Showing 53 items
matching pescott
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper, Petitioners Say Their Call Is Going Unheard, 4/11/1992 12:00:00 AM
A Petition signed by 550 Local Residents has been delivered to the Minister for Finance and Member for Mitcham, John HarrowfieldA Petition signed by 550 Local Residents has been delivered to the Minister for Finance and Member for Mitcham, John Harrowfield, seeking retention of part of the former Middlefield Primary School for Public Open Space.A Petition signed by 550 Local Residents has been delivered to the Minister for Finance and Member for Mitcham, John Harrowfieldharrowfield, john, mckittrick, david, pescott, roger, middlefield primary school, primary schools -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour print, The Australian Garden Lover, "An Australian Horticultural School.", 1926
The 4 bottom photographs used as an illustration in, "Green Grows Our Garden," A.P. Winzenried p 52 and also used in the Centennial Display mounted on board. The espaliered fruit tree was located in the old nursery trained by George Russ. Top right orchard spraying. Bottom left View of Pavilion showing Luffmann's pond and a Pinus radiata planted in the 1860's. Bottom right A.W. Jessep (Principal) and E.E. Pescott (Lecturer). outside Principal's Residence. E.B. Littlejohn.See detailed description in paper catalogue and B91.404 for Journal Article.Colour photograph of part of the cover of , "The Australian Garden Lover," Vol. 2 No. 7 October, 1926, entitled, " 'An Australian Horticultural School.' Enterprise at Burnley, Vic." ella chalmers (née fry), green grows our garden, a.p. winzenried, centennial display, a.w. jessep, principal, e.e. pescott, lecturer, principal's residence, e.b. littlejohn, espaliered fruit tree, old nursery, george russ, orchard spraying, pavilion, pinus radiata, ponds., lily ponds, luffmann ponds -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Australian Pomological Committee, Melbourne 1916, 1916
Note by T.H. Kneen 4 December 1991, J.M. Ward became the first Superintendent of Horticulture in the Victorian Department of Agriculture in the early 1920's. 2 copies black and white photograph. Group fo men wearing suits, some holding hats, seated and standing . Probably in the Burnley Gardens.On reverse," Top Row: W.J. Allen Fruit Expert N.S.W., G. Quinn " " SA, J.M. Ward " " Tas, E.E. Pescott Principal School of Horticulture Burnley Vic, Bottom Row: Dr. Benjafield Tas, L.M. Shoobridge Esq Tas, Jas Lang " Vic, H. Weeks " S.A., C.C. Tucker "w.j. allen, g. quinn, j.m. ward, e.e. pescott, principal, school of horticulture, burnley, dr. benjafield, l.m. shoobridge esq, jas lang, c.c. tucker, superintendent of horticulture, fruit expert, h. wicks, pomological society -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Station facelift, 15/09/1992 12:00:00 AM
Nunawading Station will be one of the first to be converted into a Travel safe Station under A.L.P. policy.Nunawading Station will be one of the first to be converted into a Travel safe Station under A.L.P. policy. Details were released by minister for Transport Spyker and Member for Mitcham, Harrowfield launched at Mitcham Station the $630,000 facility would be monitored by closed circuit T.V., have an open looking counter and air conditioned waiting room. Security car parking and improved passenger information systems. The number of police employed to secure safe travel on public transport will increase from 130 to nearly 300.Nunawading Station will be one of the first to be converted into a Travel safe Station under A.L.P. policy. trains, nunawading railway station, spyker, peter, harrowfield, john, safety, pescott, roger -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Battle of the transport policies, 16/09/1992 12:00:00 AM
