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Dandenong/Cranbourne RSL Sub Branch
Booklet - Military operation and maintenance handbooks, The Specialty Press Pty Ltd, 1939-1945
Three military operation and maintenance handbooks including Mechanical Vehicle Training, Tractors, Artillery and Tyres Care and Maintenance.1. "Notified in G.O's, dated 31st July, 1942/ *NOT TO BE PUBLISHED/The information given in this document is not to be communicated, either directly or indirectly, to the Press or to any person not holding an official position in His Majesty's Service/ MECHANICAL VEHICLE TRAINING/PAMPHLET No.1/DRIVER'S ROUTINE MAINTENANCE/1942/Crown Copyright Reserved/*A.M.R. & O 1588 B./Allied Land Forces Headquarters,/May 1942/ By Authority: W.A Hamer Pty. Ltd, Printers." 2. "NOT TO BE PUBLISHED Notified in A.A.Os, October 1939/AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES/ Mechanization Pamphlet No.2/Tractors, Artillery, F.W.D., L.P (Ford V8)/DESCRIPTION, OPERATION/AND MAINTENANCE/1939/ (Reprinted with Amendments, 1940)/ Prepared by the Directorate of Mechanization, Army Headquarters, October 1939./ *A.M.R and O. 1588 B./ Bu Authority: The Specialty Press Pty Ltd., 174 Little Collins Street, Melbourne" 3. "NOT TO BE PUBLISHED/ (A.M.R. & O. 1588B)/Notified in G.O's dated 31st July, 1942/ AUSTRALIAN MILITARY FORCES/ TYRES/CARE & MAINTENANCE/ Including Tyres used on Armoured Fighting Vehicles and other Vehicles with Split Wheels/ MECHANIZATION PAMPHLET No. 19/1942/ Prepared by/ DIRECTORIATE OF ARMOURED FIGHTING VEHICLES PRODUCTION/in collaboration with/DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY"handbooks, maintenance, mechanical, training -
Federation University Historical Collection
Postcard - embroidered card, Souvenir d'Amiens, c1917
Holmes Family Ascot World War One memorabilia This postcard was sent from France during World War One. The writer, Gordon Spittle, enlisted with the brother of the recipient, Mary Coghill Holmes. Postcard with embroidered detail on white silk. The embroidery includes a crowned crest, and the flags of England, France, and Italy and the words "Souvenir d'Amiens".Verso "Somewhere in France July 14th '17 My dear Mary, In the first place I have to thank you for your letter of April 30th which came to hand by the last mail, and also very kindly the tin of biscuits sent per Miss B. which came to hand by the last Sunday. I also received a tin from Violet and will be writing her to-morrow and the next day it it is not to hot and muggy. I can assure you both that I appreciate your continued kindness more than words can tell, and only regret that I am unable to do something in return. Who can believe it is just two years ago since Harry & I enlisted, & the war doesn't appear to be any nearer ending than it did then, however let us hope and trust the end is not very far off, for goodness only knows how utterly tied (sic) of it we all are. His Majesty the King paid our division a visit on Thursday, & yesterday I went to Amiens for the day. Must now ring off for the present with kindest regards to your Mother, Violet, Willie and Self. From S. Gordon S." chatham family archive, chatham, holmes, harry holmes, mary holmes, amiens, world war, world war 1, world war i, world war one, gordon spittle, embroidery, france, western front, mary coghill holmes, postcard -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Her Majesty's Wangaratta - Victorian Commercial Traveller's Choral Party. Vocalists, Instruments, Entertainers. Wednesday, Sept. 27th. Proceeds in Aid of Wangaratta Hospital. Box Plan at Bickerton's. Charles R Hershchell Musical Director. Walter A Jack, Hon. Sec. PART 1 The Traveller, Mr C Harold Oakley. 2 The Soldier's Chorus, Victorian Commercial Travellers' Choral Party. 3 Sing Me A Song of the South, Mr Horace J Wood. 4 'The Battle Eve', Messrs. W T P Sutton and Harry Pride. 5 'The Highland Brigade Burying Their Dead' Captain Reid, D.S.O. 6 'Doan yer cry, ma Honey,' 'Laugh and Grow Fat,' The C.T. Choral Party. 7 unnamed part by Mr Gill Gliddon. 8 'The Song the Anvil Sings,' Mr E L Jones. 9 'La Reve De Armour,' Mr Charles R Hershell. 10 'Johnathan Jones,' Mr Harry Pride. 11 'March of Israelites,' The C.T. Choral Party. Part 2. 1 Mr C Harold Oakley, his own composition. 2'A Cradle Song,' The bachelors of the Choral Party and married men. 3 Duet for Basses, Mr Vic Porter and Mr Harry Pride. 4 feat of Legerdemain, Captain Reid. 5 'Ma Honolulu Lady,' Mr E L Jones. 6 A slight interruption in the programme while Mr Gill Gliddon amuses himself and possibly the audience. 7 'The Lost Chord' Mr Chas R Herschell. 8 'Blow, Blow, Thou Wintry Wind,' Mr Horace J Wood. 9 'Little Tommy Went a-Fishing,' and 'The Mellow Melon,' C T Choral Party. Baton: Mr Chas R Herchell. Piano: Mr C Harold Oakley. Hon Sec: Mr Walter A Jack. Victorian Commercial Travellers' Choral Party. 