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Federation University Historical Collection
Letter - Correspondence, Walter M. Hitchcock, Letters from Walter M. Hitchcock concerning a model of a Ballarat tent (and more), 1911, 1911 (exact)
The tent model mentioned in the letters was displayed in the Ballarat School of Mines Museum. During the 1960s it was transferred to the Ballarat Historical Society. Two handwritten letters on paper with black mourning edge written by Walter M. Hitchcock to the Ballarat School of Mines, and another written by Walter's brother George M. Hitchcock.Letter transcription follow: Letter from Walter M. Hitchcock regarding the death of James Oddie and early gold mining at Ballarat, 1910 and 1911 48 The Memorial Hall Farringdon St London Dec1/10 The Secretary Ballarat Museum Dear Sir, I am just now sending you this line, i anticipation of further correspondence later on, simply to forward you a Post Card of the 1st mining tent erected 1851 on the site of he then newly proclaimed Township of Ballarat, which, as the sole survivor of the party who built the original, I have had the pleasure in making, and have decided to present it to your museum, Sir Jno Lasenor out Agent General for Victoria came to a Bazaar recently held in London. where I had it on view in the museum from 3 days, - and desired I would allow its [ ? ] exhibited in the first large window of the beautiful new building of the Victoria Agency situate in the Strand. It is there for the past few days and he may wish it to remain a week or two longer, I know of no other exhibition of it to delay it being packed and shipped to my relatives in Geelong (Mr [?] Bright of Hitchock's Firm) who may wish to show it in one of their windows before forwarding it to your museum - I have had an itemised pane glass case made for it with drop down end and [?} it stands on a plateau of moss, to represent grass 32 x 13 x 13 high and chimney 14 1/2 - the case is made 34 x 26 x 20 high inside - I shall have it very carefully packed - tent emptied tools, beds, &c &c in separate packing and insured for 50 pounds - I will send you full details later on. I hope and believe your President will accept it in due time Meantime believe me to be very truly Cat Walter Hitchcock G.F.B. 48 The Memorial Hall Farringdon St London March 15th 1911 The Secretary Ballarat School of Mines Dear Sir, Thanks for your letter received last week – I have unaccountably mislaid it, so cannot address you personally, shall no doubt find it among office papers. The model is being fetched today from Victorian Agent General’s (Sir John [Lavernor?] office window in the Strand where many thousands, he tells me, have stopped in passing to see it (their first peep of Ballaarat). It will be on view at Blackheath (Kent) for a week, then packed and shipped without further delay. I shall enclose in the glass case (which is 26 x 34 x 16 in high) some spare minced moss and gas (smoke) in case in transit the plateau suffers by shaking (though it is well glued down). All the tools, mining appliances, cradle, windlass, &c will be separately packed enclosed – which you can easily place in respective positions. HRH Prince of Wales has graciously accepted a photo of it – and in my letter to him when sending it for his acceptance I said – as he would probably ere long visit Australia as did his grandfather and father, which ought to (and certainly will) include at least a day or two in seeing your beautiful City, and also something of your mines &c instead of the hurried visit of his father (2 hours) when he, as Duke of York, unveiled a statue to the memory of those slain in the sad Boer War, which now is admitted by almost everybody to have been a big political mistake, - though in the future with England’s present wise policy towards that country it will prove for Africa’s welfare. It may interest you to know that when I ascertained that Geelong was not to be visited by the Royal Pair – I went up to St James’s Palace by appointed time the Duke’s private Secy Sir Arthur Bigge – taking with me a specially illustrated paper issued in Melb. showing many pictures of the beauties and industries of Geelong – Sir Arthur was impressed but said all the arrangements for the Royal stay in Victoria (10 days) were made locally, by Lord Hopetoun and collegues and committee, and were practically closed – which meant that only a brief trip to Ballarat to uncover the memorial was intended outside Melbourne. Perhaps if we were Melbourne residents we should have succumbed to the prevailing spirit of selfishness – forgetting (or trying to forget) that there are many beauty spots in Victoria and centres of great interest - Ballarat, Geelong, Bendigo, &c that ought to have been visited instead of Melbourne only. Finding Sir Arthur favorably impressed about Geelong I thanked him and returned to City work again. I at once called to Geelong whose mayor and friends had been twice unsuccessful in trying for the Melbourne functions programme being altered to include a visit to Geelong and lovely spots in the Western District, reporting my interview with Sir A B and his favourable reception of my representations, but that any alteration to the programme of engagements during the Royal visit must be made locally and by the local authorities. This had the desired success for on receipt of my message the Geelong mayor and colleagues again reopened the question and went to Melbourne, resulting in a concession (but what an altogether inadequate one) and they graciously ? consented to the train, on its way with the Duke and Duchess to your city, to stop at the Geelong stn (15 minutes) and so it came about that by a hasty local effort, 3,000 school children, and not a few of the leading people including the Mayor &c were gathered to welcome them in Geelong. The National anthem being sung, an Address read and presented and kindly replied to. Now Ballarat should doubtless has influence. See to it when our P. Of Wales visits Victoria – an unselfish ¬ programme is fixed up – and HRH afforded ample opportunity of visiting leisurely your city, Geelong, Bendigo and other centres of beauty and importance. The Prince himself will be the gainer by such an equitable and enlightened programme, - and come back with all the more favourable views of the marvellous development ever since our family first settled in Geelong in 1850. A far preferable result of such a visit than night after night having Melbourne Banquets and the visiting of its undoubted attractions - whilst all the rest of the State remained unvisited. Such an official mistake must not be made again. I will write you again, stating name of steamer of which the model is shipped and date of departure – it is firmly built on a backing of 3/8 in oak tall uprights so through the 7/8 in plateau and am entrusting the packing be very careful. I expressed firm – so that except possibly any breakage in glass case – it should reach you in due time all right. The top of case will be screwed so that it can be readily removed temporarily to enable my [ ? ] firm to show it in one of their windows. Believe me Yours very truly Captn Walter M. Hitchcock My brother will deliver it on my a/c – all carriage paid. Mt very kind regards to my friend since 1850 Jas Oddie. University of Ballarat Historical Collection Cat. No. 8133.3 & .4 Letter from Walter M. Hitchcock regarding the death of James Oddie and early gold mining at Ballarat, 1911 48 The Memorial Hall Farringdon St London April 20th 1911 My Dear Sir, It is with no ordinary feeling of regret that I received the tidings of the death of my good friend, your fellow citizen for many years, Mr James Oddie. Living at Geelong from March 1850 I came to know him there as carrying on a foundry business in Ashby. With the discovery of gold at Ballarat started off almost of the working people, as well as of all other classes of the male population. Mr Oddie arrived in Ballarat I believe on or about September 1st 1851. My three comrades and I arrived October 1st 1851 – among the many thousands soon gathered within a mile or so of Golden Point – my friend Oddie and I often met. I returning to Geelong after a year mining – my friend on the other hand remaining at Ballarat ever since – a marvellous record, and I am sure his life has been one of unique value to your City in many ways, - his age (87) naturally prepared me for his call home – and only two mails before the news came I received from him on of his kindly chatty letters in which amongst other things – he referred with pleasure to having received from me two 10 x 12 photos – one being of my model and that he was arranging to have it placed in a shop window in your city. I am interested in the fact of your having known each of my three comrades of 1851/52. It was J.M. Garrett and I who got permission to conduct public Sunday morning service in their large Marquee – used all the week for issue of Licenses in the absence of any church buildings, and it being on wet Sundays impossible to have services as usual under the trees – Ballarat then was more like a Gentleman’s Park – than bush country – but the axe soon did its work – and all were felled for our cooking, and hencewith to make our kindling etc. Shafting of holes not being at first done because too shallow – our deepest (at Eureka) was only 115 ft. Bendigo I hear had now mines of 4,000 ft in depth (deeper than our tin or coal mines here). I fortunately have, in excellent state of preservation, my last of 12 licenses dated October 1 1852 and have recently purchased here a Miner’s Right dated 1864, to that when explaining on matters re Gold Licensing I can show sample of each. With kind regards Believe me Yours sincerely Walter M. Hitchcock Geelong June 20/11 Dear Sir, By rail to day through Messrs Bannister I send the model of miner’s tent packed in a case 50 donated by my brother Captain Walter M. Hitchcock of London. This model was made by my brother and represents the tent he worked in on the Ballarat Gold Fields in the year 1851 or 2. In a separate parcel a few extras omitted from the case. Please send me receipts in duplicate, one for my brother, the other for the Customs, Geelong, as being donated to your institution, after some little correspondence it was admitted [??] any payment for duty. You probably have my brother’s address and would like to acknowledge its arrival, direct. I hope it is in good order. I did not open it for show in Geelong, as there would be less risk of breakage on repacking. With kind remembrances. I am Yours Faithfully Geo. M. Hitchcock. A Mr G. F. B. Sharick who is living near my home called in to see my model – he said he knew FM [Fred Martell] and was lately at Ballaratballarat school of mines, frederick martell, fred martell, james oddie, walter m hitchcock, walter hitchcock, f m garratt, george hitchcock, hitchcock, golden point, gold discovery, j m garrett, gold license, j.m. garrett, t.m. hall, george m. hitchcock, f.m. garratt, walter m. hitchcock -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Speech, Commemorative Address - Sir Stanley Savige K.B.E. Federal Conference of Legacy Clubs, Canberra, 10/1954
After the death of Stan Savige this address was given at the Canberra Conference in October 1954. It is tribute to his life. Sir Stanley Savige KBE : Commemorative Address Federal Conference of Legacy Clubs, Canberra : October 1954. On the 15th of May this year Legacy learned to its enduring sorrow of the death of its Founder, Lieut. General Stanley George Savige KBE, CB, CBE, DSO, MC, ED, for more than 30 years affectionately known to us all as Legatee Stan Savige. He was the embodiment of all those things for which Legacy stands, and each one of us who knew him and worked with him feels a great and abiding sense of personal loss. It is proper, therefore, that those of us at this Conference, the first after his passing, representative of Legacy throughout the Commonwealth, and comprising so many who were his friends, so many who knew the depth of his love for Legacy, should acknowledge our debt to our Founder and ensure, so far as we may, that the inspiration of his life and work in this Cause shall not be lost to those who follow after. It was not ordained that Stanley George Savige - should enjoy a long life, but it was to prove a life of outstanding service. Born at Morwell in Victoria some 63 years ago, he received with his brothers and sisters such education as was then available to a lad in a mining district. He had no particular opportunities of advancement, but from his early days he cherished a strong ambition to make a success of his life, and with this in view he lost no opportunity of adding to his knowledge. Always a lover of the open country, a good bushman and a fine shot, he became as a young man, a Scoutmaster with a keen following of boys. Even in those early days he attracted youth and showed undoubted promise of the quality of leadership which later was to make him famous. Opportunity came with the first World War, and he took his place as a private soldier in the original 24th Battalion AIF. Followed Gallipoli and Anzac where his marksmanship and bush craft stood him in good stead. Conscious that his early training was not sufficient to secure the promotion he desired, he set himself to enlarge it. Only a man of fine fibre and rare determination could apply himself to study on that war torn Peninsula, where our men, hitherto untested, suffered every known hardship and no man knew, from hour to hour, whether he would survive. But Savige achieved it. Himself then a Corporal he found another Corporal who was a former Schoolmaster and learned from him all that he had to teach. Savige was on his way. He was commissioned on the Field and allotted the heroic task of leading the last party off that desperate coast during the famous evacuation. In France he became the Adjutant of his Battalion and one of the best known officers in the 6th Brigade. He won the Military Cross and was mentioned in despatches. Early in 1918 he received a signal distinction, He was included in a small but distinguished band of Officers and Non-Commissioned Officers from the British and Dominion Forces most carefully selected for individual courage and proved qualities of leadership, and was sent to Persia, under the command of Major-General Dunsterville, Kipling’s famous Stalky, to assist and mobilise the friendly tribes with a view to protecting the road to India, left wide open by the withdrawal of Russia. The story of the Dunsterforce, its suffering and achievements in the face of incredible hardships and difficulties, was later to be told by Savige in his book “Stalky’s Forlorn Hope”. He emerged, finally, unscathed, despite his active participation in several of the bloodiest battles of all time, with the rank of Captain and a DSO and MC to his credit, to say nothing of three mentions in despatches. In later years, further decorations were to be conferred upon him, but I believe he valued none of these so highly as his awards for outstanding personal bravery won in the Field when he was an Officer of comparatively junior rank. Such was the man who in August 1923, at the instance of his former Commander, Major-General Sir John Gellibrand, gathered around him a handful of men who had fought and laughed with him over four well remembered years. This small band adopted the name of “Legacy”, but its purpose then was, in the main, to assist in safeguarding the interests of ex-servicemen in this country. Worthy although the case undoubtedly was, the conception and ideal which was to distinguish Legacy from all kindred post-war movements did not emerge until two years later. The torch had not been lit. Legacy had not yet found its soul. What has been achieved since then is known to you all. The Legacy ideal, unique in its conception, with no known counterpart elsewhere, is now accepted, welcomed and honoured throughout the Commonwealth and abroad. But in those early days the achievements of our Founder in the face of all manner of difficulties and frustrations are worthy of our lasting memory and thankfulness. As the source of every river lies in the hills, so must the inspiration from which stems a great conceptions of service to one’s fellow men be lofty and above reproach. Savige was the embodiment of this new expression of comradeship, as he was the central figure and driving force of the little group that sponsored it. But for his zeal, his faith and determination, it is likely that the flame, newly kindled, might have flickered and died. The idea of men returned from active service pledging for the sake of their former comradeship, their personal assistance to the widows, and above all, to the children of those who had fought beside them and paid the full price of War, was so completely new and unexpected that it was by no means readily accepted. There were no funds, no precedents to guide the new adventurers, only the clear bright flame of an ideal just envisaged, and the conviction that the Cause was unassailable. Nor were there lacking many who said that the community held no place for Legacy, that it was born of sentiment only, and would quickly pass. The scoffers are gone and one since forgotten, but the torch remains and burns brighter than ever. Down the years of Legacy there are many names deserving of honour, men from all States and all stations of life, but no name stands out in such clear and bold relief as does the name of our Founder. By his works you shall know him. He was, in truth, the Soul of Legacy. He sought no office and preferred to work as one of the team. Six years went by before he accepted the Presidency of Melbourne Club, and then only because his fellows would book no further delay. “The Spirit of Legacy is Service” - so runs the Charter, and that was Savige’s Creed. By virtue of his attainments he was called upon to take a leading part in the administration of Legacy, first within his own club and later, as Chairman of the Co-ordinating Council of Legacy in Australia. But always it was the essentially human character of the work which enthralled and upheld him, and the tasks which gave him most joy were those which brought him into close personal contact with the youngsters and their home life. Like their elders they recognised his goodwill and his leadership and responded to it. It was Savige who made possible the first camps held for the boys and girls by Melbourne Club. These were erected on his own seaside property, and were originally conducted under his personal direction and largely with the aid of funds he had collected. There was hardly an important post in his own Club that Savige did not at some time occupy and adorn. He was happiest in the company of those men with whom he had served in the field, and cherished always the comradeship born of active service which is of the essence of Legacy. He was a man of strong convictions but attentive always to another’s point of view. As a Legatee he played a leading part in bringing hope and encouragement to many a mother on whom the whole responsibility of a young family had been suddenly and tragically laid; in the attainment of the ambitions of many an orphan child, which not so long since had seemed to him or her to be mere dreams, impossible of realisation. Comfort for the bereaved, new hope for the children’s physical and educational welfare, assistance with the home, aid for the sick, money for the needy and a new courage to face a future that hitherto had held no promise, all these facets of Legacy endeavour combine to present a living and enduring memorial to the man we honour as our Founder today. Between the two World Wars in addition to establishing himself successfully in civilian life and answering the constant calls of Legacy on his energy and time, Savige maintained an active association with the Army. He was convinced that a Second AIF would one day be urgently called upon, and as a Battalion Commander he spared no effort to train the Officers under his charge during the uneasy years of peace for the trial that he felt must come. These men have all subsequently had distinguished military careers, their names are well known and many of the serve in Legacy today. When the second crisis came, Savige himself was one of the first to offer, and although his youth was spent, he proudly carried the number VX13 throughout the terrible years that followed. This time he was to command, first the 17th Australian Infantry Brigade in the first action of the Second AIF against the enemy at Barida, and subsequently at Tobruk and Derna - all famous names now. It was his patrols which gave the warning - unheeded at the time - that Rommel’s reinforcements were reaching North Africa far earlier than was expected. Then followed the grim days of Greece and Crete when the fine qualities of his leadership were put to the utmost test. I have been told by those who were closest to him it was typical of Savige that when his convoys were on the move back and were being blasted from the air by the unopposed Luftwaffe, he should sit by the side of the open road, wearing his red banded cap, to steady the morale of men who had then no chance of hitting back at the enemy. Unorthodox no doubt, but here was a man indeed. Throughout the whole campaign and later when he commended the 3rd division in New Guinea and later still when with the rank of Lieutenant-General he became a Corps Commander in New Guinea and Bouganville, it was at all times characteristic of him that he should see for himself the situation in the forward areas. He dealt personally with his subordinate commanders whenever it was possible to do so. No one says his G.S.O. 1. understood better than he did the importance of front line troops seeing their G.O.C. frequently, and knowing that he was aware of and prepared to share their hardships and dangers. He took many risks that he should not have taken, exhausted himself physically and mentally times without number, and considered himself not at all in order to secure the success of his operations. Finally, in Bouganville, he brought his campaign to a victorious conclusion and accepted the personal surrender of the Japanese Commander. Savige is known as one of Australia’s most human military leaders, but let no one believe that he did not ask and receive the utmost of his men. He trained them in a hard school but he was ever conscious of their needs and observant and thoughtful of their welfare. Fearless and untiring under conditions which brought younger men down, he asked nothing that he was not himself prepared to give and do. The close of the Second World War left him with the same brave heart; but a vitality greatly impaired. He was called up again and again to perform important national tasks, notably that of Co-ordinator of Demobilisation and Dispersal. But his interest in Legacy never flagged it was in fact more personal than ever, for under his command many junior legatees, sons of former comrades had proved themselves worthy of their Fathers in war and in peace. In the bearing and achievements of the young men of the Second A.I.F. he took a particular and justifiable pride. He applied himself to the Extension of Legacy to areas where it had not previously been practicable to operate. His record of service and close personal contact with the men of both wars made him a most welcome pioneer and many new Clubs and Groups resulted from his efforts. He founded, and I doubt whether any one else could have done so, the Club in the great Capital of our Empire. His reputation and obvious sincerity surmounted obstacles that might well have daunted lesser man. Legacy’s debt to him visibly increased. But he was ever a simple man, with a great love and understanding of his fellow men and a true Legatee at heart. Much that he did will never be known or recognised, save by those who benefitted. His service in Legacy ranged from the humble kitchen of cottage and farm to our representation in Westminster Abbey itself. A knighthood set the seal upon an outstanding career. None the less when upon the death of Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey, Lieut. General Sir Stanley Savige became the Patron of the Melbourne Club, he retained at his own express desire, the title of Legatee Savige, and when on that final day we bade him farewell, when the Flags he had served so well were lowered and the guns which had formed a grim final salute, it was apparent to all who had eyes to see that this great and simple man had won such a place in the hearts and affection of his fellow country men as is given to few men indeed. From the packed Cathedral, escorted by his fellow Generals, followed by men of his own Units, by Legatees and a great company of others who had cause to honour and esteem him, he made his last journey. But that is not the end. His voice and presence are lost to us but his memory and inspiration must ever remain. As he has bequeathed to the National War Memorial yonder his diaries, records and battle plans, so he has bequeathed to us his fellow Legatees his greatest achievement and his trust, Legacy itself. Never was the Torch passed by worthier hands. Now it is ours to hold it high. Whatever material memorial the future many hold for him, Legacy owes its Founder a livelier recompense. It is within our power to implement what I believe to be his greatest wish, that Legacy and its ideal of comradeship and service shall flourish and endure. Let each one of us then resolve that we shall, within our Clubs, in all tasks to which we are assigned, both great and small, keep in our minds the life and spirit of Stanley George Savige, so that we may be proud at all times to say of Legacy to those who follow after - “If you would see his memorial - Look around you”.The tribute to Stanley Savige shows how greatly he was regarded by the Legatees.Off white quarto paper with black type, address given about Stan Savige to the Canberra Conference, x 12 pages.savige, speech, obituary -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 895 Main Road, Eltham
Folder: 895 Main Road, Eltham Contents Listing 1. Certificate of Title; Vol. 8424, Fol. 334, 5 February 1963 2. Certificate of Title; Lot 2, Plan of Subdivision No. 63242, Parish of Nillumbik, Vol. 8479, Fol. 283, 18 May 1964 (Eltham War Memorial Trust) 3. Newspaper article: Extensions to shire offices will benefit all, by Fab Calafuri, Diamond Valley News, Tuesday, July 8, 1986, p6 [Reverse side, p5, Residents rally to save dam by Helen Gillman about Peck’s Dam in Napier Street, Montmorency] 4. Office memo: Temporary Shutdown of Water Supply Shire Offices – Tuesday 9 March 1993; Anthony Guzzo, 5 March 1993 – Melbourne Water advice due to works on new library 5. Plan of Old Municipal Offices, date and creator unknown 6. Newspaper clipping: Move to convert shire office for police use, by Jodie Haythorne, Diamond Valley News, May 1995 7. Newspaper clipping: Sale of Eltham office / Removal of Question time; Nillumbik Happenings, Mountain Views, 15 May 1995 8. Newspaper clipping: Bid for TAFE campus, Mountain Views, 25 September 1995, p8 9. Newspaper clipping: Will the former Shire of Eltham offices become a TAFE college?, The Advertiser, circa September 1995 [Reverse side; Jezza! Photo of football legend Alex Jesaulenko at Watsonia RSL also Advertisement: Maternal and Child Health Centre Timetable] 10. Newspaper clipping: Eltham may get TAFE campus in shire offices, by Fiona Kaegi and Natalie Town, and Nillumbik set for rate cuts, Diamond Valley News, circa September 1995 [Reverse side; Art for hope – article about artist Damien Curtain at Hurstbridge Primary School] 11. Newspaper clipping: More talks on TAFE, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 17, 1995, p3 – includes photos of Nillumbik Chief Commissioner Don Cordell, Box Hill College of TAFE Executive Director Andrew Jackson and Niillumbik CEO Barry Rochford; Eltham MP Wayne Phillips with Eltham Chamber of Commerce President Norm Williams and Rotary Club of Eltham President Peter Bishop; Eltham College principal John Brennan with St Helena Secondary College head Ken Cunningham and Eltham High School principal Ron Edwards. [On reverse, p4, Sorry sag of botched relations, Jock Kyme] 12. Newspaper clipping: Eltham hails TAFE take-over, by Fiona Kaegi and Council to hold regular briefings, Diamond Valley News, 18 October 1995 13. Newspaper clipping (photocopy): Why no council office at Eltham?, Mark Burns, Letters, Diamond Valley News, 18 October 1995 14. Newspaper clipping: Future of Eltham office?, Mountain Views, Monday, October 23, 1995, p8 15. Newspaper clipping: Council seeks opinions on former shire offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 25 October 1995 16. Newspaper clipping: Shire office move, The Advertiser, December 1995 17. Newspaper clipping: Former shire offices up for sale; possibly Diamond Valley News, December 1995 18. Newspaper clipping: Agents to sell shire office, Mountain Views, Monday, December 18, 1995, p8 19. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Nillumbik Shire Council Proposed Sale or Lease of Eltham Municipal Offices, Diamond Valley News, 10 January 1996 20. Newspaper clipping: No Submissions on Eltham Shire Offices, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertiser, 30 January 1996, p1 21. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 31 January 1996, 7.4 Sale or Lease of Former Eltham Municipal Offices 22. Photocopy: Letter HTW Valuers to Nillumbik Shire Council, Valuation of former Eltham Municipal Offices at $1.45 million, 31 January 1996 23. Newspaper clipping: New G’boro, Eltham places, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertiser, Tuesday, March 26, 1996, p4 [on reverse, p3, ALP Faithful at Montsalvat] 24. Newspaper clipping: Legal costs a hurdle for action group, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, 16 April 1996 25. Photocopy (91 pages): Tender Documents for purchase of Former Eltham Shire Offices 895 Main Road, Eltham, Prepared for Nillumbik Shire Council, Maddock Lonie & Chisholm, Melbourne. Tenders close at 3.00pm on 24 April 1996 26. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Building’s asbestos riddle. By Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 26 June 1996 27. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 26 June 1996, 11.43/96 Sale of Eltham Offices, Main Road, Eltham 28. Media Release (Photocopy of facsimile from Barry Rochford, CEO): Community Facilities in New Gateway to Eltham, 28 June 1996 29. Photocopy (A3): TPA1 – Site Plan 1:200 Proposed Convenience Centre At Main Road Eltham, Baldasso Cortese Pty Ltd Architects, Collingwood, July 1996 30. Newspaper clipping: ‘Whopper’ For Eltham?, Letters, Sigmund Jorgensen, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 2, 1996, p3 31. Newspaper clipping: Ex-shire offices to go, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 3 July 1996, p1 32. Photocopy Newspaper clipping: Unsuccessful bidders criticise sale of offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, 10 July 1996 33. Newspaper clipping: Insensitive proposal, Sue Dyet, Letters, Diamond Valley Newsm 17 July 1996 34. Photocopy: Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting, 17 July 1996, 7.116/96 Sale of Eltham Offices, Main Road, Eltham 35. Newspaper clipping: Former shire office sale angers residents, Diamond Valley News, 30 July 1996, p3 36. Newspaper clipping: Eltham Offices Demolition, ‘You can’t demolish city hall’, The Advertiser, Tuesday, July 30, 1996, pp14-15 features photos of Eltham protestors, Thelma Barkway, Harry Gilham, Jenni Mitchell, Jock Kyme and David Essex 37. Photocopy (A3): TPA1 – Site Plan Proposed Convenience Centre, Main Road, Eltham, Graeme Bentley Landscape Architects, August 1996 38. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Letters; Disbelief at plans, Margaret Jennings; Lack of respect, Mike Jansz; Community opinion, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, circa August 1996 39. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): ‘There was no conflict of interest’, The Advertiser, Tuesday, August 4, 1996 40. Newspaper clipping: Chamber supports plans, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, 7 August 1996 41. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Letters; Adding to the price, Kelly Fitzpatrick; Area being torn apart, Jenni Bundy, Diamond Valley News, 7 August 1996 42. Newspaper clipping: Labor joins battle to save offices, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, (7?) August 1996 43. Newspaper clipping: Letters to the Editor; ‘Atrocious assault of commercialism’, Lois Loftus-Hills, The Advertiser, Tuesday, August 13, 1996, p9 44. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Roll up for the show, Kahn Franke; Thanks for turn-out, Margaret Jennings; Way past time, Jenni Bundy; Angry at the vandalism (continued p13 missing), Diamond Valley News, August 14, 1996, p12 45. Newspaper clipping: ‘Enough is enough’ states John Cohen; Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley-Whittlesea Advertisers, Tuesday, August 20, 1996, p2 [Reverse, p1, Trade boost at Diamond Creek] 46. Newspaper clipping: Public viewing, Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p 47. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Chiefs must resign, Gayle Blackwood; Time to have your say, Margaret Jennings; Sensible balance, Gwen Jakins; Recycling: a fine example, Grace Mitchell; Limits on site use, Stephen Clendinnen; Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p4 48. Newspaper clipping: Letters; A lasting memorial, Ken and Laurel Eckersell; Stripping assets, Jack Lawson; Diamond Valley News, 4 September 1996, p29 49. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Nillumbik: in the eye of the beholder, Sigmund Jorgensen; ‘Crying inside’ over Eltham Shire office, Grace Mitchell; The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 10, 1996, 2 50. Newspaper clipping: Public Notice; Notice of an Application for Planning Permit, Dallas price Homes Pty Ltd, Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 51. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Timing was the problem: chief, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 52. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Architectural monstrosity, Jenni Bundy; Bargain price, Gavin Gray; Paying for road works, Sue Dyet; Diamond Valley News, 11 September 1996 [ on reverse, articles on Queen’s Guide Nicola Blay (photo) and Plenty River and Diamond Creek waterways] 53. Newspaper clipping: Eltham Hub Plans on Show, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 17, 1996, p1 54. Newspaper clipping: Bleeding halted: Commish and Letters; Sigmund’s credibility gap, David Nolte; ‘Double standards’, Ros Harris, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 17, 1996, p3 55. Newspaper clipping: Gateway to the future; Plans on display, public comments sought, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, September 18, 1996, p8 [Reverse, p7, Policy limits event signs, and, Council ‘arrogant’ on ward option: MP] 56. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): 19 on council inquiry list, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, 18 September 1996 – about council listing 19 people who are only to be dealt with directly by CEO, Barry Rochford 57. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Eltham is wonderful, Sigmund Jorgensen, Letters, The Advertiser, Tuesday, September 24, 1996, p4 58. Objection to Grant of Planning Permit (Photocopy): Russell Yeoman per Eltham District Historical Society Inc. re application 960376 for petrol station, convenience shop, retail shop, etc to be issued to Dallas price Homes Pty Ltd, 25 September 1996 59. Newspaper clipping (Photocopy): Public meeting, Eltham Gateway Action Group – to discuss latest plans to develop former shire office site on Sunday 4 September 1996; publication unknown, possibly Diamond Valley News 60. Newspaper clipping: Minister orders sale probe, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 12, 1996, p1 61. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Headline could mislead, Wayne Phillips, Member for Eltham, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 8, 1996, p3 62. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Few jobs for young, Margaret Jennings; The whole truth, Alan Ramsay, Diamond Valley News, October 9, 1996, p12 63. Newspaper clipping: Public outcry at Abbott veto with ‘reserve power’; 200 residents yell abuse as commissioners give ok to Eltham service station, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 15, 1996, p1 64. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Eltham Hub briochure has ‘trees that are a fiction’, Lois Lofus-Hills, The Advertiser, Tuesday, October 15, 1996, p2 65. Newspaper clipping: Shrewd tactics row, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, p1 66. Newspaper clipping: Residents have their say on former shire offices, by Jodie Guest, and, Anger over reserve power, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, October 16, 1996, p9 67. Newspaper clipping: Office sale report will not be made public, Diamond Valley News, October 23, 1996 [Reverse, article featuring Youth development officer, Ian Patching] 68. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Happening in a hurry, Peter Dodds; Development unsuitable, Mark Burns; Vale those dreamers, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, October 23, 1996, two pages unidentified 69. Newspaper clipping: Group to fight council decision on office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, October 26, 1996 – re Eltham Gateway Action Group taking Council to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal over approval of controversial development [Reverse, article on Bend of Islands place name] 70. Newspaper clipping: Three days allowed to hear objection, by John Dubois, Diamond Valley New, December 4, 1996 71. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Site traffic dangers, Frank Burgoyne; Thanks for support, Margaret Jennings, Diamond Valley News, noted in pen as 8 December 1996 though probably 11 December 1996 [Reverse, What about that link, asks council, by Natalie Town – about ring road between Greensborough and Ringwood] 72. Newspaper clipping: Minister to rule on proposal, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, December 18, 1996 73. Report (Photocopy, 31 pages): Convenience Centre Development Proposal: Italian Cypress at Former Eltham Shire Offices Site, Main Rd. Eltham, Graeme Butler & Associates, 1997 74. Newspaper clipping: People unite to battle project, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, February 19, 1997 75. Letter (Photocopy): Ms B Martin to Fiona Kaegi to be submitted for Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley News 26 March 1996 edition 76. Letter (Photocopy): Thelma Barkway to Fiona Kaegi to be submitted for Letters to the Editor, Diamond Valley News 26 March 1996 edition 77. Newspaper clipping: Legal Battle, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 2, 1997 78. Newspaper clipping: Site Row Saga, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 9, 1997 79. Newspaper clipping: Community fears loss of heritage, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 9, 1997 80. Newspaper clipping: Debate erupts over service station plan, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 9, 1997 [Reverse, ‘No’ to rates hike proposal] 81. Newspaper clipping: Letter to the Editor; “Your front-page last week is considerable inaccurate … a surplus of $14,000 is expected at 30 June 1977.”, Robert Marshall, The Advertiser, April 28, 1997, p1 82. Newspaper clipping: $1.1m Debt Plan, by Fiona Keagi, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 23, 1997, p1 and continued on p24, Shire to defer works programs 83. Newspaper clipping: Blast for Council, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, April 30, 1997, p1 and continued on p7, ‘Experts’ oppose plans for shire site. 84. Newspaper clipping: Photo – Uncertainty: the future of the former Eltham Shire office site is still to be decided by Planning Minister Rob Maclellan., Diamond Valley News, April 30, 1997 [ Reverse; Not your average convenience store, by Laeta Antonysen] 85. Newspaper clipping: Shire site decision soon, Diamond Valley News, May 28, 1997 86. Newspaper clipping: Letters to the Editor; Features to protect, Ken Eckersell, Diamond Valley News, June 4, 1997 87. Newspaper clipping: Costly bun fight over shire offices, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, July 2, 1997 [reverse, Montsalvat plans season of festivals, by Fiona Kaegi] 88. Newspaper clipping: Shire office shemozzle, Diamond Valley News, July 2, 1997 – provides a brief timeline of events June 1996 to April 22, 1997 89. Newspaper clipping: Law Suit Threat, by Fiona Kaegi and Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, July 9, 1997, p1 90. Newspaper clipping: Report rejects store plan, and, Residents with panel, Diamond Valley News, Wednesday, July 9, 1997 91. Newspaper clipping: Councillors meet Shell developer, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, July 30, 1997 92. Newspaper clipping: Deadline extended to allow more talks, by Fiona Kaegi, Diamond Valley News, August 8, 1997. Also Curves to stay in link road about Nillumbik’s realignment plans for Diamond Creek’s ‘windy mile’ [Reverse, Shire tightens grants scheme] 93. Newspaper clipping: $10m option for shire office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, September 10, 1997 94. Newspaper clipping: New plan for shire office site, by Laeta Antonysen, and , Council refuses to do trade with developer, Diamond Valley News, September 17, 1997, p12 [ Reverse, p11, Mixed reaction to kangaroo culling] 95. Newspaper clipping: Gateway plan review, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, October 22, 1997, p3 96. Newspaper clipping: Top planner calls for rethink on office site, by Jodie Guest, Diamond Valley News (includes photo of John Pizzey) 97. Newspaper clipping: Opposition offers help on planning, by Jamie Duncan, Diamond Valley News, November 5, 1997, p3 (includes photo of Opposition Leader John Brumby and Nillumbik Shire President Robert Marshall at the Eltham Gateway site) 98. Letter (Photocopy): Russell Yeoman, Secretary, Eltham District Historical SAociety to Mr B. Rochford, CEO, Nillumbik Shire Council, 15 November 1997 with specific reference to the health of the three “Shillinglaw” trees 99. Newspaper clipping: Puzzlement over delay on office site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, November 19, 1997 100. Newspaper clipping: Developer pulls out, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, December 10, 1997, p3, and, Council uproar over officers [Reverse, p4, Final victory – announcing resignation of Jenni Mitchell as president of Etham Gateway Action Group] 101. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Asset of pride, Sigmund Jorgensen, Diamond Valley News, January 14, 1998 102. Newspaper clipping: Minister ‘no’ to plan, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, February 11, 1998, p3 103. Newspaper clipping: Shell shocked as Eltham planning protest is upheld, by Gabrielle Costa, date and publication unknown; possibly The Age, February 1998 104. Newspaper clipping: Land review, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News, April 1, 1998 105. Newspaper clipping: Bid to move shire offices to new site, by Laeta Antonysen, Diamond Valley News not specifically about 895 Main Road but former Diamond Valley Shire Offices at Civic Drive, Greensborough, circa June 1998 106. Newspaper clipping: Letters; What about us?, Gayle Blackwood, Diamond Valley News, circa June 10, 1998 107. Letter (Photocopy): Sigmund Jorgensen to Kahn Franke, 1 July 1998 re advertisement and list of contributors 108. Advertisement (Photocopy): Show that democracy is not dead in Nillumbik !!!, Saturday 17 Oct. 1998 109. Newspaper clipping: Arts dream shattered, by Natalie Birch, Diamond Valley Leader, July 17, 2002, p3 – Council about to dump plans for an arts centre on former office site 110. Newspaper clipping: Letters; This site belongs to the people, John Cohen; Pro-development, Jenni Bundy, Diamond Valley Leader, May 21, 2003 111. Discussion Paper: Community Use of Site, 895 Main Road Eltham, 8 pages, Gayle Blackwood, Sue Dyet, Ken Eckersell, 25 August 2003 with supporting drafts dated August 5 and 6. 112. Newspaper clipping: Shire plan ‘sacrilegious’; Residents fight war memorial sale, by Dave Cropssthwaite, Diamond Valley Leader, Nillumbik Edition, Wednesday, August 18, 2004, p1 – about council plans to sell Eltham War memorial and former Shire Office sites 113. Newspaper clipping: Land sales to come under more debate, by Dave Crossthwaite, Diamond Valley Leader, September 15, 2004, p5 114. Newspaper clipping: Council saves ex-office site, axes club plan, Diamond Valley Leader, March 30, 2005 115. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Ask the people, John Cohen, Diamond Valley Leader, April 6, 2005, p20 116. Newspaper clipping: Shire moving for public use zoning on Eltham landmark sites, Diamond Valley Leader, October 25, 2006 117. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Consultation a sham, Carol Doherty; Civic centre excellent, Marguerite Marshall; Only Eltham counts, Carmel Jacobsen, Diamond Valley Leader, May 22, 2007 [Reverse, Disability a test for councillor (Bo Bendtsen)] 118. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Nillumbik Planning Scheme, Approval of Amendment C49 – rezoning of 895 and 903-907 Main Road, Diamond Valley Leader, September 5, 2007, p7 119. Newspaper clipping: Illustration; An artist’s impression of the proposed Nillumbik civic centre in Main Rd., Diamond Valley Leader, June 25, 2008 [Reverse, City link with learning – about Eltham College setting up a city campus for Year 9 students, with photo featuring principal Dr David Warner and students] 120. Newspaper clipping: Civic centre forecast withdrawn, Diamond Valley Leader, July 2, 2008 121. Letter: Nillumbik Shire Council, 5 September 2008, re Civic Future Project 122. Letter: Nillumbik Shire Council to EDHS, 5 October 2008, re Civic Future Project 123. Letter (Copy): Mrs D. Bassett-Smith to Mayor and Councillors, 17 April 2009 re former shire office site and future community use 124. Letter (Copy): Eltham District Historical Society to Bill Forrest, CEO, Nillumbik Shire Council, 1 August 2009, in support of D. Bassett-Smith letter of 17 April 2009 and response from Council, 12 August 2009 125. Newspaper clipping: Hotel mooted for site, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, July 5, 2017 126. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Fury, surprise and support for Eltham development; Re: Grand plan for Eltham’s jewel (February 7), Cath McLardy, Diamond Valley Leader, February 14, 2008, p14 [Reverse, p13, Learning from the fateful day; the devastation on that day in 2009 will always stay in Steve Warrington’s mind. He recalls the tragedy] 127. Newspaper clipping: Letters; Plan to fight council on land sell-off, Jennifer Ambrudge and others, Diamond Valley Leader, February 14, 2018, p15 – about council plan to sell off reserves and shire office site and Eltham War Memorial 128. Newspaper clipping: Plans for site urged, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, September 5, 2018 129. Newspaper clipping: Approach under fire; Council plans for historic shire site raises eyebrows, by Brittany Shanahan, Diamond Valley Leader, September 19, 2018 130. Newspaper clipping: Advertisement; Our plan for a revitalised Eltham, Nillumbik Shire Council, Diamond Valley Leader, Wednesday, October 3, 2018, p7 131. Notice: Eltham Community Town Meeting, Saturday 134th October 2018 – about council plans to sell off community reserves and assets – along with flyer for Eltham Community Action Group 132. Essay A4 18 pages: An essay addressed to the Councillors of Nillumbik Shire, October 2018 (with addendum 7 November), Andrew Lemon 133. Photocopy Marked Up Flyer: The story behind 895 and 903-907 Main Road, Eltham – the heart of Eltham’s Town Centre, with marked up comments by Eltham Community Action Group, collected 9 December 2018 134. Newspaper clipping: Calls to fix ‘outdated’ site; negotiations cease with developers amid renewed push to improve civic space at Main St. Eltham, by Anthony Plovesan, Diamond Valley Leader, May 29, 2019, p5 135. Newspaper clipping: Ex-council site flagged for hospital; Councillor suggests former Eltham headquarters would be ideal spot, by Anthony Plovesan, Diamond Valley Leader, October 30, 2019, p3 136. Concept plan: Proposal; Nillumbik Cultural Gallery with Art Cinema, Restaurant, Tourism, Preliminary Sketch Design G, Barry Pearce Architect and Designer, 8 April 2022, 8 pagesmain road, eltham, property, houses, shops, businesses, shillinglaw trees, eltham shire offices site -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Correspondence, Richard Squire Mining Correspondence
Seems that Tom pays Ned's wages. Numerous bores were sunk , some were opened out and driven in the direction of the reef. Numerous Cross cuts were also made from the main tunnel.Unless otherwise stated the letters are from Dad (Richard Squire) to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all. .1) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & little men' with information regarding the Leigh River Tunnel at Mount Mercer, dated 6/8/28. .2) Handwritten three page letter with information regarding mining operations dated 27.6.29. .3) Handwritten three page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Flock' with queries regarding the health of one of their children, other personal information and information regarding mining operations dated 18/7/29. .4) Handwritten one page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom' dated 20/7/29, regarding the enclosed handwritten receipt with stamp for Call of two shares costing 8 pounds 7 shillings and 2 pence in Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate from Richard Squire dated 13th July 1927. .5) Handwritten two page letter from Richard Squire to 'Tom & Hazel & Pinchers' regarding his health, other personal information and information about the four page report of position of work at 'Leigh River Tunnel' enclosed. The letter is dated 29/11/29 and the report dated Nov 28th 29. .6) Handwritten two page letter with personal information and a suggestion that Tom learn to swim dated 13th Jan 30. .7) Handwritten two page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate plus a one page 'Rough Section' drawing of the tunnel dated 29th April 1930. .8) Typed one page report by Richard Squire regarding Leigh River Tunnel Syndicate and the findings of a new shaft dated 9th December 30. .9) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding mining operations and four handwritten receipts for payment of Calls from Richard Squire and Mr H McLeod and Mr E McLeod with stamps. .10) Handwritten two page letter regarding a meeting he had with the Secretary for Mines, Mr Whitehead dated 22 Feb 1931. .11) Handwritten two page letter regarding the difficulties in financing the mining operation occasioned by the interference of the government department dated 12th Mar 31. .12) Handwritten one page letter regarding the delay in the submission of his letter to the Gold Committee and with details of plans he had sent to Tom separately, dated 1st April 31. .13) Handwritten two page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' regarding personal matters including his health and also information regarding Tunnel work, dated May 11th 31. .14) Handwritten two page letter regarding the mine work, how his new employee, Ned, was going and also his health, dated Thur 21st May 31. .15) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and financial matters dated Tue 26th May. .16) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress dated Thur June 11th. .17) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an issue relating to Ned's taxation assessment and his own health, dated 28th June 31. .18) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information on the Tunnel progress and information regarding his health, dated Thur July 23rd. .19) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress and some personal greetings, dated Thur July 30th 31. .20) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, an agreement with Messrs Read & Peers? and a renaming of a Prospect as Lawaluk instead of Mount Mercer, dated Sun 2nd Aug 31. .21) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress, the lease agreement on Mr Read's property at Mount Mercer which he had been unable to pay and a parsley root remedy which a Ballarat Chinese herbalist had prescribed for his catarrh and had been effective, dated Thur 13th Aug 31. .22) Handwritten two page letter regarding the efficacy of the parsley (root) water in healing his catarrh and detailed progress report on the Tunnel which showed a little gold in the uncovered 'wash', dated Mon 24th Aug. .23) Handwritten three page letter regarding the progress of the Tunnel and one of the bores sunk also mentions his health, dated Mon Sept 7th. .24) Handwritten three page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and an account of his illness, dated Thur 24th Sept. .25) Handwritten two page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail and his health which had been poor, dated Thur Oct 8th 31. .26) Handwritten four page letter regarding the Tunnel progress in detail, dated Thur Oct 22. .27) Handwritten four page letter regarding a detailed report of the Tunnel progress including the news of some show of gold and other personal matters including advising Tom not to drive there when he would have to drive home in the dark because of the accidents caused by 'Boosy Drivers', dated Thur Nov 19th 31. .28) Handwritten two page letter regarding the continued promising Tunnel progress, dated Thur Nov 26th. .29) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters relating to the coming Christmas visit, dated Thur Dec 3rd 1931. .30) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tunnel progress and personal matters regarding the impending visit by the family, dated Sun Dec 6th 31. .31) Handwritten two page letter regarding his health and the treatment proscribed by a Chinese herbalist and also some information about his expenses, dated Sunday 25/1/32. .32) Handwritten four page letter regarding Tunnel progress including a small diagram and further information on his health, dated Thur 25th Feb 32. .33) Handwritten three page letter regarding Tunnel progress and some personal and family information, dated Mon 21st 32. .34) Handwritten one page letter regarding some personal matters and information about the Tunnel progress, dated Thus 31st Mar. .35) Handwritten two page letter regarding detailed information about the Tunnel as well as a one page diagram of the Drives being excavated, dated Sun night 3rd April. .36). Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding a mixture of personal matters and matters relating to the Tunnel, dated 18/4/32. .37) Handwritten one page letter regarding enclosed three shares which were to be placed as he was very short of funds, dated 19-4-32. .38) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel and family matters, dated 6/5/32. .39) Handwritten one page letter from his home in Prahran regarding work carried out by Ned at the Tunnel, dated 10/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned (E. Woodlook) to 'Mr Squire' regarding regarding Tunnel progress, dated Saturday. .40) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress and some personal matters, dated 27/5/32 plus an attached one page letter written by Ned to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress and with the information that the rats were bad in Richard's hut, dated Friday. .41) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding Tunnel progress, dated 3/6/32 plus a two page letter written by E.Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress as well as person matters regarding his health, dated Friday (27th May 32 written in pencil by Richard). .42) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding tunnel progress and financial matters, also detailed information about the Madison's Tunnel, dated 8/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday (4 June, 32). .43) Handwritten three page letter from his home Prahran regarding a sketch he had made of Madison's Tunnel and the Mercer Shaft (not present) and the similarity of other mines with barely Payable gold, dated 13/6/32. plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .44) Handwritten one page letter by Richard Squire to 'Tom' from his home in Prahran with some personal information as well as the hope to return to Mt Mercer as he felt he was now well, not dated, plus a two page letter from E. Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding duty stamps sent and Tunnel progress dated Saturday. .45) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the progress of the Tunnel, dated 21/6/32, plus a one page letter from E. Woodlock regarding the progress of the Tunnel work, dated Monday (20/6/32). .46) Handwritten three page letter from his home in Prahran regarding the price of gold and the effect that mining Payable gold in the Madison Tunnel could have, dated 27/6/32. .47) Handwritten three page letter by Richard Squire to Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' from his home in Prahran regarding his thoughts on the Madison Tunnel at Piggoreet, dated Mon 4th July 32, plus two one page letters by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding the Tunnel work and more personal things, dated Wednesday (June 29th 32) and Saturday (July 2nd). .48) Handwritten two page letter from his home in Prahran regarding his intention to return to the diggings in a small car procured for his use and his intention to re-peg the Leigh River Lease in another name, dated Sun 17/7/32, plus a two page and a one page letter by E Woodlock to 'Mr Squire' regarding progress at the Tunnel dated Thursday (7th July) and Tuesday (12th July 32). .49) Handwritten one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire detailing the tunnel work and other work related details dated Saturday (16th July 32), plus a one page letter by 'Dad' (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the letter sent by Ned (E Woodlock) and the ongoing work. He also talks about the health of Mam, his wife, dated 19th July 32. .50) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that he was to finally return to the mine, dated 22/7/32, plus a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the ongoing work, dated Wednesday (20th July). .51) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, regarding the works in the Mt Mercer Tunnel (mentioning South Cockloft). He also details that the drive from town (Melbourne) took 4 gallons of petrol, dated Thur 28th July 32. .52) Handwritten 3 page letter detailing the work carried on at the tunnels and with the information that underground gas had halted work temporarily. He was keen that Tom should visit one weekend soon, dated Sat 6th Aug 1932. .53) Handwritten four page letter detailing the work and new bore holes near Madisons Tunnel. The No 1 tunnel work had to be suspended due to continued gas filling the diggings every time the barometric pressure dropped. On the last page was a rough sketch of the area which was being worked, dated 19th Aug 32. .54) Handwritten two page letter regarding Tom's proposed visit to the site and some plans that he should bring with him. He also spoke of a pup that he was housing till Tom came, dated 21/8/32. .55) Handwritten one page letter encouraging Tom to bring skid chains for his vehicle as the road was muddy when he came on the weekend. He gave a brief account of the work and of the pup's progress, dated 25/8/32 .56) Handwritten three page letter regarding the weather and the relief he felt at knowing Tom and his companions had arrived safely home. He also thanked Tom for the cheques for Ned and detailed a little of the work at the tunnel and the need for more explosives as well as the fact that they had had to put a lock on the door of the hut to stop intruders, dated Sun Sept 4th 32. .57) Handwritten one page letter regarding the ongoing work at the tunnel, dated Thur Sept 8/32. .58) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, regarding his trip home, work at the tunnel and with information about the enclosed receipts, dated 16/9/32. Also included was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire regarding the work at the tunnel, dated Wednesday. .59) Handwritten one page letter from Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' written from Mt Mercer, regarding the work at the tunnel and the effect that 2 inches of rain had on the work, dated Wed Sept 20th 32. .60) Handwritten two page letter regarding the work at the tunnel and with the information that Mr Read who owned the property where the tunnel was located, had a serious accident in Melbourne, dated Thur 29th Sept 30 (this 1930 date is a mistake as the information contained in this letter follows on from his previous letter dated 20th Sept 32). .61) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work at the tunnel with the encouraging information that flecks of gold were found in about half a dish (mining pan), dated Thur Sept 22nd. .62) Handwritten two page letter regarding the progress at the tunnel and the difficulties of the work and thanks for Ned's cheque. Also mentioned was the information that Mr Read had a fractured pelvis and would be in hospital for two months, so Mrs Read with her father was looking after the shearing, dated Thur 6th Oct. .63) Handwritten two page letter with a third page of a diagram of a cross section of the Leigh River Tunnel, including the new tunnel and Madisons tunnel, with detailed description of the work in the tunnel, dated Sat 8th Oct. .64) Handwritten two page letter written from Prahran, giving detailed information of the tunnel and the expected outcome of the work. He also commented that he was to visit Mr Read in hospital, dated 14/10/32. .65) Handwritten two page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the work in the tunnel and his visit to Mr Read, dated Wed 19th Oct. Enclosed also was a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving an account of his work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .66) Handwritten one page letter regarding the work in the tunnel, dated Sun Oct 23/32. .67) Handwritten two page letter from Dad & Jim (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies all' regarding the receipt of Ned's wages cheque and the insurance of Ned's person as well as a detailed description of the tunnel and its relationship to Madisons Tunnel. He also gives some indication of his health, dated Tue Nov 1st 32. .68) Handwritten on page letter written from Prahran, giving a small amount of information about the tunnel work as well as his visit to see Mr Read and some personal information, undated. Enclosed also is a one page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .69) Handwritten one page letter with little information, dated 11/11/32. Also enclosed is a one page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire about the work in the tunnel, dated Thursday. .70) Handwritten three page letter with detailed information about the tunnel work and an aside about Jim's help and the he suffered from "Imaginitis imagines he sees a speck of gold in every bit of gravel met", dated 10/11/32. .71) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information on the work as their tunnel crossed with the old Madison Tunnel, dated Thur 17th Nov. .72) Handwritten three page letter detailing information on an application for a 500 acre lease which was posted at the Grenville Post Office and how it would impact on their lease. The upshot was that their leases would need to be re-pegged and the fee to publish a Notice of Application on their Leigh River claim was necessary to pay and he wondered if one of their investors would pay the 10 pounds necessary to secure the claim. He also spoke of perhaps forming a Company to put a plant on their Mt Mercer shaft as he felt that the gold would be of a payable quantity, dated Sunday 20th Nov, Also included was a note written by Ned (Edward Woodlock) who had copied the Notice of Application. .73) Handwritten two page letter detailing information found in Madison's Tunnel as it related to their own tunnels, particularly No 2 tunnel and how far he felt he would need to tunnel to reach an improvement in the 'wash', dated Thur 24th Nov. .74) Handwritten one page letter thanking him for the cheque the investor, Mr Wilkinson had provided for the Notice of Application for the Mt Mercer old Lease of 828 acres. He also gave some information about how it was originally farm labourers who only worked this lease and only when they had no other work. He also gave some personal information about Mam's birthday, dated Mon Nov 28th 32. .75) Handwritten two page letter by Dad (Richard Squire) to 'Tom, Hazel & Kiddies 3' written from Prahran, telling them that they had received Ned Cheque and that that Jim and He had come home. He also detailed an incident that Jim had had with a tyre blowout whilst on his way to get explosives and post the Notice of Application in the Warden's Office in Ballarat. The stub axle had bent and Jim had to ride a bike to get a new one and after changing the inner tube of the tyre they were able to drive back to Melbourne and were in the process on having the tyre re-treaded, dated 6/12/32. .76) Handwritten one page letter explaining how he and Mam had contracted colds and that his kidneys had some of their of trouble. He hoped to return to Mt Mercer on the weekend, dated 18th Jan 33. Also included was a handwritten two page letter by E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving information about the tunnel work, an injury to his hand and the fact that he had only 3 picks that were any good. He also asked for some vegetables, tomatoes and bacon when Richard returned, dated Saturday. .77) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, giving information about the tunnel work, now 97'6" in and how he had expected to have already come upon the Madison's gold bearing gravel wash, dated Wed 25th Jan 33. .78) Handwritten two page letter with detailed information about how the tunnel had cut across a second Madison's tunnel and the prospects in this tunnel looked more promising. He also stated that he had not been well the last few days, dated Frid 27th 33 .79) Handwritten one page letter with information about the shotty gold found and the tunnel work and that he would test the value of the wash where the gold was found, dated Mon 30th Jan. .80) Handwritten short note of one page giving sketchy information about the tunnel work, dated Tue 31st Jan 33. .81) Handwritten two page letter giving information about his dealings with the Secretary for Mines relating to the fact that because the application for lease was identical to the old lease, they therefore should not need to pay for a full survey costing 7 pounds, just an inspection. He also detailed the workings and asks for more parsley roots to be sent to him, dated Thur Feb 9th 33. .82) Handwritten one page letter stating that he had received Ned's cheque and information about the workings, the coarse gold found and the fact they were going home for fresh food, dated Tue 14th 33. .83) Handwritten two page letter giving detailed information on the progress of the tunnelling as well as the information that Len and Max had come to visit the site and that Len had brought with him Keating, who he detested and pondered the reason for his bringing the man. As they were leaving Max "told Ned he thought they were going down to Ice Mam". Richard was worried about paying the 7 pounds ten shillings for the Department of Mines survey and was loath to put in another 20 pounds for another share of the mine to pay for it. He gave his thanks for a parcel of parsley he'd received , dated Tue 21st Feb 33. .84) Handwritten two page letter written saying that he had received Ned's cheque (for wages) and giving detailed information on the progress and for the need to timber the drive and have the bottom stoped up. He had no timber or laths left and was concerned about the cost necessary to satisfy the Mines Department. He mentions the possibility of insolvency. Fine gold had been found but not like the Madison's tunnel, dated Tue 28th Feb 33. .85) Handwritten two page letter written giving detailed information of the progress in the tunnel and with the expectation that they would soon meet the same wash which was in Madison's Tunnel. He also personal information about his health. the parsley roots received and the apples which Jim had "burgled", dated Sun 5th Mar 33. .86) Handwritten four page letter by with a very detailed account of the progress of the tunnelling and the reason why the expected intersection with the Madison wash did not occur, but with the hope that this intersection would soon occur, then they would be able to meet expenses. He