Both A.L.P. and Liberal politicians spreading the word about their newly launched transport policies.Both A.L.P. and Liberal politicians spreading the word about their newly launched transport policies. The model for the new Nunawading Station was unveiled (using ultra-modern Travel Safe Station). Both stations will be monitored by closed circuit T.V., open booking counter which will mean improved supervision by staff. The Liberal Party said it had been part of their policy since 1988 to upgrade stations to be more convenient. Also to make P.T.S. affordable, reliable and safe. To encourage people back on to the system initiatives - free tram travel in C.B.D. and introduction of all-night bus services.Both A.L.P. and Liberal politicians spreading the word about their newly launched transport policies. railways, mitcham railway station, kirner, joan, spyker, peter, harrowfield, john, pescott, roger, nunawading railway station, travel safe stations -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Sepia and black and white photocopies, The Fruit World of Australasia, Charles French Jnr, 1929-1933
Donated by Charles French's daughter. Information about Charles French Jnr., Biologist in charge of the Plant Research Laboratory. Photocopies of photographs. (1) Sepia "In Entomology Laboratory at new Science Branch January 1933 Left to Right K.M. Ward, Asst. Entomologist, Charles French Jnr. (Biologist), R.T.M. Pescott (Entomologist)." (2) C. "Silver Birch tree planted in 1929 by myself in front of Plant Research Laboratory." (3) "Plant Research laboratory, Burnley Gardens, Burnley. Opened 1929." (4) Photocopy of newspaper cutting in The Fruit World of Australasia 1/5/33, "Some of the Staff at the Vict. Government Plant Research Laboratory, Burnley" (named). (5) Other information about French from unnamed source. charles french jnr., biologist, plant research laboratory, entomology laboratory, science branch, k.m. ward, assistant entomologist, r.t.m. pescott, entomologist, birch tree -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Newspaper - Newspaper Cutting, The Australian Garden Lover, The Burnley Gardens, October 1926
On cover pages are 6 photographs of Burnley College and the heading "An Australian Horticultural School Enterprise at Burnley,Vic". The 4 photos on the lower half of the cover page were used in "Green Grows Our Garden", by A.P Winzenreid, Hyland House (1991) p. 52. A.P Winzenreid described the photos as: Top left (photo 3): Espaliered fruit tree on fence, established and trained by George Russ and continued as a feature of interest into the 1950s. Located in old nursery area. Top right (photo 4): orchard spraying. Bottom left (photo 5): View of pavilion. Note Luffmann's pond and Pinus radiata planted in 1860s and removed by G. Manley and A. Tylee (1951-53). Bottom right (photo 6): A.W. Jessep (principal) and E.E. Pescott (lecturer) outside Principal's residence. (Photos 1 and 2 on the cover of the Garden Lover were not reproduced in "Green Grows Our Garden". The Australian Garden Lover, vol. 2 no. 7, October 1, 1926, p 266-7. Cover and two pages.the australian garden lover, green grows our garden, a.p. winzenreid, george russ, espaliered pear, old nursery, orchard, spraying, pavilion, ponds, pinus radiata, a. w. jessep, e. e. pescott, principal's residence, gardening publication, horticulture newspaper, 20s gardening -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, $5.2m boost for local schools
Mullauna Secondary College and Old Orchard Primary School will benefit from a $5.2 million grant from the State Government.Mullauna Secondary College and Old Orchard Primary School will benefit from a $5.2 million grant from the State Government. Mullauna will be able to consolidate its campus onto one site and Old Orchard Primary School to move to a larger upgraded site.Mullauna Secondary College and Old Orchard Primary School will benefit from a $5.2 million grant from the State Government.mullauna secondary college, old orchard primary school, hayward, don, pescott, roger, jaasse, kes, jobson, andrea, demorton, tracey, huynh, dattan -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, The Meaning of Mitcham, 1/01/1998 12:00:00 AM
