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matching patient transport
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, sepia, c.1920
A public appeal was made to raise funds for Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) so motor cars could be purchased to assist their Trained nurses, known as 'Nurse' in those days, with their visits during the Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1919. With donations from businesses and individuals four cars were available within a month, and this photograph shows two of them In 1919 parked outside 'Floraston', 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood, which was the first MDNS Headquarters and Nursing Home purchased by the Society. The MDNS uniform was a grey cotton frock with white collar, a grey coat with lapels, and a grey brimmed hat with a red Maltese cross in the centre of the hatband. From its founding in 1885 until 1891 the Trained nurses, known as 'Nurse' in those days, of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked from their own homes which were located in the vicinity of their areas (districts). In November 1891 MDNS was able to rent a two story terraced house at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton, at £65 a year, which contained accommodation for three Nurses and one pupil nurse as well as being used as their Headquarters. They left from their Nurses Home each morning and returned at the end of their shift to write up their book work before retiring for the day. Three years later they moved into a larger terraced house at 49 Drummond Street Carlton which was rented at ‘a very moderate rental’. There was a Board room, apartments for the Nurses and pupil nurse, a large dispensary which patients could attend each evening to have prescriptions signed and bottles refilled with ‘homely remedies’ and elixirs, which were administered to for e.g. Consumptive cases. Doctor’s prescriptions were filled at the Pharmacy. Cupboards containing donated blankets and bedclothes for needy patients were kept in this room, and it was here where the Nurses kept their nursing bags which were refilled at the end of each shift ready for any emergency and for the next day. A list of Doctors the Nurses could call was kept by the telephone. The home also had a kitchen where nourishing soup was made and distributed twice a week to the needy. Milk was also distributed when needed. In 1902 they moved into rented premises at 188 Leicester Street, Carlton and two years later, in 1904, to premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street, Fitzroy. They remained there for ten years. In June 1914 at last the Society had sufficient funding to purchase their own terraced premises, ‘Floraston’ 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood which was their Headquarters and Nurses Home. In 1926 the After-Care Home for recovering patients, (later called After-Care Hospital) was built by the Society next door, running from 41-47 Victoria Parade (became No. 45); the District nurses continued to live at No. 39. District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Trained nurses, now called 'Sisters' to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until MDNS and, having received Royal patronage, the now named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles.Sepia photograph on grey mounting board depicting four Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained nurses (Nurses) sitting in two motor vehicles in front of Melbourne District Nursing Society Headquarters and Nurses Home. In the foreground are the two Ford Model T vehicles with their soft hoods open. Each car has four spoked wheels. A frame where a spare wheel is attached can be seen attached to the rear car's running board. A spare wheel, with white tyre, can be seen standing up resting against the middle of the front car; the lower section of the tyre is sitting on the running board. The steering wheel can be seen on the right hand side of both cars with a Nurse sitting behind it with her hands resting on the wheel. The upper part seen of the two MDNS Nurses in each car shows they are wearing grey uniform coats over their frocks, the white collars of which can be seen. They are all looking at the camera, and are wearing grey hats with a central Maltese cross on the white hatband. Behind the cars the footpath and the metal spiked fence, with a square concrete columns at either end can be seen. '39' is near the top of the left hand column and a white oblong name plate is attached to the fence. On the far right of the photograph a wooden gate runs from the column. A dark name plate is attached with the words 'Patient Entrance' / - 'Melbourne District Nursing Society -/ For Nursing the Sick Poor'. Behind this are a row of shrubs forming a hedge and behind this the two storey terrace building with its three arched arcade veranda on the ground floor and three long widows on the top floor with a veranda with a metal scrolled safety rail. The building has a flat roof with a central raised section with 'Floraston', written in capital letters on it. XJ. 13. is written in black ink on the bottom right corner of the photographPhotographer's stamp on mounting boardmelbourne district nursing society, mdns, transport, nurses home, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, c.1922
The photograph appeared in the MDNS Annual Report of 1922 and is taken on the veranda of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Nurses Home at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood. The Sisters lived and worked out of the Nurses Home from June 1914 to 1953. They attended the disadvantaged in the inner suburbs of Melbourne. The Sisters and Matron are wearing the grey uniform and hat with a red Maltese cross is in the centre of the hatband which was introduced in 1921. These Sisters, plus two others visited 29.079 visits in the metropolitan area and in suburbs as far distant as Elwood, Glen Huntly, Deepdene, Essendon and Fairfield. Of the 1666 patients on the books 394 were midwifery patients nursed in their own homes. It is believed the Matron in the photograph is Matron Reynolds. In February 1885 it was recognized that nursing care was needed for the sick poor in inner Melbourne. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded on the 17th of February with one Trained nurse (Nurse) who qualified under the Hospital training system, commencing on the 1st of May, and a second employed six months later, both working in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care. They provided high quality nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron. The also supplied equipment, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing clean bed linen and nightdresses and clothes as necessary. In 1891 the first Nurses Home was rented for 1 year at £65 per annum at 66 Cardigan Street, Carlton; Nurses wages were now £60 per annum. A Doctor gave lectures from the Home to the public on the understanding and prevention of diseases. The Society decided to commence a Midwifery Service and Nurse Fowler, who had previously worked for the Society, was re-employed as their first trained Midwife. She began home births in August 1893 giving them Ante Natal care, taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe as needed. Following birth, she gave Post-natal care to the mother and babe twice a day for three days and then daily for a week, and longer if required. She resigned after twelve months and Nurse Wilkie was appointed to the position. As well as walking, the Nurses used Public transport in the limited areas it ran, though a taxi was used by the Nurses and Midwife in emergencies and at night. Late in 1891 the Society moved to larger rented premises at 49 Drummond Street and in 1902 moved to 188 Leicester Street, Carlton. The Nurses were becoming exhausted, particularly in the heat of summer. Permission to use bicycles was given to them in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each, which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added at a cost of £5 per frame so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week, and if patients could not arrange to have it collected, the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. Their use caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chins, now being used. In 1904 the Society relocated to rented premises at 5 Royal Terrace, Nicholson Street in Fitzroy. In 1913 a Nurse had her ‘board and residence, uniforms, bicycles and laundry expenses’ provided and was paid £50 a year for her first six months. At the end of a year her salary was increased by £5, and later she earned £60 a year. Over the years the Nurses complained their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform, but this did not occur until 1921. In 1914 the Society was at last able to purchase their own premises, 'Floraston' 39 Victoria Parade in Collingwood. During the Spanish Influenza epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. It was recorded on the 21st of May, that the seven Nurses had visited 1,212 persons with influenza in the last three months, how many visits to each is not known. In the whole of 1918 the Nurses, including midwifery cases, visited 1,100 persons. It was also recorded on May 7th the Nurses were delivering 100 quarts of soup to the needy each morning. In winter they also carried wood in the cars to distribute to their destitute patients as needed. In 1921-22 many of the people nursed by the Trained nurses (Sisters) suffered from malignant and tubercular disease, often the Sister would visit to find the patient was desperately ill living in a room alone and no one there to even give them a drink. In these cases the Sister would send them to hospital, but if possible most cases were nursed in their home. During July 1921- 30 June 1922 the four Midwifery trained Sisters averaged 8 confinement cases a week and sometimes gave Post Natal care to 15 to 18 patients a day. At the time of confinement a Student from the Women's Hospital accompanied the MDNS Sister and if complications occurred the patient was transferred to the Women's Hospital. The Society often had to provide blankets, sheets, set of baby clothes and night gowns for the mother. In many instances the Society provided milk for many months. The midwifery Sisters often travelled long distances in the cars Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927 and the Sisters went back to using public transport, as well as their bicycles which continued to be used in inner areas until 1945.. The Midwives used taxis when a birth was imminent. Black and white photograph showing 9 Sisters, 5 standing at rear and Matron, in the centre, of 4 seated Sisters on a balcony wearing their Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) uniforms of grey coats, with revered collars and belt, over their partly seen grey uniforms with white collars. Five of the Sisters are wearing glasses. All are wearing grey brimmed hats with a Maltese cross in the centre of the lighter colour hatband. Part of deep metal scroll work of the veranda rail can be seen. A concrete wall is behind the Sisters.mdns, mdns matron, miss reynolds, royal district nursing service, rdns, melbourne district nursing society, mdns uniforms -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white:, Barry Sutton, 10.08.1971
