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City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photographs, 7 x B&W Circa 1918 Cheltenham Methodist Youth Group, Circa 1918 Photos of Cheltenham Methodist Youth Group, 1918
... Circa 1918 Photos of Cheltenham Methodist Youth Group ...Circa 1918: Various Photos of the Cheltenham Methodist Youth Group. Row 1 and 2: "At Flinders". Row 3: 1st Left, "Holidaying at Cockatoo". in 1852 Stephen Charman, who had arrived in Melbourne 1842 aged 21 years as one of Henry Dendy's emigrants, purchased 160 acres in Spring Grove ( now Cheltenham). Stephen and his family lived in a wattle and daub hut and worked hard to establish a market garden, poultry and pig farm. The first Methodist Church Services were held at their home. In 1855 Stephen gave 1 acre of his land on Balcombe Road to the Methodist Church for a School, Burial ground and a Chapel which was built in 1857.The Methodist Church, Balcombe Road was the 2nd religious building to be erected in Spring Grove now known as Cheltenham c 18577 small black and white photographs of the Cheltenham Methodist Youth Group at Flinders, Cockatoo and unkown locations, c 1918 . First 3 photos are of male cyclists on a trip to Flinders, Victoria. Photo 4 shows 6 ladies and a man on holiday at Cockatoo in the Dandenong Ranges ,Victoria . Photos 5 to 7 show men, women and children in bushland surroundings of unrecorded locations.Photo 1 - 3 on back : Flinders 1918 Photo 4 left on back : Holiday at Cockatoo right on back : Whitehead Photo 5-7 nilcheltenham, cheltenham methodist youth group, 1914, 1918, charman stephen, gettens mary, spring grove, methodist church, charman road, balcombe road, dendy henry, henry dendy's special survey 1841, youth groups, social groups, market gardners, early settlers, pioneers, dairy farmers, poultry farmers, pig farmers,moorabbin, brighton, -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Scrap Book, Mothers Club, Ringwood Primary School: Photos and Literature 1960s and 1970s, 1960-1980
... Ringwood Primary School: Photos and Literature 1960s and ...Book containing Ringwood Primary School Photos and Literature - 1960s and 1970s.Book containing Ringwood Primary School Photos and Literature - 1960s and 1970s. The book contains 45 photographs and miscellaneous paper cuttings. Red cover with a yellow spine. Foolscap. +Additional Keywords: Harrison, KerryRingwood Primary School Photos and Literature - 1960s and 1970s -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Pioneers’ Memorial on Big Hill -- 3 Photos
... Pioneers’ Memorial on Big Hill -- 3 Photos ...Three black and white photos of Pioneers Memorial Stawell. The larger of the 4 photos is a Post card and taken earlier than the other 3 photos as there is a plastic milk crate over the area where the direction indicator was later placed. This photo also has "Chapman photo Stawell" stamped on the print. Two of the smaller photos show the Pioneer Memorial at a distance with people standing between the memorial and a bus parked to the left of the photograph. One of these two photos has a white seat on the right side. The fourth photo has "Murray View No. 8 Pioneers' Memorial, Stawell Vic". printed on the photograph of the Pioneers' Memorial. Each of the these 3 smaller photos have the direction indicator under the dome.Three black and white photos of Pioneers Memorial Stawell. The larger of the 3 photos is a Post card taken earlier than the other 2 photos as there is a plastic milk crate over the area where the direction indicator was later placed. This photo also has "Chapman photo Stawell" stamped on the print. Two of the smaller photos show the Pioneers' Memorial at a distance with people standing between the memorial and a bus parked to the left in the photograph. One of these two photos has a white seat on the right side. Each of the 2 smaller photos have the direction indicator under the dome.Chapman Photo Stawell (right bottom corner). Post Card printed on the back and also a stamp "Stawell district - Pioneer's Memorial - written inside the stamp is "Every blade of grass that grows And mullock heap and tree, Speak of Old days, the Good days, And times that used to be"stawell -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, LANCASTER, Central Press Photos Ltd, c. WWII
