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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1987
Home Helpers in Pilot Training Program / p1. [Woodlands Avenue] Playgroup enrolments / p1. Help wanted [Australia's Bicentennial Choir] / p1. Christmas cards / p1. Dates for November / p2. Images of Kew [Photographic competition; Australia's Bicentennial] / p2&7. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt, Mayor of Kew [1987/88 Council Budget] / p3. Church centenary [Kew Presbyterian Church] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Volunteers needed [Asthma Foundation of Victoria] / p4. Kinder for three year olds [North Kew Municipal Kindergarten] / p4. Community Directory update / p4. Belford Oaks [Childcare Centre] / p4. Mayoresses' luncheon focuses on Asthma / p5. Recycling reminder / p5. Bicentennial notes / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Help for fundraisers / p6. [Kew] Youth Resource Centre / p6. How much can a Library Bear bear? / p7. New citizens / p7. Croquet - not just a game, but an enigma [Kew Croquet Club] / p7. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Good gardening / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Entry form for 'Images of Kew' / p8Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionHome Helpers in Pilot Training Program / p1. [Woodlands Avenue] Playgroup enrolments / p1. Help wanted [Australia's Bicentennial Choir] / p1. Christmas cards / p1. Dates for November / p2. Images of Kew [Photographic competition; Australia's Bicentennial] / p2&7. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt, Mayor of Kew [1987/88 Council Budget] / p3. Church centenary [Kew Presbyterian Church] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Volunteers needed [Asthma Foundation of Victoria] / p4. Kinder for three year olds [North Kew Municipal Kindergarten] / p4. Community Directory update / p4. Belford Oaks [Childcare Centre] / p4. Mayoresses' luncheon focuses on Asthma / p5. Recycling reminder / p5. Bicentennial notes / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Help for fundraisers / p6. [Kew] Youth Resource Centre / p6. How much can a Library Bear bear? / p7. New citizens / p7. Croquet - not just a game, but an enigma [Kew Croquet Club] / p7. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Good gardening / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Entry form for 'Images of Kew' / p8publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1984
60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fiction60th issue / p1. "Woodlands Avenue" to accomodate 3YO's [Kew Pre-School Support Group; East Kew Baptist Church] / p1. [Kew] Community Festival extended / p1. Books and games for children / p2. 68th Anniversary Hyde Park Uniting Church / p2. Seniors & Lions / p2. Kew [Daytime] Garden Club / p2. Action Programme [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p2. Hyde Park Uniting Church Fellowship / p2. Mayoral Column [Council Budget] / p3. A foster family's experience [Inner East Foster Care] / p4. Volunteer helpers needed / p4. Aspects of alcohol use in the community / p4. Kew Citizens' Band / p4. Youth Pages - Welcome [Kew appoints full time youth worker - Ian Patching; International Youth Year 1985; Youth Resource Centre] / p5. Summer - a time for recreation / p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update - Report from Consultative Committee / p7. Traffic management / p7. Things to do in Kew / p8. Occasional Care Centre / p9. Library news / p9. Tipping facilities / p9. Senior Citizens' Activity Groups in Kew / p9. Kew/Hawthorn Citizens' Advice Bureau / p10. Kalker Montessori Kindergarten / p10. The Billabong Club / p10. Australian Labor Party / p10. Kew Garden Club and Native Plant Group / p10. Parents of Gays / p10. Kew Community House Annual Report [Glendonald; Elderly; Youth; Unemployed; Single parents; Counselling?; Citizens Advice Bureau; Churches; Mural; Courses & Activities; Drop-in Centre; Volunteers] / Mary Scomazzon p11-12. Kew Community House Youth Group / p12. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Burke Hall', (formerly 'Studley Hall', 'Waverley'), Nolan Avenue, 1979
In 1979, a series of photographs of significant gardens in Kew (Victoria) were taken during a tour by Peter Watts, Historic Gardens Coordinator of National Trust Victoria. These were later purchased to add to the collection. In the case of each photo the colour had badly degraded over time. Original colour (degraded) positive photograph of 'Burke Hall' [Xavier College], (formerly 'Studley Hall', 'Waverley'), Nolan Avenue, Kew. A view of the south facing facade. Annotated in ink and pencil reverse: "Burke Hall once Waverley / Early 1870s / in 1903 name changed to Studley Hall / 1926 Burke Hall / Oct 1979"gardens -- kew (vic.), burke hall, studley hall, waverley, nolan avenue -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Anglo-Australasian Photographic Company, Central Avenue, Fitzroy Gardens, c. 1876
Nicholas Caire was born on Guernsey in the Channel Islands in 1837. He arrived in Adelaide with his parents in about 1860. In 1867, following photographic journeys in Gippsland, he opened a studio in Adelaide. From 1870 to 1876 he lived and worked in Talbot in Central Victoria. In 1876 he purchased T. F. Chuck's studios in the Royal Arcade Melbourne. In 1885, following the introduction of dry plate photography, he began a series of landscape series, which were commercially successful. As a photographer, he travelled extensively through Victoria, photographing places few of his contemporaries had previously seen. He died in 1918. Reference: Jack Cato, 'Caire, Nicholas John (1837–1918)', Australian Dictionary of Biography.An original, rare photograph from the series 'Views of Victoria: General Series' by the photographer, Nicholas Caire (1837-1918). The series of 60 photographs that comprise the series was issued c. 1876 and reinforced a neo-Romantic view of the Australian landscape to which a growing nationalist movement would respond. Nicholas Caire was active as a photographer in Australia from 1858 until his death in 1918. His vision of the Australian bush and pioneer life had a counterpart in the works of Henry Lawson and other nationalist poets, authors and painters.Albumen Silver Photograph, mounted on Board.printed in ink on support l.c.: CENTRAL AVENUE, FITZROY GARDENS / COPYRIGHT REGISTERED. printed in ink on support reverse c.: VIEWS OF VICTORIA. / (GENERAL SERIES.) / No. 2. / CENTRAL AVENUE, FITZROY GARDENS. / The Fitzroy Gardens have, for several years past, become one of the most popular places for public resort- / attributable, no doubt, to the great variety of picturesque scenes they contain. Shrubs and flower plants, of almost / every description, can be seen growing in rich profusion within the enclosures, studded here and there with choice / pieces of statuary. The subject of the present illustration is but one of the many to be found within their precincts. / The distance of these gardens from the Melbourne Post Office is about one mile. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.l.: J.W. FORBES, Agent, printed in ink on support reverse l.c.: ANGLO-AUSTRALASIAN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, MELBOURNE. printed in ink on support reverse l.c.r.: 10 Temple Court, Collins Street West.nicholas caire (1837-1918), landscape photography -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E & B L Rogers, 'Swinton', Swinton Avenue, c.1960
