Showing 66 items
matching myrtleford ski club
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 4 No 9
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 1:- Dawn Ski Club is formed by families with the aim of facilitating skiing for children. After the April meeting it took Dawn Daddies some time to round up many juniors aged from 2½ to 7½ years old. Page 3 - Fred Griffith was elected President of the Albury Ski Club; Toni and Skippy St. Elmo would be running a cafe at the Nissen Club's Tow House and would also be selling some groceries. Full postal services may also be available; Falls Creek was looking to have a successful season with Bob Hymans providing first class accommodation and instruction, the Bogong Ski Club offering accommodation to other clubs and the Nissen Ski Tow considerable improved and operating again. Page 23 - Arrangements which had been made by the SEC for access to Falls Creek were also clearly outlined. bogong ski club, toni st. elmo, skippy st. elmo, fred griffith, bob hymans, nissen ski tow -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 4 No 10
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - Fred Griffith, Albury Ski Club's dynamic President should be pleased with the article about his property "Toollanook" in the Leader newspaper and Tom Mitchell celebrated 40 years of skiing with a day spent on the Dargals in the Kosciuszko area. Page 4 - Albury Ski Club appointed a new supervisor, Mr Les Orton formerly catering officer with a British migrant hostel in Sydney. The SEC has also allowed Falls Creek clubs to use timber from the stack at Rocky Valley for firewood. Page 5 - Broadcasting Station 2AY Albury has interviewed some N.E.D.S.A. skiers - Tom Dunlop, Toni St. Elmo, Fred Griffith and Neil Newton. This is a sign of the tremendous interest in skiing in the North East and the publicity it is given. Nissen Ski Tow charges had been set for the season at 8/- per day and 6/- per half day. The novice tow is also ready for a good season. Page 17 - A page of suggested places to ski in Victoria included Bob Hymans' Lodge which was the only commercial concern in the area and the Bogong Ski Club Lodge was available for booking by members of other ski clubs by arrangement with the Secretary. Inside Cover - an advertisement for Fred Griffith's "Toonallook" Romney Stud.fred griffith, bob hymans, tom mitchell, les orton, tom dunlop, toni st. elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 4 No 11
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 5 - "Toonallook" was the venue for the Albury Ski Club's pre season barbecue in June. The Albury Ski Club Ball will also be held in the "Toonallook" wool shed on 28th November. Page 7 - Toni St. Elmo has proposed that a peak on the Bogong High Plains N.W. of Mt. Nelse should be named Mt. Hillary in honour of the New Zealander's success. He also suggested a ceremony should be held during the visit of members of the New Zealand Ski team to Australia in September 1953. Page 20 - Bob Hymans, late of the French National Instructors' School, Chamonix, advertised the opening of bookings for accommodation and lessons at Falls Creek for skiers only. Fees for beginning and intermediate level skiers, conducted day tours and coaching, including accommodation and meals were set at 12 guineas. Hire of all necessary equipment could also be arranged.bob hymans, "toonallook", toni st. elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 4 No 12
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 11:- Busy year for Falls Creek Instructors. Bob Hymans has been a great asset for the last three seasons. Milan Kovicic (previously instructing in Italy for 11 years) and Toni St. Elmo are instructing at the Nissen Ski School Page 13 - Toni & Skippy St. Elmo's Tow House canteen sells every provision a skier could ever want - hot meals, groceries, toilet and first-aid gear, stationery - even souvenirs. Page 20 - Falls Creek in Spring - Bogong Ski Club reports improvements in their facilities as well as around Falls Creek. Their lodge has been repainted and refurnische. The SEC has begun to allow private car convoys to travel to Howman's at set times. Regular trains are available from Melbourne connect with Hoy's Bus at Wangaratta. Overnight accommodation and parking can be arranged at Tawonga. The Tow House now provides two tows and food supplies. Snow conditions were lending themselves to a bumper year ahead. Members of other clubs could apply to stay at Bogong Ski Club at an overnight fee of 10/- for Melbourne clubs amd 8/- for N.E.D.S.A. Clubs plus 6d. per night for the Skiing Improvement Fund.tom mitchell m.l.a., bogong ski club, toni st. elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 1