... Central Press Photos Ltd. ...Photograph of a Lancaster bomber leaving on a night bombing mission. Part of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC No. 410533 RAAF Collection. See Cat. No. 3536P for his service record.Photo, black & white, of an aircraft silhouetted against a night sky.On back, hand written in pencil: "A bombers moon and Lancaster". On back, two stamps in purple ink. 1 "Copyright Photo issued by Central Press Photos Ltd. Incorporating Central News Illustrations Service, 119 Fleet Street London E.C.4" 2 "Certified by Central Press Photos Ltd as passed by censor. Press and Censorship Bureau"lancasters, raaf -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Spiers, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Spiers , Councilor, 1893 - 1894, 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat. ...Photo of Councilor Spiers, 1893 - 1894. Part of compsite photo of Councilors for that year.Section of Originl Photo of Councilors covering the financial year 1893 - 1894.Sepia Photo, on blue background, of Councilor Spiers, second row, left hand side, of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893 - 1894.Shire President and Councilors for the year 1893 - 1894.ballarat shire council 1893 1894, spiers -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - portrait of a woman, n.d
... ARNEST & KENT, PHOTOS, COLAC ...Head and shoulders black and white photo, mounted on white card; woman with hair pulled back severely from face, dress buttoned high to neck, brooch at top.Front: 'Arnest & Kent. PHOTOS, COLAC' - printed in dark red, beneath photo Back: 'Aunt Mary Gray' - hand printed, blue biroportrait photography, female portrait, bust -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Harding, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Harding, Councilor 1893 - 1894, 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...Photo of Councilor Harding, Councilor for the year 1893-1894. Part of composite photo for that year.Section of Original Historical Photo of Councilors Covering the financial year 1893-1894.Sepia Photo, on blue background of, Councilor Harding 1893-1894.Top left hand corner of composite photo of Council for the year 1893-1894. Shire President and Councilors for 1893-1894.ballarat shire council 1893 1894, harding councilor -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Hughes, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Hughes. H.T. Councilor 1893 - 1894. (Rate Collector), 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...Photo of Councilor H.T.Hughes, Rate Collector for the year 1893 -1894.Part of composite photo of Councilors for that year.Section of Original Historic Photo of Councilors covering the financial year 1893 - 1894.Sepia photo,on blue background,of Councilor H.T.Hughes,Rate Collector. Bottom right hand corner of composite photo of councilors for the year 1893 - 1894.Shire President and Councilors for the year 1893 -1894.shire, ballarat, council, 1893, 1894, hughes h t -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Aerial Photos of Stawell from a Hot Air Balloon 1985 -- 12 Photos
... Aerial Photos of Stawell from a Hot Air Balloon 1985 -- 12 ...Series of 12 Aerial Photos of Stawell. Hot Air Balloon 1985. Photos taken during hot air balloon rides May & June 1935. The rides left from land near leisure complex, Houston St and Newington Rd corner. The rides first over Stawell and drifted towards the Black Range. This vacant site is now the location of Stawell indoor heated and outdoor pools. 1 & 2. Setting up balloon. 3. North Park Area Lamont St. 4. Netball & Tennis courts Athletic track. 5 Wimmera St, Trotting track & Drive-in Scallan St. & Main St. 6. State School 502 Jenning-Campbell & Houston St's. 7 Ligar St. crosses Campbell & Houston St's. 8. Ord St, 502 School yard. 9. Central Park Napier, Wakeham & Shirreff St's also Railway & Foot Bridge. 10. Central Park. 11. Sloane St. on left Trotting track & Drive-in. 12. The Old Lake oval. Series of twelve photos mostly consisting of aerial photos and two of a large balloon on the ground. stawell -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photos, Arthur Severino, Garrison at Dhurringile, a garrison member at Dhurringile, 1939-1940
