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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, c.1955-1987
Combination of three movie films. Movie One (1950s): 00:00 – 13:14 Black and white footage of Diamond Creek firemen practising in Diamond Street in the 1950s for forthcoming demonstrations of abilities. Mentions of Gordon Brandy and Joe Hislop Running out hoses from old hose reels along Diamond Street, Diamond Creek Displays from various brigades running out and connecting hoses. Also scenes from the 1950s of Diamond Creek Fire Brigade competing in various locations around Victoria and Tasmania. Mentions of Brigade members Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett, Ron Kirkbride, Jack Marks, Graham Upton who are prominent in these events. Members of Kyneton Fire Brigade also present. Members competing in running out hose reels, connecting hoses togethers and to hydrants then climbing towers to direct water from hose or at a target hanging above the road. Diamond Creek members identified wearing a diamond on their chest and back. Includes scenes of Scottish pipe bands at the events and significant crowds of spectators. Footage of Mel Stone and Beryl Marks, Stan Redpath and Ron Kirkbride, then Ron Kirkbride and Eric Holt viewing flower displays. Film changes to colour at Diamond Creek oval for practice with fire engine entering oval. Members depicted include Bill May, Jack Sinclair, Jim Cox, Bob Beale, Dave Kidd, Bruce Hackett and Captain Clarrie Stone. Reverts to black and white in the 1950s where the Brigade joins forces with the Diamond Valley Community Hospital for a Gala Day on the Diamond Creek Oval. Changes to colour again, possibly same event and scenes of children on bikes and scooters or with prams and carts racing around the oval. Mention of young lad Brian Laurie who has his own fire truck. Dart throwing, pony rides. Scenes with Dr Don Cordner, Gus Lyons, Vic Cohn (?) and spinning wheel and Diamond Creek School children entertain a large crowd with Maypole dancing. Movie Two (1950s): 13:25 – 19:00 This black and white film was taken by a TV film crew in the 1950s depicts a typical call out for the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. In this case the careless action of a member of the public throwing a lighted match from a car, which can cause extensive damage. Footage features the Shire of Eltham War Memorial tower at Kangaroo Ground before it was modified with a fire spotter’s cabin. Discusses fire spotting operations from the tower. Shows a fire spotter walking around the top of the tower. A fire is detected, and the information is relayed to the nearest fire station, in this case, Diamond Creek. The telephone call is received, and the alarm sounded. Captain Clarrie Stone and firemen May and Shaw leave their workplaces and prepare for action. Scenes of running across the Main Hurstbridge road showing the shops (Shell service station and Chemist prominent). Scenes entering the fire station which has a pictorial warning covering the entire door “Only you can prevent forest fires – If you’re careless – we’re homeless!” Eric Holt pinpoints the location of the fire while Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw take note. The advance vehicle (an FE Holden ute, rego GTE-696) leaves to assess the extent of the fire. Having assessed the fire, Fireman Shaw communicates with base showing radio with call sign VL3JZ. Eric Holt takes the call. In the meantime, Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw undertake some limited action to address the fire. Firemen Bill May, Jim Bates and Hugh Bar (?) man the tanker. A photo portrait of Queen Elizabeth is visible hanging on the wall. They are later joined by Firemen Jim Cox, Eric DeBuse (?) and Jack Marks. The tanker is seen departing the station and diverging off before the bridge. Captain Clarrie Stone and Fireman Shaw are seen pumping water on the flames with hand pumps when the tanker arrives. The hose is unreeled, and water turned on the flames. Jack Sinclair joins the action. Jim Cox directs water to the high stuff. The fire put out, Jack Marks and Eric DeBuse wind in the hoses and the team head back to town. It’s peaceful again at the memorial tower. Movie Three (1969-1987): 19:14 – 34:34 Colour film “Fired with Dedication”, Country Fire Authority Victoria, produced by I.L. Wadeson, Commentary by A.M. Hem. Credits with CFA Victoria emblem and then placed over a view of an old-style ladder engine. Opens with the scene of a fire engine outside the Diamond Creek Fire Station then various trophies reflecting the competition success of the brigade in various track and disciplined events. Two trophies shown of particular pride to the brigade were for first place in the Torchlight Procession at the State Championships in Mildura in 1986 and also at Swan Hill in 1981. Still photo scenes of ex Captain Clarrie Stone, Brigade Captain for 21 years; ex Captain Jack Marks, 10 years; ex Captain Ian Douglas, 10 years. Cuts to scene of radio control room, January 1969, and news of a fire on the northern side of the township of Diamond Creek. With scenes of flames in bush, the narration explains that until the early 1960s the area was an orchard district which protected the town against the savagery of bushfires. But due to competition from other areas more suitable for orcharding and easier transport to Melbourne the district could no longer remain competitive, and orchards were replaced by grassed areas, which together with the bush areas were a feeding ground for fire. On 8th January 1969, high temperatures and strong north winds, were, with the carelessness of some individual all that was necessary to produce the worst fire the district had seen. Cuts to scene of blackened fields and cattle - Hundreds of hectares of grass land were blackened, and cattle had to be transported to other areas for agistment. Scene of destroyed buildings in the township – 13 houses and the public hall in the town were destroyed as was the theatre equipment which was owned by the fire brigade. The Church of England Hall and bell tower were badly damaged. The whole town could have been burnt out but for the determination, skill, and courage of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Scenes of all that was left of the home on the hill on the west side of the Church of England. Also, the remains of the old Pisy (?) home on the top of the same hill near Lambert Street, and the ruined Crocker home. Cuts to a scene in the mid-1970s to mid-1980s of a house fire in Haley Street attended by the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade. Although the house was severely damaged, it was saved. Mentions that whilst assistance is appreciated, in some circumstances, those doing so are not properly dressed for fighting fires. Breathing apparatus is a must in structure fire attack. Next scene (either on Mangarook or Coventry oval) showing off four Diamond Creek Fire Brigade efficient and very expensive firefighting units. Features a forward control vehicle Toyota 4WD used for conveying task force personnel to the required areas; a Hino Model 3.2 tanker, diesel powered and carries 3,000 litres of water and has a 16 HP petrol driven pump which delivers 900 litres of water per minute; an International tanker (registration TCM-418) which carries 3,000 litres of water with pumping capacity of 600 litres per minute. The Ford diesel powered pumper (registration MXE-754) is a well-equipped vehicle with a water capacity of 1,000 litres and capable of pumping 1,900 litres of water per minute from the main pump, has many lockers which hose equipment such as breathing apparatus and various types of hose nozzles and foam making equipment. The vehicle carries 360m of 64mm diameter hose which can be laid out from the rear lockers and a portable lighting plant, an Oxy Viva resuscitator to revive smoke inhalation victims and forcible entry tools to gain access to structure fires. Views of the main pump and control panel on the vehicle. As well as the main pump, the vehicle is equipped with an auxiliary pump which allows the facility to pump whilst moving. Fire fighters must undergo constant training and hone their skills, Scenes of a training exercise using the pumper to pump from static water. First, the short lengths of suction hose are coupled, a strainer fitted to ensure debris does not foul the pump. Gauges must be constantly monitored to ensure manageable water pressures are maintained. Pressures are normally controlled to allow two fire fighters to work at each nozzle outlet. Two nozzles are tested, one adjustable jet fog type which is used on flammable gasses or within a structure fire to absorb heat. A straight jet nozzle to project water long distances to protect exposed surfaces close to a fire radiated heat. The pumper is quite a versatile vehicle in handling structure fires, but it also carries specialist equipment needed in containing hazardous chemical incidents. Cuts to scene of parade – the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade has with other neighbouring brigades participated in most town fairs and earns the respect of the watching public. It can be seen why this brigade has been so successful at disciplined contests. Views of Plenty Fire Brigade Road Rescue unit