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matching john green
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... , Hue Green, John Wilson, Carl Cooke, Mr Connally, N Northland... Lee Don Wright Hue Green John Wilson Carl Cooke Mr Connally N ...BHS CollectionPale green covered exercise book with Victory printed in orange at the top right. Below is a circle with Victory at the top and Natural below. Across the centre is 100% Recycled Paper. Below is 96 page printed in white on an orange background. Below that is Exercise Book printed in dark green, and below that is the name plate. On the name line is a date 31-10-91. Book was used as a record of who bought tokens for the truckwash and how much they paid. Later the money was paid to the Council. Names in the book included: Robt Blake, Gib Davey,M Tappe, John Wilson, Allan Somerville, Peter Harris, ? Hearn, Andrew Beer, Jack McKenna, Don White, J Govett, J Wignall, Matthews Transports, Pickthalls Transport, Carlisle Bros, Noel Hartland, Grogans Livestock, K Stratton, Rutlands Transports, J Truscott, Des Byrne, Commercial Pig Co, Rick Thompson, M Connally, K Otoole, B McLean, K Stevens, S Bennitt, Alan Pickdall, L Boyd, Mathews Transport, Mathews, Cowan Transport, H J Sooble, John Kerr, Stone, John Wilson, Brendan Morgan, Bruce Stewart. Jack Covett, Len Terry, Neil Adams, P Llewellyn, Peter Norris, Steve Nann, Glen Bish, R Frazer, Rutland, S Johnston, R Hearn, Ronald D Stone, Stephen Bennett, Nick Connally, Wayne Wignall, G Chapman, Noel Hartland, Stan Rutland, Mr Preston, K Barrow, John Wilson, Mr McGrath, W Lanz, John Truscott, Craigs, M Vick, Craig Hoy, Cliff Johnson, N Johnson, Sullivan, Colin Bloomfield, R Thompson, M Vick, Jan Wignall, Bicknalls, JJ Wilson, Des Byrne, Keith O'Toole, Llewellyns transports, Reg Hearn, Don White, J Boon, Mr Webb, W Fergson, Glen Bish, G Pollock, Penview Pastoral Co, G Pollock, Meehan, Woodstock Holdings, J W Pekthall & Sons, John Wilson, Kerrs Transports, K Stevens, John Kerr, Benview Elmore, Steve Mann, Mr Anfuso, K Wignall, D Fawcett, P Johnson, Llewingtons, R Hearn, Paynes Transports, G Watson, Ian Johnson, G G Muller & Son, Pichard O'Sullivan, Gib Davies, Adams Transport, Kevin Marlow, Lewington, Maurie Bick, Isaac, Des Byrne, Lewington, J Govett, N Hartland, S Bennett, J Govett, R Thompson, B Morgan, Colin Bloomfield, J Kerr, Mr Carver, Richards, K Isaac, Amfuso, Bob McLean, Mr Marke, Geodie, Ted Goddard, Kulpinski, Hollingworth, W Hodge, G F Farmer, R Hearn, Kevin Stevens, Don White, Morrie Vick, Mr Gallagher, R McKenzie, L Lanz, L Kirk, D Harrigan, RG & F Moon, E J Hooper, Des Byrne, G Medlyn, J Wilson, N Hartland, H Green, D Vick, G D Gamble, Con Mulvahill, Pietorala Transports, C Reece, Graham Miller, Rinaldi, Les Smith, Brendan Morgan, Pickhalls Transports, Mr Dawn, Steven Bennett, Steve Mann, Les Smith, H Green, Connallys, Lewington, I Gallagher, Ray Collins, Burrow, Hugh Green, C Congrim, D Byrne, Don White, grogan, Mr Selly, Adams Transports, Kevin Marlow, Roberts Transports, J W Pickhalls, Wick Lockington, G Bish, Don White, GG Muller & Son, McKenna's, T Smith G Watson, Blacky, B Lee, Don Wright, Hue Green, John Wilson, Carl Cooke, Mr Connally, N Northland, Jan Hollingsworth, Mr Preston, Mr Hooper, Mr Rose, D White, Ron Mellier, GD Gamble, K Richards, Bond Bros, J Govett, Victorian Producers, Gavin O'Sullivan, Neil Adams, Mr Dowell, I Gallagher, W Lanz, Mr Boyd, Peter Bish, J McKay, Farmer, Joe Blow, J Matthews, M Vick, N Adams, Colins Pastoral Co, Younghusband, K Barrow, K Richards, Steve Bennett, Les Smith, Ben Webb, John Wilson, Gavin O'Sullivan, Mr McCarthy, Col Warrack, Steve Ellis, Charlie Reece, Mr Vanderene, D Hannagan, P Morgan, Don White, Sommerville, McDonald, P Meighan, Don White, Les Smith, Carl Koch, Ron Stone, M Connally, J Gover, Mr Craig, M Vick, Eddy Smith, B Morgan, B Hickson, Len Reid, Mr Curt, Mr Grogan, Rob Blake, Mr Goulthorpe, Bob McLean, O'Sullivans, Ricky thompson, Johnson, Mr Coffey, J McKay, D White, Giles, Johnstone, Nicholls, Govett, White, Wilson, Don White, Geoff Gill, D Gorden, Ray Collins, Pellegrino, Cory Watson, W Ferguson, Pickthall, McDonald, Cook, S Mann, J Govett, Collins Pastral, Broad, Rick thompson, R Hearn, S Bennett, W Fitzpatrick, Noel Hartland, K Rotheran, David Beers, Congran, R Blake, R Weeks, Taylor, R Frazer, K Stratton, M Connally, N Adams, Don White, Milgate, Findlays, J Dury, McKibbins, Morgan, Roberts, R Stone, K Stevens, M Vick, C Reece, Steve Bennett, Ahern, S Boyd, Rick thompson,McClean, Hearn, Govett, Peter harris, Graham Medlyn, McAllister, Noel Hartland, Beer, RJ Grogan, Hindle, Bendigo Horse Transport, Jack McKenna, R Hearn, J McKay, T Rinaldi, Hayes, G Muller, J Govett, Ranoldi, D Ford, K O'Toole, J Talbot, McKibbons, Barr, S Bennett, P Johnston, J Hird, Paynes Transport, D White, P Harris, Maurie Vick, P Bish, Don Hollingsworth, C Gilmore, Jack Talbot, G Chapman, J Wilson, Kevin