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matching language policy
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Bruce Pascoe et al, Wathaurong : the people who said no, 2003
The Wathaurong people of South Western Victoria said no to European invasion. Learn about this heroic resistance to the occupation of their lands. Can white and black live together or must we be always at war? The answer can only be given by young Australians. Includes a comprehensive historical timeline.maps, colour illustrations, b&w illustrations, colour photographs, word listswathaurong, wadtharung, port philllip bay, western port bay, lorne, south west victoria, battle creek, aire river, werribee, ballarat, wathaurong aboriginal cooperative, coast action, koori studies, john batman, william buckley, aboriginal studies policy, secondary school education, hissing swan, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Nicholas Ostler, Endangered languages and education : proceedings of the third FEL Conference : proceedings of third FEL Conference, Maynooth, Ireland, 17-19 September 1999, 1999
Setting the Scene; Finding a Policy; Looking at the Learners; Working with Non-Written Languages; Ways and Means; Role of Standard Dialects; Impacts & Future ProspectsTableslanguage endangerment, education, literacy, libraries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Conference proceedings, Tjeerd de Graaf, Endangered languages and language learning : proceedings of the FEL XII, 24-27 September 2008 Fryske Akademy, It Aljemint, Ljouwert/?Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, 2008
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Learning the details, Different approaches in the classroom, School contexts, Innovative methods, Multilingualism and diaspora, Policy overviewmaps, b&w photographs, colour photographs, tables, graphsmultilingualism, education, bilingualism, language endangerment, language transmission -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
article, Gary Johns, Aboriginal education : remote schools and the real economy, 2006
Aboriginal children in remote communities have the lowest rates of success in school. The reasons for the lack of success are well known, and mainly lie outside of the schools and their programs. Education authorities have made some poor choices in the past. They have not enforced the necessary discipline on children to attend school, and they have placed cultural sensitivity above the needs of the child to cope in the modern economy. More recently they have begun to concentrate on programs in literacy and numeracy, but success is limited because of the perverse incentives of other government initiatives. These initiatives have been blind to the need to deal with the absence of an economy in remote areas, and the absence of a work ethic among Aborigines who are welfare dependent. The absence of the work ethic and the absence of work have severely constrained the returns on the investment in Aboriginal education. The correct policy response to failure at school will be determined not simply by additional programs at school, but by how various issues of transition to the real economy - work, individual obligation, mobility - are managed. The transition will be better managed if educators and governments understand that education is essentially an instrument in economic integration, and that many remote communities are not viable, and where they are not schools should not be used as pawns to keep them afloat. Moreover, educators and governments should understand that western education cannot and should not preserve Aboriginal culture. Most importantly, parents' behaviour needs to change and where incentives to send children to school fail, compulsion must be programs, education policy, literacy and numeracy, employment outcomes -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Reference Group Overseeing the National Review of Education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People et al, National review of education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples : summary and recommendations, 1994
The summary and recommendations arising from the National Review of Education for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, introduced in 1993.tables, graphseducation policy, aboriginal and torres strait islander education, reconciliation -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Department of Education and Children's Services, South Australian curriculum, standards and accountability framework : the required elements, 2005
South Australian Education Department Curriculum planning document.tables, wall chartseducation, south australia, curriculum development, early childhood education, primary school education, secondary school education, curriculum policy, curriculum planning -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Education Department of South Australia, Teaching and learning language, 1991
nunga, paralowie reception 12 school, kaurna plains school, national aboriginal pedagogy project, aboriginal and torres strait islander education policy, curriculum development, south australia, oral history, literacy and learning -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kerrie Kelly et al, An introduction to recent Aboriginal &? Torres Strait Islander history in Queensland, 1997