Brian Coster and Nick Economou from the Politics Department at Monash UniversityArticle from 'The Age', page 15, 4/1/1998 by Brian Coster and Nick Economou from the Politics Department at Monash University with new evidence about the Mitcham by-election suggesting continuing political problems for the Sate Government. Brian Coster and Nick Economou from the Politics Department at Monash University kennett, jeff, pescott, roger, robinson, tony, brumby, john, cain, kirner, joan, monash university, mitcham, elections -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Mitcham By-election, 17/12/1997 12:00:00 AM
The new member for Mitcham, Tony RobinsonThe new member for Mitcham, Tony Robinson begins work in the electorate after a 16% swing to labor. He is pictured with opposition leader John Brumby and Cheryl Kernot, the ALP candidate for Dickson. Detailed voting figures are given and comments from independent candidates David Scotte, Peter Stokes (vice-President of the Family Council of Victoria) and Steve Raskovy.The new member for Mitcham, Tony Robinsonrobinson, tony, kennett, jeff, pescott, roger, scotte, david, stokes, peter, kernot, cheryl, brumby, john, mitcham, raskovy, steve, elections -
National Wool Museum
Photograph - Portrait of Trevor Prescott, Nicole Marie, 2021
Thousands of volunteers work tirelessly to conserve and protect the environment of Geelong and the Bellarine. Their work often goes unnoticed. In 'The Work of Nature' the National Wool Museum and the Environment Department at the City of Greater Geelong worked with photographer Nicole Marie to showcase the significant contribution of environment volunteers in our region. Each of the eight people showcased in these portraits were nominated by their peers and members of the community for their significant contribution to conserving and protecting the environment. Trevor Prescott - Geelong Field Naturalists Club From his earliest years, Trevor Pescott has been fascinated by nature. In 1961, he was part of an active group that re-established the Geelong Field Naturalists Club. And in the 1970s he was also one of the founding members of the Geelong Environment Council. For more than half a century he has been a passionate advocate, observer and chronicler of Geelong’s changing environment. Since 1960, he wrote the weekly column “By Field and Lane” in the Geelong Advertiser. He has written several books on nature in the Geelong region, including Birds and Botanists: A Field Naturalists History of Geelong. He remains passionate about the flora and fauna of the Geelong region organising fauna surveys every month as member of the Geelong Field Naturalists Club amongst many other activities. Photo at Trevor’s Belmont home by Nicole Marie.Image showing an environmental portrait of a man holding a book with trees in the background.environment, conservation, portraits, geelong, nature, exhibition, work of nature, geelong nature forum, volunteers -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Swings and roundabouts, 22/11/1997 12:00:00 AM
Cutting from The Age 22/11/1997Cutting from The Age 22/11/1997 in regard to the Mitcham by-election and whether Labor can achieve a 5.4% win. Opinion polls are showing serious disapproval of the changes to the Auditor-General's powers, the abolition of workers' common law rights and reservations about the extent of encouragement to gamble.Cutting from The Age 22/11/1997fensham, peter, dorothy christine, kennett, jeff, poggioli, cain, john, harrowfield, pescott, roger, pike, bronwyn, robinson, tony, brumby, webster, ron, elections, mitcham -
National Wool Museum
Photographic Display, Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945
