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Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Typed Notes, Alan Bradley, "How it all started: Part 2", 1996
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of notes, ten A4 pages, prepared by Alan Bradley on the founding of the BTPS and the preservation of Ballarat Trams. Notes based on interviews with Richard Gilbert and Neville Gower, along with subsidiary notes on related items from The Courier. Part 1 in Fares Please! - 7/1996. Items looks at the establishment of the BTPS, the construction of the depot, alternative proposals, the six trams the BTPS received, setting up the Co-Op and moving the trams in.btps, preservation, depot, museum -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 5, Noel Simons, 19/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 5 transparencies taken on 19/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1186.1 - Bendigo 21 bound for Golden Square at Charing Cross with The Beehive buildings and shops in Pall Mall in the background. Trams has an ad for Cohns drinks on front bumper, SEC Best for Cooking roof ad. and Mamouney's furniture roof ad. Two women passengers boarding. 1186.2 - Bendigo 26 crossing Pall Mall from Mitchell St. bound for Eaglehawk with "Ezywalkin" shop in background. Tram has an SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad and a 'Streets Ice cream' ad on front dash. 1186.3 - Bendigo 7 arriving at the Charing Cross stop, bound for North Bendigo. Has a Huttons dash panel ad, a Castrol roof ad. Buildings as for 1186.1. Passengers waiting at the stop. 1186.4 - Bendigo 19 leaving Charing Cross for Golden Square with City Club Hotel alongside and other buildings as for 1186.1 in the background. Tram has Briquettes ad on front dash and SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad. 1186.5 - Bendigo 21in High St. at corner of Short St. heading for Charing Cross. Destination half way between Depot and Railway Station. Tram has ads for Cohns Drinks on dash panel, SEC 'Cook with Electricity' and a Sandhurst Milk roof ads.Information written on in black ink and date stamped in purple ink. 1186.1 - "No. 21 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1186.2 - "No. 26 arriving at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1186.3 - "No. 7 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1186.4 - "No. 19 in High St., Bendigo, leaving Charing Cross for Golden Square" 1186.5 - "No. 21 in High St. Bendigo, at corner of Short St." tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, pall mall, high st., tram 7, tram 19, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 17, Noel Simons, 20/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 17 transparencies taken on 20/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1187.1 - Bendigo No. 2 at the Quarry Hill terminus, showing destination of Quarry Hill. Has Cohns Drinks and Streets Ice Cream ads on dash panel, a SEC 'electric cooking' roof ad and another roof ad. Shows the Y terminus at this location, but tram standing just before it. Overhead in position. 1187.2 - as above, but closer up. 1187.3 - as above, but from the north side, showing cemetery in the background. 1187.4 - Bendigo No.3 at Eaglehawk terminus. Tram showing destination of Quarry Hill. Has the various buildings at Eaglehawk in the background including the Foodland store. Has Streets Ice cream and White Horse Whiskey ads on the dash panel. 1187.5 - Bendigo No. 18 at Garden Gully crossing loop, in bound, with destination of Eaglehawk. Passengers waiting for an Eaglehawk tram at the stop. Has a white horse whiskey ad on dash panel and SEC roof ads. Conductor standing in doorway looking out. 1187.6 - Bendigo No. 7 inbound in Nolan St. at cnr of McCrae St. showing destination of Golden Square. Has Streets Ice cream ad on dash panel and a Castrol Roof ad. 1187.7 - Bendigo No. 19 at the North Bendigo terminus with railway level crossing in background. Tram has a Cohns Drinks ad and an SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad. 1187.8 - Bendigo No. 2 at the Quarry Hill terminus, looking back into Bendigo, showing destination of Eaglehawk. 1187.9 - Bendigo No. 21 in McCrae St, near Nolan St outbound for North Bendigo. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1187.10 - Bendigo Nos. 4 and 26 at Charing Cross in View St. with fountain alongside and the Beehive, Ezywalkin Buildings in the background. No. 26 has a Sandhurst Milk and SEC 'Electric Cooking' roof ad. 1187.11 - close up of 22E maximum traction truck and folded footstep. 1187.12 - Bendigo No. 19 at Charing Cross terminus, after tram has passed photographer, showing destination of North Bendigo, with the Beehive building in the background and passengers boarding tram. 1187.13 - Bendigo No. 11, turning from View St. into Pall Mall, showing Special with the conductor holding point bar. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin Buildings in the background. 1187.14 - No. 7 at Charing Cross terminus, in Pall Mall, bound for Golden Square. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background and passengers waiting at the tram stop. 1187.15 - No. 18 at the Charing Cross terminus, bound for Eaglehawk. Has the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background and passengers waiting at the tram stop. Also has the 'Safety Zone' sign in the photograph. 1187.16 - No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus, night or dusk photo. Tram showing destination of Depot. 1187.17 - No. 26 at Charing Cross, night photo. Tram has destination of Quarry Hill, but is on the line for Eaglehawk. Photo looks along Mitchell St. Also shows Safety Zone sign. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1187.1 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.2 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.3 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus Bendigo" 1187.4 - "No. 3 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1187.5 - "No. 18 in Mt Korong Road, Long Gully at cnr of Havilah Road (Eaglehawk Route)" 1187.6 - "No. 7 in Nolan St. Bendigo, at Cnr of McCrae St., near lake Weeroona, (North Bendigo Route)' 1187.7 - "No. 19 at North Bendigo terminus" 1187.8 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus" 1187.9 - "No. 21 in McCrae St. Bendigo, near Nolan St. (North Bendigo Route) 1187.10 - "4 and 26 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross Bendigo" 1187.11 - "Truck of Bogie Car, Bendigo Tramways" 1187.12 - "No. 19 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.13 - "Birney car No. 11 entering Pall Mall from View St. at Charing Cross Bendigo" 1187.14 - "No. 7 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.15 - "No. 18 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1187.16 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus, Bendigo" 1187.17 - "No. 26 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" tramways, trams, bendigo, quarry hill, eaglehawk, north bendigo, maximum traction, night photo, tram 2, tram 3, tram 4, tram 7, tram 11, tram 18, tram 19, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Noel Simons, 21/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 17 transparencies taken on 21/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1188.1 - Bendigo No. 11 at Depot Junction McCrae and Arnold St. with driver/conductor changing points. 1188.2 - Bendigo No. 4 at Charing Cross, side on photo, with City Club Hotel and Alexandra Fountain in the background. Tram has Castrol and SEC 'Electric Cooking' ads. 1188.3 - Bendigo No. 4 climbing View St. after tram has passed photographer. Tram has Streets Ice Cream and Cohns Soft Drinks ad on rear dash panel. In the background are the buildings in View St., including the Princess Theatre. Tram has destination of Eaglehawk. 1188.4 - Trams 2 and 4 crossing at the California Gully or Thorpe St Loop. 1188.5 - Bendigo 4 in Mt Korong Road. Tram inbound with destination of Quarry Hill, just leaving Garden Gully Loop. 1188.6 - Bendigo 4 and 17 crossing at the Hayes St. or Iron Bark Gully Loop. No. 17 bound for Eaglehawk, No. 4, Quarry Hill. 17 has two SEC roof ads and a white horse whiskey ad. 1188.7 - No. 17 bound for Eaglehawk, soon after leaving California Gully. Has large mullock heap in background. 