An introduction to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history during the process of colonisation in Queensland.maps, b&w photographs, b&w illustrationsqueensland history, frontier conflict, racial segregation, assimilation policies, integration policies, racial legislation, self determination, phrenology, social darwinism, commonwealth policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Lindsey Arkley, The hated protector : the story of Charles Wightman Sievwright, protector of Aborigines 1839-42, 2000
"The hated Protector" tells for the first time the real story behind the extraordinary experiences of Charles Sievwright, Assistant Aboriginal Protector from 1839-42 in what was then part of the British colony of New South Wales, but is now the Western District of the Australian state of Victoria. Sievwright, an Edinburgh-born former British army officer, lived in the bush with his young family as he tried to save the Aborigines of the District from extinction. In doing so, he would isolate himself from the rest of his fellow whites. The hated Protector tells of this process. The book should appeal to anyone interested in British colonial and Australian history, particularly in the years of first contact between British settlers and the Aborigines. More broadly, it should also appeal to anyone interested a story of one man's battle against overwhelming odds, where the price of failure was numerous deaths. It is a story of hatred, prejudice, courage, determination, and hope. In telling Sievwright's story, Lindsey Arkley draws largely on original archival material, including official reports, journals and letters, found in Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart, Edinburgh and London. Most has never before been published. The archival material is supplemented by contemporary newspaper accounts, and some oral history. Full notes are given to all sources, and the book is indexed and lavishly illustrated with drawings by Joan Bognuda, as well as about 80 paintings and samples of documents. Contents: 1. In the bush 2. "Equal and indiscriminate justice" 3. "A few doses of lead" 4. "A curse to the land" 5. "The most unpopular man" 6. Retaliation 7. A hostage debate 8. Hallucinations 9. A mass escape 10. Possessors of the soil 11. Move to Keilambete 12. Bureaucratic 13. "A hideous pandemonium" 14. Divine visitations 15. Pay backs 16. Explanations 17. A squatter on trial 18. Claptrap and deceit 19. The black cap - 20. To Mt Rouse 21. "The impending evil" 22. In the balance 23. An arrest at Mt Rouse 24. A fair moral name 25. Roger's trial 16. Intensified evidence 27. A declaration of war 28. Mr Cold Morning 29. Holding ranks 30. To rags 31. Fightback 32. Return to London 33. The inquiry 34. Judgement 35. And what remains.maps, document reproductions, b&w photographs, colour photographs, b&w illustrationscharles wightman sievwright, racial policies, british colonial history, race relations, victorian history -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Alastair H Campbell, John Batman and the Aborigines, 1987
A comprehensive account of John Batman's life. This is a broad social history of the life and contentions of the original Port Phillip settlement. It includes relations between the European colonists and the Aboriginal population. It shows how the initial Aboriginal policy lay the ground for the near genocide of Port Phillip's original inhabitants.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsbunurong, boonwurrung, wathaurong, woiworung, woiwurrung, wurundjeri, wodewarrou, gerarlture, beingalite, you whamgete, you yangs, yarra river, kurung, john batman, port phillip bay, victorian history, victorian indigenous history, batman treaty -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian Clark, Scars in the landscape : a register of massacre sites in Western Victoria 1803-1859, 1995
Register and documentation of massacre sites in ten language groups of Western Victoria; each language group includes details of clans, history of European occupation and government policy.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographsdhauwurd wurrung, djab wurrung, djadja wurrung, djargurd wurrung, gadubanud, girai wurrung, keerray-woorroong, gulidjan, jardwadjali, watha wurrung, wathaurong, wergaia, colonisation, race relations, racism, european occupation, government policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Jo Harrison, Tjitji tjuta atunymanama kamiku tjukurpawanangku =? looking after children grandmothers' way : report to the Child Protection Policy and Planning Unit, S.A., on the Child Protection Project, 1991
This report presents the results of a project that looked at the attitudes to child protection of Pitjantjatjara women living on the AP lands in South Australia. It also looks at the implications of the views and experiences discussed by the women interviewed.colour illustrations, mapspitjantjatjara, child abuse, child welfare, social policy -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian Macfarlane, Historical records of Victoria : foundation series : volume 2A : the Aborigines of Port Phillip 1835-1839, 1982