Photos depict the staff members of Denny Lascelles Ltd. who were on active service in World War II (a '+' denotes those who were killed in action). Those depicted are: Sgt. J.A. GANLY, 159 AUST. L.A.A. BTY., A.I.F., +Driver R.H.B. COLLETT, C.A.M.T.C., A.I.F., L.S.A. E.R. McKINNON, R.A.N.R., S/Sgt. K.O. DAVIS, 2/2 A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/O W.E.S. HOLTHAM, 7 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Tpr. J. Mc. K. MOODIE, 2/1 AUST. ARMD. RECCE. SQN., A.I.F., W.O.I. G.R. MATHISON, H.Q. 1 AUST. CORPS, A.I.F., Cpl. K.J. DOODRELL, 3 WATER TRANSPORT GP., A.I.F., W/O J.R.M. McWILLIAM, 463 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., A/B R.A. HOBSON, R.A.N.R., W.O.II A.J. WILKS, 4 AUST. RECOVERY SECT., A.I.F., F/O D.N. McKENZIE (R.A.A.F.), 34 SQUADRON, R.A.F., +Cpl. A. BEATTIE, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., Pte. A.R. YOULDEN, 4 AUST. INF. BDE., A.I.F., Cpl. A.J.E. GOSBELL, H.Q. 2 AUST. ARMD. BDE., A.I.F., Sgt. J. DENTON, 2 CON. DEPOT, A.I.F., Sgt. D. CLERY, B.C.A.F. H.Q., R.A.A.F., Lieut. D.C.P. URQUHART, 2/23 BTN., A.I.F., S/Sgt. R.C. SEARGEANT, 2 FIELD TRAINING REG., C.M.F., L/Cpl. K.P. LANYON, INF. TRG. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. A.J. TONKIN, N.T. PRESS UNIT, A.I.F., A/B D.M. CHALMERS, R.A.N.R. ["H.M.A.S. LONSDALE" on hat], Lieut. L.H. BATTEN, 2/2 AUST. A.A. REGT., A.I.F., F/Sgt. B.J. McINTYRE, H.Q. WESTERN AREA, R.A.A.F., Sapper P.R. PIPER, 41 LANDING CRAFT COY., A.I.F., LAC. E.A. STEVENS, 2 R.I.M.U., R.A.A.F., +F/Lieut. J.S. AUSTIN, D.F.C., 490 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Sgt. T.E. DENDLE, 13 SURVEY & DESIGN, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.C. BONE, 4 AIR OBSERVERS SCHOOL, R.A.A.F., Cpl. R.H. REEVES, 4 AUST. INF. REIN. BTN., A.I.F., Sgt. N.J. COUPER, A.A.P.C., A.I.F., +F/Lieut. J.D.R.B. CARRUTHERS, (R.A.A.F.), 18 SQUADRON, R.A.F., LAC. J.R. NEWLAND, 481 MAINTENANCE SQDN., R.A.A.F., Lieut. R.G. CRITTEN, 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., F/O. D.J. ASTBURY, 83 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., F/Sgt. J.J. ROBINSON, 21 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Gnr. G.G. STANBROOK, 2/3 FLASH SPOTTING BTY., A.I.F., Cpl. P.B. WILKINSON, 67 AUST. MOB. SEARCHLIGHT BTY., A.I.F., +P/O D.V. HIGGINS, 73 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F., Lieut.-Col. W.R. DEXTER, D.S.O., 2/6 AUST. INF. BTN., A.I.F., C.O. 61 AUST. INF. BTN., A.M.F., F/Sgt. E.T. ORCHARD, 1 OP. TRAINING UNIT (CANADA), R.A.A.F., +L/Sgt. H.T. LEWIS, 2/21 BTN., A.I.F., LAC. D.N. PESCOTT, 21 WIRELESS TEL. UNIT, R.A.A.F., Bdr. L.G. COMMONS, 2/14 AUST. FIELD REGT., A.I.F., Sig. C.K. MORRIS, "B" AUST. CORPS SIGS., A.I.F., F/Lieut. P.N.M. FISHER, 30 SQUADRON, R.A.A.F. The photographs have been taken by several different photographers, namely: The Lockwood Studios, Geelong (Lewis & Austin), Boxmount, Nhill (Morris & Moodie), Robert Pockley, Geelong (Ganly, Collett, Mathison, Wilks, Seargeant, Tonkin, Dendle, Reeves, Wilkinson, Orchard, Pescott, Critten), and Watt Telfer, Geelong (Higgins).Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 portraits. Photograph, "Members of the Staff of Dennys Lascelles Limited who served in the Armed Forces of Australia during the War - 1939-1945". Contains 46 war ii, dennys, lascelles limited -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Mitcham By-Election, 01/11///12/1997
Mitcham by-election on 13/12/1997Mitcham by-election on 13/12/1997. Press cuttings from The Age.Mitcham by-election on 13/12/1997elections, mitcham, robinson, tony, brumby, john, kennett, jeff, kernot, cheryl, pescott, roger, munroe, andrew, stokes, peter, mclaren, dunn, mike, wootton, rob, kliska, adam, ford, neville, smith, basil, mcdermott, david, petherbridge, tim, kalinkara, salam, scotts, raskovy, steve, evans, robyn, stagg, adrian -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Numerous letters of different sizes relating to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1943, 1943
