Showing 253022 items
matching australian-museums-melbourne-bunjilaka.
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, Australian Army, Australian Army: Infantry Training Volume 1, Infantry Platoon Weapons, Pamphlet No. 4A: Sub-Machine Gun 9 mm F1 (Australia), 1966 (Copy 6), 1966
... Australian Army: Infantry Training Volume 1, Infantry...Australian Army ...A light blue coloured cardboard cover with black information of the front. Below the Australian Army Insignia are the details of the manual. There are two metal staples down the spine of the manual. australia - armed forces - service manuals, infantry training, infantry platoon weapons, sub-machine gun 9mm f1, b coy, 43 rsar -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin, Number 18, Laying, Recording and Marking Of A Minefield (Copy 1)
... Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin, Number 18...Australian Army ...A blue coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Army Insigna are the details of the booklet. There are two punch holes on the left hand side of the booklet.australian army, training, information bulletin, minefield -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin, Number 18, Laying, Recording and Marking Of A Minefield (Copy 2)
... Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin, Number 18...Australian Army ...A blue coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Army Insigna are the details of the booklet. There are two punch holes on the left hand side of the booklet.australian army, training, information bulletin, minefield -
Wheen Bee Foundation
Publication, Honey Times: the official news bulletin of the Australian Honey Board (Australian Honey Board), Sydney, 1967, 1967
... Honey Times: the official news bulletin of the Australian...Sydney, Australian Honey Board ... -
Victorian Apiarists Association
Publication, Australian Honey Buyer's Guide (Australian Honey Board)Second Edition, 1981
... Australian Honey Buyer's Guide (Australian Honey Board...Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia ...Just a bit bigger than an A5, soft covered brochure, white with black writing & hexagon shapes, two of which have been cut out 13 pages -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, About Australian Honey: 100 cake biscuit meat dessert & party recipes. (The Australian Honey Board). Sydney, 1965, 1965
... About Australian Honey: 100 cake biscuit meat dessert...australian...Sydney, The Australian Honey Board. ...48 pages, illustrated.publication, australian, honey, board, beechworth honey, publication, australian, honey, board, beechworth honey -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Australian National Residue Survey - Report on the Australian National Residue Survey Results 2001-2002 (Dep of Agriculture Fisheries & Forestry), 2002
... Australian National Residue Survey - Report on the...Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia ...Soft cover book slightly larger than A5 siz, green spine with an off white cover with pencil drawings of cattle sheep, pig. seafood, chicken, eggs, sunflowers & wheat 93 pages -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Australian National Residue Survey - Report on the Australian National Residue Survey Results 2000-2001 ( Dept of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry - Australia), 2001
... Australian National Residue Survey - Report on the...Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia ...Soft Cover book slightly larger than A5 size, Dark Green spine with an off white cover & pencil drawings of a pig, fruit, seafood, chickens, eggs,sunflower grain, cattle, sheep 74 pages -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, The Australian horticultural statistics handbook: 1995/96 edition (Australian Horticultural Corporation), Sydney, 1995, 1995
... The Australian horticultural statistics handbook: 1995/96...Sydney, Australian Horticultural Corporation ... -
Beechworth Honey Archive
Publication, Code of practice for assuring the quality of Australian honey (Beekeeper edition). (Australian Honey Board and Honey Bee Research and Development Council). Sydney, 1993, 1993
... Code of practice for assuring the quality of Australian...Sydney, Australian Honey Board. ...44 pages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Periodical, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, 2008
... Australian Aboriginal studies : journal of the Australian...Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...1. Rock-art of the Western Desert and Pilbara: Pigment dates provide new perspectives on the role of art in the Australian arid zone Jo McDonald (Australian National University) and Peter Veth (Australian National University) Systematic analysis of engraved and painted art from the Western Desert and Pilbara has allowed us to develop a spatial model for discernable style provinces. Clear chains of stylistic connection can be demonstrated from the Pilbara coast to the desert interior with distinct and stylistically unique rock-art bodies. Graphic systems appear to link people over short, as well as vast, distances, and some of these style networks appear to have operated for very long periods of time. What are the social dynamics that could produce unique style provinces, as well as shared graphic vocabularies, over 1000 kilometres? Here we consider language boundaries within and between style provinces, and report on the first dates for pigment rock-art from the Australian