which is equipped with the “Jaws of Life” Scenes of athletic competitions – many neighbouring brigades indulge in friendly but keen competition at the Diamond Creek Town Fair. The young are also encouraged to participate in all aspects of Junior Fire Brigade activities and become tomorrow’s generation of volunteer fire fighters. Scene of the 1986 Diamond Creek Town Fair which was the last time veteran Captain Clarrie Stone BEM marched with the brigade. Clarrie was awarded the British Empire Medal for his service to the Country Fire Authority. Also, scenes of vehicles in the parade. Cuts to scene of brigade members in drill formation for inspection by Acting Chief Harry Rothsay (?) on the occasion of the opening of the new fire station extensions on August 29, 1987. Rudy Libel (?) Captain at the time. Scenes of crowds including many dignitaries of neighbouring brigades present including Lieutenant Gordon Grandy (who came down from Queensland for the occasion) and ex-Secretary David Kidd and wife Betty, also ex Captain Clarrie Stone and Mrs Nel Stone, a life member of the Ladies Auxiliary, the Reverend Jock Ryan, son of J.L Ryan, founder of the Diamond Creek Fire Brigade, Foundation Captain of the fire brigade, Keith Bradbury and Mrs Bradbury. Pauline Dick accepts a community service award for services to the CFA. Recognising over 47 and a half years of service, a presentation is made by Mr Neil Marshall, Acting Chairman of the CFA to ex Captain Clarrie Stone with response by Clarrie. Other members of the official party include Cr. Martin Wright, Shire President Wayne Phillips and local Member of Parliament, Mrs Pauline Toner. Ex foreman John Bennett is presented with a life member’s awards by Captain Rudy Libel. The camera also catches Gwen Cox, Jean Ryan and Bessie Layton (?) Provides historic footage of people, places and equipment and a record of the worst fires expoerienced in Diamond Creek in 1969BASF Standard Quality SQ E-180 VHS dubbing (poor quality) of three films Converted to MP4 file format 0:34:38, 1.85GBOn label: "Donation - August 2000 Diamond Creek Unit Old films made up from Fire Brigade shows at competitions - also Kangaroo Ground Tower being used"video recording, diamond creek fire brigade, 1986 diamond creek town fair, a.m. hem, acting chief harry rothsay, athletic competitions, beryl marks, bessie layton, betty kidd, bill may, bob beale, brian laurie, bruce hackett, captain clarrie stone, chemist, church of england hall, clarrie stone, clarrie stone bem, country fire authority victoria, coventry oval, cr. martin wright, crocker home, dart throwing, dave kidd, david kidd, diamond creek, diamond creek fire station, diamond creek oval, diamond creek school, diamond creek town fair, diamond street, diamond valley community hospital, dr don cordner, eric debuse, eric holt, fe holden ute, fire damage – buildings, fire spotter, fire spotter’s cabin, fire station extension, fired with dedication (film), firefighting units, fireman shaw, firemen jim cox, ford pumper, foundation captain, gala day, gordon brandy, gordon grandy, graham upton, gus lyons, gwen cox, haley street, hino model 3.2 tanker, house fire, i.l. wadeson, ian douglas, international tanker, j.l ryan, jack marks, jack sinclair, january 1969, jaws of life, jean ryan, jim bates and hugh bar, jim cox, joe hislop, john bennett, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground tower, keith bradbury, kyneton fire brigade, lambert street, main hurstbridge road, mangarook oval, maypole dancing, mel stone, mildura 1986, mrs bradbury, mxe754 vic registration, neil marshall, nel stone, orchard district, oxy viva resuscitator, pauline dick, pauline toner mp, pisy home, plenty fire brigade road rescue unit, pony rides, radio control room, reverend jock ryan, ron kirkbride, rudy libel, shell service station, shire of eltham war memorial, shire president wayne phillips, spinning wheel, stan redpath, state championships, swan hill 1981, tcm418 vic registration, torchlight procession, toyota 4wd, trophies, vic cohn, victorian bushfires - 1969, vl3jz -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment Group Photos, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo, 1990
This is a set of 11 photographs of personnel posted to the Army Survey Regiment in 1990. These formal group photos of three of the four Squadrons, Officers, and Warrant Officers/Sergeants were probably taken after CO’s Parades. Although photo .11P is part of this set of negatives, it was taken on another occasion as the SGTs Mess personnel were in summer uniforms. Photos of Lithographic Squadron from this set of negatives are catalogued in item 6441.15P. LTCOL John Winzar was the CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1987 to 1989 and WO1 Neville Stone was the RSM from 1988 to 1990.This is a set of 11 photographs of personnel posted to the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Villa, Bendigo Victoria on the 1st of October 1990. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) to .2) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Senior appointments: L to R: RSM WO1 Neville Stone, CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, 2IC MAJ Duncan Burns, ADJT CAPT Peter Parkes. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Officers Mess: Back row L to R: back row L to R: LT Craig Hersant, LT Greg Tolcher, LT Martin Lyons, LT Steve Hledik, LT Derek Bell, LT Simon Buckpitt. Centre row L to R: CAPT Roger Greenwell, CAPT Dave McLachlan, ADJT CAPT Peter Parkes, unidentified UK exchange officer, CAPT Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard. Front row L to R: CAPT John South, MAJ Bob Coote, MAJ Neil Taylor, CO LTCOL Rene van den Tol, 2IC MAJ Duncan Burns, MAJ Peter Clark, MAJ Ray Redman. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1990. SGTs Mess: Back row L to R: SGT Max Watson, unidentified, SGT Martin Evans, SSGT Graham Johnston, SGT Brian Fauth, SGT Ian Fitzgerald, unidentified, SGT Mick Minchin, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT Peter Imeson, SGT Brian Paul, SSGT John Phillips, SGT Keith Quinton, unidentified (x2), SSGT Noel McNamara, SGT Paul Hopes, SGT Brendan McKinless. 3rd row L to R: SSGT Di Chalmers, SGT Bob Bright, SGT Doug Carswell, WO2 Steve Egan, unidentified, SSGT Garry Drummond, SGT Steve Burke, SSGT Russ Mollenhauer, SGT Paul Cheater, SGT Sandy Craig, SSGT Peter Mustart, SGT Roger Rees, SGT Paul Leskovec CSM, unidentified, SGT John Shephard, SGT Frank Downie, SSGT Bruce Hammond, unidentified. 2nd row L to R: WO2 Jeff Willey, WO2 Barry Lutwyche OAM, WO2 Rob Bogumil, WO2 Rhys De Laine, WO2 Ted Burgess, WO2 Wayne Rothwell, WO2 Steve Hansen, WO2 Keith Fenton RE UK Exchange, SGT Chris Edwards, SGT Russ Mollenhauer, unidentified, SGT Greg Else, unidentified, SSGT Bob Garritty, SSGT Greg Byers, WO2 Pat Lumsden, WO2 George Graham, WO2 Mick Hogan, SGT Sherri (Dally) Burke. Front row L to R: WO1 Trevor Osborne, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, WO1 Bob Rogister, WO1 Allan Hancox, WO1 Bill Jones, 2IC MAJ Duncan Burns, RSM WO1 Neville Stone, WO2 Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Rowan Gillies, WO1 Graham Ragless, WO1 Gary Warnest, WO2 Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Air Survey Squadron: Back row L to R: SPR Mark Linwood, SPR Trevor Roddam, CPL Noel Brinsmead, CPL Mark Lander, SGT Frank Downie, CPL Sandy Craig. 3rd row L to R: SPR Steve Rundle, SPR Cameron Gee OAM, CPL Darren Wilkinson, CPL Dave Longbottom, CPL Max Watson, SPR Shane Torrens, SGT Paul Hopes, SPR Chris Woodman. 2nd row L to R: SGT John Shephard, SPR Paul Boulton, SPR Stuart Bowd, SPR Paula (Golding) Brinsmead, SPR Joanne Otto, CPL Steve Coulson, SPR Steve Linane, CPL Chris ‘Charlie’ Brown. Front row L to R: SSGT Bruce Hammond, WO2 Barry Lutwyche OAM, LT Craig Hersant, WO1 Allan Hancox, MAJ Peter Clark, LT Simon Buckpitt, WO2 Neil ‘Ned’ Kelly, SSGT SSGT Noel McNamara. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Headquarters Squadron: Back row L to R: unidentified (x2), SPR Wolfgang Hofbauer, SGT Chris Edwards, CPL Pat Drury, SSGT John Phillips, unidentified, CPL Graeme Priestley, unidentified (x2), SGT Paul Leskovec CSM, LCPL Richard Arman. 4th row L to R: unidentified, SGT Ian Fitzgerald, unidentified (x2), LCPL Bob Sheppard, unidentified (x2), CPL John ‘Flash’ Anderson, SPR Todd Reynolds, SGT Keith Quinton, CPL Roger Pearson, unidentified, WO1 Bob Rogister. 3rd row L to R: WO2 Wayne Rothwell, SSGT Peter Mustart, SPR Eric Nicholson, unidentified, SGT Paul Cheater, unidentified, SGT Wolfgang Thun, unidentified (x2), CPL Paul Richards, SGT Mick Minchin, unidentified. 2nd row L to R: unidentified, SPR Kasey Northausen, unidentified, CPL Michelle Griffith, unidentified (x3), SPR Tracy Tillman, unidentified (x4), WO2 Steve Hansen. Front row L to R: WO1 Rowan Gillies, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, CAPT Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard, CAPT Roger Hancock, WO1 Ken Slater, MAJ Ray Redman, MAJ John South, unidentified UK exchange officer, WO2 Ted Burgess, WO2 George Graham, unidentified civilian. .7) & .8) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Cartographic Squadron: Back row L to R: Back row L to R: SGT Greg Else, CPL Perry Burt, SSGT Graham Johnston, CPL Mick McConnell, 3rd row L to R: SGT Bob Bright, SGT Doug Carswell, SPR Marcus Seecamp, CPL John Gilbert. 