also talked about not being able to pay for the lease but had the hope they they would not be too rigid in their case. He added some personal information about Jim not having the makings of a miner, catching rabbits "for the pot" and the fact that Mr Read was so much better that he was able to ride his horse, dated Sat 11th Mar 33. .87) Handwritten one page letter written from Prahran, acknowledging the receipt of Ned's cheque, a note about the work at the tunnel and some personal information, dated 21/3/33. .88) Handwritten one page letter written from Mt Mercer, saying that there was little change in the tunnel but that he was would open a cross cut north, dated Thur 23 March 33. .89) Handwritten note of a half page telling them that he had cross cut the tunnel, dated Sat 25th Mar. .90) Handwritten one page letter with progress of the tunnelling and where it is in relation to Madison's Tunnel, dated Thur 30th Mar 33. .91) Handwritten three page letter with the first part of the letter talking about the personal and financial worries he and his family had with travelling and mining expenses as well as Ned's wages which could not have been managed without Judy's little car, Jim's help and the payment of Ned's wages by Tom. He went on to give detailed information of the tunnelling and then talked about a letter received by the Department of Mines regarding the non payment of the lease and that a Notice of Abandonment would be published if not paid. Lastly he talked about the struggle he had had with this process and that it was only because of Tom's help that he had been able to continue this far, dated Sun 2/4/33. .92) A one page letter with information about the progress as well as the information that he had not heard from the Mines Department regarding the lease, and the the 1000 sq ft Miners Right Claim was secure, dated Thur 6th April. .93) A three page letter with detailed information about the work in the tunnel and also detailed explanation of the leases he has pegged and repegged. He also thanked Tom for paying the balance which was owed to the Department and informed Tom that he was going home, dated Tues 11th April 33. .94) A four page letter written from Prahran, thanking Tom for Ned's cheque and with information about the work still being carried on by Ned. He also talked about the pegging of the Mt Mercer claim and the cost of the advertisement and application and survey fees to secure the site as well as his opinion of the probable value of the gold from this site. He also stated that he really needed more investment from those who had initially invested with him or from new investors, dated 17/4/33. Included was a one page letter from Edward Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work he was carrying out at the tunnel, dated Saturday. .95) A three page letterwritten from Mt Mercer, regarding the work in the tunnel and the quality of the gold found and the direction they will take. He also stated that he was posting letters to the original investors to see if they would contribute to the cost of the lease and also talked about another man who had a Notice of Application posted at Grenville for the water rights for a 25 miles long area and a dam. His Capital is 300 pounds and the supposition is that he wants to 'unwater' the leads, dated Frid 20th April. .96) A one page letter regarding the continued work in the tunnel and how his suppositions seemed to be correct, dated Thur 27th April 33. .97) A three page letter thanking Tom for Ned's cheque of 6 pounds 7 shillings and 6 pence. He also gave detailed information about the tunneling and the type of ground found and his next intentions. He also gave further information about the Notice of Application at Grenville which was posted by B Ryan, Agent for Western Deep Leads Coy Limited for 6000 acres, dated Sun 30th April 33. As well is a note detailing the information copied from the Notice. .98) A two page handwritten letter detailing the work being carried out as well as a complaint that he had not heard from the men he had written to, dated Thur 4th May 33. .99) A one page handwritten letter regarding the tunnel work and informing Tom that the gold found is shotty, dated Sat 6th May 33. .100) A four page handwritten letter written from Prahran, detailing the tunnel work and informing that the gold prospects were better in no.1 cross cut south and there was also payable fair gold where they were currently working, if worked in bulk. He also talked about the possibility of new investors as the old ones had not responded to his letter and the necessity of securing the leases, dated 11th May 1933. .101) A one page handwritten letter by E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire regarding the work going on, dated Thursday. .102) A six page handwritten letter written from Prahran historically detailing the acquisition of the two leases at Mt Mercer, 35 years earlier, with M C Donnely/Donney and Jas Clements, including Madisons. He goes on to clarify Tom's suggestion regarding the Leases and the Companies to be floated, then details the the shafts, bores, tunnels and Deep Leads held in the leases and then goes on to say what his next steps would be, dated 13th May 33. .103) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer detailing the continued work in the tunnel with the added information that because of the incline it was taking two men to push the truck up the tunnel. Richard also told of the need to take more parsley water for his condition, dated Thur 18th 33. .104) A three page letter with a very detailed description of the work in the tunnel. Richard also told that he had run out of metal rails and was having to use timber as a substitute. He was also to re-peg the North and South Leases in the morning, dated Sun 21st May 33. .105) A two page letter detailing the work in the tunnel and saying that there was a hundred feet of rail locked in by a fall in the No.2 Tunnel and he was hoping to get them out to replace the wooden rails as they made for heavy work on the inclines. He also said that he had a letter from the Department telling him to communicate with the Surveyor in Ballarat, dated Wed 24th May. .106) A three page letter acknowledging Ned's cheque as well as information about the work in the tunnel, including that he had been able to retrieve 45 feet of rail and would get more when needed. He said he was pleased that Tom and Mr Wilkinson were making a trip on Saturday to see him. He talked of the weather and the fact that the bread was a week old, so to bring enough to last till the Monday. Among other things he also spoke of Tom revising the Plans and also having a Share book printed and the name was to be the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension for which there could possibly be 3 Companies, dated Sun 28th May. .107) A one page letter with information about the work in the tunnel and also a weather update and the best way to come, dated Wed 31 May 33. .108) A two page letter written from Prahran, explaining a visit to the Leigh River Shaft to get whim rope, whip wheels and sundry items. He shifted some equipment and built a new forge and was to fix and mount a windlass and rope to enable Ned to get the truck up the incline of the tunnel. He also spoke of the work being undertake by Ned then when on to more personal correspondence about a birthday present for one of Tom's boys, dated 9/6/33. .109) A two page letter acknowledging receipt of the 'Prospectus of the Ballarat Deep Leads Extension Syndicate' and 'Share Certificate'. The No.1 Lease was in Ned's name and the No.2 Lease was in Jim's name to avoid inquisitive interest. Jim logged a Notice of Application and paid the fees. Richard acknowledged receipt of Ned's cheque and asked for 5 pounds as his finances were 'rather tight', dated 14/6/33. Included was a 1 page letter from Ned to Mr Squire regarding the work in the mine, dated Saturday. .110) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer giving information about what was happening in the new x cut N near the mouth of the tunnel, dated Friday 16/6/33. .111) A one page letter telling about the work and that he had fixed an old shed of Mr Reads for the forge. Mr Read and Mr Cameron visited and Richard was hopeful that Mr Cameron, the owner of the land in the North Lease would be easy as regards an agreement, dated June 22/33. .112) A two page letter which talked about his health, the mine, the local J.P. who had lost his eye in a shearing accident and the surveyors visit, He also spoke about contacting the Gold Mines Ltd and the Berry Leads Company, dated Tue 27th 33. Also included was a letter to the Mines Department and a receipt from the Mines Department for the sum of 7 pounds 10 shillings as well as the Lease Applications from the newspaper dated June 13th 1933. .113) A two page letter complaining of the charge made by the Mines Department for a Surveyors Inspection. He also wrote of trying to set up a float for the mine which he would do when he returned home.He also explained the current findings at the mine, dated Sun 2nd July 1933. .114) A one page note written from Prahran informing Tom that he had not yet heard from Gold Mines Ltd and also that there was a hitch with the lease on the house, but this was to hopefully be fixed the following day. He also spoke of Tom's trip home (completed in tow), dated 18/7/33. .115) A two page letter recounting some of the difficulties they were having with the new owners of the house they leased in Prahran. He also spoke of the fact that the Mines Department had requested another 10 pounds although they had not yet completed the survey on either mine, dated 21/7/1933. Also included was a one page letter from E. Woodlock (Ned) to Mr Squire about the workings, dated Tuesday and a letter from the Gold Mines of Australia Limited saying that the information he had supplied was now with their engineers, dated 20th July, 1933. .116) A three page letter written from Armidale saying that Mam (his wife) was fretting with the move to this house. He also told of the rejection by the Gold Mines of Australia Limited of his proposal to invest in his Mt Merser Mine, stating that he believed that Jim Clements who had been the manager when the mine had previously been opened, had most likely "thrown all the cold water he could" on the proposal. He spoke at length about how this man had run the mine into the ground and his own involvement with the winding up of the company. He went on to say that he would approach Ryall to see if he was interested in investing, dated 28/7/33. Included was the letter from Gold Mines of Australia Limited, dated 26th July, 1933. .117) A two page letter written from Prahran telling of the move to another house where Mam was quite settled. He also wrote of the work Ned was carrying out at the mine as well as personal and family news. He wrote that as he had not heard from Ryall, he would visit him the following day, dated 6/8/33. Also included was a two page letter from E Woodlock to Mr Squire giving detailed information of the progress at the tunnel, as well as asking for a new pair of boots as the ground was so wet his were letting in the water, dated Thursday. .118) A two page letter explaining about a letter he received from Mr Cameron who believed he had found gold as well as some personal information and his health, dated 8/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Neil W Cameron to R B Squire telling about some specks of gold he'd found in a post hole, dated July 31st 33. Thirdly was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire explaining the work he was doing in the tunnel, dated Saturday. .119) A one page note saying that he did not like the enclosed 2 copies of the typed Agreement of the Leigh River Gold Mining Company with William Ryall, but asked Tom's advice. dated 9/8/33. .120) A two page letter dealing mainly about the work going on at the new house and the settling in process. He also wrote about the proposed Agreement with Ryall, dated 11/8/33. Also included was a one page letter from Mr Ryall to R B Squire from which part of the left hand side had been severed, dated 10th August 1933. .121) A one page note from R B Squire to W Ryall dated 14/8/33, with attached one page of information and figures. Also attached a one page letter from R B Squire to W Ryall asking if Ryall would be interested viewing the plans for an alluvial mining proposition, dated 27/7/33. .122) A three page letter mainly about the visit to Ryall and a Mr Cundy about the proposed agreement with his concerns about the language and terms of the agreement, dated Sun 21st 33. Also included was a letter from Ned to Mr Squire about the continued work in the tunnel and the fact that two of the pick heads had cracked and would have to be fixed, dated Thursday. .123) A two page letter dealing with a meeting had with Ryall and others in a private office regarding the interest in investing in the mining proposition, dated 23/8/33. .124) A four page letter dealing mainly with the work at the tunnel and exploratory diggings at the spot Mr Cameron had written about as well as the damage done to the car on the way to the workings, dated 29/8/33. .125) A one page letter telling of a proposed meeting with Mr Taylor and a Mr Bowler, who may turn out to be Alan Bowler who he knew, regarding the Mr Mercer Float scheduled for the following day, dated 30/8/33. .126) A five page letter explaining the content of the meeting held with Mr Bowler, who represented an English consortium which was interested in the Mt Mercer site. He explained the terms that the consortium would offer if they went ahead, This included 25 % shares in the mine but no money, which he bemoaned because of the shortness of their cash reserves. He went on to detail the 4 distinct deposits of wash in this field, which he believed were unique in the Ballarat district. He also stated that he had not heard from Mr Ryall. He closed by talking about the water levels in the mine, dated 1/9/33. .127) A two page letter saying that he had written an 11 page report on the Mt Mercer field for the English consortium as well as a private letter for the chairman.He also reported that he had been to see Ryall. Neither party knew that he was talking to the other. added was some personal information, dated 6/9/33. .128) A one page letter telling of a meeting with Mr Bowler and Mr Tayler who carefully went through his report. It was then being typed. He believed he had two strong supporters, dated 7/9/33. Also included was a 2 page note from A Bowler to R B Squire asking him to bring the report into the office the following day to be perused and typed, dated Sept 6th 33. .129) A two page letter with personal encouragement for one of the children. The letter then goes on with more information about the meeting with Mr Tayler and Bowler and his impressions of their interest. He also talked about the one of the experts who was to examine the site and also about the report which was now typed and a copy sent to Tom, dated 8/9/33. .130) A one page letter keeping him informed of progress. The expert was away but would be briefed on his return. He also thanked Tom for a cheque, which was used to get the car 'Liz' back in order for the trip to be made with the experts at a later date. He informed Tom of his intention to return to Mt Mercer, dated 13/9/33. .131) A one page letter written from Mt Mercer telling of the trip from Melbourne and the weather. He spoke of what was happening in the tunnel and that he had not yet heard from any of the interested parties, dated Tue 19th Sept. .132) A five page letter written from Prahran with detailed information about the tunnels, the washes and the shows. He also detailed his meeting with Bryant 38 years ago at the No 1 at Carisbrook and how he had given him assistance at that time and subsequently as well as giving his version of a potted history of Bryant, dated 29/9/33. .133) A two page letter with information about the arrival of the chairman of the English group and that Ned had shown Mr Kermode around the site, dated 6/10/33. Also included was a cutting from the Age about the arrival of Mr F W Baker, representing a large English financial group interested in Victorian deep lead propositions, dated Oct 6th. As well were two, one page letters from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom, regarding the work in the tunnels, the bad air and the hopes of a successful float, dated Tuesday and Wednesday. .134) A one page letter thanking them for the gift of eggs and parsley. He also talked about a letter from Bowler regarding the business of the experts and that their leases would be seen in due course, dated 10/10/33. Included was a one page letter from A Bowler to P B Squires saying that Mt Mercer site was receiving attention but that no decision had as yet been made, dated Oct 9th 1933. .135) A three page letter written from Prahran giving information about Richards visit and conversation with Mr Ryall, who indicated that no decision had as yet been made regarding his proposal. He also included some personal information about members of the family, dated 18/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned (E Woodlock) to Tom with information about the tunnelling progress in no.2 tunnel and the bad air that drove them out for a time, dated Saturday. .136) A one page letter containing a brief update on the state of affairs , dated 20/10/33. Included was a one page letter from Ned to Mr Squire with an information on the progress at the tunnel and with the information that his hands were cracked so badly that he was wearing two socks on each hand, dated Saturday. .137) A one page letter which family news and a paragraph about the figures in his calculations, dated 21/10/33. On the back side was a letter from E Squire (his wife) to Tom, Hazel & boys again with family and personal information, dated 22nd 10/33. .138) A three page letter with the disappointing news that the English consortium would not take up the option on the Mt Mercer lease and gave his opinion that it was self interest that stopped it going ahead. He then gave two options as to the way forward, dated 24/10/33. Also included was a typed one page letter from W C Tayler to R B Squire informing him of a letter stating that the proposal had been turned down, dated 23rd October 1933. .139) A three page letter informing of further developments with Mr Tayler who asked for the plans to be left at the office till the following week as there was another company who may yet be interested to take up the option, dated 27/10/33. .140) A one page letter asking for 9 copies of the old agreement to be typed for the 3 Syndicate members, Rice, Cameron and McNaughton, dated 5/11/33. .141) A three page letter regarding the decision by the Syndicate to reopen the LRG shaft and the practical issues of timber acquisition and probable costs. He then went on to talk about Mam's indisposition and treatment by the herbalist, Goon, dated 8/11/33. Also included was a newspaper clipping from the Age entitled 'Inquiries for properties at Ballarat'. .142) A three page letter giving all the news regarding the agreements, the costs and the way forward. He also spoke of his wife's improvement and other personal information, dated 11/11/33. .143) A two page letter written from Mt Mercer regarding the difficulties in obtaining the timbers and tanks needed to reopen the shaft and the state of all the existing fittings and what would be needed to get the site operational again. His agreement with Mr Read had duly been signed, dated Thurs 16th 33. .144) A two page letter with further information about the progress with acquiring and repairing the shaft site, dated Mon Nov 20th 33. .145) A three page letter informing that the timber for the whim & shaft were being delivered and the area had been cleared out for the poppet heads. The top of the shaft had been cleared ready for re-framing and other work had been carried out. Liz, the car had broken down and Jim was in the process of fixing her. He concluded with information about his and his wife's health, dated Sun 26th Nov 33. .146) A four page letter with news of Mam's health, the problems associated with fixing the car and the floods which stopped Jim from going to Ballarat and washed away the Gary Bridge which affected the mail and had halted work at the shaft, as well as delaying the second delivery of timber, dated Sun Dec 3rd. .147) richard squire, william ryall, jim clements, gold mines of australia limited, e woodlock, ned woodlock, neil w cameron, alan bowler, mr cundy, don mcnaughton, mr rice -
Unions Ballarat
General incoming correspondence of the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council, 1884-1923; 1925; 1931; 1937; 1938; 1949-1950; 1952-1955
Paper/letters stored in two boxes. Arranged in separate folders by year. The lists below are alphabetical. Located by year and number. 1884 - J.W. Graham, Secretary 18. Amalgamated Mining Engine Drivers' Association - regarding appointing a delegate to Council. 12 December 1884. 14. Bendigo Amalgamated Miners' Association, Mr Phillips, Secretary - regarding formation of a Bendigo Trades and Labor Council. 22 July 1884. 1. B? Secretary for Lands, Victoria - regarding deputation from Council to him. 8 January 1884. 15. A.R. Davie - regarding half holiday Union appointing delegates to Council. 77 July 1884. 8. D.M. Davies - regarding deputation to Minister for Lands, Victoria. 11 January 1884. 7. J.L. Dowe - regarding deputation to Minister for Lands, Victoria. 11 January 1884. 6. F.R. Fincham - regarding deputation to Minister for Lands, Victoria. 11 January 1884. 16. J.W. Grahame - regarding leave of absence. 10 October 1884. 17. W. Hosking - regarding alteration of rule 14. n.d. 2. J. Kline - regarding apologies for absence from Council meeting. 10 January 1884. A copy of a letter to The Courier is attached. 4. Painters' Union (Geoff Ludbrook) - regarding assisting at Eight Hour Anniversary. 11 January 1884. 13. J. Pearce - regarding apologies for absence from Council. 11 July 1884. 12. G. Rasy? - regarding apologies for absence from Council. 9 May 1884. 3. J.R. Richardson - regarding presence on deputation to Minister for Lands. 10 January 1884. 10. R.D. Reid - regarding apologies for absence from Council. 11 January 1884. 9. A. Sutherland - regarding presence on deputation to Minister for Lands. 10 January 1884. 11. Specifications for stamping marbles for Council. n.d. 5. A. Young - deputation to Minister for Lands. 10 January 1884. 1885 - J.L. Anderson, Secretary 8. Amalgamated Mining Engine Drivers' Association - regarding delegates to Council. 8 May 1885. 11. J. Anderson (Secretary of Council) to H. Uren MLA - regarding amalgamation of the Council with the City Free Library. 10 August 1885. 24. Ballarat Cricket Club - regarding using the oval for Eight Hour Anniversary. 9 December 1885. 7. Ballarat Woollen Mills Operative Union - regarding giving name of Union, list of Union members. 8 May 1885. 4. Ballarat Typographical Association - regarding printing of Council material. 8 May 1885. 2. J. Binner - regarding prizes given at Eight Hour Anniversary. 26 April 1885. 19. Cabmens Union, Ballarat - regarding delegate to Council. 8 October 1885. 12. Carpenters and Joiners Trade Society - regarding delegate to Council. 7 September 1885. 23. Carpenters and Joiners Trade Society - forwarding a copy of rules. 8 December 1885. 14. H. Clotz, et al - regarding Friday half holiday for hairdressers. 10 September 1885. 1. Eight Hours Anniversary Programme. 21 April 1885. 15. Friendly Society of Ironmoulders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - new Secretary of same. 11 September 1885. 17. Friendly Society of Ironmoulders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegate to Council. 7 October 1885. 21. Friendly Society of Ironmoulders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegate to Council. 22 November 1885. 5. E. Ingram - regarding losses incurred at Eight Hour Anniversary. 8 May 1885. 20. L. Mills - regarding apologies for absence. 9 October 1885. 3. Painters' Union - regarding delegates to Council. 4 May 1885. 18. Painters' Union - regarding delegates to Council. 8 October 1885. 25. J. Pearce - regarding apologies for absence. 11 December 1885. 26. C. Salter - regarding donations to Eight Hours Anniversary. 14 December 1885. 6. A. Smith - regarding apologies for absence. 8 May 1885. 9. E.H. Swifte - regarding amalgamation of Council with Free City Library. 13 July 1885. 10. E.H. Swifte - regarding amalgamation of Council with Free City Library. 7 August 1885. 13. Tanners and Curriers of Ballarat - regarding forming a branch of the Union in Ballarat. 8 September 1885. 16. Trades and Labor Council, Brisbane - regarding formation of same. 8 November 1885. 7. J. Treloar - regarding apologies for absence. 8 May 1885. 1886 - J.L. Anderson, Secretary 7. Amalgamated Miners' Association of Australasia - regarding Delegates to Council. 8 May 1886. 3. Amalgamated Mining Engine Drivers Association, Ballarat Branch - regarding Delegates to Council. 7 May 1886. 5. Amalgamated Society of Engineers - regarding Delegates to Council. 11 May 1886. 1. Half Holiday Union, Ballarat - regarding Delegates to Council. 7 May 1886. 6. Operative Bakers' Society - regarding Delegates to Council. 11 May 1886. 4. Painters' Union - regarding Delegates to Council. 11 May 1886. 2. Victorian Operative Bootmakers Union, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegates to Council. 12 May 1886. 8. Ballarat United Friendly Societies' Dispensary - accepting an offer of a deputation to special meeting of General Committee. 1887 - T. Bayley, Secretary Nil. 1888 - T.S. Bayley, Secretary 24. Amalgamated Miners' Association of Australasia - regarding meeting to hear Dr Siscs on the Worn out Miners Sustentation Fund. 6 December 1888. 7. Australian Natives' Association, Ballarat Branch - regarding alienation of portion of public park. 21 June 1888. 19. Ballarat Trades and Labour Council (to various unions) - regarding support of direct labor representation in Parliament from Ballarat West. 20 October 1888. 11. Ballarat Typographical Society - regarding room for meeting. 6 July 1888. 22. A. Callaway (Chief Secretary for A. Deakin) - regarding names submitted for Commission of the Peace. 19 November 1888. 9. Eight Hours' Anniversary Committee - regarding money for tickets sold. 27 June 1888. 15. W.F. Emery - regarding apologies for absence. 14 September 1888. 6. Gillies (for the Victorian Premier) - regarding Chinese immigrants. 8 May 1888. 1. Grocers Association of Geelong - regarding joining Council. 14 April 1888. 5. Half Holiday Union - regarding delegates to Council. 3 May 1888. 18. Intercolonial Trades and Labor Union Congress, 6th, Hobart, 5-8 February 1888 (Hugh Kirk, Secretary of Hobart Trades and Labor Council) - regarding printed invitations to the Congress. 27 October 1888. 13. Ironworkers Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegates to Council. 8 August 1888. 14. Ironworkers Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegates to Council. 4 September 1888. 23. Ironworkers Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegates to Council. 14 December 1888. 8. H. Jones - regarding Major Dane's lectures. 25 June 1888. 2. Locomotive Engine Drivers and Firemen's Association - regarding delegates to Council. 17 April 1888. 17. A. McKenzie - regarding apologies for absence. n.d. 3. V.M. Pearson - regarding organisation of a trades union in Colac. 14 April 1888. 10. John Shiels - regarding overdraft of Council. 6 July 1888. 21. Tanners and Curriers Union, Ballarat Branch - regarding delegates to Council. 12 November 1888. 20. Trades Hall Council, Geelong - thanking for assistance from Council. 11 November 1888. 4. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. (David Bennett, Secretary) - regarding new regulations by-laws and standing orders. 17 April 1888. 16. Victorian Operative Bricklayers Society - regarding end of dispute. 14 September 1888. 12. John Wilson - regarding Report of Committee on opening of the new Trades Hall. 13 July 1888. 1889 - J. Wilson, Secretary 8. Ballarat Woollen and Worsted Company - regarding support of products by working class. 2 November 1889. 9. Butchers Employees' Association - regarding delegate to Council. 2 December 1889. 1A. Copy of an award of the arbitration in the dispute between Messrs Whitten and Cairns and the Ballarat Bootmakers' Union. 14 February 1889. 10. Half Holiday Union - regarding delegate to Council. 3 December 1889. 1-6. Ironworkers Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding Phoenix Foundry dispute. 20 March 1889-29 March 1889. 11. Painters' Union - regarding formation of a non-union society. 4 December 1889. 13. Painters' Union - regarding formation of a non-union society. 6 December 1889. 12. Messers Stansfield, Bush and Shepphard, Decorators - accuses Painters' Union of instigating a strike. 5 December 1889. 7. Working Men's College and Trades Hall Council, Melbourne - regarding memorial to the late Hon. Francis Ormond. n.d. 1890 - J. Wilson, Secretary 81. James Alexander - regarding request for financial assistance. 30 October 1890. 21. Amalgamated Millers, Engine Drivers and Mill Employees' Association of Australasia - regarding supplying list of firms employing union labour. 4 June 1890. 2. Amalgamated Miners of Australasia (W.C. Spence, Secretary) - thanking Council for their supportive letter. March 1890. 52. Amalgamated Miners of Australasia, Ballarat Branch - regarding suggestion to canvass Ballarat district for funds for strikers. 88. Amalgamated Miners of Australasia (W.G. Spence) - regarding donation from residents of Clementston for Ballarat men out of work and not receiving funds from Council. 15. Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Ballarat Branch - regarding supplying list of shops employing Union labour. 28 April 1890. 44. Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Ballarat Branch - regarding giving numbers of men out of work. 30 September 1890. 69. Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Ballarat Branch - regarding approving members of their union being placed on the relief list. 23 October 1890. 70. T. Bailey - regarding apology for being unable to canvas for strike fund. 23 October 1990. 102. Balance sheet of strike fund of the Council and bundle of receipts. 18. Ballarat Plumbers' Union - regarding supplying a list of firms employing union labour. 6 June 1890. 16. Ballarat Saddle Harness and Collar Makers' Society - regarding supplying a list of firms employing union labour. 5 May 1890. 42. Ballarat Tailoresses' Union - regarding donation to strike fund. 25 September 1890. 45. Ballarat Town Council Employees - regarding donation to strike fund. n.d. 12. Ballarat Typographical Society - regarding supplying name of Secretary and list of firms employing union labour. 19 April 1990. 5. Ballarat Woollen Mills Operative's Union - regarding seeking advice on how to get men to join the union. 22 April 1890. 26B. E. Batterly - regarding apology for being unable to come to mass meeting about strike. 11 September 1890. 46. E. Blayney (hotel owner) - regarding donation to strike fund. n.d. 56. G. Blyman - regarding donation to strike fund. 8 October 1890. 55. J. Brady - regarding donation to strike fund. 6 October 1890. 76. J. Braidie et al - querying reason for getting no strike pay. 27 October 1890. 22. M. Bregazzi - regarding donation to strike fund. 2 September 1890. 34. M. Bregazzi - regarding donation to strike fund. 12 September 1980. 40. M. Bregazzi - regarding donation to strike fund. 23 September 1890. 72. M. Bregazzi - regarding donation to strike fund. 24 October 1890. 57. J. Clement - regarding donations from residents of Clementston for use in Ballarat. 9 October 1890. 3A. D.M. Davies (Minister of Mines, Victoria) - regarding cannot come to mass meeting in Ballarat (telegram). 12 September 1890. 53. W Davies et al - regarding seeking financial from Council though not members of a union. 6 October 1890. 59. W. Davies - objecting to refusal of financial assistance. 10 October 1890. 94. Hugh Dunlop - regarding request for financial assistance. 28 November 1890. 32. John Dunn - regarding apologies for unable to attend mass meeting. 12 September 1890. 60. John Dunn - regarding donation to strike fund. 11 October 1890. 71. W. Evans - regarding resignation as Treasurer and member from strike committee. 24 October 1890. 48. Fitzgerald Bros (Drapers) - regarding donation to strike fund. 1 October 1890. 63. Friendly Society of Ironmoulders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - recommending financial assistance for a member of their Union. 13 October 1890. 29. J. Hancock - regarding being able to attend mass meeting (telegram). 12 September 1890. 74. Horse Drivers' Union, Ballarat - regarding request for financial help for a union member. 25 October 1890. 64. W. Howat - regarding letting of Academy of Music Ballarat for a meeting. 14 October 1890. 50. Hughes and Opie (Drapers) - donation to strike fund. 3 October 1890. 66. J. Hurst (Bucks Head Hotel owner) - regarding donation to strike fund. 18 October 1890. 25. Iron Founders' Society - regarding a request for financial assistance for out of work members. 9 September 1890. 87. Iron Founders' Trade Union, Ballarat - regarding request for financial help for out of work members. 23 September 1890. 39. Ironworkers' Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch (Mr Sheldon, Secretary) - regarding request for financial help for out of work members. 23 September 1890. 79. Ironworkers' Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch (Mr Sheldon, Secretary) -regarding request for financial help. 30 October 1890. 84. Ironworkers' Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch (Mr Sheldon, Secretary) - regarding eligibility of a member to be placed on the strike relief list. 6 November 1890. 89. Ironworkers' Assistants' Society of Victoria, Ballarat Branch (Mr Sheldon, Secretary) -regarding payment to Council of levies on working members for strike fund. 20 November 1890. 98. W. Kean (tobacconist) - regarding suggesting a concert to be held to help the strike relief fund and his offer to help. n.d. 61. W. Kenna (Warrenheip Breweries) - regarding donation to strike fund. 13 October 1890. 38. Joseph Kirtin (Auctioneer) - regarding donation to strike fund. 22 September 1890. 17. Labourers' Protective and Building Society - regarding names of contractors who employ union men. 12 May 1890. 62. D. Lessels - regarding recommendation of J. David for relief. 13 October 1890. 65. List of machinists out of work at the Phoenix Foundry, Ballarat. 