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2- Nineteen "Kiwis" have arrived, first visiting Mt. Buller, then Falls Creek. Unfortunately Mt. Buller turned on a 3 day blizzard. Falls Creek was a complete contrast. Perfect snow and weather coupled with N.E.D.S.A. hospitality contributed to a "good time being had by all." Races in slalom, downhill and giant slalom were held. Dick Walpole (Myrtleford) won the downhill and giant slalom. Skippy St. Elmo won two of the Women's events. Page 3 - A new event, the Swinburne Cup, was held at the meeting at Falls Creek last month. Eight teams took part in the inter-club race for a trophy presented by the Hon. Ivan Swinburne, M.L.C. who had walked to Falls Creek but skied out, his first time ever on skis.swinburne cup, skippy st. elmo, new zealand visit -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 3
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - Albury Ski Club Members, Bob Howe and Betty Bird announced their engagement.tom mitchell m.l.a., bob howe and betty bird, albury ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 4
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 3 - On this weekend in 1886 the "Argus Australasian Sketcher" had reported that Mt, Bogong, the highest mountain in Victoria, had been successfully ascended by Dr. Ledendfield, a well known geologist and naturalist. He spent 24 hours on the summit and discovered the remains of glaciers. The SEC cottage at Falls Creek, previously the home of the St. Elmos, has been purchased by Fred Griffith for removal to Toonallook. N.E.D.S.A. had also tendered for the cottage.toni st. elmo, mt. bogong ascent, skippy st. elmo, fred griffith -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 5
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- The front cover featured an official portrait of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II who was visiting Victoria with H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh Page 13 - There were to be virtually no restrictions on access to Falls Creek for the summer. However visitors were asked to avoid using the road above Mt. Beauty between 7-8.30 a.m. and 4-5.30 p.m. Many clubs have been building at Falls Creek and there are many things to see, including the Kiewa hydroelectric scheme. At this stage, restrictions for winter use have not been revealed. Unless major works resume on the hydroelectric scheme it is unlikely the road will be open beyond Howman's Gap.falls creek access, sec road access, royal visit -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 7
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 9 - a photo of Phil Law and Dick Thompson of the Australian Expedition to the Antarctic Continent welcomed home in Melbourne. Fred Griffiths was joint Vice-President of the Albury Ski Club. Members of the Albury Ski Club who live outside a radius of 150 miles from Albury must pay an entrance fee of £5/5/-. Bob Hymans had also returned from the Continent with his new French wife.australian expedition to the antarctic continent, fred griffith, albury ski club, bob hymans -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 8
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - Trees are being planted in snowland experimental plots on the Bogong High Plains. Tom Mitchell had suggested the plots should be established to ascertain whether suitable species could be easily introduced. Page 3 - Nissen Ski Tow would again be operating with provisions available at the Tow House. Cecil Dobson will be managing Loon's Store. He will be bringing in fresh food two r three times a week by horse sled which will also be used by Bob Hymans.tom mitchell m.l.a., snowland experimental plots, cecil dobson -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 5 No 11
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - Falls Creek has 3 tows: Nissen Tow, Gordon Muller's Myrtleford tow and Bob Hymans' American portable tow. Kevin Shoebridge also reported that Bogong Ski Club has purchased a new vehicle, a 4 x 4 ex-Army blitz waggon. Page 27 - By Car to Falls Creek - it has been suggested that a convoy of private authorised cars could leave the top gate at Mt. Beauty at midnight on Fridays to enable Melbourne SKier to leave Melbourne at 6 p.m. and get to their accommodation at Falls Creek in the early hours of at falls creek, falls creek tows, kevin shoebridge, bogong ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 1
