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Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Legacy in Vic conf 17/6/67 (2), 1967
... 17/6/67 (2) Audio Recording, tape ...From the note on the box it is a tape of the Victorian State Conference in 1967. This recording has not been played.A record that the Legatees felt their Conferences were worth recording for future reference.An audio recording in a red cardboard cover with white circles descending in circumference, mainly black print, some red and white print. BASF logo in white on red background. Box, colour white, black type, 3 sides of box are right angles, top side angled across and down at approximately 10 degrees.Cover front and rear, Magnetophoneband, BASF Typ LGS 52, 360m, 1200 feet printed in black type. Standard band, standard tape printed in red, BASF printed in white. Side of cover Made in Germany, 360m Standarband, 18cm Spule, white print. Spool, handwritten on white paper,blue biro, Tape 2 State Conference 1967. Stamped Made in Australia, length of tape calibrated in imperial measurement Magnetic Tape, brown green "leader". conference, legatee -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, ABC Broadcast April 24th 1957, 1957
... and the donkey. Spool M.S.S. side no1 no2. Tape, magnetic An audio ...Legacy hold an Anzac Commemoration Service for Students every year. For many years it was simultaneously broadcast on the ABC radio stations around the State for students that could not attend. This tape has not been played but presumably from the date it is a recording of the broadcast of the 1957 service.A record that the Anzac service for students was of significant importance that it was broadcast on the ABC.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool of an Annual Anzac Commemoration Service for Students in 1958 in a cardboard box with the Mastertape logo. Top of box. Mastertape, M.S.S. Recording company Ltd., in red print The master sound system in blue print. Poyle Farm, colnbrook, Bucks, England in blue print. Type PM15 Bottom Box, handwritten, black ink Anzac OBS COMTE. In blue ink, A.B.C. Broadcast April 24th 1957. In pencil, Simpson and the donkey. Spool M.S.S. side no1 no2. Tape, magneticanzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, "1958 ABC Anzac Obs" "The Story of the Yarra.", 1958
... of the Yarra." Audio Recording, tape ...The label on the tape reel says '1958 ABC Anzac OBS' in pencil. It is likely that it is one of the annual "Anzac Commemoration Ceremony for Students" events, usually held just prior to Anzac Day. The ceremony provides a valuable opportunity for students to gain an appreciation of the Anzac spirit, the significance of the Shrine and the meaning of Anzac Day. The ceremony was usually broadcast on the ABC for students that could not attend. The inscription 'The story of the Yarra' is to be confirmed when tape found again as it doesn't appear on the Media image. TBC.A record of a ceremony at the Shrine run by Legacy for students.Square cardboard box, front with black with red and white print. Rear, white background with black print. Clear plastic spool with magnetic tape.Box, Pyrox in red print. Special sound recording tape for highest frequency response. Black Magic Tape. The latest and best Recording Tape, in white print. Rear of Box, Pyrox, Black- Magic-Tape, the ultra in sound recording tape, suitable for all tape recorders, this reel contains:- Supplies available from Pyrox Ltd., 14-36 Queensberry St., Melbourne and at Sydney, in black print. Spool, clear plastic, VP785 in white ink. '1958 ABC Anzac OBS' hand written in pencil on white sticker.anzac commemoration for students, wreath laying ceremony -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Legacy, 3/8/1973
... erased. Legacy Audio Recording, tape ...Appears to be an interview recorded at Legacy House of Legatee Ron Isherwood. Legatee Isherwood was president of Melbourne Legacy in 1966. No further details known. Also Dr Norman is mentioned in the paper note. More details to come when the tape is played. A recording of an interview with a president of Legacy.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool in a blue cardboard box. Plus a note about Doctor Normans' address being partially erased.Box, Legacy, handwritten in blue biro. Philips, yellow print, philips logo,red and yellow. Ruban magnetique, bande mince, type re 957 long 540 metres in white print. No titre, date, blue print. Rear of box, Sir Owen Dixon, WMC Radford, KC Clarke, handwritten in pencil and crossed out. 3/8/73 Interview at Legacy House L Ron Isherwood, handwritten in black biro. Spool, calibrations 0-10, Philips, 1, 2. Note, black type, Legacy. Please note that the first two or three minutes of Doctor Normans' address were erased when our reporter recorded an interview with him later.legatee, ron isherwood -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Annual Dinner 1958, 1958
... The tape has not been played but presumably is a recording of part ...The tape has not been played but presumably is a recording of part of the Annual Dinner held in 1958 due to the label.A record that Legatees felt their meetings were worth recording for future reference.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool of an Annual Dinner in 1958 in a cardboard box with the Mastertape logo.Printed with Mastertape M.S.S. recording company LTD. Type in red print. PM15, BW2.561, stamp. The master sound system, Poyle farm, Colnbrook, Bucks, England in blue print Torn cardboard, Annual Dinner 1958.legatee event, legatee -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Melbourne Legacy's Drug C'ttee Discussion 25/2/72, 25/2/72