2nd row L to R: SGT Martin Evans, SPR Sandy Winn, SPR Jeanette Drury-Lane, SPR Simone Rodgers, Front row L to R: SPR Guenther Ebenwaldner, WO2 Pat Lumsden, LT Steve Hledik. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Cartographic Squadron: Back row L to R: SGT Greg Else, CPL Perry Burt, SSGT Graham Johnston, CPL Mick McConnell, unidentified, SPR Mark Linwood, SPR Lee Palfrey, SPR John ‘Doc’ Commons, SPR Chris Wynn, SPR Mick Duggan, CPL Peter Johnson, SPR Allan Blake, CPL Damian Killeen, SPR Grant Davis, SPR Simon Reynolds, SPR Peter Smyth. 3rd row L to R: SPR Guenther Ebenwaldner, SGT Bob Bright, SGT Doug Carswell, SPR Marcus Seecamp, CPL John Gilbert, SPR Gordon Santo, SPR Frank Savy, SPR Chris Woodman, SSGT Greg Byers, SPR David Lankshear, SSGT Bob Garritty, CPL Craig Kellet, CPL Darren Maher, CPL Barry Hogan, CPL Dan Cirsky, SPR Bob Bousfield. 2nd row L to R: SGT Martin Evans, CPL John Reid, SPR Sandy Winn, SPR Jeanette Drury-Lane, SPR Simone Rodgers, SPR Cam Bramich, SPR Ailsa (Sorby) Miller, SPR Nadine (Paul) Read, SPR Jodi Seath, SGT Sherri (Dally) Burke, SPR Di (Thomas) Soutar, SPR Dawn Hoadley, CPL Raelene (Munting) Brodie, SPR Jo (Innes) Thun? SPR Damian Nolan. Front row L to R: WO2 Pat Lumsden, LT Steve Hledik, LT Derek Bell, CAPT Dave McLachlan, MAJ Neil Taylor, WO1 Graham Raglass, WO1 Gary Warnest, WO2 Mick Hogan, WO2 Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1990. Cartographic Squadron leadership: Back row L to R: CAPT Dave McLachlan, LT Derek Bell, LT Steve Hledik, WO2 Pat Lumsden, WO2 Mick Hogan, WO2 Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy. WO1 Gary Warnest. Front row L to R: MAJ Neil Taylor, WO1 Graham Raglass. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1990. SGTs Mess: Back row L to R: WO2 Jeff Willey, unidentified, SGT Brian Fauth, unidentified, SGT Sandy Craig, unidentified, SGT Paul Leskovec CSM, SSGT John Phillips, unidentified, SGT Martin Evans, SGT Steve Burke, SGT Brendan McKinless, SGT Chris Edwards. 3rd row L to R: SGT Brian Paul, unidentified, SSGT Bob Garritty, SSGT Greg Byers, SGT Kim Reynolds, SGT John Reid, unidentified, SSGT Rick van der Bom, SGT Dale Hudson, unidentified, SGT John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SGT Keith Quinton, SGT Greg Else. 2nd row L to R: WO2 Rob Bogumil, unidentified, WO2 Adrian ‘Charlie’ Creedy, WO2 George Graham, WO2 Wayne Rothwell, WO2 Pat Lumsden, WO2 Mick Flynn, WO2 Ted Burgess, unidentified, SSGT Dennis Learmonth, SGT Bob Bright, WO2 Steve Hansen, WO2 Rhys De Laine. Front row L to R: unidentified, WO1 Trevor Osborne, WO1 Bill Jones, WO1 Colin Cuskelly, MAJ Ray Redman, RSM WO1 Neville Stone, WO1 Stu Thaxter, WO2 Mick Hogan, WO1 Bob Rogister, WO1 Ken Slater, WO1 Gary Warnest..1P to .11P – no annotationsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Film - Movie Film & Box, Kodak, 1960
Yields information in movie film format of Ballarat trams in 1960, how the system operated and was used by people., Yields information in movie film format of Ballarat trams in 1960, how the system operated and was used by people.Movie film - 8mm, approx. 30mins, with leader strip on a plastic reel, within a black and white plastic box, titled "Ballarat No. 1. 1960". Has been transferred to DVD - see Reg item 4100 as Segment No. 2. Made by Ben Parle. Also transferred to DVD by Rod Cook Oct. 2015, via Roger Greenwood for use in his DVD, "The City of Ballarat Trams, Gardens & Gold" of 2016. See Reg Item 6883. Synopsis: based on time. 0:00 View of typed introduction, noting that this is a pictorial record of Ballarat. 0:10 Title “The Tramways of Ballarat 1960, Part 1” 0:16 13, showing “View Point” at Stones Corner, Bridge St, east end, with trolley pole being turned, while another single trucker heads out towards Mt Pleasant. 0:25 13 leaving Stones Corner, short approach and then longer trailing shot of the tram going towards the City in Bridge St. 0:44 View out of front of tram in Bridge St heading towards the City, with cars in the photo, then passing through city Loop, no trams in the loop and running up to Lydiard St Nth and crossing the road. 1:22 Running up Sturt St from Armstrong St, passes over Dawson St X-over and up to the next intersection, Lyons St. 1:54 Title “The View Point Line” 1:59 19 inbound, in Ripon St, from crossing Mair St, towards camera and then passing away and turning into Sturt St. 2:49 View of a “Warning Oncoming Trams” sign 2:52 19 in Ripon St, going to View Point, crossing Webster St towards camera, then going away through the disconnected Victoria Ave loop, pass the “Warning Oncoming Trams” sign. Note very windy scene with people running across roads. 3:17 19 in Wendouree Parade, in bound, though showing destination View Point, going away from the camera, past the View Point Hotel. 3:39 19 coming towards camera near Excerpt or Devon St and then going away towards the terminus. 4:04 19 at the terminus, stationary, with a single trucker 3?, passing from Macarthur St into Wendouree Parade, behind 19. 4:20 33 coming towards camera in Wendouree Parade from St Aidans Drive, stopping to pick up passenger at Forest St and then going away towards the City, photographed from near the depot, on a wet and windy day. 4:54 35 in Wendouree Parade, coming towards the Camera from St Aidans Drive and then going away with the Gardens Loop area in the background. Tram stops at stop to let a passenger off. 5:28 21 leaving Gardens Loop for the City via the Depot, green light in signal can be seen. 5:43 28?, closely followed by 26 turn from Drummond St South into Sturt St. 6:18 Scene opens with shot of “Sebastopol” destination on a bogie tram. 6:21 Title “The Sebastopol Line” 6:24 21 turning from Sturt St into Drummond St Sth with destination of Bell St and then going away from the camera. 6:55 38 in Drummond St Sth, coming towards the camera and then passing the camera with Sturt St just in the view. 7:10 21, showing Gregory St, in Drummond St Sth, approaching and then going away, entering the Urquhart St Loop, 7:39 34 in Drummond St Sth (location check required (Latrobe?)), approaches camera, picks up passengers and the goes away. 8:09 39 at ? Street, turns from Drummond St Sth into Skipton St, after picking up and setting down passengers, bound for Sebastopol 8:55 35 inbound in Skipton St passes through the Bell Street Loop, and then goes away from the camera. 9:33 42 outbound in Skipton St, approaches the camera, passes and then crosses over the half the road into Albert St. 10:00 39 inbound in Albert St – location? 10:31 34 outbound for Sebastopol, approaches camera and just starts to pass by. 10:36 34 in Grey St crossing loop, crosses 42 inbound. 10:59 39 outbound in Albert St, with shopping centre in bound, approaches camera, passes and then crosses over Albert St. Mid morning scene. 11:39 39 inbound, Albert St south, approaches camera and then passes and the crosses over Albert St. 12:16 41 outbound in Albert St passes the camera, and pulls into the terminus with the conductor getting out on the back bumper to pull the pole down as the tram stops and a passenger walks into the Royal Hotel. 12:39 Title “The Lydiard Street North Line” 12:44 Filmed from the Hotel balcony, 21 inbound in Lydiard St Nth passes over Mair St, stops while 33 passes in the other direction. 13:18 With the red light showing on the Seymour St loop signal, 33 inbound for Sebastopol stops and picks up many passengers, passes the camera and runs past the VRI building in the background and through the loop. Possibly filmed on a Sunday given the ladies dresses and quieter streets. 14:01 30 outbound, passes the camera and stops at Macarthur St. Filmed alongside the brick wall of the cutting. 14:28 30 inbound arrives, passes through the Gregory St loop and then proceeds past the camera, making a stop to pick up passengers. 15:14 28 in Lydiard St Nth – location?, approaches and goes away from the camera, north of Gregory St. 15:34 28 ditto location? 15:53 21 arrives at the terminus with passengers getting on and off. 16:11 View of the a vertical positioned “End of Section” sign on a pole at the terminus and then lifting the camera to see the timetable board and the stop sign. 16:33 31 in Bridge St passing Morseheads and then turning into Sturt St, stops at the Grenville St stop, while another single trucker comes down to the stop from the City. 16:58 31 outbound in Bridge St, with destination of Victoria St. 17:14 Title “The Victoria Street Line” 17:18 31 outbound to Victoria St from Stones Corner. Starts with an overhead shot, shows clock at the Caltex service station,. 17:37 31 inbound approaching Bakery Hill and then descending to the junction after it passes camera. 18:09 25 climbing outbound in Victoria St, passing the camera, to then pass through the King St loop. 18:47 25 inbound in Victoria St, passing the camera, then pass through the King St loop, with St Alypius Church in the background. 19:36 14 approaching the rail bridge in Victoria St and stopping at the 2nd last stop to left of passengers. 20:01 14 leaving the terminus and approaching the camera and the a short sequence going away, to the next stop to pick up quite a few passengers. 