Stevens, Eddy Smith, C Bloomfield, R thompson, Davies, Truscott, D Byrne, Hayes Transport, Yanga Pty Ltd, M Connally, A Rothacker, Coad, D Byrne, R O'Sullivan, K Stevens, Cliffton, M Douglas, Trevor Mathews, Botly, Anufson, w Fitzpatrick, R Hearn, R Collins, Craig Dorman, Brian Bentley, M Johns, T Sully, W Fawcett, Bob McLean, D White, Hugh Green, B Harris, Rod thompson, P Meighan, Allan McAllister, Mark Barri, Don White, M Connelly, P Lewellyn, G Gill, G Rand, Hayes, S O'Sullivan, D White, Bob Blake, R Stone, B Liddle, Bentley Trans, J Govett, Stevens Transport, N Broad, Govett, G Young, M Footh, Geoff Gill, Gamble, D Holingworth, C Reece, S White, S Bennett, M Barri, John Wilson, D Byrne, P Morgan, R Stone, Bentley, Pollock, Des Byrne, Doug Rinaldi, J Govett, B Harris, R Brunt, Roberts, R Burt, Tang, Peter Morgan, M Oxley, G W Nunn, D Boyd, Findley, C Johns, W Craig, A Beer, A & M Rinaldi, D Illingworth, M Barri, G Rand, G & P Nunn, R Hearn, A Broad, C Bloomfield, K Marlow, P Trailer, J Govett, Talbot, J Beer, M Gray, J Kerr, R Stone, R Stewart, English Trans, Argyle Transport, Bentley's, B Stewart, G Davey, Leavinitons, Lewington's, Miller, G Muller, J Talbot, S Mann, McKibbins, Hanson, D Boon, R Burt, English, Oxley, N Collier, Broadacres, Murphy, M Oxley, G Thomas, Holly, Dalgety, Elders, McKean, Nevins, Nuttall, Rodwell, Vains, VPC, Allan MacAllister, Hyland, Gathercole, Gilbertson, Hardwick, Le frankie, Midfield, Osullivans Wignall, John Crimmins, D Lane and Jack Fisher.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - record of tokens, robt blake, gib davey, m tappe, john wilson, allan somerville, peter harris, ? hearn, andrew beer, jack mckenna, don white, j govett, j wignall, matthews transports, pickthalls transport, carlisle bros, noel hartland, grogans livestock, k stratton, rutlands transports, j truscott, des byrne, commercial pig co, rick thompson, m connally, k otoole, b mclean, k stevens, s bennitt, alan pickdall, l boyd, mathews transport, mathews, cowan transport, h j sooble, john kerr, stone, john wilson, brendan morgan, bruce stewart. jack covett, len terry, neil adams, p llewellyn, peter norris, steve nann, glen bish, r frazer, rutland, s johnston, r hearn, ronald d stone, stephen bennett, nick connally, wayne wignall, g chapman, noel hartland, stan rutland, mr preston, k barrow, john wilson, mr mcgrath, w lanz, john truscott, craigs, m vick, craig hoy, cliff johnson, n johnson, sullivan, colin bloomfield, r thompson, m vick, jan wignall, bicknalls, jj wilson, des byrne, keith o'toole, llewellyns transports, reg hearn, don white, j boon, mr webb, w fergson, glen bish, g pollock, penview pastoral co, g pollock, meehan, woodstock holdings, j w pekthall & sons, john wilson, kerrs transports, k stevens, john kerr, benview elmore, steve mann, mr anfuso, k wignall, d fawcett, p johnson, llewingtons, r hearn, paynes transports, g watson, ian johnson, g g muller & son, pichard o'sullivan, gib davies, adams transport, kevin marlow, lewington, maurie bick, isaac, des byrne, lewington, j govett, n hartland, s bennett, j govett, r thompson, b morgan, colin bloomfield, j kerr, mr carver, richards, k isaac, amfuso, bob mclean, mr marke, geodie, ted goddard, kulpinski, hollingworth, w hodge, g f farmer, r hearn, kevin stevens, don white, morrie vick, mr gallagher, r mckenzie, l lanz, l kirk, d harrigan, rg & f moon, e j hooper, des byrne, g medlyn, j wilson, n hartland, h green, d vick, g d gamble, con mulvahill, pietorala transports, c reece, graham miller, rinaldi, les smith, brendan morgan, pickhalls transports, mr dawn, steven bennett, steve mann, les smith, h green, connallys, lewington, i gallagher, ray collins, burrow, hugh green, c congrim, d byrne, don white, grogan, mr selly, adams transports, kevin marlow, roberts transports, j w pickhalls, wick lockington, g bish, don white, gg muller & son, mckenna's, t smith g watson, blacky, b lee, don wright, hue green, john wilson, carl cooke, mr connally, n northland, jan hollingsworth, mr preston, mr hooper, mr rose, d white, ron mellier, gd gamble, k richards, bond bros, j govett, victorian producers, gavin o'sullivan, neil adams, mr dowell, i gallagher, w lanz, mr boyd, peter bish, j mckay, farmer, joe blow, j matthews, m vick, n adams, colins pastoral co, younghusband, k barrow, k richards, steve bennett, les smith, ben webb, john wilson, gavin o'sullivan, mr mccarthy, col warrack, steve ellis, charlie reece, mr vanderene, d hannagan, p morgan, don white, sommerville, mcdonald, p meighan, don white, les smith, carl koch, ron stone, m connally, j gover, mr craig, m vick, eddy smith, b morgan, b hickson, len reid, mr curt, mr grogan, rob blake, mr goulthorpe, bob mclean, o'sullivans, ricky thompson, johnson, mr coffey, j mckay, d white, giles, johnstone, nicholls, govett, white, wilson, don white, geoff gill, d gorden, ray collins, pellegrino, cory watson, w ferguson, pickthall, mcdonald, cook, s