Sr. Scott is in a room in the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Melbourne Centre. She is wearing the RDNS grey uniform dress which has the insignia "Royal District Nursing Service" written in white on a grey background attached to the upper sleeves. The photograph is showing some of the equipment which is available for temporary loan to RDNS patients.From the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), in 1885, known as the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966, equipment was loaned and demonstrated to patients and their family members, to enable them to care for their loved ones in their home. In the 1970s RDNS employed a Physiotherapist who taught RDNS staff the correct transferring techniques, including the use of a hoist when this became available. RDNS staff taught and used these techniques in patient’s homes to undertake safe transfer of the patient and to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and family members. Each RDNS Centre had a room or shed where equipment for loan was kept. Headquarters also kept additional equipment which could be transported to Centres as required. Black and white digital image portraying Sister Scott, who is smiling and has her dark hair drawn up, checking equipment. She is holding a bath seat in her hands. Behind her on a table, left to right, is an air cushion, draw sheets, male urinal, female urinal, bed pan and a sheepskin which is in front of a wooden board with rows of cup hooks and names under each hook. In the left foreground is a hoist with a white sling hanging from either side of the front hanger. To its right is a closed wheelchair, a 4 pronged walking stick, and a commode to the right of Sr. Scott.Barry Sutton Photographer. Quote KL 49rdns, rdns equipment, rdns uniform, royal district nursing service, sister scott -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, 10.08.1971
The RDNS Sister is about to leave to visit patients in their homes in the community to administer nursing care as advised by a Doctor. The RDNS insignia on the door of the car is a round badge with a royal blue circle around the edge with the words "Royal District Nursing Service" in white, and the centre section is in three parts ,with the upper and lower sections white, and a royal blue centre strip with the large white capital letters "RDNS".Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and White Photograph of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister about to enter one of the new light grey 2 door Holden Torana RDNS cars. The Sister, who is smiling, is wearing her uniform grey peaked hat over her long dark hair which is drawn back. She is wearing her long grey coat with the RDNS insignia on the upper sleeve and is holding the partly opened driver side door of the car with her left hand. She is holding the handle on the top of her rectangular black nursing case with her right hand. To the right, the grill and black number plate, with the white writing displaying "KXF 024", can be seen. The round RDNS insignia is on the upper centre of the car door. The car is the same width all over, has a flat bonnet which joins a sloping windscreen adjoining a flat roof which runs along and joins a short back window running down to a boot. A black tyred wheel can be seen under wheel arches at the front and near the rear of the vehicle. In the background to the left is a mid size bare tree; behind this portions of several parked cars and behind them a multi storey building with the Written words "Rioby House". To its right and directly behind the car is a mid size bare tree and behind that the end view of a brick building with a hip roof. Barry Sutton Photographer. Quote KL 52rdns transport, rdns uniform, royal district nursing service, rdns -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 26.06.1972
The photograph of the Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Holden Torana vehicles was taken in the RDNS Headquarters car park at the rear of 452 St Kilda Road. These cars are part of the RDNS fleet, with others housed at RDNS Centres. The cars were used by the RDNS District nurses to visit patients in their own homes. This photograph depicts two door Holden Torana cars of 1972.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and white photograph of 14, some partly hidden, new grey Holden Torana two door vehicles parked in two rows in the RDNS concrete based car park. The cars are parked with their front lights, grill, bumper bars and number plates facing the left of the photograph. The cars are seen side-on with the full side-on view of the two cars at the beginning of the rows seen in the foreground of the photograph. The flat bonnet is the same width as the rest of the body of the car; the windscreen slopes upward and joins the flat roof; there are two wiper blades resting at the base of the windscreen. In line, and at the level of the windscreen, a quarter window, and two windows divided by a narrow pillar can be seen running along the side of the car above the slightly convex body work and front door. The rear window slopes back from the roof and the slope continues on the upper bodywork of the boot lid. A metal strip runs along the side of the car about half way down the bodywork, and another runs just up from the beginning of the front wheel arch to the rear wheel arch; beside the front wheel arch is the word 'Torana'. The round, with capital letters 'RDNS', insignia can be seen on the upper centre of the front door of the two cars. The solid wheel caps have the Holden logo on them. The front grill which runs between the headlights on either side of the car, slopes slightly backwards from the central Holden badge. The bumper bar below this is metal. Black number plates with white written capital letters and numbers 'LFA - 208' and 'LFA - 207' are seen on two of the cars in the front row. The tops of two front seats with headrests and the top of a long back seat can be seen inside the car. A tall brick fence is seen running along the rear and right hand side of the car park. In the left background is a two storey building with a flat roof, and behind this on its left is a part of a tall building and to its right part of a bare tree can be seen. To the buildings right rear part of a house can be seen. In front and to the right of this is a three storey brick building, with the top two storeys seen above the car park fence. Multiple windows run along both levels of this building which has a tiled hip roof. The tops of some bushes are seen behind parts of the car park fence.Barry Sutton Photographer's Stamp Quote KX83rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns headquarters, rdns car park -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 26.06.1972
This photograph is a good view of the car park at RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, with the new Torana two door vehicles. The RDNS insignia seen on some of the cars is a thin royal blue circle with the words "Royal District Nursing Service" written in white capital letters. The centre section is in three with the top and bottom section white and the centre section royal blue with the large capital white letters "RDNS" written across it.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and white photograph taken above, and giving a "birds eye view", of the car park and latest fleet of grey Holden Torana two door vehicles owned by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). The fourteen cars are parked in two rows with the front of the cars facing to the left of the photograph. The round RDNS insignia is seen in the upper centre of some car doors. A tall brick wall is seen along the rear and right hand side of the car park. Two fire extinguishers are seen attached to the lower area of the rear brick wall in the open space between the two rows of cars. In the background and to the left, a road, some cars and parts of two brick buildings are seen as well as several small bare trees.Barry Sutton's Photographers Stamp. Quote KX 86royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns transport, rdns headquarters, rdns carpark, -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, 12.07.1972