20:14 “Trams Stop Here” sign, metal wrap around on a steel pole. 20:16 Title “The Mount Pleasant Line” 20:21 11 inbound in Main St, with a passenger leaping off the tramcar and another getting off just before the junction. 20:45 11 passes the junction and then proceeds away from the camera in Bridge St. 21:04 30 outbound in Main St, then turns into Barkly St, a bus (Eclipse Motors) passes in Main St just before the sequence ends. 21:31 30 inbound near Steinfield St. (exact location?) 21:49 25 approaches the camera, then proceeds away and passes through the Grant St. loop. 22:29 25 inbound, windy day, between Grant and Cobden, (exact location?), with a horse drawn bread van in the view and the breadman walking behind the tram as it passes. 23:02 11 outbound in Barkly St, (exact location?) 23:37 11 inbound in Barkly St (exact location?) 23:44 Mt Pleasant terminus signage 23:50 30 approaches the terminus and then stops with the conductor alighting turning the pole, passengers getting on and off and the driver appearing at the other end. 24:32 Title “The Gardens Via Sturt St. West Line” 24:35 21 outbound in Sturt St near Raglan St, approaches and passes the Camera. 25:09 12, showing City Oval, approaches and passes the camera, outbound near Windermere St. 25:33 13 showing View Point, goes away from the camera – location? 25:44 12 comes from St. West, inbound passes the camera and then stop as the next stop next Talbot St? 26:21 Short sequence of a “Warning Oncoming Trams” sign 26:28 42 inbound in Sturt St West, just before Ripon St, view coming towards camera and then going away to cross Ripon St. 27:10 34 passes through the Parker St loop 27:25 35 or 39 inbound past the college in Sturt St West 28:04 41 outbound at the Russell St curve, passes away from the camera. 28:11 35? inbound passes away from the camera through the Victoria Park or Morrison St loop, swinging out into the roadway. 28:29 View of timetable sign at Hamilton Ave. 28:37 35 turning from Sturt St West into Hamilton Ave, can see the conductor changing over the barrier rails. 29:11 42 inbound, crosses another bogie tram (35?) at Carlton St loop then passes the camera and goes past the Olympic rings monument. 29:42 12 approaches the Carlton St gates. 30:07 12 outbound, crosses a bogie tram in the loop with both trams then leaving the loop. 30:20 Title “End of Part One” Written labels giving title information on outside of box.trams, tramways, ballarat, sebastopol, lydiard st north, victoria st, mt pleasant, sturt st west -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Historical Society Xmas dinner c.2015
The annual Christmas dinner for the Society was held in the Anglican church hall.HistoricalLarge coloured photo of members of the Phillip Island and District Historical Society at St Philip's Church of England Hall, Cowes.Names of those attending are on a seperate media itempidhs, phillip island historical society, cherry mcfee, john jansson, christine grayden, gaye cleeland, meg & alec davis, una lyons, julie box, judy gittus, jan andrews, patsy hunt, maurice schinkel, alice robinson, kevin findlay, marion wood, bruce proctor, graeme clausen, pam rothfield, ray jansson, judy lawrence, beverley forrest, neil robinson, maggie robinson, elaine findlay, peter brookes, cheryl overton, bill overton, john eddy, pat taylor -
Bendigo Military Museum
Magazine - MAGAZINE WW2, J. Lyons & Sons, "The Wrangler", c1944
The Wrangler was a magazine issued during WW2 in Western Australia with proceeds going to W.A. Prisoners of War. The magazine contained stories, jokes, poems etc and were mainly contributed by readers. The readers seem to be mainly from an industry factory most likely in armaments.Small 16 page magazine stapled together on cream coloured paper. On top is a picture of a wreath with two bullet shells making up a "V". Titled "The Wrangler" and has Vol No. date and price. Contents were written in black and were message to readers gossip on workers, social news, poems and general news.Titled "The Wrangler".the wrangler, book, home front, ww2 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Officers in charge of Eltham Police Station (1857-2015), 22 Sep 2018
The first Eltham Police Station was in the small building opposite Dalton Street rented from Mr Jarrold in 1857. In 1859 a dedicated Police Residence was built at 728 Main Road. A small weatherboard Police Station was attached to the side of the residence and a blue stone cell at the rear. Also on site were stables for the police horses. The Eltham Courthouse was built in 1860 and is the oldest public building in the district. In 1959 the Victoria Police purchased a house in Pryor Street to be refurbished as the Eltham Police Station. In 1961 the Police in Eltham move into Pryor Street refurbished buildings and office. During 2001 to 2002, the Eltham Police Station was demolished and a new complex constructed on site. The original 1859 Police residence is now home to the Eltham District Historical Society.albert frederick charles glover, allan fenton, arthur eggleston dungey, bertie stanton, charles briant, charles thomas martin, clyne harold mcphan, ebenezer williamson, eltham police station, gerard joseph o'toole, graham vincent joyce, harold shields, ian william bruce, isaac newton stevens, james boxhall, james chester draper, john scully, john stanley mcgough, john stuart bateman, john thomas cone, myles archibald lyons, peter lawlor, richard roberts, robert harry chrisfield, robert llewellyn, samuel james king, samuel o'donnell, sidney frederick little, thomas maher, victoria police, william charles sargeant, james francis fitzpatrick -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 801 Main Road, Eltham
1. Plan: Henry Dendy's Eltham Land 1857-1867: showing Diamond Creek, Bridge Street, Maria Street now Main Road, John Street, Pitt Street, St Margaret's Church 1861, and Eltham Community Centre 1987. 2. Photocopy extract from "Henry Dendy and his emigrants" by L A Schumer, re Portions 12 and 13, Parish of Nillumbik. 3. The President and Councillors of the Shire of Eltham request the pleasure of ____ at the Official Opening of the Eltham Community Centre, Cnr Main Road and Pitt Street, Eltham by the Honorable R.J. Hamer E.D., M.P., Premier of Victoria on Saturday, 22nd April, 1978 at 3.30pm 4. Souvenir Program, Opening of Eltham Community Centre 22 April 1975. 5. Invitation to attend Official Opening of Eltham Community Centre by R J Hamer, Premier of Victoria, 22 April 1975. 6. Flier for Eltham Reception and Conference Centre, photographs of interiors during events. 7. Newspaper article: Eltham buries present for the future, Diamond Valley News 19 November 1985 Eltham, photograph of burying time capsule outside Eltham Community Centre, photograph of Bill Baker and Sid Brown outside old blacksmith shop the original site of Eltham town centre. 8. Letter Peter Butler Shire of Eltham to Eltham District Historical Society, 6 July 1987, detailing process for naming of the halls at the Eltham Community Centre.6 July 1987. 9. Plan of Main Road Eltham - it depicts buildings and occupiers from Pitt Street to Luck Street in the first half of the 20th century. This plan was compiled as a joint efforts by members of the Shire of Eltham Historical Society at a general meeting in Eltham during the 1980s. Newspaper article: Swimming pool and community centre receive major revamps, Diamond Valley Leader, 21 October 2015.main road, eltham, eltham community centre, henry dendy, eltham reception and conference centre, bill baker, sidney brown blacksmith, tme capsule, arthur street, babe taylor house, bakery, boarding house, bradley house, bridge street, brown blacksmith, burgoyne's shop, cockcrofts store, commercial bank of australasia, david lyon house, davis, dr cordner, dr hall, dudley street, eltham hotel, eltham obelisk, eltham war memorial, garnet burges, graham, hawker, henry street, john lyon, len perron, luck street, lyons garage, map, mechanics insitute, monteith house, mrs morris shop, our lady help of christian’s primary school, panther place, pitt street, prior street, shillinglaw cottage, shops, stones mixed shop, websters house, wesleyan methodist church, york street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Survey Plan, Country Roads Board, SP 6800, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road; Bridge St to Henry St, 1958
1958 C.R.B. Plan of Survey of Part of Crown Portions 12 and 13 Section 4 Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn Eltham-Yarra Glen Road., Shire of Eltham Shows Surveyor field notes, property ownership and building type and construction.1958, a.m. gahan, a.s & s.j. davis, annie ellen davies, bridge street, country roads board, d.a. lyon, dave lyon, eltham, flora towell, g.e. gallagher, henry street, j. lyon, k. greene, main road, p.a. gahan, survey plan, w.l. chynoweth pty ltd, york street, neil webster collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Survey Plan, Country Roads Board, SP 6313, Eltham-Yarra Glen Road; Luck St to Henry St, 1956
