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Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation OH&S campaign badge, [1998-2009]
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members to promote safe movement of patients to reduce workplace injury. The Australian Nursing Federation Victorian Branch implemented the 'No Lifting' (now 'safe patient handling') policy in March 1998. The aim of the policy was to introduce in Victorian healthcare settings an approach to patient handling whereby the manual lifting of patients would be eliminated or minimised wherever possible. This Branch policy and strategies to implement it were a response to high incidence of back pain and workplace injury amongst nurses. The 'No Lifting' policy was accompanied by various conferences and expos to discuss harm minimisation strategies throughout 1998-2009, suggesting this badge is from this period.Circular red, black and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'I am a No Lifting Nurse', 'Caring for you' and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] logo.nurses, nursing, back injuries, occupational health and safety, patient handling, trade unions, professional bodies, workplace injury, accident prevention, badges, buttons, pins, changing healthcare practice, australian nursing federation -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, 2007
Button distributed to and worn by Australian Nursing Federation (ANF) members during the bargaining process for Victorian nurses' wages and conditions in 2007. Enterprise bargaining is the process of negotiation generally between the employer and employees (often represented by a trade union, professional association or other bargaining representative) with the goal of making an enterprise agreement stipulating the wages and conditions of work. The 2007 public sector campaign entitled 'Fund nursing properly for a better state of health' involved the ANF bargaining for members employed in the public acute and aged care sector, public psychiatric services, the Australian Red Cross Blood Service and the Royal District Nursing Service. The 2007 campaign focused on improved workloads and skill mix and a minimum 18 per cent wage increase to address the wage disparity between Victorian nurses and nurses working in other Australian states.Circular red, white and blue plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with 'FUND NURSING PROPERLY FOR A BETTER STATE OF HEALTH', 'EBA 07' [enterprise bargaining agreement 2007] and the ANF [Australian Nursing Federation] website address of the time (, nurses, unionism, trade unions, enterprise bargaining, badges, buttons, pins, staffing, wages, workforce, labour history, australian nursing federation, victoria, campaigning -
Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Australian Nursing Federation nurse training campaign badge
Button worn and distributed to staff and interested parties as part of a campaign that supported maintaining bachelor of nursing and midwivery programs in the university system. In late 2007-2008, regulatory authorities in Victoria were considering the possibility of education providers from the Vocational Education & Training (VET) sector (e.g. TAFEs and RTOs) receiving accreditation to offer bachelor-level nursing and midwifery qualifications. The Australian Nursing Federation (Victorian Branch), the peak industrial and professional body for Victorian nurses and midwives, resisted these moves, arguing that the approval of VET providers to offer Bachelor programs would have an adverse impact on the supply of registered nurses into the Victorian health workforce. Completion of a bachelor of nursing or midwifery remains a precondition of practising as a registered ('division 1') nurse or midwife in Australia.Circular blue and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back. Badge printed with the white text 'University education for all Div[ision] 1 RNs [Registered Nurses] and [Registered Midwives]' and a small black and white image of a square academic/trencher cap.nurses, nursing, badges, education, training, qualifications, university, australian nursing federation, workforce, midwives, midwifery, undergraduate, registered nurse, registered midwife, buttons, pins -
Melbourne Legacy
Article, Bulletin VALE Legatee Oswald Gawler, 1975
A Vale notice that was published in the Bulletin in 1975 on the death of Legatee Oswald Gawler. He joined Legacy in Adelaide in 1929 and was president of Melbourne Legacy in 1943. He served on the Co-ordinating Council for many years. In World War One he had served on Gallipoli and in France and Belgium. In 1917 he was severely gassed which impacted his health and eyesight in later years His professional career was as an actuary and his forecasts helped make many policy decisions in Legacy. A record of the life and service of Legatee Os Gawler.White A4 paper x 2 pages of a photocopy from the Bulletin of the Vale notice about Legatee Gawler.vale, os gawler -
Mont De Lancey
Book, George Routledge and Sons et al, The Horse, in the Stable and the Field, 1877