Numerous letters of different sizes relating to the Ballarat School of Mines in 1943. .16) Education Department Correspondence requesting registration of all male teachers for military service. List of those registered are Heseltine, Allsop, Yates, Pound, Lambert, Richards, Cornell, Sutherland, Goldsmith, Mein, Hillman, Gordon, Mullins, Wilkinson, Ferguson, Jeffrey, Paterson, Mayo, Whitla, Cotton, Warson, Bergin, Gilpin, Johnston, Trengrove, Proctor, Brew, Rowlands, Gardiner .31) Special Leave arrangements for defence Training instructors and staff on Education Training Branch letterhead. The leave relates to the Ballarat SChool of Mines' A. J. Murdock .32) Ballarat School of Mines COuncil Members, statistics, student numbers, Staff Members and salary, etc .33) R.H. Parsons of Footscray nominated as the representative of Technical School Councils .34) Edward James Quick, Maxwell Donald Gilbert and John Alexander McBride qualify for the Young Patriotic Guild .35) Ballarat School of Mines recommending increase in rates of pay for female Clerical Workers (Ruby H. Lonie, Annie A. Jones) .37) Ballarat School of Mines requesting authority for part-time appointments (William J. Meinhardt, Alan J. Murdoch, D. Metcalfe) .38) Cromwell George Bray is recommended for the Young Workers Patriotic Guild Certificate. He raised 1 pound, 2 shillings, 4 pence by selling oilcloth scraps, catching mice and doing odd jobs, cleaning drains and taps. .39) Stanley Robert Marshall is recommended for the Young Workers Patriotic Guild Certificate. He raised 1 pound by running messages and doing odd jobs. .40) Extension of J.M. Sutherland's appointment at the Ballarat School of Mines .41) Pre-Nursing Education Course for Girls' School .42) Douglas Philip Campbell and Raymond George Colbourne are recommended for the Young Workers Patriotic Guild Certificate. .43) Report on holders of Senior Technical Scholarships attending the Ballarat School of Mines (Geoffrey Biddington, Bill Carroll, Douglas George Dean, Robert James Egginton, Percival David Fisher, Norman Ludbrook, Maxwell Pescott, Ernest J. Poppins, Lindsay Wallis, Joy Martin) .44) Visit to the Ballarat School of Mines concerning proposed new workshop units .45) Promotion of G.W. Cornelleducation department defence training branch, world war two, a.j. murdoch, fred l. gray, william baragwanath, t.a.l. farr, h.b. george, b.a. john, a.w. lynch, f. middleton, a.w. nicholson, g.k. sutton, m.g. beanland, v.c. jones, m.b. john, d. maxwell, n. mchutchison, j. smail, l.j. wilson, technical education, ballarat school of mines, george m. downing, geoffrey w. crouch, douglas e. hale, amel r. gordon, alan h. gilpin, jack w. sandall, harold j. hassell, andrew j.e. campbell, dressmaking, ballarat junior technical school, art courses, edward james quick, maxwell donald gilbert, john alexander mcbride, young patriotic guild, f.w. ferguson, ruby h. lonie, annie a. jones, william j. meinhardt, alan j. murdoch, d. metcalfe, cromwell george bray, stanley robert marshall, young workers patriotic guild certificate, j.m. sutherland, nursing, douglas philip campbell, raymond george colbourne, g.w. cornell, geoffrey biddington, bill carroll, douglas george dean, robert james egginton, percival david fisher, norman ludbrook, maxwell pescott, ernest j. poppins, lindsay wallis, joy martin, heseltine, allsop, yates, pound, lambert, richards, cornell, sutherland, goldsmith, mein, hillman, gordon, mullins, wilkinson, ferguson, jeffrey, paterson, mayo, whitla, cotton, warson, bergin, gilpin, johnston, trengrove, proctor, brew, rowlands, gardiner, airforce, ballarat school of mines, f.g. procter, gladstone procter, military service, annie jones -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Westfield, Corner Eskdale and Wyuna Roads, Caulfield North
Letter from George Stevens to Caulfield Historical Society dated 27/08/2001 regarding the owners of Westfield 1904 to 1952 plus a brief history of the property and the reason for the house name. Photocopy of two photographs plus handwritten notes on the value, owners and builder of Westfield.caulfield historical society, caulfield’s building heritage, eskdale road, kambrook road, wyuna road, stevens george, pescott david james, pescott james richard, pescott keith woodfull, heathcote norman, westfield, wyuna road, woodfull cecily, woodfull dorothy, heathcote norman mrs., heathcote norma, oakley norma, house names, solomon g. dr., dunbar margaret, leonard f., leonard s., timber houses, land values, heathcote dorothy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 12; November 1982 to May 1983