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society."The land on which Swinton was later built was first purchased by John Bakewell in 1851 and later sold to Edmund Laskey Splatt in 1858. Splatt was a member of the first provisional committee of the National Bank of Australia in Melbourne and built the first house on the land naming it Laskey Villa. By 1863 the house was occupied by Herbert Henty. The Johnson family connection with the property began with the marriage in 1858 of Annabella Johnson to David Sym - owner of The Age newspaper and owner of the adjacent property Blytheswood. Annabella's brother, Francis Johnson, bought the villa in 1876 and renamed it Swinton after his birthplace in Yorkshire. The property was later owned by the artistic Colquhoun family. The house is one of the earliest examples of the Italianate style in Victoria - the outstanding element being the tower with its cantilevered walkway and heavily bracketed pyramidal tower. (Source: Victorian Heritage Database)"Swinton. Built about 1959-60. Chap.20 Swinton. Johnson - Col"swinton, swinton avenue (kew) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Thornton Estate, 1918
The ‘Thornton Estate’ was the final subdivision of ‘Thornton’ in Studley Park Road. Thomas Cubitt Balmain originally owned Thornton, next to John Carson’s ‘Clutha’. Before its final subdivision, the Thomson family owned it. The Estate was a subdivision of 15 residential allotments running between Studley Park Road and Stevenson Street. The allotments faced these streets as well as Thornton Street, which the vendor undertook to make. Contemporary newspaper advertisements advised that ‘The estate possesses many advantages, notably its private and secluded, though convenient, position, splendid frontages and depths, and being close to the electric tram and Kew train, also within easy walking distance of the Victoria-street cable tram’. The terms offered purchasers were ten per cent deposit, with the balance to be paid in ten equal half-yearly payments at a rate of 5 per cent.The ‘Thornton Estate’ was the final subdivision of ‘Thornton’ in Studley Park Road. Thomas Cubitt Balmain originally owned Thornton, next to John Carson’s ‘Clutha’. Before its final subdivision, the Thomson family owned it. The Estate was a subdivision of 15 residential allotments running between Studley Park Road and Stevenson Street. The allotments faced these streets as well as Thornton Street, which the vendor undertook to make. Contemporary newspaper advertisements advised that ‘The estate possesses many advantages, notably its private and secluded, though convenient, position, splendid frontages and depths, and being close to the electric tram and Kew train, also within easy walking distance of the Victoria-street cable tram’. The terms offered purchasers were ten per cent deposit, with the balance to be paid in ten equal half-yearly payments at a rate of 5 per cent.subdivision plans - kew, thornton estate, studley park road -- kew (vic.), thornton avenue -- kew (vic.), stevenson street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Myrtle Park Estate, City of Camberwell, 1916
The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The ‘Myrtle Park Estate’ was a subdivision bounded by Victoria Road (now Lansdowne Street), Buchanan Avenue and Dight Avenue. Other streets that were created by the subdivision included Eurolie Street, Boorahman Street and Moody Street (now Sylvan Street). The Estate took its name from Myrtle Park (later changed to Macleay Park), which had been created in 1923 by Camberwell Council. The Park adjoined the southeast corner of the new subdivision. The Estate included 74 regular allotments characterised by narrow frontages and long blocks. Confusion may have greeted prospective purchasers as the Estate was advertised in the daily newspapers as being in East Kew, rather than in Camberwell, where it was at that stage located.subdivision plans - balwyn, myrtle park estate - camberwell [surrey hills] -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Carronbank', Marshall Avenue, 1980s
... Marshall Avenue, Kew, Victoria, Australia... Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew ...Carronbank (demolished) in Marshall Avenue, Kew was once the home of the Rev Graham Henty Balfour. It had extensive grounds, including a tennis court at the rear of the property. It remained a private residence until c.1960. The Department of Education purchased Carronbank as a school for partially sighted children, opening in February 1961 as State School No 4483. During the period 1961 to c.1980, the building housed a number of services. From 1969 to 1974, it was the site of Carronbank State School, later renamed Carronbank School for Deaf-Blind Children. In 1973, the Department established the Visiting Teacher Service for the Visually Impaired at the site. Its aim was to support teachers working in Victorian Government, Catholic and Independent Schools. From 1983 the school operated as Statewide Resource Centre for Visiting Teachers of the Vision Impaired. In 1988, the amalgamation of Princess Elizabeth Junior School for Deaf Children, the Monnington Centre and Carronbank School for Deaf Blind Students allowed the Victorian Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew] reverted to private ownership, while Glendonald and Carronbank in Marshall Avenue were demolished and subdivided.The donor, Mr Murray Osler, was Principal of the Monnington Special Education Centre in Adeney Avenue (Kew) from 1976. This photo, and an accompanying drawing of 'Monnington' are important primary resources for the delivery of education to and for deaf-blind children in Victoria.The photograph, framed under perspex, shows the tennis court of Carronbank which had been converted into a play area for the students of the school. The flat roofed building may have been a toilet block, added for the school. The garage brick wall belongs to No 11. Grass is growing on the original asphalt court and there is equipment and tunnels for play. When sold the property was divided into three separate building blocks.carronbank -- marshall avenue -- kew (vic.), schools -- kew (vic.), carronbank -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Print - 'Monnington', Adeney Avenue, Trompf, 1977