An 1883 copy of The Horse, In the Stable and The Field: His varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy and physiology, by J. H. Walsh editor of The Field and author of British Rural Sports. The volume by J. H. (John Henry), 1810-1888, published in 1887considers the early history of the horse, horses from different continents, stable management, anatomy and diseases. With one hundred and seventy illustrations throughout the text by Harrison Weir, Zwecker and others.An antique green covered thick book titled: The Horse, in the Stable and Field: His Varieties, Management in Health and Disease, Anatomy, Physiology by J.H. Walsh, F.R.C.S. (Stonehenge). The front cover is blank, with the spine detailing in gold lettering the title, author and publisher. Opposite the title page is a black and white woodcut illustration titled 'A Group of Favourites' showing a man and woman in the countryside with horses and a dog holding his master's top hat. There is a Preface and a Contents page of XXXIV chapters. The book contains comprehensive details of the horse with black lined drawings, Tables, Lists, Diagrams and more. At the back is an Appendix and Index. Pp. 622. non-fictionAn 1883 copy of The Horse, In the Stable and The Field: His varieties, management in health and disease, anatomy and physiology, by J. H. Walsh editor of The Field and author of British Rural Sports. The volume by J. H. (John Henry), 1810-1888, published in 1887considers the early history of the horse, horses from different continents, stable management, anatomy and diseases. With one hundred and seventy illustrations throughout the text by Harrison Weir, Zwecker and others.horses, mammals, animals, horsebreeds, horses - diseases, horse anatomy -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Certificate, Mothercraft Home Tasmania, Certificate of Infant Welfare and Mothercraft for Marjorie Jean Burke [stamped cancelled], 22/10/1948
Certificate of Infant Welfare and Mothercraft for Marjorie Jean Burke, issued by the Mothercraft Home, Department of Public Health Tasmania. This duplicate copy is stamped "cancelled", although it appears to be the same as the copy at item 8752.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Certificate typed on cream paper.Signed by authorities, stamped cancelledmarjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, mothercraft home tasmania, mothercraft nursing -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Certificate, Mothercraft Home Tasmania, Certificate of Infant Welfare and Mothercraft for Marjorie Jean Burke, 22/10/1948
Certificate of Infant Welfare and Mothercraft for Marjorie Jean Burke, issued by the Mothercraft Home, Department of Public Health Tasmania.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Certificate typed on cream paper.Signed by authoritiesmarjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, mothercraft home tasmania, mothercraft nursing -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Professional reference, Department of Public Health Hobart, Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, 20/12/1950
Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, it gives her time at the Bush Nursing Service from 11/08/1947 to 04/01/1951, nursing at various centres around Tasmania.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Letter typed on cream letterhead.Signed by Director of Hospital and Medical Services.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, flinders island hospital, tasman bush nursing service koonya -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Professional reference, Department of Public Health Hobart, Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, 12/06/1950
Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, written by the Government Medical Officer (Flinders Island, Tasmania). Miss Burke had been Matron of Flinders Island Hospital from early 1949 to June 1950. She is returning to the mainland.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Certificate typed on cream letterhead.Signed by Government Medical Officer.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, flinders island hospital -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Letter, Department of Public Health Hobart, Confirmation of resignation for Marjorie Jean Burke, 05/12/1950
Letter confirming the resignation of Marjorie Jean Burke, from the Bush Nursing Staff. This letter gives Miss Burke's address as Tasman Bush Nursing Centre Koonya (Tasmania).Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Letter typed on cream letterhead.Signed by Director of Hospital and Medical Services.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, flinders island hospital, tasman bush nursing service koonya -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Letter, Department of Public Health Hobart, Confirmation of resignation for Marjorie Jean Burke, 14/12/1950
Letter confirming the resignation of Marjorie Jean Burke, from the Bush Nursing Service. This letter gives Miss Burke's address as Tasman Bush Nursing Centre Koonya (Tasmania).Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Letter typed on cream letterhead.Signed by Supervisory Sister.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, flinders island hospital, tasman bush nursing service koonya -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Professional reference, Mothers and Babies Health Association, Adelaide, Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, 21/11/1951
Professional reference for Marjorie Jean Burke, it gives her time at the Mothers and Babies Health Association in Adelaide as 6 months in 1951.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Letter typed on cream letterhead.Signed by Medical Director.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, mothers and babies health association -
Greensborough Historical Society
Document - Letter, Department of Health, Victoria, Letter of acceptance into a course for Marjorie Jean Burke, 16/03/1953
Letter of acceptance into a course for Marjorie Jean Burke, from the Department of Health, Victoria, issued in 1953. The course offered is by the Royal Sanitary Institute.Miss Burke was a nurse, midwife and infant welfare sister. This collection covers her many qualifications throughout Australia and Great Britain, including references both professional and personal. When Miss Burke returned to Australia, she was employed at Diamond Valley Community Hospital as a nurse in 1953 and as Deputy Matron 1954-1971.Certificate on cream folded paper.Signed by Secretary.marjorie jean burke, nurses, diamond valley community hospital, department of health victoria, royal sanitary institute