The photograph is taken outside the new Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Caulfield Centre. RDNS Sisters left in RDNS Torana vehicles from this Centre each morning to give nursing care to patients in surrounding suburbs and returned to the Centre after their visits. Gradually over the years, Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) from 1966 when they received Royal patronage, opened Centres throughout the Melbourne Metropolitan area and outer suburbs. In 1972 The Melbourne Centre which was conducted from RDNS Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, was relocated to Caulfield and it became the Caulfield Centre. Their Trained nurses (Sisters) left from these Centres each morning to carry out their nursing visits in a specific area (district), taking any sterilized equipment needed with them. They returned at the end of the day to write up their patients nursing histories, clean and reset any equipment used ready for re-sterilization, and contact other medical and community personal as necessary. Most of the RDNS cars were housed at each Centre, only a few being driven home by a Sister. This is a black and white photograph of two RDNS two door grey Torana cars parked on the road outside a flat roof, one storey, light coloured brick building. The building is in three sections with the centre section set back. Part of the back of a white car can be seen in the driveway to the left of the set back section. Three large white framed windows can be seen along the end view of the left hand section and even larger windows are seen in the centre section. A small water tank and piping sit on a platform on the roof of both the left and right hand sections of the building. White fascia with dark trim above it edges the roof on each sections of the building. Some pencil shape type shrubs and a bare tree is seen in front of the building and a low light coloured brick fence runs across the property and down either side of the drive, with the footpath and nature strip in front of this. The back of a white car is seen on the road in the far right of the photograph and part of a wooden fence and parts of two large trees with leaves can be seen.Barry Sutton Photographer's Stamp. Quote KY 5rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns centre -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, c.1930
In 1930 the Society were pioneers in opening an Ante-Natal Clinic at the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) After-Care Home, setting a high standard with equipment, keeping records and providing leaflets with instructions in how to keep healthy during pregnancy, what complications to look for, and what to do when labour commenced. This image was taken in the Ante-Natal Clinic and shows some of the equipment used at that time and the uniforms worn by Trained nurses (Sisters) in the 1930s. Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded in 1885 and only nurses who had trained in a Hospital Training School and were fully qualified were employed by the Society. It commenced with one Trained nurse (Nurse), and another employed six months later; both walking amid the slums of inner Melbourne administering nursing care to the sick poor. The Society decided to commence a Midwifery Service and Nurse Fowler, who had previously worked for the Society, was re-employed as their first Trained Midwife. She began home births in August 1893 giving some Ante Natal care, taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe and mother as needed. Following birth, she gave Post-natal care to the mother and babe twice a day for three days and then daily for a week, and longer if required. She resigned after twelve months and Nurse Wilkie was appointed to the position. As well as walking, the Nurses used Public transport in the limited areas it ran, though a taxi was used by the Nurses and Midwife in emergencies and at night. As the Society expanded it rented premises until it was able to purchase it's own Nurses Home at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood in 1914. The Society were pioneers in recognizing the need for premises where patients too ill to be in their own home, but not ill enough to go to hospital, was needed. Land was procured next to No. 39, and the Society built the After-Care Home at 45 Victoria Parade, for these patients, and for patients from Hospitals. It was opened in July 1926 and the name of the Society then became ‘Melbourne District Nursing Society and After-Care Home’ (‘Hospital’ from 1934) The Ante-Natal Clinic at the Melbourne District Nursing Society After-Care Home was opened on the 23rd of September 1930 and MDNS Midwifery patients were encouraged to attend. Prior to the opening of the clinic Ante-natal care was not considered important, but within a short time 100 percent of MDNS Midwifery patients were attending. During 1934 the Women’s Welfare Clinic, including at the time a very controversial Family Planning Clinic, the first of its kind in Australia, was opened to support women at risk following multiple and difficult pregnancies. The Clinic gave advice on birth-control and was attended by their own patients at first, but then accepted patients from Melbourne public hospitals until their own clinics were opened.Digital image showing a Doctor and three Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sisters attending a patient in the Ante-Natal Clinic at the After Care Hospital. In the forefront is a set of scales standing on the floor, behind which is the lady lying on a wooden framed bed with the base slightly raised at the top end supporting a white pillow and the lady's head. The lady has short dark hair and her frock can be seen to her waist; the rest of her body is covered by a white sheet and dark coloured blanket. Behind her and to the right of the image, are two Sisters wearing dark coloured long sleeved uniforms which have a belt and white collar; they are both wearing white veils over their short dart hair. To their left is a Doctor who has short dart wavy hair and is looking down at the lady. He is wearing a long white gown and has a stethoscope in his ears with the other end held in his right hand. To his left is another Sister who is wearing a white veil over her dark curled hair, and is wearing a long white gown. In the rear between the Doctor and Sister a hand basin can be seen. On the far left of the picture a trolley with two cloth covered shelves can be seen; a basin and squat bottle sits on the top shelf and kidney dish on the lower one. Behind this, part of a window can be seen.after- care hospital, 45 victoria parade collingwood, melbourne district nursing society (1885-1957), ante-natal clinic, after-care home, mdns midwifery, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, c.1922
The MDNS Trained nurses (Sisters) are about to board two motor vehicles outside their Nurses home, at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood, to be driven to give nursing care to their patients who lived a distance away. The lady Chauffeur is probably Miss Sword who was employed by MDNS in 1922-23; she was also in charge of the garage. This enabled the Sisters to do more visits in a day than when using Public transport all the time. This image also shows the style of cars driven in that era. The Sisters uniforms are grey and their hats have a red Maltese cross attached to the centre front of the hatband. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a female Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding, and In 1929 Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) formed a volunteer Motor Auxiliary to transport their Trained Nurses (Sisters) to make visits more patients who lived a distance away. At first wealthy people offered their car and chauffeur, but then the general public supplied their own vehicles. They operated on week days when able and could take up to three Sisters at a time, collecting them from the Nurses Home, 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood, at 9 a.m; dropping each Sister at a patient then picking them up and taking them to the next patient before completing the morning round and returning to the Nurses Home at 1 p.m.. The Sisters were able to double the number of visits they did each morning and did their afternoon visits on public transport. At its peak there were 60 volunteers but this fell off during World War 11. In 1944 the Red Cross were assisting, and by 1953 were taking out 16 MDNS Sisters. Appeals for volunteers occurred over the years, particularly during the Tram and Tramway Bus strike in the 1950s, and when the Royal Women's Hospital had an influx of births and wanted to send the mothers and babies home on day four but could not do so if M.D.N.S. could not visit. During 1962 the Motor Auxiliary transported 34 Sisters who preferred not to drive themselves, but as the MDNS fleet of cars grew there was less need for their service and the Auxiliary was disbanded in 1971. Some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. IA black and white digital image showing, in the left foreground, the frontal view of an early model, 1920s, soft hooded car parked on the road next to the gutter. Two front spoked wheels are seen, and headlights sit either side of the radiator at the front of the nose shaped bonnet.. '3758' is written in white on the black number plate below the radiator. The female Chauffeur is dressed in a dark coat and peaked hat and is standing by the partly open driver's door. The passenger door is open and a Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sister is standing on the footpath behind the door. Another Sister stands behind her. There is another similar car parked behind the first one. It is partly obscured, its hood is down; it has spoked wheels and one of its headlights can be seen beside the partially obscured radiator. Part of the black number plate can be seen with two of its numbers, '69', written in white. A partly obscured Sister is standing by the driver's door and another behind the open passenger door. Another Sister is standing at the rear of this car..The five MDNS Sisters are wearing their uniform grey coats and felt brimmed grey hats with a Maltese cross applied to the centre hatband, Leafless trees and some buildings can be seen in the district nursing society, after-care home, rdns, royal district nursing service, mdns motor auxiliary, mdns uniforms, miss sword, female chauffeur -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 09.1944
