Showing 1752 items
matching subdivision
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Auburn Heights Estate, 1921
The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The name ‘Auburn Heights Estate’, was handwritten on the subdivision plan, and included 23 lots in Auburn Road and Wright and View Streets, Hawthorn. Most of the houses built on the lots that were sold still exist. The house built on number 8 View Street is a contemporary exception. The subdivision included an existing home at number 17 View Street.subdivision plans - hawthorn, auburn heights estate -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title, 1922, 1933
Certificate of Title, Margaret Kennedy.Certificate of Title, Margaret Kennedy. Lots 100, 101 & 102, subdivision 1968, part of crown allotment 1270, Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke 1922 vol 4583, fol 916577 also rates enforcement of charge, 1933.Certificate of Title, Margaret titles, shire of blackburn and mitcham, kennedy, margaret, mcdowall street, mitcham -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title, 1915, 1933
Certificate of Title, Frederick William GibbonsCertificate of Title, Frederick William Gibbons, Lot 88, Subdivision 1968, part of crown allotment 1270, Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke 1915. Vol 3882, fol 776385 also correspondence re rates, enforcement of charge, 1933.Certificate of Title, Frederick William Gibbonsland titles, shire of blackburn and mitcham, gibbons, frederick william, shire of nunawading, burnett street, mitcham, gort road, mitcham -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Auction Advertisement - Wonga Heights Estate, North Ringwood, Victoria - 1976
Double-sided printed page advertising land auction on Saturday 27th March, 1976, with locality map and subdivision layout, terms of sale, and summary of local features and services. Subdivision includes Wonga Road, Holyrood Crescent, Georgian Court, and Stonnington Place. Auctioneers - N.R. Reid & Co. Pty. Ltd., 173 Coleman Parade, Glen Waverley (Telephone) 560 0355, and Margaret Curtayne Pty. Ltd., 109a Canterbury Road, Heathmont (Telephone) 729 6844. -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Riverside Estate, Camberwell North (Balwyn), 1938, 1939
This subdivision known as the Riverside Estate wa sone of the largest and most significant in Balwyn's history.Subdivision Plan for 41 lots within the wider Riverside Estate in Camberwell North, now Balwyn, in February 1938. The auction featured lots in Burke Road, The Boulevard, Mt View Road, Wattle Avenue, Kyora Parade, Cascade Street, Riverside Avenue, Walbundry Avenue, Inverness Way, Bulleen Road and Doncaster Road.Allotments for sale are shaded grey on the map. Certain lots have an H in a circle. These are presumably where houses had already been constructed.subdivision plans - balwyn (vic), riverside estate - balwyn (vic) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Sale Brochure, Mountain View Estate, Ringwood East, Vic. - 1923
Bi-fold advertisement for sale of residential allotments, including photographs, map, and summary of subdivision features and local facilities. Undated handwritten notation reads "streets don't exist today".Subdivision layout includes Mullum Mullum Road, Rangeview Avenue, Press Avenue, and Mountview Avenue. Local Agent - J.B. McAlpin, Opposite Railway Station, Ringwood, Phone Ringwood 7. Vendor - T.J. Press, Builder, "Monterey", Second Avenue, Kew, Telephone Haw. 3428. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Auction Advertisement, Paris Estate, Ringwood, Vic. - 1959
Double sided single page black and yellow printed advertisement for auction of home sites at Paris Estate, Wonga Road, Ringwood, Vic., on Saturday, 14th March, 1959, with terms of sale, locality map, subdivision features and summary of local services.Subdivision includes Mullum Mullum Road, Hendra Grove, Sunhill Road, and Wonga Road. Agents in conjunction: Charles Somers & Co., South Yarra and Melbourne, and Eric Weber & Co., Melbourne and East Melbourne. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title, 1923 - 1934
Certificate of Title, William Arthur Hirst.Certificate of Title, William Arthur Hirst. Lot 20 Subdivision 6626, part of crown allotment 127A at Mitcham, Parish of Nunawading, Count of Bourke. Vol 4671, fol 934063. Also correspondence re rates enforcement charge, 1933-34.Certificate of Title, William Arthur titles, shire of blackburn and mitcham, hirst, william arthur, shire of nunawading, thomas street, mitcham -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Maxwelton, Kew, 1920-1940
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The subdivision, ‘Maxwelton’, included four lots in East Kew, at the northwest corner of Burke Road and Cotham Road. Lot 3 is identified as the location of an existing house. The site of the subdivision equates to that parcel of land where a contemporary block of three storey apartments at 1245 Burke Road is now located.subdivision plans - kew, mazwelton subdivision, burke road -- kew (vic.), cotham road -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Mont Victor Hill Estate, 1936