1956 C.R.B. Plan of Survey of Part of Crown Portion 13 Section 4 Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn Eltham-Yarra Glen Road, Shire of Eltham Shows Surveyor field notes, property ownership and building type and construction.eltham-yarra glen road, country roads board, eltham, main road, survey plan, 1956, a.l. lyon, a.w. brinkkotter, arthur street, c.r. burkett, dudley street, e.n. staff, eltham war memorial trust, henry street, luck street, pryor street, the board of land & works, the equity trustees executors and agency coy ltd, the roman catholic trusts corporation, victorian railways commision, neil webster collection -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham, Main Road; Mt Pleasant Rd to Railway Rd, Dec. 1945
Centred on Main Rd and Henry St, Eltham bounded by Railway Road to north, Mount Pleasant Road at Main Road to south, top of the hill in Arthur Street to east and Karingal Drive at Sherbourne Road to west. Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :65 Project : MELBOURNE AND METROPOLITAN PROJECT NO. 2 Run : 8 Frame : 70 Date : 01/1951 Film Type : B/W Camera : EAG9 Flying Height : 12200 Scale : 12000 Film Number : 1419 GDA2020 : 37°43'06"S, 145°08'45"E MGA2020 : 336589, 5823811 (55) Melways : 21 J6 (ed. 42)aerial photo, eltham, main road, henry street, arthur street, bolton street, eltham-yarra glen road, neil webster collection, 1951-01, dave lyon house, ernie andrew house, karingal road, melway 21j6, mount pleasant road, railway road -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - St Pauls Anglican Church, 530 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North
Ring out Wild Bells!', an all-encompassing history of St Pauls Anglican Church from 1904 – 2004 by Southern cross The book takes in all aspects of the church’s ministry, from acquiring the first building, church festivals, Dramatic Club, Social dances, Annual fetes, tennis club, St Pauls Preparatory School; Darish Heros, the 16 memorial stained glass windows, St Pauls dance group, Home group, the healing team, St Pauls Juvenile Orchestra and womens guilds. Correspondence to Claire Barton, dated 29/04/2010 from Cynthia Nyholm, with enclosed book – Ring out Wild Bells the centenary book for St Pauls Anglican Church; Caulfield North paul’s anglican church, lynch frank rev., nyholm cynthia, falkingham john canon, north caulfield, ivens george walter dr., kircher godfre rev., saunders harriet eleanor (nelly), wilson albert rev., thewlis brian rev., saunder elizabeth (topsy), meredith charles rev., rutherford. graeme rev., arnold leonard rev, drought john rev., hannaford. john rev., rich roger rev., grully/moore alison, charles oliver, bell towers, clarke henry lowther, roberts frank, ngaruk william, boon wurrung, aboriginal peoples, the black chapel, hawthorn road, balaclava road, glen eira road, taylor rev., seddon rev., edith street, park street, st. mary's parish, shelley edgar, ellerslie, roe thomas, salisbury street, st. elmo's community, mccartney hugh, herring nigel, robinson john, mollinson a.j., derby parade, vance george, statham rev., priest rev., cox rev., queen's hall caulfield, jolly edith, evans jan, societal event and activities, clubs and associations, sporting clubs, cohen leslie, cohen doris, 'anselm', manses, wilson albert mrs, wainwright emily, ivens eleanor, roberts frank, falkenstein lynaire, dove bill, lawn david, edwards peter, jenkins barry, backhouse gerald, triller henrietta, monahan marjorie, wainright bill, 'yanga', alma road, dandenong road, fitzwater mr, lovell house girls school, st paul's preparatory school, independent schools, kindergartens, hoggart mrs, jackson miss, davidson bob, hutchens bernard, meredith benjamin, mannett david, hutchins harry, vicars, foote sheila, scholes lillian, mee elroy, driver marjorie, manton betty, bottomley hilda, west joan, finn grace, dell hazel, guild of the holy spirit, carrigan john rev., allen douglas, thompson norman, hardy don, moroney john, scott-simmons harry, morphet george, houghton robert, drought tom, stringer alf, miller eddie, michie bill, roberts david, hardy bill, cohen vernon, cohen leon, thewlis jeremy, tanner simon, lambert luke, wainwright bill, wilson albert, meredith charles, williams louis r., architects, dawson and smith, builders, monuments and memorials, st. paul apostle and martyr, red hill, ackland a.l., drought peter, kircher virginia, martinu ignaz, metal working, crafts and craft equipment, mathieson w., stained glass, morgan kerr w., cohen ursula, french anne maree, stephens evelyn, roberts janet, tanner john, oliphant alison, oliphant david, drought alison, widdowson charles rev., rich regina, fettel rex, amson evan, amson angela, stonehouse elwyn, thewlis elsbeth, cranswick jim, byrne meredith, jackson jill, jackson family, fitzgerald anne, molineux john, pilkington merridee, wood noel, major paula, major tracy, kaines fiona, west ed, nelson jenny, booth anne, pental road, carnarvon road, daynes alysa, tanner john, tanner winkie, jackson les, thornton graham, thornton gwyn, drought gladys, mcgillivery joan, glennen jim canon, wood maureen, wood david boyle, wood felicity, corrie ian, corrie lesley, sharrock heidi, sharrock lynette, sharrock david, rutherford david, samuel anto (hilda), hannaford john, palliar bob, golden hope healing sanctuary, hostels, moore alison, johnson wendy, stringer barbara, carson penny, edwards joan, glen eira intercessary group, smith beverly, daynes aylsa, lyon tryphena, fitzgerald anne, de bibra (peggy) margaret, de bibra florence, singleton george, darke guy, thompson norman, hutchinson jay, lawry margaret, woddy julie, mcgrath lesley, amson angela, prashanthi samuel, mclean rob, st. elmo's fire alpha in victoria, kainey john, kainey dick rev., amson evan, hannaford janine, hannaford john rev., playgrounds, shinkfield thelma, west joan, staham clive, batey mandy, walker david rev., stokes tom rev., batey david, freeman lesley, social services, pittaway geoff, jones greg, turf club hotel, the angel, conway carolyn, razmaran (raz) rameen, moore peter, thewlis sharon, walker stephen, turuwhenva jo maka maka, redman dylan, jolly david, toombs nicole, hannaford/akins christy, akins ben, edwards rozanne, masson andrew, batey kyle, batey ailsa, kovars aranka, graffiti, mcallister alison, buchanen noel, cocks damien, holland m.w., artists, akins robert, barberis irene, reynolds chris, wolstencroft ivor, gully/moore alison, moore peter, engineers, kovacs joseph, architects, vicars-foote bequest dorothy, hallock shanta, newman philip, molineux john, stained glass, molineux kim, moorhouse philip, o'farrell gavan, smith beverley rev., peppercorn miss, corrigan mrs, choirs, thomas ronald, geo fincham and sons, wicks mr, mcgillivery alf, organs, mcgillivery ian, touzeau mme, triller lily, lawrence jean, falkingham john, bonsal/boone peter, tweeddale alistair, worsnop paul, stonehouse pam, rutherford graeme, rutherford caroline, braun doug, naughton celia, correll madge, edwards joan, paranavitana darshini, gebert barb, wood felicity, cowell alison, mannaford lawson, ellankoon robby, knight sheila, thornton graeme, kyle estelle, davies john, roberts frank, welch ian, de saint-ferjeux, francis peggy, gill heather, lambert dale, newing joyce, young rosemary, mcallister (pownell/washington), roeland linda, mcdonald brendan, lewis irene, lewis graham, fitzgerald anne, hoffman tim, kaines fiona, marriott dianne, stryk angela, leaf narelle, choo lucy, fitzgerald narelle, nunis mark, waterman roma, beggs joshua, cramer deb, beggs camilla, gebert kelvin, oakes joanne, sargeant john, schulz wendy, smith lerisse, austin adrian, mitchell stephanie, oakes jessica, cropley stan, banks caroline, banks peter, chen caroline, west rob, chen family, mcgough virginia (now mcdonald_, fin tania, stonehouse elwyn, ryan luisa, knight sheila, savage ian rev., kircher jillian, kircher pamela, kircher margaret, bernaldo darryl, rich cassandra, rich leighton, james scott, correll madge (nee gamble), correll tony, o'brien maureen, rodwell kevin, de vries isabella, de vries andre, de vries darren, cummins mr, roberts mr, de vries ngaio (nee morre), wainright emily, wainright william, massauelli lionel, roberts frank, foster muriel, thomas janet, laycock gordon, shiel john, langmuir keith, langford alan, burns jack, manson ian, manton john, mclean robert, lund milton, carr sylvia, ross margie, naughton michael, edwards joan, chappele ethel, chappele marion, pollard mrs, moorhouse michelle, shipp joyce, hayman jean, bright-parker kath, stringer thelma, armstrong wendy, martin neil, stonehouse janet, eddy elsie, gras elsie, macartney kitty, ormond special school (katandra), herring nigel, roe sisters, watson w.g., nicholls w., beith harley, cullen phyllis, burns leline, hayman eric, boyd-jones ennys, roberts frank, ellankoon chrissie, blommestein michael, ahn sil -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Letter - Trinity Congregational Church, Glen Huntly
Roneod letter from the National Trust, Victoria, to the Congregational Union of Victoria. The correspondence gives notification that the church has been placed in the classified List and should be preserved. Dated 20/03/1973. Correspondence from Department of Planning Victoria, advising the Caulfield Historical Society, that the H. B. Council has chosen not to recommend the building for addition to the Historic Buildings Register Dated 08/10/1982. Extracted From Caulfield Conservation Study By Andrew Ward Dated January 1995 Describing Trinity Congregational Church. Includes Brief History Of The Church And Description Of Architectural Features.trinity congregational church., moran b., preston joane, grange road, caulfield., historic buildings council, glen huntly, hart trevor, grey karen, timber houses, filbert street, old calendar greek, primitive methodists, caulfield south, orthodox church, el nido grove, lyons street, porches, market gardens., gothic style, congregationalists, ward andrew, architectural features, architectural styles -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Carnegie Primary School No. 2897
