Festival 23 DINING WITH SIGMUND JORGENSON 25 SHORT STORY A Pony Called Letter 27 THE WORLD ACCORDING TO INDRA Independent publishing 30 CD REVIEWS 12, 17,22 WINING & DINING 32,33 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, kerri simpson, micl o'connor, dean addison, st andrews hotel, lloyd rees, bridget mcdonnell gallery, hammock, john wolseley, helen baker, jan lowe, karen meehan, gulf station, bell family, banyule young artists award, adams of north riding, montsalvat, dymocks booksellers, isobel clements, isobel clement, banyyule festival, eltham wiregrass gallery, willy wonka's ice cream gourmet food, victorian artists supplies, dianne bullen, kate mcgarrigle, anna mcgarrigle, bulleen art & garden centre, museum of modern art at heide, lovegroves of cottles bridge, rosanna community house, recherche, la piazza restaurant bar & cafe, carlucci's, litfest, mullum mullum festival, petty's orchard, festival of kites, mike rudd, bill putt, cydi boste, templestowe village festival, bi-wize quality paints, jordie albiston, arts on burgundy, warrandyte village festival, mercer's restaurant, manningham gallery, la trobe university art museum, fleur de feliss florist, city of whittlesea community festival, sigmund jorgensen, bhoj, yarra valley country club, monique delaney, dynamic vegies, carly young, indra publishing, ian fraser, volumes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Arts & Culture in Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik and Whittlesea; Vol. 5, No. 1, Mar-Apr 2000, 2000
Vol. 5, No. 1, Mar-Apr 2000 CONTENTS ON THE ROAD The Car at Heide 3 ON TOP OF THE WORLD Dandenong Ranges Folk Festival 5 INTERVIEW Felicity Gordon 7 SOUNDS OF HARMONY Gyuto Monks in Eltham 10 BANYULE FESTIVAL 13 WERE ST HILL CLIMB 15 BOROONDARA WRITERS' FESTIVAL 16 WARRANDYTE VILLAGE FESTIVAL 18 DIAMOND CREEK TOWN FAIR 19 TEMPLESTOWE VILLAGE FESTIVAL 20 RECIPES From leading Chefs 21 CAIRO TO CRACOW Middle Eastern Music at Montsalvat 22 POETRY 23 FESTIVAL OF KITES 24 BOOK REVIEW By Michele Lonsdale 25 CD REVIEWS 27 ARTIN ABOUT 28 WINING & DINING 30 ARTISTS SERVICES 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, carly young, plenty views golf park, dynamic vegies, dandenong ranges folk festival, felicity gordon, sounds of global harmony, banyule festival, rosanna fire station community house, bulleen art & garden centre, were street cafe, were street hill climb, bahnhof cafe, walkers wheels, peter glass, eltham wiregrass gallery, boroondara writers festival, warrandyte festival, diamond creek town fair, templestowe village festival, willy wonkas ice cream, gourmet food, ciaro to cracow, fleur de feliss florist, mia mia gallery, festival of kites, bi-wize quality paints, kinglake gallery, andy cowan, wild dog hill studio, montsalvalt, ian collard, geoff achison, bridget allen, thompsons pharmacy, volumes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik, Whittlesea & Yarra; Vol. 7, No. 4, Sep-Oct 2002, 2002
Vol. 7, No. 4, Sep-Oct 2002 CONTENTS Comment 2 War Heroes: the blood and the glory 3 Geoff Todd tells it all in paint John Patrick on trees and environmental survival 8 Pam Dougherty Short Story: Treading water 10 David Fettling Rivers of Life: Paintings by Kerry Kaskamanidis 13 Jill Orr: performance artist 14 John Jenkins Making Art with Liz Nettleton 16 Book review: Contemporary Aboriginal Art 18 Susan McCulloch Poetry News and Reviews 20 John Jenkins CD Reviews 22 Geoff Achison, Mirth, King Kadu On Various Bards 24 John di Mase Artin'about 27 Wining and Dining 30 Poetry by Ian McBryde 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, aboriginal reconciliation, bundoora homestead, jacqueline healy, willy wonka's ice cream gourmet food, melbourne rudolf steiner school, eltham fullife pharmacy, montsalvat, trees, landscape degeneration, urban development, david fettling, dynamic vegies, nillumbik artists' open studios, kerry kaskamanidis, jill orr, john jenkins, thompson's pharmacy, liz nettleton, st andrews hotel, hurstbridge nursery, chris pittard, mary-lou pittard, eltham wiregrass gallery, john di mase, eltham warrandyte pottery open studio, ian mcbryde, bulleen art & garden centre -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Whittlesea, Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik & Yarra; Vol. 9, No. 1, Mar-Apr 2004, 2004