... Photos ...Photos in possession of Arthur Severino, a garrison member at Dhurringile, who also helped maintain the powerplant?. Passed on to his son, William (Bill) on his death, along with a sketch of Dhurringile (cat. C0906). The only information known about the photos is what was written on or beside them & that they were from Arthur's time served as a garrison member at Dhurringile. Arthur also apparently helped to maintain the powerplant whilst at Dhurringile. (Some photos of barracks may have been taken at Puckapunyal instead, where he went immediately after Dhurringile, to enlist in 2nd AIF). 1. Arthur in front of barracks doorway 2. Barracks? building 3. View of camp?? 4. Dhurringile mansion, unknown civilians in entrance (caretakers??) 5. Three people seated, Arthur on left 6. View of fenceline, paddocks, possibly Waranga Basin in background 7. Large water tankSeven photos in possession of Arthur Severino, garrison member at Dhurringile November 1939 - June 1940. 3. "March 1940" 4. "November 1939" 5. "Lance Sergeant Arthur James Severino (on left) V82052, 5th Workshop and Park COY. ; Later VX25922 HQ 21st Aust Infantry Brigade 2nd AIF; Tatura 1939" 6. "March 1940" 7. "March 1940"dhurringile, arthur severino, william severino, dhurringile mansion garrison members, puckapunyal, 2nd aif -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, AIRCRAFT, Central Press Photos Ltd, c. WWII
... Central Press Photos Ltd. ...Card details a Lancaster bomber, but in all likelihood its a Wellington bomber being serviced at an airfield by ground crew. Part of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC No.410533 RAAF Collection. See Cat. No. 3536P for his service record. Photo, black & white, white border, of an aircraft being serviced by two airmen. Buildings and trees visible in the background.On back, hand written in pencil: "Lancaster by day". On back, two stamps in purple ink: 1 "Copyright photos issued by Central Press Photos Ltd. Incorporating Central News Illustrations Service, 119 Fleet Street London E.C.4" 2 "Certified by Central Press Photos Ltd as passed by censor. Pres and censorship bureau"bombers, ww2 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Butler, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Butler. Councilor, 1893 - 1894, 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...Photo of Councilor E. Butler,elected to council in1892 until 1901.He was Shire President 1896-97. Part of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893-1894.Section of Original Historic Photo of Councilors conering the financial year 1893 - 1894Sepia photo on blue background of Councilor Butler, 3rd row right hand side of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893 - 1894. Shire President and Councilors for the year 1893 - 1894.shire, ballarat, council, bulter, 1893, 1894 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo -Lester, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, Lester, Councilor, 1893 - 1894, 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...Photo of Councilor John Lester,1893-1894.Part of composite photo of Councilors for that year.Councilor Lester was elected to council in 1886-1906, and was President in1888-89,1895-96and 1901-02.Section of Original Historic Photo of Councilors covering the financial year 1893-1894.Sepia photo,on blue background,of Councilor John Lester, second row right hand side of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893-1894.Shire President and Councilors for the year 1893-1894.1893 1894, ballarat shire council, lester john -
Disability Sport & Recreation Victoria
Exercise book, Exercise book containing inventory list and details of photos and items in DSR 1960s Archives Box
... photos and items in DSR 1960s Archives Box ...This exercise book contains a handwritten inventory list of details of photos and items in Disability Sport and Recreation Victoria's 1960s Archives Box. Only a small amount of the pages contain the inventory, with the rest being blank ruled lines. Where photos or items from this box are not labeled, it can be difficult to match them with the inventory list contained in this exercise book.Exercise book containing inventory list and details of photos and items in DSR 1960s Archives Box. Only a small amount of the pages contain the inventory, with the rest being blank ruled lines.The exercise book contains an inventory list and details of photos and items in DSR 1960s Archives Boxdisability sports & recreation, disabled sports, paravics sports club -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, LANCASTER, Central Press Photos Ltd, c. WWII