The group are photographed outside the Melbourne District Nursing Society After Care Hospital at 45 Victoria Parade, Collingwood. This photograph was taken three years after Miss Dorothy Tupper was appointed, in 1941, Matron of the District Nursing Division of 'Melbourne District Nursing Society and After Care Hospital'. She held this position until she retired at the end of 1962. In February 1885, 50 years after Melbourne was founded, it was recognized that nursing care was needed for the sick poor in inner Melbourne. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded, the first Society of its kind in Australia, with one Trained nurse, called 'Nurse' in those days, and a second employed six months later, working in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society only employed qualified nurses (Nurses) trained under the Hospital training system and was at the forefront of health care. They provided high quality nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. As the Society expanded bicycles and public transport were used to reach outer districts; before an appeal, during the influenza epidemic, provided four T Model Ford vehicles so the Nurses could visit more patients. Constant change of drivers and lack of time for maintenance caused cars to be disbanded. In addition to bicycles and public transport, a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 and the public drove the District Trained nurses, 'Sisters', to visit patients in outer districts until District had its own fleet of vehicles. The After-Care and District division separated with the District Division moving premises and becoming Melbourne District Nursing Service, then in 1966 with royal patronage, Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS). Expansion followed with RDNS Centres built throughout the Melbourne suburbs and outer regions. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Sitting from left to right in the front row of this black and white Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), photograph is a District nurse (Sister), next is Matron Tupper, (District Nursing Division) next, the Matron of the After-Care Hospital Section of the Society, and two District nurses, one wearing her uniform brimmed hat. Seven Sisters stand behind them, the centre two in white uniform dresses, one with short blonde hair, the other dark. The two Matrons are wearing white veils. The rest of the District nurses are wearing grey long sleeved uniform dresses, and have short dark curled hair. They are in front of a concrete veranda with the brick building behind. To the left of the Sisters a hydrangea bush can be seenGreen Number 948Fmelbourne district nursing society, m.d.n.s., nurses, mdns matron, mdns uniforms, after- care hospital, rdns, royal district nursing service, dorothy tupper -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1905
This photograph shows Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained Nurses (known as 'Nurse' in those days) attending to a family in the early 1900s. It also shows their uniform which had a red Maltese cross in the centre of the pith helmet. The bicycle seen is the first mode of transport purchased by MDNS in 1903. The Nurse's bag is seen strapped to the handles of the bicycle. In February 1885, 50 years after Melbourne was founded, it was recognized that nursing care was needed for the sick poor in inner Melbourne. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), the first District Nursing Society in Australia, was founded and the decision was made to only employ fully qualified nurses who had trained in a Hospital. In those days they were known as 'Nurse'. One Trained nurse, was employed in March, and a second employed six months later. They worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care and only attended patients seen by a Doctor. They provided high quality nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness, ventilation and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. Trained midwives began home births in late 1893 taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe and mother as needed. This was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer. Permission to use bicycles was given to the Nurses in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added, at a cost of £5 per frame, so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses’ bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week and if patients could not arrange to have it collected the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. The use of bicycles caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chin, now being used. Over the years the Nurses complained their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform but this did not occur until 1921. Bicycles continued to be used in inner areas until 1945. The Nurses provided high quality nursing care to a range of people often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered by a Doctor, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. The Nurses liaised with the person's Doctor. They educated their patients, and their Carers, in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of hygiene, cleanliness, ventilation and good nutrition. They taught them, by verbal instruction and demonstration, how to make poultices, to make and apply bandages, apply medical appliances such as splints; and the Nurses supplied milk, beef tea and cooked soup when needed. As the work increased a third Nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many Nurses only remained with the Society for several months. Black and white photograph of two Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained nurses, 'Nurse', wearing their full length grey uniforms, with white collar, cuffs and belt, and white pith helmets with a Maltese cross applied. One Nurse is standing and holding her bicycle, while the other is kneeling and holding a small child. They are in the garden behind a horizontal weatherboard house. A man dressed in dark clothes is also kneeling beside the child. There is a child, dressed in white, in the doorway of the home, and a lady, dressed in a full length black dress and a white apron, is standing in front of the wooden fence in the garden. The bicycle has two large wire spoked wheels at either end of the black V shape bicycle frame; a rubber tyre runs around the outside of each wheel. The metal handlebars are a horizontal configuration and are attached with a central column into a black vertical column at the front of the V shape bicycle frame which has ‘fork shaped’ thin metal pierces running down either side of the wheel attaching the frame to the central hub of the wheel. The rear wheel is attached the same way to a central column at the rear of the frame which runs up to V shape solid seat. At the bottom of the V of the frame a pedal is attached with a rotating arm on either side of the bicycle and on the right side the rotating arm is attached to a sprocket which has a chain running around it back to a smaller sprocket on the hub of the back wheel. The chain has a thin metal guard over it. There are narrow thin metal mud guards running a short distance above the top of each district nursing society, mdns, mdns uniforms, mdns transport, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, Portrait black and white, c.1900
This is a photograph taken from the painting by McCubbin of Lady Janet Clarke, a prominent Melbourne philanthropist who worked for social welfare issues and was a driving force in the early days of the Melbourne District Nursing Society. At the end of 1885 for her work with MDNS she was given a Testimonial Dinner where she was presented with a letter signed by 429 people expressing their thanks for her visits, kindness, sympathy and charity shown toward the sick poor. In 1887, at her home, she held the first function to raise money for the Society. Lady Janet Clarke was a generous and hospitable prominent socialite of Melbourne; a kind and sympathetic philanthropist who worked tirelessly for social welfare issues. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded on the 17th of February 1885 and on the 9th of April a Special General Meeting was held to elect the committee for the following twelve months. Lady Clarke was elected a Vice-president; a position she held until being appointed President, when Mrs. Simon resigned on the 7th of June 1887, a role Lady Clarke held until she became ill in 1908; except during her trips overseas, when the role was held by another until her return. Her management and organizational skills enabled MDNS to flourish in its earliest days. She was actively involved taking her turn on the Superintendent sub-committee where she accompanied a Trained nurse when she visited patients; checking that high quality nursing care was maintained, as well as observing the patient's social condition; even giving a personal donation to a special case in need. The patients of the Society were so grateful for her sympathy, kindness and love that when she and her husband, Sir William Clarke, were going overseas at the end of 1885, a Testimonial was given for her at Scots Church District-hall where 200 attended to show their appreciation of her work carried out with MDNS. She was presented with a Bible from them, and their letter signed by 429 working persons expressing their thanks. In a time of great financial need of the Society, Lady Clarke offered the ballroom at her home, 'Cliveden', for a monster Cake, Flower, and Dairy produce Fair which raised a substantial amount saving the Society from closure. She promoted the Society and led it in further fund-raising events, such as the annual Ball, and Fairs where she often manned cake stalls. Near Christmas each year she made a special appeal to the public for 'comfort and good cheer' which could be given to poor families visited by the Society. During the depression of 1890 she had thick soup prepared in the Cliveden kitchens and this was distributed, with bread, from her home, and from a school room, to hundreds of the poor. In 1892 Lady Clarke agreed to represent the Society during her visit to England. During her years of leadership MDNS expanded; Nurses uniforms were introduced; lectures - for example, on hygiene and on the prevention of sickness and the treatment of children, were given by doctors for the patients; further Trained nursing staff were employed; Midwifery was introduced to the poor, the Society extended beyond the city centre and bicycles were introduced for transport; a system for regular annual subscriptions was introduced and sufficient funds were raised for the Society to rent its own premises, with Lady Clarke paying for a subscription to Mullen's bookstore each year for the use of the Nurses in the Nurses Home. As well as her work for MDNS she held roles in many other organizations . She donated a substantial amount of money to build a Hostel for Women University Students attending Trinity College, later named the Janet Clarke Hall. Lady Janet Marion Clarke died at Cliveden, aged 57 years, on the 28th of April 1909; a lady held in high esteem and affection by all she knew.This is a black and white photograph of a painting of Lady Janet Clarke. She is looking forward and has a serious visage; she is wearing her long dark hair drawn up and back and in her left ear a small dropped ear ring can be seen. She is wearing a light coloured, long sleeved, floral frock with a material short cape section seen over the top of her left sleeve. Her left arm is crooked with her hand resting just under a flower brooch fastened in the centre of her frock. She has a choker around her neck with a brooch in the centre..Janet Lady Clarke, president 1889-1908.From the painting by district nursing society, mdns, rdns, royal district nursing service, lady janet clarke -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1960