Vol. 9, No. 1, Mar-Apr 2004 CONTENTS Comment 2 Coming to a festival near you 3 Eltham Jazz and Blues Festival 7 Marco Luccio - printmaker, by Clive Dickson 8 Easy Living at Dizzy's by Odette Kelada 10 Reading Arcadia by John Jenkins 12 Poetry News by Ian McBryde 14 Local Colour - photography by Bill Bachman 16 Tributes to Melanie Shanahan 18 Nel Douglas & the Murrumbeena Connection 20 Book Reviews 22 CD Review 24 War Memorial Sculptures 25 Artin' About 26 Wining & Dining 30 Art Services and Classes 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, city of whittlesea community festival, chris smither, mary coughlan, eliza carthy, alison brown quartet, music festivals, sushi wushi eltham, bundoora homestead, eltham jazz festival, marco luccio, warrandyte cafe, clive dickson, bahnhof cafe, montsalvat, eltham fullife pharmacy, nyora road gallery, john jenkins, latrobe university, poetry, ian mcbryde, potters, eltham gourmet poultry & game, eltham wiregrass gallery, bill bachman, melanie shanahan, neil douglas, murrumbeena collection, hurnall's decorative arts gallery, st andrews hotel, leigh conkie, greensborough war memorial park sculptures, il primo restaurant carlton, bulleen art & garden centre, northcote pottery, hurstbridge galleries, thompsons amcal pharmacy, bendigo bank, hurstbridge & districts community bank branch -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Whittlesea, Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik & Yarra; Vol. 9, No. 2, May-Jun 2004, 2004
Vol. 9, No. 2, May-Jun 2004 CONTENTS Comment 2 Kavisha Mazzella 3 The Thylacine Captured 6 A Special Place & Special People 8 My Life as a Dyke at LaMama 11 Reading the teacups with Julie Tipene-O'Toole 12 Sculture as Calligraphy 14 Poetry News by Ian McBryde 15 Eltham Jazz & Heritage Festival 16 Ramblin Jack Elliot 18 A Correspondence with the Heart 19 A Pony Called Letter 20 Shakespeare at Montsalvat 22 Book Review 23 CD Reviews 24 Arti n' About 26 Wining & Dining 30 Art Services and Classes 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, kavisha mazzella, art streams gallery, tim burstall, bundoora homestead, sushi wushi eltham, clive dickson, thylacine, hurstbridge & districts community bank branch, bendigo bank, montsalvat, rose mercer, bahnhof cafe, plenty of colour, eltham gourmet poultry & game, mercers restaurant, stephen mercer, warrandyte cafe, odette kelada, julie tipene-o'toole, eltham fullife pharmacy, dynamic vegies, sculpture, tony trembath, poetry, ian mcbryde, eltham jazz festival, jack elliott, isaac bergman, monique delaney, st andrews hotel, latrobe university, manningham gallery, northcote pottery, congo systems, bulleen art & garden centre, hurstbridge galleries, thompsons amcal pharmacy, organic produce store, city of whittlesea heritage program -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Whittlesea, Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik, Yarra; Vol. 9, No. 3, Jul-Aug 2004, 2004
Vol. 9, No. 3, Jul-Aug 2004 CONTENTS Vale Sandon McLeod 2 Short Story by Jeneke Batemen 3 'Art as a Healing Medium' by Vera Curnow 6 Ephemeral Sculpture 11 Eltham High School Anthology 12 Cellar doors 14 Poetry by Ian McBride 15 ArtStreams Gallery opening 16 'A Moment's Peace' – concert 18 New Exhibitions 19 Neil Douglas as seen by Jack Henseleit 20 Peak Hour at Eltham Bookshop 21 Boite Schools' Chorus Concert 22 Book review 23 CD reviews 24 Artin' About 26 Wining and Dining 30 Art services and classes 32 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, art streams gallery, franciscus henri, sandon mcleod, jeneke bateman, eltham wiregrass gallery, bundoora homestead, vera curnow, art therapy, felt, montsalvat, eltham gourmet poultry & game, raffaella torresan, hurstbridge & districts community bank branch, plenty of colour, ephemeral sculpture, eltham high school, dynamic vegies, red box vineyard, poetry, ian mcbryde, warrandyte cafe, eltham fullife pharmacy, thompsons amcal pharmacy, christina mccallum, la trobe university art collection, st andrews hotel, fiona sievers, eltham bookshop, organic produce store, boite, wellers hotel, wellers of kangaroo ground, northcote pottery, congo systems, bulleen art & garden centre, frames for art of hurstbridge, hurstbridge galleries, neil douglas, jack henseleit -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Lyon, 2014
ADA LAURA LYON Ada Laura Apted was born in 1898 at Queenstown, Victoria the daughter of William Ernest Apted and Sarah Ann Watts On the 2 July 1923 she married David Andrew Lyon at Panton Hill Vic. The Lyon family are well known for the fleet of small buses they ran out of their Eltham Garage. In the interim years between becoming married and moving to Eltham (census records indicate they were there in 1931) they lived in several other suburbs including Doncaster and Ivanhoe At the conclusion of World War 2 the citizens of Eltham decided that a memorial should be made to those of the district who had given their lives during the war. Whilst there had been earlier discussions in 1943 by a body of Eltham Women under the title of "the Women's Auxiliary of the (proposed) Eltham War Memorial Trust'' the first official steps were made on the 27 March 1945 in a meeting by the citizens of Eltham under the title of the Eltham District Progress Association. At this meeting one of the first agenda was the appointment of a committee called "The Eltham War Memorial Trust''. Another was to decision that the Memorial should include: A Baby Health Centre, A Children's Library, And a Pre-School Centre From the