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. Page 2 - Rover Scouts help injured skier on Bogong High Plains Page 3 - Cecil Dobson is a real asset to the village. Apart from provisions he also provides services including ski repairs, carpentering and plumbing. Page 5 - "Wongapussie" - a word for an overboot. Originally found in disposal stores as they were used for anti-gas purposes, but something similar is now being made in Albury and being used extensively at Falls Creek.rudi wurth, cecil dobson, rover scouts rescue, "wongapussie" -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 2
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. Page 3 - Commercial ventures are prospering in Falls Creek. Plans ahead for developments at Nissen Tow. Betty Plunkett will spend the year on the snow helping Skippy with the canteen. Les Mikel will help Toni with the tow. Bob Hymans and his wife leave for Europe soon to get fresh ideas and equipment. Bob intends to install a £15,000 chair lift with special cable which allow it to go round corners. Page 5 - Fred Griffith, President of the Falls Creek Alpine Village Advisory Committee has been in Melbourne lobbying for Government help to build a comfort station to provide facilities for a ski patrol shelter - aided and abetted by a "well known skiing M.L.A. toni st. elmo, skippy st. elmo, bob hymans, nissen ski tow, fred griffith -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 4
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. Page 3 - After considerably activity and lobbying, Falls Creek is to have a Comfort Station before the winter season. Page 16 - A detailed and entertaining account of the Albury Ski Club's Annual Woolshed Ball held at Fred Griffith's "Toonallook", NSW."toonallook", facilities at falls creek, albury ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 5
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. There were no items specifically related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue. The front cover featured Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. An advertisement for Fred Griffith's property "Toonallook" was again included inside the back cover.rudi wurth, falls creek, fred griffith -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 6
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. Page 2 - SEC has assisted Falls Creek Village again by installing a culvert for the Creek crossing in front of the Bogong Lodge. Page 3 - SEC is considering the possibility of giving skiers more freedom of movement on the road between Mt. Beauty and Howman's Dam.bogong ski club, falls creek road access, sec falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 7
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. There were no items specifically related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue. The front cover featured Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. An advertisement for Fred Griffith's property "Toonallook" was again included inside the back cover.tom mitchell m.l.a., bogong ski club, rudi wurth -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 8
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 4 - A list of N.E.D.S.A. events to be held at Falls Creek for the coming season, including of the T. W. Mitchell Downhill Course. Pages 10 - 11 A detailed outline of procedures to be followed by skiers at Falls Creek. These covered regulations related to applications for permits, times for entry and departure from the Kiewa area, limits and conditions of travel, approved parking areas and other traffic rules.n.e.d.s.a. events at falls creek, falls creek regulations, falls creek village -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 9
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 7- Bob Hyman will have a new instructor, Henri Devouasseux from Chamonix, France working with him at Falls Creek this year. Page 10 -11 A detailed account of preparations being made in North East Victoria for the 1955 season. It discusses changes at Falls Creek having grown from two lodges to a community of 17 buildings and other changes in the ski industry in Victoria. The article is written by Marguerite Curtis, wife of Jim Curtis, a leading skier at Falls Creek. Page 13 - The Red Cross Ski Rescue Service was formed on 17th May 1955bob hymans, falls creek village, red cross ski rescue service -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 10
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - We now have two skiing parliamentarians as Mr. Bridgford M.L.C. of St. Trinian's Ski Club joins Tom Mitchell. Page 5 - Falls Creek area will continue to have a ski patrol under the auspices of the Red Cross and will remain separate from the Ski Rescue Service at Buller and Hotham. Bob Hymans has been active for the Patrol at Falls Creek. Page 10 - 13 A double page outlining the facilities and services of the Red Cross Ski Service.tom mitchell m.l.a., bill bridgford, red cross ski rescue service -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 11