14 October 1890. 78. John Lynch - regarding request for financial help. 27 October 1890. 85. John McAuly - regarding dispute settled at Horsham. 10 November 1980. 9. Jas Martin - regarding list of shops employing union men. 14 April 1890. 49. Jas Martin - regarding declaration of being out of work and needing financial help. 2 October 1890. 10. Masons' Society - regarding name of Secretary and list of shops employing union men. 15 April 1890. 58. Master Tailors' Association, Ballarat - regarding donation to strike fund. 10 October 1890. 90. W. Meher - regarding expression of thanks for money given. 24 November 1890. 27. W.E. Murphy - regarding able to come to mass meeting (telegram). 11 September 1890. 30. W.E. Murphy - regarding missed the train (telegram). 12 September 1890. 77. W.E. Murphy - regarding arranging a meeting (telegram). 27 October 1890. 83. W.E. Murphy - regarding thanks for money given. 31 October 1890. 3. Officers of the Ballarat Gas Company - regarding non-union bricklayer working for same. 8 March 1890. 19. Operative Bakers' Society - regarding list of employers using union labour. n.d. 20. Painters' Union - list of shops employing union men. n.d. 23. Painters' Union - regarding suggestion to call a meeting in support of Melbourne strikers. 6 September 1890. 24. Painters' Union - regarding donation to maritime strike, Melbourne. 6 September 1890. 51. Painters' Union - regarding donation to maritime strike, Melbourne. 5 October 1890. 86. G. Philbrook - regarding request for financial assistance. 18 November 1890. 97. G. Philbrook - regarding request for financial assistance. 22 December 1980. 82. T. Porter - regarding apology for absence. n.d. 35. Resolutions (passed at meeting) and list of movers and seconders. 12 September 1890. 41. Saddle, Harness and Collar Makers Society, Ballarat - regarding donation to strike fund. 25 September 1890. 4. Sandhurst and District Trades and Labour Council - regarding thanks for helping them obtain a building for use of their Council. 10 March 1890. 36. John Sayers (hotel owner) - regarding donation to strike fund. 17 September 1890. 93. (?), Sheldon - regarding receipt for money received from emergency fund. 28 November 1890. 26. W. Smith - regarding thanks for invitation to mass meeting (telegram). 10 September 1890. 99. T. (?) Stephen - financial help for members of his union. n.d. 100. Subscription list in aid of the strikers for Unionism by the shareholders and 'employees' of the Jubilee Mine, Long Gully, Black Ball, Scarsdale. n.d. 6. Tanners and Curriers, Ballarat Branch - regarding list of employers using union labour. 3 April 1890. 101. D. Temple (Secretary, Amalgamated Shearers' Union) - regarding request for copy of newspapers publishing correspondence between sheep owners and the Union. n.d. 37. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. Committee of finance and control - regarding thanks to Ballarat Council for efforts to assist the cause of Labour. 18 September 1890. 43. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. Committee of finance and control - regarding advice to Ballarat Council to distribute its own funds and applications for financial help. 29 September 1890. 67. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. Committee of finance and control - regarding seeking continued financial aid from Council. 21 October 1890. 91. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. (Secretary, D. Bennett) - regarding thanks to Ballarat Council for donation. 24 November 1890. 92. Trades Hall Council Melbourne, Committee of finance and control - regarding acknowledging receipt of money from Ballarat Council. 27 November 1890. 95. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. (Secretary, D. Bennett) - regarding thanks to Ballarat Council for donation. 2 December 1890. 96. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. (Secretary, D. Bennett) - regarding thanks to Ballarat Council for donation and explaining why amounts received to not appear in the "Age". 20 December 1890. 68. W. Treloar - regarding public meeting at Buninyong. 21 October 1890. 11. United Society of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding list of shops employing union men. 10 April 1890. 26c. W.H. Uren (MLA) - regarding inability to come to mass meeting (telegram). 11 September 1890. 75. United Society of Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders of Victoria, Ballarat Branch - regarding request for funds for out of work members as own funds exhausted. 27 October 1890. 8. Victorian Operative Bootmakers' Union, Ballarat Branch - regarding giving name of union, list of shops using union men. 10 April 1890. 13. Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society, Ballarat Branch - giving list of shops using union men. 24 April 1890. 14. Victorian Operative Bricklayers' Society, Ballarat Branch - giving name of Secretary. 24 April 1890. 33. N. Wanliss (Solicitor, Ballarat) - regarding donation to strike fund. 12 September 1890. 1. A.C. Whitten - regarding reply to charges of working a percentage system in his boot factory and men taking work home. 17 January 1890. 26a. A. Young (MLA) - regarding inability to attend mass meeting. 11 September 1890. 1891 - J. Wilson, Secretary 2. W.L. Anderson (Secretary, Ironmoulders Society) to W. Stokeld (Secretary, Ballarat Branch of Ironmoulders Society) - regarding conference with employers about wages and recognised public holidays. 18 May 1891. 3. W.L. Anderson (Secretary, Ironmoulders Society) to W. Stokeld (Secretary, Ballarat Branch of Ironmoulders Society) - regarding conference with employers about wages, striking and donation to shearers. 20 June 1890. 1. F. Meagher and E. Hobson - regarding The Industrial Labor League (newspaper cutting from the Ballarat Courier). 21 April 1891. 6. J. Verty - regarding asking J. Wilson (Secretary, Ballarat Trades and Labour Council) to come and speak at Allendale. 3 October 1891. 4. Victoria Reform League - regarding forwarding manifesto for Council's consideration. 21 September 1891. 5. P. (?) Wallis - regarding asking J. Wilson to come and speak at public meeting. Enclosed circular (not there). 21 September 1891. 7. J. Wilson - circular to Ironmoulders Society regarding money for Congress (7th Intercolonial) and refers to the Draft Scheme of Federation. n.d. 8. J. Wilson - circular to Ironmoulders Society regarding Eight Hour demonstration. n.d. 1892 – J. Wilson, Secretary Nil. 1893 - John Wilson, Secretary 9. W. Bannow - regarding seeking information about the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council constitution and affiliated unions. 11 April 1893. 1. Bendigo Miners' Association - regarding unemployment in Bendigo. 16 January 1893. 10. Bendigo and District Trades and Labour Council - suggesting a resolution to call Parliament together regarding unemployment and use of credit notes as legal tender. 16 May 1893. 3. Builders Labourers' Union - regarding stopping their meetings in the Ballarat Trades and Labour Council. 1 February 1893. 17.W.S. Curzon-Siggers - regarding Ballarat Relief Society Fund closed. 8 September 1893. 12. Doctor's certificate. 5 March 1893. 11. Henry Douglass - regarding difficulties of the Woollen Mills Union. 5 July 1893. 13. Federated Seamen's Union of Victoria - regarding visits to Ballarat, Creswick asking for financial help. 28 July 1893. 18. E. Hobson - regarding electoral support for H. Porter (Progressive Political League). n.d. 2. W.J. Lormer and S. Mauger - regarding inaugural meeting of the Protection Liberal and Federation Alliance. 30 January 1893. 6. Operative Bakers' Society, Ballarat - regarding non-union workers. 24 March 1893. 19. Operative Bootmakers' Union, Ballarat Branch - regarding employment of non-union foreman. 14 December 1893. 4. Painters' Union, Ballarat district - regarding its organisation. n.d. (missing) 5. Painters' Union, Ballarat district - regarding village settlements in Ballarat district. n.d. 14. Railway Department - regarding employment on lines. 4 August 1893. 15. Railway Department - regarding Ballarat men employed on railways. 16 August 1893. 8. John Wilson - regarding notice of motion to withdraw certificate of registration of the organisation from the Register. 8 April 1893. 16. John Wilson - regarding weavers’ strike and seeking donations from the Ironmoulders’ union. 22 August 1893. 7. Women's Christian Temperance Union of Victoria - regarding liquor consumption. 5 April 1893. 1894 - John Wilson, Secretary until his death in April 5. W. Anderson - regarding meeting about Parliament assembling. 26 February 1894. 8. H.J. Armytage - regarding meeting about Parliament assembling. 27 February 1894. 21. Balance sheet of the Council. 16 July 1894. 17. J. Barret, Secretary of Melbourne Trades Hall Council - regarding death of J. Wilson. 4 May 1894. 20. Joseph Barret (not the above) - regarding Chinese furniture. 11 August 1894. 31. Bendigo and District Cooperative Movement Society - regarding cooperative movement. 2 February 1894. 9. D.M. Davies – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 27 February 1894. 15. John Dunn – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 1 March 1894. 14. John Dunn – cannot come to meeting. n.d. 6. J.W. Kirton – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 26 February 1894. 12. E. Murphy – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 1 March 1894. 18. Operative Bootmakers’ Union, Ballarat Branch – regarding evening work. 28 June 1894. 16. To J.B. Patterson, Premier of Victoria, from Council – regarding resolutions passed at meeting about unemployment. 5 March 1894. 7. A.J. Peacock – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 26 February 1894. 10. A.J. Peacock – telegram to advise non-attendance. 5 March 1894. 13. T. Porter – meeting regarding Parliament assembling. 5 March 1894. 1. Trades and Labor Council of Otago – regarding unionism in New Zealand. 23 January 1894. 19. United Labor and Liberal Party - regarding request for donations. 16 July 1894. 4. A.T. Vale - regarding meeting about Parliament assembling. 26 February 1894. 38. John Wilson - regarding request to Ironmoulders for donation to Eight Hour Sports Fund. 6 February 1894. 11. Alex Young - regarding meeting about Parliament assembling. 1 March 1894. 1895 – W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. J. Barret (Secretary of Melbourne Trades and Labor Council) - regarding pensioners working. 15 February 1895. 2. EP Date - regarding university extension lectures. 9 June 1895. 3. Agreement (unsigned) between the Trustees of the Ironmoulders' Society and the members thereof. n.d. 1896 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 10. Amalgamated Miners' Association - regarding dispute between BHP and miners. 9 October 1896. 4. Amalgamated Miners' Association, district - regarding aid for miners. 4 May 1896. 12. Ballarat Typographical Society - regarding request for Council to meet on Saturdays. 13 November 1896. 2. J. Barrett - regarding press for a Bill for Conciliation and Compulsory Arbitration. 22 July 1896. 7. J. Barrett - regarding cooperation, Labor-Liberal Party arbitration. 22 July 1896. 9. J. Barrett - regarding Employers' Law Liability Amendment Act. 26 August 1896. 9A. Bendigo Trades and Labor Council (A. Campbell, Secretary) - regarding opening of Hall. 31 August 1896. 11. Bendigo Trades and Labor Council (A. Campbell, Secretary) - Employers' Liability Amendment Act. 9 November 1896. 14. F.H. Bromly - regarding raising finance for W.A. Trenwith, M.P. n.d. 1. M. Campbell - regarding support for the People's Party. 5 February 1896. 3. H.M. Champion - regarding May Day Demonstration. March 1896. 6. Cigar Makers' Union - regarding employing non-union labor. 1 June 1896. 5. L. Corstorphan (Secretary, Woollen Mills' Union) - regarding new name of Union (Ballarat Operative Weavers' Union). 23 May 1896. 13. R. Surtees - impressions of W.A. 9 November 1896. 12. T. Young (Secretary, Ballarat Typographical Society) - regarding BHP and miners' dispute. 13 November 1896. 1897 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. S. Barker - regarding leaflet about International Labor Day. 2 May 1897. 4. J. Barrett - regarding Ben Tillet's visit to Victoria. 23 August 1897. 5. J. Barrett - regarding Ben Tillet's visit to Victoria. 23 August 1897. 6. J. Barrett - regarding subscription for Ben Tillet's visit. n.d. 2. Bendigo District Trades and Labor Council (H. Hanton, Secretary) - regarding corn and flour duties. 7 June 1897. 3. C. Harris - regarding Eight Hours' monies. 21 July 1897. 7. J.P. Jones - regarding finance for Tocsin. 30 August 1897. 1898 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 11. Adelaide Labor Conference 1898 - invitation. 8 August 1898. 1. J. Barrett - regarding conference of Labor bodies. 7 March 1898. 10. J. Barrett - private to Hurdsfield regarding resolutions of Melbourne Trades and Labor Council. 19 September 1898. 13. T. McCoates - regarding Ballarat Benevolent Asylum and Lying in Hospital and Ben Tillet. 22 November 1898. 3. Findley, E. - regarding finance of "Tocsin". 27 March 1898. 4. Findley, E. - regarding finance of "Tocsin". 24 March 1898. 2. P.J. Mullaney - regarding May Day, 1898. 27 March 1898. 6. A.C. Nichols - regarding Rating Reform League. 30 July 1898. 7. A.C. Nichols - regarding printed invitation to a public meeting to support R.R.L. 30 July 1898. 8. A.C. Nichols - printed leaflet from Single Tax League, Victoria. 8 July 1898. 8 July 1898. 9. A.C. Nichols - printed leaflet from Rating Reform League. n.d. 5. James Oldham - regarding portrait of James Stephens. 22 September 1898. 12. Wanliss and Gray (Solicitors) - regarding agreement. 22 September 1898. 1899 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 3. S. Barker and Dr Wm Moloney - regarding May Day, 1899. n.d. 8. J. Barrett - regarding Eight-Hours Bill. 29 August 1899. 9. J. Barrett - regarding draft scheme for Intercolonial Labor Federation. 30 May 1899. 7. T. Campbell - regarding resignation.18 August 1899. 6. Denmark - regarding printed material on lock out in Denmark; appeal for help. 2 May 1899. 1. H. Hanton - regarding People's Party, Bendigo. 13 February 1899. 2. H. Hanton - regarding People's Party, Bendigo. 16 February 1899. 5. M. Hirsch - regarding Committee of the Convention on unemployment. 25 April 1899. 4. J.B. Meier - regarding Victorian Tobacco Operatives Association and unemployment. 18 May 1899. 1900 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 9. Amalgamated Engine Drivers' Association, Bendigo Branch - regarding boycotting and dismissal of union men. 2 March 1900. 25. Amalgamated Miners' Association of Victoria, head office - regarding printed report of executive council meeting regarding Chiltern dispute. 25 September 1900. 26. Amalgamated Miners' Association of Victoria, head office - regarding covering letter for "25" (above). 15. Anti-Sweating League of Victoria - regarding list of office bearers. 26 July 1900. 1. John Barrett - regarding support for candidates of the United Labor Party. 17 January 1900. 2. John Barrett - regarding Australasian Labor Federation. 28 February 1900. 8. John Barrett - regarding fund for the family of late John Hancock, MLA. 13 February 1900. 19. John Barrett - regarding contesting seats in the coming State election and possibly in a Federal election. 18 July 1900. 21. Bootmakers' Union, Ballarat - regarding inspectors not using factories regarding infringements of Act. 31 July 1900. 17. J. Cairns - regarding late shopping. 3 July 1900. 10. Coach Makers Society - regarding branch of Union formed in Ballarat. 16 June 1900. 11. Coach Makers Society - regarding petition about wages. n.d. 12-13. Coach Makers Society - regarding petition about wages. 7 July 1900. (one document) 14. Coach Makers Society - regarding petition about wages. 17 July 1900. 22. J. Hume Cook, MLA - regarding old age pensions. 15 August 1900. 23. J. Hume Cook, MLA - regarding Herald newspaper cutting written by Cook on old age pensions. 13 August 1900. 18. J. Lemmon - regarding Woollen Mills Operatives' Union. 11 July 1900. 16. Master Butchers' Association, Ballarat and District - regarding printed notice regarding hours of business. 14 June 1900. 3-4. Melbourne Typographical Society - regarding subscriptions for the late J. Hancock's family. 15 January 1900. (one document) 20. O. Rees - regarding women's franchise. 19 July 1900. 24. United Council for Women's suffrage - women's franchise. 24 August 1900. 6. Victorian Amalgamated Butchers' Union - regarding photograph of John Hancock and about Mr Williams not being a delegate of the Union. 2 June 1900. 7. Victorian Amalgamated Butchers' Union - regarding photograph of John Hancock. 1 July 1900. 5. Tom Williams - regarding photograph of John Hancock. 5 May 1900. 1901 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. Ballarat Operative Bootmakers' Union - regarding resignation of Secretary, J. Eva. 2 April 1901. 2. Receipts, hiring agreement for a light generator. 2 August 1901. 1902 – W. Hurtsfield, Secretary Nil 1903 - W. Hurdsfield, Secretary 2. Amalgamated Miners' Association, Creswick Branch - regarding visit of Tom Mann to Creswick and Allendale. 8 May 1903. 3. Amalgamated Miners' Association, Creswick Branch - regarding visit of Tom Mann (telegram). 8 May 1903. 18. Ballarat Trades and Labour Council - Christmas card. 1903-1904. 11. Bendigo Trades and Labor Council - regarding request for Council's rules and standing orders. 24 October 1903. 1A. Andrew Christie - regarding visit of Tom Mann to Berringa. 5 April 1903. 9. Alfred Deakin - regarding thanks to Council for support. 28 September 1903. 12. Alfred Deakin - regarding meeting Council to discuss Arbitration Bill. 27 October 1903. 6. Eight Hour Demonstration Committee - regarding invitation to H. Brooks. 21 October 1903. 1B. Eight Hours Monument Fund - regarding unveiling of the monument. 3 April 1903. 14-16. Andrew Gray - regarding cooperative venture in mining coal at Outtrim. 9 November 1903. 10. Political Labour League (J. Eva, Secretary) - regarding deputation to Prime Minister for early introduction of an Arbitration and Conciliation Bill. 23 October 1903. 17. Protectionist Association of Victoria (S. Mauger, Secretary) - regarding distribution of their literature. 7 December 1903. 4. W.H. Rees - regarding visit of Tom Mann to Maryborough. 7 May 1903. 5C. Soldiers' Statue Fund, Ballarat - regarding meeting of Committee. 18 August 1903. 7. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (Stephen Barker, Secretary) - regarding protesting dropping of Conciliation and Arbitration Bill. 16 September 1903. 8. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (Stephen Barker, Secretary) - regarding petition regarding State Reform Bill. 19 September 1903. 5A. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (Stephen Barker, Secretary) - regarding position occupied during late railway strike. ca 1 June 1903. 5B. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (Stephen Barker, Secretary) - regarding petition about Conciliation and Arbitration Bill. 2 June 1903. 5D. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne (Stephen Barker, Secretary) - regarding helping Tinsmiths' Union. 7 July 1903. 13. Frank Tudor - regarding why there was a delay in answering a letter from the Council. 2 November 1903. 1904 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 4. Amalgamated Society of Engineers, Ballarat Branch - regarding iron trade and tariffs. 1 July 1904. 9-9A. P. Brandt - regarding Brandt's system of absolute majority vote. 30 July 1904. 12. Alfred Deakin - regarding details of imports and exports of iron and steel. 20 August 1904. 13, 13A, 13B. Alfred Deakin - regarding Arbitration Bill. 17 August 1904. 6. Eight Hours Celebration Union, Adelaide - invitation. July 1904. 14. Eureka Stockade Celebration - regarding celebration of the fiftieth anniversary. 1 September 1904. 11. Operative Bootmakers' Union - regarding delegates to Council. 12 August 1904. 7. Political Labor League - regarding raising funds for striking miners at Outtrim. 25 July 1904. 8. Political Labor League - regarding raising funds for striking miners at Outtrim. 29 July 1904. 15. Australian Workers Union - regarding raising funds for striking miners at Outtrim. n.d. 19. Preferential Trade with Great Britain - invitation to public meeting. 17 November 1904. 5. Robert Rogers (Secretary to the Premier of Victoria) - regarding acknowledgement of receiving letter. 22 July 1904. 21. Tom Mann Organisation Fund - printed balance sheet. 9 August 1904. 2. Edward Meagher - regarding high wages and their exploitation (printed pamphlet). 31 May 1904. 3. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne - regarding conference. 24 June 1904. 16. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne - regarding resolution submitted for consideration. 14 October 1904. 18. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne - regarding interstate Eight Hours Day. November 1904. 20, 20A. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne - regarding federal tariffs. 1904. 17. Victorian Agricultural Implement and Machine Makers' Society - regarding Sunshine Harvesting Works. 29 October 1904. 1. R. Williams (Town Clerk, Ballarat) - regarding Galloway monument as a drinking fountain. 28 April 1904. 1905 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 4. S.M. Bull - regarding gold saving machine. 3 August 1905. 1. Eight Hours Anniversary Union, Brisbane - regarding sympathy with fellow artisans in Russia. 26 January 1905. 10. Federal Labor Party - regarding Workers Trade Mark (union label). 18 December 1905. 2. National Progress Newspaper Society Ltd - establishment of new daily paper in Melbourne. 10 February 1905. 3. Secretary for Lands - regarding excising of part of common lands by Golf Club. 15 June 1905. 5. Secretary for Mines - regarding providing work for unemployed miners. 7 August 1905. 6. Secretary for Mines - regarding providing work for unemployed miners. 9 August 1905. 7. Secretary for Mines - regarding providing work for unemployed miners. 21 August 1905. 8. Trades Hall Council - regarding sweating in the tailoring trade. 16 August 1905. 9. Chas Vaughan and Co. - regarding whether trustees will comply with their request. 30 November 1905. 1906 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. Castlemaine Hibernian Sports Programme. 26 December 1906. 1907 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. Church of Christ - regarding renting the Council Hall. 7 August 1907. 2. R. McGregor - regarding interview with the Chief Secretary. 19 December 1907. 3. Timber Workers Relief Fund - regarding acknowledgement of donation. 21 May 1907. 1908 - W. Hurtsfield, Secretary 1. Federated Saw Mill, Timber Yard and General Woodworkers Employees' Association - regarding delegates to Council. 4 August 1908. 1909 – W. Hurtsfield, Secretary Nil. 1910 – W. Hurtsfield, Secretary Nil. 1911 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1912 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1913 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1914 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1915 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1916 – W. Keane, Secretary 1. Interstate Trades Union Congress - regarding report of proceedings. 15-18 May 1916. 2. Resolutions of executive meeting. January 1916. 3. Australian Builders Laborers Federation, Victorian Branch - regarding establishing a Labor Daily for Victoria. 15 November 1916. 1917 - W.J. Kean, Secretary 1. Australian Boot Trade Employees' Association - regarding delegates to Council. 25 January 1917. 2. Ballarat Typographical Society - regarding delegates to Council. 22 January 1917. 3. W. Kean - to editor of The Courier regarding employees of Lucus and Co. not being allowed to join a union. 14 July 1917. 4. Newspaper cuttings from The Courier - Kean v. "contented" on class (n.d.); Kean v. Price Lucus and Co (see 3, above). 16 July 1917. 5. United Grocers, Tea and Dairy Produce Employees' Union - regarding applying for permission to hold annual conference of Victorian Branch at the Trades Hall. 24 January 1917. 6. Victorian Railways Union - circular regarding the strike ballot (printed). 14 March 1917. 7. From W. Kean to Mr. R. Rose - regarding W. Hughes' attempt at political party organisation in Ballarat. 12 March 1917. 1918 - W.J. Kean, Secretary 3. Agreement regarding Ballarat Trades and Labour Council building. 26 October 1918. 2. Citizens' Loyalist Committee - regarding meetings and fact the committee is not affiliated with any political party. 25 April 1918. 1. Newspaper cutting from Ballarat Courier - regarding Loyalist Meeting at Alfred Hall. 4 April 1918. 1919 - W. Kean, Secretary 1. E.J. Hogan, State Parliament House to W. Kean - regarding work at Ballarat North workshops. 10 January 1919. 1920 – W. Keane, Secretary Nil. 1921 – W. Keane, Secretary 1. Federated Moulders' (Metals) Union of Australia - regarding Report of the Federal Council Conference (printed). 17 January 1921. 2. Ironmoulders' Board - determination (printed). 6 April 1921. 1922 - W.J. McAdam, Secretary 1. Trades Hall Council, Melbourne. (E.J. Holloway, Secretary) - regarding report of Eight Hours Committee of Enquiry. 24 October 1922. 1923 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam 1. From FJ Jones, Secretary, Australian Timber Workers Union to Mr McAdam - Affiliation dues. 3 April 1923. 2. From Mr W. Powe to Mr McAdam – Union membership and request for Mr McAdam to visit Clunes and meet with him. 3 April 1923. 1924 – Secretary, W.J. McAdam Nil. 1925 – Secretary, W.J. McAdam Nil. 1926 – Secretary, S. Miller Nil. 1927 – Secretary, S. Miller Nil. 1928 – Secretary, S. Miller Nil. 1929 - Secretary, S. Miller Nil. 1930 - Secretary, S. Miller Nil. 1931 – Secretary, Mr S Miller 1. From John Jeanes, Assistant Registrar, Offices of the Registrar General and Registrar of Titles to Mr Miller. 8 October 1931. 1932 – Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1933– Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1934– Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1935– Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1936 – Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1937 – Secretary, Mr S Miller 1. From Mr Miller to Managing Director, Ballarat Brewing Company – Requesting donation for BTLC Picnic Sports Meeting. 2 March 1937. 1938 – Secretary, Mr S Miller 1. From C. Knight, Secretary, Law Department to no addressee – Advising that Mr William Henry Green is authorised to take declarations etc under the Evidence act. 7 June 1938. 1939 – Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1940 – Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1941 – Secretary, Mr S Miller Nil. 1942 – Secretary, Mr S Miller/Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1943 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1944 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1945 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1946 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1947 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1948 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam 1. From Mr/Ms Healy, Labour Council, Brisbane to Secretary Labour Council, Ballarat - telegram stamped 415 regarding current industrial action and unions being undermined by Premier Hanlon's Industrial Law Amendment Bill. 10 March 1948 2. From Accountant, Head Office, The Ballarat Brewing Co Ltd, to Mr WJ Mc Adam, Secretary, Ballarat Eight Hours Anniversary Committee - regarding donation of £2.2.0 to the Annual Eights Hours Celebrations. 23 April 1948 3. From Miss M Zacharin, Secretary, Jewish to Combat Fascism and Anti-Semitism to Secretary, Trades Hall, Ballarat - forwarding a copy of the pamphlet "Israel Reborn" (no longer attached, but can be viewed online at by Mrs. Evelyn Rothfield. Requests assistance with distribution of the pamphlet. 26 July, 1948 4. From Mrs A.W. Nicholson (signed Beryl Nicholson), Co-Secretary, Ballarat Baby Health Centres' Ladies Committee to Mr WJ McAdam, Secretary, Trades and Labor Council, Ballarat - Requesting partial rebate of rent paid for the Hall for a fundraising lecture/recital. 9 November 1948 1949 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam 1. From JS Toohey, Chairman and MB Duffy, Secretary, Industrial Printing and Publicity Co. Ltd., circular to Trade Union and ALP Branch Secretaries - Emphasising the need for "Labor Call" (previously Tocsin) to continue and encouraging subscriptions and/or bulk ordering. 2. From Thomas E. Carter, Ballarat ALP to Secretary, TLC, Ballarat - Regarding a deputation to the Premier about the Essential Services Act. 25 January 1949 3. From Russell Jones to "To Whom it May Concern", The Courier - Regarding Painters Union debate at BTLC on 25 August 1949; clarifying about severe censure of Mr TE Carter. 17 September 1949 4. Decisions of the ACTU Congress held Sydney, September 19 to 23, 1949 5. From William?, office of the Bishop of Ballarat to Mr WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC - Thanking WJ McAdam for his apology for an event at Craig's Hotel about slum conditions, offering to show films at BTLC and present a lecture. 6 October 1949 6. From William? office of the Bishop of Ballarat to Mr WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC - Thanking WJ McAdam for making the Hall available for an event the previous evening. 11 November 1949 1950 - Secretary Mr WJ McAdam 1. From H. Crutch, Property Officer, Department of the Interior to Mr McAdam – Lease of accommodation for Mr RT Pollard, MHR, no longer required. 20 January 1950. 2. From unnamed author to Mr D Aronson, Solicitor, Ballarat – Seeking legal opinion/interpretation of rules relating to provincial delegates on VTHC (with enclosures). 23 May 1950. 3. From Mr McAdam to Mr C Ellis, Secretary, Plasterer’s Union – Affiliation fees. 15 September 1950. 1951 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam Nil. 1952 – Secretary, Mr WJ McAdam 1. From Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Miss Wilkins, Philharmonic Singers - use of Trades Hall, insurance risk and care of the Hall piano. 10 September 1952. 1953 Secretary – Mr WJ McAdam 1. From AW Nicholson and RG Caddell, Greater Ballarat Association to Mr McAdam – Royal Tour decorations and lighting. 28 January 1953. 2. From Sunshine Biscuit Company to Mr McAdam – Supply of biscuits. 5 March 1953. 3. From L. Higgins, Secretary, Vehicle Builders Employees Federation to Mr McAdam – Donation to Ballarat Labor Day Appeal. 5 March 1953. 4. From Secretary, Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia to Mr McAdam – Donation to repair BTLC building (24 Camp Street, Ballarat). 5 March 1953. 5. From WJ Morrison, Manager, International Bookshop to “Dear Sir” – Complimentary copies of a pamphlet “Ballarat Riggers at Work” pamphlet (pamphlet copy not included). 5 March 1953. 6. From Mrs D Hughes to Mr McAdam – Regarding terms and entitlements relating to her dismissal. Letter From the Department of Labour about pay rights is attached. 7 March 1953. 7. From the State Secretary, The Victorian Potato, Onion and Vegetable Growers Association to Mr McAdam – Regarding an appointment for Mr Kinsella to address BTLC. 10 March 1953. 8. From Mr McAdam to JJ Sheehan, MLA – Workers Compensation Act – pressing for provision of compensation to parents of workers who die at work. 16 March 1953. 9. From Ballarat Brewing Company Ltd to Mr McAdam – Donation to Labor Day celebrations. 16 March 1953. 10. From Mr Arrowsmith, Campaign Director for Frank Hardy to Mr McAdam – Seeking permission for Frank Hardy, Communist Party candidate to address Council. 23 March 1953. 11. From ? to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – ACTU delegates provincial councils – protesting the method of counting votes. 9 April 1953. 12. From Fibson to BTLC – Telegram requesting advice about how much notice a temporary teacher needs to provide to their employer. 14 April 1953. 13. From Mr McAdam to Mr JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – ACTU Delegates Provincial Council – nominations. 18 April 1953. 14. From the Town Clerk, Town Hall, Ballaarat to Mr McAdam – Requesting a list of executive officers at BTLC (list attached with reply). 23 April 1953. 15. From Mr McAdam to [blank] – Representation from the Society of Carpenters and Joiners and the Building Workers Industrial Union on BTLC. 2 May 1953. 16. From Mr McAdam to Mr G Hall, Secretary, ATMO Employees Association – Congratulating the Union of their successful campaign on behalf of tram conductors. 6 March 1953. (Back: General Board (Cake Ornament Section) pay determination.) 17. From Mr McAdam to Mr Maddern, City Clerk, City Hall, Ballarat – Seating needs in Ballarat Civic Hall. 6 May 1953. (Back: Victorian Government Gazette, 16 May 1951.) 18. From Mr McAdam to Mr Maddern, City Clerk, City Hall, Ballarat – Enforcement of the Weights and Measures Act by Ballarat Council. 6 May 1953. (Back: Wage rates Printing-Ink Grinders 1951.) 19. From Mr McAdam to Mr Bartrop, President Begonia Festival Committee – Enquiry about distribution of profits of Begonia Festival. 8 May 1953. (Back: Letterhead with beginning of a draft of this letter.) 20. From Mr McAdam to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Eureka Centenary celebrations. 15 May 1953. 21. From Mr McAdam to ? - Recommendation of Council Executive seeking meeting of the rank and file – towards reaching agreement within the industry. 20 May 1953. 22. From Mr McAdam to the Hon W Galvin, MLA, Acting Premier – Resolution regarding Ballarat North railway workshops. Concern about outsourcing to private enterprise. Seeking improvement of work and a public enquiry. 10 June 1953. (Back: Government Gazette, 25 November 1952.) 23. From Mr McAdam to the Hon PL Coleman, MLA, Minister for Transport – Forwarding a Council motion supporting workers’ right to strike and the Minister’s interference in that. 10 June 1953. 24. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Sheehan, MLA – Letter of resolution: thanking him for assistance to the railway unions and requesting further help in training of railway engineers in Ballarat Railway Workshops. 12 June 1953. (Back: Government Gazette, 13 November 1952.) 25. From Mr McAdam to Mr Linaker, State Electricity Commission – Request that the timetable should synchronise with the train timetable on Sundays. 19 June 1953. (Back: Tar and Bitumen Board, Pay Department, 30 January 1951.) 26. From Mr McAdam to Mr Dawson, State Accident Insurance Officer – Workers compensation payment criteria – how payment corresponds with incremental pay rises. 19 June 1953. (Back: General Board – Blue Print Section. Pay rate determinations.) 