1188.8 - Bendigo 2 and 17 crossing at the Thorpe St. or California Gully Loop. Has butchers shop in background. 1188.9 - Bendigo 17 at the Eaglehawk terminus. Has destination of Quarry Hill. In background is the hotel and shops at the terminus, showing ads for "Melbourne Bitter". Tram has two SEC 'Electric Cooking' ads. Driver and conductor about to assist two lady passengers with a pram and baby. 1188.10 - No. 17 at Eaglehawk terminus, awaiting departure. Has Eaglehawk Town Hall and Post Office in background. Tram has a Whitehorse Whiskey ad on the front dash panel. 1188.11 - No. 3 in High St. Eaglehawk, with destination of Eaglehawk. Has the shops on the south side of High St. in the background, including the Eaglehawk fish shop. Tram has two roof ads, one an SEC roof ad, and Cohns Drinks and Streets Ice cream ads on front dash panel. 1188.12 - as above, but after tram has passed photographer. Note the centre of the road poles. 1188.13 - No. 2 outbound for Eaglehawk at the intersection of Mt. Korong Road and the Calder Highway. Photo taken after the tram has passed the photographer. Has an Ampol service station in the background. 1188.14 - No. 11 leaving the Bendigo depot, crossing the bridge, with the Scrubber car in the background. 1188.15 - No. 21 at the North Bendigo terminus. Tram has destination of Golden Square and Cohns drink ad on front dash and two roof ads on side. 1188.16 - No. 11 on Golden Square route, in High St. at intersection with Old High St. 1188.17 - No. 11 at the Golden Square terminus, conductor turning the pole. Hotel on the left side of the photo. Note the road works barrier and red flag behind the tram. Slide has an end of roll mark on the right hand side of the image.Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1188.1 - "Birney car No. 11 in McCrae St. at Cnr of Arnold about to run into depot, Bendigo" 1188.2 - "No. 4 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross Bendigo" 1188.3 - "No. 4 climbing the View St. Hill from Charing Cross, Bendigo (Eaglehawk Route)" 1188.4 - "No. 4 and 2 at Thorpe St. Loop, California Gully" 1188.5 - "No. 4 in Mt Korong Rd., Long Gully, Near Havilah Rd. (Bendigo) (Eaglehawk Route)" 1188.6 - "Nos. 17 and 4 crossing on Hayes St. Loop, Ironbark, Bendigo" 1188.7 - "No. 17 soon after leaving California Gully (Eaglehawk Route)" 1188.8 - "No.2 and 17 crossing on Thorpe St. Loop, California Gully (Eaglehawk Route)" 1188.9 - "No. 17 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1188.10 - "No. 17 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1188.11 - "No. 3 in High St. Eaglehawk" 1188.12 - "No. 3 nearing Eaglehawk terminus" 1188.13 - "No. 2 in Mt. Korong Rd., Ironbark. Calder highway on left (Eaglehawk route) 1188.14 - "Birney car No. 11 leaving Bendigo depot. Scrubber car at rear" 1188.15 - "No. 21 at North Bendigo Terminus" 1188.16 - "Birney car No. 11 in High St. Bendigo at intersection with Old High Street (Golden Square Route)" 1188.17 - "Birney Car No. 11 at Golden Square terminus, High St., Bendigo". tramways, trams, bendigo, depot junction, charing cross, view st., eaglehawk, north bendigo, golden square, tram 2, tram 3, tram 4, tram 11, tram 17, tram 21, tram scrubber -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Noel Simons, 21/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 6 transparencies taken on 21/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1189.1 - Bendigo No.11 at Quarry Hill terminus. Photo taken looking in along the route. Tram has destination of North Bendigo. 1189.2 - No. 21 in Pall Mall bound for North Bendigo. Tram has roof ads for Mamouney's furniture and SEC. In the background are the National Bank building, Dad and Dave's Cafe and the Beehive Buildings and the London Pharmacy. 1189.3 - No. 2 in Mitchell St, just after crossing over railway bridge. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Has what appears to be an SEC road works crew in the background. Has destination of Quarry Hill. 1189.4 - No. 17 climbing Mitchell St. on the start of the single track section, just before crossing the railway bridge. Has destination of Quarry Hill and the large Maples building sign in the background. 1189.5 - as for 1189.4 but after tram has passed photographer. Has an Ilford film roof ad and an SEC roof ad. Railway bridge in the background. 1189.6 - No. 21 at Charing Cross with passengers boarding. Tram has destination of North Bendigo and roof ads for SEC 'Electric Cooking' and Sandhurst Milk. In background are the buildings on the south side of High St. Also has a SEC worker in white overalls sweeping the track.Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1189.1 - "Birney car No. 11 in High St. Bendigo at Golden Square terminus" 1189.2 - "No. 21 in Pall Mall Bendigo near Charing Cross" 1189.3 - "No. 2 in Mitchell St. Bendigo, just after crossing bridge over railway line (Quarry Hill route)" 1189.4 - "No. 17 in Mitchell St. Bendigo, climbing the hill the bridge over the railway line. (Quarry Hill route)" 1189.5 - "No. 17 in Mitchell St., Bendigo approaching bridge over Railway line (Quarry Hill route)" 1189.6 - "No. 21 at Charing Cross, Bendigo"tramways, trams, bendigo, golden square, pall mall, mitchell st., quarry hill, tram 2, tram 11, tram 17, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 3, Noel Simons, 22/11/1962 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 3 transparencies taken on 22/11/1962 on Kodak mounts. 1190.1 - No. 7 (bound for North Bendigo) at the Charing Cross stop with No. 19 just left for Quarry Hill. Has the buildings on the south side of High St. in the background, including RACV building. No. 7 has front dash panel ad for Streets ice cream, and roof ads for Ilford Film and an SEC "Cook with Electricity". Passengers are boarding the tram. 1190.2 - Bendigo No. 2 at Charing Cross with fountain in the background and other buildings on the south side of High St. Tram has two SEC roof ads - good side on view - "Electric Cooking - Matchless" and "Switch to Electric Cooking". 1190.3 - Nos. 19, 2 and 7 at Charing cross with a Austin ? motor car. Has buildings on the south side of High St. in the background, along with SEC and Ilford film roof ads.Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1190.1 - "Nos. 19 and 7 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1190.2 - "No. 2 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" 1190.3 - "Nos. 19, 2 and 7 at Alexandra Fountain, Charing Cross, Bendigo" tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, alexandra fountain, tram 2, tram 7, tram 19 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 4, Noel Simons, Apr. 1967
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 2 slides made from the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip, possibly during April 1967. 1192.1 and 1192.3 mounted in Kodak Ready Mounts. The others in plain white mounts. Slides dated Dec. 1968. 1192.1 - No. 21 out bound to Golden Square in High St., between Wattle and Vine Streets. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Has a sign for "Reid's Furnituorium" in the background. 1192.2 - Bendigo No. 28 dressed up as Myers Christmas tram, passing the Post Office and Courts in Pall Mall. 1192.3 - Bendigo No. 23 at Needle Loop en route to Eaglehawk. Tram has two SEC roof ads, one "Electric Cooking" and the other "Everything fine in my all electric kitchen". 1192.4 - Bendigo scrubber parked at the end of the main depot lead, alongside the depot office buildings.Details in blue ink, date hand stamped in purple ink. 1192.1 - "No. 21 heads along High St for Golden Square between Wattle and Vine Streets." 1192.2 - "Birney No. 28 in Christmas Garb, traverses Pall Mall en route to North Bendigo". 1192.3 - "No. 23 at Needle Loop on its run to Eaglehawk". 1192.4 - "Scrubber car at Bendigo Depot".tramways, trams, north bendigo, bendigo, bridge st loop, depot, tram 21, tram 23, tram 28, tram scrubber -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Noel Simons, Sep. 1971
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...One slide on a Kodak Ready Mount made from the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip, during September 1971 with a group of three trams at Charing Cross at dusk. Taken from an elevated position (the tower in the City Family Hotel) over looking the Alexandra fountain and looking towards the North on a wet evening. Two single truckers (1 possibly No. 6) and one bogie car waiting to proceed."Rainy evening at Charing Cross" in blue ink and "Sept 1971" in purple ink using a hand stamp.tramways, trams, charing cross, bendigo, tram 6 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Noel Simons, Dec. 1971