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 5 - The Falls Creek Village has a wonderful atmosphere. The Nissen Lodge was treated to hectic last minute preparations by the St. Elmos with the assistance of Fred Griffith Outstanding lodges at Falls Creek include St. Trinian's and Bowna.nissen lodge, st. trinian's, bowna ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 12
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - in the Hickory Dickory column - Social activities at Falls Creek during the blizzard included fancy dress night at at Nissen and the girls from St. Trinian's stole the show.nissen lodge, st. trinian's -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 7 No 1
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 2 - Fred Griffith has organised children's races at the end of the school holidays and also donated the trophies. St. Trinian's children also had great success, winning three out of the four events held.tom mitchell m.l.a., bogong ski club, toni st. elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 7 No 2 Final Issue
... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club... Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 1 - An explanation for the end of the publication in line with the dissolution of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs and the formation of the Victorian Ski Association. Page 5 - A whisper that Bob Hymans has asked the SEC for permission to build a "Pomalift" steel cable tow costing about £20,000 at Falls Creek.federation of victorian ski clubs, bob hymans, pomalift -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 3
... , Myrtleford Ski Club, Rongbuk Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski..., Myrtleford Ski Club, Rongbuk Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski ...Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The original member clubs were Albury Ski Club, Alpine Club of Victoria, Australian Postal Institute Ski Club, Australian Women's Ski Club (Victoria), Beechworth Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Bull Lodge Ski Club, Chamois Ski Club, C.S.I.R. Ski Club, Edelweiss Ski Club, Howqua Ski Club, Lazy Eight Ski Club, Melbourne University Ski Club, Melbourne Walking Club, Monsanto Ski Club, Moose Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Rongbuk Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club, Tanjil Ski Club, Telemark Ski Club, University Ski Club, Victorian Rover Scouts (B.S.A.), Wangaratta Ski Club, Youth Hostel Association, Yurredla Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items in this publication include:- Page 1 Information related to the F.O.V.S.C Organisation and item stating Tom Mitchell M.L.A. has been negotiating for Inter-Dominion races to be held at Falls Creek in 1950. Page 3: The State Development Committee to visit the Bogong High Plains to take evidence regarding future development of the area. Page 4 Information about Member Clubs building over the coming summer. This included Myrtleford and Albury at Falls Creek. Page 16 A list of Club Racing results for 1949. Included on the list are the Bogong Ski Club Championship; the Albury Ski Club and the N.E.D.S.A. history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 26. No 1 January - February 1960
... on the farewell held for Dick Walpole by the Myrtleford Ski Club as he... Walpole by the Myrtleford Ski Club as he departed for the Winter ...Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski facilities at Falls Creek.The journal includes stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. The cover features a photo of snow gums at Mount Buffalo. Page 24 has a photo taken by C. Bottomley, of the Chair Lift at Falls Creek where the National Championships were to be held. On page 26 there was Birdseye view photo of Falls Creek with the Ski Tow in the foreground and Mt Nelse towering over the village. Page 27 had a short report of the beginning of the construction of a road "over the top" of the Bogong High Plains. It included a note on the farewell held for Dick Walpole by the Myrtleford Ski Club as he departed for the Winter Olympics. The Galleon Ski Club Lodge was advertised for sale on page 30. On page 41 a report explained the extension of the Downhill Course at Falls Creek in preparation for the National Championships to be held from the 21st to 27th August 1960. This would result in a course with a vertical descent of 1,200 to 1,300 feet and about a mile in length.schuss journal, national championships 1960, dick walpole, galleon ski club lodge -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Schuss Vol. 24. No.7 September - October 1958