... Central Press Photos Ltd. ...Three R.A.F Lancaster bombers preparing for take-off from an airfield during WWII. Part of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC No.460533 RAAF Collection. See Cat. No. 3536P for his service record.Photo, black & white, of three aircraft on a runway preparing to take-off.On back, hand written in blue ink: "Mrs I. Davey Pres. Strathdale CWA. Lancasters ready for take-off. On back, - two stamps in purple ink: 1 "Certified by Central Press Photos Ltd. As passed by censor. Press and Censorship Bureau". 2 "Exclusive Central Press Photo. Made in England".lancasters, bombers, raaf -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mr Frederick John Cato Studio Portrait -- 2 Photos -- 1 B & W & 1 Coloured
... Mr Frederick John Cato Studio Portrait -- 2 Photos -- 1 B ...Black and white portrait of Frederick John Cato seated holding folded papers. The coloured photo is an A4 print of a painting of Fred Cato in the Canberra National Portrait Gallery. In both photos Frederick is seated and dressed in a suit, vest and tie. Frederick John Cato (1858 -1935) was a grocer, part of the Moran & Cato chain of some years ago. He was born in Stawell and went to 502 (Stawell State School) for many years eventually becoming an assistant teacher. He resigned in 1887 to go teaching in new Zealand. Frederick was a generous man and Cato prizes were presented to pupils attending 502. Stawell benefited in many ways from his generosity. Cato Park was named in his honor. Two photographs of Frederick John Cato. One a black and white photo the other an A4 print of a painting of Fred Cato in the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra.Fred Cato-Photo in National Portrait Gallery-Canberra c. Early 1930sstawell -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Archive, Ringwood Primary School Collection of scrapbooks, photos, literature, class photos etc. 1940-1997 (Parent Record)
... Ringwood Primary School Collection of scrapbooks, photos ...Ringwood Primary School - Albums of history and school photos from the laying of foundation stone in 1921Collection of nine A3 scrap books documenting Ringwood Primary School, with photos from pre 1940 to 1983 with coloured covers and plastic spines plus one Junior Teachers record book; Ringwood Primary School - Literature and photos pre 1940; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1940s; Ringwood Primary School - Photos and Literature 1940s and 1950s; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1950s; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1970 to 1974; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1975 to 1979; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1980 to 1983; Ringwood Primary School - School photos 1983 to 1997 ; Ringwood Primary School - Literature and photos relating to the library and Miss Paddock; Education Department Junior Teachers Record Book for Ringwood Primary School 2997 from 1932 to 1942 +Additional Keywords: Paddock, Janet (Daisy) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Classic Photos, Form 3A, Eltham High School, 1960
... Classic Photos ...Dr Gary Presland advised the following in October 2020: "In 1959 my parents bought a house in Church Street, Panton Hill. For about three and a half years previously, they had farmed a property 15 km south of Echuca, before moving, briefly to Melbourne. After moving to Panton Hill, I was enrolled at Eltham HS, in Form 2 (Year 8). I completed that year, and in 1960 was in Form 3A (at which time the photograph was taken). To reach the school, I caught a bus each day, from Panton Hill. Early in 1960, my parents decided to separate. My mother left with the youngest two of my three siblings, leaving me and a younger brother with our father in Panton Hill. My brother was in Year 7 at the High School. After a few months, my father and I had a falling out and my brother and I left home to join our mother in South Melbourne. For the remainder of the 1960 school year we travelled each day by train from Melbourne to Eltham. In 1961 I was enrolled at Melbourne Boys High School, which was the nearest secondary school to where I was then living."Written in pencil on back: "Gary Presland - 4th from left, back row Eltham HS, 1960" Also stamped in purple ink on back "Classic Photos"1960, class photo, eltham high school, gary presland -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, STIRLING BOMBER, Central Press Photos Ltd, 1942
