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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 72nd Annual Report 1967 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1968
Articles in annual report include: President's report, objectives, finance report, accounts, hospital homes, community centre, accommodation, future programme, welfare, auxiliaries, life governors, public appeal, the death of Granny Carson aged 104, the successful introduction of a Homemakers Club and Creche at the Blind Community Centre, as well as Braille teachers from the Braille Writing Association, and that financial assistance for a two storey wing to be added to the Brighton Hospital Home.1 volume of text with illustrations and photographsassociation for the blind, sir rohan delacombe, h.m. lightfoot, p. fretton, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 74th Annual Report 1969 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1970
Articles in annual report include: branch committees, President's report, finance report, balance sheet, hospital homes, blind citizens' community centre, welfare, auxiliaries, volunteer service group, life governors, opening of the new hospital wing at Brighton by Premier Sir Henry Bolte, Mrs Laura Clarke celebrating her 103rd birthday, closure of the Hostel at Brighton due to lack of applicants able to care for themselves, continued demand for hospital care, expansion of 20 hospital beds planned for Mirridong and increase of Welfare staff with two appointed in Geelong and Latrobe Valley.16 pages of text and photographsassociation for the blind, dorothy hamilton, h.m. lightfoot, elanora home (brighton), laura clarke, w.h. coakley, k.f. hosken, mrs j.e. howard, mrs h.s. nunn, mrs j. harrington, mrs h. lindhe, mrs i jennings, john wilson, mrs c.v. moore, mrs h.a. shannon, s.o. rogers, r.a. pearson, annual reports, katharine (kitty) rose -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 76th Annual Report 1971 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1972
Articles in annual report include: branch committees, President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auxiliaries, volunteer service groups, in answer to your questions, senior staff, life governors, building of Katharine Rose wing at Bendigo, donation by G.W. Vowell of a 20 acre farm at Mt Eliza, new auxiliaries formed at Brighton, Kooyong, Bendigo and Mt Eliza with Guiding Light Group comprised of solely men, thanks to Flora Douglas for use of her home at Frankston and Audrey Moffat accepting responsibility for volunteer recruitment, and John Watson, a resident of Elanora, turned 100. 1 volume of text, photographs and illustrationsassociation for the blind, john watson, sir rohan delacombe, h.m. lightfoot, mirridong home (bendigo), kelaston home (ballarat), elanora home (brighton), annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 77th Annual Report 1972 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1973
Articles in annual report include: branch committees, President's report, finance report, balance sheet, welfare, hospital homes, day centres, auxiliaries, volunteer service group, senior staff, life governors, formal establishment of the Low Vision Clinic which had been begun with discussions with Professor Gerard Crook in 1970 and supported for a year by the Hecht Trust, John Wilson accompanied Hugh Jeffrey, Australia's delegate on the Executive Committee for the Welfare of the Blind and IFB, businessman John Wicking joined the committee, plans for the future development of the George Vowell Centre are being formulated, Derek Nimmo entertained at multiple Auxiliary functions, the Toorak Auxiliary closed but two new ones at Kyneton and Narcoonah (Hampton), were formed, introduction of training course for volunteer workers and Mrs H.M. Lightfoot, who organised drivers for home visitor Elsie Henderson, has stepped down after fourteen years of service.1 volume of text and photographsassociation for the blind, h.m. lightfoot, john wilson, hugh jeffrey, derek nimmo, iris barnier, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 82nd annual report 1977 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1978
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, Bendigo branch golden jubilee, auxiliaries, volunteer services, blind members, life governors. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, annual reports, rupert hamer, sister l maher, john wicking, e.m. stranks, bob pearson, l. weate, r. hair, edith lain, peg hall, lillian evans, bryan sitlington, loloma roberts, emily hardy -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 83rd Annual report 1978 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1979
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, the Kooyong story 50 years of service to the blind, honorary services, blind members, life governors. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, annual reports, henry bolte, h.m. lightfoot, john wicking, sir john wilson, john wilson, eunice wilson, p. daddo, frankston ladies choir -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 85th annual report 1980 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1981
