Historical information

Two items about the inclusion of this property on the National Trust's Register:
1/1 copy of one page of typed correspondence and six page enclosure from T Chandler for Ian Wight, Assistant Administrator (Conservation) of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), dated 19/07/1991 to the Chief Executive Officer, City of Caulfield, outlining that the Hopetoun Private Hospital has been classified in the National Trust’s Register and also noting a cc for Caulfield Historical Society. The enclosure is a six page typed classification report on Hopetoun by the National Trust and includes a reference list.
2/1 copy of one page of typed correspondence and six page enclosure from T Chandler for Ian Wight, Assistant Administrator (Conservation) of the National Trust of Australia (Victoria), dated 19/07/1991 to Kopat P/L, outlining that the Hopetoun Private Hospital has been classified in the National Trust’s Register. The enclosure is the same six page typed classification report on Hopetoun by the National Trust which includes a reference list.