This photograph shows the Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), Headquarter and Nursing Home at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne. The cars in front of the building are part of the MDNS fleet of cars and are Australian built Holden vehicles of the 1960s. The MDNS Trained nurses (Sisters) seen are wearing their grey uniform coats and hats which had a red Maltese cross in the centre front. Under their coats the Sisters wore grey cotton frocks. The Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) building at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne was originally called 'Airlie Mansion', the childhood home of Stanley Melbourne Bruce, the Prime Minister of Australia 1923-1929. 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. 'Airlie' was used by Queen Victoria Memorial Hospital nurses as a Nurses Home prior to Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS), moving into this building as their Headquarters and Nursing Home in 1953. MDNS was given Royal patronage in 1966 and continued to occupy the building as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) until 1996. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Sisters to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and white photograph of two Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) Holden vehicles parked outside MDNS Headquarters, which is seen in the background of the photograph. To the right is a MDNS Sister, who is wearing her grey peaked hat over her drawn back long hair. and is wearing her grey coat and carrying a square nursing case with the capital letters 'RDNS' written on it; she is standing side-on, looking to her left, and her right hand is on the door handle of the front door of the right hand car. To her left is another car, with a MDNS Sister standing on the grass behind the bonnet. She is wearing glasses and her uniform hat is worn over short dark hair. She is wearing a grey coat, scarf and both gloved hands are holding the handles of bags. On the drivers door of this car the words 'Melbourne District Nursing Service' are written in capital letters. On the far left hand side of the photograph, half of a third Holden vehicle is seen and a large tree is on the nature strip between this and the middle car. Behind the vehicles, bushes and a large tree can be seen on the left hand side behind the cast iron fence. Several other bushes and small trees are seen. In the background is MDNS Headquarters; a large white two storey Italian style building, which has three, roman column, arched Arcadia on either side of a polygon shaped bay window on the ground floor, and three long windows to the left and a three arched Arcade to the right on the second floor. Two Sisters in uniform are standing on the veranda of the 2nd floor between the far right hand arch. To the left and right of the building, parts of single storey hip roof buildings can be district nursing service, mdns, rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns headquarters, rdns transport, mdns uniforms -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 15 05 1967
The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sister is leaving Headquarters, 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne, to administer nursing care to patients in their own homes. The Sisters nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. The Sister is driving an Australian built Holden car of the 1960s which, along with the other parked Holden cars are part of the RDNS fleet of vehicles. From its inception in 1885 the Trained nurses (Nurses) of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. From the early days the Nurses taught the importance of good hygiene, cleanliness, good nutrition in the prevention and curing of disease and in maintaining good health, as well as giving advice and support to the patient and their carers. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctor. District has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded bicycles, public transport, District cars, the use of a Motor Auxiliary, nurses own cars, and even a motorcycle were used, and all these forms were intermingled until RDNS had its own fleet of vehicles. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the nurses travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. The Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) building at 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne was originally called 'Airlie', the childhood home of Stanley Melbourne Bruce, the Prime Minister of Australia 1923-1929. RDNS, then named Melbourne District Nursing Service (MDNS) moved into this building as their Nurses Home and Headquarters in 1953. MDNS was given Royal patronage in 1966 and continued to occupy the building until 1996. 452 St. Kilda Road, Melbourne is listed on the Victorian Heritage Register. In the foreground of this black and white photograph are three cars on St. Kilda Road passing Arthur Street on their left. In the centre is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister sitting at the driving wheel of her RDNS grey Holden car in Arthur Street, at the corner of St. Kilda Road. Behind the car are two round poles inset in the nature strip near the kerb; the pole on the right holds the street signs 'Arthur St' which points to the left of the photograph, and 'St Kilda Rd' points towards the number '452' attached to a square concrete column and metal spiked fence running down the right of the photograph behind the nature strip. In the background of the photograph is the corner view showing two sides, part in Arthur Street and part in St. Kilda Road, of RDNS Headquarters which is a large white two storey Italian style building, which has arched Arcadia on the ground floor, and an arched Arcade on the second floor; a flat roof with two chimneys is seen. A garden with trees can be seen running in front of both sides of the building and behind the cast iron spiked fence. In Arthur Street, to the left of the large building is a two storey white building with a tiled roof. It has a white solid fence in front of it Parked at the kerb in front of this building, and the section of RDNS large white building in Arthur Street, are three other RDNS grey Holden cars. Parts of a large trees are seen on the left and right of the photograph.Photographers stamp. Quote GE 46rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns headquarters -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23.05.1967
... service rdns transport rdns patient care Photographers stamp ...The photograph shows a RDNS Sister driving her RDNS car along a dirt road to reach a patient to administer nursing care. It shows the typical conditions of the roads the RDNS trained nurses encountered in some districts. The photograph also depicts an Australian made Holden car of the mid 1960s Melbourne District Nursing Society, later Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded bicycles, public transport, District cars, the use of a Motor Auxiliary, the Trained nurses (Sisters) own cars, and even a motorcycle were used, and all these forms were intermingled until RDNS had its own fleet of vehicles. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. The Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later known as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), visited patients in their home and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures, throughout its 130 years of expansion. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelistis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary.In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS), Sister at the wheel of her RDNS Holden car, which has a black rear Victorian number plate with 'JPH - 516' written in white letters. Through the back window you can see part of the Sister's uniform and her peaked hat worn over her short curled hair. Her left hand is on the upper part of the steering wheel. The dirt road on which she is travelling has mud and some grass tufts either side of it. On the right of the car is a hip roof brick house which has a single storey front area with attached two storey section at the rear. A short open Besser brick fence, with a white wooden gate, is seen running from the front of the property to the house, and beyond this a clothes line and shed. Beyond this, part of a tall paling fence is seen from the front of the property to the shed. The top section of the next brick house is seen beyond the fence; it has a white railed veranda along part of it and the house has a flat roof.Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 90rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport, rdns patient care -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 23.05.1967