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, auditor's report, balance sheet, nursing homes, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, honorary services, auxiliary income, blind members, sport and recreation, life governors. There are reports on the Olympics for the Disabled and the opening of the George Vowell Centre.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 86th annual report 1981 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1981
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors' report, nursing home, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, honorary services, sport and recreation, blind members, life governors.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 87th annual report 1982 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1983
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors report, nursing homes, social work, rehabilitation, low vision clinic, volunteers - our most valuable human resource, auxiliary income, sport and recreation, blind members, life governors.1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 88th annual report 1983 Association for the Blind of Victoria, 1984
Articles in annual report include: President's report, finance report, balance sheet, auditors report, nursing homes, day centres, rehabiliation, low vision services, honorary workers, auxiliary income, service highlights, blind members, life governors 1982/83. 1 printed volume with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, New beginnings '95: Association for the Blind annual report 1994/95, 1995
Articles in annual report include: board of directors 1994-95, surging into the next century, president's report, a year of achievement, Tilly Aston, the looming need, preparing for the second century of service, centenary appeal, blind members report, volunteers, services, treasurer's report, supporters, office holders. 31 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision '92 annual report 1991/92 and financial statement, 1993
Articles in annual report include: "President's report: Ship-shape condition" Profiles: 'Crusader for colour contrast', 'You have to take risks', 'My life with Braille', 'A need to feel good', 'You can do anything'. Executive Director's report: A Challenging Year; Blind Members' Council report: We Kept Our Trust, Treasurers' report: A Year of Consolidation , financial statement, donors, office holders, record of service.28 printed pages with illustrationsassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Carols by Candlelight audience, crew and stage
Framed black and white panorama photograph of the crowd and stage at Carols by Candlelight. A choir master conducts a large choir, whilst the audience listen appreciatively and television cameras capture the event from platforms above the audience4 B/W photographs aligned to create panaromacarols by candlelight, marketing -
Vision Australia
Print - Image, Framed prints - MacFarlane
In memory of auxiliary members who had passed away, gifts were sometimes presented to the RVIB for use in the office or sale to raise funds. In this example, two prints from a fox hunting collection were made in memorium of Margaret MacFarlane, who was a foundation member of the Alberta Auxiliary and the Executive Council of Auxiliaries for RVIB.Images of 2 framed prints of "The Fox Hunt" and "The Preparatives"Presented by Alberta Auxiliary in memory of Miss Margaret MacFarlane foundation member of Alberta Auxiliary member of Executive Council of Auxiliaries and esteemed and loyal member of R.V.I.B. Auxiliary movement 16/3/1987. royal victorian institute for the blind, gifts -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, H & L Hecht Trust
Portrait of Hans and Letitia Hecht with a description of the Trust they founded. Between them is a page outlining the work of the Trust they established. The description reads: "H. & L. Hecht Trust. Thanks for Sharing Our Vision. The Association for the Blind thanks the H. & L. Hecht Trust for their generous support of our Western Metropolitan Regional Low Vision Clinic. The trust was established by the late Hans Hecht, an immigrant from Germany who arrived in Australia in 1900. He married Letitia Robinson in 1911. A successful importer and manufacturer, he set up the H. & L. Hecht Trust to give something back to the community for the help he and his wife had received. Hans Hecht died in Melbourne in 1965, aged 84. Letitia died two years later aged 87. Their kindness lives on in the support which their trust has given for the work of the Association for the Blind through their trustees: Mr D W Rogers, Sir Peter Derham, Perpetual Trustees Victoria Limited."2 black and white photographs with central panel of text in grey frame association for the blind, h & l hecht trust -
Vision Australia
Clothing - Object, Kiwi tie
Framed dark blue tie with embroidered pattern of red Kiwi birds and white flaps with 'N' in blue. Description beneath the tie reads: The Nicholas Kiwi Limited company tie was worn by John Wicking AM and Malcolm Daubney and is portrayed in their paintings. The tie symbolises the strong bond and history that existed between them as friends and colleagues at Nicholas Kiwi Limited and as Presidents and Board Members of Vision Australia Foundation. 1 gentleman's neck tie in old gold frame vision australia foundation, john wicking, malcolm daubney -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Object, Lorna Lodge, 2004