mann, j govett, collins pastral, broad, rick thompson, r hearn, s bennett, w fitzpatrick, noel hartland, k rotheran, david beers, congran, r blake, r weeks, taylor, r frazer, k stratton, m connally, n adams, don white, milgate, findlays, j dury, mckibbins, morgan, roberts, r stone, k stevens, m vick, c reece, steve bennett, ahern, s boyd, rick thompson, mcclean, hearn, govett, peter harris, graham medlyn, mcallister, noel hartland, beer, rj grogan, hindle, bendigo horse transport, jack mckenna, r hearn, j mckay, t rinaldi, hayes, g muller, j govett, ranoldi, d ford, k o'toole, j talbot, mckibbons, barr, s bennett, p johnston, j hird, paynes transport, d white, p harris, maurie vick, p bish, don hollingsworth, c gilmore, jack talbot, g chapman, j wilson, kevin stevens, eddy smith, c bloomfield, r thompson, davies, truscott, d byrne, hayes transport, yanga pty ltd, m connally, a rothacker, coad, d byrne, r o'sullivan, k stevens, cliffton, m douglas, trevor mathews, botly, anufson, w fitzpatrick, r hearn, r collins, craig dorman, brian bentley, m johns, t sully, w fawcett, bob mclean, d white, hugh green, b harris, rod thompson, p meighan, allan mcallister, mark barri, don white, m connelly, p lewellyn, g gill, g rand, hayes, s o'sullivan, d white, bob blake, r stone, b liddle, bentley trans, j govett, stevens transport, n broad, govett, g young, m footh, geoff gill, gamble, d holingworth, c reece, s white, s bennett, m barri, john wilson, d byrne, p morgan, r stone, bentley, pollock, des byrne, doug rinaldi, j govett, b harris, r brunt, roberts, r burt, tang, peter morgan, m oxley, g w nunn, d boyd, findley, c johns, w craig, a beer, a & m rinaldi, d illingworth, m barri, g rand, g & p nunn, r hearn, a broad, c bloomfield, k marlow, p trailer, j govett, talbot, j beer, m gray, j kerr, r stone, r stewart, english trans, argyle transport, bentley's, b stewart, g davey, leavinitons, lewington's, miller, g muller, j talbot, s mann, mckibbins, hanson, d boon, r burt, english, oxley, n collier, broadacres, murphy, m oxley, g thomas, holly, dalgety, elders, mckean, nevins, nuttall, rodwell, vains, vpc, allan macallister, hyland, gathercole, gilbertson, hardwick, le frankie, midfield, osullivans wignall, john crimmins, d lane, jack fisher -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Tarcoola Press, Coranderrk Database compiled by Mick Woiwod, 2012
... green, john.... of the Victorian Community History Awards 2012 green, john. bon, anne ...Database of information on Coranderrk 1835 to 1995.Winner of the Local History Project Award (for activities that enhance access to records of significance to local communities) as part of the Victorian Community History Awards 2012 242 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm + 1 CD-ROM (4 3/4 in.) PDF, Word files.ISBN 9780987157416green, john., bon, anne fraser, 1838-1936., coranderrk aboriginal station. -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Booklet, Seriously History Press et al, The Astonishing History of Ballarat: 1851-1855, 2018
... gough william john gough sarah sands john lees william green ...Book with red and white cover.port phillip, california, ballarat, thomas chapman, john kelly, strath loddon, louis michel, william habberlin, james esmond, george bruhn, thomas hiscock, john dunlop, james regan, james oddie, herbert swindell, tom toddleton, buninyong, tom brown, squatters, alfred clarke, paul gooch, john hall, eureka stockade, harrie wood, william akehurst, monster nuggets, john evans, daniel evans, thomas george gough, william john gough, sarah sands, john lees, william green, canadian nugget, bob fee, henry gunn, michael welsh, benjamin robertson, thomas carroll, white horse ranges, little bendigo, red hill, john vinvent brewer, george noble, w.h. ferrier, john alloo, peter lalor, john basson humffray, raffaello carboni, james rice, john yates, thomas bath, gum-tree flat -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, The Dunera Tapes, 1990
... Freitag Ernest Green John Gresham Dennis Goodman Frank Heymann ...Printed on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the arrival in Australia. Interviews with 69 of the original Dunera men and their families done by 15 Hay students from Hay War Memorial School.Light blue covered folio side bound in black. Contains 70 pages of printed text and photos. Black and white picture on cover. Title in black ink above picture. Black taped spine.The Dunera Tapes Conversations on a Windy Day in Hayhay internment camp, 50th anniversary of dunera arrival, hay war memorial school, internment camp interviews, peter alsberg, paul altmann, max arnott, herbert barber, michael brent, gerald cunningham, peter danziger, reinhold eckfield, peter feistmann, adi felder, henry felder, john fletcher, werner frank, fred freitag, ernest green, john gresham, dennis goodman, frank heymann, horst jacobs, ernie katz, walter kaufmann, jimmy king, heinz kuehlenthal, george lederer, kurt leiser, kurt lewinski, hans loewe, franz menzel, rudi meth, albert meyer, martin moore, fred parkinson, fred reich, howard rickenberg, ernest rodeck, max rubinsohn, fren schonbach, ernest schonfeld, henry seaman, martin shelton, mike sondheim, ralph stern, george strauss, henry teltscher, roy thalheimer, herbert treidel, harry unger, fred warschauer, harold weinberg, mendel weisser, victor wieselmann, walter weyl, ernst wolf, christoph wolkenstein, oswald wolkenstein -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Site of Jeannie Richardson's Home 1973