This photograph shows the typical road conditions encountered by RDNS District Sisters during their days work visiting patients to administer nursing care. From its inception in 1885 their Trained nurses (Nurses) of the then named Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), later named Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) gave high quality nursing care to patients in their own homes. They nursed patients referred by Hospitals and General Practitioners giving treatments, such as injections, wound care and doing other procedures, as well as assisting them with general care when required. District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as MDNS, the Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used; bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take their Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles by the mid 1960s. In many areas there were unsealed roads, in various conditions, which the Sisters negotiated to reach their patients to give care. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the nurses travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. In the centre of this black and white photograph is a Royal District Nursing Service, (RDNS) Sister in her RDNS grey car driving up the lower section of a hill on a dirt road. The car's rear black Victorian number plate, with 'JPH - 516' written on it can be seen. Dust is rising on either side of the car. In the foreground the road runs downward to a dip and then up the hill; trees are along either side of the road, and dirt and stones are seen on the side of the road in the left foreground. Photographers stamp. Quote No. GE 95rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, 07.05.1937
This sepia digital image shows the Austin car which was donated to the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in !937 by the Rotary Club of Victoria. It was used by the Matron of the MDNS District Division to visit patients weekly. The photograph is taken outside the MDNS Headquarters at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood. The photograph appeared along with an article in The Age Friday May 7, 1937. The photograph appeared in the MDNS Annual Report of 1937. On page 8, mention is made of J.D Johnston Esq, President of the Rotary Club of Victoria, presenting the Austin vehicle to MDNS. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. In the foreground of this sepia photograph is a side-on view of a four door 1937 style small grey car with a nose shaped bonnet, parked on the road beside the kerb with the headlight facing to the right of the photograph.The bonnet joins onto a straight windscreen which adjoins a slightly curved hood running back along the car. This adjoins a back window which joins onto the sloping rear body of the car with a small protruding boot. Windows are seen above the body work of both facing doors and a smaller sloping window above the body work and rear wheel arch. On the drivers door is a Maltese cross and the words "Melbourne District" written above the Maltese cross and "Nursing Society" below it. In front of this door the body work forms a wheel arch and the headlight is attached between this body work and the bonnet. Rubber tyred wheels with solid hub caps are seen below each wheel arch. On the footpath, behind the bonnet of the car, four Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Trained nurses (Sisters) are standing. They are wearing dark grey coats over their grey uniforms with white collars, and brimmed grey hats with a Maltese cross on the light coloured headband. The Sister on the right has her left hand gripping the handle on top of her oblong nursing case. A metal spiked fence is behind the Sisters, which runs to the left into one of the two square concrete columns which sit either side of a path. A hedge is behind the fence, and behind this part of a building with three arched windows can be seen. A white plaque is attached to the fence near one of the columns.mdns, melbourne district nursing society, rotary club of victoria, mdns transport, rdns, royal district nursing service, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, 1907
This photograph was taken four years after bicycles were purchased by the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) and is a record of the first mode of transport used by their Trained nurses, and a record of the change of head ware needed now bicycles were in use. The uniforms were grey with white collar, belt and cuffs and a red Maltese cross was in the centre of the pith helmet. Prior to the use of bicycles the trained nurses walked to their patients and had become exhausted, particularly in summer. The bicycles were a solution to this problem, and now they could visit more patients and the Society's areas (districts) could be extended. In February 1885, 50 years after Melbourne was founded, it was recognized that nursing care was needed for the sick poor in inner Melbourne. The Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), the first such Society in Australia, was founded with one Trained nurse, called 'Nurse' in those days, and a second employed six months later. They worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care. They provided high quality nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets, clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. Trained Midwives began home births in late 1893 taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe and mother as needed. This was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer. Permission to use bicycles was given to the Nurses in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added, at a cost of £5 per frame, so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses’ bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week and if patients could not arrange to have it collected the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. The use of bicycles caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chin, now being used. The Nurses provided high quality nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered by a Doctor, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. Over the years the Nurses complained that their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform but this did not occur until 1921. Bicycles continued to be used in inner areas until 1945. Black and white photo of a group of ten (one partially hidden at rear) Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) trained nurses, with each standing with their bicycles in front of a spiked metal fence.The Nurses are wearing their MDNS uniform long grey frocks with white collar, cuffs and belt and white pith helmets with a central Maltese cross. Nursing bags are strapped to five of the bicycles. A large pedestal urn is seen to the left behind the fence between the 3rd and 4th nurse. Bushes and trees are seen in the background. melbourne district nursing society, mdns, nurses, uniforms, mdns transport, mdns equipment, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1967
Mr. Bralsford,the Transport Manager at Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), is instructing RDNS staff in the responsibilities of driving an RDNS vehicle. The Sisters were undergoing a Post Basic Course given by RDNS Educators, Car maintenance was necessary from 1937 when a car was donated by the Rotary Club to Melbourne District Nursing Society, (MDNS). Another car was donated, by General Motors-Holden, via the Duchess of Gloucester, in 1947, and the fleet began to grow from 1950 with seven Ford Prefects being provided by the Hospital and Charities Commission. For many years Melford Motors in South Melbourne maintained the MDNS fleet, until the fleet grew to the point of, the now named, Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) providing its own Car Maintenance Division to service the cars regularly. The Royal Automobile Club of Victoria, (RACV), attended any breakdowns which occurred when nursing staff were on the road. Each new Sister employed by the Service was taken out for a driving test before she drove a District car. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used; bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Sisters to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles by the mid 1960s. In many areas there were unsealed roads, in various conditions, which the Sisters negotiated to reach their patients to give care. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966 which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so those that did the Warburton and Powelltown area worked off a large paper map. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and white photograph showing Mr. Bralsford instructing RDNS staff. In the left foreground is Sister (Sr) Liz Thomson who has her dark hair drawn back, is looking down at a piece of white paper resting on the arm of the wooden chair on which she is sitting. In front of her are the back views of Sr. Betty McDonald with curled dark hair and to her right is Sister Joanne Wilkinson. Mr. Bralsford, who has short dark hair; is wearing glasses, and wearing a grey coat, is standing in front of them pointing to a blackboard with his extended left arm and hand. He is looking down, and has his right hand on a piece of white paper on a desk. A strip heater is high on the left hand wall.Photographers stamp and Quote No. GW 101royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns transport, rdns education, melford motors, racv, sister liz thomson, sister betty mcdonald, sister joanne wilkinson, mr bralsford -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, coloured, c.1985
