Showing 470 items
matching j. wilson
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, Council meeting, Brighton Town Hall, 1 March 1933, 1933
council, meeting, brighton, town clerk, councillor, reporters, press table, elizabeth bleazby, city engineer, g. woodward, hallkeeper, c.e. tuxen, j.h. taylor, mayor, portrait, thomas bent, local government, brighton town hall, cr. j.a. grant, cr. f.e. rogers, cr. a.r. horton, cr. a. giles, cr. e. bleazby, cr. j.v. satchwell, cr. j.a. kennedy, cr. h.e. hall, cr. e.m. young, cr. r. eustace tracey, cr. j. redapple -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - sepia photograph, City of Brighton Mayor, Councillors and Officers - Peace & City Year - August 1919, 1919
brighton, council, mayor, councillors, officers, brighton town hall, t. vincent, park ranger, j.n. clark, overseer, f. blackham, press, r.j. lawrence, bank manager, a. vogt, assistant, j. clementson, inspector, l.w.p baker, assistant town clerk, g.w. woodward, hallkeeper, g. marsh, curator, a.f. magill c.e., city engineer, w. turner, cr. w.e. briggs, dr w.c. mcclelland, health officer, cr c.h.j. pickett, c.h. livesey, rate collector, cr j.a. grant, cr. j.w. satchwell, cr p.a. oakley, j. ritson, librarian, cr c.a. hack, cr j. richards, cr h.e. hall, cr t. wilson, j.h. taylor, town clerk, cr. w.p. francis, cr j.b. grout j.p., cr h.e. pullman, g.h. jefferson, solicitor, miss d.m. grout, typist, d. thomas, office boy, peace and city year -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, Officers of the Brighton Artillery Corps, 1865
Gelatin silver photograph of Officers of the Brighton artillery corps taken in 1865. Standing, L to R: Wm Mair, J. H. Were and J. L. Strudwick. Sitting, L to R: G. Waltsab, F.G. Moule and - Dixon. This photograph was donated by Mr William Herbert Edgar, grandson of Colonel William Mair.brighton artillery corps, soldier, colonel william mair, j. h. were, j. l. strudwick, g. waltsab, f.g. moule -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, Brighton Artillery Corps, 1865
Gelatin silver photograph of Officers of the Brighton Artillery Corps taken in 1865 on Parade Ground Drill Hall, Middle Crescent, Brighton. A cutout on the mount around a label with the soldiers' names listed. Standing, L to R: George Webb, Woodleigh, Rigg, Moule, Dixon, -, Selwyn, Walstab, Colonel William Mair (side on) Stamp, Gifford. Reclining, L to R: Were, Hallet, Strudwick. This photograph was donated by Mr William Herbert Edgar, grandson of Colonel William Mair.brighton artillery corps, soldier, colonel william mair, j. h. were, j. l. strudwick, drill hall, middle crescent, brighton, george wbb, woodleigh, rigg, moule, dixon, selwyn, g. walstab, stamp, giffod, hallet, strudwick, william herbert edgar -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Photograph - gelatin silver photograph, H. Singer, Opening of The Municipal Golf Links, 1936
golf, brighton municipal golf links, brighton public golf course, brighton east, mayor, councillor, opening, ceremony, speech, cr. j.a. grant, cr. e.m. young, cr. j.a. kennedy, cr. j. redapple, c.e. tuxen, city engineer, j.h. taylor, town clerk, kiosk -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record (item), Minute Book of the Kew Ladies Benevolent Society 1911-12, 1951-61
"This society was founded in 1891, when there was a considerable amount of distress on account of the collapse of the land boom. The first office-bearers were: President, Mrs. F. R. M. Wilson; Hon. Secretary, Mrs. S. Kellett; and Hon. Treasurer, Mrs. J. Lorimer. The society has had a useful career and been of great assistance to many families. One of its best workers was Mrs. G. Wharton. The present committee consists of Mrs. H. Collier (President), Mrs. Holdsworth (Vice-President), Mrs. Archer (Hon. Treasurer) Mrs. E. J. Dunn (Hon. Secretary), and Mesdames. Berry, Gillespie, Israel, Jellis, Kerr, Lilley, McCrea, Paton, Spring, Tappin, and Wishart." (Source: Barnard FGA, Jubilee History of Kew, 1910)The Kew Ladies' Benevolent Society was one of the most important women's groups in Victoria in the late 19th to mid-20th century. It was led by women with a national profile and was instrumental in the establishment of the State umbrella organisation. The Minute Book was presented to KHS by the Victorian Association of Benevolent Societies in 1991.Seller label on inside cover.kew ladies' benevolent society, social welfare - history - kew (vic), social services - history - kew (vic), volunteer organisations - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E & B L Rogers, 'Ivy Grange', Malmsbury Street, c. 1965