This board was constructed to provide information about the history of Lorna Lodge and to display some photographs and a newspaper cutting relating to this. The photographs are (clockwise): Photograph of Lorna Lodge on December 26, 1969 with a man standing outside and three children on the ramp leading to the front door. Photograph of Miss Elizabeth Skene, oldest member, at the 60th anniversary of the Barwon Heads auxiliary. Newspaper cutting: Ocean Grove News. Luncheon to help the blind. Ocean Grove has its fair share of fundraising groups. And the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, Ocean Grove Auxiliary is up there with the most hardworking. Pictured at the auxiliary's recent meeting are president Lorna Walker, secretary Vera Montgomery and treasurer Grace Brown. Talking of fundraising, the auxiliary will hold a casserole luncheon at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club on Monday, June 6 at noon. Tickets are available at the door at $5. Photograph of 60th anniversary in 2002 of RVIB Barwon Heads Mrs Grace Brown President and Yvonne Conners of Geelong West with a cake marking the occasion. Photograph of Bonnie Cameron and Vera Montgomery, RVIB Members holding a picture of the boat shed at Barwon Heads. Photograph of RVIB Life Members Achievement Award, awarded in recognition of support from Barwon Heads Auxiliary. Presented by Governor of Victoria John Landy at Government House on March 26th, 2003. L-R: Lorraine Gleeson, Jill Smith, Bonnie Cameron, Alice Donally, Wyn O'Brian, Una Harding and Dawn White. Photograph of Mrs Lorna Walker. In 1979 a 7.2 sq holiday home on exhibition at the Melbourne Home Show was donated to the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind by Eureka Budget Homes Pty Ltd. The Ocean Grove - Barwon Heads Lions Club transported this home from Melbourne to it's present site in Barwon Heads, where since 1980, it was planned to be made available as a holiday home for the blind and visually impaired clients. Mr Keith Rikards the then president of Ocean Grove - Barwon Heads Lions Club and another member Mr John Van Den Eykel volunteered to carry out all maintenance. In 1942 Mrs Eric Russell formed an auxiliary for the blind in Barwon Heads and amongst these foundation members was Mrs Lorna Walker. Mrs Walker was married to the local butcher who also had trotting stables on their property. Of their two children, Nola and Barry, Nola had developed an eye problem, noted by Mrs Walker's friend Mrs Alberta Tutton, the then Victorian President of RVIB, with whom she met to play tennis with each week. Through this friendship Lorna became a valuable member of the RVIB and enjoyed 48 years with Barwon Heads, 18 of those years as President. Tragically killed in a car accident in 1990, the local auxiliary made the decision to name the holiday home 'Lorna Lodge', in memory of their hardworking member Mrs Lorna Walker. Today December 2004, The Barwon Heads RVIB Ladies give of their time to maintain this home and garden for the benefit of all visually impaired people.Image of board with photographs, text and newspaper cuttinglorna lodge, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Object, Sydney Industrial Blind Institution
This tablet is in grateful appreciation of the generous exceptional assistance afforded the committee - The - Sydney Industrial Blind Institution - by the - Director of the Sun Newspaper in the Industrial "Blind Appeal" whereby a sum of over 18000 pounds was raised to carry on and extend the Institution's work for the amelioration of the blind.Gold coloured metal sheet with black writing mounted on woodsydney industrial blind institution, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Image, Ace Trophies, Queensland Foundation for Blind People opening, 1997
Commemorative plaque for the opening of the Kent Street building in 1997.Wooden board with nameplate attachedThis plaque was unveiled by Her Excellency The Governor of Queensland Leneen Forde, AC to mark the official opening of the new premises for the Queensland Foundation for Blind People Inc Kent St, Annersley on 1st July 1997nameplates, queensland foundation for blind people -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Image, Isaac Dickson nameplate
Commemorative plaque for the longest superintendent at the Queensland Blind, Deaf and Dumb Institution in Dutton Park.Metal board with black writingIsaac Dickson Superintendent 1888-1932queensland blind, deaf and dumb institution, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Mrs James Angus
Commemorative plaque for Mrs James Angus, who was the inaugural Combined Auxiliary President from 1927-1930. Metal boardTo the Memory of Mrs James Angus President of the Combined Auxiliaries 1927-1930 Erected by The Board of Management of the R.V.I.B. and Members of its Auxiliariesroyal victorian institute for the blind, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Helen M Schutt trust plaque
Commemorative plaque for the funding of the Master Tape area by the Helen M. Schutt Trust. As an audio library, master tapes were created so that titles could be duplicated multiple times. Preserving these master tapes required a temperature controlled environment and minimal dust or dirt.Metal plate attached to wooden plaqueThis Master Tape area was funded by the Helen M. Schutt Trust (followed by brailled version of above)nameplates, royal victorian institute for the blind, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Talking Book Library opening 1992, 1992