In the mid 1960s, the Monnington Special Education Centre was established at 15 Adeney Avenue as an offshoot to 'Glendonald' in Marshall Avenue. In 1988, the amalgamation of Princess Elizabeth Junior School for Deaf Children, the Monnington Centre and Carronbank School for Deaf Blind Students allowed the Victorian Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew] reverted to private ownership, while Glendonald and Carronbank in Marshall Avenue were demolished and subdivided. The donor, Mr Murray Osler, was Principal of the Monnington Special Education Centre in Adeney Avenue (Kew) from 1976. This photo, and an accompanying drawing of 'Carronbank' are important primary resources for the history of the delivery of education to and for deaf-blind children in Victoria.Gift of Murray Osler, 2021This limited and numbered print [number 10/100], framed under perspex, is of Monnington in Adeney Avenue, Kew when it functioned as a Special Education Centre for deaf/blind children during the 1960s to the 1990s. . "Monnington Special Ed. Centre / 60s-90s / (Parent Guidance for Deaf/Blind Ch. / Adeney Ave, Kew / Murray Osler / Principal 76-80s"schools -- kew (vic.), mornington -- adeney avenue -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - 'Studley House', Nolan Avenue, 1976
Colour transparency (slide) created in June 1976 during a tour by the Junior National Trust, which was led by members of Kew Historical Society. The collection of 21 slides reveals that the tour covered all parts of Kew, but focused understandably on heritage buildings and sites.Image of an historic place in Kew that can be dated to an exact time and place. The images, albeit amateurish in composition, frequently reveal aspects of important buildings and sites that have changed over time.35mm colour transparency of Studley House in Nolan Avenue, Kew, now part of Xavier Primary School. The Victorian Historic Buildings Register describes the building as: ""Studley House", 15 Nolan Avenue Kew is an early house, extensively added to, which is of architectural importance in its present form and has important historical associations with John Hodgson, an early settler in the district and with subsequent owners. The first part of the house is an early and particularly fine example of the Italianate style in Victoria. The later additions dwarf the original house but are of interest in their own right. Plaster and woodwork internally and some stained glass are notable."historic houses -- kew (vic.), nolan avenue -- kew (vic), xavier college -- kew (vic.), studley house -- nolan avenue -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - 'Studley House', Nolan Avenue, 1976
Colour transparency (slide) created in June 1976 during a tour by the Junior National Trust, which was led by members of Kew Historical Society. The collection of 21 slides reveals that the tour covered all parts of Kew, but focused understandably on heritage buildings and sites.Image of an historic place in Kew that can be dated to an exact time and place. The images, albeit amateurish in composition, frequently reveal aspects of important buildings and sites that have changed over time.35mm colour transparency of Studley House in Nolan Avenue, Kew, now part of Xavier Primary School. The Victorian Historic Buildings Register describes the building as: ""Studley House", 15 Nolan Avenue Kew is an early house, extensively added to, which is of architectural importance in its present form and has important historical associations with John Hodgson, an early settler in the district and with subsequent owners. The first part of the house is an early and particularly fine example of the Italianate style in Victoria. The later additions dwarf the original house but are of interest in their own right. Plaster and woodwork internally and some stained glass are notable."historic houses -- kew (vic.), nolan avenue -- kew (vic), xavier college -- kew (vic.), studley house -- nolan avenue -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Slide - 'Studley House', Nolan Avenue, 1976
Colour transparency (slide) created in June 1976 during a tour by the Junior National Trust, which was led by members of Kew Historical Society. The collection of 21 slides reveals that the tour covered all parts of Kew, but focused understandably on heritage buildings and sites.Image of an historic place in Kew that can be dated to an exact time and place. The images, albeit amateurish in composition, frequently reveal aspects of important buildings and sites that have changed over time.35mm colour transparency of Studley House in Nolan Avenue, Kew, now part of Xavier Primary School. The Victorian Historic Buildings Register describes the building as: ""Studley House", 15 Nolan Avenue Kew is an early house, extensively added to, which is of architectural importance in its present form and has important historical associations with John Hodgson, an early settler in the district and with subsequent owners. The first part of the house is an early and particularly fine example of the Italianate style in Victoria. The later additions dwarf the original house but are of interest in their own right. Plaster and woodwork internally and some stained glass are notable."historic houses -- kew (vic.), nolan avenue -- kew (vic), xavier college -- kew (vic.), studley house -- nolan avenue -- kew (vic.) -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Booklet, "AVENUES OF HONOUR The Councils of the Municipalities of the CITY OF CAULFIELD TOWN OF BRIGHTON acting in conjunction PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION SAT 3rd AUG. 1918 AT 3oCLOCK"
... famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria still exists at Ballarat... was not a consideration. Arguably the most famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria ...Souvenir Programme from the Councils of the Municipalities of the City of Caulfield and the Town of Brighton for a Public Demonstration to be held on Sat 3rd August 1918 at 3 o'clock for the proposed Avenues of Honour to be planted in memory of fallen WWI soldiers. From Honour Roll Display 2019 interpretation panel - Brighton-Caulfield Avenue of Honour It is hard to imagine but a grand arboreal Avenue of Honour once lined parts of North Road, McMillan Street and Point Nepean Road (now Nepean Highway). The Avenue of Honour was a distinctly Australian phenomenon with hundreds being constructed throughout Australia during and following World War One, most of these in Victoria. Consisting of tree lined streets with each tree representing a solider, the Avenue of Honour signalled a more egalitarian approach to commemoration where rank was not a consideration. Arguably the most famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria still exists at Ballarat. Stretching for nearly 22 kilometres, the entrance to the Avenue is marked by the imposing Arch of Victory. Smaller in scale, the Brighton-Caulfield Avenue of Honour was dedicated to the ‘memory of (Brighton and Caulfield’s) kith and kin who came from (the) district and who died in the Great War’. A joint project between the neighbouring Councils, the idea was first reported in The Argus on 1 July 1918. Plans moved along quickly and on 3 August 1918 the Governor of Victoria Arthur Stanley planted the first Australian flowering gum. The next of kin were then invited to plant trees for lost sons, brothers, uncles, nephews and husbands. In all, over 400 trees were planted. Intensely personal, the Avenue also acted as a focus of grief and remembrance for the wider community. For many years, the annual civic Anzac Day service was held at the Avenue on Point Nepean Road, near Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick. The service was moved to Caulfield Park upon the completion of the Cenotaph in 1930. Due to road widening and disease the last original tree was replaced in the 1980s, however a plaque in Caulfield Park records the Avenue’s plantation. Commemorative booklet, grey cover with text printed on the grey textured paper cover and an image of four trees and a wreath. Image of a kookaburra on the back. Inside, 28 numbered pages with b/w text and photographic images including a transparent paper representation of the proposed Avenues of Honour on Brighton Road and Point Nepean Road. Souvenir programme for a Public Demonstration for the Avenues of Honour as detailed on the of caufield, world war one, first world war, anzac, remembrance, town of brighton, brighton, caulfield, avenue of honour -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
