Historical information

Appears to be an interview recorded at Legacy House of Legatee Ron Isherwood. Legatee Isherwood was president of Melbourne Legacy in 1966.
No further details known. Also Dr Norman is mentioned in the paper note. More details to come when the tape is played.


A recording of an interview with a president of Legacy.

Physical description

An audio recording on a clear plastic spool in a blue cardboard box. Plus a note about Doctor Normans' address being partially erased.

Inscriptions & markings

Box, Legacy, handwritten in blue biro. Philips, yellow print, philips logo,red and yellow. Ruban magnetique, bande mince, type re 957 long 540 metres in white print. No titre, date, blue print. Rear of box, Sir Owen Dixon, WMC Radford, KC Clarke, handwritten in pencil and crossed out. 3/8/73 Interview at Legacy House L Ron Isherwood, handwritten in black biro.
Spool, calibrations 0-10, Philips, 1, 2.
Note, black type, Legacy. Please note that the first two or three minutes of Doctor Normans' address were erased when our reporter recorded an interview with him later.