27. From Mr Mc Adam to Mr JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Funding of provincial trades and labour council delegates to attend the ACTU congress in Sydney. 20 June 1953. 28. From LJ Buchanan, Honourable Secretary, Victorian Teachers Union to Mr McAdam – Typewritten and handwritten copies of same correspondence – reply to BTLC. Regarding children’s participation in the 1953 Begonia Festival. 23 June 1953. (Back: Extraordinary Government Gazette, 30 March 1953.) 29. From Mr McAdam to Mr Connell, Secretary, Fibrous Plasterers Union – Regarding overdue affiliation fees to BTLC. 25 June 1953. (Back: pay determinations sports grounds staff.) 30. From Mr JA Connell, Secretary, Fibrous Plasterers Union to Mr McAdam – Cheque for outstanding BTLC affiliation fees. 10 July 1953. 31. Circular from JT Long, Organising Secretary, Australian Convention on Peace and War to various recipients – Information on Peace and War Convention – pamphlet and A5 flyer attached. 14 July 1953. 32. From H Booley to Mr WJ McAdam – Resigning as BTLC delegate to VTHC. 19 July 1953. 33. No author or addressee – Election of Executive Committee, BTLC, financial position, delegates to Peace and War Convention, installation of new President. (Includes photocopies of the same document.) 34. No author or addressee – Peace Convention delegates’ expenses. August/September 1953. (Back: Government Gazette, 26 February 1953.) 35. From Mr McAdam to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Advising resignation of Mr Booley as BTLC to VTHC; Mr Booley to be replaced by Mr JJ Brown. 11 August 1953. 36. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Brown, Unity Hall – Advising that the addressee was successful in his nomination as BTLC delegate to VTHC. N.d. (Back: Ballot paper, 20 September 1953.) 37. From Mr McAdam to Dr Evatt, MHR, Leader ALP – Requesting support in stopping the Menzies government interference in Amalgamated Engineering Union elections. 12 August 1953. 37A. From Dr Evatt, MHR, Leader ALP – Reply from Dr Evatt expressing legal inability to assist the Amalgamated Engineering Union. 24 August 1953. 37B. Mr McAdam to Mr R Joshua, MHR – Seeking Mr Joshua’s assistance by raising the above matter in parliament. 7 September 1953. (Back: Ballot paper, Trades and Labour Council Elections, 21 September 1953.) 38. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Sheehan, MLA – Requesting a date for a deputation from the Metal Trades Unions about pay rates. 12 August 1953. (Back: Ballot paper, Trades and Labour Council Elections, 21 September 1953.) 39. From Mr McAdam to Mr Maddern, City Clerk, Ballaarat – Road quality and pedestrian access in Ballarat North. 12 August 1953. (Back: Ballot paper, Trades and Labour Council Elections, 21 September 1953.) 40. From Mr McAdam to Mr Broadby, Secretary of the ACTU – Seeking support of the ACTU to resist government interference in Amalgamated Engineering Union’s elections. 12 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 41. From Mr McAdam to Mr Buchanan, Secretary, Teachers Union – Regarding Teachers Union correspondence about children’s participation in the Begonia Festival. 13 August 1953. (Back: Regulations Weights and Measures Act.) 42. From Mr McAdam to Hon PL Coleman, MLC, Minister of Transport – Seeking clarification about abolition of penalty rates. 14 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 43. From Mr McAdam to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Requesting fifty copies of all ACTU reports in future. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 44. From Mr McAdam to Minister for Railways, Hobart. Regarding abolition of weekend penalty rates. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 45. From Mr McAdam to Minister for Railways, Adelaide. Regarding abolition of weekend penalty rates. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 46. From Mr McAdam to Minister for Railways, Sydney. Regarding abolition of weekend penalty rates. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 47. From Mr McAdam to Hon W Calvin, MLA, Chief Secretary, Melbourne – Seeking clarification of Workers’ Compensation Act; in particular, the clause regarding average weekly payments at the time of injury. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 48. From Mr McAdam to Cr JC Rowe, Chairman, By-laws Committee, City Hall, Ballarat – seeking a meeting of BTLC with the Town Hall by-laws committee about traffic hazards on Creswick Road and other parts. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 49. From Mr McAdam to Hon W Galvin, MLA, Chief Secretary, Melbourne - Seeking amendment of Workers Compensation Act so that workers may appeal decisions. Further, seeks that the government ensures payments are made once a fortnight as required in the regulations. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 50. From Mr McAdam to Hon J Cain, MLA, Premier of Victoria – Requesting government’s attention to dispensing of level crossings in Victoria. 24 August 1953. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 51. From Mr McAdam to JJ Sheehan, MLA – Seeking support to include craft unions/FEDFA members in the service agreement at Ballarat Base Hospital. 28 August 1953. 52. Council of Aboriginal Rights – Bulletin #2 (i) Sentence of hanging in WA (ii) Aboriginal Co-op Marble Bar (iii) Use of pidgin English (iv) Affiliation (v) Conditions at Dubbo NSW and Victoria. 8 September 1953. 53. From Mr McAdam to Mr GW Harris, Secretary, Convening Unions – Sending a copy of Council rules. 21 September 1953. (Back: Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees’ Association – New wage agreement, 30 June 1953.) 54. From FJ Riley, Secretary, The Manufacturing Grocers Employees’ Federation to unspecified addressee. Regarding Match Industry Report; excises on matches and cigarette lighters. 21 September 1953. 55. Circular – Peace or War Convention. N.d. (Back: Trades and Labour Council elections, 1952.) 56. From Austin McCallum, President, Ballarat Y’s Men’s Club to Secretary, BTLC – Support for a play centre for mentally ill children. 26 September 1953. 57. Meeting 1 October 1953 - Carriers delivering on weekends. - Erection of crematorium in Ballarat. - Resolution opposing wages’ freeze. - Protesting manner that railway shop matters are dealt with by the Minister for Transport. (Back: Australian Theatrical and Amusement Employees’ Association – New wage agreement, 30 June 1953.) 58. From Mr McAdam to Hon J Cain, Premier of Victoria – Regarding action about service grants for Metal Trades Railwaymen. 2 October 1953. (Back: Financial statement 1/1/51-30/6/51.) 59. From Mr McAdam to Hon J Cain, Premier of Victoria – Protesting the Minister of Transport’s decision to have shop matters of Railwaymen dealt with by the ARU. 2 October 1953. (Back: Financial statement 1/1/51-30 June 1951.) 60. From Mr McAdam to Hon WP Barry, MLA – Urging that erection of the Ballarat New Cemetery proceeds as soon as possible. 2 October 1953. (Back: BWIU Investigation – conduct of election.) 61. From J Collins and W Vance to the President, BTLC – Apology regarding vandalism to BTLC building. N.d. 62. From JW Wilson, Association for Advancement of the Blind to Mr McAdam – Request for donation. 6 October 1953. 63. From Mr RJ Lightfoot, Secretary, Blind Workers Union to Mr McAdam – Melbourne Cup Sweep. 9 October 1953. 64. From Mr K Liversidge to BTLC – Sick leave entitlements. October 1953. 65. From Mrs Mary Haddow, Wonthaggi Old Age and Invalid Pensioners, to addressee not specified – Seeking assistance to improve income and other conditions for pensioners. 12 October 1953. 66. From Mr McAdam to Mr Maddern, City Clerk, Ballarat – Need for traffic lights (various sites) including safety issues and enforcement. 19 October 1953. (Back: flyer, “Are You A Trade Unionist?”) 67. From Mr McAdam to Hon J Cain, Premier of Victoria – Addressing dangerous level crossings. 19 October 1953. (Back: Ballot paper 21 September 1953.) 68. From Mr McAdam to Hon J Cain, Premier of Victoria – Thanking the Premier for the Long Service Leave Bill. 19 October 1953. (Back: flyer, “Are You A Trade Unionist?”) 69. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Sheehan, MLA – Crematorium in Ballarat New Cemetery. 20 October 1953. (Back: Ballot paper 21 September 1953.) 70. From F. Cutts, Mayor to no addressee. Public meeting regarding Centre for Mentally Retarded Children. 21 October 1953. 71. From Mr McAdam to Mr Swenson, Organiser, Begonia Festival - Regarding combined sports meeting on Labor Day 1953. 23 October 1953. (Back: Ballot paper 21 September 1953.) 72. From Doepal, Lilley and Taylor to Mr McAdam – Renewal workplace insurance (including yellow slip – explanation of Increased Bonus Distribution). 26 October 1953. 73. From Dick Diamond, Actors and Announcers Equity Association of Australia to Mr McAdam – Payment by “Ashton Varieties” to members who were stood down. 27 October 1953. 74. From Alexander, General Secretary, Actors Equity to Mr McAdam – Telegram urging BTLC to black ban Ashton’s follies show. 29 October 1953. 75. From A Wallace, Ministering Children’s League to Mr McAdam – A thank you for donation to the Ministering Children’s League. 29 October 1953. 76. From RA Hunt, State Electricity Commission to Mr EO Allan, c/- Mr McAdam – Inviting BTLC to purchase securities of 10-15 years. Prospectus attached. 29 October 1953. 77. From Mr RW Richards, Principal School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat – Seeking the continuing support of the School’s Prize Fund. 31 October 1953. 78. From Secretary, Kingsville Yarraville Citizens’ Band to Mr McAdam – Payment for use of Trades Hall space. 2 November 1953. 79. From Dick Diamond, Victorian Divisional Secretary, Actors and Announcers Equity Association of Australia to Mr McAdam – Thanking BTLC for support in relation to the dispute with Ashton’s Varieties. 4 November 1953. 80. From Mr Ritchie, Hon Secretary, Ballarat Fine Art Public Gallery Association to Mr McAdam – Declining BTLC’s offer to loan a portrait of Cardinal Manning. 4 November 1953. 81. Circular from Mrs N Stephens and Mrs B Ferguson, The Queen Elizabeth Benevolent Home – Seeking donation for Christmas gifts for elderly patients. 5 November 1953. 82. From Mr Maddern, Town Clerk, City of Ballarat to Mr McAdam- Declining request to install traffic lights at various sites. 10 November 1953. 83. From Mr Maddern, Town Clerk, City of Ballarat to Mr McAdam- Reply. Undertaking to inspect roads and footpaths in Ballarat North. 10 November 1953. 84. BTLC – Meeting 12 November 1953 - erection of crematorium - long service leave entitlements - workplace illnesses, including asbestosis - traffic control, Ballarat (Back: Ballot Paper, 21 September 1953.) 85. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Brown – Thanking him for report to Council regarding dust nuisance and health impacts. 16 November 1953. 86. From Mr McAdam to Mr W Gray, Secretary, Pensioners League Ballarat – Forwarding copy of letter from Wonthaggi Pensioners for opinion. 16 November 1953. (Back: Plastic Moulding Board Determination.) 87. From Mr W Gray, Secretary, Pensioners League Ballarat to Mr McAdam– Reply to BTLC regarding Wonthaggi Pensioners. 18 November 1953. 88. From Mrs N Stephens, President, Queen Elizabeth Benevolent Home Ladies’ Auxiliary – Christmas Tree Appeal – thanking BTLC for its donation. 19 November 1953. 89. From S Murray-Smith, Organising Secretary, Australian Peace Council to Mr McAdam – Thanking BTLC for its interest in the peace movement. Participation by ex-senator in a six-month fact finding mission abroad. 25 November 1953. 90. From Doepel, Lilley and Taylor to Mr McAdam – Request for BTLC to pay excess premium amount. 27 November 1953. 91. From CH Frampton, National Poultry Farmers Association to Mr McAdam – Wheat stabilisation – campaign for subsidy. 27 November 1953. 92. From WL Rowe, Secretary, Department of Health, to Mr McAdam – Deferred consideration of proposal to build crematorium until end of the financial year. 27 November 1953. 93. From WL Rowe, Secretary, Department of Health, to Hon J Jones, MLC – Deferred consideration of proposal to build crematorium until end of the financial year. 27 November 1953. 94. From Bruce Wallace, Hon Secretary, Ballaarat Begonia Festival to Mr McAdam - Reply. Ballarat Begonia Festival. Unable to combine with a sports meeting. 30 November 1953. 95. From RF Mayberry, Secretary, Mentally Retarded Children’s Welfare Association – no addressee – Confirmation that special school/playground has been trialled and will continue. Invitation to BTLC to become a member of the Association. 2 December 1953. 96. From Mr McAdam to Mr Styles, Secretary, Bendigo Trades Hall Council – Re-establishment of Provincial Councils Association and nominees from BTLC. 4 December 1953. (Back: Ballot Paper 21 September 1953.) 97. From RW Richards, School of Mines and Industries, Ballarat to Mr McAdam – Appreciation of money donated to the annual School of Mines prize. 14 December 1953. 98. From WK McMahon to Mr McAdam – Resignation as Trades and Labour Council representative on Ballarat Youth Council. 18 December 1953. 99. WJ McAdam – Secretary’s Report notes. N.d. 100. No author – Notes of BTLC meeting. n.d. 1954 Secretary – Mr WJ Mc Adam 1. BTLC - BTLC 1/7/53-31/12/53 Financial statement, Auditor’s Report. 21 January 1954. 2. WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to PJ Hill, Secretary, Sheet Metal Workers’ Union – Regarding poor attendance of SMWU delegates at Council. 8 January 1954. 3. LA Chung to President, BTLC – Consent by LA Chung to be nominated as BTLC auditor. 12 January 1954. 4. William K. Moore, Ballarat Youth Centre to WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Request for financial support for Ballarat Youth Centre. 14 January 1954. 5. From ? to Mr Leslie Ashton, Sydney – Regarding matter referred to Industrial Registry. 14 January 1954. 6. From WJ McAdam to Hon John Cain, Premier of Victoria – Requesting the Premier that wages boards include a “preference unionists” clause in their judgements. 18 January 1954. (Other side: Government Gazette Victoria, 31 July 1953.) 7. From WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Mr Fogarty, Secretary of Central Gippsland Trades and Labour Council – Requesting most recent rules of Central Gippsland Trades and Labour Council. 20 January 1954. 8. From WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Mr GG Styles, Secretary of Bendigo Trades Hall Council – Regarding possible breach of BTLC rules. Status of Mr Walsh as delegate for Bendigo. 24 January 1954. (Other side: Ballot Paper 1953 Provincial Trades Hall Council Delegates at ACTU Congress.) 9. From WJ McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Mr J Walsh, Ballarat - Seeking explanation about Mr Walsh’s nomination as a delegate for Bendigo Trades Hall. 25 January 1954. (Other side: Ballot Paper 1953 Provincial Trades Hall Council Delegates at ACTU Congress.) 10. From D. Diamond, Actors and Announcers Equity Association of Australia – Regarding whether there is a ban on Mr Ashton’s show in Ballarat. 28 January 1954. 11. From Mr McAdam, Secretary BTLC to Actors and Announcers Equity Association of Australia – Reply about black ban of Ashton’s show in Ballarat. 3 February 1954. 12. From JJ Browne, Armadale to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Meetings of VTHC report. Concern about ALP’s sending in nominees for Clerks Union delegates to VTHC. 8 February 1954. 13. From K.E. Rash, Signwriter, Ballarat to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Submission of design and quotation for window decoration for Queen’s visit to Ballarat. 17 February 1954. 14. From GV Stafford, Department of Health to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Electrical defects at BTLC requiring attention. 18 February 1954. 15. From Mr McAdam, BTLC to GV Stafford, Department of Health – Advising that electrical defects at BTLC were rectified. 20 February 1954. (Other side: Ballot Paper 1953 Provincial Trades Hall Council Delegates at ACTU Congress.) 15A. From JW Wilson, Managing Secretary, Association for Advancement of the Blind to Mr McAdam – Request for donation. 22 February 1954. 16. From Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to JJ Sheehan, MLA – Regarding protest from the Australian Tramways and Motor Omnibus Employees’ Association about the Hon. P.L. Coleman’s (MLC) using private enterprise to undermine the Tramway’s Union. 26 February 1954. (Other side: Ballot Paper 1953 Provincial Trades Hall Council Delegates at ACTU Congress.) 17. From GV Stafford, Department of Health to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Advising that the Health Inspector will visit when next in Ballarat. 2 March 1954. 17A. From Colin Williams, Secretary, May Day Committee to no addressee – Circular. Regarding meeting of May Day Committee and requesting names of BTLC delegates who will attend. 17 March 1954. 18. From Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Mr JV Stout, ACTU – Interstate Executive support of ACTU. 18 March 1954. (Other side: Ballot Paper 1953 Provincial Trades Hall Council Delegates at ACTU Congress.) 19. From Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Senator Cooper, Minister for Repatriation – Protesting closure of repatriation ward at Ballarat Hospital. 18 March 1954. 20. From MP Brown, Secretary of BWIU to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Advising that Mr S King is the delegate to Council for the Building Workers’ Industrial Union. 24 March 1954. 21. From unknown author, Secretary, Local Branch, Federated Engine Drivers and Firemen’s Association of Australia to Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC – Request for BTLC’s support of legislative change ensuring safety of engineers and foremen operating machinery and engines. 24 March 1954. 22. From Mr McAdam, Secretary, BTLC to Mr VG Delmenico, Trades Hall, Castlemaine – Regarding Labor Day celebrations – RSVP. 26 March 1954. (Other side: Determinations by the Shops Board, Brushmakers Board and Saddlery and Harness Board.) 23. ? - Proposed process for election of officers to BTLC Executive Committee. 1954. (Back: Government Gazette, 23 November 1951.) 24. From Mr McAdam to the Hon John Cain, MLA Premier of Victoria – Intention of the State Government to remove the authority of the Mines Department to issue certificates to members of their Association. 29 March 1954. 25. From Mr McAdam to Mr McDonald, Secretary, Trades Hall Council, Geelong – Nominations and delegates to represent Geelong Trades Hall Council and Ballarat Trades Hall Council. 20 April 1954. (Back: BTLC Financial Statement 1 January-30 June 1951) 26. From Mr McAdam to JJ Healey, Secretary, Cold Storage and Meat Preserving Employee’s Union – Dairy employees in Ballarat – rectifying underpayment. 22 April (Back: Financial Statement 1 January-30 June 1951) 27. From Mr McAdam to Mr R. Joshua, MHR – Regarding the Postal Department’s hiring a detective to make enquiry into a member's sick leave. 4 April 1954. 28. From Mr McAdam to Mr WC Robertson, President, RSS and AILA – Regarding closure of the repatriation ward, Ballarat Hospital. 5 April 1954. (Back: Financial Statement 1 January-30 June 1951) 29. From Mr McAdam to Mr C. McDonald, Secretary, Trades Hall Council, Geelong – Offer to assist Geelong Trades Hall Council to campaign and elect Hon J Dedman for the seat of Corio. 22 April 1954. 30. From Mr McAdam to Mr Mac Sween, Secretary, Clothing Trades Union – Sending a newspaper clipping about TCU Congress in Ballarat, encouraging TCU to change the venue to BTLC. (Clipping not included.) (Back: Financial Statement 1 January-30 June 1951) 31. From Ballarat Trades and Labour Council - Policy of BTLC on stabilisation of wheat. N.d. 32. Mr McAdam to Mr TE Carter, Eureka Centenary Committee – Requesting BTLC representation on the Ballarat Centenary Celebrations’ Committee. 17 May 1954. 33. Ballarat Trades and Labour Council – Motion about the quality of bread. 20 May 1954. 34. Mr McAdam to the Hon John Cain, MLA, Premier – Advising the Premier of BTLC support for the Deputation by the Metal Trade Unions to the Minister of Transport requesting a 5/- per day payrise. 24 May 1954. (Back: Government Gazette, Victoria 27 July 1953) 35. Mr McAdam to the Hon John Cain, MLA, Premier – Advising a motion from BTLC regarding improved standard of bread. 24 May 1954. (Back: Determinations Nickelward Board, Agricultural Implements Board, Shops Board) 36. From Jack Wood to Mr McAdam – Resolution by the ALP Federal Executive in June 1952 declaring News Weekly an anti-Labour Party organ. 4 June 1954. 37. From JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC to Mr McAdam – Visit by JN Stephen, St Bernardo’s Homes. 16 June 1954. 38. From Mr McAdam to Mr. MB John, Ballarat Base Hospital – Equity of service grants between members of the Artisans’ Union and the Hospital Employee’s Union. 18 June 1954. 39. From Mr McAdam to The Chief Inspector, Commonwealth Arbitration Inspectors – Request for Arbitration Inspector to visit Ballarat more regularly after three months of non-attendance. 23 June 1954. (Back: Determinations of the Commercial Clerks Board and the Shops Board (Fish and Poultry).) 40. From Mr McAdam to the Hon Slater, MLA – Refusal of management committee of Hospitals and Benevolent Homes to meet deputations from BTLC. 5 July 1954. 41. From Mr McAdam to Mr TW Carter, Secretary, Eureka Centenary Celebrations – Eureka Centenary programme. Noted that it does not include a pilgrimage to the statue of Peter Lalor. 20 July 1954. (Back: Wage rates Storemen and Packer 1953.) 42. From Mr McAdam to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Union coverage and poaching of members by other unions. 20 July 1954. 43. From The Town Clerk, Ballarat Town Hall to BTLC – Letter including cutting (a description of BTLC) from the last Mayoral Annual Report. Requests current information about BTLC for the next report. 25 July 1954. 44. From Ministering Children’s League President to Mr McAdam – Requesting support for annual appeal. 28 July 1954. 45. From W. Carter to Mr McAdam – Meeting apology. 29 July 1954. 46. From Mr Brown, Secretary, Anti-Communist Union Movement to ??? (addressee name has been cut out) – Election of Theatrical Employees Union delegate to BTLC – ballot in progress. 3 August 1954. 47. From TE Carter, Eureka Centenary Committee to Mr McAdam – Pilgrimage to Peter Lalor’s Statue is now in the Centenary Program. 7 August 1954. 48. From Mr McAdam to TE Carter, Secretary, Eureka Centenary Committee – Requesting eight copies of the Centenary Program. 16 August 1954. 49. From JN Stephen, St Bernardo’s Homes to Mr McAdam – Regarding promulgation of leaflets about Dr Bernardo’s Homes. 17 August 1954. 50. From Mr McAdam to Mr Linaker, Manager, State Electricity Commission – Regarding income from Department of the Army. 23 August 1954. 51. From Mr Mc Adam to ? Regional Trades and Labour Councils – Eureka Centenary Celebrations. 31 August 1954. 51A. From VE Walmsley, Industrial Finance Department, Commonwealth Bank of Australia - Commonwealth Bank Industrial Travelling Scholarships- circular. N.d. 52. From Mr McAdam to Mr CJ O’Brien – Raising money for the widow of Jack Henry. 2 September 1954. 53. From Mr McAdam to the Hon S Merrifield, MLA, Minister of Public Works – Rate paying immigrants not granted a vote at the Wendouree election despite being on the roll. 14 September 1954. (Back: Nurserymen’s Board wage rates.) 54. From Mr McAdam to Mr Maddern, City Clerk, Ballarat – Improvement of traffic lights in Ballarat. 14 September 1954. 55. From Mr McAdam to Mr Dawson, Workers’ Compensation Board – Delay in workers’ compensation payment. 14 September 1954. 56. From Mr McAdam to Mr R Joshua, MHR – Closing of the Ballarat Telegraph Office at 5pm. 14 September 1954. (Back: Hairdressers’ Board pay rates 1953.) 57. From Mr McAdam to Mr Dawson, Workers’ Compensation Board – Eligibility for workers’ compensation. 14 September 1954. 58. From Mr McAdam to JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC – Exclusion of Dr Evatt at the Petrov Inquiry, preventing full disclosure of events. Seeking support. 16 September 1954. (Back: Opticians’ Board, pay rates 1953.) 59. From Town Clerk, Town Hall, Ballaarat to Mr McAdam – Unsatisfactory control of traffic in Ballarat (reply to correspondence). 21 September 1954. 60. From the Minister of Transport and Railway Administration Offices to Mr JJ Sheehan Esq, MLA – Train stops between Ballarat and Ballan. 27 September 1954. 60A. From JV Stout, Secretary, VTHC to all unions – Judgement by Privy Council regarding workers’ compensation award to Mrs D Sharpe; copy of determination and handwritten notes and a covering memo. 14 October 1954. 61. From the Secretary, the Ballarat Water Commissioners to Mr McAdam – Regarding loan of trucks to BTLC for the Eureka Celebrations Pageant. 18 October 1954. 62. From GE Davis, Licencing Department, Australasian Performing Rights Association Ltd to Mr McAdam – Overdue account (form of application for licence attached). 18 October 1954. 63. From LC Garner, Head Master, School of Mines to Mr McAdam – Talk to students by BTLC. 18 October 1954. 64. From TE Byrne, Barristers and Solicitors to Secretary, BTLC - Application for determination – JR Orchard. (Application not included.) 20 October 1954. (Back: Shops Board No. 9 (Drapers and Men’s Clothing pay rates.) 65A. Mr McAdam (Secretary) to the Victorian Secretary for Labor (Victoria) - seeking interpretation of clause 7 of the Factories and Shops (Long Service Leave Act) 65. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Sheehan, MLA - Resolution of appreciation for assistance given in securing service increments for craft unionists (FEDFA members). 10 November 1954. 66. From Mr McAdam to Mr JJ Sheehan, MLA – Protesting requirement to produce birth certificates as a prerequisite to a child’s commencing school. 19 November 1954. (Back: Federated Storemen and Packers Union, Metal Trades Award, pay rates 1953.) 67. From Mr McAdam to Mr O’Donoghue, Command Paymaster, Southern Command, Albert Park – Overpayment of £52 for Army rental of space at BTLC. 23 December 1954. (Back: Shops Board No. 19 (Confectionary, Pastry, Fruit and Vegetables, pay rates 1954.) 68. From Mr McAdam (?) to “The Editor” – Regarding long service leave entitlements. N.d. 69. From Mr McAdam (?) to Mr W Robertson, Secretary, Municipal Employees Union – Financial standing – CJ O’Brien. N.d. 70. Authors to “The Editor”: (a) John R. Steele (b) WJ McAdam (c) CT Collins (d) John R. Steele (e) WJ McAdam (f) WJ Mc Adam (g) WJ Mc Adam (h) no author – Productivity wages. N.d. (Back: Determinations Tanners Board, Jam Trade Board, Horsehair Board, Shops Board No. 15 (Grocers). 71. Motion negating decisions of the ACTU regarding non-productive workers, right to prosecute for unpaid union dues, union power at wages boards and National Service. N.d. 1955 Secretary – Mr W.J. Mc Adam 1. From Secretary of BTLC to JJ Sheehan, MLA - Seeking information about utilisation of funds allotted to the CRB. 25 March 1955. 2. From ? to The Honourable John Cain, MLA, Premier’s Office – Crematorium for Ballarat and funding to go with it. 6 April 1955 (Other side: Painters Board pay rates.) 3. From Secretary of BTLC to Dr HV Evatt – Labor Day dinner, Ballarat, 21 April 1955. 12 April 1955. 4. From JJ Sheehan, Minister for Housing to WJ McAdam, Secretary BTLC – Provisional acceptance to Eight Hours’ Anniversary 21 April 1955. From JJ Sheehan to WJ McAdam, Secretary BTLC. 19 April 1955. 5. From Secretary of BTLC to Mr Wishart, Chairman, Railway Commissioners - Request for attachment of a buffet car to the Melbourne: Horsham train. 20 May 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 6. From unknown to Mr W Robertson, Secretary, Municipal Employees’ Union – Regarding MEU tickets to Labor Day Dinner. 20 May 1955. (Other side: Shops Board No. 21: Booksellers and Newsagents pay rates.) 7. From H. Hatfield, Ballarat, to Mr McAdam, BTLC Secretary – Regarding union dues from Mr Krikmann. 21 May 1955. 8. From Secretary of BTLC to JV Stout – Regarding Secretary of BTLC’S sick leave provisions. 27 May 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 9. From Secretary of BTLC TO Mr Krikmann – Contributions to the union. 30 May 1955. 10. From ? to Mr Schellenberger, Hospital Employees Federation – Awards and conditions at Ballarat Orphanage. 2 June 1955. (Other side: Amendment to conditions – Cork Trade Board.) 11. Affiliation fees, BWIU – From Secretary of BTLC to Mr JC Chandler, Secretary, BWIU. 2 June 1955. (Other side: gardeners’ pay rates.) 12. Regarding Mr Robert Charles Morgan – clarification about workers’ compensation payment – from ? to Mr J Wilkinson, Workers’ Compensation Board, Melbourne. 4 June 1955. 13. Appointment of Commonwealth Arbitration Court Inspector for Ballarat – from Secretary of BTLC to Mr AE Urch, Secretary, Engine Drivers and Firemen’s Association. 15 July 1955. (Other side: Egg Packing Establishments pay rates.) 14. Regarding resolution recommending nationalisation of all transport systems – from Secretary of BTLC to Dr HV Evatt, MHR. 15 July 1955. 15. A. Regarding termination of lease at Trades Hall by the Army – from the Secretary of BTLC to Mr FJ Doolan, Department of the Interior. 15 July 1955. B. Final account for heating used by the Department of Army – from the Secretary of BTLC to FJ Doolan, Department of the Interior. 9 August 1955. (Other side: Hospitality workers’ pay rates.) 16. Appointment of inspector to police federal awards in Ballarat – Secretary of BTLC to Hon HE Holt, Minister for Labor. 15 July 1955. (Other side: Storemen and Packer’s pay rates.) 17. Requesting extension of Tradesmen’s Rights Act (due to expire) – Secretary of BTLC to Hon HE Holt, Minister for Labor. 18 July 1955. 18. Breach of the Musician’s Award, pay rates - ? to State Secretary of Labor, Melbourne. 19 July 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 19. Regarding fine to the Boilermakers Union for raising funds to assist striking Ironmakers Union members – requesting that it be quashed – from Secretary of BTLC to Hon HE Holt, Minister of Labor. 19 July 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 20. Regarding Workers Compensation claim by Mrs Tieman, St Patrick’s College – BTLC to the Principal of St Patrick’s College. 28 July 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 21. Regarding motions of Council supporting price and rent control. Requests that the state government lends its support – from Secretary of BTLC to Hon Rylah, MLA. 29 July 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 22. Regarding Long Service Leave Act – Secretary of BTLC to Mr Rylah, MLA. 29 July 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 23. Regarding visit to Ballarat by Mr Stephen of Dr Bernardo’s Homes and donations to this organisation – from Secretary of BTLC to ? 3 August 1955. (Other side: Meat Industry Employers’ Union – Work Vote for Workers’ Candidates flyer.) 24. Regarding increase in railway fares and freight costs – Council resolution – from Secretary of BTLC to Hon HE Bolte, Premier of Victoria. 15 August 1955. (Other side: Garden Employees Board, pay rates.) 25. Regarding excess profits by GMH Co and underpayment of workers – from Secretary of BTLC to Right Hon. RG Menzies (PM Australia). 15 August 1955. (Other side: BTLC letter head and partial first draft of the above letter.) 26. Regarding control of business monopolies and consideration of graduated tax on profits – from Secretary of BTLC to Right Hon. RG Menzies (PM Australia). 16 August 1955. 27. Request for Premier to lift wages freeze and about restoration of quarterly cost of living adjustments – Secretary of BTLC to Hon HE Bolte, MLA (Premier of Victoria). 16 August 1955. 28. Regarding assistance for Tramway Employers’ Union of Geelong Trades Hall Council. Establishing government authority to control transport in Geelong – from Secretary of BTLC to Mr Poyser, Secretary, Geelong Trades and Labour Council. 16 August 1955. (Other side: Storemen and Packers’ pay rates.) 1956-1976 – Secretary, A.C. Williams 1976-1982 – Secretary, J. Burns 1982-1984 – Secretary, F.S. Knight 1984 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1985 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1986 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1. From F.S. Knight (Frazza), BTLC to Mr RB Yates, Assistant Secretary, Wages and Employment Conditions Policy Branch - Regarding the wages Accord and need for review of wage structures. 14 February 1986 2. From F.S. Knight (Frazza) to Mr J.J. Brown, Federal Industrial Officer, Unity Hall - Regarding work value of car and wagon painters, train examiners and 1987 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1. Authored by FS Knight - Speech delivered in 1987(?) - unsure of the occasion/launch - at which Bob Hawke (Prime Minister) and (John Cain) were present. References to the ALP, unions and communism. 1987(?) 1988 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1989 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1990 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1991 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1. From Mr F.S. Knight to Mrs Joan Kirner, Premier of Victoria - Regarding a fair deal for working class people especially in Victoria. F.S. Knight was a member of the ARU, Secretary of Ballarat Trades and Labour Council, a member of the Ballarat North ALP and long-time party supporter. 4 December 1991 2. From Mr F.S. Knight to The Editor, Herald-Sun Newspaper - Regarding immigration, ineffective management of industry and community needs. 4 December 1991 3. From Mr F.S. Knight to Mr John Halfpenny, Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council - Regarding terms and conditions for transport drivers and traffic management/roads in Ballarat. 5 December 1991 4. From F.S. Knight (?) to Senator Gareth Evans - Regarding the federal Labor Government's policies on poverty, Beijing massacre, foreign policy, Indonesia and ALP's electoral fortunes. 17 December 1991 1992 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1. From John Halfpenny, Secretary, Victorian Trades Hall Council to Mr Francis S. Knight - In response to Mr Knight's letter in 1991 about road transport; Mr Knight's concerns referred to the Transport Workers Union. 