Reproductions of various transactions and reports dealing with Aboriginal people in Port Phillip in the period 1835-39, beginning with some of the earliest reports and tracing the evolution of government interaction and policy towards Aborigines in the 19th century. Covers mission work, government reports, the native police, conflicts with squatters, with numerous illustrations and original reports. Contents: Part I, Evolution of British policy Ch. 1. Proposals to appoint protectors of aborigines Ch. 2. Racial conflict in the year of official settlement at Port Phillip Ch. 3. House of Commons Select Committee on Aborigines Part II, The Wesleyan Mission at Buntingdale Ch. 4. Establishment and early operations of the Wesleyan mission Part III, The Government acts Ch. 5. Establishing the first government mission 1835-7 Ch. 6. Food and clothing for the Aborigines Ch. 7. Punishment of Aborigines found drunk, 1836-8 Ch. 8. Operations of the government mission, November 1837 to March 1839 Ch. 9. First attempt to form a native police corps Part IV, Growing conflict with squatters, 1837-8 Ch. 10. The disappearance of Gellibrand and Hesse Ch. 11. Attacks in the Western District Ch. 12. Attacks on the overland routes to Port Phillip Ch. 13. Evolution of policy in Sydney, 1838.b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, tables, document reproductionsvictorian history, colonisation, justice system -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian Macfarlane, Historical records of Victoria : foundation series : volume 2B : Aborigines and protectors 1838-1839, 1983
Reproductions of various transactions and reports relating to Aboriginal people in Port Phillip in the period 1838-39. Includes studies of the establishment of an Aboriginal Protectorate, the Native Police, missions, and includes numerous reports by various protectors about events in their districts and government policy towards Aboriginal people.b&w illustrations, b&w photographs, tablesvictorian history, james dredge, william thomas, yarra, westernport, sievwright, mount macedon, goulburn river, john montagu, maria robinson, worredy, trucanini, george augustus robinson, tunermenerwail, jackia jackia, george langhorne, benbow, nerrebrunin, billibellary -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Bringing them home : a guide to the findings and recommendations of the National Inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families, 1997
A tribute to the strengths and struggles of many thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people affected by forcible removal. It acknowledges the hardship they endured and the sacrifices they made. Dedicated to those who found the strength to tell their stories to the Inquiry and to the generations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people separated from their families and communities. Includes stories and recommendations.colour photographs, colour illustrations, b&w photographs, graphschild protection, institutional care, child custody, australian aboriginal history, aboriginal children, social justice, public policy, government policy, link up -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Language and culture : a matter of survival : report of the inquiry into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander language maintenance, 1992
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...language maintenance, language and education, government policy, aiatsis, aboriginal and torres strait islander media -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Pat Dodson et al, Recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the Constitution : report of the expert panel, 2012
Current multiparty support has created a historic opportunity to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first peoples of Australia, to affirm their full and equal citizenship, and to remove the last vestiges of racial discrimination from the Constitution. The Expert Panel was tasked to report to the Government on possible options for constitutional change to give effect to Indigenous constitutional recognition, including advice as to the level of support from Indigenous people and the broader community for these options. This executive summary sets out the Panel's conclusions and recommendations" [taken from executive summary]. Report contains draft Bill for an Act to alter the Constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their cultures, languages and heritage, to replace racially discriminatory provisions and to include a prohibition of racial discrimination. Letter to the Prime Minister Foreword from the co-chairs Executive summary Introduction: Expert panel and its methodology 1. Historical background 2. Comparative and international recognition 3. The national conversation: themes from the consultation program 4. Forms of recognition 5. The 'race' provisions 6. Racial non-discrimination 7. Governance and political participation 8. Agreement-making 9. The question of sovereignty 10. Approaches to the referendum 11. Draft bill Appendixes Bibliography.maps, tables, colour photographs, chartsconstitutional history, legislation, australian constitution, constitutional law, closing the gap, 1967 referendum, white australia policy, sovereignty -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Commonwealth records : a guide to records in the Australian Archives, ACT Regional Office, 1993