arid zone and reflect on how these dates from the recent past help address questions of stylistic variability through space and time. 2. Painting and repainting in the west Kimberley Sue O?Connor, Anthony Barham (Australian National University) and Donny Woolagoodja (Mowanjum Community, Derby) We take a fresh look at the practice of repainting, or retouching, rockart, with particular reference to the Kimberley region of Western Australia. We discuss the practice of repainting in the context of the debate arising from the 1987 Ngarinyin Cultural Continuity Project, which involved the repainting of rock-shelters in the Gibb River region of the western Kimberley. The ?repainting debate? is reviewed here in the context of contemporary art production in west Kimberley Indigenous communities, such as Mowanjum. At Mowanjum the past two decades have witnessed an artistic explosion in the form of paintings on canvas and board that incorporate Wandjina and other images inspired by those traditionally depicted on panels in rock-shelters. Wandjina also represents the key motif around which community desires to return to Country are articulated, around which Country is curated and maintained, and through which the younger generations now engage with their traditional lands and reach out to wider international communities. We suggest that painting in the new media represents a continuation or transference of traditional practice. Stories about the travels, battles and engagements of Wandjina and other Dreaming events are now retold and experienced in the communities with reference to the paintings, an activity that is central to maintaining and reinvigorating connection between identity and place. The transposition of painting activity from sites within Country to the new ?out-of-Country? settlements represents a social counterbalance to the social dislocation that arose from separation from traditional places and forced geographic moves out-of-Country to government and mission settlements in the twentieth century. 3. Port Keats painting: Revolution and continuity Graeme K Ward (AIATSIS) and Mark Crocombe (Thamarrurr Regional Council) The role of the poet and collector of ?mythologies?, Roland Robinson, in prompting the production of commercial bark-painting at Port Keats (Wadeye), appears to have been accepted uncritically - though not usually acknowledged - by collectors and curators. Here we attempt to trace the history of painting in the Daly?Fitzmaurice region to contextualise Robinson?s contribution, and to evaluate it from both the perspective of available literature and of accounts of contemporary painters and Traditional Owners in the Port Keats area. It is possible that the intervention that Robinson might have considered revolutionary was more likely a continuation of previously well established cultural practice, the commercial development of which was both an Indigenous ?adjustment? to changing socio-cultural circumstances, and a quiet statement of maintenance of identity by strong individuals adapting and attempting to continue their cultural traditions. 4. Negotiating form in Kuninjku bark-paintings Luke Taylor (AIATSIS) Here I examine social processes involved in the manipulation of painted forms of bark-paintings among Kuninjku artists living near Maningrida in Arnhem Land. Young artists are taught to paint through apprenticeships that involve exchange of skills in producing form within extended family groups. Through apprenticeship processes we can also see how personal innovations are shared among family and become more regionally located. Lately there have been moves by senior artists to establish separate out-stations and to train their wives and daughters to paint. At a stylistic level the art now creates a greater sense of family autonomy and yet the subjects link the artists back in to much broader social networks. 5. Making art and making culture in far western New South Wales Lorraine Gibson This contribution is based on my ethnographic fieldwork. It concerns the intertwining aspects of the two concepts of art and culture and shows how Aboriginal people in Wilcannia in far western New South Wales draw on these concepts to assert and create a distinctive cultural identity for themselves. Focusing largely on the work of one particular artist, I demonstrate the ways in which culture (as this is considered) is affectively experienced and articulated as something that one ?comes into contact with? through the practice of art-making. I discuss the social and cultural role that art-making, and art talk play in considering, mediating and resolving issues to do with cultural subjectivity, authority and identity. I propose that in thinking about the content of the art and in making the art, past and present matters of interest, of difficulty and of pleasure are remembered, considered, resolved and mediated. Culture (as this is considered by Wilcannia Aboriginal people) is also made anew; it comes about through the practice of artmaking and in displaying and talking about the art work. Culture as an objectified, tangible entity is moreover writ large and made visible through art in ways that are valued by artists and other community members. The intersections between Aboriginal peoples, anthropologists, museum collections and published literature, and the network of relations between, are also shown to have interesting synergies that play themselves out in the production of art and culture. 