1st Tenors. Sutton, W T P. Strode, Geo. Bownas, J C. Ebbott, J. M'Dowell, Geo. 2nd Tenors. Rankine, Hugh. Muirhead, Geo. Jack, W A. Vawdon, F W. Hart, W. Downing, J. Smith, Edgar. Oaten, J E V. 1st Basses. Pemberton, J. White, J H. M'Mahon, P A. Adams, W. Wilson, W J C. Jones, E L. M'Farlane, J. Wilder, D H. Spicer, A. 2nd Basses. Pride, H. Watson, A. Sinclair, P A. Miles, F. Andrews, J. Hopkinson, E R. Porter, V. Director: Chas R Herscell. Pianist: C Harold Oakley.Renwick. Pride. Nuttall, 263a P.O. Place, Melb.program, music, her majesty's wangaratta -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Tin Tobacco / Cigarette, Circa 1900s
This particular brand of tobacco (State Express 555) was first made in 1915, and was most popular in Asia and China. The number triple 5 was mooted as a sacred number, and may have contributed to its high level of demand by Asian smokers. This would have been a favourite "smoke" for the Chinese emigrants, and especially those who settled in rural areas of Australia. In the era where 'male' type of activities such as motor racing, were sponsored by tobacco companies, roll your own cigarettes was ingrained as a macho male requirement. It was only in the early 2000s, when cigarette advertising had greater restrictions attached to the product, that the roll your own, and cigarettes in general, became less "cool". This particular cigarette tin would have also been useful for roll your own (ready rub tobacco)The significance of this particular Qantas cigarette tin to this rural region is that it demonstrates that overseas travel by plane was not only for the affluent city dweller but also available, and not impossible to the inhabitants of the Kiewa Valley. This cigarette tin also may hint that the influx of Asian immigrants into this region where able to visit relatives back in Asia without too much effort. The use of a Qantas cigarette tin in the Kiewa Valley also suggests a degree of affluent there or tourists from elsewhere. This tobacco tin relays a long ago era, when personal contact, and not something that has been written down by some "unknown", was valued as the true appraisal of a member of the community. This was especially relevant in a small regional area such as the Kiewa Valley. Although social networking was not as fast then as the internet provides now, appearances, manners, fashion and etiquette with first impressions high on the order of evaluating someone in the community. Pointer such as the brand of tobacco smoked was part of the rural assessment method. Up until the demise of the Australian Tobacco Industry, circa 2004, the Kiewa Valley and surrounding district was part of a vibrant producer of tobacco leaves. The remnants of this industry still remain today but the drying sheds (for tobacco leaves) are now used to store hay for the valley's dairy and beef cattle industries.This tobacco/cigarette tin is constructed from tin plated thin rolled steel. The lid is attached by two pressed and formed (from the main frame) hinges using the nip and tuck construction method.The outside lid and frame has a yellow colour anodised to the metal.On the front of the lid are the following printed: "STATE EXPRESS" ,in yellow print, and below this are two horizontal lines in brown and central to these are the numbers "555" . Below this appears and within a 'royal' crest, in yellow writing on a brown circular background "STATE EXPRESS". Below this, in brown print, "PICCADILLY, LONDON". On each side of the tin are printed in brown colour: front side" ARDATH TOBACCO CO. LTD. PICCADILLY, LONDON" . On the left and right sides are printed in brown colour "20 STATE EXPRESS 555". On the rear side is with smaller print "MANUFACTURED UNDER ARRANGEMENTS WITH THE POPRIETORS". On the inside of the lid printed in red colour, are the following words, the royal crest and sketch of the winged kangaroo(symbol of the QANTAS logo). Within a red elongated square border, are the Royal Crest and in very small red print "BY APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN" underneath in slightly larger print "STATE EXPRESS" The print underneath this and in smaller print is "CIGARETTE MANUFACTURERS ARDARTH TOBACCO CO. LTD." Next to the royal crest and in much larger print is "STATE EXPRESS" and underneath this ,the numerals 555 with the words "CIGARETTES" below. The lower half of the inside lid has the following words and the "flying" kangaroo(winged). These words in written (running free hand) style "Specially packed for QANTAS(in red print). Underneath and in smaller print is "AUSTRALIA'S OVERSEAS AIRLINE". On the bottom of this tobacco tin is stamped into the metal surface, the number"704"qantas supplied cigarettes, roll your own, cigarette tins, smoking accessories, personal effects, tobacco containers, tobacco -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Breeches Buoy and Traveller Block, 1860s to 1950s