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...One slide on a Kodak Ready Mount made from the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip, during December 1971 of Bendigo No. 3 at Eaglehawk terminus with its reflection in a shop window looking through a multi post verandah. Has the Eaglehawk Town Hall in the background."No. 3 and its reflection at Eaglehawk terminus" and "Dec 1971" in purple ink using a hand stamp.tramways, trams, eaglehawk, bendigo, tram 3 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 24, Noel Simons, 20/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 24 transparencies taken on 20/5/1971 on Kodak mounts. 1195.1 - Bendigo 19 arriving at Charing Cross en route to North Bendigo with Fountain Plaza and the City Family Hotel in the background. No. 19 has two roof ads for the SEC. -'Electricity better for cooking' and 'Everything's under control in my all electric kitchen' 1195.2 - as above, but standing at the Charing cross stop, with the Beehive Stores and other buildings along the east side of Pall Mall in the background. 1195.3 - No 21 ex Golden Square crossing View St. trackwork in front of No. 25 waiting to depart for Quarry Hill. No.21 has two roof ads (as for No.19 in 1195.1) and No.25 has one SEC roof ad and another. Ezywalkin sign in the background, and Fountain Plaza. 1195.4 - as for 1195.3, but after 21 has arrived and 25 left for Quarry Hill. Has Ezywalkin store and the Beehive store in the background. 1195.5 - No. 5 at the Eaglehawk terminus. Photo taken with a cannon in foreground looking along High St. Eaglehawk. Has shops on the west side of High St. in the background. 1195.6 - No. 5 at the Eaglehawk terminus, close up of the rear of the tram - note tow bar arrangement. Has destination of Quarry Hill. 1195.7-Nos.25 and 5 crossing at the Thorpe St. Loop, California Gully. No. 25 bound for Eaglehawk (has SEC Briquette and electric cooking roof ads) and 5 en route for Quarry Hill with a SEC and Cinzano roof ad. 1195.8 - as for 1195.7, but after trams have passed each other. Has Borough Auto Service building in the background. 1195.9 - No. 5 in Mt Korong Road, towards Bamard Street, photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1195.10 - No. 30 at the Golden Square terminus with the Milk Bar on the right hand side of the photograph. 1195.11 - No. 30 inbound at Fire Station Loop, High St. Golden Square. Has old fire station in the background. Passengers are boarding the tramcar. 1195.12 - No. 30 in High St, bound for North Bendigo between Vine and Wattle Streets. 1195.13 - No. 5 bound for Eaglehawk waits at Iron Bark Gully Loop, at Hayes St. 1195.14 - No. 5 and No. 2 crossing at Iron Bark Gully Loop. 1195.15 - No. 5 bound for Eaglehawk leaving the Manchester Loop, Long gully. 1195.16 - No. 5 passing William Street, Long Gully en route to Eaglehawk. 1195.17 - No. 5 just before the California Gully Crossing Loop. 1195.18 - Nos. 5 and 26 crossing at California Gully crossing Loop. No. 5 heading to Eaglehawk, 26, Quarry Hill. 1195.19 - No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk with Bob Moyle's Victoria Hotel and the TAB in the background. 1195.20 - No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk approaching the terminus. Photo taken after the tram has passed the photographer. Has Foodland store and J. Best Fruit supply in the background, along with Eaglehawk Town Hall. 1195.21 - No. 5 at the Eaglehawk terminus, photo taken along seldom used track along High St. 1195.22 - as for 1195.22 - but at the very end of the track. 1195.23 - No. 5 en route for Quarry Hill climbs High St. Eaglehawk with the Victoria Hotel and Eaglehawk Town Hall in the background. 1195.24 - No. 5 and 25 crossing at Jobs Gully Loop. Note 25 has a black on white destination roll, while No. 5 has a white on black destination roll. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1195.1 - "No. 19 arrives at Charing Cross Bendigo from Golden Square" 1195.2 - "No. 19 about to leave Charing Cross for North Bendigo" 1195.3 - "No. 25 awaiting departure for Quarry Hill, watches No. 21 arrive at Charring Cross from Golden Square" 1195.4 - "No. 21 on North Bendigo service and No. 25 on Quarry Hill run await departure at Charing Cross" 1195.5 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1195.6 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1195.7 - "Nos. 5 and 25 crossing at Thorpe St. Loop, California". 1195.8 - "Nos. 25 and 5 crossing Thorpe St. Loop, California Gully". 1195.9 - "No. 5 descending Mt Korong Rd. towards Bamard St." 1195.10 - "Birney car No. 30 at Golden Square terminus" 1195.11 - "Birney car No. 30 in High Street near Thistle Street (Fire Station Loop)" 1195.12 - "No. 30 in High St. between vine and Wattle Streets" 1195.13 - "No. 25 at Hayes Street Loop Iron Bark". 1195.14 - "Nos. 2 and 5 crossing at Hayes Street Loop Iron Bark" 1195.15 - "No. 5 at Manchester Loop opposite Havilah Road, Long Gully" 1195.16 - "No. 5 passing William Street, Long Gully". 1195.17 - "No. 5 at California Gully" 1195,18 - "Nos. 26 and 5 at Thorpe St. Loop, California Gully". 1195.19 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk". 1195.20 - "No. 5 approaching Eaglehawk terminus" 1195.21 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1195.22 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1195.23 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk" tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, eaglehawk, california gully, golden square, iron bark gully, jobs gully, tram 2, tram 5, tram 19, tram 21, tram 25, tram 26, tram 30 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 2, Noel Simons, 20/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 2 slides mounted in Kodak Ready Mounts. Slides dated 20 May 1971. 1196.1 - Bendigo No. 21 arriving at Charing Cross from Golden Square with the Alexandria Fountain in the foreground. In the background is the Fountain Plaza building. Tram has 2 SEC roof ads. 1196.2 - No. 30 at Charing Cross from North Bendigo. On a pole in front of the tram are two signs "All cars stop here" in white printing on a red background and "Cars Stop by Request" in white lettering on a black background.1196.1 - "No. 21 passing Alexandra Fountain on arrival at Charing Cross from Golden Square" 1196.2 - "No. 30 at Charing Cross"tramways, trams, charing cross, bendigo, alexandra fountain, tram stops, tram 21, tram 30 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 20, Noel Simons, 21/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 20 transparencies taken on 21/5/1971 on Kodak mounts. 1197.1 - Bendigo No. 5 en route to Eaglehawk at Creeth St Long Gully. Tram has a SEC roof ad and Cinzano roof ad. 1197.2 - No 5 approaching Needle Loop between Long Gully and California Gully. On left hand side is the City of Bendigo sign, indicating city boundary. 1197.3 - As for 1197.2 but actually entering loop. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.4 - No. 26 bound for Eaglehawk descending the railway bridge near Eaglehawk, at Jobs Gully. 1197.5 - as for 1197.4, but after crossing bridge, now ascending a hill. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.6 - No. 26 climbing High St. hill Eaglehawk, nearing end of Double track, bound for Quarry Hill. Shows centre of the road poles. 1197.7 - As for 1197.6, with tram entering single track section. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Has a BP service station in the background. 1197.8 - No. 26 (bound for Quarry Hill) crossing No. 17 (Eaglehawk) at Job's Gully Loop. 1197.9 - No. 17 climbing railway bridge at Job's Gully, en route to Eaglehawk. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.10 - No.26 bound for Quarry Hill, leaving Long Gully Loop? Has the Creeth St. church in l197.l in the far background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.11 - Tramway Point work at the northern end of Long Gully Loop. 1197.12 - No. 17 en route for Quarry Hill turning into View St. from Bamard St. Tram has SEC roof ads "Everything fine in my all electric Kitchen' and 'Electric Cooking is Matchless'. 