Booklet, D. W. Paterson Co. Pty. Ltd, "AVENUES OF HONOUR The Councils of the Municipalities of the CITY OF CAULFIELD TOWN OF BRIGHTON acting in conjunction PUBLIC DEMONSTRATION SAT 3rd AUG. 1918 AT 3oCLOCK SOUVENIR"
... famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria still exists at Ballarat.... Arguably the most famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria still exists ...Souvenir Programme from the Councils of the Municipalities of the City of Caulfield and the Town of Brighton for a Public Demonstration to be held on Sat 3rd August 1918 at 3 o'clock for the proposed Avenues of Honour to be planted in memory of fallen WWI soldiers. One of two known copies, this copy has "Town Clerk" stamped in the upper corner, rhs.Commemorative booklet, grey cover with text printed on the grey textured paper and an image of four trees and a wreath. Image of a kookaburra on the back. Inside, 28 numbered pages with b/w text and photographic images including a transparent paper representation of the proposed Avenues of Honour on Brighton Road and Point Nepean Road. Souvenir programme for a Public Demonstration for the Avenues of Honour as detailed on the front. From Honour Roll Display 2019 interpretation panel - Brighton-Caulfield Avenue of Honour It is hard to imagine but a grand arboreal Avenue of Honour once lined parts of North Road, McMillan Street and Point Nepean Road (now Nepean Highway). The Avenue of Honour was a distinctly Australian phenomenon with hundreds being constructed throughout Australia during and following World War One, most of these in Victoria. Consisting of tree lined streets with each tree representing a solider, the Avenue of Honour signalled a more egalitarian approach to commemoration where rank was not a consideration. Arguably the most famous Avenue of Honour in Victoria still exists at Ballarat. Stretching for nearly 22 kilometres, the entrance to the Avenue is marked by the imposing Arch of Victory. Smaller in scale, the Brighton-Caulfield Avenue of Honour was dedicated to the ‘memory of (Brighton and Caulfield’s) kith and kin who came from (the) district and who died in the Great War’. A joint project between the neighbouring Councils, the idea was first reported in The Argus on 1 July 1918. Plans moved along quickly and on 3 August 1918 the Governor of Victoria Arthur Stanley planted the first Australian flowering gum. The next of kin were then invited to plant trees for lost sons, brothers, uncles, nephews and husbands. In all, over 400 trees were planted. Intensely personal, the Avenue also acted as a focus of grief and remembrance for the wider community. For many years, the annual civic Anzac Day service was held at the Avenue on Point Nepean Road, near Glen Huntly Road, Elsternwick. The service was moved to Caulfield Park upon the completion of the Cenotaph in 1930. Due to road widening and disease the last original tree was replaced in the 1980s, however a plaque in Caulfield Park records the Avenue’s plantation. Inkstamp upper corner rhs: "TOWN CLERK" -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Document - Order of Service Wangaratta
A memorial rock was installed in the grounds of the army depot at Sisley Avenue in 2003 to commemorate the Charge at the Ney undertaken on 7 August 1915. When Victorian Mounted Rifles departed the depot there was uncertainty as to its future so the plaque was removed and lodged with the museum. The 8th Light Horse Regiment AIF was raised at Broadmeadows Victoria in September 1914 under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander White and formed part of the 3rd Light Horse Brigade. The regiment served at Gallipoli where in a courageous but ill-fated charge at the Nek on 7 August 1915 it suffered horrendous casualties including Lieutenant Colonel White. Rebuilt in Egypt under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Leslie Maygar VC the regiment went on the serve throughout the Middle East Campaign. Colonel Maygar died of wounds at Beersheba when the regiment was attacked by enemy aircraft while waiting to follow up the successful charge of the 4th LH Brigade on 30 October 1917. The 8th Light Horse AIF was disbanded in 1919, but soon after re-raised as the 8th (Indi) Light Horse in the Citizen Military Forces, superseding 16th (Indi) Light Horse. It had its headquarters at Benalla with sub-units throughout the Upper Murray and Northeast Victoria. In December 1941, the regiment converted from horse to mechanised, initially as 8th Reconnaissance Battalion then in July 1942 it became 8th Cavalry Regiment and served in Northern Territory. As Japanese threat to the mainland declined the regiment was disbanded. Single fold program for memorial service 8th Light Horse Memorial, Wangaratta, 2 August 2003military, light horse, nek, wangaratta, memorial -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, A Soldier's Privilege - WW1 Diary of Frederick William Mawson
This is a transcription by Sandra Dexter of the original WW1 diary which was donated to ANZAC House by John Howden, F.W. Mawson's nephew. Sandra augmented the words in the diary with additional material including photos to give context to the people, places and events referred to in Frederick Mawson's words. Published with Surrey Hills Historical Society funds with permission of Anzac House librarian, Fred Pratt. Transcribed as a result of the loan of the original for the exhibition mounted as part of the 'Gallipoli and Beyond 2015' raft of events coordinated by City of Boroondara and the historical societies of Boroondara. Details re Fred Mawson (source AIF Project): Regimental number: 3073; Place of birth: Carlton, Victoria; School: Surrey Hills State School, Victoria; Religion: Presbyterian; Occupation: Carpenter; Address: Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Marital status: Single; Age at embarkation: 22; Next of kin: Father, Frederick Mawson, Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Enlistment date: 12 July 1915; Rank on enlistment: Sapper; Unit name: 5th Field Company Engineers; AWM Embarkation Roll number: 14/24/1; Embarkation details: Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A40 Ceramic on 24 November 1915; Rank from Nominal Roll: Lance Corporal; Fate Killed in Action 9 November 1917; Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll): *second given name is William; Place of death or wounding: Ypres, Belgium; Age at death: 24; Place of burial: Ramparts Cemetery (Row J, Grave No. 24), Ypres, Belgium; Panel number, Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial: 24. Also listed on the honour roll of The Shrine in the Surrey Gardens. A transcription (with footnotes and illustrations, including photographs) of a diary written in 1916 in F.W. Mawson during part of his period of service during WW1.(mrs) f w mawson, holmsdale, house names, bona vista avenue, surrey hills, world war 1, 1914 - 1918, diaries and journals, (mr) frederick william mawson, (mr) fred mawson,, (mr) frederick mawson (snr), surrey gardens memorial, sandra dexter -