Commonwealth records include much information which is relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Some of it is about day-to-day administration and particular events and people, and some is about policy. The intention of the guide is to make some of this information more accessible. It attempts to provide for people with different kinds of needs.government agency listings, b&w photographsresearch, archives, act regional office, public records, australian war memorial, commonwealth agencies -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Catholic Education Commission of Victoria, Koorie studies in SOSE : years 7-10, 2001
Section 1. Notes on the use of this resource Section 2. Policy support statements. Aboriginal Studies Policy Statement of Victorian Aboriginal Education Association Incorporated (VAEAI) National Principles and Guidelines for Aboriginal Studies and Torres Strait Islander Studies, K-12 Principles for the Introduction of Aboriginal Perspectives in the Curriculum of the Catholic School (Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Policy 1.3, 1987) Section 3. Language, culture and viewpoint: issues of terminology Section 4. Units of work Unit 1. Koorie people of south-east Australia: a contemporary view Unit 2. On sacred ground Unit 3. Koorie life in the pre-contact era Unit 4. Mulla Meea-Baa Gnuenjall: a long time ago, and today Unit 5. The land we share: human stories in the environment Unit 6. Frontier wars Unit 7. Aboriginal mission stations and reserves in Victoria Unit 8. Land, law and indigenous Australians Section 5. Directory of indigenous organisations and affiliated groups/?agencies. National organisations Victorian organisations Catholic Education Commission of Victoria Indigenous Education personnel Organisations within regions of the Archdiocese of Melbourne Organisations within regions of the Ballarat Diocese Organisations within regions of the Sale Diocese Organisations within regions of the Sandhurst Diocese Cultural centres/?camps across Victoria.maps, b&w photographsvaeai, history, curriculum development, koorie studies, catholic education commission of victoria, secondary school education, -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Department of Pacific and Southeast Asian History, Australian National University, Aboriginal History - Volume 07. 1-2 1983, 1983
A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.228 P.; refs. bibs. tables; maps; ports.; 25 cm.A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.aboriginal australians -- periodicals. | ethnology -- australia -- periodicals. | child welfare - child / parent separation - stolen generations | social welfare - wards of state | social welfare | social welfare - government | government policy - assimilation | family | child welfare | child welfare - adoption and fostering | government policy - commonwealth | government policy - self determination - 1993-2004 | occupations - pastoral industry workers | race relations - violent - massacres, murders, poisonings etc. - to 1900 | politics and government - political action - petitions | cooper, william (1861ð1941) | victoria. aborigines welfare board | victoria. board for the protection of aborigines | victoria. ministry of aboriginal affairs | mclean report | music - vocal - origins | language - kriol - pidgins and creoles - torres strait creole | -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Aboriginal History Inc, Aboriginal History - Volume 26. 2002, 2002
A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.iiv-viii; 275p.; footnotes; refs.; tabls; maps; plates; 25 cm.A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.aboriginal australians -- periodicals. | ethnology -- australia -- periodicals. | stolen generations - aborigines, australia., | walter, charles - photographer - coranderrk aboriginal station, victoria. (1865), | coranderrk-history - 1863-1924., | language-aboriginal, dhudhuroa - north-eastern victoria. |, mclean report-victorian aboriginal policy review 1955., | assimilation policies, victoria. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Department of Pacific and Southeast Asian History, Australian National University, Aboriginal History - Volume 03. 1-2 1979, 1979