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.A preliminary plan for the Mont Victor Hill subdivision of 1936 which included 23 allotments bordering the Rimington Nursery in Mont Victor Road. The subdivision created allotments in Victor Avenue, Heather Grove and Burke Road. Bisecting the Estate and clearly marked on the plan is the Railway Reserve which at this stage was all that remained of the Outer Circle Railway. The auctioneers note on the plan that the subdivision was made possible by the order of Messrs S. H. Bennet & H. Wright, the executors of the Wills of S. Bennett & E. Foreman.mont victor hill estate, subdivision plans - kew -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Myrtle Park Estate, City of Camberwell, 1916
The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The ‘Myrtle Park Estate’ was a subdivision bounded by Victoria Road (now Lansdowne Street), Buchanan Avenue and Dight Avenue. Other streets that were created by the subdivision included Eurolie Street, Boorahman Street and Moody Street (now Sylvan Street). The Estate took its name from Myrtle Park (later changed to Macleay Park), which had been created in 1923 by Camberwell Council. The Park adjoined the southeast corner of the new subdivision. The Estate included 74 regular allotments characterised by narrow frontages and long blocks. Confusion may have greeted prospective purchasers as the Estate was advertised in the daily newspapers as being in East Kew, rather than in Camberwell, where it was at that stage located.subdivision plans - balwyn, myrtle park estate - camberwell [surrey hills] -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Sale Advertisement - Woodlands Estate, North Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1970
Double sided single-page advertisement for land sale with locality map and layout of Woodlands Estate subdivision in North Ringwood, with summary of local features and services. No indication of date of flyer other than post-Eastland Shopping Centre opening in 1967.Subdivision includes Oban Road, Terrigal Close, Dorelaw Drive (later Melview Drive), Naroo Court, and Barook Court. Agent's rubber stamp imprint - H.C. Walton & Son, 264 Doncaster Road, North Balwyn. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title, 1921, 1933
Certificate of Title, Charles Norris and William Richard Norris.Certificate of Title, Charles Norris and William Richard Norris. Lot 6 Subdivision 4894, part of crown portions 89 & 90, Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke 1922. Vol 4474, fol 894734 also correspondence re rates, enforcement of charge 1933.Certificate of Title, Charles Norris and William Richard titles, shire of blackburn and mitcham, norris, charles, norris, william richard, blackburn road, blackburn -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Balwyn Theatre and Shop Sites, circa 1927-28, c.1927-28
The Kew Historical Society's map collection includes a substantial number of real estate subdivision plans, mainly of Kew but also of surrounding suburbs in Melbourne. Most of the subdivision plans date from the 1920s and 1930s when the districts old homes and local farmland were being split up to accommodate residential growth in the postwar period. These early plans were assembled by a local firm, Jas R Mather & McMillan, which had an office in Cotham Road. Many of the plans, and sometimes photos, were annotated by the agents. The ‘new’ Balwyn Picture Theatre was built and owned by Balwyn Theatres Pty Ltd in ca. 1928. By 1930, this first Balwyn Theatre was destroyed by fire after a break-in. Following the fire, a new cinema was constructed. This plan for a Cinema and eleven shops presumably dates from 1927/28 when the Company announced that this location in Whitehorse Road ‘was the most central and best suited [area] for their Theatre and shops’.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence for the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.The photograph may also be aesthetically significant depending on the importance of the photographic atelier.Subdivision plan showing the Balwyn Theatre and its adjoining shop sites in Whitehorse Road Balwyn. The 11 shop sites were noted for their depth (133 ft - 145 ft. [Map.0041]balwyn theatre -- balwyn (vic.), subdivisions -- balwyn (vic), subdivision plans -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Plan - Grandview Estate
The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified in 1922 which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations.The train line from the city to Frankston was electrified in 1922 which intensified the sale in the municipality of Moorabbin, particularly land which was in the vicinity of the railway stations. The Grandview Estate was auctioned on Saturday 10 November 1922.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinHand drawn map of subdivision Grandview Estate, Bentleighcentre road, evelyn street (now wilson street), lily street, bentleigh, realestate, auction -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Plan - Ormond Garden Estate, Ormond, 1920