Commemorative plaque for opening of the Talking Book Library in 1992. The Talking Book Library was officially opened on November 12 1992 by His Excellency the Governor of Victoria the Honourable Richard E. McGarvie (followed by brailled version of above)Metal plate with raised black lettering and brailleThe Talking Book Library was officially opened on November 12 1992 by His Excellency the Governor of Victoria the Honourable Richard E. McGarvie (followed by brailled version of above)braille and talking book library, nameplates, richard mcgarvie -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Object, Val Short plaque
Located in the garden at Kooyong, at the intersection of the path to Talbot Crescent and the path leading to the Club house, this plaque marks the contribution of Val Short, a well liked volunteer who died in 1980. Previously this plaque was laid in the gardens outside Paterson Hall (Rose Garden?)Metal plaque with metal lettering in garden bed.Val Short In Memory of A Wonderful Friend 1980association for the blind, nameplate -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Object, Louise Zalay plaque
Located in the garden at Kooyong, at the intersection of the path to Talbot Crescent and the path leading to the Club house, this plaque marks the contribution of Louise Zalay. Louise worked in the library area and was a familiar figure at Kooyong until her unexpected death in 2015. This plaque was unveiled by CEO Ron Hooten, with Louise's parents and many of her colleagues in attendance, and was accompanied with the planting of a rose bush.Metal plaque with inscription embedded in garden bed.In memory of Louise Zalay A friend and colleague for 20 years 1995-2015vision australia, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Braille Library Presidents board
An honour board listing the current and past presidents of the Braille Library of Victoria, formerly known as the Victorian Association of Braille Writers.Wooden board with gold letteringPresident J.H. Cockayne Past Presidents Thomas Luxton 1895-1900 Sir Malcolm Mc Eachern M.H.R. 1901 Hon. Thomas Luxton M.L.C. 1902-1910 Cr. J.G. Davey, Lord Mayor 1911-1912 Cr. A.J. Weller, JP 1913-1919 W.H. Mac Lennan 1920-1921 F.E. Pettifer, JP 1922-1928 Malcolm M. Brodie 1929-1946 A. Harold Gaze, C.B.E. 1946-1953 A. Lawrence Keep 1954-1963 Dr. R Graeme Orr 1963-1970 F.H. Bathurst 1970-1984 victorian association of braille writers, braille library of victoria -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Association for the Blind Baringa Centre benefactors, sponsors and supporters
To recognise the funds donated to help set up the Baringa Centre in Shepparton, this donor board was displayed in the foyer. It contains names of major donors.Wooden board with vinyl letteringbaringa (shepparton), fundraising -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, The Barbara Rutherford Memorial
An honour board recording winners of the Barbara Rutherford Memorial Braille Reading competition. From 1985, the decision was made to expand the children's Braille book collection in lieu of an award. The Barbara Rutherford Memorial Braille Reading competition was created by James and Margaret Rutherford when their daughter Barbara died in 1974, in recognition of her enjoyment as a transcriber at RBS. They donated $1000 to RBS, for the purpose that it be invested and the interest used as prize money, and that it be administered by the Braille Writers Association.Wooden board with plastic letteringThe Barbara Rutherford Memorial National Braille Reading Competition Winners 1975 Merrilyn White 1977 Joan Ryan 1979 Nola Flommersfeld 1981 Katherine Brookes 1983 Katherine Brookes, Josephine Nicholson From 1985 the Memorial has become a Children's Braille Book Collectionroyal blind society of new south wales, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, The Louise Long Braille Award
An honour board recording winners of the Louise Long Braille Award. From 1985, the decision was made to expand the beginner Braille book collection in lieu of an award.Wooden frame with felt inlay and plastic letteringThe Louise Long Braille Award 1978 John Blackett 1979 Mrs Imelda James 1980 Eduardo Gonzalez 1981 Mrs Heather Spooner 1982 Roy Corey 1983 To Train 1984 Kathie Newhouse This award is now used to build a collection of books for new Braille readersroyal blind society of new south wales, awards -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Royal Blind Society of New South Wales public relations images
Collection of images taken by the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales and used by Ron Black to promote the work of the society. These include a young child finger painting, an adult walking a rope bridge, rowing, a talking book machine (TBM), a narrator in the studio, Rob McQuillan using a TBM, staff sorting mail, transcribing print into Braille and proof reading Braille, Dawn Davis with a refreshable Braille display, and daily home living skills such as cutting up food, using a CCTV to read a newspaper and Michael Simpson using a computer in the office.14 coloured photographs previously stored in albumroyal blind society of nsw, rob mcquillan, dawn davis, michael simpson