Rate Book evidence records that by 1870 Charles Vickers, architect, was the occupier of this house, having an NA.V. at that date o f£1105, although it is apparent that the house was in fact built by 1864, from the dat; set in the brickwork above the main door. In 1873 the property was purchased by David Beath, a merchant, and it was in the following year that the house was first recorded as 'Ivy Grange'. Beath was a deeply religious man and was a foundation member of both the Congregational and the Presbyterian (the Church of Scotland) Churches of Kew . He added, probably the tower wing, to the house in 1877 when architects Crouch and Wilson called tenders in that year 'for the erection of bluestone additions to (a) villa at Kew, for Davis Beath Esq.' The house was again added to in 1885 by the leading firm Reed, Henderson and Smart. For a number of years in the 1920s 'Ivy Grange' was used as a private mental hospital and is currently a guest house. In 1921 a fete was held at Ivy Grange in aid of building a new church (Sacred Heart, Kew): "Garden Fete in Aid of New Church, Kew. A SUCCESSFUL FUNCTION. Beautiful weather favoured the opening of a garden fete at "Ivy Grange," the residence of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawlor, Malmsbury and Princess streets, Kew, on last Saturday afternoon, in aid of the fine new Church of the Sacred Heart, Kew, which is now receiving its finishing touches. Not content to wait for the official opening, the lady stallholders did a good business on the previous evening. The ceremony was performed" by the Very Rev. Dean Hegarty, P.P., V.F. (Carlton), with whom were associated the Rev. J. Manly, P.P. (Kew), and the Rev. R. S. Benson, P.P. (South Yarra), Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawlor, and others. Fr. Manly, who was cordially received, said he desired to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor for lending their charming grounds, and for the trouble, time and expense they had given to preparing for the fete. He wished to thank Dean Hegarty for coming to open the fete. The Dean had been a dear and lifelong friend of the late Fr. O'Donoghoe, the beloved pastor of the Kew parish. Next June the Dean would celebrate the golden jubilee of his priesthood, so they could see that he was not a young man. (Laughter.) He hoped that the fete would be a great success, and that when his Grace the Archbishop —: (applause) — should open the new church, he (the speaker) would be able to present a satisfactory financial statement. (Applause.) Dean Hegarty, who was very cordially received, said it was a source of great pleasure to him to come to Kew, of which he entertained many pleasant recollections. The new church would have delighted the heart of their late beloved pastor, but it had pleased God to take him to a holler temple. His mantle had fallen on worthy shoulders, in the person of Fr. Manly—(applause)—who was carrying on the work of the parish well and vigorously. (Applause.) Some wondered how these great works were successfully accomplished. The prime factor in the wonderful progress of the Church— the work of the people, priests and nuns—was their deep, abiding Catholic faith. (Applause.) Kew was not by any means a large parish, yet look at the magnificent church that Fr. Manly was building on the hill! He said to his people, "Come, follow me, and we shall win through." (Applause.) It gave him great pleasure to declare the fete open, and he wished it the highest measure of success. (Prolonged applause.) Mr. J. Lawlor, who was greeted with applause, in moving a hearty vote of thanks to Dean Hegarty for his presence and support, said he knew of the great work done by the Dean in Gippsland, where he (the speaker) lived when a young man. The Dean ministered to a parish at that time as large as was the diocese of Sale to-day. The Dean and Fr. Manly reflected credit on the pioneer priests, who had laid well and solidly the foundations, of religion in Victoria. (Applause.) He was glad that reference had been~made to the work of their late beloved pastor, Fr. O'Donoghoe. : Mr. Pierce Cody seconded the motion, which, was carried by acclamation. The Dean,* in acknowledging the compliment, paid a tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Lawlor for their great generosity in connection with the fete, and complimented them on their successful efforts. (Applause.). A cafe chantant, organised by Mr. John. Sullivan, was contributed to by Misses G. Hornal, M. O'Donnell, Ella Burke, Eileen Burke, Alice Marsh, and M. Carrucan, and Messrs. T. Hammond, J. Donovan, J. Sullivan, and Fr. Lanigan. Mrs. J. Donovan was at the piano. St. Vincent de Paul Boys' Orphanage Band (South Melbourne) rendered selections. The stalls ware as follow:—Cake and Sweets Stall: Mesdames Needham, Treacey, Lynch and Cody. Fancy Stall: Mesdames Lawlor, J. P. Martin, M. Treacey, Simpson, Giddons and A. Molton, and Miss, Shirley. Refrestiment Stall: Mesdames Shiels, Hunter, Kealy, Duane and the Misses Turner and Delahunty; Produce Stall: Mesdames O'Sullivan, Mareli, Carrucan, and Kennedy. Mr. P. J. Kennedy acted as hon. general secretary. The fete was continued in the evening, the grounds being brilliantly illuminated. (Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868 - 1954), Thursday 7 April 1921, page 13) In 1930 it was acquired by the Carmelite Fathers for use as a novitiate: "IVY GRANGE," KEW." Acquired for Carmelite Novitiate. The valuable property, "Ivy Grange," Kew. which" belonged to the McGuiness family has been acquired by the Carmelite Fathers for a novitiate." (Advocate (Melbourne, Vic. : 1868 - 1954), Thursday 18 September 1930, page 18This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.Ivy Grange, cnr Malmsbury and Princess Streets, Kew. Ivy Grange. Home of David Beath. Commenced 1864, Tower Wing added 1877. Chap 38.ivy grange, malmsbury street, dorothy rogers, david beath, charles vickers, crouch and wilson, kew houses -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E Barnes, William H. Wilson - Mayor [of Kew] 1894-5, c.1906