6. Black on White: Or varying shades of grey? Indigenous Australian photo-media artists and the ?making of? Aboriginality Marianne Riphagen (Radboud University, The Netherlands) In 2005 the Centre for Contemporary Photography in Melbourne presented the Indigenous photo-media exhibition Black on White. Promising to explore Indigenous perspectives on non-Aboriginality, its catalogue set forth two questions: how do Aboriginal artists see the people and culture that surrounds them? Do they see non-Aboriginal Australians as other? However, art works produced for this exhibition rejected curatorial constructions of Black and White, instead presenting viewers with more complex and ambivalent notions of Aboriginality and non-Aboriginality. This paper revisits the Black on White exhibition as an intercultural event and argues that Indigenous art practitioners, because of their participation in a process to signify what it means to be Aboriginal, have developed new forms of Aboriginality. 7. Culture production Rembarrnga way: Innovation and tradition in Lena Yarinkura?s and Bob Burruwal?s metal sculptures Christiane Keller (University of Westerna Australia) Contemporary Indigenous artists are challenged to produce art for sale and at the same time to protect their cultural heritage. Here I investigate how Rembarrnga sculptors extend already established sculptural practices and the role innovation plays within these developments, and I analyse how Rembarrnga artists imprint their cultural and social values on sculptures made in an essentially Western medium, that of metal-casting. The metal sculptures made by Lena Yarinkura and her husband Bob Burruwal, two prolific Rembarrnga artists from north-central Arnhem Land, can be seen as an extension of their earlier sculptural work. In the development of metal sculptures, the artists shifted their artistic practice in two ways: they transformed sculptural forms from an earlier ceremonial context and from earlier functional fibre objects. Using Fred Myers?s concept of culture production, I investigate Rembarrnga ways of culture-making. 8. 'How did we do anything without it?': Indigenous art and craft micro-enterprise use and perception of new media technology.maps, colour photographs, b&w photographswest kimberley, rock art, kuninjku, photo media, lena yarinkura, bob burruwal, new media technology -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Tatura Museum, 1988
Photograph of window in Museum that looks like a stained glass window.Colour photograph of colour transfer window in Tatura Museum. 1988on back: Museum windowtatura museum -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Booklet - Memorial Booklet, St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne, Saint Paul's Cathedral Melbourne thanksgiving for the life of Nicholas Garlick, December 2009
Several items were given by a seafarer, Mr Nicholas Garlick (1926-2009) into the care of Father Brady who retired from St Pauls Cathedral, Melbourne in 2018. Father Brady later donated the collection of objects (souvenir ashtrays), documents and an extensive collection of ship menus (1937-end of 20thC) to the Mission via the intermediary William Hastie, volunteer at the Mission for Seafarers. Nicholas Garlick was a ship engineer.A white 12-page memorial booklet produced for the thanksgiving service held for Nicholas Garlick at St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne on Thursday 17th December 2009. The front cover has a small sketch of St Paul's Cathedral and features a black and white photograph of Nicholas Garlick with a colour photo him on the second last and back pages. Inside pages contain the names of the officiating clergy, organist and order of service.nicholas garlick, st paul's cathedral, melbourne, nick garlick, ship engineer, seamen, sailors, seafarers, father brady, william hastie -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board / Curriculum of Training for Bus Drivers", 1955
Fifty Six page book bound within heavy green Rexene covers, single section, titled "Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board / Curriculum of Training for Bus Drivers" and dated 1955. Provides the training program for Melbourne bus drivers, including application and approval process, driving tests, follow ups, records, training procedures and syllabus of training.Has "19" in red ink on inside title pagetrams, tramways, mmtb, personnel, procedures, instructions, buses -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet - Meeting Minutes, Minutes of the First Adelaide Conference Australian Primary Producers' Union held in A.N.A. Hall, Adelaide on Tuesday and Wednesday, 17th and 18th September, 1946, 1946
... Minutes of the First Adelaide Conference Australian Primary...Australian Primary Producers' Union ( South Australian ...This document contains the minutes of the 1946 Australian Primary Producers Union first conference .This is a booklet of 47 pages. It has a grey cover with green linen binding and metal staples with black printing on the front cover. It has a postal stamp on the back. The pages contain black typed printingnon-fictionThis document contains the minutes of the 1946 Australian Primary Producers Union first conference .australian farmers' union, 1946 australian primary producers union, warrnambool. -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force: Firewire Elements And Accessories (Graviner)