... jeannie richardson jeanie green john william richardson willie ...John Lundy-Clarke grew up in the Kalorama/Mt Dandenong area and later in life (1972-74) began to write a comprehensive history of the area working from an original settlement map in an effort to cover all areas. It was in the clearing on the left that John William (Willie) Richardson built a home for his wife Jeanie Green. It was called Mount Calvin. Jeanie was often ill and the family left the area seeking a warmer climate. They eventually settled in Brisbane. Willie sold the home and 60 acres around it to W. Rowse. Jeanie died in 1916. The remainder of the land was sold by solicitors to cover debts. Black and white photograph showing a treed hillside with a cleared area to the left hand side. Handwritten inscription on reverse by John Lundy-ClarkeLooking towards the site of Jeannie's home from near Doughty’s Road Nov 1973. Her house was in the centre of the clearing on the left. Photo Jan 1974 JLC.mount calvin, jeannie richardson, jeanie green, john william richardson, willie richardson, jeanie richardson, rowse -
Public Record Office Victoria
Deposition, 7 October 1854
... meikle henry green john campbell duncan henderson david richards ...VA 2825 Attorney-General's Department (previously known as the Law Department)Eureka Stockade:Depositions from Scobie Murderinquisition, james scobie, james bentley, d.s williamson, walter anderson, john gillott, hugh meikle, henry green, john campbell, duncan henderson, david richards, john haig, john fletcher, john phelan, walter davis, james hasseltop, archibald carmichael, william duncan, j.f bentley, barnard wech, peter martin, mary ann welch, john alfred carr, dr alfred carr -
Tarnagulla History Archive
Handwritten note, 9 September, 1872
... from Tarnagulla Telegraph/Post Office. From John Green... from Tarnagulla Telegraph/Post Office. From John Green to James ...A large lot of papers, including this note and many telegrams, were apparently found in the ceiling cavity of the Sandy Creek/Tarnagulla Post and Telegraph Office in the later 20th Century, during building works. Donald Clark Collection. A handwritten note, probably a draft for a telegram sent from Tarnagulla Telegraph/Post Office. From John Green to James Fries (?), Manager, North Poverty G. Mi. Co., Greman's (?) Chambers, Sandhurst Message reads 'Revoke proxy to R. Rook. Appoint Robert Church'. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Award - Wooden Shield
... Army 1975; Salvation Army Reserve 1976; St John's Green... John's Green Premiers 1977; Presbyterian Premiers 1978; St John's ...Winners: Baptist Premiers and Champions 1974; Salvation Army 1975; Salvation Army Reserve 1976; St John's Green Premiers 1977; Presbyterian Premiers 1978; St John's Presbyterian Premiers 1979; Uniting Premiers 1980; Uniting Gold 1981; Salvation Army Gold Premiers 1982; Uniting Green Premiers 1983; O.L.H.C. Red Premiers 1984; Uniting Green Premiers 1985; Salvation Army Premiers 1986; O.L.H.C. (Navy) Premiers 1987; Uniting Blue Premiers 1988.Varnished rectangular wooden award shield with a large central metal shield surrounded by fifteen smaller silver coloured metal shields which are attached to the wood with small nails and screws."W.I.C.N.A. NETBALL LORIMER SHIELD U/12. DIV 2.""warrnambool inter church netball association, lorimer shield -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Blackburn Bowling Club, C.1926
... John Stevens fertilising The Green of Blackburn Bowling... Mitcham melbourne stevens john blackburn bowling club John Stevens ...John Stevens fertilising The Green of Blackburn Bowling Club.stevens, john, blackburn bowling club -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... as: Joseph Lanfranchi, WB Walker, Daniel Murdoch, John Green..., John Green, Alexander Hay, Edward Bright Photograph SIX ...Black and white photograph. Printed onto cream paper showing six directors of New Moon Company. Photograph image has rounded corners and a dark border. This studio study is then within a double-line border. Sketch of New Moon leases shown on back as part of report. Inscriptions: names of directors shown as: Joseph Lanfranchi, WB Walker, Daniel Murdoch, John Green, Alexander Hay, Edward Brightperson, group, new moon company -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... The