... Discussion 25/2/72 Audio Recording, tape ...Appears to be a recording of Melboune Legacy's Drug C'ttee Discussion 25/2/72. No further information known until the tape is played. Ture photo TBAA record of a committee meeting being recorded in 1972.An audio recording on a clear plastic spool in a red cardboard box with brand name BASF. The title says Melbourne Legacy's Drug Committee from 1972.Container. Magnetopphoneband, BASF Typ LGS 52 in black print on red background. Standardband standard tape in red print, 360m 1200feet in black print on white background. BASF and logo in white print on red background. All of the above front and rear of container. Title, Melbourne Legacy's Drug C'ttee Discussion 25/2/72, 3 3/4, full tape 1 track only - all handwtitten in blue biro. Clear plastic spool,Clear plastic, red adhesive sticker centered on spool, BASF white print, tape 1 handwritten in blue biro, 3 letters handwritten in red biro.committee, legatee -
Melbourne Legacy
Audio - Recording, tape, Presentation 8/11/2011. Legatee Chris Spence, 2011
... . Legatee Chris Spence Audio Recording, tape ...Legatee Chris Spence was President of Melbourne Legacy in 2011. The tape has not been played. From the title this appears to be a recording of the President that year commenting on the annual Legacy Conference and other matters.An audio recording of matters of importance to the President in 2011.An audio recording on a cassette tape in a clear plastic cover. It is a recording of Legatee Chris Spence in 2011.Title, presentation 8/11/2011.Legatee Chris Spence, "Summary of Recent Conference & other matters", handwritten in blue biro. Cassette,D90 in red print. TDK, life on record, ieci/type1, normal position,normal bias 120usEQ, A(letter B printed on reverse side), Dynamic cassette low noise high output. All in gold print.conference, legatee -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Audio - Audio Cassette, Johanna van Hoek, 1/04/2006
Interviewed by Melanie Farrow 21 April 2006. Tape at NP 3446Interview with Johanna van Hoek, who migrated to Australia from Holland in 1954. Interviewed by Melanie Farrow 21 April 2006. Tape at NP 3446emigration, oral history migration program, dutch in australia, van hoek, johanna -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Michael Laurie Photography, National Information Library Service 2003 Annual Report digital images, 2003
Various images taken of library processes and staff, for the NILS Annual Report. These include: - the Circulation area, where items were returned via post and stacked on trolleys. Cassette books were checked for completeness (as a book could require multiple cassette containers or having missing cassettes) and if they had been rewound, before returning. The computer system either re-circulated the book out to another borrower or put to storage in the Hanging Carousel, which was 1 storey high and housed 1000's of books. Books being sent out again were issued a card with the address label printed on it, and were required to be placed in the address rack on the book, before being shipped out via post. - Computer Access Centre was located in the Browsing Library and consisted of two computers, one with a larger screen for increased font size and a trackball mouse designed for people with limited mobility. - Duplication where blank cassettes are loaded into 'slaves' and a master recording duplicated on to multiple tapes - Browsing Library where a small selection of Braille, audio and large print books are kept and can be viewed. - Braille and Large Print Production, where text is scanned then transformed into the desired format, before proofing and dispatch to the client. - Audio Production studios where text is recorded by single or multiple narrators, and produced. 298 images of NILS staff, clients and volunteersnational information library service, john turner, carl sayo, tim mitchell, marnie rose-smith, ted johnson, craig carey, jamie kelly, alan egerton, alan bates, bernadette jolley, debbie cooke, kelly thong, robert de graauw, karl hughes, justin bates, jean watson -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Specto Ltd, Clarke and Smith talking book machine with tapete
In 1965 the Clarke & Smith Talking Book Cassette Cartridge made it's debut at the Olympia Show. Popularly known as a 'tapete', it weighed considerably less than the earlier book cassette cartridges and allowed for up to 6 tracks (13 hours recording time) to be played.Clarke and Smith talking book cassette cartridge player consisting of plastic rectangular case with buttons for navigational controls, light green front and top of machine and darker green on sides, power cord and 5 buttons. Also includes tapete "Words for murder perhaps" by Edward Candy and ready by Stanley Pritchard.Clarke & Smith Track change Play -- Off Volume Phones This equipment remains the property of the Braille & Talking Book Library, 31-51 Commercial Road, South Yarra, 3141. Phone: (03) 267 6022 Dyna Tape labels: J21075 Play Rewindaudio equipment, clarke and smith -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, General Electric, APH Table top cassette player, 1978-1981
Produced by General Electric (GE) for American Printing House for the Blind in Kentucky, this player has dials to control tone, volume, speed, side and buttons to record, rewind, forward, play, pause and stop tape. Handling both 2 and 4 track tapes, these players were targeted towards the vision impaired, as it allowed greater freedom to adjust recording styles to suit individual listeners. Plastic rectangular brown audio player with buttons for navigational controls, a handle and black vinyl carry equipment, assistive devices -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Soundscriber dictaphone, 1945-1960