Williamstown Botanic Gardens- Hobsons Bay City Council
Postcard - Williamstown Botanic Gardens, circa 1900-1920
... Front: VALENTINE’S, M.360 PALM AVENUE WILLIAMSTOWN...-Thomas-Clark Palms Palm-Avenue Valentine-and-Sons Front ...The original postcards in this series (2013.002 to 2013.018) were generously loaned to Williamstown Botanic Gardens by a private collector for copying. They are evidence of the interest the gardens held as a subject for postcard publishers. The text and images provide a snapshot into fashions, social interests and concerns of the time. The professionally produced images provide a pictorial history of Gardens including changing planting styles, various structures and features of the Gardens eg the aviary, cannons, the fountain, the second Curator’s Lodge and gates. The images offer an opportunity to compare garden vistas with the present day. This postcard shows the main east-west axial path with a typical Victorian/Edwardian mown grass strip which in turn borders formal shrub beds with herbaceous plantings. The photo was taken after the Mexican Fan Palms (Washingtonia robusta) planted in 1915, which in turn were replaced with the same species in 1987. Sepia postcard of the Palm Avenue at the gardens looking west to a white statue on a plinth. The statue is of Williamstown MLA, Alfred Thomas Clark. Palms and shrubs line both sides of the path and trees can be seen behind the statue. The shadows of the plantings are across the path.Front: VALENTINE’S, M.360 PALM AVENUE WILLIAMSTOWN GARDENS MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. REAL PHOTO. Reverse: vertical on left side of card and underlined: ‘Published by the Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd. / Melbourne. Sydney & Brisbane’. Top centre of card: Contains logo of ‘VALENTINES / REAL PHOTO SERIES / POSTCARD’. There is a red two penny Australian Postage stamp on the top right hand corner. The address of the sender is 1 Railway Place, Williamstown and the card is addressed to Mr and Mrs Nayler (?) in Footscray. The remaining writing unable to be deciphered postcard, gardens, post-card, williamstown-botanic-gardens, hobsons-bay-city-council, statue, clark, alfred-thomas-clark, palms, palm-avenue, valentine-and-sons -
Williamstown Botanic Gardens- Hobsons Bay City Council
Postcard - Williamstown Botanic Gardens, circa 1900-1924
... Front: VALENTINE’S, M.356 ELM AVENUE WILLIAMSTOWN GARDENS...: VALENTINE’S, M.356 ELM AVENUE WILLIAMSTOWN GARDENS MELBOURNE, VICTORIA ...The original postcards in this series (2013.002 to 2013.018) were generously loaned to Williamstown Botanic Gardens by a private collector for copying. The postcards are evidence of the interest the gardens held as a subject for postcard publishers. The text and images provide a snapshot into fashions, social interests and concerns of the time. The professionally produced images provide a pictorial history of Gardens including changing planting styles, various structures and features of the Gardens eg the aviary, cannons, the fountain, the second Curator’s Lodge and gates. The images offer an opportunity to compare garden vistas with the present day. This postcard is evidence of the placement of two of the cannons relocated from Fort Gellibrand in 1906 and that they were in place in the Gardens in 1924. They were removed from the Gardens in the 1960s. These same cannons remain a feature on the Williamstown waterfront in 2013. The image also shows the original Elm Avenue plantings. A sepia scene looking west towards statue of Alfred Thomas Clark, with cannons on either side of statue pointing east down what is known as the Palm Avenue. The statue is surrounded by a white fence consisting of posts and a top rail. The top of the statue is hidden by the branches of the elm trees. It appears that the elms are in the process of either losing their leaves or new leaf growth. A cactus plant can be seen beneath the lower branches of the elm tree of the right closest to the camera. The cannons were moved from Fort Gellibrand to the Gardens in 1906.Front: VALENTINE’S, M.356 ELM AVENUE WILLIAMSTOWN GARDENS MELBOURNE, VICTORIA. REAL PHOTO. Reverse: vertical on left side of card and underlined: ‘Published by the Valentine & Sons Publishing Co. Ltd. / Melbourne, Sydney & Brisbane’. Top centre of card: Contains logo of ‘VALENTINES / REAL PHOTO SERIES / POSTCARD’. Top right hand corner is stamped ‘BRANCHES (enclosed in a scroll) / SYDNEY / LONDON / DUNDEE / DUBLIN / CAPETOWN / MONTREAL / TORONTO’ The card is dated ‘29/12/24’ and addressed to ‘Dear Leah Alf & Dad’ signed by ‘Margaret’. postcard, gardens, post-card, williamstown-botanic-gardens, hobsons-bay-city-council, statue, clarke, alfred-thomas-clarke, cannon, elm, cactus, 1924, fort-gellibrand, 1906, armstrong, clark -
Williamstown Botanic Gardens- Hobsons Bay City Council
Postcard - Williamstown Botanic Gardens
The original postcards in this series (2013.002 to 2013.018) were generously loaned to Williamstown Botanic Gardens by a private collector for copying. The postcards are evidence of the interest the gardens held as a subject for postcard publishers. The text and images provide a snapshot into fashions, social interests and concerns of the time. The professionally produced images provide a pictorial history of Gardens including changing planting styles, various structures and features of the Gardens eg the aviary, cannons, the fountain, the second Curator’s Lodge and gates. The images offer an opportunity to compare garden vistas with the present day. This postcard shows the main east-west axial path with a typical Victorian/Edwardian mown grass strip which in turn borders formal shrub beds with herbaceous plantings. The Cordylines which line and avenue in this image were replaced by Mexican Fan Palms (Washingtonia robusta) planted in 1915, which in turn were replaced with the same species in 1987. Black and White image of main path looking towards the statue of A C Clark. There is a man wearing a boater hat on the right side of the path and a woman and two children on the left side of the path. The path is lined with grass, shrubs and cycads. This image is before the border of the path was planted with palm trees, which was 1915.Front: ‘The Botanic Gardens, Williamstown’. Reverse: Top Centre ‘POST CARD’. Top left hand side ‘This space may be used for Correspondence. / Postage to any Address in Victoria, 1 d; / to other States, 11/2 d.’ Right side and top centre of card in pencil 'C1908' and '$3' [believed to be inserted by the vendor of the card]postcard, gardens, post-card, williamstown-botanic-gardens, hobsons-bay-city-council, garden-path, cycads, 1908, clark -