Crimes Of The First Fleet Convicts by John Cobley... BOOKS Catalogues first fleet John Cobley. Published by Angus ...The Crimes Of The First Fleet Convicts by John Cobley, green hardcover with dust jacket, published by Angus and Robertson, 324 pages. Name of Harold Curnow, 4.6.70 is inside the front cover.John Cobley. Published by Angus and Robertsonbooks, catalogues, first fleet -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... , Russ Emond and John Green. Front row: Leon Fallon, Bill Ross..., Bill Clements, Rob Boxhall Alan Michelsen, Russ Emond and John ...Bendigo Advertiser "The way we were" from Tuesday, November 18, 2003. Champions: the Northern Victorian Regiment (38th battalion) won the Bendigo Basketball premiership in 1954. On the winning team were; back row left to right: Cliff Swatton, Greg McWhinney, Brian Gaffney, Bill Clements, Rob Boxhall Alan Michelsen, Russ Emond and John Green. Front row: Leon Fallon, Bill Ross and Maurice Jorgenson.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Unions Ballarat
MUNGO : The Man Who Laughs, MacCallum, Mungo, 2001
... and black), William McMahon (purple and black) and John Gorton... and black) and John Gorton (green and black). MUNGO : The Man Who ...A memoir and personal observations about political life particularly around the time of the Whitlam government (1972-1975). In the foreword, the author describes the book as not a serious piece of research, although names, dates and places have been checked.The book is significant to Australian federal politics, particularly during the Whitlam/ALP government.Paperback book. Front cover: red and background; black and white lettering; two tone portraits of Gough Whitlam (blue and black), William McMahon (purple and black) and John Gorton (green and black). Front cover: author's name and title. Back cover: excerpts from the book. Title page: the name Ray O'Leary and date 2/2012 is inscribed in blue biro.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, politics, whitlam, gough, mcmahan, william, gorton, john, australian labor party, liberal party australia, politicians, prime minister -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Ann Blainey, If God Prospers Me -- A Portrait of Mr Frederick John Cato by Ann Blainey, 1990
... of a Portrait of Fredrick John Cato. Over Green Hard Cover with Title... John Cato. Over Green Hard Cover with Title and Author on spine ...Biography of Frederick John CatoRed Dust Jacket Cover with a picture of a painting of a Portrait of Fredrick John Cato. Over Green Hard Cover with Title and Author on spine.Ann Blainey If God Prospers Me A Portrait of Frederick John Catostawell -
Unions Ballarat
John Grey Gorton: An informed biography, Trengrove, Alan, 1969
... Paper; book. Front cover: Full colour photograph of John...: Full colour photograph of John Gorton; black and green text ...John Gorton is a former Prime Minister of Australia. He became Prime Minister following the disappearance of Harold Holt in 1967. Gorton resigned as leader in 1971 and William McMahon became Prime Minister.Relevant to political history of Australia. Biographical relevance.Paper; book. Front cover: Full colour photograph of John Gorton; black and green text.Front cover: author's name; title.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, prime minister, holt, harold, gorton, john, mcmahon, william, liberal party australia, politics, politicians, government, biography -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Journal, Gippsland Heritage Journal, March 1996
... The main photo is by Max Lowenhardt and shows John Green... gippsland The main photo is by Max Lowenhardt and shows John Green ...The main photo is by Max Lowenhardt and shows John Green, Mrs Eva Penny (inside the tree and hardly visible) nursing Charlie, May, George and Nicolas Penny. Colin Silcock wrote of the tree on p.39 that the family lived int he hollowed-out butt for nine months in 1906-1907. It was 20 feet across at floor level with 12 feet of head room inside. Nicholas Penny ring-barked the tree in 1905, with it being 130 feet high with the top broken off. The fires the following year destroyed the tent in which he was living and hollowed out the tree. After "making a few alterations" Penny moved in and brought his wife and children across from Outtrim. They later built a more permanent home. The tree was destroyed in the 1926 bushfires. (ref Linda Barraclough)This magazine is a useful reference on Gippsland history.A 64 pp magazine, titled Gippsland Heritage Journal. It has a dark green cover with a photograph of the "Penny Tree" . The magazine is dated March 1996 and cost $7.50. It contains stories and photographs on the history of Gippsland.There is a library bar code on the outside back cover.gippsland-heritage-journal penny-tree history-gippsland -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Framed Photographs, Department of Transport, "Presentation of an Essay to the Department of Transport Victoria, March 1994", Mar. 1994