At the end of World War One, there was a renewed interest in residential land and a number of estates opened up in the Municipality of Moorabbin. Ormond Garden Estate was auctioned on Saturday 10 April, 1920.Example of the progress of the Municipality of MoorabbinHand drawn plan of subdivisionOrmond Garden Estatenorth road, glen orme avenue, murray road, ormond, auction, real estate -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Functional object - Stamp - Subdivision Permit Stamp, n.d
Portland Town CouncilSubdivision Permit Stamp -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Goldthorns House Estate, 1940
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The first subdivision of Goldthorns created the Goldthorns Hill Estate. Following that subdivision, seven additional lots were offered between Normanby Road, Argyle Road and Lady Loch’s Drive on the proviso that the estate, including Goldthorns was not sold as a single lot. The subdivision plan advises that the lots are situated in one of the most charming and popular residential areas in Kew and is surrounded by modern homes. Typically, the subdivision plan proposes the advantage of its proximity to Cotham Road and the tram to Collins Street. Because of the elevation of Goldthorns, much is made of the ‘bright, sunny and extensive outlook to the Northern Ranges’ and that it overlooks the Yarra Valley. One of the more interesting aspects of the plan is that it shows the outline of Goldthorns in the mid to late 1920s. Its profile today remains virtually the same."Goldthorns" House Estate at topsubdivision plans - kew, goldthorns house estate -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Sale Advertisement - East Ringwood Township Estates, East Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1920
The date of the flyer as circa 1920 can be estimated from the references to the (decision on) "electrification of the Croydon Railway Line" which eventually occurred in 1923, letting of tenders for the state school building which opened in 1924, and the "proposed new railway station" (East Ringwood) which opened in 1925, Advertisement for three retail and residential allotment land sales in East Ringwood Township including maps showing layout of subdivisions. Township Estate, State School Estate, and East Ringwood Station Estate.Subdivision plans include Mount Dandenong Road, Grey Street, Eastfield Road, King Street, Everard Road, Holland Road, Purser Avenue, and Charles Street. (Agents) Spencer Jackson, Subdivider & Homebuilder, 341 Collins Street, Melbourne, Phones: M2327 (3 lines), also at Dromana, Phone 65. -
City of Kingston
Pamphlet - Colour, W. H. Wood Estate Agent, Subdivisional Land Auction Barker's Estate Cheltenham, 1919
Sales plan for land in the suburb of Cheltenham, along Barker StreetThe developing urban area of Cheltenham within the City of Kingston. This land sale pamphlet illustrates the subdivision of land within the municipality and the changing demographic of the district as new houses are constructed.Colour pamphlet advertising subdivisional land auction of Barker's estate, on Barker Street Cheltenham.Handwritten in grey pencil on the subdivision map: a series of numbers on each block possibly indicating the sale price. Handwritten in grey pencil on the subdivision map: Roy- joined to subdivision 6 Handwritten in grey pencil on the subdivision map: x on the border between subdivision 17 and 16, and again on the border between subdivision 12 and 11.cheltenham, land sales, estate -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Auction Sale Advertisement, East Ringwood Central Estate - 1948
See Victorian Collections reference 5125 for subsequent Central Estate East Ringwood subdivision flyer.Single sided land auction sale advertisement for residential allotments.Auction Sale on the property under instructions from Mr. F.A. Salter. Subdivision includes Dublin Road, Knaith Road, Talofa Avenue, Russet Road, and Shasta Avenue. Agent - C.E. Carter & Son, Main Street, Ringwood. WU 6024. -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Certificate of Title, 1928, 1933-1934
Certificate of Title, Nanny Schifferdecker.Certificate of Title, Nanny Schifferdecker. Lots 44, 45,56 & 57 subdivision 3360 Crown portion 97 Parish of Nunawading, County of Bourke 1928. Vol 5406 fol 10881070 1928, Agnew and Craig Streets. Also correspondence re rates enforcement charge 1933.Certificate of Title, Nanny Schifferdecker. land titles, shire of blackburn and mitcham, schifferdecker, hanny, craig street, blackburn south, agnew street, blackburn south -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Bonnie Doon Estate, c.1908