The breeches buoy and traveller block are part of the beach rescue apparatus used by lifesaving crew overseas and in Australia in the 1860s to 1960s. The breeches buoy (or chair bucket or petticoat breeches) were invented by Lieutenant Kisbee by the 1850s. It looks like a pair of canvas shorts with a cork lifebuoy ring attached around the top. The set-up works similar way to a zip wire and allows for two-way travel. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria has had over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built to house it, followed in 1864 by a rocket house to safely store the Rocket Rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater area, and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost one hundred years the lifeboat and rocket crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to maintain and improve their skills, summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. Some became local heroes but all served an important role. By the end of the 1950s the lifeboat and rescue equipment had become obsolete. Rocket Rescue Method - The first use of a lifesaving rocket rescue system is often credited to Captain Manby and his invention of a life mortar, first used in 1808 to fire a line onto a ship to rescue lives. Henry Trengrouse’s invention of 1820 was the first to use a sky rocket’s power to throw a line, and his invention included a chair for carrying the shipwrecked victims to shore. In 1832 John Dennett invented a rocket specifically for shore to ship rescue. It had an iron case and an 8 foot pole attached and could shoot the line as far as 250 yards (about 230 metres). From the 1860s the rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It comprised a breeches buoy and traveller block that was suspended on a line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. Colonel Boxer, who had invented an early line-thrower, designed a rocket in 1865 with a range from 300 to 470 yards. It was the first two-stage rocket, with two rockets placed one in front of the other in a tube that carried the rescue line. The hemp line was faked, or coiled, in a particular way in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired, and the angle of firing the rocket was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol around 1920, which used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. Victoria’s Government adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain, which used Colonel Boxer’s rocket apparatus rescue method. The British Board of Trade published instructions in 1850 for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line attached, then firing it across the stranded vessel. A tally board was then sent out with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the continuous whip line and attach the whip block to a mast or sturdy part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a heavier hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser is then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rocket system could also be used from one ship to another. This item is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Breeches buoy and traveller lock; white canvas breeches (shorts) with lifebuoy ring attached to its waistband, with ropes for attaching it to the traveller block. Wooden traveller block has double brass inline sheaves and brass rollers on each cheek of the block, and each shell is scored for the strop. The thimble attached to the strop has a wooden slat for quick release of the breeches buoy. The ropes comprise of two equal lengths of rope that have been bunched together to form two loops, then bound together just below the loops, while the four hanging ends are looped around the lifebuoy, equally spaced, with each end finished in an eye-splice. The apparatus is suspended by the loops at the top and attached to the traveller block, which has a quick release device.flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket crew, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, rocket apparatus, beach apparatus, petticoat breeches, breeches buoy, rocket house, rocket shed, lifeboat men, rocket equipment, rocket machine, rocket head, rocket launcher, rocket line, marine technology, william schermuly, line-firing pistol, line throwing gun, schermuly pistol, pistol rocket apparatus, beach rescue set, traveller, block, running block, pulley, hawser, faking, faking box, faked line, rescue boat, lifeboat, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, tramway