... Jones, Robert Green, John Keating and Alan Brown., Photo of Alan..., Graham Jones, Robert Green, John Keating, Kim Wells..., Con O'Carroll, Robert Wilson, Graham Jones, Robert Green, John ...Set of 9 postcard, document or images framed with a wooden frame at the time of the "Presentation of an Essay to the Department of Transport Victoria, March 1994". Has a white backing for postcards and photos, approx. 145 x 100. Items have been placed it appears on an under backing. Glazed, craftwood backing secured with staples into the frame. On the rear has a printed label with a red border on white paper with the number "27" in black. From Top left to bottom right: , Postcard of Swanston St with St Pauls, Note about the presentation and the work undertaken by Jack Cranston, Postcard of Queens Bridge Melbourne, looking north from the south side of the Yarra, Postcard of Flinders St, Photo of Jack Cranston with Minister for Transport, Alan Brown MP, Postcard of Collins St Melbourne, Photo of presentation party - Jack Cranston, Con O'Carroll, Robert Wilson, Graham Jones, Robert Green, John Keating and Alan Brown., Photo of Alan Brown, Jack Cranston and Kim Wells holding the Plans and Sections folder (see Reg Item 583)., Photo of Alan Brown and Jack Cranston.trams, tramways, cable trams, horse trams, mto co, melbourne -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... of directors: Joseph LanFranchi, W.B. Walker, Daniel Murdoch, John..., Daniel Murdoch, John Green, Alexander Hay and Edward Bright ...Copy of extract from the Bendigo Advertiser, 22nd November, 1906 spiral bound with plastic cover. On front: 'New Moon Mine Site, its resources and future prospects'. Document contains financial reports, gold extracted, shareholders, battery manager's report, map of leases held by New Moon Co and photos, see below. Photo of Managers of New Moon Co., H.E. Jones Mining Manager, J.C. McCoy Engineer, R.A. Dewar Battery Manager. Photo of directors: Joseph LanFranchi, W.B. Walker, Daniel Murdoch, John Green, Alexander Hay and Edward Bright. Photos include view from base of poppet legs showing tramway and crushing machine, battery and mine, miners at the 1045 level.bendigo, mining, new moon co. nl -
Bendigo Military Museum
book - BOOK, DEMOBILIZATION PROCEDURE, Australian Army, 1939 - 1948
... Written in ink on front: VX79511 CFM McDonald John... in ink on front: VX79511 CFM McDonald John Alexander, 63 Green St ...See Cats 2481.2 and 5556.2.Small booklet, brown cardboard cover, black ink printing. No 186058. Army form AAB87. inside are 26 plus pages of demob procedures, two pages are loose, some pages have the word "cancelled" stamped on them. They show trade skills, civvy education, qualifications etc. There is about 28 pages inside.Written in ink on front: VX79511 CFM McDonald John Alexander, 63 Green St, Windsor, Vic, signed by him. It has a rubber stamp dated 30 Dec (?) 1945.demobilisation, ww2 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... to date. Signed William Jones, per John Findlay .green one penny... Jones, per John Findlay .green one penny stamp at foot ...document - memo from green one penny stamp at foot of receipt from William Jones Runnymede Flour Mills Elmore 2.2.1887 to Messrs Bennett, Attenborough, Wilks & Connelly, regarding ' balance due to me re Beischer' and cost of transfer of land to date. Signed William Jones, per John Findlay .green one penny stamp at foot of receiptbusiness, legal, connelly, tatchell collection, connelly, tatchell collection, bennett, attenborough, wilks., william jones -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... Small Gospel According to St. John with a dark green cover... The University Press Small Gospel According to St. John with a dark green ...Small Gospel According to St. John with a dark green cover with St. John and a rectangular frame embossed on the front cover. It has eighty pages and twenty one chapters.societies, aof, correspondence, ancient order of foresters no. 3770 collection - the gospel according to st. john, cambridge, the university press -
Unions Ballarat
The Gorton experiment (Don Woodward Collection), Reid, Alan, 1971