1197.13 - as for 1197.12, but tram has turned into View St and about to enter the double line track. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.14 - No. 21 enters Nolan St after turning from MacRae St. en route to Bendigo. Note sign on its own post noting tram turns "Beware Tram Turns" and stop sign on adjacent pole "Trams stop on Request". No. 21 has two SEC roof ads. 1197.15 - No. 21 in Nolan St. after turning from Bridge St. (White Hills Road). Note signal light for Bridge St. loop on pole corner of street. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1197.16 - No. 2 bound for Eaglehawk at unknown location. 1197.17 - Tram stop sign on a pole "CARS STOP BY REQUEST" 1197.18 - No. 5 in Carpenter St.? en route to Quarry Hill. 1197.19 - No. 28 has just arrive at Golden Square terminus, passengers are disembarking and the trolley pole is being turned. Golden Square Hotel in the background. 1197.20 - No. 28 at Golden Square terminus. Has a "Nothing beats Briquettes for hear roof ad. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1197.1 - "No. 5 at Creeth St. Long Gully" 1197.2 - "No. 5 approaching Needle Loop between Long Gully and California Gully" 1197.3 - "No. 5 at Needle Loop between Long Gully and California Gully" 1197.4 - "No. 26 crossing railway bridge at Job's Gully near Eaglehawk" 1197.5 - "No. 26 just after crossing railway bridge at Job's Gully near Eaglehawk/ 1197.6 - "No. 26 in High St. Eaglehawk" 1197.7 - "No. 26 at end of double track in High St. Eaglehawk" 1197.8 - "Nos. 26 and 17 crossing at Job's Gully Loop" 1197.9 - "No. 17 crossing railway bridge at Job's Gully near Eaglehawk". 1197.10 - "No. 26 at Long Gully" 1197.11 - 'Northern end of points at Long Gully Loop". 1197.12 - "No. 17 turning into View St. from Bamard St. Bendigo". 1197.13 -'No. 17 at beginning of double track in View St. after leaving Bamard St. Bendigo. 1197.14 - "No. 21 enters Nolan St. from MacRae St. Bendigo." 1197.15 - "No. 21 in Nolan St. Bendigo just after leaving White Hills Road." 1197.16 - "No. 2" 1197.18 - "No. 5" 1197.19 - "Birney car No. 28 at Golden Square Terminus" 1197.20 "Birney car No. 28 at Golden Square Terminus" tramways, trams, bendigo, long gully, railway bridge, jobs gully, trackwork, nolan st, quarry hill, tram stops, golden square, tram 2, tram 5, tram 17, tram 21, tram 26, tram 28 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 2, Noel Simons, 21/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 2 transparencies taken on 21/5/1971 on Kodak mounts. 1198.1 - Bendigo No. 28 at the Golden Square terminus with the Golden Square Hotel in the background. Driver walking across road to join tram. Tram has a SEC briquettes roof ad. 1198.2 - as for 1198.1 - but further back showing nature of the terminus and the Calder Highway or High St. behind the tram. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1198.1 - "Birney car No. 28 at Golden Square terminus". 1198.2 - "Birney car No. 28 at Golden Square terminus" tramways, trams, bendigo, golden square, high st., tram 28 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 4, Noel Simons, 24/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 4 transparencies taken on 24/5/1971 on Kodak mounts. 1199.1 - No. 21 in High St. at junction with old High St., near Fire Station Loop. Tram has two SEC roof ads. 1199.2 - No. 21 in High St. between Shamrock and Thistle Sts. Photo taken after the tram has passed the photographer. 1199.3 - Photo of a green box containing timetables for the four Bendigo routes. Located at Charing Cross. 1199.4 - Bendigo No. 23 en route to Eaglehawk at Charing Cross, with two SEC roof ads 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen' and "Switch to electric cooking'. Has the Ezywalkin building and the Beehive building in the background. Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1199.1 - "No. 21 in High St. at junction with old High St., near Fire Station Loop." 1199.2 - "No. 21 in High St. between Shamrock and Thistle Sts." 1199.3 - "Bendigo Tramways timetable at Alexandra Fountain Charing Cross." 1199.4 - "No. 23 at Alexandra Fountain Charing Cross, Bendigo." tramways, trams, bendigo, timetables, charing cross, high st., tram 21, tram 23 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 13, Noel Simons, 24/05/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 13 transparencies taken on 24/5/1971 on Kodak mounts. 1200.1 - No. 7 en route to Golden Square turning from Bridge St. into Nolan St. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Tram has a briquettes roof ad. 1200.2 - No. 21 in McCrae St. just before Nolan St. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1200.3 - No. 7 in Nolan St at corner with McCrae St. Passenger boarding tram at a tram stop. 1200.4 - No 7 turning from Nolan into McCrae St. with Golden Fleece service station in background. 1200.5 - No. 7 in Thunder St en route to North Bendigo. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1200.6 - No. 5 en route to Eaglehawk just after leaving Needle Loop between Long Gully and California Gully. 1200.7 - No. 5 at the start of the double track in High St. Eaglehawk. 1200.8 - No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus showing "Depot" with Leo A Hughes Photographer advertisement on building in background. 1200.9 - No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus. Has two SEC roof ads 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen' and 'Electricity best for cooking'. 1200.10 - No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus, with canon, war memorial outside Town Hall and Leo A Hughes Photographer advertisement on building in background. 1200.11 - No. 5 in McCrae St. about to enter Arnold St. and depot. Tram showing depot, has driver changing points. 1200.12 - No. 5 in Arnold St. Photo taken looking up the centre of the access track - shows the overhead at depot junction. 1200.13 - Depot entrance with signage at depot entrance and depot building in background.Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1200.1 - "No. 7 entering Nolan St. from Bridge St." 1200.2 -"No. 21 in McRae St. about to turn into Nolan St." 1200.3 - "No. 7 in Nolan St. at corner of McRae St." 1200.4 - "No. 7 turning from Nolan St. into McRae St." 1200.5 - "No. 7 in Thunder St. just after turning from Caledonia St." 1200.6 - "No. 5 just after leaving Needle Loop between Long Gully and California Gully. 1200.7 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk at start of double track." 1200.8 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1200.9 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1200.10 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus."\ 1200.11 - "No. 5 in McCrae St. about to enter Arnold St." 1200.12 - "No. 5 in Arnold St." 1200.13 - "Entrance to Bendigo Tram Depot, No. 5 running into shed."tramways, trams, bendigo, mccrae st, north bendigo, california gully, eaglehawk, depot, tram 5, tram 7, tram 21 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 32, Noel Simons, 25/02/1971 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 31 transparencies taken on 25/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1201.1 - Bendigo No. 26 in Bond St. just after leaving Long Gully en route for Quarry Hill. Has Norris Supermarket in background. Has two SEC roof ads. 1201.2 - No. 26 climbing View St. from Charing Cross en route to Eaglehawk. Has ANZ bank and AMOCO service station in background. 1201.3 - as for 1201.3, but after tram has passed photographer. Has buildings west of Mackenzie St. in photograph. 1201.4 - Tram stop and centre of the road pole with two "CARS STOP BY REQUEST" signs mounted on pole at the corner of Mackenzie St. 1201.5 - same position as for 1201.3, but with No. 5 descending the street. 1201.6 - same position as for 1201.2, but with No. 5 descending the street. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1201.7 - No. 7 in Nolan St. from across the park at Lake Weeroona. 1201.8 - No. 7 entering McCrae St from Nolan St. - distant view. Note "TRAM "sign on left hand side under tree and overhead in McCrae St. from former track that once was in this street. 1201.9 - No. 7 in High St. with Cathedral in background. Tram en route to North Bendigo. Note scaffolding around Cathedral main spire area. 1201.10 - No. 7 crossing Bendigo Creek bridge in High St. near Golden Square. Has a Caltex Service station in the background. 