Melbourne's Living Museum of the West
Booklet, Melbourne's Living Museum of the West, Meat and By-Products, 1993
The meat industry and animal by-product works of Melbourne's West, in the series "Interpreting the Cultural Landscape", with the assistance of the Department of Planning and Development, VictoriaThe Australian Meat Preserving Company was established on the banks of the Maribyrnong River in 1870 on the site of boiling works dating from the 1840s.32 page booklet, A5, Cover illustration of Raleigh's boiling down works on the Maribyrnong River, from water-colour by Greeves C. 1850s Title: Meat and By-Products Author: Gary Vines Melbourne's Living Museum of the West Inc.western suburbs, meat industry -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Medlow Garden Survey and Landscape capability study 1983, Oct-83
Includes: Plan of Subdivision, Detailed plan, map of garden, Auctioneer's plan for 1854 sale, Botanical plan of Medlow & Landscape history notes. Full title : Medlow Garden survey and landscape capability survey. A report for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) A report giving a detailed landscape survey of Medlow Garden estate. Includes landscape story, cultural significance, particulars about vegetarian, garden, rehabilitation and plans.Copy of a report giving a detailed landscape survey of Medlow Garden estate. Includes landscape story, cultural significance, particulars about vegetarian, garden, rehabilitation and plans. 38 pages with surveys, medlow garden, bismark estate, rosalie estate, warrigal road, surrey hills, bismarck avenue, warwick avenue, t p payne, (mr) hugh glass, boroondara, (mr) (maj) - cairncross, (mrs) mary jane cairncross, (dr) (mr) richard joseph bull, (mrs) catherine grace bull, (miss) norma bull, (mr) ronald richard bull, medlow -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, F.W. Mawson's Diary facsimile
This is a photocopy of the original diary which was donated to ANZAC house by John Howden, F.W. Mawson's nephew. Copied using Surrey Hills Historical Society funds with permission of Anzac House librarian, Fred Pratt. Copied and later transcribed as a result of the loan of the original for the exhibition mounted as part of the 'Gallipoli and Beyond 2015' raft of events coordinated by City of Boroondara and the historical societies of Boroondara. Details re Fred Mawson (source AIF Project): Regimental number: 3073; Place of birth: Carlton, Victoria; School: Surrey Hills State School, Victoria; Religion: Presbyterian; Occupation: Carpenter; Address: Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Marital status: Single; Age at embarkation: 22; Next of kin: Father, Frederick Mawson, Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills; Enlistment date: 12 July 1915; Rank on enlistment: Sapper; Unit name: 5th Field Company Engineers; AWM Embarkation Roll number: 14/24/1; Embarkation details: Unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A40 Ceramic on 24 November 1915; Rank from Nominal Roll: Lance Corporal; Fate Killed in Action 9 November 1917; Miscellaneous details (Nominal Roll): *second given name is William; Place of death or wounding: Ypres, Belgium; Age at death: 24; Place of burial: Ramparts Cemetery (Row J, Grave No. 24), Ypres, Belgium; Panel number, Roll of Honour, Australian War Memorial: 24. Also listed on the honour roll of The Shrine in the Surrey Gardens. A photocopy of a diary written in 1916 in F.W. Mawson during part of his period of service during WW1.(mrs) f w mawson, holmsdale, house names, bona vista avenue, surrey hills, world war 1, 1914 - 1918, diaries and journals, (mr) frederick william mawson, (mr) fred mawson,, (mr) frederick mawson (snr), surrey gardens memorial -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Medlow Garden Survey and Landscape capability study 1983, Oct-83
Includes: Plan of Subdivision, Detailed plan, map of garden, Auctioneer's plan for 1854 sale, Botanical plan of Medlow & Landscape history notes. Full title : Medlow Garden survey and landscape capability survey. A report for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) A report detailing the landscape survey of Medlow Garden estate. Includes landscape history, cultural significance, particulars about vegetarian, garden, rehabilitation and plans.A report detailing the landscape survey of Medlow Garden estate. Includes landscape history, cultural significance, particulars about vegetarian, garden, rehabilitation and plans. 38 p illland surveys, medlow garden, bismark estate, rosalie estate, warrigal road, surrey hills, bismarck avenue, warwick avenue, t p payne, (mr) hugh glass, boroondara, (maj.) (mr) - cairncross, (mrs) mary jane cairncross, (dr)(mr) richard joseph bull, (mrs) catherine grace bull, (miss) norma bull, (mr) ronald richard bull, medlow, house names, (mr) rex swanson, landform australia -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Drs Agnes and Roberta Donaldson and friends
Agnes (b 1894, Linton; died 1977, Box Hill) had been a masseur before entering medical school at Melbourne University. She transferred to Edinburgh and graduated from there. She joined her sister Amelia Roberta, known as Roberta, at ‘Luxmee’, 4 Windsor Crescent. She was born in 1891 and died at Surrey Hills on 1 May 1972. She had a long illness before her death. Agnes is seated left foreground; Roberta is standing at the right. Their father James Blair Donaldson had been a doctor at Linton, near Skipton and a brother, James Blair Donaldson Jnr (1888-1971) was a doctor in Skipton. A second brother Alexander Somerville Donaldson (1887-1963) also lived in Surrey Hills. He had a number of addresses and occupations including: 1927 - 44 Albany Crescent (Chauffeur); 1949 - 5 Beatrice Avenue (mechanic) and 1963 - 28 Albert Crescent (gardener). Their mother was Amelia Jane Emerson. Transcription of grave in Section C, Baptist in Melbourne General Cemetery gives further family details: “In affectionate remembrance of Jane Duff the beloved wife of Robt. DONALDSON who died at Carlton, Victoria, 8 Aug 1889, age 56 years and of their children David Russell and Mary McIntosh who died in infancy. Until the Easter glory lights the skies; until the dead in Jesus shall arise and He shall come, but not in lowly guise Good night. East also Agnes SHEPHERD mother of Jane D. DONALDSON born at Dundee Scotland 30 Apr 1800, died at Carlton 8 Apr 1891. West also Robt. DONALDSTON teacher died 13 Jul 1910, age 80 years Emily Mary DONALDSON died 24 Jan 1923, age 64 years Alexander Somerville DONALDSON beloved husband of Mary died 26 Oct 1963 Dr. James Blair DONALDSON of Linton, Scotland born 11 Mar 1859, died 7 Sep 1944 also Amelia Jane beloved wife of the above born 11 Nov 1859, died 13 Jul 1946 beloved parents of Somerville, Blair, Roberta and Agnes.” A black and white photograph of seven ladies on the porch of a building.miss agnes donaldson, miss roberta donaldson, dr roberta donaldson, dr agnes donaldson, miss amelia roberta donaldson, dr amelia roberta donaldson -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Nancy and Hattie Steele