14 January 1992 1993 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1994 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1995 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1996 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1997 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1998 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 1999 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2000 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2001 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2002 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2003 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2004 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2005 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2006 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2007 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2008 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2009 – Secretary, G.A. Shearer 2009-2014 – Secretary, P.R. Clempson 2014 - Secretary, B. Edgington The correspondence is a core historical source of information from the inception of BTLC, and represents the history of unionism in the Ballarat region. Correspondence relates to industrial campaigns, social justice and is of political significance to the region. Paper/letters stored in two boxes.correspondence, btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, eight hours anniversary committee, unions, ballarat trades hall, amalgamated mining engine drivers' association, bendigo amalgamated miners' association, lands, victoria, a.r. davie, delegates, d.m. davies, j.l. dowe, f.r. fincham, j.w. grahame, w. hosking, council rules, rules, j. kline, painters union, eight hour anniversary, j. pearce, g. rasy?, r.d. reid, h. richardson, a. sutherland, a. young, specifications, stamping marbles, j.l. anderson, h. uren, ballarat cricket club, city free library, membership, ballarat woollen mills operative union, ballarat typographical association, j. binner, cabmen union, carpenters and joiners trade society, h. clotz, hairdressers, friendly society of ironmoulders of victoria, e. ingram, l. mills, painters' union, c. salter, a. smith, e.h. swifte, tanners and curriers of ballarat, trades and labor council, brisbane, j. treloar, donations, free city library, amalgamated miners' association of australasia, amalgamated society of engineers, half holiday union, operative bakers' society, victorian operative bookmakers union, ballarat branch, t.s. bailey, dr siscs, worn out miners sustentation fund, parks, australian natives association, major dane, colac, overdraft, tanners and curriers union, trades hall council, melbourne, david bennett, victorian operative bricklayers society, industrial disputes, john wilson, ballarat woollen and worsted company, butchers employees' association, awards, ballarat bootmakers' union, whitten, cairns, stansfield, bush, shepphard, working men's college, francis ormond, phoenix foundry dispute, john alexander, amalgamated millers, engine drivers, and mill employees' association of australasia, amalgamated miners of australasia, w.g. spence, w.l. anderson, friendly ironmoulders' society, w. stokeld, wages, clementston, strike funds, t. bailey, ballarat plumbers union, ballarat saddle harness and collar makers' society, ballarat tailoresses' union, ballarat town council employees, e. batterly, e. blayney, g. blyman, m. bregazzi, j. clement, minister for mines, victoria, w. davies, hugh dunlop, john dunn, w. evans, fitzgerald bros, j. hancock, horse drivers' union ballarat, hughes and opie, academy of music ballarat, j. hurst, w. kean, w. kenna, warrenheip breweries, joseph kirton, labourers' protective and building society, d. lessels, john lynch, john mcauly, jas martin, masons' society, master tailors' association, ballarat, w. meher, j. david, w.e. murphy, ballarat gas company, g. philbrook, t. porter, maritime strike, saddle, harness and collar makers society, sandhurst and district trades and labour council, john sayers, sheldon, w. smith, t (?) stephen, jubilee mine, long gully, black ball, scarsdale, amalgamated shearers' union, sheep owners, united society of boilermakers and iron shipbuilders of victoria, w.h. uren, n. wanliss, a.c. whitten, f. meagher, e. hobson, p. (?) wallis, the industrial labour league, w. bannow, bendigo miners' association, bendigo and district trades and labour council, builders labourers' union, w.s. curzon-sniggers, henry douglass, federated seamans' union of victoria, w.j. lormer, s. mauger, railway department, h. porter, non-union workers, women's christian temperance union of victoria, j. barret, joseph barret, bendigo and district cooperative movement society, united labor and liberal party, alex young, e.p. date, w. herdafield, amalgamated miners' association barrier branch, eight hour sports fund, pensioners, bhp, broken hill proprietary, amalgamated miners' association hunter district, j. barrett, a. campbell, f.h. bromly, m. campbell, h.m. champion, w.a. trenwith, people's party, may day demonstration, cigar makers' union, l. corstorphan, r. surtees, t. young, s. barker, w. hurdsfield, h. hanton, c. harris, j.p. jones, ballarat operative weavers' union, international labor day, ben tillet, tocsin, adelaide labor conference, t. mccoates, e. findley, p.j. mullaney, ballarat benevolent asylum and lying in hospital, rating reform league, r.r.l., single tax league, victoria, james oldham, wanliss and gray, dr wm moloney, t. campbell, denmark, m. hirsch, james stephens, intercolonial labor federation, denmark lock out, people's party bendigo, committee of the convention on unemployment, j.b. meier, amalgamated engine drivers' association, bendigo branch, anti-sweating league of victoria, victorian tobacco operations association, chiltern dispute, united labour party, australasian labor federaton, elections, j. cairns, coach makers' society, j. hume cook, j. lemmon, master butchers' association, ballarat and district, o. rees, united council for women's suffrace, women's franchise, old age pensions, tom williams, amalgamated miners' association, creswick branch, tom mann, j. eva, andrew christie, alfred deakin, eight hour demonstration committee, eigh hours monument fund, andrew gray, protectionist association of victoria, soldiers' statue fund, ballarat, arbitration bill, h. brooks, arbitration and conciliation bill, stephen barker, state reform bill, tinsmiths' union, p. brandt, tariffs, eight hours celebration union, adelaide, eureka stockade, eureka stockade celebration, preferential trade with great britain, robert rogers, tom mann organisation fund, edward tregear, outtrim, victorian agricultural implement and machine makers' society, r. williams, s.m. bull, eight hours anniversary union, brisbane, federal labor party, national progress newspaper society ltd., sunshine harvesting works, galloway monument, gold saving machine, workers trade mark, union label, secretary for mines, chas vaughan and co., castlemaine hibernian sports programme, church of christ, r. mcgregor, timber workers relief fund, federated saw mill timber yard and general woodworkers employees' association, interstate trades union congress, australian builders labourers federation, united grocers, tea and dairy produce employees' union, victorian railways union, the courier, ballots, r. rose, w. hughes, citizens loyalist committee, e.j. hogan, e.j. holloway, eight hours committee of enquiry, minister for lands, wilkins, miss, philharmonic singers, f.s. knight -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Newspaper clippings, Eureka Stockade Newspaper Clippings, 1923-2015
The Eureka Stockade was fought on the Eureka Lead, Ballarat East on 03 December 1854. Keith Rash was a signwriter who learnt his trade at the Ballarat School of Mines. He was very interested in local history and wrote articles for the local newspapers. The clippings on Eureka would have been used to inform his articles, and research on the site of the Eureka Stockade. Ken Clements was former Academic Registrar at Ballarat College of Advanced Education (now University of Ballarat). He was a committee member of the Eureka Stockade Memorial Park Committee for a number of years. Dr Dorothy Wickham has researched Eureka over a number of decades, and has published a number of titles on the topic. Clare Gervasoni has researched Eureka over a number of decades, and has published a number of titles on the topic, including coordination of for Ballarat Reform League Inc. Three white A4 folders of newspaper clippings dating from 1923 to 2012. The clippings are in chronological order. The clippings were collected by Keith Rash, and were later supplemented by clippings collected by Ken Clements. Further clippings collected by Dorothy Wickham, mainly around the 1990s were inserted throughout the folders in chronological order, as well as later clippings by Clare Gervasoni .1) Folder One - Eureka Cuttings 1923 - 1984 * Courier 05/05/1923 - Eureka Progress Association (W. Groves, Stockader Phillips of Rocky Lead, Stockader Wilson, G. Lakeland, Eureka Hall.) * Courier 10.08.1931 - Banquet at Eureka - Progress Association's Annual Meeting (McGregor, Parsons, W.J. McAdam, 75th anniversary. Elsworth, Kent, Robert McGregor) *Courier 11/08/1932 - Eureka Reserve - Committee Annual Social. (E. Parsons, C.C. Phillips, D.C. McGrath, T.T. Hollway, Bolster, Mackenzie, Mares, Hendy) * Courier 07/07/1939 - Eureka Improvement Committee, Eureka Reserve * Courier 04/12/1950 - Australian Democracy Was Born at Eureka * Courier 04/09/1951 - Council Seeks Development of Eureka Land - potential housing Commission development on site of Last Chance Mine. (J. Welsh). * Ballarat Courier 12/1952 - Few Remembered Eureka Affair (98th anniversary, A.W. Nicholson, C.E. Brown, L. O'Brien, R. Joshua, Soldiers' Memorial Band) * Courier 07/12/1953 - Few Commemorated the Affair at Eureka - 99th anniversary at the Stockade reserve (F.J. Cutts, L. O'Brien, R. Joshua, Peter Lalor, C.E. Brown. * Courier 14/04/1954 - Eureka Centenary - meeting to determine form of commemoration. * Courier 15/04/1954 - Getting ready - Centenary celebrations (Picture of Diggers Memorial, F.J. Cutts, C. Mott). * Courier 15/04/1954 - Eureka Centenary Planned (F.J. Cutts, Geoffrey Searle, Edgar Bartrop, G. Swenson, B. Parsons, T.E. Carter, M. Collins, Mrs L.M. Quinlan, Grenville, Eureka Progress Association, Arthur Jones, E.J. Crimmins, Bernard D'Arcy, A.W. [Bert] Strange). * Guardian 25/11/1954 - Diary of a Eureka Stockader [signed RDW] (Bentley, Fletcher, McIntyre, Westerby, Ballarat Reform League, monster meeting, Bakery Hill, Charles Hotham) * Argus 04/12/1954 - Eureka Day Marred by Storm (image of Bert O'Toole in Red Coat uniform, Peter Lalor Statue, A.C. Pittard, F.J. Cutts, Bernard D'Arcy, L. Moyle, Catherine Smith, wounded, death, Eureka Celebrations, anniversary, John Cain *Age Literary Supplement, 04/12/1954 - The motives that prompted the tragic Eureka rising . (image of Charles Hotham, government troops attack, Eureka Stockade Monument) 1851 discovery of gold in Victoria, centenary of Eureka Stockade, author MM, Governor Latrobe, law abiding nature of most miners, most miners were British but other nationalities represented, miners former occupations were varied, many did not "strike it rich", by 1853 the earnings of most diggers had fallen very low, 30/- licence fee, digger hunts, cries of "Joe" or "The Traps", 5 pound fine or 6 month imprisonment for not carrying Licence, La Trobe had hired ex-convicts as police, Governor Charles Hotham 1854, Bentlys Hotel, Commissioner Rede, miners leader Peter Lalor, Carboni Raffaello, Press warning by "Age", Ballarat Reform League, November 29 diggers meeting, licences burned, November 30 licence hunt, new flag and Southern Cross oath, the Stockade, revolution ?, Stockade Garrison, December 3 1854, the battle, 125 prisoners, 13 charged with high treason, all prisoners acquitted, Lalor and Vern into hiding, 'democratic revolution' or 'undisguised rebellion' ? , Miner's Right, Chartist ideas involved, Lalor became a member of Victorian parliament, Eureka monument inscription, little revolutionary significance. * The Argus 06/12/1954 - 100th Eureka Day ( [ Images - bearded miners, Bert O'Toole, simulated battle, red coats] battle tableau, Centenary celebrations. Mr Cain Premier, Spirit of Eureka). * Ballarat Courier 22/04/1961 Attack on the Paint ( [Image - Eureka Monument Guns] vandals). * Ballarat Courier 13/09/1962 - Little-Known Aspects of Eureka Affair (E.J. Crimmins and the 109th Eureka Anniversary); Eureka Drilling (Photo of M. Milligan drilling for water for the Eureka Pool) * Ballarat Courier 10/12/1963 - Eureka Relics in Public Display (Trev Negri), Little-known aspects of the Eureka affair (E J Crimmins, 13 State prisoners, Creswick men, M Greville), Eureka Request (Apex explanatory notice). * Ballarat Courier 12/05/1964 - Plaque to tell Eureka Story (Apex donation on monument). * Ballarat Courier 09/06/1964 - Permission is sought (re Eureka Reserve small Hall). * Ballarat Courier 28/08/ 1964 - Eureka should be much better attraction (Mayor Cr Webb, Rotary). * No Chlorination at Stockade Pool 24/08/1964 (A Jones secretary) * Ballarat Courier 10/10/1964 - Assurance given on Eureka Swimming Pool (Murray Byrne MLC, Bill Stephen MLA, pool plans [Images - Photo of Jones, Stephen Byrne - diagram of Eureka reserve swimming pools, caravan park, monument area] ) * Ballarat Courier 23/06/1964 - Pool plans ready for tenders MLA (Black Hill) * Ballarat Courier 26/11/1966 - Eureka: Was that clash in 1854 inevitable ? ([Image - Monument, Peter Lalor statue], by J J Sheehan, foreigners, Chartists, poorly armed. * 03/12/1966 Part 2 - Eureka: No plan by the Diggers to Attack, by j j Sheehan ([Images - Eureka collection, W C Colbourne and G Brookes with old rifle] Corrupt, Instructed, Withers' view, The last hunt, Police spies). * Ballarat Courier 19/12/1968 - Eureka commemoration definite next year,1854 - (Connolly Association, 3 December, 'Finest thing in Australasian history', few attending, L O'Brien, public apathy, A Williams, successful 1954 centenary, W. Roff, Eureka Progress Association) * 23/11/67 - Eureka and Miners' rights (G P Ryan letter, no representation, excessive licence system, offensive administration.brutality, Gov Hotham, barricade on Eureka lead, Miners' Rights replaced Licences but now worthless, mining monopolies, democracy). * Eureka Flag Ceremony (L O'Brien, false report, revive annual Eureka service). * Ballarat Courier 12/05/1867 Questions of Eureka (W Thompson letter, why military names on monument ? Why mount irrelevant cannons on monument ? Where is the flag ?). Lalor's refuge (between Bungaree and Bullarook ?, Fr t Linane ). Building linked with Ballarat (at French end of Collins Street Melbourne, Sir Robert Nickle, relief march to Ballarat, historian E Moorhead, 40th regiment link ). * Ballarat Courier 08/01/1968 - Too little history at Eureka says Visitor (Image - Eureka monument, Mrs L Riley, frequent complaint, B McOrist, proposed Stockade model). * Ballarat Courier c 1968 - Gallery Eureka flag may be the original (Cr W Roff, at Ballarat Art Gallery, fraud ?, matching pieces). * Ballarat Courier 11/04/1968 Pool of reflection ([Image - Eureka pool and willows], near full again). * Ballarat Courier 20/08/1968 - Eureka Reserve (Rotary Clubs' proposed project). *Ballarat Courier 05/10/1968 - Picturesque Willows ([Image- willows in good condition at Eureka Stockade]). * Ballarat Courier, November 1968 - Eureka Ceremony will be Revived (Eureka Progress Association to revive Eureka Commemoration at the site, Connolly Association Australia, J. Garvey, A. Jones) [Photo of L. O'Brien, A, Jones, R.A. Mitchell, Jim Styker and Alan Mills *Ballarat Courier 15/11/1968 - Walkathon for Stockade Diorama (planned life-size Diorama at Stockade depicting the Eureka riot, Rotary Cup walkathon fundraiser. *Ballarat Courier 26/11/1968 - Discussing plans ([Image - Les O'Brien, Arthur Jones, Alan Mills et al], memorial service Sunday). * Ballarat Courier 26/11/1968 - Eureka ceremony will be revived (four year lapse, Connolly Association, Eureka Progress Association) * Ballarat Courier 02/12/1968 - 500 attend Eureka ceremony (114th commemoration, on island in Lake, Mayor Cr M J Brown, speaker Mr Dudley Erwin MLA, significance to Australia, Connolly Association morning ceremony, Bernie Nolan, W Hartley). * Courier 1969 - Letters to the editor - Peter Lalor's Grave, Losing Places of Beauty loss of verandahs, Eureka Stockade Caravan Park, Eureka Swimming Pool), Ireland's Dilemma (Catholic Church), Small Group in "Affair" (F.R. Muller) * Courier 22/04/1969 - $7000 grant for Eureka Diorama (Sir Henry Bolte approves grant, $2 for $1, Rotary walkathon basis, City Council interest, Diorama details, information about Eureka for public, Eureka Park Sovereign Hill and Montrose cottage combination). * Courier 21/08/1969 - Mayor turns sod at Diorama site ([Image- Mayor Cr M J Brown et al], life size representation of stockade scene, Mr W F Stephen MLA). * Courier 06/12/1969 - The 'affair at Eureka' ([Image- Diorama] Few remembered anniversary of bid for democratic Government in 1850s, Mayor Cr Alec Mills, Murray Byrne, Colonial secretary J Foster resignation, reforms, hostility, unpopular, end of era). * Courier mixed 1969 - City link with Eureka Stockade threatened, - Eureka signposts [Diggers Memorial, Soldiers Memorial], - Eureka Anniversary - Souvenir of Eureka (William Cowland's pistol). * Courier :/05/1970 - Fascinated ([Image- children at near completed Diorama]). * Courier 10/08/1970 - Mayor opens Eureka Diorama ([Image- Diorama scene of 3 December 1854 battle], Mayor Cr A E Mills, Rotarians, Eric Pearce voice tape recording). * Courier 08/08/1970 - Eureka Diorama should be Popular-Rotarian ([Image- Diorama shed], City's new drawcard, Diorama Opening para and advert). * Courier 12/09/1970 - The Quick change Eureka Stockade ([Image- Eureka Stockade Hotel], was Australia Felix Hotel, Mr Kevin Worthington). * Courier 22/09/1970 - Missing golden opportunities (message unheeded, American tourists misled, bewildered tourists). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Ballarat's monument to vandalism ? (Ballarat, Wendouree and South Rotary clubs' pride: Eureka Diorama, joy and heartaches, vandalism damage, thoughtless and vicious). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Marked for demolition ([Image- Ballarat east railyard] troops path to Eureka stockade). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Diorama sound system target for vandals ([Image- Jack Redman removing foreign material from diorama starting mechanism). * Courier 03/11/1970 - Record Good but Facts are Wrong ([Image- depiction of Eureka scene], article by Paul Hughes, RCA LP record based on musical play re Eureka Stockade, errors) * Courier 11/03/1970 - Diorama for Eureka Stockade ([Images- view of park, view of diorama]). * Courier 4/12/1970 - Anniversary of Eureka uprising ([Images- Southern Cross flag over Montrose cottage, R Fenton and V Demedeze], 107th anniversary, Scouts Eureka re-enactment, Diggers didn't mind delay). * Courier 16/04/1971 - Lake disappearing ([Image- Lake Elsworth being filled], Olympic standard pool planned for same site). * Courier 31/07/1971 - Birthplace of Peter Lalor ([Image- 211 year old Lalor home in Ireland], Eureka Stockade (park) name change to Eureka Stockade Memorial Park (in Sept. 1972). * Courier 01/02/1971 Eureka Stockade Gardens - ([Images- Gardens near Caretakers Cottage, Miss J Hetherington and begonias in Eureka Stockade hothouse). * Courier 11/1971 - Eureka Grant (for toilet block in Eureka Caravan Park), Ancestor Died in Stockade Battle (William Clifton), $93,887 Tender for Eureka Pool) * Courier 10/12/1971 - Eureka FILM 'iMMORAL' ( Erwin's attack, DUDLEY ERWIN MP, suggested cuts). * Courier 21/02/1972 - It is not a subsidy (says Stockade Director, re film, Added bonus, also Descendant upset- letter from Peter A Lalor re film content). * Ballarat Courier 31/10/1973 - Eureka Stockade a National Shrine, (Editorial , Minister Grassby's support) - Eureka 'Shrine of our History', (Grassby's pledge). * Ballarat Courier 14/02/1973, - $1000 Grant for Eureka Flag (from State government to Ballarat Art Gallery, Bill Stephen MLA, Murray Byrne Minister for Tourism). * Ballarat Courier 26/05/1973, - Eureka Flag Restored (by Val D'Angri, Peter Lalor details, [Images- Val at work on flag, painting of 1854 Ballarat]). * Ballarat Courier 26/10/1973 - Taking another look at Eureka (Editorial, historical and social significance of Eureka Stockade, Neighbour attractions, Thinking BIG), and Editorial report, Put up the Stockade again - and a Monorail ? * Ballarat Courier 31/10/1973 - Eureka Stockade a National Shrine (Minister's support) * Ballarat Courier October 1973 - Eureka a 'Shrine of our History' (Grassby's pledge, Alex Barnett's plans for Eureka Stockade ). * Ballarat Courier 03/11/1973, - Build Eureka into a tourist drawcard ,(Challenge to Clubs. W H McGregor; Ceremony, Tram Link, the "Iceberg"). * Ballarat Courier 08/11/1973, - Grassby to get Eureka Plans - (from Alex Barnett). * Ballarat Courier 29/11/1973, - Memorial Plans with Town Hall (Architect plans also sent to Mr Grassby). * Ballarat Courier 13/11/1973, - Prime Minister will unveil Eureka Flag [Image - Erecting Flag frame at Ballarat Art gallery, Val D'Angri]. * Ballarat Courier 14/11/1973, - What plan for the Eureka memorial ? (Public entitled to know, National concept) and (Eureka Upgrading). * Ballarat Courier 24/11/1973, - Connolly Opposition to Eureka Proposals (Association protests about limited support for commemoration of Eureka) and (Gallery search for Lalor descendant). *Ballarat Courier 24/11/1973, - The Affair at Eureka (Part one by J J Sheehan) [Images -Jones' Circus tent, and Stockade location, also Peter Lalor photo, also artist's impression of the 13 men on trial]. Part 2 )3/11/1973 (Eureka Diorama) * Ballarat Courier 01/12/1973, - Grassby to see Eureka Plan on Site [Image- Architect's sketch of proposed $450,000 Museum building]. *Ballarat Courier 01/12/1973, - The Affair at Eureka (The fight for justice, concluding J J Sheehan series), [Images - painting of fight, and the supposed site of the Stockade]. * Ballarat Courier 02/12/1973, Victorian Treasures at Art Gallery (Eureka Flag and "Moonrise exhibition), [Image - J Nicholson cleaning 'Peter Lalor' portrait]. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - The Events Which led up to Eureka (Licence contentions,the perceived need for fortification around the workings at the Eureka lead, the death of James Scobie, the burning of Bentley's Hotel, the conviction of three miners on 20 November, arrival of armed soldiers at the Camp. Also Raffaello observations, and advert for public viewing of Eureka Flag. [Image - Diggers and Soldiers names on Eureka Monument]. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - The past celebrated but what of the future ? (119th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade uprising, but current politicians are under close scrutiny) * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - Teacher-Politician is behind Eureka story (J J Sheehan profile). *Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973 - A Noteworthy Day in Ballarat - (Prime Minister Whitlam unveiled the famous Eureka Flag at the Art gallery). * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Newcomers told about migrants at Eureka (migrants from >20 countries, comradeship after battle and defeat, new nation in peace and tranquility. Minister for Immigration Mr Al Grassby at Sovereign Hill. Liberties. A Shrine. [Image- Al Grassby and newly arrived migrants at Sovereign Hill]. *Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Grassby leads colorful Eureka commemoration (cheering school children, flag, wreath, World Fame for Eureka affair, boy's coach trip, two sides to Eureka battle.) [Image- Mr Grassby and group of children]. (National day proposed by Mr Grassby). * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, Eureka as National Monument (PM commends stockade plan, Mr Whitlam on Eureka commemoration day supports plans to make Eureka Stockade a national monument. Flag saved and restored, TV hitch. New Australian anthem needed to match the 'new nationalism'. [Image - Gough Whitlam and group at flag presentation and unfurling ceremony.] * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Eureka ! It's Digger Al (Al Grassby at 119th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade rebellion). [Images - scenes of Al Grassby at Sovereign Hill]. * Ballarat Courier 05/12/1973, - Talk, But No Cash: Stephen (Mr Bill Stephen MLA comments on visit by Whitlam and Grassby). - Eureka Flag Australia's most valuable relic: PM (Gough Whitlam report to Federal Parliament yesterday, Hospitality from Mr Dudley Erwin) * Ballarat Courier 10/12/1973, - Flag restorer stitched her way into history (Val D"Angri has stitched her way into Australian History as the person who restored the Eureka Flag. [Image - Mrs Val D'Angri, Eureka Flag needlewoman ]. * Ballarat Courier, 1974 - Location of the Eureka Stockade (Bert Strange), Misplaced Stockade (Maurice Calnin, T.C. Cleary, diary), Stockade Site (Bob O'Brien), Eureka Flag Stolen (John Shannon) *Ballarat Courier 6 May 1974, - Committee formed for $1.25 M. Eureka Project - ( a permanent memorial). *Ballarat Courier 6 May 1974, - Federal Govt Aid likely for Eureka (Federal Labor Government wants Eureka Stockade site to be a major tourist attraction, Eureka booklet proposed). *Ballarat Courier 10 May 1974, - Peter Lalor Stories Interest Society (Ballarat Historical Society seeks reports of Peter Lalor during escape after the Eureka affair). Also Eureka Shrine, The Eureka 'affair', Eureka film premier. * 29/07/1974 - Eureka Memorial Plans Need Full Support (Eureka Stockade Association) * Ballarat Courier 11/5/1974 and 6/6/1974 - Stockade Site (Rob O'Brien, Eureka Interesting Story * Ballarat Courier 30/01/1974 - Eureka Remembered in Italy (Al Grasby, Raffaello Carboni, Urbino); Eureka Memorial on Way (Eureka Stockade Association) {photo of Gordon Cornell, Alec Barnett, Bruce Bartrop] * Ballarat Courier, May 1974 and 11 May 1974 - Location of the Eureka Stockade (Bert Strange); Stockade Site (Bob O'Brien) * [Ballarat Courier?] 10/07/1979 - City's Oldest Memorial is Over Diggers' Graves. (An article on the grave over the diggers who were killed as a result of the Eureka Stockade battle which was erected on 22 March 1856. .2) Folder Two- Eureka Cuttings c1980-2004 Ballarat Courier ~9/1980, - First-hand account of hardship omitted (Frank Titan letter re Tom Evans' use of selected evidence in his proclamation that democracy was not born at Eureka Stockade. "Democracy was won at the Stockade on 3/12/1854. [Cartoon 'A beach view of the Eureka Flag debate']. Ballarat News ~1980, Names (Diggers & Troopers) of deceased on Eureka Stockade Monument. [Photo of white marble tablet] Ballarat Courier 4 July 1981, Eureka Papers Gift to City, Peter Lalor letters, Stephen Cumming diary. [Photo - Town Clerk Ian Smith, Cr Jessie Scott and donor Bruce Evans]. * The Sun Travel Supplement, 06 April 1984 - A Bloody Moment Re-visited by Alec Hepburn - (Diorama, Eureka Stockade Replica, Montrose Cottage) [Image of Gerard Rushforth to the reconstruction of the Eureka Stockade * Ballarat Courier, 10/04/1984 - Eureka Incident 'an uprising of the scum of goldfields. [photo of John Callinan with the Diggers Grave monument] * The Age, 06/05/1987 - Eureka! Man found whose father was there by John Lahey (Article on Terence Brady, who was a 4 month old baby at the Eureka Stockade battle. * Ballarat Courier 13 June 1984, 'Eureka Stockade'.....a Panning, (American critic J J O'Connor pans the Australian TV Mini-series. Book 2 - C1990-2004 * Ballarat Courier ~1990,- High-calibre Restoration, (World War I German Howitzer being restored after about 70 years exposure in the Eureka Stockade Memorial Park). [Photo of wheeled Gun, and article by author Peter Butters]. * Ballarat Courier, ~1990, A Changing Track to Eureka, a 'Room for a View' article by Alex Barnett OAM. (comment about the Stockade site and the tracks leading to it). [Photo of painting by Charles Doudiet depicting the diggers swearing allegiance to the southern Cross on 1 December 1854]. * Ballarat News 22 March 1990 - Eureka Troopers Slept Here (article on the Werribee Hunt Hotel, near the Ballarat Gold Course, where troopers slept and watered their horses on the way to Ballarat in 1854. [photograph of the hotel] * Ballarat Courier, 23 August 1991 - Eureka relics Return to Ballarat by Gemma Daley. Items acquired by Sovereign Hill - including a Ground plan of James Bentley's Eureka Hotel, autographed statement by Michael Carroll. (photograph of Peter Hiscock holding a set of percussion pistols, the Plan of the Eureka Hotel] * 30 November 1992 - Ballarat Courier 'Hayden Pays a Visit' by Julia Balderstone (Article on the visit of Governor-General Bill Hayden to Ballarat, the launch of Bob O'Brien's book 'Massacre at Eureka: The untold Story' ) [Photographs of Bill Hayden, Mayor James Coglan, Sovereign Hill, Bob O'Brien) * Ballarat Courier 03 December 1994 - Awareness grows of flag's meaning by Lorrie Brown (article on the Ballarat Trades Hall replica of the Eureka Flag. The replica flag was made by the then Trades Hall caretaker Tom Ellis. The replica flag was used in a Trades Hall march in 1945 and then disappeared until the mid 1980s (Image of David Miller nad Graeme Shearer in front of the flag.) Verso - Robert and Pamela Sublet and their link to the Eureka Stockade via their ancestor Charles Sublet de Bourgy and the site of the Eureka Stockade. * 04 May 1996 Ballarat Courier Saturday Magazine Extra 'Our Next Flag?' by Gabrielle Hodson (An article on the Australian Flag and the Eureka Flag with interview with Gayle Hart (Ballarat Fine Art Gallery) * Ballarat Courier, 15 February 1995 - 'Knockers' Harming the Story of Eureka - an opinion piece by Lewis L. Gay (descendant of William Gay) * Ballarat Courier, 10 July 1996 - Facts, not our bias, are Eureka's basis, an opinion piece by Tom Evans * Ballarat Courier 03 September 1996 - Tell Warts and All of Eureka by Weston Bate (image of Weston Bate) * The Age, 21 December 1996 - Mining a rich vein of passion by Mary Ryllis Clark (Eureka overview with information on Charles Doudiet). * Ballarat Courier, 07 July 1997 - Eureka Flag Row (Sale by auction of Eureka Flag piece held by Lex McClintock - associated with Communist Party and Evelyn Shaw) [Photo of Anne Beggs Sunter beside the Eureka Flag] * Ballarat Courier, 02 August 1997; images of the Eureka sail on the Eureka centre from different locations. * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, Eureka Stockade Centre Agreement is signed, (Sovereign Hill to manage new Eureka Centre). [p 1 Photo Doug Sarah, Janet Dore, James Coghlan, Peter Tobin, and Peter Hiscock at table; p 2 photo of new Eureka Centre and reference to 21 year management agreement between City of Ballarat and Sovereign Hill Museums Association. * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, 'A Handsome Addition to our Heritage Assets' [Plan of Bentley's Eureka Hotel ason 17 October 1854 it was when it burned ] * Ballarat Courier 03 November 1997 - Different Eureka Flag. Letter to the editor from A.D. Glasson. * * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, 'Did Eureka Claim the Drummer Boy' Dorothy Wickham prooves the Drummer Boy of the 12 Regiment. John Egan. did not die in the events leading to the Eureka Stockade. * Ballarat Courier ~1998, - Alex and Audrey thanked, (Total of 90 years work for Eureka Stockade Memorial Park Committee recognised), [Photo of Gordon Taite, Alex Barnett and John Barnes. * Ballarat Couruer, 04 February 1998 - Exciting Eureka Flag Find in UK by Stuart Howie. (Eureka Flag held in the Suffold Military Museum) [Jan Penney holds with a Eureka centre logo.] * Ballarat Courier 23 February 1998, Eureka Centre almost ready, (Workers adding finishing touches, description of $4m Centre by Manager Jan Penney). [Photo of new Eureka Centre, Mothers Art figures, Jan Penney, stage coach, Trooper John King]. [Photo Dorothy Wickham an d Governement Camp] * Ballarat Courier 23 February 1998, Forging links with Irish (Article by Leanne Keem on visitors from County Wicklow, 1798 Rebellion, convicts, Wicklow Historic Gaol.) [Photograph at Sovereign Hill of Joan Kavanagh, Pat Vance, Balise Treacy) * Ballarat Courier 28 March 1998, On to Camp Street, Premier urges at Eureka opening, (Comments by Mr Kennett about Eureka and the Ballarat community). [Various photos and paras about participants and about the Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 28 March 1998, EUREKA CENTRE SETS FULL SAIL, (celebration of launch of new centre by Premier Jeff Kennett). [Cartoon re Red Carpet and flag pieces]. * Ballarat Courier 17 November 1998, National Eureka Day idea 'could boost city' (Mayor Judy Verlin) * Ballarat Courier 28 November 1998, - MP backs Eureka Sunday, (Michael Ronaldson supports idea of a national Eureka Sunday to recognise Eureka's significance). [Photo of Michael Ronaldson MHR]. * Ballarat Courier 1/12/1998, - Red Eureka flag symbolic for anniversary, (red spotlight on giant Eureka flag model above the new Eureka Centre for 144th anniversary week, and outline of displays in Centre by manager Dr Jan Penny). [Photos - red 'Eureka Flag' on new Stockade Centre, and cartoon re 'tomato sauce']. * Ballarat Courier 2/12/1998, - Eureka enthusiast hopes for national day of celebration, (Jack Harvey expresses his hope that 'Eureka Day' might replace 'Australia Day' as our national day for celebration of anniversary of the formation of Australia, especially if Australia becomes a republic. History of the Dawn Walk in a list). [Cartoon re Eureka Walk Backpacker]. * The News 2/12/1998 - Lanterns to Light Path on Eureka Walk by Toni Lea-Howie - Dawn walk, lanterns, Jack Harvey, * Ballarat Courier 3/12/1998,- Marching the light fantastic, (Lighting the way, lanterns being prepared at Mining Exchange under direction of maker Graeme Dunstan in readiness for Sunday dawn walk, and other details of the Sunday program). [Photo of Belinda Dyer and Michael McTigue with several lanterns and a Eureka flag in the background]. * Ballarat Courier 4/12/1898, - Old trash reveals gold rush lifestyle , (display of artefacts dug from ground before new Eureka Centre built, Dr Jan Penny spoke, Minister Rob Maclellan launched the display, Cr James Coghlan announced the formation of the Eureka Stockaders support group with Peter Tobin and Alex Barnett as Life Members, article by Diane Squires. [Photo of Robert Maclellan and Gael Shannon with archaeological artefacts]. * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1998 'Many Behind New Eureka Centre' by Paul Murphy. (An article about the origins of the Eureka Stockade centre through the eyes of Paul Murphy, Executive Office of Eureka's Children. It includes the 1988 Bicentennial Eureka celebrations, Eureka Commemorative Society, Peter Tobin, Eureka Stockade Memorial Trust) Also inclides a letter from Bob O'Biren on the Origins of the Eureka Flag. * Ballarat Courier 5/12/1998, - Eureka walk revisits past , (Lantern bearers in a dawn walk will follow path taken in 1854 by troops as they marched to the Eureka Stockade, article by Rohan Wade). [Photo of Wayne Parker and Peter Freund discussing the internet recording of the dawn walk]. * Ballarat News 06/12/1995 - Lest we forget the fallen at Eureka by Peter Butters (William Westgarth, Captain Wise, Charles Rich, coffins, Bakery Hill meeting, Eureka monument, James Scobie, George Scobie. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - DAWN HOMAGE TO EUREKA HEROES, (300 take part in Dawn Walk, organiser Margaret Rich describes the community response and participation as fabulous and thanked Ballarat Fine Art Gallery for underwriting this years event). [Photo of dawn walkers on way to Eureka Stockade on Sunday, and photo of walk Leader Jack Harvey]. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - Walk sees the dawn of a national day, (3.30am marshalling of dawn walkers at Mining Exchange building by leader Jack Harvey and lantern maker Graeme Dunstan was spectacular; at the Eureka monument Don Chip addressed the large gathering on the significance of Eureka, Big turnout draws praise from Dore, Gallery echoes stirring oath).[Photo of Jack Harvey, Janet Dore, and Margaret Rich, Photo of Evelyn Healy, Cartoon re Ho Ho Ho ]. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - Miners were fighting for a fair go : Chipp, (Stirring Eureka address by Democrats founder Don Chipp,University lecturer Jack Harvey shares his passion, Walk invite for Jeff Kennett). [Photos of Don Chipp, Phil Cleary,Tobi and Chris Kelly, and other dawn walkers]. * Ballarat Courier 8/12/1998, - Eureka day just not for historians , (Editorial re inaugural National Eureka Sunday with comments about the program and the participation of many who are not historians). * Ballarat Courier 8/12/1998, - 'Children' threaten Eureka walk, (Paul Murphy declares that 'Eureka's Children' group would disrupt next years National Eureka Day Dawn Walk unless group criticisms of the 1998 program are heeded and changes made. Janet Dore states that Council noted advice from several community groups in setting the program). [Photo of 1998 dawn walkers]. * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - Donors vital part of Eureka centre, (Dr Jan Penney, Manager of the Eureka Centre, praised donors towards cost of the Centre and the exhibits in contradiction of an article by Paul Murphy of 'Eureka's Children' group). [Photo of Dr Jan Penney]. * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - Dawn Walk will continue to grow , (Editorial comment on Paul Murphy's criticism of the recent commemoration of Eureka Day including the date, the march, and use of the southern cross). * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - People and Places: Eureka Dawn Walk [photographs of Dawn Walk participants, including Don Chipp and Jack Harvery * Ballarat Courier 17/12/1998, - Spirit of cooperation set up Eureka centre , (City of Ballarat chief executive officer Janet Dore gives the council's point of view on the story behind the Eureka Stockade centre, perhaps prompted by Paul Murphy's recent statements, : many individuals have participated cooperatively, the state and federal governments have cooperated as have the Eureka Stockade Memorial Trust Committee, the Eureka Project Special Committee, the Centre Historic Contents sub-committee, the Eureka's Children group, community donors, the Eureka Stockade Advisory Committee, and the Sovereign Hill Museums Association). [Photos of the Eureka Stockade centre, and Janet Dore]. * Ballarat Courier 13/2/1999, - Leaky Eureka Centre leaves visitors out in cold, (Leaky ceiling leads to closure of Eureka Stockade Centre at about 2.30pm yesterday after extremely high rainfall despite much work done on earthen wall after earlier trouble). [Photo of Dr Jan Penny in the Centre Cafe and a bucket catching water]. * Melbourne Weekly, 1-7 March 1999 - Ballarat's Eureka Stockade (overview of the Eureka Stockade centre, archaeology) [Photo of Eureka sail on the Eureka Stockade centre] * Sunday Age 7/11/1999, - Maintaining the Eureka rage, (Paul Heinrichs meets the heirs of Australia's first republicans; discussion of republican pressures and other community views in relation to the Eureka rebellion, assuming Paul H is the author of the article). [Photo of Veterans of the Eureka rebellion at a reunion in 1904 and photo of 'Eureka's Children' Robert Dublet. John Ireland, Christine Gillespie and Paul Murphy unfurling a Eureka flag at the Old Melbourne Gaol - cross purposes ?] * Family Salutes a Link with History by Tony Wright (John King descendants) [Owen and John King hold a Eureka Flag] * Eureka Children Claim Historic Flag Was Stolen by Rohan Wade (contends Eureka Flag was unlawfully removed from the Eureka Stockade. * The Making of a Eureka Myth by Tom Evans (too much emphasis on the role of Eureka in the move to Australian Independence) * Ballarat Courier, 06/12/1999 - Brave Terrier's Statue Unveiled by Peter Litras (Article about the statue to the Pikeman's Dog which was unveiled at the Eureka Stockade Centre by Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1999 - Streets to Light Up on Eureka Sunday (Article on the Eureka Dawn Walk and lanterns. The walk was attended by Irish Ambassador Richard O'Brien , and Federal Senator for Victoria Tsebin Tchen). * Ballarat Courier 1/2/2000, - Eureka myths, (Tom Evans, historian and former member of parliament, writes we should be wary of large claims about the significance of Eureka in the development of the Australian spirit). [Photo of Eureka/an artists impression, and photo of Historian Tom Evans]. * Ballarat Courier ~March 2000, - Monument to Eureka, (Peter Butters discusses the Eureka monument in relation to ecology of the Stockade reserve with particular reference to tree removal). [Photo of early view of Eureka monument]. * Ballarat courier 30 April 2000, - Eureka Stockade work a family tradition (Alex Barnett comments on his recent award of an OAM), [photo of Alex Barnett and new Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 13 May 2000, - In Retrospect (para 3 re 'Mrs Anne Franks'). * Balalrat Courier 18/07/2000 - Eureka Group Wants Headstone Removed by Lyndal Reading (Article about the headstone to the drummer boy, John Egan, erected in the Ballaarat Old Cemetery in 1988. Dorothy Wickham's research discovered that the drummer boy did not die as the result of a pre-Eureka inceident, therefore Eureka's Children called for the gravestone to be removed.) [Photo of Paul Murphy and the headstone] * Ballarat Courier 29 November 2000, - Eureka Guide to December 3, 1854 (four pages of articles, adverts and photos including authors Angela Carey, Joy King, Tom Evans, Anne Beggs Sunter, Bob O'Brien, Steve Bracks, Peter Kennedy and Weston Bate). * Ballarat Courier 12 December 2000, - Union should bow out of Eureka Debate (Tom Evans letter). * Ballarat Courier ~2002, - Eureka Stockade a Family Tradition (Alex Barnett receives OAM), [Photo of Alex and new Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier, 30 October 2002 - Democracy's debt to goldfields pioneer by Paul Williams [photo of J.B. Humffray and a number of people around Humffray's grave] * Ballarat Courier, 03 December 2002 - Unfit to Fly by Mariza Fiamengo - Failed attempts to fly the Eureka Flag at Parliament House, Canberra) *Ballarat Courier 10 December 2002 – Charter Campaign rewrites history, by Tom Evans, including an image from Doudiet. * Ballarat Courier 31 July 2002, - No Right From Eureka (Mjner's Right and Australian Democracy not 'born at Eureka'), letter by Tom Evans. * Ballarat Courier, 07 September 2002 - Statue to honour Italian Eureka democracy fighter by Julia Hodges. (Preliminary sketches for a statue of Raffaello Carboni by Gary Anderson) [Preliminary sketch for statue] * Ballarat Courier 10 December 2002, - Charter Campaign Rewrites History (Eureka did not gain democracy for Victoria), article by Tom Evans, [Photo of C.Doudiet's sketch of soldiers at Eureka Stockade.] * Herald Sun, 04 April 2003 - Rebels with a cause * Ballarat Courier 5 August 2003, - Bloodline claim to Eureka irrelevant (Denial of claim by 'Eureka Children' that they know best about interpretation of Eureka), article by Dr Paul Laffey. * Ballarat Courier 21 August 2003, - Information session on Eureka Gardens (Notice of public meeting at Eureka Centre), * Ballarat Courier 24 October 2003, - Which is the true Eureka version ? (argument that there is only one true Eureka story), [letter by Tom Evans]. * Ballarat Courier 28 October 2003, - Many threads in a complex fabric (criticism of Tom Evans' case for the one true version of Eureka), letter by Ken Clements. * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - Australia Port Stamp Issue: Eureka 'spirit' honoured - stamps issued for 150th anniversary * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - Think About the Ideals by Dot Wickham (Ballarat reform League, Chartism (photo of military reenactors in the Ballaarat Old Cemetery) * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - The Flames that Lit Eureka by Peter Butters (burning of the Eureka Hotel) * Ballarat Courier 27 January 2004, - Democracy not born at Eureka (Claim that England granted 'Australian' colonies democracy two years before the Eureka battle), letter by Tom Evans. * Ballarat Courier 4 February 2004, - Forget Eureka, what about Westminster ? (Denial that Eureka was the birthplace of Australian democracy), letter by Tom Jobling, [plus Eureka flag cartoon and sundry other letters]. * Ballarat Courier 23 February 2004, - Eureka coin makes its mark (Minting of $1 coins to mark 150th anniversary of Eureka Stockade), report by Katie Maheras, [Photo of coin]. * Ballarat Courier 2004, -Eureka is for one and all (Eureka provides inspiration for many different ideologies but is not owned by any of them), Senator John Faulkner expresses his view about Eureka, [photo of new Eureka centre during recent dawn walk]. * Ballarat Courier ~2004, - Eureka : from the horse's mouth (An account by W Bourke of the Eureka fight as recorded in the Courier of 2 December 1904), one article in a series by Dot Wickham, [photo of Eureka veterans at 1904 jubilee celebrations, and photo of sketch of Eureka site]. * Eureka! The Past Gets a New Image with a Telling Makeover (an article by David Rood on historian Clare Wright's postdoctoral thesis 'Eureka's Women: An intimate History of Sex, Class and Culture on the Victorian Goldfields'. * The Sunday Age 31 October 2004 'Eureka: A job worth doing weld' (An article by Claire Miller on the 150th anniversary sculpture by Anton Hasell in the Eureka Stockade Gardens) * The Age 23 October 2004, - The Eureka Myth (An article by James Button discussing the meaning of the gold-rush uprising), [photos of tattered Eureka flag, impression of crowd hailing defendant after treason acquittal, and Peter Lalor actor; and copy of Mark Twain's famous 1890s quote re Eureka]. *`Ballarat Courier 27 October 2004, - Eureka flag to fly during historic journey to ice continent ('Ice Maidens' plan trek to South Pole), [Photo of 'Ice Maidens' and Minister Mary Delahunty, and modern version of Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 1 November 2004, - Eureka 150th Anniversary Conference Dinner (Guest Speaker Gough Whitlam at University of Ballarat on 26 November), [Images of version of Eureka flag, and logos of Victoria, Eureka Spirit 150, City of Ballarat, and University of Ballarat]. * Ballarat Courier 5 November 2004, - Sculpture evokes life at Eureka (Interpretive sculpture titled 'Eureka Circle' by Dr Anton Hasell is being erected in Eureka Gardens), [Photo of Dr Hasell and image of the sculpture). * Ballarat Courier 5 November 2004, Plenty of stitches in time help re-create the history of Eureka (Eureka Women's Sewing Circle making banners based on the Eureka flag, report by Karen McCann), [Photo of Maisie Spry, Nancy Taite, Shirlie Jones, Thelma Lyle, Heather Caddy and a banner; and a photo of Marion Macleod at work]. * Ballarat Courier 6 November 2004, - A rich vein of golden history (An account by Dot Wickham about the history of the Eureka Lead; another in 'The Rest is History' series ), [Photo of Peter Butters, Eric Andrews, Dot Wickham and Tom Evans at old Eureka Lead; and photo of author Dot Wickham]. * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Historic miners' charter honoured in parliament (Copy of Reform League Charter to be presented to State Parliament and Professor Weston Bate will unveil a plaque at Bakery Hill commemorating the Ballarat Reform League; report by Jason Shields). * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Our 'priceless' Eureka flag (Article by Professor Garry Carnegien re estimates of monetary value of the flag), [image of tattered Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Eureka 150 (Feature coming in The Courier on 24 November), [Images of City of Ballarat and The Courier logos]. * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2004, - Eureka rebellion all about justice (Letter by Des Williams criticising Tom Evans' altered quotations, and stressing the injustices that existed before Eureka and that the miners charged over the affair were found to be not guilty). * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2014, - Eureka retains a special place in modern Victoria (Editorial comments on the high interest in the coming 150th anniversary of Eureka and lists some of the commemorative events planned). * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2004, - Charter vital to history : Bracks (Article by Jason Shields asserting that the Ballarat Reform League Charter is a landmark document in the history of our nation, quoting Steve Bracks, David Vendy and others) [Photo of Mayor David Vendy and L.A. Speaker Judy Maddigan; photo of replica Eureka flag flying over Parliament House; photo of Weston Bate and John Semmens unveiling Reform League plaque; copy of 'Call for freedom' from 1854 Ballarat Times; and advert for 'the scenes of Eureka' to be in the courier on 24 November]. * Ballarat Courier 13 November 2004, - Wanted: people to fly flags (Flag-bearers Needed for Parade of Nations as part of Eureka 150 celebrations). * Ballarat Courier 16 November 2004, - Latham to visit Eureka 150, while PM says no (Federal government appears to be snubbing Eureka’s significance, and Anarchists Demand an an apology for the Eureka ‘massacre’; article by Michael Ruffles) [Image of replica Eureka flag to be raised at Bakery Hill for the Monster Meeting simulation]. * Ballarat Courier 16 November 2004, - Democracy on display (Article by Eugene Kneebone re University of Ballarat Conference on democracy as part of Eureka 150 celebrations) [Image of Conference guests Weston Bate and Gough Whitlam]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - But wait there’s more (Article by Peter Dwyer in ‘The State We’re In’ series, great Ballarat Events with another coming soon in the Eureka 150 celebrations) [Image of tattered Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - Broadcast for Eureka (Ballarat Amateur Radio Group to broadcast worldwide carefully researched stories of Eureka from 27 November to 5 December) [Image of advert ‘The Stories of Eureka’]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - PM sends Eureka message (A report by Karen McCann outlining John Howard’s view that Eureka was central to the development of the nation as an independent democratic country) [Image of PM John Howard]. * Ballarat Courier 22 November 2004, - Conference boost. under page heading ‘The Stories of Eureka 150, November 24 (Report by Michael Ruffles that Richard Franklin, Martin Kingham and Susan Mitchell would also speak at the University Democracy Conference, that Geoff Howard had presented a Eureka flag to Canadian Lead Primary School and spoken to the students about the significance of Eureka, that about 600 aborigines were living in the Ballarat area 50 years before 1854, and that a group of about 40 people would walk from Bendigo to Ballarat along the Great Dividing Trail arriving at the Eureka Reserve on 5 December) [Images of Martin Kingham, Susan Mitchell, Jose Ramos-Horta and Marjorie Mowlam]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - CELEBRATION TOURISM BOOM (Front page article by Catherine Best, Massive influx expected for Eureka 150 commemoration, comments on various aspects of the program) [Image of Kim Rowe at Ballarat Visitor Information Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - Eureka 159 (Article by Catherine Best, Alcohol ban at major events, Sovereign Hill special show of ‘Blood on the Southern Cross’ sold-out; and report by Simon Gladman about addition of colour to activities by 10 volunteers sewing 50 decorative banners) [Cartoon re troops demanding their rum ration, Images of Marion MacLeod and Shirley Jones working on banners]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - Show to go north following success, under page heading ‘Eureka 150’ (Article by Karen McCann re musical production titled ‘Eureka’, section re Sebastopol College flying Eureka flag proudly, and editorial comment about Courier publication ‘Eureka 150’ including contributions by Dot Wickham, Anne Beggs Sunter and Weston Bate) [Cartoon re Sydney understanding of Eureka, Images of Peter Dwyer, David Ellery and Ron Egeberg with a copy of the Eureka 150 publication, and images of Catherine King raising a flag at Sebastopol College with student Dellaram Jamli watching]. * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 - Eureka 150 Inside Today (page 1 heading advertising enclosed publication). * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Public invited to open forum, an article by Catherine best; Memorabilia goes on display, items from 125th anniversary display; Meeting to mark spirit of ‘fair go’, at Maritime Union meeting in Melbourne on 1 December; and Author shares insight, John Molony spoke at ACUB on 22 November), [Image of Pearl May, Bruce Bartrop, Doug Sarah, and Peter Davies with Eureka memorabilia; Listing of the 150th celebrations Program]. * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 – Let us simply enjoy Eureka (Letter by Allistair McCoy re cost of Eureka celebrations and government attitude to the Eureka affair). * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Delegates gather to discuss democracy, article by Catherine Best; Eureka history drama display in exhibition at Ballarat fine art gallery, article by Michael Ruffles; Sovereign Hill prepares for a rush of visitors, article by Michael Ruffles including comments by Jeremy Johnson), [Image of Gordon Morrison preparing the Eureka exhibition; listing of Eureka 150 Program]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150 IT’S HERE (Page 1 article by Michael Ruffles re the first of eleven days of celebration) [Image of Jeroen Boersma, Peter Bray, and Chris Zakynthinos celebrating Sovereign Hill’s recent Tourism awards success]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150, Spirit lives on:unions (Article by Michael Ruffles outlining union involvement in the celebrations) [Image of Brian Boyd and Graeme Shearer at Ballarat Trades Hall]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Personal feelings over proven facts (Letter by Tom Evans re Eureka rebels’ plans to plunder and destroy Ballarat after annihilating the Government camp). * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Latham Fires Up Launch (Eureka 150 conference underway in report by Catherine Best; On track for name change in report by Karen McCann, Steve Bracks supported a name change for the Ballarat train line to Eureka train line) [Image of Mark Latham and simulated flag on Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Eureka 150 page 7 reports by Michael Ruffles (Italians honoured, concert to celebrate contribution of Italians to life on the goldfields 150 years ago; Campaigning to ditch our colony status by Peter Consandine through speaking about Eureka from a Republican perspective; Putting the Redcoat perspective by Lt Col Neil Smith) [Image of Peter Consandine]. * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Reports by Catherine Best, Alcohol ban dumped after Council plan defeated; Sailors to march in Ballarat from frigate HMAS Ballarat; Pupils in own dawn walk at Grainery Lane Theatre; Festivities move into top gear with official opening and start of formal program; MP fires up launch from page 1) [Image of six Wendouree Primary School pupils rehearsing Dawn Walk re-enactment; listing of remaining Program]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Symbolic hand-over, report of symbolic replicas of ‘Miner’s rights’; Call for Redcoats to return to UK, Paul Murphy claims that bodies of Redcoats killed at Eureka should be exhumed and sent to Britain but Ron Egeberg and Peter Lalor II disagree) and [Image of Theo Theophanous and Geoff Strang with commemorative Miners’ Right and image of Cr Stephen Jones with Redcoat models and Eureka Centre in background]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – From many lands to Ballarat’s goldfields (Article by Dot Wickham in ‘The rest is History series’, various nationalities and major ideas featured in the Eureka story) and [Image of author Dot, and Image of Chinese at goldfields from Doudiet painting]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Diversity honoured, report by Emma-Kate Rickard of concert at Mining Exchange which celebrated the harmony between people of different nationalities at Eureka) and [Image of crowd watching ‘Wave the Flag’ concert at Mining exchange, and listing of Eureka 150 Program] *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Charter our ‘Declaration’, report by Catherine Best quoting remarks by Steve Bracks, Kerry Cox, Jose Ramos Horta, Gustav Nossal, and Alexandra Curtain at first day of Democracy conference) and [Images of these people]. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Bakery Hill lights up once again’, commemorations of the 29 November 1854 Monster Meeting at Bakery Hill Ballarat and also at Federation Square Melbourne in article by Michael Ruffles, and report on ‘Musical tribute to Italians’, David Volk explained the tribute to the contribution made by Italians at Eureka and in the multicultural Ballarat), [Image of Hugh McKelvey, Alison Thompson, Peggy Ludt-Nash and Sarah Walters, and Italian flag]. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2004,page 6 - Eureka 150 (‘Diverse views get a hearing’, report by Catherine Best of forum discussing claims of some groups that they are underrepresented in Australian democracy; ‘Call for more politics at school’ in report of talk by Adam Spencer; ‘For democracy, just listen; Dr Mowlam’, government must listen to the people, in report by Catherine Best), [Images of Tan Le, Adam Spencer, Marjorie Mowlam and remainder of Eureka 150 Program]. *Ballarat Courier 30 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Monster of a day for city’, report by Catherine Best re yesterday’s re-enactment of the Monster Meeting, the first raising of the Eureka flag, the burning of licences, the march by 16 national flag-bearers, the swearing of the digger’s oath, the release of homing pigeons as a symbol of hope and peace; ‘Descendant travels from England for big occasion’, and report of participation in Eureka 150 by great-great-grandson of Alfred Madocks, Tony Fyson, from England), [Images of raising of Eureka flag, Youth team carrying Eureka flag along Victoria Street to Bakery Hill, and Tony Fyson]. *Ballarat Courier 30 November, page 7 – Eureka 150 (‘Goldfields history retold in exhibition’ report by Michael Ruffles of “Eureka Revisited-The Contest of Memories” exhibition at The Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, curated by Ann Beggs-Sunter, unveiled by Minister Mary Delahunty; ‘Critical documents go on show’, report by Joan Hunt that replicas of Ballarat Reform League Charter, miners’ resolutions and advertisement for the Monster meeting are on show at the PROV Ballarat Archives Centre; and ‘Senator seeks support to fly Eureka flag in Canberra’ Gavin Marshall tells of plan to get Eureka flag raised in Senate Foyer on Friday), [Images of Mary Delahuntly with art exhibit, Dot Wickham with small replica of Eureka flag, and list of remaining Program events]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004 – A typical Australian turning point that all of us can honour (article by Michael Easson urging that the Eureka Stockade should appeal to conservatives as well as Laborites). *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004, page 8 – Eureka 150 (‘Golden chance to recall the 1850s’ article by Michael Ruffles re Australian Gold Panning Championships, including flat-pan section, in Ballarat this coming weekend; ‘Experience the tension leading to the battle’ through Eureka type activities at Sovereign Hill this weekend; ‘Redcoats unsung heroes’ Neil Smith advocates that Redcoats be recognised for doing their duty as they understood it), [Images of actors as Peter Lalor and some Miners after Monster Meeting, Neil Smith with Alister Smith and Matthew Dowler, and List of remaining Program events]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Flag flies Friday’ report by Michael Ruffles that Eureka flag will fly in foyer of Australian Senate on Friday; ‘All’s fair in war and collecting’ article re 17th Eureka Collectables and Militaria Fair planned for this weekend; ‘Encyclopaedia of a rebellion’ publication to be released at weekend, it carries stories of the ordinary people of Eureka), [Images of Nick Smith and David Wright with military memorabilia, and Catherine King, Justin Corfield, Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham with copies of ‘Eureka Encyclopaedia’ *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 1 – REUNITE THE FLAG (Premier’s Eureka 150 Plea, Michael Ruffles reports on Steve Bracks’ call that all fragments of the Eureka flag be returned to Ballarat) [Images of part of Eureka flag, Catherine King and Steve Bracks]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 3 – Eureka 150 (Concern at choice of Hicks, report by Andrew Jefferson about the father of David Hicks being named to lead the Dawn Walk on Sunday; Pride of Southern Cross flies on top of the world, report by John Murphy and John McMahon of a recent trip to the Himalayas with a replica Eureka flag; Democracy symbol has parliamentary approval, Michael Ruffles reports that Catherine King has negotiated for a Eureka flag to be flown in foyer of House of Representatives on Friday; Push to reunite pieces of the scattered flag, continued from Page 1) [Images of Terry Hicks, John Murphy and John McMahon with Eureka flag in front of mountains, and Catherine King]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 5 – Eureka 150 (Navy rekindles local bond, report by Michael Ruffles of ‘HMAS Ballarat’ taking part in Eureka celebrations including a return to Sebastopol College by ex-student Daniel Hooper; A very charitable crew, HMAS Ballarat crew members assisted several local charities and schools on Wednesday; Eureka celebrations go live on radio, ABC and SBS will broadcast features from the Olympic program) [Images of Kayleigh Lord and Seahawk helicopter, Daniel Lord and Sharon Mudge with some St Aloysius students, and Daniel Hooper at Sebastopol College]. *Vanguard 1 December 2004 – page 1, Eureka diggers showed the way (Oppose aggression, Action precipitated political development, Essential services under attack, Better quality of life and Cultural Identity is important) [diagram of Australia with image of Eureka flag superimposed]. Showed *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 – LETTERS TO EDITOR (Eureka conference cost not egalitarian, letter by Frank Williams protesting about $660 registration fee for international conference being held at the University of Ballarat). *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – Eureka (Cover page 1, 1923 memorial listing names of Diggers and Soldiers who died at Eureka, Cover “pages 2 &3” opinions of 20 notables re meaning of Eureka in 2004, and “page 4” the diggers’ oath.) [Images of the deceased’s names, images of the 20 surveyed, and words of the diggers’ oath]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – EDITORIAL (Debate keeps Eureka alive and healthy in discussion re Australian democracy). *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Eureka should never have happened in letter by Cordell Kent re adequacy of the courts, Different attacks on the same problem in letter by Don Woodward re J B Humffray and Peter Lalor, and Eureka expense a waste of money in letter by Raymond Morris re lack of interest in Eureka by most Australians.) *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (Page 3 Hicks walk anger, report by Karen McCann re continuing public debate about Terry Hicks’ participation in the dawn walk; page 3 Bracks questions dawn route, perhaps it should not start from the soldiers camp site ?, and also on page 3 A great occasion for Ballarat in which Steve Bracks notes why it is also a great occasion for Australia; page 4 Crew free to sail in any time, in Catherine Best’s report of Freedom of City to crew of HMAS Ballarat; United report of Indigenous smoking ceremony; page 4 Message reaches across the country in report by Andrew Jefferson of reception held on Thursday evening attended by Mary Delahuntley and Steve Bracks; page 5 Hundreds expected to gather in article by Catherine Best about the dawn ceremony and other events planned for Eureka day) [Images of Terry Hicks, Margaret Mavety, Kylie Newland, Brian Molloy, Brad O’Neill, Steve Bracks, cartoon of David Hicks’ dawn walk in a prison cell, Andy Barnes, David Hunter, Geoff Clark, Shirahan Brown, Ted Lovett, Steve Bracks]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (Descendants back Hicks in report by Karen McCann quoting comments by members of the Lalor family; Flag displayed in Britain, Activists forum in city tonight, King urges all to reflect; Family reflects on its historic link in quotes by Des and Sadie Morrish) [Images of cartoon re site of Eureka Stockade. Des Morrish at Anastasia Hayes’ gravesite]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 page 1 – DAWN AT THE EUREKA (Report by Catherine Best of the gathering at ‘Eureka Stockade’ yesterday morning, cont. on page 2) [Image of dawn ceremony, firelight people and Eureka Centre]; (page 2 – Eureka 150, Hundreds turn out at dawn, cont. from page 1 report and comments re the ceremony on the edge of Lake Penhalluriak within the Stockade Reserve; Baker’s spirit returns to hill as Bruce Gow tells of his ancestor John Balderston being the original baker at Bakery Hill) and [Images of Lake Penhalluriak including the huge Eureka flag model, wreath laying, warmth from fire, choir of 170 singers, and Bruce Gow with portrait of John Balderston]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December page 5 - Eureka 150 (Workers walk off the job, report by Michael Ruffles of protest by ‘Eureka Tiles’ workers yesterday while the shindig was proceeding; Echoes of Freedom beat rises, report by Andrew Jefferson of Friday night concert and plans for a musical Saturday; and Sharing historic stories, Annie Stewart told stories of the goldfields to primary students at Central Highlands Regional Library yesterday) and [Images of Kelly McMeeken and Keziah Burns dancing, and Hugh Masekela performing]. *Australian 4 December 2004 – Tension over Hicks’ father at Eureka (Letters from Leigh Matters, George Finlay. John Dobinson, and Raymond Morris). *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – The State We’re In (Gone, but never forgotten, article by Peter Dwyer featuring the death and destruction but also the inspiration of Eureka) and [Image of children of Youth Co-ordination Team carrying replica Eureka Flag to Bakery Hill for Monster meeting simulation]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – Weekend Features (From Eureka to Gallipoli, article by Anne Beggs Sunter re the grave of Joseph Peter Lalor at Gallipoli, he was a grandson of ‘Eureka’ Peter Lalor, Mount Clear Secondary College had developed a relationship with Gallipoli Anatolian High School and a group of MCSC personnel had taken a photo of the J P Lalor grave) and [Image of Captain Peter Lalor’s grave at Gallipoli with flowers from MCSC and GAHS]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 1 – Eureka 150 (Celebration huge success, report by Michael Ruffles outlining the extensive program and the world wide coverage it had received) and [Images of Deborah Conway singing at Echoes of Freedom Festival of Music, Leo Howard rode in car instead of walking, and local Prospectors placed modern day information about prospecting and mining in a time capsule to be opened at 200th Eureka Anniversary]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page2 – Eureka 150 (Event a huge success, continued from page 1; History’s echo felt, article by Karen McCann mentioning local individuals with links to Eureka people : Leo Howard grandson of Patrick Howard, Val D’Angri great grand daughter of Anastasia Withers, Colin Holmes whose wife was a descendant of a nine year old boy at Eureka, Gary Winstanley a leading unionist, and Peter Lalor great great grandson of ‘Eureka Peter Lalor’; and Bells take their toll on the weary ringers, report of the Town Hall bell-ringers who kept the bells ringing all through the Eureka weekend) and [Images of Eureka March from Bakery Hill to the Eureka Centre on Saturday, Leo Howard, Norm Hand, Ron Furlonger, and Fergus McLaren]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 3 – Eureka 150 (Songs of justice draw thousands, report of music festival by Karen McCann; Walkers complete trek, report by Simon Goodwin of the ‘Follow the Southern Cross walk’ along the Great Dividing Trail from Bendigo arriving at the Eureka Centre yesterday) and [Images of George Telek on stage, Steve Moneghetti, Rosie Annear, and Patricia Grant, Adam Simmons musician, and Grand Union Band at Music festival]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 4 – Eureka 150 (Flag plea rebuffed, report by Andrew Jefferson that State Library of Victoria will not hand over a piece of the original Eureka flag and news of other fragments; Special