Kew achieved independence from the Boroondara Roads Board in 1860. As a new municipality, its first three leaders were designated as chairmen. On becoming a borough in 1863, its leaders were identified as mayors. The earliest photographs date from ca.1906, when the Town of Kew commissioned the noted local photographer Josiah E Barnes to produce standardised portraits of former mayors to be displayed in the Mayoral Chamber of the Town Hall. The collection also includes photographs by other well-known photographic studios such as Burlington Studios, Melba – Melbourne, Stuart Tompkins, Spencer Shier and Talma & Co. The majority of mounts identify the photographer. Eighty photographs are housed in their original frames.This portrait is one of a series of mounted and framed photographic portraits of mayors and town clerks of the former Borough, Town and City of Kew. The portraits were transferred by the City of Kew to the Kew Historical Society in March 1989. A Significance Assessment in 2018, funded by the National Library of Australia confirmed the historic, and often artistic significance of the series.Framed portrait of William H. Wilson, Mayor of Kew 1894-5. The mounting and framing of the photograph follows a typical layout or style in that each is framed in dark wood, glazed, and laid down on an inscribed board. The inscription identifies the name of the mayor and the year/s that he/she served.William H. Wilson - Mayor [of Kew] 1894-5mayors of kew (vic), cr. william h. wilson, australian photographers - josiah earl barnes, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 25th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1909
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Orange Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 76 pages (Poor Condition)thomas david gibson carmichael, f. s. grimwade, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, w. a. dickens, f. e. frewin, john m. griffiths, rev j. j. halley, s. mauger, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, incorporation, blackburn, messrs ward and carleton, r. l. phillips, box hill, edward newbigin, our monthly letter, mrs w. a. paterson, e. fletcher, w. w. bass, d. robertson, w. walker, w. scott, horace reynolds, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 23rd Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1907
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 56 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, edward newbigin, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, rev. h. w. h. aadeney, rev j. j. halley, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, john m. griffiths, s. mauger, m. l. muir, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 24th Report of the Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria 1908
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 60 pagesreginald talbot, samuel gillott, john m. griffiths, harold kent, h. sumner martin, rev. h. w. h. adeney, rev j. j. halley, rev e. h. sugden, w. a. dickens, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, a. c. muir, e. r. peacock, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, miss i. foster, miss a. foster, mrs f. e. frewin, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs j. e. muir, mrs r. r. paterson, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs a. wilson. mrs samuel luke, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, rev. h. kelly, edward newbigin, compulsory education, j. charles, a graham -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 26th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1910
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 80 pagesthomas david gibson carmichael, f. s. grimwade, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, s. g. martin, g. g. mercy , j. e. muir, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abrahamj. mrs boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. foster, mrs, mrs s. luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. s. martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson, alex williamson, a. muir, w. j. craig, john cronin, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, captain olden, blackburn, w. a. watt, a. t. danks, thomas mcpherson and sons, m eady, george brown, rev j. j. halley, julia mccombe, our monthly letter -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 27th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1911