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 30 November 1982 to 19 May 1983. . Book with beige cover, front. Spiral bound.employment advertisements, application for enrolment, outline of courses, new technology, special concerts in founders hall, spiros rantos, exhibition by students, new computer course, electrical engineeringto the fore, beaufort house to remain open, bogus surveys warning, young potters show wares, adolescent drinking, sheryl upton research, ballarat leads in industrial safety, marooned in antarctica, dick richards, student accommodation second priority, victor edward greenhalgh ballarat sculptor, myths about pocket money, rosemary selkirk, women turn to tertiary study, health safety factors in new technology, screen based equipment, breaking the sound barrier, euan pescott achievements despite deafness, mars factory to use wind power, foundry way ceramics display, data bank in ballarat, trading hours truths exposed, fashion and fabric design, greg mannix formerly of ballarat, science courses could be tougher, farmer-turned-teacher, barrymacklin, teachers urged to encourage students, drawn into war, geoff mainwarring, when people need help, anz bank gives new computer, deans meet in ballarat, mining education returns 'home', bcae centre of mining engineering, high technology not a solution, printmaker buys rare old press, -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook, 1936-1948, 1936-1948
The Ballarat School of Mines was the first school of mines in Australia.Exercise books of newspaper clippings relating to the Ballarat School of Mines. Clippings include: 12 Feb 1936 - State Scholarships 12 March 1936 - Dr J.R. Pound 19 March 1936 - MacRobertson Scholarship 23 March 1936 - gift to the museum - Wardle and Jermyn donate timber specimens 11 May 1935 - A.W. Steane 13 June 1936 - Frederick Longhurst appointed art instructor 27 July 1936 - Ballarat Junior Technical School Reunion 11 Sept 1936 - Wiltshire Poster Competition 30 Oct 1936 - Dressmaking classes 20 NOv 1936 - Nornie Gude NOvember 1936 - Ballarat School of Mines Reunion 16 March 1937 - Oval for Ballarat Junior Technical School - White Flat 11 Nov 1937 - Poster competition - Betty Brown and Albino Paganetti 08 Feb 1938 - Frederick J. Martell obituary 07 July 1938 - Henry Kum-Yuen 14 July 1938 - Red Cross Competition for Women 06 Aug 1938 - School Pine Plantation at Vale Park 19 Aug 1938 - Memorial trees planted at Ballarat Junior Technical School to the memory of Cliff Ellis and Ken Butler 06 March 1939 - Ballarat School of Mines Reunion 16 May 1939 - Ballarat School of Mines Battery 19 April 1940 - Progress of Technical Education - New Engineering workshop opended by Sir John Harris 03 June 1940 - W.H. Middleton obituary 16 July 1940 - Training munition workers 30 May 1941 - Lady Tracers 19 Oct 1942 - War Poster competition 24 February 1944 - Ballarat School of MInes Record Enrolments Feb 1944 - D.F.C. for Ballarat Airman H.J. Trevenen 11 Feb 1945 - Harold Herbert Obituary 14 Oct 1945 - Technical Schools in Wartime 23 Feb 1946 - Molasses and Chaff for SMB Initiates 06 June 1946 - Plans for Victory Ball 13 Sept 1946 - Ken Walker sculpts Prime Minister Chifey's bust 23 Aug 1946 - Edgar McConnon obituary 24 Oct 1946 0 Retirement of A.F. Heseltine 25 Nov 1946 - Army huts for classrooms 12 Dec 1946 - Proposed New Theatre for Ballarat by Geoff Richards 16 Dec 1946 - Ballarat Junior Technical School Old Boys who served in armed forces during World War Two 28 July 1947 - Pottery section at Ballarat School of Mines 31 July 1947 - Red Cross Hut removed to the Ballarat School of Mines 10 March 1948 - Guncotton Factory buildings to become nurses quarters 18 March 1948 - Samuel Mayo Obituary ballarat school of mines, ballarat techncial art school, swimming shield, ballarat school of mines museum, ballarat war museum, sydney pern, t.m. pescott, c.w. brazenor, victory ball, w. rowe, joan walker, graeme dowling, ken walker, prime ministers' avenue, ben