... Book; 455 pages. Dust jacket: green background; author's...Unions Ballarat 24 Camp Street Ballarat goldfields John ...John Gorton became Australian Prime Minister (1968-1971) after the disappearance of Harold Holt (with McEwan being the interim Prime Minister). Holt and Gorton were both from the Liberal Party Australia. Gorton has been described as a larrikan and an eccentric in his time as prime minister. The book is described as a disparaging account.Australian politics. Biographical.Book; 455 pages. Dust jacket: green background; author's name and title in white lettering; two-tone picture of John Gorton. Cover: yellow; green lettering; author's name and title. Title page: "To my son John Aug 4th 1971 Dad."btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, gorton, john, prime ministers - australia, holt, harold, liberal party australia, politics, biography -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... A large green John Sands Pty. Ltd. 1837-1967 '130 years... Sands Pty. Ltd. A large green John Sands Pty. Ltd. 1837-1967 ...A large green John Sands Pty. Ltd. 1837-1967 '130 years of fine printing' anniversary calendar. The calendar displays some prints of Australian locations including Sydney 1886, Melbourne 1857, Brisbane, Tasmania and Barossa Ranges. Also contains an outline of the history of John Sands company.John Sands Pty. Ltd.australia, history, prints, lydia chancellor, collection, calendar, john sands pty. ltd., printing, history, australian history, prints, sydney, melbourne, kangaroo point brisbane, barossa ranges -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, McLean, 1984-1999
... married Louisa Frances Green 1922 (Vic BDM) - Hector John McLean... married Louisa Frances Green 1922 (Vic BDM) - Hector John McLean ...References to McLean family, Hector John McLean and Louisa Frances (nee Green) and six daughters who lived in Eltham during the period 1930 to 1934 inclusive. Lived in the former Evelyn Hotel at the time it was destroyed by fire and being part of the Centenary Parade in 1934 where the family won the Group Section for their entry “Pioneers of Eltham” Reminiscences provided by Edith Jones (nee M1934 flood, ballroom, baptism, barber shop, bittern, boy scouts, bremner's flat, burgoyne's shop, cable tram, cemetery road, centenary celebrations, centenary parade, christening, coach house, collis grocery, dalton street, depression, dole, dorothy jean mclean, edith jones (nee mclean), eltham fire brigade, eltham high school, eltham higher elementary school, eltham lower park, eltham railway station, eltham state school no. 209, evelyn hotel, fire damage - buildings, flinders naval depot, fordham, gladys evelyn mclean, gold mining, gwenneth mae mclean, gwladys evelyn mclean, headmistress, hector john mclean, isherwood house and shop, louisa frances mclean (nee green), metery road, methodist church, miss finnin, miss grant cottage, motor bike races, mrs barrett, mrs bremner, mrs hurley, olive isabel mclean, parade, phoebe lillian mclean, picnic, pioneers of eltham, pitt street, research fire brigade, rev. r.g. arthur, shed, shops, st margarets church hall, st margaret's church, stables, state savings bank of victoria, susso books, todaro, vinnie willet, warrandyte bridge, warrandyte, wingrove park, yarra river -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... on the left is their neighbour, Mr. John Green. The Photograph... on the left is their neighbour, Mr. John Green. The Photograph ...Sepia image (copy) picture shows family gathered at base of large tree trunk with door opening. Two small children in doorway, woman holding younger child inside tree, two men either side of image. Both men are wearing suit coats, vests and wearing hats. Straw broom and pots fixed to tree trunk. Man on RH side has an axe to his right. PLEASE NOTE: Letter with photo inquiring about the people in photo, states that the image is that of Peter Tyson, younger brother of James, his wife Margaret Sheil, and their twin daughters, Alice and Harriet. Diary is of accounts with limited text of a written diary on RH wide of sheets. Bookkeeper was Robert Primrose, whose name appears frequently in the book. Further research by Murray Poustie discovered that the photograph may actually be of Nicholas Penny, his wife Eva and their children Charlie, May, George and Nicholas. Also in the photograph on the left is their neighbour, Mr. John Green. The Photograph was taken by Max Lowenhardt when the Penny family was living in the tree at Fumina in 1906-07 following devastating bushfires. Fumina is in timber country at the foot of the Baw Baw Mountains and the area was frequently affected by major bushfires. The photograph was featured on the cover of the Gippsland Heritage Journal No.19, 1996 and is also extensively noted as ''The Penny family's tree home at Fumina'' in other publications including Vision & Realisation.person, receipts -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Grave, Boroondara Ceneral Cemetery, 1910-1925
... ] Katherine Green 8 May 1934 Kathleen Ruth Green 30 Dec 1976 Others... of the late Miss Green, 'Reno', St John's Parade Kew, 1977. Obtained.... Relatives of the late Miss Green, 'Reno', St John's Parade Kew, 1977 ...The plot in the Boroondara General Cemetery is located at C/E C 0840. The Cemetery records list the following burials in the plot: Mabel Mary Helen Blom 28 Aug 1902 [wife of Pieter Blom] Katherine Green 8 May 1934 Kathleen Ruth Green 30 Dec 1976 Others named are commemorated rather than buried there. The Green family were the owners of 'Reno' in St John's Parade, Kew. Kathleen Green was an early member of the Kew Historical Society.Early photograph of a grave in the cemetery.Graves, Boroondara General Cemetery. The headstones commemorate are of Mabel Mary Helen Blom, Pieter Blom, and William Thomas Napier MacDowell.Inscription on reverse: "Boroondara Graves. Relatives of the late Miss Green, 'Reno', St John's Parade Kew, 1977. Obtained by the Kew Historical Society when Reno was sold and prior to demolition 1977."reno, boroondara general cemetery -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell Secondary College Staff 1990