A series of articles on Aboriginal History by well-known historians.166p.; footnotes; bib.; ports.; facsimiles; 25 cm.A series of articles on Aboriginal History by well-known historians.aboriginal australians -- periodicals. | ethnology -- australia -- periodicals. | aboriginal australians -- missions -- new south wales | religions - christianity - missions | religions - christianity - missionaries | music - vocal | literature and stories - story telling and story tellers | language - texts and translations - aboriginal to non-aboriginal language | art - rock art - painting | photography - ethnographic | ceremonies | literature and stories - story telling and story tellers | world war, 1939-1945 -- participation, aboriginal australian. | aboriginal australian soldiers. | aboriginal australians -- northern territory -- arnhem land. | defence - world war ii | religions - christianity - lutheran church | religions - christianity - missions | settlement and contacts - colonisation - 1851- | settlement and contacts - colonisation - 1851- | government policy - initial period and protectionism - 1851-1900 | government policy - state and territory - queensland | animals - invertebrates - crustacea and molluscs - beche-de-mer / trepang | -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, The Conservation Plan: a guide to the preparation of conservation plans for places of European Cultural Significance, 1996
This guide is about gathering, analysing and assessing information that bears upon policy decisions and on the process of making those decisions. It offers a common ground for debate, a method and a common language to help resolve differences and achieve a balance between the old and the new. The result of these processes is a conservation plan.historic sites - australia - conservation and restoration, historic buildings - conservation and restoration - ausation of places of cultural significancetralia, monuments - australia - conservation and restoration, australia/icomos charter for the conserv -
Merri-bek City Council
Ceramic - Ceramic, acrylic paint, gold lustre and mix media, Bundit Puangthong et al, FOOD, 2018
These captivating pieces are part of a series called "FOOD / FLESH / FAME," a collaborative effort between Melbourne-based Thai artists Bundit Puangthong and Vipoo Srivilasa. Drawing from Buddhist teachings, the series explores the three elements of attachment: Food (consumption), Flesh (sex), and Fame (power). Although these elements are known to cause suffering, they remain persistently alluring, a paradox that the artists intend to explore further in the future. In creating these pieces, Vipoo Srivilasa initiated the process by sculpting three figures with bare surfaces. Bundit Puangthong then added his artistic touch by painting each sculpture. The artists' conceptual visions harmonized perfectly, especially considering their shared commitment to Buddhist principles, which frequently inspire their respective artistic practices. After Bundit completed his painting, Vipoo enlivened the pieces by adding eyes to the figures. He also embellished the works with pom-poms, lending them a softness that makes them appear both approachable and innocent, despite the weightiness of their themes. Each sculpture embodies a specific teaching from Buddhism: "FOOD" depicts a durian, the king of fruits, painted by Bundit Puangthong. He notes, "Despite its pungent aroma, many people still love to eat it."Donated the by the artists -
Merri-bek City Council
Ceramic - Ceramic, acrylic paint, gold lustre and mix media, Bundit Puangthong et al, FLESH, 2018
In creating these pieces, Vipoo Srivilasa initiated the process by sculpting three figures with bare surfaces. Bundit Puangthong then added his artistic touch by painting each sculpture. The artists' conceptual visions harmonized perfectly, especially considering their shared commitment to Buddhist principles, which frequently inspire their respective artistic practices. After Bundit completed his painting, Vipoo enlivened the pieces by adding eyes to the figures. He also embellished the works with pom-poms, lending them a softness that makes them appear both approachable and innocent, despite the weightiness of their themes. Each sculpture embodies a specific teaching from Buddhism: "FLESH" features a golden umbrella, serving as a metaphor for sex. -
Merri-bek City Council
Work on paper - Charcoal and pages from Aboriginal Words and Place Names, Jenna Lee, Without us, 2022
Jenna Lee dissects and reconstructs colonial 'Indigenous dictionaries' and embeds the works with new cultural meaning. Long obsessed with the duality of the destructive and healing properties that fire can yield, this element has been applied to the paper in the forms of burning and mark-making. In Without Us, Lee uses charcoal to conceal the text on the page, viewing this process as a ritualistic act of reclaiming and honouring Indigenous heritage while challenging the oppressive legacies of colonialism. Lee explains in Art Guide (2022), ‘These books in particular [used to create the proposed works] are Aboriginal language dictionaries—but there’s no such thing as “Aboriginal language”. There are hundreds of languages. The dictionary just presents words, with no reference to where they came from. It was specifically published by collating compendiums from the 1920s, 30s and 40s, with the purpose to give [non-Indigenous] people pleasant sounding Aboriginal words to name children, houses and boats. And yet the first things that were taken from us was our language, children, land and water. And the reason our words were so widely written down was because [white Australians] were trying to eradicate us. They thought we were going extinct. The deeper you get into it, the darker it gets. But the purpose of my work is to take those horrible things and cast them as something beautiful.’Framed artwork