... a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin.... sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 88 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock, harold kent, h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, g. g. mercy m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh monro, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, f. s. grimwade, r. h. luff -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Victorian Deaf - March-April 1930
Under the auspices of the Deaf Committee of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria - Edited by A. Hull assisted by R. H. LambertThe significance of these newsletters is in the detail of information they contain about the people and activities of the Deaf community in Victoria and interstate.Vol. 1 No. 2 March-April 1930; Size 21.5cmHx14cmWthe victorian deaf, n. armstron, a. c. muir, mr hesketh, andrew clarke, w. bond, w. p. muir, d. piper, a. wilson, g. moore, s. johnson, rev. w. moss, e. newbigin, mrs lewis, mrs s. moss, d. piper, mrs c. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, w. ashby, j. mclean, o'gorman, hawkins, fisher, j. hennessy, h puddy, a. graham, mrs s. ferguson, jean solomon, g mortimer, mrs crompton, taylor, hickey, hatley, salvado, hart, tonkin, george ashley, colin johnsf. cummins, sutherland, utber, boortz, bert hague, walter bladier, winnie gladman, eileen o'gormans. moss, c. ball, r. cram, holmes,j. m. johnston, w. wood, r. h. lambert, f. kendall, o'bryan, g. b. mortimer, e. johnston, mrs e. r. peacock, empson, e. stephens, r. dow, alice smith, b. heggie, w. anderson, guilds, hosckey club, lacross club, victorian deaf and dumb institution, c. f. crosby -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 28th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1912
... . williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson... a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 92 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, s. mauger, g. g. mercy h. sumner martin, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. j. rose, f. tudor, henry weedon, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, e. connell, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, t. williamson, pure oral system, uniform system of sign, provision for apprenticeships, the deaf tramp, harold kent, our monthly letter, australasian deaf and dumb association, miss jones, r. h. luff, w. d. cook, p. holt -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 29th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1913
... . williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson.... sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 96 pagesjohn michael fleetwood fuller, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, g. g. haldane, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, rev f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, henry weedon, lacrosse, cricket, jesse hirons, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 30th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1914
... . potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john.... sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 94 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, m. l. miller, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, a. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, g. g. haldane, lacrosse, cricket, emily kent, e. matthews, j. mills, archie mclellan, our monthly letter, victorian deaf and dumb institution -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 31st Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1915
... . sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j.... potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 98 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock,r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, w. a. dickins, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. v. pratt, f. j. rose, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, lacrosse, cricket, emily kent, e. matthews, j. mills, archie mclellan, our monthly letter, rambling club, e. salas, wallace boortz, e. salas, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 32nd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1916
... . potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john.... sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 96 pagesarthur stanley, w. h. felstead, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, h. w. h. adeney, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, hugh munro, f. tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs j. boortz, r. dow, e. empson, a. graham, mrs samuel luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, m. potter, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, f. j. rose, rev f. v. pratt, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 33rd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1917
... arthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h.... robertson, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 90 pagesarthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins,harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, m. l. miller, j. e. muir, george vial, tudor, ernest j. d. abraham, mrs e. j. d. abraham, mrs n. adams, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. luke, mrs j. e. muir, mrs h. sumner martin, mrs c. robertson, mrs a. williamson, mrs a. wilson. w. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, t. a. nelson, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, j. leber, j. cariss, c. hosking, williamson, oakley, kenworthy, mckenzie, connell, paterson -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 34th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1918
... a. wilson. h. gladmanw. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul.... robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilson. h. gladmanw. j. craig, john ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 93 pagesarthur stanley, w. g. mcbeath, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, g. g. mercy, harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilson. h. gladmanw. j. craig, john cronin, john m. paul, alex williamson, adam c. muir, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, m. maloney, lacrosse, cricket, t. a. nelson, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, j. leber, j. cariss, alfred peacock, mrs abraham, collins, robertson, vial, cardwell, davis, martin, stinger, elwin, o'brien, turner -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 36th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1920
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Cream Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 64 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, h. l. walters, m. l. miller, john higgins, g. g. mercy, harold w. bickford, george brown, a. macaulay caldwell, w. a. dickins, j. ewing, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. sumner martin, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, l. fletcher, d, hickey, a. graham, mrs c. robertson, e. r. smith, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, ivy cole, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a sutherland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, gladman, hughes, tyzzer, elwyn, hull, damman, bentley, bruce caughey, potter, pugh -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 37th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1921
... dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, j. dudley, m.... a. paterson, mrs pierce, mrs e. johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 66 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, j. dudley, m. l. miller, john higgins, harold w. bickford, george brown, t. dudley, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, d, hickey, mrs w. a. paterson, mrs pierce, mrs e. johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, nunawading shire council, queensland adult deaf and dumb mission, new south wales adult deaf and dumb society, south australian deaf and dumb mission, alex collins, sam ferguson, mr and mrs burge, victor harding, jane huish, a. kidd -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 38th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1922
... . johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j. craig, john cronin, alex... people and events within the Deaf Community. dr j. f. mackeddie ...The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W,20 pagesdr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, r. j. oehr, j. dudley, m. l. miller, john higgins, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff,w. a. paterson, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, r. dow, e. empson, d, hickey, mrs w. a. paterson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs e. johnson, mrs a. wilson, mab dow, j. craig, john cronin, alex williamson, adam c. muir, w. taylor, s. moss, m. g. b mortimer, blackburn, deaf workers club, ramblers club, j. johnston, lacrosse, cricket, a suthersland, w. a. paterson, n. amos, mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mclellan, w. b. anderson, c. graham, d. white, j. m. jjohnston, h. mckenzie, v. tyzzer, n. webb, j. williams, o. tyzzer, d. m. kilpatrick, n. amos, a. williams, g. newnham, i. kennedy, a. tyzzer, a. stewart, j. mclean, r. durham, n. ormsby, mrs goddard, c. smith, h. taggart, mr brett, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 39th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1923
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 44 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, john higgins, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, george brown, e. r. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterso, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e. johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, george brown, adult deaf and dumb societies of australia, amos, tyzzer, hull, newell, effie roads, mclaurin, dempsey, sellen, brown, pearce, blackburn, cricket , lacrosse -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 42nd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1926