Nancy (Margaret Dillon) Steele born 1906 and Hattie ( Harriette Vevers) Steele were daughters of Charles Henri Dillon Steele (1869-1935) and Sarah Margaret Russell (1873-1944),he was a pioneer of dentistry in Victoria who was in practice in 1890 and later in Collins Street for 40 years. The family lived at ‘Dalriada’ (dem.) on the corner of Bona Vista Avenue and Union Road. Sarah Margaret Steele was President of the local Patriotic League during WW1 and is credited with starting the move to raise funds for the WW1 memorial in the Surrey Gardens. Nancy and Hattie were graduates at Melbourne University in Dentistry and Agricultural Science respectively. They continued their studies in Toronto and obtained their Doctorates. In 1923 Nancy and Hattie started the first girl guide group in Surrey Hills at Holy Trinity Church. Both married and had families. Nancy married Dr William Brayshaw Woodhouse and, while he took up army duties during World War II, Nancy continued his practice. Their son Anthony became a dentist, while Peter was known locally when he became a councillor and Mayor of Camberwell. Their daughter Margaret married Herbert Andrewartha and lived in NSW.A black and white photograph of two portraits of two young ladies. Their dress and hair styles are suggestive of a 1920's date..(miss) nancy (margaret) steele, (miss) hattie vevers steele, dalriada, house names, bona vista avenue, union road, surrey hills, dentists, first girl guide group, 1923, holy trinity church, world war, 1939-1945, mayors, councillors, (miss) margaret brayshaw-woodhouse, dr william brayshaw woodhouse, peter brayshaw woohdhouse, dr charles henri dillon steele, dr anthony brayshaw woodhouse, (miss) nancy steele, (mrs) nancy andrewartha, (miss) hattie steele, (miss) harriette vevers steele, (mrs) margaret brayshaw woodhouse, (miss) margaret dillon steele, (miss) sarah margaet russell, (mes) sarah margaret steele -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Vertical file, Frederick WiIliam Mawson of Surrey Hills, his family and descendants
Frederick William Mawson and his wife Mary (nee Mullard) and baby daughter, Beatrice Mary migrated to Victoria as steerage passengers, arriving in Melbourne on 1 July 1882 on the sailing ship the ‘Holmsdale’. They settled in Bona Vista Avenue, Surrey Hills (house demolished) and he established a jam factory in Boundary (Warrigal) Road. Further children of the family were Harriett, Muriel, Ethel, Winifred, John and Frederick William (Jnr). The later died in WW1 and there is a transcript of his diary in this collection. Four of the daughters became nurses, three serving in WW1. The other son John became a local builder, who after the war built 'Holmsdale' in Union Road as a convalescent home to be run by his sisters. After the death of his first wife Frederick (Snr) married Catherine Small, a widow with children of her own.The family were early settlers in Surrey Hills and their story in relation to the service of local men and women during WW1 is well documented.Vertical file of information related to the Mawson family which includes: 1. Notes and documents that came from John Howden via G Randy Johnston, his tenant at 257 Union Road, Surrey Hills. (6 pages in total): a. The Misses Mawson family history, written by John Howden (2 pages), b Note from G Randy Johnston, c. Passengers’ contract ticket for Fred, Mary & Beatrice Mawson on the ‘Holmsdale’, 1882, d. Photocopies of 2 photos of the ‘Holmsdale’, e. Invitation (blank photocopy) to the opening of ‘Holmsdale’ Convalescent Home, 257 Union Road, Surrey Hills, 14.3.1936. 2. Advertising brochure for ‘Holmsdale’ Convalescent Home (undated) (3 pages: original and photocopy x 2). 3. English family documents (8 pages): a. John Spensley Barnsdall bapt Mar 1818, b. John Spensley Barnsdall marriage registration, c. Census 1861 for John Mawson, Betsy Bradbury Mawson, Frederick William Mawson and George Barnesdale Mawson, d. Census 1871 for John Mawson, Betsy B. Mawson, Frederick W. Mawson and George B. Mawson and Arthur Mawson, e. Census 1881 for John Mawson, Betsy B. Mawson, Arthur Mawson and George Mawson, f. Census 1881 for Fredk W Mawson and Mary Mawson. 4. PROV Unassisted passenger list information for Mary Mawson 1882 (1 page). 5. Mawson family members notes compiled by Sue Barnett (2 pages). 6. Harriet Godden Mawson details including WW1 service details, Royal Military College of Australia certificate of service certificate, references from Duntroon and Gresswell Sanatorium (11 pages). 7. Beatrice Mawson details including WW1 service on the ‘Mongolia’ – Argus article 28 June 1917 and her account of the sinking of the ‘Mongolia’ published in Castlemaine newspaper, 18 August 1917 (4 pages). 8. Muriel Mawson details including WW1 service and evidence of her training at Castlemaine Hospital (5 pages). 9. F.W. Mawson Jr details including WW1 service including Red Cross Wounded and Missing Enquiry Bureau file and Dasey (misnamed photo of him) (8 pages, incl photo). 10. F.W. Mawson Snr details incl birth registration, 1871, marriage to Catherine Small, death registration, cemetery index (5 pages). 11. Betsy Bradbury Mawson death & burial details (2 pages). 12. John Mawson family: John Mawson probate notice, 24 Sept 1941; marriage of son Ivan to Joan Manning, 29/9/1945 (2 pages). 13. Arthur David Mawson details - extract from family tree notated by Sue Barnett; death notice from The Argus, 24 oct 1939 (2 pages). 14. Holmsdale and the Mawson family - Presentation to Surrey Hills Historical Society: 21 March 2012 by Sue Barnett, 25 pages including photos. 15. Letter from John Howden to Sue Barnett, 1 April 2012. 16. Information re Dr James Moore Andrew of Yallourn.(mr) frederick william mawson, (mr) john howden, (mr) frederick william mawson jnr, aif, (miss) beatrice mary mawson, (miss) harriet godden mawson, (miss) muriel mawson, (mr) john mawson, (miss) ethel mawson, (miss) winifred sarah mawson, (mr) lyell mcalister howden, (miss) olive mabel garrett, (mrs) olive mabel mawson, garrett and mawson, 'holmsdale', holmsdale convalesent and rest home, 257 union road, 'erskine', 5a barloa road, 'carbethon', 50 churchill street, (mrs) mary mawson, box hill cemetery, (mrs) catherine small, (mrs) catherine mawson, 14 bona vista avenue, (mr) arthur david mawson, (mrs) betsy bradbury mawson, world war one, nurses, builders -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mary Sneddon with daughter Jean