... Royal Australian Air Force: Firewire Elements And...Royal Australian Air Force ...A yellow plastic cover with a window in the front. At the top right hand corner reads AAP 7484.013-3M which is written in black texta, Near the top of the cover there is the Royal Australian Air Force Insignia with Royal Australian Air force and Engineering Publication. Through the window is the title of the Manual. Inside a plastic sleeve on yellow cardboard are the full details of the manual. The manual is held together with a large metal slide.royal australian airforce - manuals, firewire elements, engineering -
Federation University Historical Collection
Image, John Helder Wedge, Melbourne in 1838, 1938
The following information is from, accessed 30 August 2016 Melbourne was founded on 30 August 1835 by settlers who sailed from Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania) aboard the schooner Enterprize. They landed on the north bank of the Yarra River and established the first permanent settlement, close to where the Immigration Museum at the Old Customs House — on the corner of William and Flinders Streets — stands and the place today known as Enterprize Park. Melbourne Day Committee was established to help correct the record about the founding of Melbourne and celebrate its anniversaries. The settlers came from Launceston in search of sheep-grazing land. Land had become expensive and there had long been stories told by whalers and sealers working in Bass Strait of fertile land to the north. This was the southern part of the colony of New South Wales, which the Colonial Government did not want settled at that time. After the Henty family crossed Bass Strait and settled at Portland in 1834 others quickly followed. The north bank was chosen because a small waterfall, or rapids, stopped further progress up the river. The waterfall also separated the tidal movement, providing a vital supply of fresh water. The site had previously been noted by the colony of New South Wales' surveyor, Charles Grimes, in 1803. The north bank also offered more stable, suitable ground. The people of the Kulin nation are the traditional owners of the land that became Melbourne — including the Boonwurrung, Woiwurrung, Taungurung and Djadjawurrung people, who gathered in this place for ceremonies and cultural activities. The topsail schooner Enterprize you see today is a full-size replica of the one that brought the settlers and has become a symbol of Melbourne Day. Her keel was laid at Polly Woodside Maritime Museum in 1991, and the $2.5 million, 27m vessel was launched by Felicity Kennett on 30 August, 1997, at Hobsons Bay. The original ship was bought by John Pascoe Fawkner in April 1835 specifically to search for a suitable place for a settlement in the Port Phillip District. After helping establish Melbourne, the original Enterprize continued operating as a coastal trading vessel for a number of years. She eventually disappeared off the shipping register in 1847, having been wrecked on a sand bar in the Richmond River in northern NSW, with the loss of two lives. The replica is managed by the Enterprize Ship Trust, a not-for-profit organisation. The first settlers were those on board the Enterprize — her crew and passengers. They were John Lancey , master mariner and Fawkner’s representative; Enterprize's captain, Peter Hunter; George Evans, plasterer/builder; carpenters William Jackson and Robert Hay Marr; Evan Evans, George Evans’ servant; and Fawkner’s servants ploughman Charles Wise, general servant Thomas Morgan, blacksmith James Gilbert and his pregnant wife, Mary. And Mary's cat! Enterprize set sail on her historic voyage from Launceston on July 21, 1835, stopping at George Town in northern Tasmania where creditors detained Fawkner. He was therefore not part of the first trip to Melbourne. Enterprize then left on August 1 under the command of captain Hunter. The expedition was led by Lancey, Fawkner's delegate. The party first considered Western Port and the eastern side of Port Phillip for a place to settle, before deciding on the Yarra’s north bank — known today as Enterprize Park. On Sunday, August 30, they disembarked and began to erect shelter, build a store and clear land to grow food, thus starting the permanent European settlement of Melbourne.Image of the fledgling town of Melbourne on the banks of the Yarra River. melbourne, yarra river, john helder wedge -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Melbourne University Press, Governing the Metropolis: politics, technology and social change in a Victorian city - Melbourne, 1850-1891, 1984
Carlton, Vic. : Melbourne University Press, 1984 xvii, 362 p., [14] p. of plates : ill., facsims., maps, ports. ; 24 cm. non-fictionmelbourne metropolitan area (vic) -- politics and government -- 1851-1891., urbanization -- victoria -- melbourne. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Drawing, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), MMTB Head Office at 616 Little Collins St Melbourne, 1964
Plans of Basement, Ground Floor, First Floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Fourth Floor, Fifth Floor and Roof. Gives the layout of each floor, room name and the use of each room, along with the assigned user. See item 7384 for a photo of the building.Yields information on the 1964 use and layout of the MMTB Head Office building.Set of 8 drawings or prints, secured by two Arnos fasteners at the top of the layout of the MMTB Head Office at 616 Little Collins St Melbourne.Each printed dated "18.3.64" in each bottom right hand corner in red ink.trams, tramways, mmtb, head office, plans, administration -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, Australian Army: Report On Written Examinations For Promotion to Captain and Major, Entrance To Staff College, 1977 And Briefing Materials For Written Examinations For Promotion To Captaon And Major, Entrance To Staff College 1978, 1977