... Central Press Photos Ltd. ...Short Stirling bomber parked on the ground at home airfield. Part of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC No.410533 RAAF Collection. See Cat. No. 3536P for his service record.Photo, black & white, white border, of an aircraft on the ground. Three men walking and cycling past the front of the aircraft. On back, handwritten in blue link: "A Stirling Bomber 1942". On back, two stamps in purple ink. 1 "Supplied by Central Press Photos Ltd. Incorporating Central News Illustrations Service, 119 Fleet St London E.C.4" 2 "Certified by Central Press Photos as passed by censor. Press and Censorship Bureau"stirling bombers, ww2 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Medwell C, Richards & Co. Photos, C.Medwell,Esq.Learmonth ANA Branch No75, 1912, "circa 1912"
... Richards & Co. Photos. ...In 1912 C.Medwell Esq. was presented,by his fellow members, with this set of photos showing all members of the Learmonth ANA Branch No 75,in recognition of his services to the branch as secretary.Original collection of photos of 1912 Learmonth ANA members.This oval photo of C.Medwell Esq. is in the centre of a collection of photos of all members of Learmonth ANA Branch No 75,1912.It is set in a brown woodgrain mount and photo is surrounded bya gold shaped mount,On the brown mount are decorative markings in white ,inscriptions are also in white.LEARMONTH ANA BRANCH NO 75.PRESENTED TO C. EDWELL ESQ. BY HIS FELLOW MEMBERS AS A MARK OF ESTEEM & APPRECIATION OF VALUABLE SERVICES RENDERED TO THE BRANCH AS SECRETARY. LEARMONTH 1912.1912, learmonth ana branch no 75, c medwell esq -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Dobson.R.J, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, R.J.Dobson, Councilor 1893 - 1894, 1894 (estimated)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...Photo of Councilor R.J. Dobson 1893-1894.He was elected as a member of council in 1889 until 1906,and served two terms as Shire President,1894-95 and1900-01. Section of Origin Historic Photo of Councilors covering the financial year 1893-1894.Sepia Photo, on blue backgrund, of Councilor Dobson, 1893-1894.Top right hand corner of composite photo of Councilors for the year 1893-1894.Shire President and Councilors for the year 1893-1894.ballarat shire council 1893 1894, councilor r j dobson, shire president 1894 and 1900 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Group Photos - Army Headquarters Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1950s to 1960s
... Group Photos - Army Headquarters Survey Regiment, Fortuna ...This is a collection of three photographs taken at the Army Headquarters Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, circa 1950s to 1960s. Personnel are not unidentified.This is a collection of three group photographs taken at the Army Headquarters Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, circa 1950s to 1960s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. They were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black and white, 1950s. Group photo of unidentified personnel by Fortuna’s lake. .2) - Photo, black and white, 1950s. Group photo of unidentified personnel at a wind up party. .3) - Photo, black and white, 1960s. Group photo of unidentified personnel by Fortuna’s lake.Personnel are not identified. Photo .2P. is annotated ‘Wind up party’.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Running Rabbits Military Museum operated by the Upwey Belgrave RSL Sub Branch
... Photos ...B&W photos Bombing of Darwin - collection of photo'sphoto, ww2, general -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
... Photos ...Girls: Anne - Maree Mactier, Josephine O'Toole, Jane McKenzie, Margaret Lally, Barbara Dowell, Judith Mitchell, Bev Rollinson, Suzanne Cummins, Meridith Cheatley. Front: Pauline O'Toole, John Deane, Angela Ioranni, Carol Rollinson. Boys: I. Richardson, Kevin Lally, R.Cheatley, D Van Every, Peter Francis, Gerald Mulcahy, Peter Harnetty, Ian Thomas, Michael Wilson, Ross Stammers, Peter Steen, Terry of Junior Deb set C1958 - one photo of girls and the second of boys.Junior Deb set. Girls were on stage standing in boxes (meant to be dolls). Boys came along, bowed, and the dolls came alive.junior debutante set c1958 -
Learmonth and District Historical Society Inc.
