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matching industrial relations-victoria
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation ratios campaign bumper sticker, 2001
Sticker distributed to and used by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members and staff as part of a campaign to secure minimum nurse staffing in the public healthcare sector. This sticker was accompanied by a booklet 'Nursing the system back to health : Nurse patient ratios 2001', published in April 2002. The booklet describes some of the rationale for minimum staffing ratios and developments in 2000-2001 regarding campaigning for ratios, particular the landmark decision of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in 2000 that saw the ANF securing the world's first mandated minimum nurse-to-patient ratios. After decades of campaigning from the ANF/ANMF, ratios were legislated for the public sector in Victoria with the passing of the Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient) Bill in 2015. The web address on the sticker was active from 1999 to 2004, and the shortcut '' was active from April 2001, suggesting this sticker dates from around 2001.Rectangular yellow, blue and white bumper sticker. Badge printed with a blue and white ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo, the text 'Nurses Nursing the system back to health' and the (then) website of the ANF (Victorian Branch), ''.nursing, ratios, workforce, staffing, nurses, unionism, stickers, campaigning, trade unions, labour history, safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios) act 2015, australian nursing federation, enterprise bargaining, victoria -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Flyer for protest about industrial relations reform at Trades Hall, 30 September 1998, 1998
Owned by long-time Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) Professional Officer Catherine Hutchings.Colour flyer advertising union-led protest ahead of the 1998 Australian federal election. Image depicts 'scab' labour used in 1998 waterfront dispute. along with an authorisation and the following text: 'feeling relaxed & comfortable in John Howard's Australia? protest against Howard's IR laws 10 am Wed. 30 Sept. Trades Hall Cnr. Lygon & Victoria St. Carlton'.victoria, australia, john howard, 1998 federal election, protest, industrial relations, unions, trade unions, trades hall, carlton, politics, political history, waterfront dispute, events, labour history, solidarity -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
1998 Australian federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall focusing on industrial relations, 1998
Owned by long-time Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (Victorian Branch) Professional Officer Catherine Hutchings.1998 federal election campaign material by Victorian Trades Hall. Full colour bi-fold brochure, using images depicting 1998 Australian waterfront dispute. Text on front: 'Welcome to John Howard's Australia. In 1996, John Howard promised that under his industrial relations laws, 'no worker would be worse off'. In 1998, his government cheered on the illegal sacking of 2000 workers. His laws have changed our system from one of fairness and decency to a system that encourages conflict and division. John Howard's laws are undermining Australian wages and working conditions by attacking unions, encouraging individual contracts and dismantling the award system and the Industrial Relations Commission. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely Your job may depend on it.' Text on rear: 'Five Facts About Industrial Relations Under John Howard Workers have lost award conditions and legal protections. Australian wages are being undermined by individual contracts and non-union agreements. Companies can use corporate law to sack workforces and not pay wages owed. Workers have been sacked because they belong to a Union. Conflict and Division in the workforce has increased. On October 3rd [1998], use your vote wisely. Your job may depend on it.'victoria, australia, john howard, liberal party, 1998 federal election, protest, industrial relations, unions, trade unions, trades hall, carlton, politics, political history, waterfront dispute, events, labour history, solidarity -
Victorian Railway History Library
Book, Andrew Quinn, The 1950 Victorian Railway Strike and its significance in Post-War Labor History
A research essay on the 1950 Victorian Railway strike and its significance in the post-war history of labor relations.bib, p.47.non-fictionA research essay on the 1950 Victorian Railway strike and its significance in the post-war history of labor relations.industrial relations - victorian railways, railway strikes in victoria - history