A 64 page recipe booklet issued by the Mothers Club of Carnegie State School. date unknown. It includes parents names and local business in the area.truganini road., sturgess mrs, warren mrs., milkbars, carnegie primary school, irwin r, wood d, yates mrs., carnegie state school, winwood m h, wood s, weeks. r, carnegie, coley j, sterey j, muir mrs., state savings bank., rankin n, morrisons milk bar., needham n, piper p., don l, dispensing chemist, chemists, sentrys foodland grocers, grocers, koornang road., davis b, watson mary, jackson v., logan mrs., recipes, mothers’ club, wright mrs, e. a. urguhart, newsgency and stationery, newsagents, carnegie travel agency, marshall e, youngman’s furniture., furniture stores, hulme m., bernie mack pty ltd, general stores, miladys – dressmaking and alteration service, horgan rita., mcdonnell b, mary’s – continental beauty, salon, hairdressers, williams g., carnegie silkstore, fabrics, selboskar phyl, f & l jameson, milk bars, delicatessen’s., saint v. jowett, florists, lyon b, moorfield t., upholsterers, strathearn p., dickson joyce, m & i hardwarp, hardware stores, hulme sloan & co. pty ltd., real estate agents, hawthorn road, caulfield., whelan mrs., figure foundations, clothing industry, glen huntly road, elsternwick, painter s., thomas j., dickson mrs, courtney electrics, electric repair shops, gardiner m., anrep mrs., koornang dry cleaners, dry cleaners, play box toys, toy shops, frankwood removals, removalists -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Orford family
The Orford family, a pioneer family remained continuously living and working in Eltham for 170 years from 1854 to 2024. James and Sarah Orford arrived in Sydney in 1839 aboard the ship “Orestes”; they had several children there before settling in Eltham in 1854. Three children, James Mathias, Sarah Amelia and Thomas Henry initially remained in the Eltham area. James eventually moved to Brunswick. Sarah married Arthur Butler Young and finally lived in Bunyip. Thomas who was six years old when the family arrived in 1854 remained in Eltham, married Helen Logan who died, leaving a large family. They lived in a slab hut by the Yarra at Laughing Waters and Thomas managed the Panton Park Estate, a selection owned by Magistrate Thomas Panton. Thomas’s son, Ernest Orford was born 1892 at Pitt Street, Eltham and also lived his entire life in Eltham working as a labourer, orchardist and later as a gardener and grounds keeper for Sir William Irvine, a former Chief Justice and Premier of Victoria. Ernest married Kate Thomas; their two sons Ron and Doug stayed in the area. Another of Thomas' sons, Arthur, also lived in Eltham. Four Orford generations attended Eltham schools. Doug Orford was born on the kitchen table (reference, son Ted Orford) of the family home at the corner of Reynolds Road and Mount Pleasant Road. Doug married Gwen and they established a family however Gwen died at a young age from cancer. Doug eventually remarried another Gwen and they lived for several decades in Napoleon Street, Eltham. Doug was actively involved in EDHS over many years, including serving as a committee member and vice president. Contributions by Doug and Gwen, his wife, assisted EDHS to continue to develop as a not-for-profit group intent on promoting and preserving our local history. Both Doug and Gwen were made Life Members of EDHS. His significant work with assisting to establish our valued Local History Centre helped develop our home base and supported the continued growth of our society. Doug’s local knowledge, suggestions and family connections were highly valued, Until recent times, he continued to regularly attend our Collections Team workshops providing his insights and historical information about photographs and society records. Doug died peacefully July 8, 2024, and represents the last link in the Orford Eltham chain which spanned 170 years. His funeral was held Thursday, July 18, 2024, at Le Pine Funerals, 848 Main Road, Eltham. Contents: Typed notes, no date: Memories of Ernest Orford [taped 1979] about his school days. Handwritten notes, no date: History of Ernie Orford Typed notes, no date: History of Thomas Henry Orford and family. Photocopy: Shire of Eltham General Rate Receipts. Received from D Orford 7 June 1923 and Received from E F Orford, 4 August 1924. Letter, no date: Nillumbik Shire to Russell Yeoman, Gwen Orford to receive Volunteer Recognition Award. Newsletter article: "The Orford Family, Eltham", Shire of Eltham Historical Society, No.80 September 1991. History of Orford family. Handwritten notes: 21 March 2011, genealogy of George Orford. On reverse Melways map makred with Orford and other land ownerships. Newspaper advertisement, 21 March 2011: "264 Reynolds Road, South Eltham", property for sale [land in ownership of Orford family]. Letter: St Margaret's Anglican Church Eltham to Doug Orford, 17 November 2011, Extracts from church records relative to Orford family. Newspaper article: "Timely facelift at war memorials', Diamond Valley Leader, 30 April 2024, Nillumbik war memorial will have some work and a bronze plaque will be installed at the Eltham Avenue of Honour, Wingrove Park; photograph of Doug Orford Newsletter item: "Welcome home medal", Eltham District Historical Society newsletter no.216 May 2014, World War I two 'Welcome Home Medals' in ownership of local men, being Harry Gilham and Doug Orford. Order of Service, Le Pine Funerals (Eltham), In Loving Memory of Douglas Frederick Orford 22nd August 1929 - 8th July 2024Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcdoug orford, harry gilham, welcome home medal, eltham avenue of honour, nillumbik war memorial, wingrove park, henry dendy, alfred armstrong, james orford, 264 reynolds road south eltham, george orford, george joseph orford, maryanne george joseph, thomas henry orford, ernest orford, e f orford, eltham cemetery, helen orford, joseph panton, panton park, gordon lyon, banyule estate heidelberg, james matthias orford, wurundjeri, constable peter lawlor, george hill, franklin street eltham, ronald orford, eltham primary school, john brown, robert gamble school inspector, sarah orford, mary ann orford, james mathias orford, sarah amelia orford, james peet, arthur butler young, watsons creek victoria, kangaroo ground victoria, helen logan, william orford, jane orford, arthur orford, frederick orford, florrie orford, victor orford, chem orford, sunnymede eltham, panton hill estate, sir william irvine, gordon lyons, kate thomas, north eltham gospel church, harold clapp, eltham cricket club, research primary school, dalton street school eltham, keith banks, betty banks, benjamine boyd, laughing waters road eltham, freddie gilsinen, douglas frederick orford, eltham district historical society, funeral service, le pine funeral home, life member, order of service -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Clarke, Rita May
Four items in this file. Email from Yarra Ranges Council re Rita Clarke, informing that they hold her scrapbook in their collection. Computer printout with details of Rita Clarke’s Order of Australia Medal, 1998. Computer printout, two pages from The Border Mail News outlining Rita’s biography and development of her career. Includes colour photo taken in her later years. Computer printout, three pages of Rita’s career, particularly her later work with local theatre and charity performances.clarke rita may, melba nellie dame, murray david, clarke harry, miley millicent, newstead judy, mcmahon helen, williams shirley, collins jack, warrener vincent, lyons john, buchanan nita, flegeltaub laurie, flegeltaub syd, watkins donald, alliston joy, podbury dudley, de wan enid, ward barry, bilsborough robert, gilson rita may, bentleigh, jasper road, centre road, roma street, st. paul’s roman catholic church bentleigh, higgins road, moorabbin hospital, parkglen community village keysborough, ormond, scrapbook, southern cross theatre company, charity performances, awards – oam 1998, theatre, radio, performance, southern cross light opera company, moorabbin centenary festival, moorabbin elderly citizen’s club, southern cross musical company -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - St. Georges Road, 12, Elsternwick
This file contains two items about this property. A newspaper ad hand dated 17/11/2012 regarding the forthcoming sale of 12 St. Georges Road, Les Naftiaux, on 01/12/2012; includes a coloured photograph. Handwritten information from Sands and McDougall researched by Claire Barton dated 26/02/2013 on 12 St. Georges Road, Elsternwick.elsternwick, st. georges road, les naftiaux, house names, architectural styles, attics, copeland osric, mansions, weigall r.e., dacre, jones f.j. mr., seamount, le page wm. p., eyval thos. b., rahilly thos., weigall albt., sandham street, lyons miss, davidson miss, hospitals, rankin duncan, eyval j. i. miss, langley ernest d., coonil private hospital, queen anne style, brick houses, linton house flats, white chas j., ward victor r., londa private hospital, davidson mary h. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Ephemera - Carnegie Cricket Club