Photo - Spittle.S.G.& Councilors, Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat, President S.G.Spittle & Ballarat Shire Councilors 1934 - 1935, 1935 (exact)
... Richards & Co. Photos Ballaarat ...This Collection of photos was taken during Victoria' centenary year,and depicts Shire President Samuel Gordon Spittle,and Councilors C.T.Henderson, M,J,Ryan, D.Baird, J.A.Charles(J.P.), W.A.Rain (Secretary & Engineer), R,T.White, R.B.Walton, H.J.Wheeler, and W.R.Crosthwaite. Original Historic Photo Of Councilors for the 1934 - 1935 year.This is a composite collection of photos,Sepia in colour,on grey mount,with gold surounding middle photo,and framed in wide plain wooden frame.It is of Shire President Cr Samuel Gordon Spittle and Councilors For the year 1934 - 1935. PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT CR.S.G.SPITTLE TO THE BALLARAT SHIRE COUNCIL.1934-35.shire president samuel gordon spittle, ballarat shire council 1934 1935, victoria centenary year 1934 1935 -
Merbein District Historical Society
Finnigan Photos Mildura
... Finnigan Photos Mildura ...Sepia photograph mounted on embossed board.Finnigan Photos Mildurablock clearing fruit blocks horses merbein -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Bolangum Inn at Kanya celebrating the Plaque Unveiling -- 9 Photos, 28/4/1991
... Photos ...Bolangum Inn at Kanya Plaque Unveilings 9 Photos3878: Bolangum Inn (Photo of a Photo) 3378a Remnants of Bolangum Inn at Kanya taken 28/4/1991 3378b: Plaque Unveiling Albert Marshall former Resident. 3378c: Margaret Mason - Historical Society 3378d Mary McKay 3378e Dorothy King & Margaret Mason 3378f Bill Kinsella 3378g Marion McKay, Ron Casey, Bill Kinsella 3378h: Ron Casy(Left & Bill Kinsella (right) 3378: On Reverse: Bolangum Inn Years ago Photo of Photo 3378a: Now 28-4-91 3378b: 28-4-91 Mr Marshall 3378c: Dorothy Miller (Struck Though) Margaret Miller 28-4-91 3378d: Moly(Struck Though) Marian Grand Daughter of 28-4-91 3378e Dorothy King & Margaret Mason 28-4-91 3378f Bill 28-4- 91 3378g Marion Ron Casey [Bill (Underlined)] 28-4-91 3378h: Ron Casey & William(Bill) Kinsella 28-4-91stawell -
Running Rabbits Military Museum operated by the Upwey Belgrave RSL Sub Branch
... Photos ...Photos linked to M078 and M078bphoto, vietnam, army -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPH, LANCASTER, Central Press Photos Ltd, c. WWII
... Central Press Photos Ltd. ...Photograph depicts the type of Lancaster bomber flown by F. G. Davey. Part of Frederick Gardner Davey DFC No.410533 RAAF Collection. See Cat. No. 3536P for his service record. Photo - Black & white, depicting a Lancaster heavy bomber being loaded with bombs. Ten personnel engaged in various tasks.On back handwritten in pencil: "Lancaster with bombs. Crosses denote number of missions". On back stamped in blue ink: "Supplied by Central Press Photos Ltd. Incorporating Central News Illustrations Service. 119 Fleet Street London E.C.4"lancasters, raaf -
Department of Health and Human Services
Photos of a rally held at the Camberwell Sports Ground in 1948, Melbourne, Australia - 1 of 5 photos - Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo Collection
... Photos of a rally held at the Camberwell Sports Ground in ...Department of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour CollectionDepartment of Health – National Fitness Office (Sports & Recreation) – Historical Press Release Photo - Empire Youth Day & Royals on Tour Collection