day reaps gold find, report of John Campbell’s nugget found on Friday; and Miners leave time capsule for 200th, report by Karen McCann of prospecting and mining equipment being sealed in a time capsule) and [Images of John Campbell with his nugget, and prospectors with the time capsule]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 5 – Eureka 150 (Hicks firm despite jeers, report by Michael Ruffles of Friday’s Dawn Walk by almost 800 people led by Terry Hicks; Redcoats recall soldiers, wreath laid to honour the soldiers killed at Eureka; tour of graves a chance to remember ancestors, Callinan family had four ancestors at Eureka and 30 members of this family joined over 100 others in a tour of the Old Ballarat Cemetery) and [Images of Terry Hicks at Dawn Walk, Peter Cox dressed as a Redcoat, and Leigh Callinan at Old Ballarat Cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 7 December 2004 page 8 – Eureka Celebration a magnificent event (para congratulating all who assisted in the 150th anniversary activities to ensure that the events of December 1854 will be elevated in the minds of Australians; and Eureka precinct is splendid, letter from Ron Marshall congratulating the City Council and staff for the good condition of the Eureka precinct). *Ballarat Courier 10 December 2004 – Eureka Flag should not fly in Canberra (Letter by Bev Hoath arguing that the Eureka flag is an expensive stunt by ALP for political purposes). *Ballarat Courier 11 December 2004 – letters re Eureka ( Hicks and Eureka: where’s the link ?, by Denis Bateman; Reckless Eureka claim repudiated, by Tom Evans). *Ballarat Courier 13 December 2004 page 8 – letters re Eureka ( What does PM find offensive in Eureka ? by Ian Braybrook; Hicks should not have been asked, by Brenda Rawlins; Hicks hijacked true meaning of Eureka, by Michael G Kershaw; and Peter Tobin would be grinning wryly, by Maree Harrison). *Ballarat Courier 13 December 2004 – [Image of Arthur Beech and Petera Clamp with flag of Eureka Probus Club]. *Ballarat Courier 16 December 2004 – Hicks choice for Eureka absurd (Letter by Jason Hamilton putting the case that Hicks should not have had a role in Eureka celebrations). *Ballarat Courier 17 December 2004 – letters re Eureka (Celebrations have silenced the critics, by Colin a Holmes; Time to rescue our Eureka flag, by Kevin Jackson). *Ballarat Courier 20 December 2004 – Figures don’t back the Eureka myth, letter by Robert Carter. *Ballarat Courier 21 December 2004 – View of Eureka is misguided, letter by Mark Mitchell. Book 3 - 2018 onwards *Ballarat News 30 November 2005 - Eureka Week 2005, Reflections of Eureka, (Centre) open free on Eureka Day. [Image of Eureka Centre and open day advert.] *Ballarat Courier ~2006 – Stalwart of Eureka Street. Notes of interview with Alex Barnett. * The Age, 02 September 2006 - Gripping Diary Captures Pivotal Moments in Australian History by Karen Kissane. Article on the Samuel Lazarus Diary. Includes image by J.B. Henderson. * Ballarat Courier, 02 December 2006 - Multicultural Eureka by Dorothy Wickham - Eureka Stockade participants came from 18 cultures. *Ballarat Courier ~April 2008 – Eureka: make it a centre of attention. Article by Eugene Kneebone in ‘Kneejerk’ series as Chairman of CHACC; “… the Eureka Centre in 1997 could never achieve its vision. The funding package was simply insufficient to design, build and equip a national icon.” *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2009 – Goldfields tension leads to battle, article by Dot Wickham in ‘The rest is history’ series’. [Image of 2004 Eureka Day celebration]. *Ballarat Courier 14 April 2010 – Eureka Centre is flagging, article by Meg Rayner, new Museum for Australian Democracy work stalls. [Image through cut wire of flagless new centre]. *Ballarat Courier 13 May 2010 – Ballarat Visitor Information Centre …on the Move Again, [Image of Eureka Centre and two previous locations of Information Centre]. Later page editorial inviting expression of public opinion re suitable location for the Visitor Information Centre. *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2010 - $11m plans unveiled, Redevelopment to double size of Eureka Centre… become a national heritage showpiece, article by Kim Quinlan. [Image of design of new look centre]. *Ballarat Courier 26 May 2010 – ‘Sacred Cow’ is a burden to the city, $12m on a new Eureka Centre is crazy: letter to Editor by Bob House, Wendouree. *City of Ballarat Community Magazine June 2010 – Australian Centre for Democracy at Eureka designs now available, [Image of artists impression of the Australian Centre for Democracy at Eureka]. *Ballarat Courier 12 July 2010 – Lighting the Sky, Eureka Centre plans for a night sky flag show; article by Meg Rayner. [Image of Eureka Centre and flagpole]. *Ballarat Courier 13 July 2010 – ‘Web words’ on ‘Opinion’ page re Plan for Eureka Centre flag. *Ballarat Courier 18 August 2010 – Eureka flag to undergo works in SA, page 3 continuation of article from page 1. *Ballarat Courier 18 August 2010 – Original Eureka flag heads to Adelaide for works, ‘On the Move’ page 1 article by Marcus Power, restoration of the flag and construction of a new climate-controlled display case. [Image of the original Eureka flag]. *Ballarat Courier 19 August 2010 - $100,000 set for Eureka Flag work, comments by Marcus Power. Also Flag’s home under scrutiny: invitation for expression of opinion re where the flag should be housed. *Ballarat Courier 19 August 2010 – Our flag will be missed, but conservation is important, Editorial re conservation of the Eureka flag. *Ballarat Courier 20 August 2010 – Lone objector puts $11m Eureka works on hold, report by Marcus Power; and page 2 [Image of artists impression of new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 21 August 2010 – Keep flag at gallery for now, article by Angela Carey in series ‘The State We’re In’. [Image of Doudiet’s sketch of Ballarat miners swearing allegiance to the Southern Cross]. *Ballarat Courier 21 August 2010 – Women conserving the flag, outline of the history of the Eureka flag by Anne Beggs Sunter ( in ‘HERSTORY’ series), expressing passionately that the flag after conservation must be returned to the Art Gallery. [Images of Anne, the Eureka Flag and Val D’Angri]. *Ballarat Courier 28 August 2010 - The flag must stay permanently at the gallery, letter from Yvonne Horsfield citing the Eureka Centre as a lemon *Ballarat Courier 30 August 2019 – Sun sets on Icon, visitors farewell Eureka Centre after 12 years of operation and new development to be a Centre for democracy at Eureka; article by Erin Williams. [Images of Anne Hardy, Tracey Coates, Shane Holsgrove, and their views about the Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 22 September 2010 – Come Oprah, but let’s check our history, letter from Tom Jobling asserting that Eureka had nothing to do with the birth of democracy in Australia. *Ballarat Community Magazine September 2010 – Major conservation works for Eureka Flag, extensive repair and renovation work to be done in Adelaide with cost to be met by City of Ballarat and the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. *Ballarat Courier 27 January 2011 – Democracy Centre works under way, brief outline of soil and other works in preparation for the extending building work to begin in May 2011. *Ballarat Courier 19 February 2011 – Eureka centre works on track, report by Pat Nolan describing recent site works and proclaiming that tens of thousands of students will be able to visit each year. [Image of earthworks near Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 10 May 2011 – Help decide flag’s home, where will our Eureka icon go when it returns ? Article by Fiona Henderson inviting online expressions of opinions. [Image of Craig Fletcher, Joy King, Maryanne Gooden and Kristin Phillips inspecting work done on the Eureka flag at Artlab in Adelaide. Also, New (governance) structure proposed for (Eureka) centre, article by Fiona Henderson suggesting that the Centre be managed by a limited company rather than by Council; [Image of Eureka Centre and site works]. Page 3 [Image of Eureka flag and ‘Debate fires up’ caption, also images of Art Gallery (option 1) and Eureka Centre (option 2)]. *Ballarat Courier 17 May 2011 – Flag needs home of quiet dignity, letter by John Williams arguing for the Art Gallery to be that home. *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2011 – Flag must stay at art gallery, article by Anne Beggs Sunter (within HERSTORY series) arguing that the Art Gallery is the proper place for the Eureka flag. [Image of the Eureka flag], *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2011 – Two letters (i) Flag’s rightful place is in city’s art gallery, by Ron Batten, and (ii) Dispersed Eureka heritage good for city, by Elizabeth Trudgeon. *Ballarat Courier 12 July 2011 – Flag’s new home, Art Gallery agrees to lend Eureka icon; front page headline. [Image of soldiers with guns aloft in front of the Eureka flag]. And on page 4, Icon to return (on loan) to stockade, article by Tom McIlroy. [Images of the Eureka battle, the flag, the Eureka Centre]. And on page 5, 1895 to 2011 history of Eureka flag with two images of the flag; Seamstress’ connection to the flag dates back to 1854, [Image of Val D’Angri and the flag]; Local firm may win contract to construct the Australian Centre of democracy at Eureka, article by Evan Shuurman * Good Weekend 11 September 2004. [Gough Whitlam holding Eureka FLag, and Val D'Angri stiching a Eureka Flag with a sewing machine. *Ballarat Courier 30 September 2011 – ‘All running smoothly at Eureka site’, news article, [Image of Mayor Craig Fletcher looking at plans for Australian Centre of Democracy at Eureka]. *Ballarat Courier 26 November 2011 – ‘157 years on’. Editorial re coming anniversary. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2011 p5 – ‘Eureka events this week’. Editorial para re 157th anniversary plans. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p5 – ‘Eureka in focus (Schools commemorate anniversary)’, report by Colin MacGillivray including some details of this years Eureka anniversary celebrations. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p1 – ‘It’s Back (Eureka flag’s top-secret return to Gallery)’, report by Brendan Gullifer advising that there was an unveiling of the restored flag today. [Image of Eureka flag prior to restoration]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p4 – ‘Flag to return to art gallery’, from p1. The Eureka flag is described as one of the most recognisable symbols of Australian history. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 – ‘Five-star repair (Eureka flag fixed and back in town) and (Stitch in time saves icon)’, reports by Jordan Oliver. [Image of conservator Kristin Phillips inspecting restored flag at Art Gallery of Ballarat]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 p3 – ‘City reflects on uprising and birth of democracy’, report by Jordan Oliver re 157th Eureka anniversary celebrations. [Image of activities in a history lesson for school pupils at Old Ballarat cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 p18 – ‘Eureka Flag returns home’, Web word from Over it praising Val D’Angri’s original restoration of the flag and asserting that it should not be lent to the Australian Centre for Democracy. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2011 – ‘Spirit of Eureka, Ceremony marks 157 years’. Report by Tom McIlroy. [Image of troops firing a volley in salute of the men and women of Eureka. And Image of troops at the Ballarat Old Cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 5 December 2011 – ‘Who is making the decisions ?’, letter to Editor from Gerald Jenzen in which he queries the role of the new Museum of Australian Democracy. *Ballarat Courier 1 March 2012 – ‘Query on Management of Eureka Centre plan’, letter to Editor from Gerald Jenzen re Council’s legal obligations in managing this $11m project. *Ballarat Courier 25 April 2012 – ‘Eureka project by year’s end (Centre director not finalised)’, report by Fiona Henderson including comments by Katherine Armstrong (project manager). [Image of construction works at new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 17 May 2012 – ‘Project to finish in months ( Early opening expected)’, report by Jordan Oliver of the current stages in various aspects of the works. [Images of New spaces in the Centre, Richard Nicholson looking at the near completed Centre, Councillors inside the Centre, Councillors looking at construction methods, and a staffer levelling concrete]. *Australian 18 August 2012 p22 – ‘Eureka Moment’, Ken Henry compares the circumstances of the Eureka Stockade with present government concern about returns from natural resources. *Ballarat Courier 5 September 2012 – ‘Eureka Flag to feature’, Fiona Henderson reports on comments by deputy Premier Peter Ryan during launch of new M.A.D.E logo. *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2012 p23 - ‘Eureka, Rebellion under the southern cross’, diggers oath from 29 November 1854 and story of Eureka by Program Manager Liz Zelencich. *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2012 p25 – ‘The People of Eureka’, biographical paragraphs of Peter Lalor, Sir Charles Hotham, Rafaello Carboni, J.B. Humfray and James Scobie. [Images of each except cartoon of Scobie.] *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2012 p4 – ‘History, hope and a …. (see p5)’, Democracy museum won’t open until May, Generations keep the Eureka story alive; reports by Pat Nolan. [Images of David Battersby, Paul Murphy and Shane Howard, also Eureka cupcakes]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2012 p5 – ‘(see p4)….feeling of solidarity’, Eureka resonates with a modern struggle, Rebel spirit is alive and well; reports and comments by Pat Nolan. [Images of Eureka marchers, supporters at march, flags at march, and advert for Eureka Carols on 16 December]. *Ballarat Courier 5 December 2012 – ‘Time to rally around the flag’, 158 years since their battle, it is time for us reclaim the Eureka flag back from the hard left of the union movement and the rednecks of the right; article by Peter Fitzsimons. [Image of Charles Doudiet’s painting of miners swearing allegiance to the Eureka flag; is there a case to make it the national flag ? ]. *Ballarat Courier 21 January 2013 – ‘Eureka : behind the scenes’, Museum of Australian Democracy opens its doors interim report by Pat Nolan. [Images from inside and surrounds of the new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 23 January 2013 – ‘ ‘Disturbing experience at MADE open day’, letter from Kay Wheeler claiming that the Eureka experience has been lost, * 'Flag Piece Home' - Adrian Milane, Jane Smith, Flag remnant [images of Adrian Milane, Jane Scott and the Flag piece]F1997 *Ballarat Courier 5 April 2014 p7 – ‘M.A.D.E. strife as budget blown’, …from p1…report by Rachel Afflick claiming that the centre had expended its annual budget in six months. Also ‘M.A.D.E. Timeline’. *Ballarat Courier 11 April 2014 – ‘M.A.D.E. on a tight deadline’, issues that need to be resolved before 160th anniversary of Eureka in December in article by Ron Egeberg.[Images of interior of new centre]. *Ballarat Courier 5 May 2014 – ‘Rights, freedom made possible’, article by Jane Smith MADE Director explaining how it has evolved in its first 12 months. [Images of the Eureka Flag, MADE plaque and Jane Smith]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2014 p1 – ‘Eureka still vital 160 years later’, Celebrations to mark rebellion’s anniversary in article by Nicole Cairns and table of Celebration Events.[Image of part of Ballarat old cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2014 p9 – ‘EUREKA 160 1854 – 2014’ advert for Eureka Day Wednesday Dec 3 commemorative events at M.A.D.E. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2014 p12 – ‘Eureka rebellion through pupil’s words’, verses by Sonia Vlatkovic of Canberra. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2014 – ‘Revolutions have a long legacy’, the stockaders have left an enduring legacy in today’s society, in article by Jane Smith. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p6 – ‘Crowd pays tribute…’, Eureka Anniversary reports by Gav McGrath; Government conspired with police: historian (John Molony), Flag raises rebellion victory query, and Pupils become part of the story. [Image of Eureka flag copy flying above Toorak House (Governor Hotham’s official residence at time of battle. Also image of Gold Commissioner Rede (actor Ian Burton) being heckled by miners (acted by school children)]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p7 – Continuation of p6 above. ‘…160 years after battle’ Reports by David Jeans : Recreated flag flies for duration of original fight, and Pikeman’s Dog unveiled at site. [Image of Noel White, Australia’s ambassador to Ireland, at statue memorialising the Pikeman’s Dog. Also image of people watching as Wathaurong elder Uncle Bryon Powell conducts a welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony ]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p13 – ‘Eureka spirit lives on today’, an edited version of speech made by Hon. Steve Bracks at 160th anniversary of Eureka on Wednesday; Steve Bracks was patron of M.A.D.E. and a former Premier of Victoria, [Image of Steve Bracks in front of MADE logo]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p15 – ‘Eureka 160 1854 – 2014’, a list of events for 6th and 7th of December, submitted by MADE. *Ballarat Courier 8 December 2014 – ‘Paying respect for democracy’, report by William Vallely re dozens attending graves ceremony in rain at Ballarat Old Cemetery. *Ballarat Courier 23 December 2014 – ‘Eureka Rebellion rekindled’, Miners’ descendants demand ownership of the stockade flag, in article by Gav McGrath in which he refers to statements by Julian Burnside QC. [Image of Eureka flag and image of Julian Burnside beside quote : “The flag never became (Trooper) King’s property, if anything, he took it on behalf of the Crown”]. Also ‘Reward offered for evidence of the battle’s Union Jack flag’, in report by Fiona Henderson. * Flyer, c2014 - Have you seen the Eureka Jack? $10,000 reward offered for further information on this flag. The Eureka Jack is believed to be a Union Jack flag hoisted beneath the Eureka Flag on the morning of 03 December 1854. * Ballarat Courier 23 December 2014. Miners descendants demand ownership of the Stockade flag. Julian Burnside supports their case. *Ballarat Courier 5 May 2015 – ‘Strengthening the Eureka story’, article by Jane Smith in which she outlines recent statements by leading Australians which indicate that they are aware of Eureka’s role in the development of Australian democracy, [Image of M.A.D.E. logo ]. *Ballarat Courier 30 June 2015 – ‘M.A.D.E. in Ballarat, showcasing Google’, article re MADE joining with 13 other Australian organisations in the Google Cultural Institute. [Image of * Ballarat Courier, 16 April 2016 - Eureka Symbol is still strong by Matthew Dixon [Photograph of Jane Smith in front of the flag] * Ballarat Courier, 16 April 2016 - Flag Meaning Has Been Losnt Among Some/Should Flag Be Protected by Matthew Dixon. [Photograph of Val D'Angri with a fragment of the Eureka Flag. * Ballarat COurier, 23 April 2016 - Tunnell of Tall Tales by Amber Wilson (Storyteller Anne E. Stewart's Eureka ghost story.) [Photograph of Anne E. Stewart] * Ballarat Courier, 06 September 2017 - The drama of the disappearing diorama by Caleb Cluff (Also Lake Elsworth Swimming Pool) This article used this item for research and features images from the news clippings. * The Miner, 01 March 2018 - Council continues its commitment to MADE and the Eureka Story * Ballarat Courier, 22 February 2018 - City of Ballarat votes to wind up MADE and rename it Eureka Centre by Ashleigh McMillan - * Ballarat Courier, 12 February 2018 - - Decision on future of MADE looms, nine options presented by Rochelle Kirkham. * Ballarat Courier, 01 February 2018 - A change of name and a focus on Eureka are the keys to survival by Caleb Cluff - MADE interim CEO Rebecca MacFarling speaks on the survival of MADE - * Ballarat Courier, 22 March 2018 - MADE to shut doors next week before reopening under City of Ballarat by • Siobhan Calafiore ( Closing of MADE to open as a City of Ballarat facility) - * Ballarat Courier, 12 May 2018 - Full Page advertisement - We the Undersigned believe it is time the Eureka Flag was Returned to the Gallery. Paragraphs written by Ron Radford, Margaret Rich, Kate Redwood, Neville Oddie, Owen and Jim King, Anne Beggs Sunter, Peter Hiscock, Robert Selkirk, Iain Selkirk, and supported by around 50 people including Eric Archer, Konstantin Probst, Luigi and Athalie Bazzani, Liz Blizzard, Gary Bunn, Val D'Angri, Giancarlo Faustini, Andrew Ferry, Clare Gervasoni, Yvonne Horsfield, Bill and Heather Horrocks, Robert and Emma House, Ewan Jones, Dean Kittelty, John Mildren, Phil and Geraldine Roberts, Warwick and Julie Sellens, Christine Sutton, Val Tudball. Kevin and Linda Zibell. eureka, democracy, eureka stockade, ballarat reform league, eureka progress association, eureka stockade memorial park, ballarat, ballarat east, peter lalor, eureka film, eureka reserve, commemoration, centenary, ballaarat old cemetery, ballarat cemetery, diggers' graves, diggers graves, bert o'toole, eureka pool, black hill memorial swimming pool, swiming pool, stockade pool, eureka flag, ballarat fine art gallery, art gallery of ballarat, eureka diorama, tom mccarthy, kevin worthington, eureka stockade hotel, eureka lake, eureka stockade gardens, val d'angri, flag conservation, gough whitlam, eureka progress hall, dorothy wickham, clare gervasoni, anne beggs sunter, keith rash, anastasia withers, gary winstanley, colin holmes, steve bracks, jose ramos horta, gus nossal, alexandra curtain, swimming pool, newsclips, eureka sail, red eureka sail, news clippings, scrap book, ballarat reform league charter, paul murphy, ken clements, john egan, eureka clippings, raffaello carboni, urbino, italu, eureka swimming pool, al grasby, eureka stockade association, gordon cornell, bruce bartrop, alec barnett, alex barnett -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 1175 Main Road, Eltham
Newspaper article: Prices are competitive, Diamond Valley Leader, 29 June 2005, Description of Eltham Home Timber and Hardware, owner Rob Deylen, staff Peter Wilhelm, Roger Kerr, Brian Weaver, Harley Lee. Newspaper article: Their aim is to please, Diamond Valley Leader, 26 October 2005, Description of Eltham Home Timber and Hardware, originally Eltham Hardware and Plumbing Supplies, staff Peter Wilhilm, Lindsay Campbell, Ben Deylan. Newspaper article: Eltham Home Timber and Hardware 35 years of service, Diamond Valley Leader, 5 May 2010, Description of Eltham Home timber and Hardware.main road, eltham, shops, rob deylen, peter wilhelm, roger kerr, brian weaver, harley lee., eltham home timber and hardware, eltham hardware and plumbing supplies, ben delay -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 72, November 1995 to February 1996
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age ad other region papers over the period of 7 September 1995 to 18 November 1995.Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, ballarat university, university of ballarat, university mission, delay on street closure, business course for farmers, ceramacist barry norman, theatre guru, jean-pierre mignon, art on display, alister heighway, morality tale "everyman", house built during holidays, courses meet needs of industry, 150 years celebration, apprentices numbers, performing arts graduates, "cloud nine", vce summer school at smb, kirsty mckenzie wins award, traineeships on the increase, john valves, training schemme to continue, $80000grant, alan griffiths, smb ballarat sc agreement, changes to trade titles, state training board, art of cake decorating, kay mcfarlene, petter trotter, craig sevior, ararat campus on internet, uni links with malaysian college, lydiard street faces closure, international students tour town, smb's 'the wizard of oz', melissa casey as dorothy, city approves closure of lydiard street, literacy can be learnt, alice veenstra, marilyn dew, gail trenbath wins award, victorian young designer awards, blainey wields historic symbol, residents protest over depot shed, uni smb combine, jim quinn, lorraine lawrence, brian mclennan, david harrow retires, patti mcgregor, kirsten martin -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Newspaper - The Sun My War Part 52 Dated 3/5/1945, Delay won't be long - Doenitz Heads Broken Reich : Is Hitler Dead?
Newspaper The Sun dated 3/5/1945Newspaper My War Part 52 The Sun dated 3/5/1945Local Newspaper with articles about World War 2 ending -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 27, June 1986 to 30 August 1986
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age over the period of 7 June 1986 to 30 August 1986.Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, fire hazard-memorial theatre, new women's skill program at smb, colin mccurry, funding delay hampers theatre repair, work skill newsletter, minister for the arts, race mathews, royal south street society, president peter barwood, secretary stan hooper, john snowden, smb school of performing arts, jared dickson student, smb fitness program older adults, lee-anne law, rehabilitation after accident, geoff browning hairdressing department, young workers show their skills, governor praises smb buildings, davis mccaughey, e j tippett, official opening, e j tippett learning resource centre, catering and hospitality, kay mcfarlane, david boyle, women's theatre, patrick kirby boilermaker, most skilful 10 chosen, andrew wardell apprentice of the year, bcae celebrations, ballarat college of advanced education, theatre funding restoration, dino procaccino, richard goss, tops at their trade, safety contribution, changing role of women, christine pearce welding, laurelle pearse welding, amanda burns drafting, michelle scott drafting, small business course at smb, jack barker to retire, sebastopol technical school 25 years, ballarat group apprenticeship schemme, electrical mechanics david thomson and ron irwin, panel beaters glenn virgo and geoffrey mason, motor mechanics alex bond and mark lewis, fund-raising by hairdressing students for new salon, annette evans and suzanne gandur, smb performing arts, mellissa bone photography prize, david stoddart cookery course at smb, nelson thomas and jamie holloway reiv scholarship winners, building work on schedule, literacy course for adults -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, K.H. Fraenkel, Manual on Rock Blasting Vol 2, 1953, 1953
School of Mines and Industries is a predecessor of Federation UniversityThe School of Mines and Industry Ballarat was established as a school to teach about mining in 1870, this book would have been a good example of the information taught at the school.Manual in a hard covered ring binder. The manual is written in English and Swedish. Includes illustrations.rock blasting, mining, compressed air supply, compressor plants, rock drills, explosives, electrical firing, short delay blasting, ventilation -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, New Housing Zones Delayed, 2014
The State Government announced that Whitehorse Council 's new housing zones would not be approved before the July 1st deadline.The State Government announced that Whitehorse Council 's new housing zones would not be approved before the July 1st deadline.The State Government announced that Whitehorse Council 's new housing zones would not be approved before the July 1st of whitehorse, housing zones -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Developer appeals over Council delay, 1990
Appeal by Wunderlich to tribunal for permit to subdivide land in Vermont against Nunawading Council for not deciding in due time of 60 days.Appeal by Wunderlich to tribunal for permit to subdivide land in Vermont against Nunawading Council for not deciding in due time of 60 days.Appeal by Wunderlich to tribunal for permit to subdivide land in Vermont against Nunawading Council for not deciding in due time of 60 subdivision, wunderlich limited, mitcham road, vermont, rooks road, vermont -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (Item) - Ansett Engineer's Log Books various 1970/71/72 - & Engineering Delay logs
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, The Courier Ballarat, 18/08/1971 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the events - incidents that occurred towards the closure of the system - more frequent derailments with bogie trams causing delays to services.Black and White copy photograph of a newspaper photograph taken by The Courier - photo taken 18/8/1971, published 19/8/1971 of No. 40 derailed in lower Sturt St possibly after rounding the corner from Lydiard St Nth. Trams were involved in a special tour, the following bogie tram is being reversed. Has the Town hall in the background. See Reg Item 3765 for the tour photograph. See Reg Items 1073 and 2186 for the actual newspaper cuttings. Collected by Alan Bradley from the Ballarat Courier early 1980's. See Excel file "Record of Ballarat Courier Photos SEC era" (Archive Documents) for source of details.tramways, trams, sturt st, tours, derailments, tram 40 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Tram Derailed At Hospital", 2/10/1951 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about a minor derailment in Ballarat and the delays to services.Small newspaper clipping from The Courier, titled "Tram Derailed At Hospital" regarding derailment of a tram at South side of Sturt St and Drummond St Sth of Sebastopol bound tram. Dated 2/10/51. Record updated and images added 20/8/2013."2/10/51"trams, tramways, ballarat trams, derailments, accidents -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1985
Kew Council's new faces [Cr Moira Jeffreys, Cr Allen Martin - Prospect Ward; Cr Maree Williams - North Ward; Cr James McKenzie - Central Ward] / p1&5. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and Societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support Groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council [Meet our new Mayor - Cr Phyllis Hore] / p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief: [Recycling Centre to open; Pollarding; Motel permit granted (at) 7-9 Studley Park Road; Kew's 125th; Kewriosity survey; School Holiday Program; Council angry over E6 delay; Disabled person's parking scheme; Secretarial and administrative support to community groups; Toilet blocks get thumbs down/ p4. The end of an era [Cr Kaye Cole, Cr Jim McCue, Cr Max Sartori, Cr Roger Streeton] / p5. Youth Page - Premier Theatre Co. booming; Good response from under-age drinking article / Ian Patching p6. Thank you again Neighbourhood Watch / p6. Kew kids support famine victims [Ethiopia] / p6. Kew full day care needs your help / Margaret Hillier p7. Kew Lions' new president [Herbert Joyce] / p7. Kew Community House / p7. Kew Festival [Committee] / p7. Letters - "Friends" answer back / EJ Flynn p8. Deepdene Primary School opens its doors / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Council's new faces [Cr Moira Jeffreys, Cr Allen Martin - Prospect Ward; Cr Maree Williams - North Ward; Cr James McKenzie - Central Ward] / p1&5. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and Societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support Groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council [Meet our new Mayor - Cr Phyllis Hore] / p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief: [Recycling Centre to open; Pollarding; Motel permit granted (at) 7-9 Studley Park Road; Kew's 125th; Kewriosity survey; School Holiday Program; Council angry over E6 delay; Disabled person's parking scheme; Secretarial and administrative support to community groups; Toilet blocks get thumbs down/ p4. The end of an era [Cr Kaye Cole, Cr Jim McCue, Cr Max Sartori, Cr Roger Streeton] / p5. Youth Page - Premier Theatre Co. booming; Good response from under-age drinking article / Ian Patching p6. Thank you again Neighbourhood Watch / p6. Kew kids support famine victims [Ethiopia] / p6. Kew full day care needs your help / Margaret Hillier p7. Kew Lions' new president [Herbert Joyce] / p7. Kew Community House / p7. Kew Festival [Committee] / p7. Letters - "Friends" answer back / EJ Flynn p8. Deepdene Primary School opens its doors / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Tasmania Law Reform Institute : warnings in sexual offences cases relating to delay in complaint, 2006
sex crimes -- law and legislation -- tasmania, complaints (criminal procedure) -- tasmania, law reform -- tasmania -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (Item) - AAP 7453.043-3M Time Delay Relay Type TDBR44 (Diamond H)
Created by British Aerospace for the Royal Australian Air Force. Seems to have been first issued in 1972time delay relay tupe tdbr44 (diamond h), overhaul -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (Item) - (SP) AAP 7484.019-3M Single Channel Delay Unit Types C 5250, C 7130
Issued 11 July 1972 by the Royal Australian Air Forceraaf, single channel delay unit -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (item) - (SP) AAP 7111.007-3-11-8 CAC handbook BS217B manual 94 Atar engine overhaul CAC Atar 09b 09c gun missile firing delay elecma
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Books - SECV Annual Reports 1920-1948
28 books - SECV Annual Report covering the financial year with Appendices from March 1919 to June 1920 to year ending June 1948. Presented to Parliament pursuant to section 35 (b). The Victorian government owned the electrical company in Victoria supplying electricity for lighting of public buildings, street lighting and electrical trams. Brown coal was the main source of supply. The SECV commenced on 10th January 1921 having earlier been known as the Electricity Commissioners in 1919-1921. The SEC was privatised in the 1990s. The Kiewa Scheme was approved in 1937 but its start was delayed due to WWII. The reports include references to Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme early on. The papers are a primary source as they were presented to Parliament as true documents and hence valuable for research.Foolscap pages held togeether by 2 or 3 staples at the spine.The cardboard cover is a blue grey with printed black title. Varying number of pages from perhaps 40 to 70. The reports are 'together with Appendices'. Also SEC 1951 logo transferssecv 1951 transfers, secv reports with appendices