1201.11 - No. 7 at Golden Square terminus with Sunburst Fruit Juices and a Peters Ice cream delivery vans alongside. 1201.12 - as for 1201.11 but photo taken from behind tram, with the end of the rails in the photograph. 1201.13 - No. 7 and 21 in Pall Mall at Charing Cross with No. 5 in the background. Taken some distance away from the location. 1201.14 - No. 7 at Golden Square terminus, taken a short distance from the tram terminus. Shows Milk Bar on right hand side and the hotel on the left hand side. Taken from the south side of the roadway. 1201.15 - as from 1201.14 but taken from the north side of the roadway. 1201.16 - No 5 waiting at California Gully loop. Distant photo showing surrounds 1201.17 - No. 5 en route for Quarry Hill crossing No. 26 at California Gully. 1201.18 - No. 26 at Eaglehawk terminus with Eaglehawk Town Hall and Post Office in background. 1201.19 - No. 21 arriving at Charing Cross en route to North Bendigo. Has Alexandra Fountain in the background, ANZ bank RACV building, and other buildings on the north side of Pall Mall or Nolan St. 1201.20 - No. 26 en route for Quarry Hill at Charing Cross, with crew standing by front door. Has Colonial Mutual life building, Armstrong Tyre Service (Firestone) and a sign for Cohns Drinks in the background. 1201.21 - as for 1201.20 but with No. 5 en route to Eaglehawk now in photograph. 1201.22 - No. 26 at Quarry Hill terminus. 1201.23 - No. 26 at Quarry Hill terminus, view of front portion of tram only from a gate at the Bendigo cemetery. 1201.24 - Track at the end of the Quarry Hill line showing the point blades of the former "Y" terminus and the overhead for this. 1201.25 - No. 2 at the Quarry Hill terminus, looking along the former Trackwork. 1201.26 - as for 1201.25 1201.27 - number not used. 1201.28 - Golden Square terminus from some distance from the actual terminus, showing the Warning sign "TRAM" for motorists from the south. No. 7 at the terminus. 1201.29 - No. 7 passing through the Golden Square shopping centre. Numerous cars and pedestrians. Tram en route for North Bendigo. 1201.30 - No. 7 in High St. Golden Square, en route for North Bendigo. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1201.31 - No. 7 in High St. just past Wattle St. with the Cathedral in the background. Tram has two SEC roof ads good side on photo, 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen' and 'Electrical cooking - clean, quick, economical'. 1201.32 - No. 7 in High St. nearing Wattle St. Has Cathedral in the background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer.Information written on in black ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1201.1 - "No. 26 in Bond St just after leaving Long Gully" 1201.2 - "No. 26 climbing View St. from Charing Cross" 1201.3 - "No. 26 ascending View St. from Charing Cross (At Mackenzie St.)" 1201.4 - "View St. & Mackenzie St." 1201.5 - "No. 5 in View St. near Mackenzie St." 1201.6 - "No. 5 in View St. nearing Charing Cross." 1201.7 - "No. 7 in Nolan St. seen from Lake Weeroona Park." 1201.8 - "No. 7 entering McRae St. from Nolan St. Note "TRAM" warning sign on left. 1201.9 - "No. 7 in High St. passing Short St." 1201.10 - "No. 7 crossing Bendigo Creek bridge in High St. near Golden Square." 1201.11 - "No. 7 at Golden Square terminus" 1201.12 - "No. 7 at Golden Square terminus" 1201.13 - "No 7, 21 and 5 at Charing Cross" 1201.14 - "No. 7 at Golden Square terminus" 1201.15 - "No. 7 at Golden Square terminus" 1201.16 - "No 5 waiting at California Gully loop." 1201.17 - "Nos. 5 and 26 crossing at California Gully loop" 1201.18 - "No. 26 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1201.19 - "No. 21 arriving at Charing Cross from Golden Square" 1201.20 - "No. 26 at Charing Cross" 1201.21 - "Nos. 5 and 26 at Charing Cross." 1201.22 - "No. 26 at Quarry Hill terminus" 1201.23 - "No. 26 at Quarry Hill terminus seen through the gates of the Bendigo Cemetery." 1201.24 - "Quarry Hill terminus showing remains for former double track layout abandoned before 1964." 1201.25 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus" 1201.26 - "No. 2 at Quarry Hill terminus" 1201.28 - "The Southern approach to Golden Square with No. 7 standing at the terminus, "TRAM" warning sign on the left. 1201.29 - "No. 7 passing through Golden Square Shopping Centre" 1201.30 - "No. 7 in High St. Golden Square" 1201.31 - "No. 7 in High St. passing Wattle St." 1201.32 - "No. 7 in High St. nearing Wattle St."tramways, trams, bendigo, bond st., view st., nolan st., high st., eaglehawk, california gully, charing cross, quarry hill, trackwork, tram 2, tram 5, tram 7, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 8, Noel Simons, 25/02/1972 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 8 transparencies taken on 25/02/72 on Kodak mounts. 1202.1 - Night photo of Bendigo 5 at Charing Cross, waiting to depart to Quarry Hill. Tram has two SEC roof ads. Has Ezywalkin and the Beehive buildings in the background. 1202.2 - as for 1202.1 1202.3 - as for 1202.1 but further back and 7 and 21 waiting for their runs as well in Pall Mall. 1202.4 - 5 and 2 at Charing Cross, night photo, looking along Mitchell St. with Fountain Plaza on right of photo and Ezywalkin store. 1202.5 - No. 2 at Charing cross, bound for Eaglehawk. Tram has two SEC ads. 1202.6 - No. 26 at Quarry Hill terminus with the cemetery in the background. Tram has two SEC roof ads. 1202.7 - No. 26 in Mitchell St. bound for Eaglehawk, at Wills St. with the Hopetoun Hotel in the background. 1202.8 - as for 1202.6Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1202.1 - "No. 5 at Charing Cross" 1202.2 - "No 5. at Charing Cross" 1202.3 - "Nos. 7, 21 and 5 at Charing Cross" 1202.4 - "Nos. 5 and 2 at Charing Cross" 1202.5 - "No. 2 at Charing Cross" 1202.6 - "No. 26 at Quarry Hill" 1202.7 - "No. 26 in Mitchell St. opposite Wills St." 1202.8 - "No. 26 at Quarry Hill" tramways, trams, bendigo, night photo, charing cross, quarry hill, mitchell st., tram 2, tram 5, tram 7, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 19, Noel Simons, 26/02/1972 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 18 transparencies taken on 26/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1203.1 - Bendigo 5 at Eaglehawk terminus - with new traffic works. 1203.2 - No. 5 climbing the High St. hill Eaglehawk with the buildings on the east side in the photo. 1203.3 - No 2 descending the road over rail bridge at Job's Gully, heading for Quarry Hill. 1203.4 - as for 1202.3, but more side on. Tram has two SEC roof ads. 1203.5 - as for 1202.4 1203.6 - No. 26 entering Garden Gully Loop, Mt. Korong Road, Ironbark. Tram en route to Eaglehawk. Water column on right hand side of photograph. 1203.7 - No. 2 on the Eaglehawk route, Iron Bark area?, bound for Quarry Hill. 1203.8 - as for 1202.7, but photo taken after tram has past photographer. 1203.9 - No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus, night photo. Tram has arrived at terminus, showing Quarry Hill, pole turned, but the tram lights have yet to be turned around. 1203.10 - as for 1202.9, but lights have been turned around. 1203.11 - No. 26 climbing the View St. Hill near the Commodore Hotel. Has Campbells Electrical Services building in the background. Photo taken after the tram has passed the photographer. 1203.12 - No. 7 end on photograph, at Golden Square, destination showing Golden Square - night photo. 1203.13 - number not used. 1203.14 - as for 1202.12, but partially side on, has a passenger looking out the tram. 1203.15 - as for 1202.12, but with hotel in the background. 1203.16 - No. 26 and 2 at Charing Cross, night photo. Tram 26 en route to Quarry Hill, 2 to Eaglehawk. 1203.17 - Interior photo of No. 26, at night. 1203.18 - No. 26 at the Quarry Hill terminus as night. 1203.19 - as for 1202.18, but central portion of the tramcar.