jetty, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, breakwater, lifeboat warrnambool, rocket rescue method, rocket rescue apparatus, captain manby, mortar, henry trengrouse, sky rocket, john dennett, shore to ship, colonel boxer, two-stage rocket, italian hemp, quadrant, schermuly, line-throwing pistol, line throwing cartridge, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, tally board, light line, whip line, endless whip, petticoat buoy, traveller chair, traveller block, her majesty’s coast guard, harbour board, line thrower, line throwing, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, hawser cutter, life jacket, faking board, irish hand barrow, government of victoria -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Water Canteen and Ladle, mid-to-late 19th century
The horizontal water canteen has been carefully designed to fit snugly on the hip when worn with the straps diagonally across the body. The ladle allows quick and easy scooping of the contents to refresh the lifeboat and rocket launching crew, and the survivors of the disaster Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to a rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy apparatus was in use. The apparatus was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a lightweight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part of the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. Beach apparatus equipment - In the mid-1800s the equipment could include a line throwing set, coiled line in wooden carrying case, rockets, cartridges, breeches buoy, hawser and traveller block, line-throwing pistol, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, crotch pole, and tools such as spade, pick, mallet and hawser cutter. Around the 1860s Warrnambool had a Rocket House installed beside the Harbour. This water canteen is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Water canteen and ladle; blue painted oval metal cylinder with a removable round threaded lid. Two adjustable leather shoulder straps are attached to the canteen through metal rings on the sides of the lid. A blue-painted copper ladle with a fixed, 45-degree angled handle is attached to the canteen with a length of string. The water canteen is designed to be carried horizontally.flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, survival canteen, rescue canteen, dipper, cup, canteen and dipper, canteen and ladle, water canteen -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Sand anchor, Mid-19th to mid-20th Century
The rocket rescue crews used a sand anchor at a beach rescue site to weigh down the rescue apparatus. The crew would connect the steel cables to the connecting cable and then join heavy ropes or chains to the connecting cable. They would then bury the anchor in a trench about three-quarters of a metre deep, keeping the connecting cable’s end free. The length of heavy rope or chain was attached to a pulley block onto the heavy hawser line. The block and a crotch pole were used to keep the hawser line high and taught, keeping the survivors above the sea as they were hauled to shore on a line or in a breeches buoy. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built to house it. In 1858 the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for lifeboat stations in Victoria, and in 1864 a rocket house was built to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater area, and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifeboat and rocket crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. Some became local heroes but all served an important role. By the end of the 1950s, the lifeboat and rescue equipment had become obsolete. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to a rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy apparatus was in use. The apparatus was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a lightweight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part of the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. This sand anchor is part of the rocket rescue equipment and is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.The sand anchor comprises a plank with steel cables and a connecting cable. The rectangular wooden bevelled-edged plank with two pairs of square metal plates bolted through it. Each metal plate has an eyelet and the two steel cable lengths are permanently attached by their eyelets to the plates. The eyelets at each end of the cable lengths are reinforced with rope work and one length also has a ‘U’ bolt shackle connection. The steel connecting cable also has reinforced eyelets at both ends. The plank has a black stencilled inscription on the upper surface. Stencilled in black paint "ANCHOR" "BACKER"flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket crew, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, rocket apparatus, beach apparatus, breeches buoy, rocket house, rocket equipment, rocket launcher, rocket line, marine technology, beach rescue set, traveller, block, running block, pulley, hawser, faked line, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, breakwater, rocket rescue method, rocket rescue apparatus, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, whip line, endless whip, harbour board, sand anchor, rocket set, anchor backer, rescue anchor, beach anchor, backer, anchor, steel cable, wire cable, connecting cable -