... Eppingstall, Christina Franklin-Kolb, Val McCann, Karen Green, John... Eppingstall, Christina Franklin-Kolb, Val McCann, Karen Green, John ...Yearly Staff Photograph Wonga Campus Staff 4th Row L-R Marlene Mornane, Peter Grace, Steve Mullin, Ian Burke, Paul Gower, Jim Sawer, Murray Hart. 3rd Row L-R Gaynor Radovic, Sue Aubrey, Noelene Mintern-Lane, Col Phillips, Rudy Schrama, Philip Searle, Paul Kirsch, Rod Greer, Carol Hill 2nd Row L-R Margaret Nicholson, Leisha Scantleton, Jenny Greenberger, Ann Clarke, Sharon Eppingstall, Christina Franklin-Kolb, Val McCann, Karen Green, John Malloy, Jacinta Crabb, John Ma Front Row L-R Ken Salmon, John Harrington, Chris Peters, Mal Marquardt, Peter Martin, Yvonne Watson, Pat Pickering, Beth Anselmi, Gary Hill.Group portrait of staff in four rows. Named.Stawell Secondary College Staff 1990education -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell State School 1967, 1967
... , Andrew Allam, Graham Deans, David Allam, Gordon Green, John Scott..., Andrew Allam, Graham Deans, David Allam, Gordon Green, John Scott ...6975-27 Stawell State School Grade 3, 11 April 1967 Teacher Mr Neumann Top Row, left to right, Ian McKellar, Reg Bach, Greg Yanner, Meredith Tangey, Karen Vendy, Joy Oliver, Jenny O'Neill, James Delley, Stephen Quarrell, Michelle Pyke. Second Row, Pamela Guy, Lyn Watson, Lynne Bonney, Karla Eldridge, Jilleen Jenkins, Elizabeth McCracken, Debra Bell, Kim Pickering, Robin Whelan, Third Row, Stuart McClure, Russell Jennings, Andrew Allam, Graham Deans, David Allam, Gordon Green, John Scott, Clinton Cathro, Paul Landon, Raymond Scott, Fourth Row, Jean Peters, Judith Jeffrey, Wendy Mason. Kristine Slorach, Suzanne Overall, Susan Prior, Deborah Giles, Julie Ross, Gayle Redford, Fifth Row, Rodney Young, Ian Longmore, Ronald Fry, Alan Marshall, Andrew Adamson, Jeffrey Clowes, David Hooper, Peter Delley, Stephen Taylor, teacher, Mr Neumann. Students and Teacher Grade 3 1967Stawell State School Grade 3 1967education -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... , Doreen Doherty, Pat Green, John Gaskill, Bernie Doherty. Front..., Doreen Doherty, Pat Green, John Gaskill, Bernie Doherty. Front ...BHS CollectionBendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from 2003. Dressed to kill: St Killian's debutant ball, 1943. Back row: Kevin Walshe, Frank Dorrington, Bill O'Donoghue, Jim Grotto, Alan Banfield, Bernie Keogh, Kevin Ryan, Noel Looney, Unknown, Tony Norman, Ted Crisp. Middle: Marty Hogan, Pat Murphy, Lil Jarvis, Unknown, Marie Stanley, Myra Mulvahill, Monica Burke, Gwen Hoffman, Doreen Doherty, Pat Green, John Gaskill, Bernie Doherty. Front: Joyce Cullen, Elaine Chapple, Joan Kenworthy, Marge Jarvis, Mrs Owens (matron of honour), Margaret Hogan, Marge Dean, Marie Booth, Joan Sheehan. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Medal - Badges, Approx 4. 1914 -1918 11. 1928-1929
... on red ground 9. Blue & gold badges: Eagle/shield/St John's...: Eagle/shield/St John's Mitcham 11. Green & yellow circular ...1. Small circular white badge/red cross - bar pin 'A.N.C.M' 2. Oval medal with bar, long pin- red steward badge Royal Agricultural Show 3. Ditto - blue steward badge/brooch pin 4. AIF batch surmounted by crown 5. Oval Catholic religious medal/long chain 6. Oval badge: inscribed 7. Gold/Red/White/blue enamel badge - Free Trade 1929 8. Silver badge surmounted by crown/AP on red ground 9. Blue & gold badges: Eagle/shield/St John's Mitcham 10 & 11. Blue & gold badges: Eagle/shield/St John's Mitcham 11. Green & yellow circular on ring: Caufield Cricket Club 12. Ornate green/gold/white circular badge + pointed shaft1. Deo et Nomini Servimus A N C M 2. The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria/Steward 3. The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria/Steward 4. AIF - rest illegible/reverse: 4B349 5. Mostra TE ISS/Matrim/ Reverse: Congregation Des Enfants De Marie / scratched initials & date: B.Y.M 1891 6. P.J. Markham 678 Whitehorse Rd Mitcham Ringwood WNE 198 7.To promote land value, taxation and free trade. 4th International Conference Edinburgh 1929/Reverse: 50th anniversary of 'Progress & Poverty' by Henry George 8. Victoria ARP AH428 9&10. St John's Mitcham SJM Fide et Amorevinco/Reverse: scratched initials M.M. Millance 11. Caulfield Cricket Club1828-29 ccc/reverse: 20p.j. markham, mitcham post office