... in the distance. Page 293 has a photo of John Robertson of Myrtleford Ski... of Myrtleford Ski Club who was chosen to lead the Australian Ski Team ...Schuss was advertised as Victoria’s Official Ski Journal It was issued monthly from 1935 to 1961 except during the war when summer issues covered two months. This continued after the war, but it averaged 10 issues annually over its 25 year life. Schuss was published by the Ski Club of Victoria which had a membership of 38 Ski Clubs and demanded to be recognised as the prime authority on skiing in the state. The other 30 ski clubs with 85% of the members disagreed and the politics of skiing became heated. These clubs formed the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs with their own journal, Ski Horizon. With the establishment of the Victorian Ski Association, Ski-Horizon published its last issue in Nov - Dec. 1955 and the role of the official journal was fully taken over by “Schuss”. This item is significant because it contains stories, images and information documenting the development of the ski facilities at Falls Creek.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. The cover features an Eric Burt photo of the Eastern slopes at Hotham with Feathertop in the distance. Page 293 has a photo of John Robertson of Myrtleford Ski Club who was chosen to lead the Australian Ski Team in New Zealand for the Inter-Dominion Contest in September. Page 296 announced that Mt Beauty was judged as the leading town in Victoria for Tourists in the recent City Development Association's Premier Town Contest. Page 300 included the results of the NEDSA Championship held at Falls Creek in August. Reference is made to the proficiency of Fred Griffith in producing copies of the results for all involved. Page 303 featured the Swiss Cheese Fondue Recipe from the opening of the Ski Club of Victoria Rooms as requested. It also included an article "A week at Sky Line" written by Junior Member Keith Sloane. Page 305 provided the results of the N.E.D.S.A Junior Championships held at Falls Creek. Page 311 featured an article "Off the Beaten Track' written by J. L. Davies explaining the thrill of skiing away from the main runs and tows.schuss journal, the ski club of victoria, n.e.d.s.a. events at falls creek, john robertson myrtleford -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Uniform - Ski Patrol Star, 1960s
... and Myrtleford Ski Club, successfully completed the St Johns Ambulance..., and a few competent skiers from his club and Myrtleford Ski Club ...The Falls Creek Ski Patrol dates back to the early 60s after skiing in Falls Creek became popular. The first ski patroller in Falls Creek was Brian Caddy with two casual ski patrollers Rob Sarroff and David Crooke. Bob Howe as President of the Albury Ski Club, and a few competent skiers from his club and Myrtleford Ski Club, successfully completed the St Johns Ambulance First Aid Certificate in the hope that the Management Committee of the day would roster on two patrollers a day in return for free ski lift tickets. This plan fell through, but the year after Brian Caddy was employed as head of Ski Patrol. In 1972 the “official” Falls Creek Ski Patrol was created under the advisement of Dr Rodney Moss with the support of the Management Committee. At that time, there was one or two patrollers on staff, increasing to five members at peak times. By 1977 there were six or seven patrollers, and currently there are around 40 patrollers on the team with 13-14 rostered on each day during peak season. In 1974 the Australian Ski Patrol Association (ASPA) was formed. On the 14th of March 1975, the Falls Creek Tourist Area Management Committee applied for membership to ASPA. At that time, Falls Creek Ski Patrol was known as Falls Creek Ski Rescue. This cloth badge is in the shape of the Maltese Cross. It was the insignia of the Knights Hospitallers of St John who ministered to sick and injured pilgrims as well as fighting in the Crusades. The Maltese Cross has become a well-known symbol of protection, first-aid and assistance worldwide.A yellow cloth patch badge in the shape of the Maltese Cross. The outline of the star has been machine embroidered in yellow thread. The words "SKI PATROL" are embroidered in black thread.SKI PATROLfalls creek ski patrol, skiing safety, falls creek services -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Memorabilia - Ernest Forras “Earnest Escapades” autograph, 1994