... of dicta phone remained popular until magnetic tapes. audio ...The Sound Scriber Dictaphone allowed recordings to be imprinted into a soft disk that could then be replayed later. This was useful for blind stenographers who could transcribe the audio recording. The lid contains a speaker into which sounds are made, the front knob is allows for 'Talk' or 'Listen' and three other dials on the device allow for the tubes to be turned on/off, starting/stopping the turntable and the recording volume to be 'Dictation' or 'Conf". There are two measuring tapes placed near the recording head and the Listen head, which show the minutes in the recording. The large disk that is placed on this machine has been stopped at the 12 minute mark. At the rear of the device are two plugs, one of which is for electrical supply. This model of dicta phone remained popular until magnetic tapes.1 hinged leather case over a metal and wood machineSound Scriberaudio equipment, assistive devices -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Equipment - Tape Recorder, Bigston, Bigston tape recorder and leads, 1970 c
... Historical AUDIO-VISUAL TECHNOLOGY Audio Appliances Novico ...HistoricalNovico tape recorder and leadsNovicoaudio-visual technology, audio appliances -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Audio - Video, Bruce Chamberlain. Warrnambool, A conversation with Mrs Reta Brauer, 26/09/2002
Mrs Rita Brauer, widow of the Dr Alfred Brauer Warrnambool doctorVoice recording & CD recording of interview by Bruce Chamberlain and Rita Brauer widow of Dr Alfred Brauer W'bool doctor, giving a small part of Mrs Brauer's contribution to life in Warrnambool.Slip cover Sony Super DX 180 - card (red, yellow, blue & white) Front of slip case has business card. The Hon Bruce Chamberlain. Video black plastic case with video tape A conversation with Mrs Rita Brauer and Bruce Chamberlain 26/9/, dvd, conversation, video, dvd, conversation, brauer reta, chamberlain bruce, oral histories -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Audio, Mal Rowe, Sir Robert Risson speach - 50 years of MMTB - 1969, 26/11/1969
An audio recording by Mal Rowe at a dinner sponsored by the TMSV at the Wattle Park Chalet of Major General Sir Robert Risson, MMTB Chairman on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB). Covers many topics about Melboune's trams, international experiences, fares, loan council, new trams, tickets, reserved track, rates, roads. Recorded the day before a two-day strike by the SEC workers which meant the Melbourne's public transport could not operate. Jim Dowell was the TMSV Chairman at the time and Peter Duckett, a well-known enthusiast and operator of the Model Dockyard in Swanston St.Yields information from the MMTB Chairman's viewpoint on Melbourne's tramways.Set of 3 images and three audio files recorded on a reel to reel tape recorder.robert risson, 50th anniversary, mmtb, jim dowell, peter duckett, tmsv, speach -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - PMHPS Meeting, Peter Lovell, Conservation Architect, Glen Stuart, 26 Jun 2000
Recording of PMHPS Meeting on 26.06.2000. Recording done by Pat Grainger at Port Town Hall. Speaker was Peter Lovell, conservation architect, who spoke on the complexities of assessing heritage significance. Tape duration (Including members questions) 01:04:30town planning, town planning, heritage, peter lovell -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Audio - PMHPS Meeting, John THWAITES, Deputy Premier of Victoria, Glen Stuart, 28 Aug 2000
Recording of PMHPS Meeting on 25.09.2000. Recording done by Glen STUART at Port Town Hall. Speaker was John THWAITES, Planning Minister and Deputy Premier of Victoria, Minister for Planning and Health. Discussing heritage, Planning and development. Tape duration 0:35:01 including member's questionsbuilt environment, town planning, town planning, heritage, john thwaites -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Open Day Eltham Living and Learning Centre, 1988
This cottage-like dwelling has changed ownership several times since it was first built in the 1850s by local tanner John Pearson. The Living and Learning Centre as we know it today is the product of the energetic, reforming era of the Whitlam Government. Set up by the local council in 1974. Unedited amateur video (filmed by Vivienne?) with some voiceover and chatting with others. Significant VHS tape noise/flicker and colour pulsing. Opens with Living & Learning Centre sign on Main Road and “Open Day Here Today” attached to it. Views of entrance into carpark, dog obedience class demonstration near entrance, leadlight construction display in workshop, basket weaving, face painting, exterior garden landscape with herb garden, brick pottery shed, peppercorn tree, children’s activities, interior views showing artworks of life drawings, general engagement with other people (audio), candle room, pottery, children’s entertainer in garden, wool spinning, some attempts at engagement with Claire Fitzpatrick, Thai Chi demonstration, floral presentations, patchwork, needlepoint, knitting, some interior scenes very dark, weaving, cane basket weaving.VHS Video cassette (poor quality) Converted to MP4 file format 00:31:39; 746MBeltham living and learning centre, open day, dog obedience class, leadlight, basket weaving, face painting, artworks, life drawing, candle room, pottery, wool spinning, claire fitzpatrick, thai chi, patchwork, needlepoint, knitting, weaving, cane basket weaving, main road, eltham, video recording, shire of eltham archives