Federation University Historical Collection
Handbook, The School Paper Grades V and VI Victoria Education Department, 1964-1966
Three handbooks with green patterns on recto and verso. Linen tape is on the spine. Paper is bound by string, connected at the top and bottom. .1)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1964. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors such as "Beside the Road" by Louis H. Clark, information regarding the events of the time such as Air Force Commemoration Week, writings such as piece regarding self-control while using alcohol. and sheet music for various songs, such as "God save the queen". A history of Port Melbourne is included on page 2. A history of Australia's cattle trade is included on pages 11-12. In addition, A biography of Sid Kidman, Australia's "cattle king" is included between pages 36-37. .2)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1965. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors, such as "Pit-Pony" by S.A. Bainbridge, information regarding the events of the time such as the Fig Harvest at El-Flaye, and sheet music for various songs, such as "Old John Braddleum". The short story "The ANZACS at Gallipoli" includes a photograph of James Simpson Kirkpatrick with his donkey, bearing a wounded soldier (Page 33). A piece titled "A good-bye and a welcome" on pages 50-51 details the farewell to Alex McDonell, the director of Education for Victoria from 1960 to 1965, and the welcoming of Frederick H. Brooks as the new Director of Education in Victoria. A supplement is included in regards to "Scholarships and Allowances available for further education" for July 1965. A biography of Rudyard Kipling is on pages 103-105. A monthly series titled "The Seed from which they grew" detailed the history of some of Victoria's historical institutions: Victoria's Government House, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Victorian Railways, School Broadcasts, (Victorian) Public Libraries, The Forests Commission of Victoria, The Correspondence School, The Royal Mint, Her Majesty's Mail, Victoria Police, and Fire brigades. .3)This handbook is a collection of The School Paper for grades V and VI, by the Victorian Education Department for 1966. It's contents are including by not limited to poetry and short stories submitted to the paper from a variety of authors such as "The Emu" by Joan Wise, information regarding the events of the time such as Australian Literature Week, and sheet music for various songs, such as "Potatoes"'. "The Nation Builders" was a monthy series serialised in the paper about explorers who helped to found Australia, such as Matthew Flinders, Baron Sir Ferdinand Von Mueller, Patrick ("Paddy") Hannan, Charles Yelverton O'Connor, John Ridley, Thomas Sutcliffe Mort, Sir Sidney Kidman, Hugh Victor McKay,Robert Hoddle, and Charles Kingsford Smith. A supplement is included in regards to "Scholarships and Allowances available for further education" for July 1966..1) , "Grade 5 Classroom Copy" and "1964" recto. Pages 17, 32, 81, 97,113, 129 features the text "A.J. Mathieson".Page 49 has the text "Grades 5/6 Staff Copy A.J. Mathieson". Page 17 has tick marks on lower right hand corner. Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.1" in pencil. .2)"Grade 5 Classroom Copy" and "1965" recto.Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.2" in pencil. .3)"Classroom Copy", "1966", "5" and a black curved line in the middle of the page recto. Page 1 has "A.J. Mathieson" on the top right hand side in red marker. In the middle of Page 35, there is some text underlined, and the comment "Quote Governor King" in green ink.Registration number written on verso bounding as "11735.3" in pencil.1964, handbook, alex ball, victorian education department, school paper, grade v and vi, hymns, poetry, songs, short story, charles kingsford smith, 1965, 1966, matthew flinders, baron sir ferdinand von mueller, patrick hannan, paddy hannan, charles yelverton o'connor, john ridley, thomas sutcliffe mort, sir sidney kidman, hugh victor mckay, robert hoddle, james simpson kirkpatrick, alex mcdonell, frederick h. brooks, rudyard kipling, victorian government house,, royal botanic gardens, victorian railways, school broadcasts,, victorian public libraries, forests commission of victoria, correspondence school, royal mint, her majesty's mail, victoria police, fire brigades, port melbourne, sid kidman, cattle king, cattle trade -