... ), and Myrtleford ski club, St. Elmo's hut, Bob Hyman's small chalet...), and Myrtleford ski club, St. Elmo's hut, Bob Hyman's small chalet ...This item is from the private collection of George Shirling of Red Onion, Falls Creek. It accompanied a copy of Ernest Forras' autobiography "Earnest Escapades" given to George Shirling - two pioneers of the Australian Ski Industry. Ernest Forras died on Sunday 31st October 2010 at Mt Buller. George Shirling arrived in Falls Creek in 1962. He engaged Phil Nowell to build the original Koki Alpine Lodge which opened in 1965 with 14 beds. George operated the lodge with Michael “Baldy” Blackwell as manager. He also graduated in sport psychology in 1981 and was invited to become team psychologist for the Australian Winter Olympic team which went to Albertville, France, in 1992. He later owned the Red Onion Chalet. George credited the success of Koki to “Baldy” Blackwell. “Baldy” and Phil Nowell started the Trackers Mountain Lodge in partnership during the 1980s. In 1971 George sold Koki Lodge to Sigi Doerr. In 2024 the renamed Koki Alpine resort remains a highly popular destination in Falls Creek. George Shirling passed away on 27th February 2023. He had remained actively involved in Falls Creek and was generous with his time and knowledge, always an amazing supporter of The Falls Creek Museum and Falls Creek Village.This item is significant because it links two pioneers of the Australian Ski Industry.A message from Ernest Forras to George Shirling in a wooden frame. An explanatory sign explains Ernie Forras' background. The autograph says: "To My dear Friend George Koki's Creator From Hungary with Love!! Ernie F." ITEM No.4 Ernest Forras "Earnest Escapades" The autobiography of a pioneer of the Australian snowfields First published in 1994. Ernest, later the owner of Kooroora, Mt. Buller, on his first visit to Falls Creek in June 1951 writes about the lodges at Falls Creek... Albury, Bogong, St. Arnauds, Wangaratta, Skyline (Ski Club of Victoria), and Myrtleford ski club, St. Elmo's hut, Bob Hyman's small chalet, and Tom Mitchell's (then, State Attorney General) private hut. When learning that the State Electricity Commission controlled Falls Creek in the early days, Ernest wondered why the Egg Board and the Potato Board had missed out! Ernest acknowledged the impressive development in the Australian snowfields but remained concerned about a "head in the snow" attitude which argued against privatisation of our snowfields, park entry fees, and the compulsory carrying of snow chains. Is anybody listening?george shirling, ernest forras, "earnest escapades" -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Photographs – Skiers at Falls Creek – Set of 10 black and white photographs
After World War II, the Kiewa Hydro-Electric Scheme was started in the Kiewa River valley by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. On land previously used only for summer cattle grazing in the natural alpine grasslands, the first ski lodge was built in 1948 by workers from the hydro scheme as skiing was a popular recreation. Many of the hydro employees were of European background and had grown up enjoying skiing and snow sports in their homelands and were keen to continue to pursue their winter sports interests. The first lift, a rope tow, was built in 1951 and the first chairlift in Australia was constructed there in 1957. Two T-Bars were opened in 1961. In 1964, the Victorian Municipal Directory recorded that Falls Creek had 29 ski club lodges and 16 commercial lodges.Employees of the State Electricity Commission of Victoria in the Kiewa River Valley were the earliest skiers on the Bogong High Plains and built one of the first ski lodges at Falls Creek. They were amongst those pivotal in the development of the skiing and tourist industry at Falls Creek and on the Bogong High Plains. Set of 10 black and white photographs of various skiers at Falls Creek Victoria1. From Left-John Robertson Myrtleford; Bill Bridgford, St Trinians; Girl not known; Roy Wolpole, Myrtleford; Fin McAuliffe, Myrtleford; Looking on foreground, Toni St Elmo 2. Falls Creek. Property of State Electricity Commission of Victoria Publicity Photo Negative No PB4046. Publicity Branch, 15 William St Melbourne. 3. Avic Lajons 4. No markings 5. Bill Bridgeford (lower person on slope) 6. Max Lawrence? Facing skiers 7. 6575. Indistinguishable red stamp on back 8. 6875. Ces Dobson on tractor 9. From left on tow. John Robertson (Myrtleford); Bill Bridgeford (St Trinians); Girl unknown; Roy Walpole (Myrtleford); Vin McAuliffe (Myrtleford); Looking on foreground Toni Beveridge. 10. From Left 1; 2; 3. Bill Bridgeford; 4. George McPherson ? (Myrtleford); 5. John Robertson (Myrtleford); 6. Elsbeth Rollenson? (Myrtleford); 7; 8; 9. 11. Bogong. Looking N.E from Big River fire track. Skiers on way to Falls Creek. Spion Kop on left. Going around Ropers Cerner near the 18 mile post falls creek, skiing, bogong high plains