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Gold Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 42 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, o. r. macdonald, charles w. campbell, j. m. griffiths, mrs c. luke, henry masterton, mrs henry masterton, lady mcfacharn, e. r. peacock, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, mrs w. g. stephens, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterson, s. l. massina, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, j. pierce, blackburn, jeanes, kemble, moore, peters, tyzzer, hunt, paul, johnston, noonan, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 40th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1924
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 36 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, john higgins, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, george brown, e. r. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterso, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, blackburn, n. webb, g. damman, t. peters, e. jackson, f. johnson, e. crockford, j. leber, e. thompson, w. b. anderson, g. bates, s. jeanes, d. carr, mrs a. c. muir, mrs w. a. paterson, r. h. watson, mrs w. burge, d. nolan, g. woods, miss phillips, cricket, lacrosse -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 47th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1931
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 24 pagese. r. peacock, eugene gorman, norman armstrong, l. a. cleveland, j. oehr, dr w. j. craig, dr. may, a. e. atherton, g. fethers, f. e. frewin, m. j. hoath, e. l. morton, e. johnson, g. newnham, edgar h. peacock,s. watkin, edgar h. peacock, s. watkin, j. mclean, j. m. johnston, m. g. b. mortimer, adam c. muir, e. noble, a. w. taylor, n. webb,a. stephens, rev j. j. booth, mrs a. piper, blackburn, cricket, lacrosse, jolimont square, john e. muir, alice graham, solomon moss, mrs moss, victorian deaf and dumb institution, ven. archdeacon hancock, rev dr. borland, rev h. crawford, w. smith, tennis, a. hull, r. h. lambert, interstate sports carnival, victorian deaf, quantock, bladier, anderson, campbell, walsh, tyzzer, marks, wilson, fairman, taylor, vicary, muir, halliday, nolan, lindsay, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 41st Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1925
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 40 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, o. r. macdonald, charles w. campbell, j. m. griffiths, mrs c. luke, henry masterton, mrs henry masterton, lady mcfacharn, e. r. peacock, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, mrs w. g. stephens,,,h. , dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterson, s. l. massina, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, j. pierce, blackburn, amos, driscoll, hughes, bragg, peters, tyzzer, robertson, leber, kemble, honor, rees, muir, allison, cullis, brooks, hawkins, vivian, herlihy, elwin, ashby, thompson, pollock, smith, burke, yates, -
Expression Australia
Newsletter, The Gesture - The Voice of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia October November December 1903
... , mrs luke, mrs a. wilson, mrs j. martin, captain olden, rev h..., miss a. foster, mrs luke, mrs a. wilson, mrs j. martin, captain ..."The Gesture" was an independent organ of the Deaf and Dumb having no direct connection with any single organisation. Its aim was to help all agencies established to promote the advancement of the Deaf and Dumb. The aim was to be the "Voice" of the Deaf and Dumb of Australasia". To educate the public as to the real condition and needs of the afflicted brothers and sisters, to bring prominently before the hearing and speaking community the peculiar difficulties and obstacles that Deaf Mutes have to encounter in the battle of life. The magazine was named "The Gesture" with the single object of impressing upon the minds of the hearing friends the uncontrovertable fact that whatever the system of instruction the Deaf Mute invariably resorts to the manual alphabet and the language of gesture as the only expedient means of communication with those similarly afflicted.The "Gesture" is significant as the first national newsletter of the Australasian Deaf.No. 3; Pink Cover; Size 28Hx22W; 16 pageshelen keller, ernest abraham, m. miller, j. charles, r. k. beattie, j. anderson, g. stubbs, j. mclean, j. e. muir, w. p. muir, w. a. patterson, r. h. luff, j. dempsey, e. r. w. smith, e. burke, f. e. frewin, l. downes, g. mortimer, a. c. muir, mrs frank frewin, mr and mrs i. a. tenney, melbourne deaf mute cricket club, deaf young men's mutual improvement society, m.miller, young women's society, mrs j. e. muir, miss a. foster, mrs luke, mrs a. wilson, mrs j. martin, captain olden, rev h. kelly, mr hood, mr williamson, john e. muir, w. p. monahan, thomas h. monahan, mrs leslie downes, new south wales institution for the deaf and dumb and blind, g. a. f. lentz, thomas pattison, australian deaf and dumb congress, matthew l. miller, blind deaf and dumb institution in queensland, tasmanian school for the blind, deaf and dumb, western australian school for the deaf and dumb, south australian institution for the blind, deaf and dumb, j. a. gibson, c. hawkins, mr showell