This white Toyota Corolla is one of the fleet of cars driven by Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) Sisters to visit patients in the community to administer nursing care. 1985 was the centenary of the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society; founded in 1885; the Society was given Royal patronage in 1966 and became the Royal District Nursing Service. The Coat of Arms shown on the car was granted by the College of Arms in London in 1970. Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state two were sold in 1922 and the others later. In 1922-23 three Peugeot cars were purchased and a woman Chauffeur, 'Miss Sword', was employed who lived in the Home and was also in charge of the garage. MDNS was expanding and a Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take the Trained nurses (Sisters) to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Coloured photograph of the side on view of a Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS).white Toyota Corolla sedan displaying the RDNS Coat of Arms on the upper centre of the front door. The car is the same width all over and the flat bonnet joins to a sloping large front windscreen. on the side, at the level of the windscreen are two windows, above the metal body work of both doors. The roof runs from the top of the windscreen to the rear of the vehicle where it joins with a short back window which sits above a short boot. Part of the front grill and headlights either side of it are seen, and a bumper bar below this. A black tyred wheel with solid hub cap is seen under a wheel arch in the body work, at the front and rear of the district nursing society, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns crest, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, c.1985
The RDNS Sisters are both holding the 1st day Cover Envelope issued by the Australian Postal Department in 1985 to commemorate the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society on the 17th of February 1885. A stamp is in the right hand top corner of the envelope. The main body of the stamp is pale blue. On the top of the stamp, written in deeper blue/grey, are the words "Centenary of District Nursing Services 1985" Below this, and to the right, is a pale bone colour original sign on a metal fence which reads, in white capital letters, "Melbourne District Nursing Society" Standing on the left in the foreground is a MDNS Trained nurse (Nurse) in her long grey uniform frock with white collar, cuffs and belt. She is wearing a grey helmet style hat which has a white hat band with a red Maltese cross in the centre. Her black shoes can also be seen. She is holding a bicycle; only the front wheel and part of the frame and the handlebars, which have a brown nursing bag strapped to them, can be seen, The nursing bag and handlebars cover part of the MDNS sign. At the bottom of the stamp, on a strip of white background, are the words in capital letters "Australia 33c". Below the stamp is a rectangular1st mark. On the left half of the envelope are some sketches of several two storey buildings either side of a set of steps. Some adults and children are standing on the steps as well as in the foreground; some are sketched and others dressed in various coloured clothing. In the foreground right in front of steps, stands a lady with her hair drawn up and wearing along grey frock and white apron; partly seen against her right side is a small child dressed in brown. Sister Willie Fleming is the Supervisor of the RDNS Sunshine Centre and Sister Phillipa Kariko is Supervisor of Essendon Centre. They are wearing their RDNS uniforms of white short sleeve blouses under royal blue V neck tunic style frocks. The RDNS insignia is round and has royal blue writing on a white background. In Melbourne in 1885 it was recognized that skilled nursing was needed to care for the sick poor in their own homes. On the 17th of February a meeting was held with prominent Melbourne citizens, five gentlemen and fourteen ladies. ‘Dr. Caffyn and Rev. Charles Strong explained the objects and scope of District Nursing Societies that had been formed in towns in UK’. On that day the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded, the first District Nursing Service in Australia. Subsequent meetings were held to form a Committee and to draw up a Code of Rules of the Society. It was decided only nurses who had attended a Nurses Training School at a Hospital and were fully qualified would be employed by the Society, and that the Nurses would keep a daily journal of their work. After interviewing several candidates, the first Nurse, Mrs. Ferguson, was employed with a salary of £100 per annum and commenced work on the 1st of May 1885. She was employed for three months initially, but this was soon extended, “on the understanding she will make arrangements to live in the more immediate vicinity of her district”. A Doctor was consulted before any person was seen. In rotation, a member of the Superintendence Sub-Committee supervised the Nurse’s visits and could assist to alleviate some of the poor social conditions they found. Though only Trained nurses were employed, the term ’Nurse’ was used in those days, not the term ‘Sister’ that is used these days. A second Trained nurse, Mrs. Joanna Cannon, was employed in late 1885, with a trial period of six months which was extended. The two Nurses worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bags containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care and liaised with Doctors. They provided high quality nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. They educated their patients, and their carers, in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of hygiene, cleanliness, ventilation and good nutrition. They taught them, by verbal instruction and demonstration, how to make poultices, to make and apply bandages, apply medical appliances such as splints; and the Nurses supplied milk, beef tea and they cooked soup when needed. As the work increased a third Nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many Nurses only remained with the Society for several months. A Midwifery Service commenced in August 1893 with Nurse Fowler the first trained Midwife. She had previously worked with the Society carrying out General nursing. The Society expanded its areas using public transport and with the Society purchasing bicycles in 1903, before procuring its first cars to cope with the influx of patients during the Spanish influenza epidemic in 1919, though these were sold in 1927 due to their poor condition..A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Sisters to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia vehicles in 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters, though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Over its years of expansion the RDNS Trained nurses (Sisters), continued to visit patients in their homes and gave best practice care in many fields of nursing, and to people of many cultures. Initial visits not only assessed the specific nursing situation but the situation as a whole. Their patients ranged in age from babes, children, adults to the elderly and referrals were taken from Hospitals, General Practitioners and allied Health facilities. Some of the care the Sisters provided is as follows: – Post-Natal care given to mother and babe, Wound Care following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. Supervising and teaching Diabetic Care, including teaching and supervising people with Diabetes to administer their own Insulin, and administering Insulin to those unable to give their own injections. Administering other injections and setting up weekly medication boxes. The Sisters performed Catheterizations on adults suffering from conditions such as Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and Guillan-Barre Syndrome, and when required at school on children for e.g. those with Spina Bifida. The Sisters visited those requiring Cystic Fibrosis support and care; those requiring Haemo-Oncology care, including visiting children at school; those requiring Home Enteral Feeding care, and those requiring IV therapy at home and home Dialysis. Palliative Care was given including pain relief with the use of syringe drivers, personal care as needed, and advice and support to both patient and family. The Sisters provided Stoma management to those needing Urostomy, Ileostomy and Colostomy care and those requiring Continence care. HIV/AIDS nursing care was provided; visits to Homeless Persons were made. Personal care was given to patients ranging in age and with varying mobility problems, such as Amputees, those with MS, MND, Guillan-Barre Syndrome, Poliomyelitis, Quadriplegia, Paraplegia, Acquired Brain Injury, to those following a Cerebrovascular Accident (Stroke), those with severe Arthritis and those with a form of Dementia. When necessary the elderly were assisted with personal care and advice given on safety factors with the use of hand rails, bath or shower seats, and hand showers. Rehabilitation with an aim towards independence remained at the forefront of the Sister’s minds and when possible using aids and instruction on safe techniques enabled the person to become fully independent. All care included giving advice and support to the patient and their Carers. The Sisters liaised with the persons Doctor, Hospital and allied Health personal when necessary. On the left of the black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Willie Fleming, who has curly blonde hair, and on the right, Sister Phillipa Kariko, who has short dark hair. They are standing outside Essendon RDNS Centre.. They are both wearing their RDNS summer uniform of dark V neck tunic style frocks, with emblazoned RDNS insignia on its upper left, over short sleeve white blouses, Each are holding an envelope with writing, sketched buildings and figures on the envelopes left side, and a stamp is on the upper right corner. Below the stamp is writing in a rectangle. Behind the Sisters is a brick wall with them hiding some of the white capital letters of the words 'District Nursing Service' and 'Essendon Centre'. Windows and part of the fascia of the building is seen behind this.Handwritten informationmelbourne district nursing society, melbourne district nursing service, mdns, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns centre, sister willie fleming, sister phillipa kariko, rdns 1st day cover centenary envelope -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white:, 1952