The photo was taken in the garden of of 'Cliburn', 14 Suffolk Avenue, Surrey Hills, the home of William and Mary (nee Bird) Sneddon. It was named after Cliburn, Westmorland (later Cumbria) where Mary's mother was born and the name was given to all their homes. Mary Bird, daughter of John Bird and Mary Coulston, b 1878 Bethanga, Victoria; died 1948, Surrey Hills. They were married on 12/11/1903 in Surrey Hills at the home of James Sneddon. William Sneddon was a postman in Surrey Hills for many years. His father James had an estate agency in Surrey Hills from the 1880s. Born in1875, Sandhurst (Bendigo); died in 1957, Deepdene. Buried Box Hill Cemetery: P-061-0033. They had the following children: Jim (James 3rd) b 1905, Balwyn Jack (John William) b. 1908, Camberwell Norman Alexander b 1910, Camberwell Alan Coulson b 1914 Surrey Hills Jean Isabel b 1916, Surrey Hills Douglas Haig b 1918, Surrey Hills. Additional information from Robin da Costa-Adams, who is related to the Sneddon family through her first marriage. Sepia photo of Mary Sneddon with daughter Jean wearing hats and taken in a garden. Mary is seated and Jean stands beside her. Part of the house next door can be seen in the background. It is an Edwardian timber home"Jean Sneddon / Mary Sneddon/ (in grey lead pencil by Robin da Costa-Adams. 1050 in blue biro crossed out in top RH corner. KODAK PRINT - black stamp in centre. "Jean dau of Mary - / Will. Sneddon" in black ink in Jocelyn Hall's hand. cliburn, suffolk road, (miss) jean sneddon, william sneddon, (mrs) mary sneddon, (miss) mary bird -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic, John Dermer, Salt Glazed Stoneware Pot by John Dermer, 1977
John DERMER (1949- ) Born Melbourne, Victoria John Dermer studied Ceramics at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and Hawthorne State College (Diploma of Education), before working in potteries in England. Upon his return to Australia he established "Kirby's Flat Pottery" studio at Yackandandah, Victoria in 1974. John is proudly a product of the Leach/Hamada movement in ceramics. He sees this as a tradition that for him represents the essence of working with clay. The lines are pure and balanced while the forms are honest, proud and passionate. Yars of research and experience in salt glazing were rewarded in 2006 when John Dermerwon the highly prestigious Saltzbrand Keramik International Award in Koblenz, Germany. Another avenue of ceramics for which John is renowned is in the field of terra sigillata. This passion had its foundation back in 1987 when he received a major commission from Romaldo Giurgola and Pamille Berg for the new Parliament House in Canberra. During the completion of these massive pieces for the Prime Minister’s suite and Cabinet entry he had to invent and develop methods for decorating and firing the pots successfully. The completed pieces are still regarded by John as some of his finest works. John Dermer was a visiting lecturer to the Gippsland Centre of Art and Design (GCAD). This work is part of the Jan Feder Memorial Ceramics Collection. Jan Feder was an alumna of the Gippsland Campus who studied ceramics on the campus. She passed away in the mid 1980s. Her student peers raised funds to buy ceramic works in her memory. They bought works from visiting lecturers who became leading ceramic artists around the world, as well as from many of the staff who taught there.Salt glazed stoneware pot This work is part of the Jan Feder Memorial Ceramics Collection. Jan Feder was an alumna of the Gippsland Campus who studied ceramics on the campus. She passed away in the mid 1980s. Her student peers raised funds to buy ceramic works in her memory. They bought works from visiting lecturers who became leading ceramic artists around the world, as well as from many of the staff who taught there.Signed on base 'John Dermer'john dermer, ceramics, artwork, artists, gippsland campus, jan feder memorial ceramics collection, salt glaze, kirby's flat pottery, stoneware -
Port Fairy Historical Society Museum and Archives
Photograph, Botanical Gardens Port Fairy
One of the large cannons located in Port Fairy in reply to the threat from foreign invaders. Originally located in the fort on Battery Hill they migrated to various destinations around the town. One of the two originally located at King George Square found its way to the gardens where it occupied several locations before resting at the car entrance to the Gardens - possibly when the Avenue of Honour was planted in Bourne Avenue. A great favorite with the kids of the town, both have now been returned to their original location where they are currently having their carriages refurbished. The Port Fairy Botanical Gardens were formed in 1856 making it one of the earliest gardens in Victoria. The first curator was James Prior, he was paid fifty-two pounds per annum. He was an outstanding curator having been apprenticed to the trade in England at the age of 12, his brother Edward in later years was the Curator of the Koroit Gardens. Prior retired in 1903. During the years of his curatorship Port Fairy was said to have the best gardens outside the city of Melbourne, he was constantly in touch with Baron Von Mueller and later Guilfoyle of the Royal Botanical Gardens of Melbourne. In the early years plants from all over the world were planted here with varying rates of success many of them sent by Baron Von Mueller. In the 1930’ and 40’s the gardens were still very beautiful, and the curator was Roy Manuell. The beautiful iron gates at the entrance were destroyed in the 1946 floods and were replaced in 1989 using some of the material from the original gates. From the 1950’s on the gardens went into a state of decline, much being taken up by the caravan park until in 1986, after a public meeting ‘Friends of the Gardens’ was founded when the entrance section was restored. Black & white photograph of the Large cannon situated in the Botanical GardensBotanical Gardens Port Fairybotanical, garden, cannon -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Souvenir, Nucolorvue Productions, A Souvenir of Beautiful Bendigo, c. 1940
As tourism and touring grew in the early and mid 20th century, sending letters and postcards was one of the main forms of communications friends and family would use to share their travels and remind loved ones that they were thinking of them while away. Bendigo's geographic location in central Victoria and relatively closeness to Melbourne has meant that capturing the tourist dollar has been an important focus for promotional activities of the City. Businesses such as Nucolorvue Productions serviced the need for high quality printed souvenirs such as these.Mass produced souvenir foldout 'views' of Bendigo packaged in an envelope. Inside contains six double sided postcard sized, hand tinted photographs highlighting local popular sites. Includes text describing Bendigo's geographic location and main industries and attractions. Envelope is addressed. Nucolorvue Productions produced this style of souvenir with a generic country scene on the envelope and site specific information and images inside for such places as Adelaide Hills, Murray Valley, Shepparton and Warrnambool.Front; A Souvenir / of Beautiful / BENDIGO / 12 Specially Selected Views in Full Colour /Mrs B. S. Mc Namara / 93 Chaffey Avenue / Mildura. Verso; Have a look of (sic) Bendigo / Love / From / Your Loving / Son in Law Bill / Published by Nucolorvue Productions. Elwood. Victoriacity of greater bendigo tourism