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1203.1 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1203.1 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk" 1203.3 - "No. 2" 1203.4 - "No. 2" 1203.5 - "No. 2" 1203.6 - "No. 26 at Garden Gully Loop Mt Korong Rd., Ironbark" 1203.7 - "No. 2" 1203.8 - "No. 2" 1203.9 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1203.10 - "No. 5 at Eaglehawk terminus" 1203.11 - "No. 26 in View St. Near the Commodore Motel" 1203.12 - "No. 7 at Golden Square Terminus" 1203.14 - "No. 7 at Golden Square Terminus" 1203.15 - "No. 7 at Golden Square Terminus" 1203.16 - "Nos. 26 and 2 at Charing Cross" 1203.17 - "Interior of No. 26" 1203.18 - "No. 26 at the Quarry Hill terminus" 1203.19 - "No. 26 at the Quarry Hill terminus "tramways, trams, bendigo, eaglehawk, bridges, iron bark gully, night photo, quarry hill, golden square, tram 2, tram 5, tram 7, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 25, Noel Simons, 26/02/1972 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 25 transparencies taken on 26/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1204.1 - Bendigo No. 5 - just arrived at Manchester Loop near Havilah Road, Long Gully. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.2 - No. 26 in Backhaus St. Long Gully passing William St, en route to Quarry Hill. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.3 - No. 5 climbing the High St. Hill Eaglehawk, heading for Quarry Hill with the buildings on the West side of High St. in the background, including the Eaglehawk Town Hall. 1204.4 - as for 1204.3, but tram close up. 1204.5 - as for 1204.3, but after tram has passed photographer. 1204.6 - No. 5 at intersection of Mt Korong Road Ironbark and Calder Highway, with the AMPOL service 'station in the background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.7 - No. 26 en route to Quarry Hill shortly after leaving Needle Loop, passing William St., Long Gully. 1204.8 - No. 5 at California Gully Loop, picking up a passenger, with the shops at Long Gully in the background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.9 - No. 5 in Long Gully, en route to Quarry Hill. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.10 - No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus with the Eaglehawk Town Hall and Post Office in the background. Tram has two SEC roof ads. 1204.11 - No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus, close up. 1204.12 - as for 1204.11, but through the park gates. 1204.13 - as for 1204.11, but with tram stop shelters in the foreground and buildings on the West side of High St in the background. 1204.14 - No. 2 in Mt. Korong Rd, midway between California Gully Loop and Needle Loop. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1204.15 - No. 5 in Long Gully, en route to Quarry Hill. 1204.16 - as for 1204.15, but with trams departed loop. Has an ESSO service station in the background. 1204.17 - No. 26 leaves Charing Cross up View St.. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Has Armstrong Tyre Service, Cohns Drinks ad on a building and the T&G building in the background. Also Firestone ads on the tyre service building. 1204.18 - No. 5 waits at Charing Cross with the Alexandra Fountain in the background. Tram has two SEC roof ads, 'Everything s fine in my all electric kitchen' and 'Electricity Best for Cooking'. Has RACV, Colonial Mutual Life buildings in the background and the planting areas around Charing Cross gardens in the foreground. 1204.19 - No. 21 en route to North Bendigo arrives at Charing Cross, with passengers waiting to board. No. 5 in the background. In the background is the Fountain Gate Plaza building and the City Family Hotel. 1204.20 - as for 1204.19, but with No. 7 en route to Golden Square. 1204.21 - as for 1204.19, but closer up. 1204.22 - as for 1204.18 1204.23 - No. 25 in Nolan St. near the crossing of Bendigo Creek, running a special tram tour. 1204.24 - No. 25 on a special charter, in Weeroona Ave. at Cnr of Caledonia St. passing the Gas works. 1204.25 - Nos. 25 (showing Golden Square), 7 and 26 at Charing Cross. Has fountain in the background.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1204.1 - "No. 5 at Manchester Loop, near Havilah Rd. Long Gully." 1204.2 - "No. 26 in Backhaus St. Long Gully passing William St." 1204.3 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk." 1204.4 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk." 1204.5 - "No. 5 in High St. Eaglehawk." 1204.6 - "No. 5 in Mt. Korong Rd., Ironbark, passing Calder Highway Junctn." 1204.7 - "No. 26 shortly after leaving Needle Loop, passing William St., Long Gully. No. 5 cresting hill in distance." 1204.8 - "No. 5 at California Gully Loop." 1204.9 - "No. 5 in Long Gully" 1204.10 - "No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus." 1204.11 - "No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus." 1204.12 - "No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus." 1204.13 - "No. 2 at Eaglehawk terminus." 1204.14 - "No. 2 in Mt. Korong Rd, midway between California Gully Loop and Needle Loop. 1204.15 - "Nos. 2 and 26 crossing at Long Gully." 1204.16 - "No. 26 leaves Long Gully loop for Eaglehawk as No. 2 pulls out of the far end towards Bendigo" 1204.17 - "No. 26 beginning the climb up View St. from Charing Cross." 1204.18 - "No. 5 at Charing Cross." 1204.19 - "No 21 arrives at Charing Cross from Golden Square while No. 5 awaits departure time for Eaglehawk." 1204.20 - "Nos. 7, 21, and 2 (behind which is No. 5) at Charing Cross." 1204.21 - "Nos. 7, 21, and 2 at Charing Cross." 1204.22 - "No. 5 at Charing Cross." 1204.23 - "No. 25 in Nolan St. near Bendigo creek crossing" 1204.24 - "No. 25 in Weeroona Ave. at cnr of Caledonia St." 1204.25 - "Nos. 25, 7, 26 and 2 (behind 26) at Charing Cross."tramways, trams, bendigo, eaglehawk, long gully, california gully, charing cross, north bendigo, tram 2, tram 5, tram 7, tram 21, tram 25, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 23, Noel Simons, 26/02/1972 12:00:00 AM
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 23 transparencies taken on 26/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1205.1 - Bendigo No. 25 on a special tour at Fire Station Loop, en route to Golden Square. 1205.2 - No. 21 and 25 crossing at Fire Station Loop, note photographers on the ground. No. 21 bound for North Bendigo. 1205.3 - as for 1205.3, but with trams departing loop and fire station in the background. 1205.4 - No. 25 at Golden Square Hotel with 'Rodda's Golden Square Hotel' in the background. Tram on a special tour, but showing destination of North Bendigo. 1205.5 - as for 1205.4 - but showing special. Has the end of the track in the photograph. 1205.6 - Nos. 7 and 25 (on a special tour) crossing at Myrtle St. Loop. 1205.7 - No. 7 leaving Myrtle St. loop with the mine poppet head in the background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. (Print made of this slide 10/2001 for use in the Gold Gold Gold exhibition of 10/2001 - See Reg. item 1979. 1205.8 - No. 25 entering depot. Tram showing 'special'. Tennis court on right has players. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1205.9 - No. 24 (showing 'special') and No. 20 (showing 'Long Gully') at Bendigo Depot. 1205.10 - No. 24 on a special charter, leaving Bendigo depot. Tram has two 'Johnnie Walker' roof ads. 1205.11 - Bendigo depot with 29, 25 and a bogie car inside the depot doors. 1205.12 - As for 1205.11, but with 28 and 29. 1205.13 - No. 24 standing at front entrance of Bendigo depot with No. 20 in the background. 1205.14 - No. 24 running out into McCrae St showing special, with conductor on front step. 1205.15 - No. 24 in Caledonia St. at corner of Thunder St with the Gasworks in the background. 1205.16 - No. 5 en route for Quarry Hill at Charing cross with No. 26 (en route for Eaglehawk) about to arrive. Has former crossover at this location in the foreground. Has the Ezywalkin building in the background. 1205.17 - No. 5 and 26 at Charing Cross, with the Alexandra Fountain in the foreground and the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background. No.26 has two SEC roof ads. 1205.18 - Charing Cross looking along Pall Mall with trams 7 and 21 and 26 in the picture. 1205.19 - Charing Cross, with 21 departing for Golden Square and No. 5 heading for Quarry Hill. Has the Ezywalkin and the Beehive buildings in the background. 1205.20 - as for 1205.19, but a few moments later. Adjacent pole has a "NO ROAD" letter in reflectors vertically. 1205.21 - Charing Cross with Nos. 25, 21, 26 and 7, looking south from Pall Mall end. 1205.22 - No. 24 crossing Mitchell St. en route for Golden Square, showing 'special' with the Beehive and Ezywalkin buildings in the background. 1205.23 - Charing Cross with Nos. 24, 21 and 7 in the photo and Fountain Plaza in the background. Print of 1205.7 - stored in box D1.