This file contains nineteen Carnegie Cricket Club season match cards owned by the club’s Honorary Secretary for 1930-1931, and life member, Mr. T. E. S. Ash. The cards encompass the years from 1930-1931, 1936-1938, 1940-1941, 1943-1951 and 1952-1960. Each of the match cards list the office bearers for the year as well as the club’s fixtures. Some contain handwritten annotations by Mr. Ash as to the outcomes of the matches.ash mr., shelton j. n., reid s. h., price c., harratt f., stevenson h., donaldson t., walker a., cakebread e., gregg r., tebbs j., tempany t., quinn p., price f., lonch w., newing s., henderson e., reader a., larter f. t., harwood h., ash t. e. s., neerim road, bone j., jenner t., paul j., richards u., diamond c., mckee w., reid s. h., robertson g., sherwood j., tyers s. w., allaway j. e., clarke t. b., goldman a., jukes a., spencer w., beaumont c., carnegie, wishart g., bone r., boxshall k., cameron h., johnson a., hubbard l., larter f., price c. l., moore d., allaway e., ash t., louch w. h., goodall m., reid g., graham j., reid m., wilde w., willison p., murrumbeena, henty street, crussell j. a., williams h., allan p., pooley p. c., greig g., pierce l., caples r. w., newbury c. j., chamberlain a., cusack r., driver w. j., mau r., moore d. c., wishart m., pummeroy k., bailey f. i., brown r. w., whelan j. g., parker c., rofe r., wilkins d., dann e., tebbs j. (junior), yenden road, loush w., neville street, williams r. h., greenway a., lewis j., rolfe d., saunders r., wishart d., st. anthony, glenhuntly, stocks w., christie a., greenway a. e., caulfield south, ireland p., mcdougall c. j., burke s., pert r. g. a., mimosa road, carn. soc., carnegie socials, caulfield sth, ormond a, sweetnam r. w., price f. n., bone r. n., burke s. r., mcintosh a., ormond, caulfield east, ormond park, murrumbeena c, murrumbeena d, elsternwick, murrumbeena e, carnegie soldiers, mccarron a., newbury c. r., middleton j., o’connor j., cakebread j., morton l., lyons street, mckinnon, carnegie traders, bone r. j., north road, caul. f’balls, caulfield north, clarke t., whitelaw w., sweetman r. w., jury j., macfarlan i., daniells j. (senior), price r., bull a. j., tranmere avenue, wakeman o. w., coorigil road, bailey i., james p. c., ormond b, james p., pert r., green w., knox h., reid street, caulfield, heib j., price v. j., elliot a., phillips n., wilde w. j., cusack s., tyers n. s., hender b., george d., ford j., castles p., rolfe d. h., cusack r. s., gamble h., louch w. h., pearce e., koornang road, koornan road, harrington a., somerville h. j., grange road, sutherland m., bent street, rowland s., chestnut street, ariadne avenue, rankin ian, caulfield city, carnegie r. s. l., caulfield foot, murrumbeena foot, whitelaw m., chilvers r., kennedy d., mclatchie h., murrumbeena z, ormond c. of c., murrumbeena b, bentleigh, crussell j., mckee g., andrews e. j., andrews n., somerville h., moonya road, murrumbeena park, sweetnan r. w., hubbard l. c., harwood h. j., wilkins d. (senior), sporting clubs, cricket, clubs and associations, volunteers -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Prentice Street, 57, Elsternwick
Caulfield Conservation Study by Andrew Ward dated September 1994. Gives house description and former owner/occupiers of home from 1885 to 1900.prentice street, elsternwick, cottages, gables, timber houses, corrugated iron, verandahs, victorian style, glenn margaret, ibison william, white david, equity trust co., lyons mr., james martha, ward andrew -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Hotham Street, 112, St Kilda East
One item about the occupancy history of this property: 1/A copy of one page of typed research notes on Palmyra also known as The Palms, by Hilary Bullock and Rosalind Landells of the Brighton Historical Society, dated 04/1989. The research provides a brief history from circa 1909 to 1974 of the property Palmyra and its occupancy. On other page of undated, unattributed, handwritten working notes accompany the report.palmyra, the palms, hotham street, st kilda east, east st kilda, the melby subdivision, peterson william, josephs harris, sholl justice, scholl reginald r, lawrence beatrice mrs, palmyra guesthouse, margolin m, baker mary. mrs, calvert leonard, lyons k c, mcarthur k w, macdonald r, freelander h, cormer r mrs, architectural styles, edwardian style, federation style, guest houses, depression 1929-1939, world war 1939-1945, house names, the palms guesthouse -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph - Melbourne Aerodrome, Grange Road, Glen Huntly
Six small black and white photographs of Melbourne Aerodrome showing aircraft and hanger circa 1925. Photographer unknown.glenhuntly, aviation, glen huntly melbourne aerodrome, pilots, lyons street, grange road, aircraft, airports -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document, Rodda recollections: Extract from a book written by Charles Ramsdale
From Joan Gay, daughter of Charles and Vera Ramsdale who owned the Research General StoreDigital file only - A4 photocopy of page from book on loan for scanning by EDHScharles ramsdale, doney family, doney property, general store, joan gay (nee ramsdale), research (vic.), rodda, rupert lyons, vera ramsdale -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document, Rodda recollections by Joan Gay
Joan Gay (nee Ramsdale) was the daughter of Charles and Vera Ramsdale who owned the Research General Store.Digital file only - A4 photocopy of page on loan for scanning by EDHSbranton, brinkotter poultry farm, bus services, charles ramsdale, collingwood football club, ingrams road, ivy reynolds, joan gay (nee ramsdale), jupps piggery, linden strike drive, lyon bros, milk bar, mrs hill, neil mann, research (vic.), research cricket club, research hall, research primary school, research tennis club, reynolds road, rodda, tram, vera ramsdale, wests bakery, reminscences -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Newspaper clipping, Relive Show Girl glamour by Jen Kelly, Herald Sun, Friday, May 12, 2017, p20, 12 May 2017
SHOW GIRL COMPETITION by Margaret Joy Harding (nee Joy Chapman.) In 1965 Eltham was more like a country town than the suburb it has become today. People knew each other, if not personally then certainly of the family name. The big event for the year was a Gymkhana or show at Lower Eltham Park. I can remember marching as a teenager from the town centre to the park in the marching girls with the decorated floats. In 1965, just on a whim on the day, I decided to enter the Miss Eltham Show Girl which was a part of the festivities at the park. I seem to remember that the show mainly consisted of horse events, cattle judging and dog show. As I had not given any serious thought to entering the competition, I wore a suit that I had for work which was brown wool, with a coffee coloured shirt under, black shoes, bag, and gloves but no hat. I duly paraded for the judges and much to my surprise I was announced the winner. I eventually went on to compete at the Miss Victoria Show Girl competition which was held at the Royal Melbourne Show. There I met many country girls who were representing their rural Victoria home. I made it into a final round of judging but I think justice prevailed when someone from a country background was crowned. It was fun to go into the show as I had not really been before and to see the displays of handcraft, cooking and wood chopping events was great as well as the judging of farm animals interesting.Digital file only - Newsclipping on loan for scanning by EDHSeltham lower park, joy chapman, lyons garage, margaret harding, miss eltham 1965, miss victoria show girl, show girl competition -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Eltham War Memorial Complex, 1961
Background context for the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial as a living memorial, championed by the women of the community with the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial Trust and how the memorial was funded by public donations and eventually handed over to Council. The essay came about in 2018 following community protest at Council's plans to sell the land. Following abandonment of the sale process and putting development on hold, community groups pulled together to apply for heritage protection of the site with Heritage Victoria. This was formally rejected in May 2020.Contents: An essay addressed to the Councillors of Nillumbik Shire, October 2018: About the Eltham War Memorial and the adjacent community-owned sites in Eltham that the Council threatens to sell, Andrew Lemon Nov. 2018 Public Notice: Heritage Act 2017, Recommendations to the Heritage Council, Heritage Council Victoria, The Age, May 22, 2020, p34eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial trust, mrs. ada lyon, mrs. cairns officer, mrs. j.j. morrison, andrew lemon, children's library, eltham war memorial garden, eltham war memorial gate, eltham war memorial hall, garden of remembrance, heritage council victoria, nillumbik shire council, theodore feldbauer, violet feldbauer (nee teagle) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide - Photograph, Red Box, Lyons Rise, Eltham, c.2004