inception of the project Mrs Ada Laura Lyon worked tirelessly as a member of the Women's Auxiliary to raise money for the memorial. At the election of the officers of the Trust Council in 1961 she was elected as one of the three Vice Presidents. On the 27 September 1962 Ada suddenly passed away. The news of her death was reported at the following Trust meeting. The President Mrs Morrison voiced the feelings of all present that Ada had done so much for the Trust since its inception and had received the satisfaction of seeing the completion of the three units of the War Memorial Trust which had been her goal. On Tuesday 31 August 1965 the Diamond Valley Mirror reported that on the 28 August 1965 the Eltham War Memorial was transferred from the Eltham Memorial Trust to the Shire of Eltham. A special tribute was paid to the late Mrs Ada Lyon a foundation member who made the Trust her life. A memorial plaque (the sundial) was unveiled in her memory. Ada Lyon was interned at Eltham Cemetery on the 28 September 1962. She was survived by her husband David (who passed away on the 25 November 1975) and their two children Betty and Ian. Eltham Methodist Memorial Section Grave 204. [Author: Jim Allen c.2014] Folder of information on Lyon family. Contents: 1. Ada Laura Lyon (nee Apted) - biography written by Jim Allen (1 A4 page)biography, ada laura lyon (nee apted), david andrew lyon, eltham war memorial trust, sarah ann watts, william ernest apted -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Hassall
Folder includes copy of front cover of This Week in Melbourne: The guide to the best in Melbourne, No. 385, October 1- October 7, 1966 featuring photo of gallery (courtesy Peter Bassett-Smith), page from Diamond Valley News. 3 November 1970 including brief death notice and a separate entry under 'Death of Artist'. Photo of Ian Hassall's family home in England, Photo of Ian Hassall's father, John Dingwall Hassall and John Dingwall Hassall Navy record.ian john dingwall hassall, john dingwall hassall, hassalls roadside gallery -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, A haven for tranquillity, 3 Hillcrest Avenue, Eltham
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clipping promoting house auctioneltham, eltham south, hillcrest avenue, ian reid real estate, real estate advertisement, houses, streets -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, Kinloch, Arthur Street, Eltham
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clipping advertising house auctioneltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, arthur street, ian reid real estate, jelbart court, kinloch, laleham court, woodridge estate -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, Kinloch, Arthur Street, Eltham and 142 Napoleon Street, Eltham
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings advertising house auctionseltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, ian reid real estate, napoleon street, woodards real estate -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, Kinloch, Arthur Street, Eltham
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings advertising house auctioneltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, arthur street, ian reid real estate, kinloch, woodards real estate -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, 104 Lavender Park Road; 2 Porter Street, Eltham Gateway, May 1994, 1994
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings promoting house auctionseltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, ian reid real estate, lavender park road, porter street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, Eltham Wiregrass Gallery, Main Road, Eltham South and 66 Scenic Crescent, Eltham, 1989
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings advertising house auctionseltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, eltham lower park, eltham wiregrass gallery, ian reid real estate, main road, scenic crescent -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, Duranillin Lodge, 104 Lavender Park Road, and 6 Corrong Court, Eltham South
Contained in Volume 1 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings promoting house auctionseltham, eltham south, real estate advertisement, houses, ian reid real estate, corrong court, duranillin lodge, lavender park road, mcgorlick real estate -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newsclipping, 29 Fordhams Road, Culla Hill, Sweeneys Lane, Wombat Cottage and 9 Wild Cherry Drive, Eltham South and St Julien, Research
Contained in Volume 2 of a set of two spiral magnetic photo albums, each containing 10 leaves, 20 pages; Vol. 1 labelled "Houses - Eltham South" and Vol. 2 labelled "Eltham Houses". Newspaper clippings promoting house auctionseltham, real estate advertisement, houses, culla hill, fordhams road, ian reid real estate, research (vic.), st. julien, sweeneys lane, wild cherry drive, wombat cottage