... Australian Army: Report On Written Examinations For...Australian Army ...A yellowish coloured cardboard cover with black information on the cover. Under the Australian Army Insignia are the details of the boollet. At the top of the booklet writeen in ink is the name Maj A.W. Sween major aw sweeney, promotion to captain and major, written examinations, briefing materials, royal australian army medical corps, staff college, australian army -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Military Forces, Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965 (Copy 1), 1965
... Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965...Australian Military Forces ...A brown coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Coat of Arms are the details of the booklet. The booklet is bound with a black material on the left hand side of the booklet.australian military forces, patrolling and tracking -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Military Forces, Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965 (Copy 4), 1965
... Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965...Australian Military Forces ...A blu coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Coat of Arms are the details of the booklet. The booklet is bound with a black material on the left hand side of the booklet.australian military forces, patrolling and tracking -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Military Forces, Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965 (Copy 3), 1965
... Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965...Australian Military Forces ...A blu coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Coat of Arms are the details of the booklet. The booklet is bound with a black material on the left hand side of the booklet.australian military forces, patrolling and tracking -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Military Forces, Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965 (Copy 2), 1965
... Australian Military Forces: Patrolling And Tracking 1965...Australian Military Forces ...A blu coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Coat of Arms are the details of the booklet. The booklet is bound with a black material on the left hand side of the booklet.australian military forces, patrolling and tracking -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Booklet, Australian Army, Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin Number 20
... Australian Army: Training Information Bulletin Number 20...Australian Army ...A blue coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Under the Australian Army Insignai is the description of the booklet. There are two punch holes down the left hand side of the booklet.australian army, training, information bulletin, map folding -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Kodak, Tatura Museum, 1988
Photograph of Museum after restoration. Painted and iron work painted and replaced.Colour photograph of Tatura Museum after restoration. Exterior. 1988on back: Tatura Museum tatura museum -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Book, Australian Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs, Immigration in Focus 1948 - 75, 1986
... Australian Government Publishing Service...Australian Department of Immigration and Ethnic Affairs...Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia ...Ímmigration in Focus 1948 - 1975: a photographic archive''soft cover, 161ppH - M Z /immigration -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Manual, Royal Australian Air Force, Royal Australian Air Force: Oxygen Valves (English)
... Royal Australian Air Force: Oxygen Valves (English)...Royal Australian Air Force ...A yellow coloured cardboard cover with black information on the front. Top right hand corner reads Australian Air Publication 7551.054-2. Above the RAAF insignia reads Royal Australian Air Force and beside the insignea there is a stamp which reads R.A.A.F. Library Copy No: 2: Base Squadron Amberly. There are three punch holes and tow metal staples down the left hand side. There are two amendments inside the manual.royal australian airforce - manuals, australian air publication, oxygen valves -
Montmorency/Eltham RSL Sub Branch
Australian Light Horse Figurine 'The Waler's Mate', 2019
... Fyshwick, Australian Capital Territory, Australia ...Although the 'Waler' was specifically bred for the Australian bush it proved a tough, reliable mount in the desert battles in the Middle East during WW1. Over 130,000 were sent overseas and of these 15,000 served with the Light Horse. None would return to Australia.Cold cast bronze figurine of an Australian Light horseman kneeling beside his "Waler" horse. Mounted on a wooden base with an engraved brass nameplate.THE WALER'S MATE AUSTRALIAN LIGHT HORSE -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Photograph - original, Kodak, Tatura Museum, 1988
Photograph of Tatura Museum during preparation of building for painting iron lacework on verandah.Colour photograph of exterior of Tatura Museum during restoration. 1988.on back: Tatura Museumtatura museum