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1205.1 - "No. 25 at Fire Station Loop High Street, Golden Square." 1205.2 - "Nos. 25 and 21 crossing at Fire Station Loop, near Golden Square." 1205.3 - "Nos. 25 and 21 crossing at Fire Station Loop, near Golden Square." 1205.4 - "No. 25 at Golden Square terminus." 1205.5 - "No. 25 at Golden Square terminus." 1205.6 - "Nos. 7 and 25 crossing at Myrtle St. Loop." 1205.7 - "No. 7 leaving Myrtle St. Loop." 1205.8 - "No 25, entering Bendigo Depot." 1205.9 - "Nos. 20 and 24 at Bendigo Depot." 1205.10 - "No. 24 at Bendigo Depot." 1205.11 - "Nos. 25 and 29 at Bendigo Depot." 1205.12 - "Birney cars 29 and 28 at Bendigo Depot." 1205.13 - "No. 24 (with 20 beyond) at Bendigo Depot." 1205.14 - "No. 24 entering McCrae St. from Arnold St." 1204.15 - "No. 24 in Caledonia St. at cnr of Thunder St." 1204.16 - "No. 5 waits at Charing Cross as No. 26 arrives from Quarry Hill. Note remains of crossover abandoned on relocation in 1965." 1204.17 - "Nos. 5 and 26 at Charing Cross." 1204.18 - "Nos. 26, 7 and 21 at Charing Cross (No. 5 just visible behind No. 26)." 1204.19 - "No. 21 leaves Charing Cross for Golden Square as No. 5 starts off for Quarry Hill." 1204.20 - "No. 21 swings onto the single track Golden Square line as No. 5 heads into Mitchell St. towards Quarry Hill." 1204.21 - "Nos. 25, 21 and 26 watch No. 7 arrive at Charing Cross from Golden Square." 1204.22 - "No. 24 at Charing Cross crossing Mitchell St." 1204.23 - "Nos. 24, 21 and 7 at Charing Cross."tramways, trams, bendigo, golden square, myrtle st., fire station, depot, charing cross, tram 5, tram 7, tram 20, tram 21, tram 24, tram 25, tram 28, tram 29 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 6, Noel Simons, 28 Feb. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 6 transparencies taken on 28/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1206.1 - Bendigo No. 5 at Hayes St. Loop, en route for Quarry Hill. 1206.2 - No. 5 at Garden Gully Loop, Mt. Korong road, Ironbark. en route to Quarry Hill. Note the water column in the background. 1206.3 - No. 5 in View St. Bendigo, with the Commodore Motel in the background. 1206.4 - No. 6 en route for Golden Square in Fire Station loop, with the fire station building in the background. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1206.5 - No. 6 in High St., running through Golden Square Shopping Centre, en route for Golden Square. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. 1206.6 - No. 6 arriving at Charing Cross, bound for North Bendigo, with the City Family Hotel, ANZ bank and the Cenotaph (war memorial) in the background.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1206.1 - "No. 5 at Hayes Loop, Ironbark." 1206.2 - "No. 5 at Garden Gully Loop, Mt. Korong road, Ironbark." 1206.3 - "No. 5 in View St. just after start of double track near Barnard St." 1206.4 - "No. 6 in High St. at Fire Station loop." 1206.5 - "No. 6 in High St. running through Golden Square shopping centre." 1206.6 - "No. 6 arriving at Charing Cross from Golden Square."tramways, trams, bendigo, hayes st. loop, garden gully loop, view st., golden square, charing cross, tram 5, tram 6 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 12, Noel Simons, 28 Feb. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 12 transparencies taken on 28/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1207.1 - Bendigo 26 and 2 at Charing Cross. 26 en route for Eaglehawk, 2 for Quarry Hill. Has the Colonial Mutual Life, Armstrong Tyre Service, and Australian Mutual Provident Society buildings and a Cohns Drinks ad. in the background. 1207.2 - as for 1207.1 but with Alexandra fountain in the foreground. 1207.3 - No. 2 in Mitchell St. heading for Quarry Hill. Photo taken after tram has passed photographer. Has buildings on either side of Mitchell St. in the background, including the Plaza Theatre. 1207.4 - No. 6 en route for Golden Square departing Charing Cross. Has the RACV and ANZ bank in the background. 1207.5 - No. 2 crossing Pall Mall to enter Charing Cross ex Quarry Hill, with the Fountain Plaza in the background. 1207.6 - No. 6 arriving Charing Cross ex Golden Square with No. 21 alongside. No. 21 has the SEC ad. 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen.' Has the City Family Hotel and the Fountain Plaza shopping centre in the background. 1207.7 - No. 5 at Charing Cross en route for Quarry Hill with No. 2 behind. No. 2 has two SEC roof ads, 'Everything s fine in my all electric kitchen' and 'Electricity best for cooking'. RACV building in the background. Tram crews are discussing the day in the front of the tram. 1207. 8 - No. 21 in High St. Bendigo with the Cathedral in the background. No. 21 has two SEC roof ads, 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen' and 'Electricity best for cooking'. 1207.9 - No. 6 in High St. Bendigo with the Cathedral in the background. 1207.10 - No. 6 in High St. Bendigo, just past Wattle St. Photo taken after the tram has passed the photographer from within the Highway Car Sales yard. 1207.11 - No. 26 bound for Eaglehawk at the end of the double track in View St., note signal contactors, tram stop and section signs mounted on pole. 1207.12 - No. 26 turning from View St. into Barnard St.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1207. 1- "Nos. 26 and 2 at Charing Cross." 1207.2 - "Nos. 26 and 2 at Charing Cross." 1207.3 - "No. 2 in Mitchell St. just after leaving Charing Cross." 1207.4 - "No.6 leaving Charing Cross for Golden Square." 1207.5 - "No. 2 arriving at Charing Cross from Quarry Hill." 1207.6 - "No. 21 waits at Charing Cross as No. 6 arrives from Golden Square." 1207.7 - "No 5 at Charing Cross with No. 2 lurking behind." 1207.8 - "No. 21 in High St. at cnr of Wattle St." 1207.9 - "No. 6 in High St. at cnr of Wattle St." 1207.10 - "No. 6 in High St. between Wattle and Vine Sts." 1207.11 - "No. 26 at end of double track in View St. near Barnard. St. 1207.12 - "No. 26 seen at dusk turning from View St. into Barnard St."tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, high st, view st., tram 2, tram 5, tram 6, tram 21, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s set of 7, Noel Simons, 29 Feb. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 7 transparencies taken on 29/2/1972 on Kodak mounts. 1208.1 - Bendigo 18 (en route to Quarry Hill) and 2 (Eaglehawk) in the early morning at Charing cross with the Alexandra fountain and the Fountain Plaza building in the background. 1208.2 - No. 2 descending View St. Photo taken after tram has passed the photographer. 1208.3 - as for 1208.2 at Mackenzie St. intersection 1208.4 - No. 26 ascending View St. with the ANZ bank, T& G in the background. 1208.5 - as for 1208.4, but at Mackenzie St. intersection. Photo taken after tram has passed the photographer. 1208.6 - No. 18 in View St. seen from the lookout tower in Rosalind Park. 1208.7 - No. 7 en route to North Bendigo in Nolan St. Photographed across the Centenary Oval.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1208.1 - "Nos. 18 and 2 in the early morning sun at Charing Cross." 1208.2 - "No. 2 descending View St. towards Charing Cross." 1208.3 - "No. 2 in View St. passing Mackenzie St." 1208.4 - "No. 26 in View St. just after leaving Charing Cross." 1208.5 - "No. 26 climbing View St. past Mackenzie St." 1208.6 - "No. 18 climbing View St. seen from lookout tower in Rosalind Park." 1208.7 - "No. 7 in Nolan St. heading towards North Bendigo. / Last picture of a Bendigo tram."tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, view st., nolan st., tram 2, tram 7, tram 18, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 4, Noel Simons, Apr. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 4 transparencies - copy slides - possibly ARE film strip dated March 1972. 1209.2 and 1209.4 on Kodak Readymount mounts. 1209.1 - Bendigo 5, 6 and 28 on a special tram service in bound to the City on a tour in Caledonia St. about to enter Lucan St, or White Hills Road or Weeroona Ave. (mis match in names in various maps). Gas works in the background. No. 5 has a white disk on the rear of the tram. 1209.2 - Nos 2 and 26 at Charing Cross with the Fountain Plaza in the background. Both trams have the destination of Quarry Hill, though 26 is on the Eaglehawk bound track. 