chifley, amalie feild, amalie colquhoun, h.h. smith, portrait, girls' preparatory classes, world war two, w. williams, raaf, w.s. williams, william william, william williams, new workshops, herbert j. trevenen, harold herbert death, les crouch, swimming, ballarat city baths, heather scott, clunes hospital nurses' quarters, ballarat ladies' art association scholarships, samuel henry mayo, samuel mayo death, girls preparatory classes, w. william, pilot, killed in action, education reform, ballarat schoool of mines museum, h.j. trevenen, world war ii, world war 2, ballarat junior technical school war service, nurses quarters, guncotton factory building, s. mayo death, initiation, ballarat school of mines scrapbook, newsclippings, j.r. pound, macrobertson scholarship, a.w. steane, ballarat junior technical school, wiltshire's poster competition, ballarat junior technical school old boys' association, ballarat junior technical school old boys' reunion, nornie gude, a. nye, albino paganettu, betty brown, dorothy woolcock, jean coates, jack hewitt, hazel robinson, gilda gude, white flat oval, gauge tower demolition, a.f. hesiltine, darwin, victor greenhalgh, frederick martell, memorial trees, cliff ellis, valda king, pharmacy, reunion, engineering workshops, thomas k. sim, daylesford, battery, h.h. smith reunion, ballarat technical art school reunion, w.h. middleton obituary, munition makers, plumbers, pottery industry, girls education, munition trainees, lady tracers, waterloo prize money, war museum, art as vocation, art education, nine-inch telescope, returned soldiers' league, repatriation classes, pinkertson scholarship, amel robert gordon, projector, pethard cup, ballarat food appeal for britain, queen mary, ballarat swimming pool, ballarat school of mines initiation, swimming carneval, prime ministers avenue, edgar mcconnon, community theatre project, world war two service, john l. burt, hockey, pottery, ceramics, ballarat school of mines coat of arms, coat of arms, k. bremner, red cross hut, s.m.b. follies, ken palmer, s. mayo, chinese, albert steane, university women, a.f. heseltine, student activity, swimming sports, albino pagnetti, w.h. middleton death -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Poster, The Art of Australian Flora - First Fleet to Contemporary, 1991
Printed sheets of art-work for display - Rolled sheets and cardboard tubeexhibition, ikebana, bonsai, sculpture, , history of australian flora, e. e. pescott -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Students' Magazine, 1942, 1942
List of Full Course Students' 1942, Editorial, News, Obituary Ralph Taylor, Editor's Notes, Personal, The Literary Society, Fumes from the Lab, Arts & Crafts Gossip, Sport, Commercial Notes, The Junior Techs Black, green and gold soft covered magazine of 62 pages including advertisements. Artwork Mr J. - By Patricia Allen Mr Wilkinson - Possibly By - William Rowe Kirk - By Patricia Allen Cactus - By Patricia Allen Spud - By Joy Martin Gus - By Kenneth Palmer Wilson - By Kenneth Palmer Cut out that sill dive bombing biddy! - By William Rowe Ben - By Kenneth Palmer George - By Patricia Allen Jim - By Patricia Allen Jackie - By Patricia Allen The Yarrawee Creek Ballarat - By William Rowe Man - By Kenneth Palmer Marion - By Patricia Allen Ruth - By Patricia Allen Screecm - By Patricia Allen Jack - By Kenneth Palmer Lino Cut - By Joyce Thompson Alphonso - By Kenneth Palmer Ken - By Kenneth Palmer Slushpuhp - By Joy Martin Round and Round - By Kenneth Palmer and Graham Lawry John D. - By Patricia Allen Ruth - By Patricia Allen Marie - By Patricia Allen Joan - By Patricia Allen Curly - By Patricia Allen Girl - By Kenneth Palmer Fireworks - By Kenneth Palmer Geek - By Kenneth Palmer Marj - By Kenneth Palmer June - By Patricia Allen Joan - By Kenneth Palmer Betty - By Patricia Allen Lois - By Patricia Allen Val - By Margaret Dark Fatty - By Kenneth Palmer John - By Margaret Dark Harold - By Patricia Allen Dick & Tig - By Kenneth Palmer Evans - By Kenneth Palmer Max - By Patricia Allen & Marian Peirce Pro - By Kenneth Palmer ballarat school of mines, magazine, n. wilcock, patricia martin, m.w. lawrence, winsome hender, eveleigh wells, m. pescott, j. w. mcclure, marian peirce, k. r. wylie, francis duffy, d.h. eltringham, patricia allen, john h. calaby, margaret dark, graham lawry, joy martin, kevin mclachlan, p.c. kempe, mr mein, kenneth palmer, fay renfrey, dr pound, ralph (bill) taylor, f. barrow, m. martin, mr cornell, a.g. hale, i.d. mclachlan, w. r. whiteside, denise kidd, patricia goldsmith, t. evans, enid chambers, noreen webster, joan banes, miss king, mrs ilvena, patricia lane, c. w. rowe, joyce thompson, m. linklater, n. murray, g. lehmann, a.m. scott, a. w. wilson, e.j. poppins, w.j. lawry, p.d. fisher, r. mckenzie, m.a. richards, j.r. elliott, a. stanley white, r.g. mccahon, j. sandlant, beryl grinter, joan bryan, p. lawry, norma parkes, m. plover, k. b. stephens, j. m. hucker, p. george, n. f. reeve, c. f. moyihan, p. b. humphrey, e. h. adams, b. j. linklater, r. j. doull, j. waddingham, a. c. wilson, d. d. jones, f. w. wren, e. j. skilbeck, b. r. holloway, w. g. young, s. g. wallis, g. bergin, d. w. hart, h. packham, max coward, william rowe, ralph taylor obituary, bill taylor, f. barrow obituary, honey, ballarat school of mines combined sports association, yarrowee creek, gordon hale, a.w. steane, f.g. procter, gladstone procter -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Jane Dyer, History of the Edward Carter Holmes Family: 1800 - 2006, 2009
Based on research compiled by her mother, Elizabeth Chatham, this was donated as part of the Estate of P and M.E. Chatham in 2008. The document continued to live as Elizabeth hoped. The most current edition is 2024.Fifteen page typed documentedward carter holmes, eva mckie, aumuller, launchley, elizabeth chatham (holmes), loma pescott (salmon)coghill family, gordon spittle, henry augustus salmon, sarah kitching, chatham-holmes collection, ascot victoria, pioneers of ascot, pioneers of geelong, pioneers of clunes, pioneers of ballarat district, pioneers of larpent, pioneer pastoralists, ly-ee-moon, shipwreck, pickford family, arthur pickford, world war 1, william coghill, william coghill junior, pioneers of tourello -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Black and white and colour slides, Alan L. Mitchell, A.L. Mitchell Slide Collection, 1863 -1990
Alan L. Mitchell graduated in 1935. Some of the pictures were taken while he was a student in 1934 and others in 1956 and 1965. He gathered the collection for a presentation he made about Burnley in 1967. And donated it to the Archives in 1990 for the 1991 Centenary.Box of slides in colour and black and white. Handwritten short history of the Gardens and College and a typed transcript with extra information. Also an extra slide donated in 1997 with accompanying letter and description. Also DVD and printed photographs added later. Handwritten description of each slide.alan l. mitchell, burnley gardens, entrance sign, early uniforms, plant research institute/laboratory, administration building, canteen, hilda kirkhope rockery, garden views, students working outside, t h kneen, luffmann ponds, old nursery, potting sheds, orchard border, rubbish tip, e e pescott -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - Photograph Album, G.A. Thomas, G.A. Thomas, Burnley Horticultural Snaps, 1928 -1932
Photograph Album purchased on e-bay by Jane Wilson on 08.05.2011 for $50. G.A. Thomas graduated 1930.Album containing black and white and sepia photographs and newspaper cuttings (NC). Many of the photographs are found in other albums from the same period. Cardboard pages tied together with string. Photographs pasted on to cardboard. Handwritten labels.Label inside, "Burnley Snaps, G.A. Thomas, 'Essilmont', Castlemaine." Handwritten labels.burnley snaps, g.a. thomas, essilmont, castlemaine, students, recreation, lily ponds, students working outside, frank's point, rock point, the rockery, pavilion, principal's residence, staff, allender, edna walling, e.e. pescott, dahlias