This photograph depicts the style of MDNS uniform worn at that time, which was a grey cotton dress and red cardigan, over which was a woolen grey coat. The beret was of grey felt and had a red Maltese cross attached to the centre. Sister Wilson is about to enter her MDNS car, which was one of the early cars in the MDNS fleet, to drive to a patient to give nursing care.Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) has had various modes of transport over the last 130 plus years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained nurses (Nurses) walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1945. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford T Model' cars were procured which enabled the Nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Sisters to patients, and some Sisters used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one Sister in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled and in the early 1950s, and now as Melbourne District Nursing Service, seven Ford Prefect cars were bought followed by twelve Ford Anglia cars 1955. Having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own fleet of Holden vehicles by the mid 1960s and the Motor Auxiliary ceased operating in 1971 as by then all staff employed were required to have a driving licence. Seat-belts had been introduced to Victoria in 1959 and District fitted them to their cars from 1962, even though they did not become compulsory until 1970. The Holden vehicles were replaced with grey Holden Torana vehicles. After several years the fleet was changed to white Toyota Corolla vehicles. The Melways Directory of maps was introduced in 1966, which was a boon to the Sisters though it was a few years before it went beyond Seville, so a large paper map was used by the Sisters visiting patients in the areas passed Seville. By 2009 there were 598 cars in the fleet and the Sisters travelled 9 million 200,000 kilometres – this is equivalent to 12 trips to the moon and back. Black and white photograph of Sister Jill Wilson of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) about to enter her work car. Sister Wilson is wearing her winter uniform, with a light grey beret over her short dark curled hair, and a long light grey coat which has lapels. She is standing side on, and to the left of the partially seen small white car. She is smiling and looking at the camera. Her right arm is extended with her hand on the handle of the partially opened car door and she is holding a white bag and cloth in her left hand. At her feet is her dark coloured, square shaped, nursing case which has a leather strap around the middle and two light coloured clasps each end, as well as a thick hard handle on the top. She is standing on the road and to her left, on the grass, are two lamp posts; small bushes can be seen as well as two trees in the distance. Two dark coloured buildings, one with a hip roof and one a flat roof, can be seen behind the car. rdns, motor vehicle, nurse, uniform, melbourne district nursing society, mdns, rdns transport, royal district nursing service, sister jill wilson -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white:, c.1922
This photograph depicts the style of uniform worn by the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) at that time. It shows part of a Cable Tram being the type of Public transport used by the Trained nurses to visit their patients. This group of Trained nurses are about to board trams to commence their visits to MDNS patients who require nursing care in their homes.District Nursing has had various modes of transport over the last 130 years. At first, from 1885 as Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), their Trained Nurses walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of central Melbourne. As the Society expanded public transport was used, and bicycles were bought by the Society in 1903 and used in inner areas until 1955. During the Spanish flu epidemic, in 1919, MDNS appealed for assistance to procure Motor vehicles so the Nurses could visit an influx of cases. Through trusts, grants and donations four 'Ford 'T Model' cars were procured which enabled the nurses to triple their visits. Through constant use the cars were in such a poor state they were sold in 1927. A Motor Auxiliary was formed in 1929 to take Nurses to patients, and some nurses used their own cars; even a motorcycle was used by one nurse in 1933. All these forms of transport were intermingled until, having received Royal patronage; the now Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) had its own full fleet of vehicles.A slightly fuzzy black and white photograph which shows six Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sisters standing at a tram stop wearing uniforms of full length coats and grey brimmed hats bearing a Maltese cross insignia on the hat band. Each Sister is carrying a square nursing case with a thick handle on the top. Part of a Cable tram, with a 'Spencer Street' sign attached to the top, is on the right of the photograph. Two of the Sisters are about to board the tram. Four Sisters are standing by the 'tram stop' sign. A line of leafless tree are seen behind the Sisters, and white terraced houses are in the background.public transport, mdns, uniforms, melbourne district nursing society, royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns transport -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, 1973
The equipment items in this photograph are loaned out to Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) patient's to use in their homes. They are returned to RDNS and sterilized, or cleaned with disinfectant, whichever is appropriate, once they are no longer required. The material items are given to patient's as required. Many of these items are made and donated by RDNS Auxiliary members. From its inception in 1885, the two Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bags containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses and clothes as necessary. The Society was at the forefront of health care and continued to liaise with Doctors as the Society expanded. The Nurses provided high quality nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. They educated their patients, and their Carers, in the curing and prevention of disease; Over the years items were given and equipment was loaned and demonstrated to patients, and if appropriate, to their family members to enable them to care for their loved ones in their homes. The Trained nurses had the rehabilitation of their patients in the forefront of their minds to ensure they were able to live as independently as possible in their own homes. As the years passed the Trained nurses changed from being called 'Nurse' to 'Sister' and the Society changed its name. In the 1970s, now with Royal patronage, and known as Royal District Nursing Service ( RDNS), they contracted a Private and then employed, a Physiotherapist who taught RDNS Sisters the correct transferring techniques, including the use of a hoist when this became available. RDNS Sisters taught and used these techniques in patient’s homes to undertake safe transfer of the patient and to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and family members. Each RDNS Centre had a room or shed where equipment for loan was kept, and Headquarters also kept additional equipment which could be transported to Centres as required. This black and white photograph shows some of the equipment loaned, along with some to be given, to Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) patients as required. Rear L-R - a white long nightdress with dark embroidery and buttons on the front and embroidery on the edge of the short sleeves. Next are two wooden bath seats; a square metal commode with lid and with its round legs extended to form handles on the left and right sides. A folded dark and white striped crocheted rug hangs over one of the handles. In the centre L-R, is a metal bed cradle, a metal 4 prong walking stick, bed pans, male urinal, stack of nappies with a white child's knitted jumper hanging over them, and a doona. In the front, L-R is a grey blanket, dark coloured bed socks, a sheepskin with a white smocked baby dress sitting on it, and a white babies nightgown on a clear plastic covered white bundle. A black mat sits under these items and a cream brick wall is in the background. Barry Sutton LS 47royal district nursing service, rdns, rdns equipment, rdns auxiliaries -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Patient Loading
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection.A black and white photograph of 1st Australian Field Hospital Medics Richard Sneigowski, Ron Gillespie and Ray Yates load medivac patients for the short journey Vung Tau Military Airfield to be loaded onto an RAAF C130 medical transport aircraft for the flight back to Australia.photograph, 1st australian field hospital, vung tau airfield, vung tau, richard sneigowski, ron gillespie (medic), ray yates (medic), gibbons collection catalogue, raaf, c130 medivac flight, medics -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Patient Loading
Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of staff and patients at the 1st Australian Field Hospita,l watch patients being medivaced loaded into ambulances for the journey to Vung Tau Military Airfield, to be loaded onto an Australian C130medical transport aircraft for the flight back Australia.photograph, 1st australian field hospital, vung tau, raaf, c130 medivac flight, gibbons collection catalogue, medivac, vung tau airfield, diggers, medical staff, denis gibbons -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Photograph, Gibbons, Denis, Ambulance Tyre Repair
... A black and white photograph of Diggers from the transport... of ambulances, mainly for transport of medivac patients to the airfield ...Denis Gibbons (1937 – 2011) Trained with the Australian Army, before travelling to Vietnam in January 1966, Denis stayed with the 1st Australian Task Force in Nui Dat working as a photographer. For almost five years Gibbons toured with nine Australian infantry battalions, posting compelling war images from within many combat zones before being flown out in late November 1970 after sustaining injuries. The images held within the National Vietnam Veterans Museum make up the Gibbons Collection. A black and white photograph of Diggers from the transport section at the 1st Australian Field Hospital, Vung Tau, South vietnam, conduct repairs to a tyre from an ambulace. The hospital maintained a small fleet of ambulances, mainly for transport of medivac patients to the airfield.photograph, 1st australian field hospital, gibbons collection catalogue, ambulance, medivac, vung tau, diggers, denis gibbons