1209.3 - No. 19 at the Golden Square terminus, with the conductor or driver swinging the pole and Billy Rodda's Golden Square hotel in the background. 1209.4 - No. 7 at Fire Station loop, en route to North Bendigo, picking up a passenger with a pram. Part of a set of 20 slides made by the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip. Reference Item 2560 details the ARE Film Strip and provide references to other slides.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1209.1 - "Nos 5, 6 and 28 in Caledonia St. about to enter Weeroona Ave." 1209.2 - "Nos 2 and 26 at Charing Cross." 1209.3 - "Swinging the pole on No. 19 at Golden Square Terminus." 1209.4 - "No. 7 inward bound from Golden Square stops at Fire Station Loop."tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, golden square, gas works, special trams, tram 2, tram 5, tram 6, tram 7, tram 19, tram 28 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s - set of 4, Noel Simons, Apr. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 4 transparencies - copy slides - possibly ARE film strip dated April 1972. 1210.3 on Kodak Readymount mount. 1210.1 - No. 3 arriving at Quarry Hill terminus. 1210.2 - Bogie car at Long Gully Loop, in the far distance, with a Hotel and the ESSO service station in between. Has Fosters Lager and Carlton signs on hotel. Note sign on the closet pole - "No standing between Notices" 1210.3 - Nos. 26 (Quarry Hill) and 25 (Eaglehawk) at Jobs Gully Loop. 1201.4 - No. 5 showing Charing Cross in bound for Charing Cross and No. 3 en route for Eaglehawk in View St. near the end of the double track. Appears to be SEC employee at the rear of No. 3. Part of a set of 20 slides made by the Association of Railway Enthusiast Provincial Tramways film strip. Reference Item 2560 details the ARE Film Strip and provide references to other slides.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. 1210.1 - "No. 3 arriving at Quarry Hill terminus." 1210.2 - "Bogie car at Long Gully Loop." 1210.3 - "Nos. 26 and 25 at Jobs Gully Loop." 1210.4 - "Nos 5 and 3 in View St. near the end of the double track."tramways, trams, bendigo, long gully, quarry hill, view st., tram 3, tram 5, tram 25, tram 26 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s, Noel Simons, Dec. 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...One transparency on a Kodak Readymount mount, with dark blue border. Photo of Bendigo Trust No. 30 after repainting to the Bendigo trust colour scheme. Has a BCV Television roof ad. Has Fountain Plaza and Ezywalkin buildings in the background. Slide dated Dec. 1972.Information written on in blue ink and date stamped on purple ink. "Birney No. 30 restored to former livery at Charing Cross."tramways, trams, bendigo, charing cross, tram 30 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Slide - 35mm slide/s set of 7, Noel Simons, 1972
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Set of 7 transparencies undated on PAKON mounts - appear to be early 1970's. 1212.1 - No. 18 about to enter the Long Gully loop with ESSO service station on the right hand side. 1212.2 - No. 6 in Mitchell Street bound for Charing Cross. Tram has destination of "Rly Station". Has buildings on the east side of Mitchell St. in the background. 1212.3 - No. 7 (North Bendigo) and 29 (Golden Square) crossing. Actual location? 1212.4 - "No 6 showing 'SPECIAL' at Eaglehawk terminus. Has the Foodland store and Fruit shop in the background. 1212.5 - No. 19 at Eaglehawk terminus, on the extension to the normal Eaglehawk terminus. Tram has showing 'Eaglehawk'. Tram has two SEC roof ads. 1212.6 - No. 25 and another Bogie car at Quarry Hill terminus on last day. 1212.7 - No. 18 and 29 at Quarry Hill terminus. No.. 18 showing 'Quarry Hill' - has two SEC roof ads 'Electric Cooking - Matchless' and 'Everything's fine in my all electric kitchen' and No. 29 has a briquettes roof ad.Information typed onto a white label stuck on the slide. 1212.1 - "No. 18 at Long Gully" 1212.2 - "No. 6 in Mitchell Street." 1212.3 - "7 and 29 Lake View Hotel" 1212.4 - "No. 6 at Eaglehawk" 1212.5 - "No. 19 at Eaglehawk Term." 1212.6 - "Last cars Quarry Hill." 1212.7 - "18 & 29 Quarry Hill"tramways, trams, bendigo, long gully, mitchell st., eaglehawk, quarry hill, last tram, tram 6, tram 7, tram 18, tram 19, tram 25, tram 29 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Magazine, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "M.M.T.B News - August 1964, Volume 1, Number 1", Aug. 1964
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Sixteen page magazine titled M.M.T.B News, the magazine of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board, Vol. 1 No. 1, published August 1964. Has an off white glossy cover with MMTB bus No. 701 on the front cover. The banner and corporate logo in green ink. Inside is a Message from the Chairman, an article on the new buses - AEC Regal Mark VI, traffic noise and trams, apprentices, Preston Workshops, and sports at the various depots.trams, tramways, mmtb, preston workshops, buses, mmtb news -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, "Tram runs again", 1950's
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...Newspaper Clipping undated from an unknown newspaper about the operation of a horse tram on the South Melbourne Football ground loop during the Moomba Festival. Noted the tram has been restored in the colours of the Royal Park (Zoo) line. Has a photo of a horse drawn tram with two horses and conductor, and family dressed in either period costume or a reproduction of a very old photograph. On the rear of the Newspaper is an item about people trying to save the horses that pulled the garbage trucks in the City of Port Melbourne. This probably dates the Clipping to the mid 1950's. Appears to be possibly a local paper.trams, tramways, horse trams, south melbourne football ground, moomba festival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Report and Statement of Accounts" for year ended 30 June 1958, 1959, 1960, 1958-1960
... Ballarat Tramway Museum South Gardens Reserve Wendouree ...1215.1 - Annual report of the MMTB for the year end 30/6/1958 - No. 39 - buff heavy paper cover with 56 pages on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Balance Sheet, Statement of funds, operation, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include 2 of Influenza inoculations, traffic congestion in Collins St., new tram track in Malvern area, and new depot entrance at Camberwell. Has an insert inside front cover "With the Compliments of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board." 1215.2 - 2 copies - Annual report of the MMTB for the year end 30/6/1959 - No. 40 - light green heavy paper cover with 60 pages on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Balance Sheet, Statement of funds, operation, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include reconstruction of Batman Ave., laying special work at Kew Junction, pouring concrete in Johnston St., cable tramway abandonment, new thermit welding process, new dressing sheds at Wattle Park, illuminated tramcar for the City of Fitzroy centenary. Has an insert inside front cover "With the Compliments of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board." 1215.3 - Annual report of the MMTB for the year end 30/6/1960 - No. 41 - light grey heavy paper cover with 60 pages on inside giving details of the MMTB Board, Officers, Balance Sheet, Statement of funds, operation, schedule of debenture, investments, Auditors reports, record of Annual traffic receipts, passengers, miles etc, tram and bus routes operated, statistical information, graphs and photographs. Photos include new St Kilda junction trackwork being assembled in Sth Melbourne yard, Flinders St. overpass under construction, - temporary trackwork, wheel welding machine at Preston, bus drivers school, new golf club house at Wattle Park, Q class tram decorated for Myers Christmas 1959. Has an insert inside front cover "With the Compliments of the Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board." Printer not given on 1215.31215.1 - in ink on the front cover "Mr Major". On page 34 in pencil some notations re figures. 1215.2 - copy 2 - in ink on the front cover "Mr Major". 1215.3 - in light colour ink on front cover "Mr. B.F.Becher"trams, tramways, mmtb, melbourne, annual reports, operations, trackwork