Part of a presentation on "Significant Trees, Wildflowers and Local Gardens" by Russell Yeoman to the 10 November 2004 Eltham District Historical Society meeting35mm colour positive transparency (1 of 36) Mount - white (Pakon)significant tree, eltham, lyons rise, red box -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Map, Doug Orford, Main Road, Eltham (c..1930s-1970s), c.2010
Map of Main Road with listings of all properties (shops/homes) from Mount Pleasant Road through to Pryor Street from the 1930s on to about the 1970sandrew store, andrews newsagency, arthur street, babe taylor house, bakery, barbers blue gum store, blue gum, boarding house, bootmakers cottage, bottle shop, bradford butcher shop, bradford house, bradley house, brdbury house, bridge street, brooker, brougham steet, brown blacksmith, browne's grocer, bryant, burgoyne post office, burgoyne's shop, capewell butcher shop, catholic church, catholic school, chandlers lolly shop, cheddar black, chiropractor, cockcroft, commercial bank of australia, copelands chemist, copelands dairy, d. hall house, dave lyon house, david lyon house, dr cordner, dr loosli, dr r. bradbury, dudley street, eltham, eltham bakehouse, eltham courthouse, eltham fire brigade, eltham living and learning centre, eltham pre-school, eltham railway station, eltham shire office, eltham station masters house, eltham war memorial, f. collis store, feed store, fountain hotel, franklin street, gadd's blacksmith, gahan house, garnet burges, george bird grocer, gollings, grant house, harry hawker, headmaster's resience, henry street, hepburn house, hills house, isherwood house and shop, jack ryan, jack shallard, james house, jarrold cottage, jim ryan, john lyon house, kilpatrick, le brocq, leather and harness, len parsons, lock-up, lyon bros garage, main road, map, mathews house, mclean's produce store, mechanics institute, methodist church, methodist hall, milkbar, mills bootmaker, miss george, monteith house, mount pleasant road, mrs bradbury, mrs davis house, mrs jewell, mrs mbremner store, mrs morris shop, napoleon street, obelisk, panther place, peter gahan, pitt street, plumber, police residence, poultry and market garden, pryor street, railway house, rains newsagency, real estate agent, reeves general store, s. bradbury, shillinglaw cottage, staffs general store, stones mixed shop, tennis court, timber yard, w. walker, w.b. andrew corn store, warren's general store, water trough, watsons hotel, websters house, whitecloud cottage, whites general store, williams bootmaker, wingrove cottage, wingrove park, woodyard, york street, franco and co -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Main Road, Eltham, 14 Jan 2017
Eltham Gateway, View across Main Road to 860 and 856 Main Road, ElthamTomorrow's history documented todayeltham, jim connor collection, main road, eltham gateway, chiropractor, dave lyon house -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Slide - Photograph, Red Box, Lyons Rise, Eltham, c.Apr. 1993
35mm colour positive transparency (1 of 22) Mount - Kodak EktachromeProcess Date "Apr M"significant tree, lower plenty, radio transmission tower, red gum, stawell road -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Opening of the Children's Library, Eltham War Memorial, 1961
Initially the Eltham War Memorial Trust had invited the Lieutenant Governor of Victoria, Lieut-General Sir Edmund Herring to perform the opening ceremony however he was not available. In his place, the third and final stage of the building of Eltham's war memorial, the children's library, was opened on Remembrance Day 1961 by Mr. W.R. Garrett, M.H.R.Contents: Letter (Carbon copy): Invitation from Eltham War Memorial Trust to the Governor, Lieut-General Sir Edmund Herring to open the Children's Library on Remembrance Day, 23 Aug 1961 Newspaper article (photocopy): Third unit of Eltham's memorial opened, Diamond Valley Local (poss),14 November 1961c. seear, children's library, cr. d.c. o'beirne, cr. docksey, cr. e.p. harmer, eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial trust, mrs. ada lyon, mrs. cairns officer, mrs. j.j. morrison, opening ceremony, remembrance day, shire president, w.r. garrett (mhr), cr e.p. harmer, governor of victoria, lieut-general sir edmund herring, w. neal -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Personal papers of Stanley Simpson Addison M.B.E
Contents: Eltham War Memorial Trust, Official Opening - Baby Health Centre, 15th November, 1952; Timetable of proceedings Eltham Baby Health Centre; Official Opening - Baby Health Centre: Address by President, 15 November 1952 Program; Eltham War Memorial Trust: Opening of the Second Unit of the War memorial, The Pre-school Centre, on Saturday, December 1st, 1956 at 3 p.m. Eltham War Memorial: Address by Mrs Stanley Addison at the Annual Meeting of the Infant Welfare Centre, Thursday 21st October, 1965 Newspaper clipping: Infant Welfare Centre as War Memorial, 15 November 1952 Newspaper clipping: Eltham War Memorial Trust by Stanley Addison, 1953 Newspaper clipping: Eltham: Memorial Baby Health Centre Opening Newspaper clipping: Minister to open Eltham Pre-school Tomorrow Newspaper clipping: War Memorial Trust Who is this man? By Stanley Addison (M.B.E., B.A., B.Sc., J.P.) Stanley Simpson Addison biography (b. 14/10/1880 d. 1/1/1972) Eulogy: Stanley Simpson Addison (14 Oct 1880-1 Jan 1972) Photograph: Stanley S. Addison, B.Sc., The Australasian Intercollegian, April 1, 1916 Letter, Eltham High School Advisory Committee re pending retirement of Cr. Addison from the Eltham Shire Council, 8 June 1956 Behind and Before by Stanley S. Addison, The Way, September 1956, pp 6-7 Newspaper clipping: Eltham Shire's President is Cr. S. Addison, Heidelberg News, Friday September 12, 1952 Newspaper clipping: Mr S. Addison Honored, Heidelberg News, Friday September 21st, 1956, p13 Additional information about Stanley Simpson Addison from Bill Glasson, 15 March 2014 Additional information about Stanley Simpson Addison's Naval Service record and MBE (National Archives) Opening of Lower Plenty Memorial Chapel, 30 November 1952 Letter from Brigadier H.H. Hammer, HQ 2 Armed Brigade to Cr. S. Addison, President, Shire of Eltham giving thanks for Coronation Celebrations parade support, June 1953 Newspaper clipping: Eltham President's Advance Programme Newspaper clipping: Coronation Festivities; Eltham Shire President's Notes Newspaper clipping: Hurstbridge: Coronation Day Ceremony Draft of letter by Stanley S. Addison, President, Kangaroo Ground Advancement League regarding electricity connection for Kangaroo Ground - Panton Hill, 1954 Electricity connection, Kangaroo Ground - Panton Hill, 1954 Electricity connection, Kangaroo Ground - Panton Hill, 1955 Newspaper clipping: Light for Diamond Valley; Kangaroo Ground and Panton Hill, Friday 20th May, 1955 Electricity connection, Kangaroo Ground - Panton Hill, 1955 Electricity connection, Kangaroo Ground - Panton Hill, 1956 Electricity connection, Panton Hill - Smitrhs Gully, 1958 100th Anniversary Services, Kangaroo Ground Presbyterian Church, 17 March 1957 Early History of Kangaroo Ground compiled by Neville Haughton in March, 1959 Newspaper clipping: Eltham Community Chest, Heidelberg News, 12 September 1958 Newspaper clipping: Proposed Eltham Community Chest by Stanley Addison, Heidelberg News, 29 January 1959 Newspaper clipping: Community Chest With Wider Objectives, Heidelberg News, 5 February 1959 Newspaper clipping: Community Chest for Eltham, 1959 Newspaper clipping: Council Protest on Community Chest, c.1959 Newspaper clipping: Community Chest Outlined at Small Meeting, c.1959 Newspaper clipping: Treasure in the Diamond Valley by Stanley Addison, Heidelberg News, 19 February 1959 Newspaper clipping: Diamond Valley Chamber of Commerce, c.1959 Approx. 89 pages of varying types; photocopies, newsclippings, hand written notes, invitations, lettersa.c. ring, a.s. davis, adult education, biography, brigadier h.h. hammer, centenary celebrations, coronation, d. dureau, d. scales, d.a. lyon, d.s. pepper, diamond creek, diamond valley chamber of commerce, diamond valley community hospital, electricity supply, eltham chamber of commerce, eltham community chest, eltham high school advisory committee, eltham high school, eltham infant welfare centre, eltham pre-school, eltham shire council, eltham war memorial trust, eulogy, f.f. durham, f.h. buckwell, f.v. squire, g.c. waring, g.w. smith, h. thompson, h.f. thorpe, j. north, j.l. ryan, j.r. stuber, j.w. burgoyne, j.w. middleton, k.w. smith, kangaroo ground advancement league, kangaroo ground presbyterian church, kangaroo ground, l.r. bassett, lower plenty memorial chapel, miss j. humphreys, montmorency girl guides, montmorency tennis club, montmorency, mrs. b. harrington, mrs. stanley addison, n.h. baxter, opening ceremony, panton hill, parade, r. t. harrap, r.s. leeson, s.a. hick, shire president, smiths gully, st faiths anglican church, stanley s addison collection, stanley simpson addison, stevenson family, vera addison (nee staley), vera addison, w. stephenson