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The subdivision advertised as the Bonnie Doon Estate in Greensborough was first advertised in 1908. At that stage, the new subdivision included 15 allotments of between one and four acres. By the time the subdivision plan in the Kew Collection was created, only 12 lots of between ¾ and 2½ acres remained. Both the State Library and Kew plans emphasise the distance to the city being 13½ miles, which could be reached by train on weekdays and weekends. Unusually, the plan describes the suitability of lots as locations for ‘Week-end Homes’. Correspondingly, the train line is described as ‘The Holiday Resort for the Northern Suburbs’.bonnie doona estate, subdivision plans - greensborough -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Roll of electors subdivision of Marong - 1969government, state, electoral roll -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Roll of electors subdivision of Strathfieldsaye - 1969government, state, electoral roll -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Altyre Estate, 1920, 1920
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The Altyre Estate was advertised for sale by auction in 1920. A colour lithograph in the State Library of Victoria, in contrast to this monochrome version, notes the proximity of the subdivision to the Auburn Heights Bowling Club and to a range of transport options. The subdivision included fifty-one allotments as well as the original house ‘Altyre’ in Barkers Road. This version includes the amounts paid as deposit on a number of lots.subdivision plans - kew, altyre estate – kew (vic), barkers road – kew (vic), walsh street – kew (vic), ross street – kew (vic), loxton street – kew (vic), mount street – kew (vic), auburn heights bowling club, altyre -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, Escol Estate [Kew], 1940, 1940
Pru Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.The Kew Historical Society collection includes almost 100 subdivision plans pertaining to suburbs of the City of Melbourne. Most of these are of Kew, Kew East or Studley Park, although a smaller number are plans of Camberwell, Deepdene, Balwyn and Hawthorn. It is believed that the majority of the plans were gifted to the Society by persons connected with the real estate firm - J. R. Mathers and McMillan, 136 Cotham Road, Kew. The Plans in the collection are rarely in pristine form, being working plans on which the agent would write notes and record lots sold and the prices of these. The subdivision plans are historically significant examples of the growth of urban Melbourne from the beginning of the 20th Century up until the 1980s. A number of the plans are double-sided and often include a photograph on the reverse. A number of the latter are by noted photographers such as J.E. Barnes.The ‘Escol Estate’ was a subdivision, which created Bramley Court, which runs south from Sackville Street between Evans Road and Orford Avenue. The subdivision was comprised of 12 lots. At the auction of the lots in May 1940, eight of the 12 allotments were sold. The land was sold subject to a restriction of only one private residence being erected on each lot.subdivision plans - kew, sackville street – kew (vic.), bramley court – kew (vic.) -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Sale Auction Brochure, Electric Railway Estate, Ringwood, Vic. - 1922
Bi-folded single sheet with black and red print both sides advertising auction of allotments on Saturday, November 18, 1922, including details of subdivision features and local facilities. Subdivision includes Bedford Road, Williams Grove, Campbell Street, Myrtle Avenue, George Street, and Henry Street. Agents - F.H. Patterson & Co., 19 Queen Street, Melbourne, Tel. 4308 Central, J.B. McAlpin, Opposite Railway Station, Ringwood, Tel 7 Ringwood, SYDNEY T. Haynes & Co., Auctioneer, 60 Queen Street, Melbourne, Tel 3400 Central. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Flyer, Land Sale Advertisement, Oban Road Estate, Ringwood, Vic. - 1974
Double-sided folded page with blue border advertising sale of Oban Road Estate Ringwood building allotments. Front page features photograph of view from the estate towards Dandenong Ranges. Centrefold pages include terms of sale, layout and features of the subdivision, and summary of local services. Photocopy of typewritten price list for the 52 lots also attached.Subdivision includes Oban Road, Ambrie Avenue, Hendra Grove, and Mullum Mullum Road. (Agent) T.M. Burke Pty Ltd., 63 Exhibition Street Melbourne, Telephone 654 4144. -
Otway Districts Historical Society
Photograph, Knox Collection, Sale of the Ditchley Park Estate, Beech Forest, 1908
Commercial realities and bushfires caused the Beech Forest community to re-establish itself around the railway station, away from Gardner Hill. This caused John W. Gardner to subdivide his land on the north side of the railway station. One subdivision was created near the Ditchley railway station on the old racecourse site, and another of 25 allotments forming what became Southorn Street. There were very few takers for these lots nor any buyers for the Ditchley subdivision.Photocopy. 260mm x 159mm. An advertisement for the sale of the Ditchley Park Estate, Beech Forest. Under instructions from Mr. J.W. Gardner Dalgety & Co. Ltd. will sell the subdivision of the Ditchley Park Estate on Tuesday, March 30, 1909, at 2 o'clock. A map of Beech Forest township and the Ditchley Park Estate is attached, as are the terms of sale and a description of the area.. beech forest; ditchley park; land sale; advertisment;