Red Cliffs Military Museum
Certificate, Rank Promotion, 3/5/1918 (exact)
This is another of the documents held within a frame 90.5cm X 66.5cm, covered by no-reflective glass of the Walter Thomas West Collection.Official Royal Document Certificate possibly done by caligrapher in old English script,signed by King George V, and a signature which is not decipherable.Top Left hand Corner: George R.I. (Signature of King George V). Main Face of Certificate: 13 George, by the Grace of God of the united Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the seas. King Defender of the Faith Emporer of India etc. To our Trusty and well Beloved Walter Thomas West MM Greetings We reposing a special trust and confidence in your Loyalty, Courage and good conduct do by these presents constitute and appoint you to be an Officer in our land forces from the twenty - ninth day of November 1917. You are therefore carefully and diigently to discharge your duty as such in the Rank of Second Lieutenant or in such a higher Rank as we may from time to time hereafter be pleased to promote or Appoint you to, of which notification will be made in the London Gazette, and you are at all times to exercise and well discipline in arms both the inferior Officers and men serving under you and use your best endeavours to keep them in good order and disipline. And we do hereby command them to obey you as their superior Officer and you to observe and follow such orders and directions as from time to time you shall receive from us or any of your superior Officers according to the rules and discipline of war in persuance of the trust here by reposed in you. Given at our court at Saint James's the Third Day of May 1918 in the eighth year of our reign. By His Majesty's Command Signature Undecipheral Bottom Left hand corner Walter West MM Second Lieutenant Land Forcesww1, gazette, london, walter, thomas, west, mm, mc, lieutenant, royal, document, 2nd -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Hand Barrow, 1860s
This hand barrow, sometimes called a Welsh hand barrow, was used to transport a load of marine rescue equipment from the beach cart to the rescue site, particularly over hilly, uneven or rough terrain. Hand barrows were in common use in the 19th century. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest them. This hand barrow is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Hand barrow; a transporting device carried between two people walking one in front of the other. A wooden ladder-like frame with two handles at each end, blue painted body with unpainted handles. Seven equal-length slats are joined at equal distance between two parallel poles, and two longer slats are attached diagonally between the first and last slats as a brace. flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, tramway jetty, breakwater, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, lifeboat warrnambool, hand barrow, manual transport, welsh hand barrow -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Canvas Bag, mid-to-late 19th century
This drawstring canvas bag is amongst the Rocket Rescue equipment. It could have been used to carry equipment, clothing or provisions between the crew on the shore and the victims of a shipwreck or other rescue need. It could be worn on the shoulder or as a backpack or winched out to a vessel on the block and pulley system. The strong canvas could be weatherproof and waterproof to a large extent, provided the drawstring was pulled tight. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to a rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy apparatus was in use. The apparatus was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a lightweight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part of the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. Beach apparatus equipment - In the mid-1800s the equipment could include a line throwing set, coiled line in a wooden carrying case, rockets, cartridges, breeches buoy, hawser and traveller block, line-throwing pistol, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, crotch pole, and tools such as spade, pick, mallet and hawser cutter. Around the 1860s Warrnambool had a Rocket House installed beside the Harbour. This canvas bag is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Canvas bag; thick beige canvas bag, cylindrical with a round base. The top has a thin rope in a drawstring closure. flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, survival kit, rescue kit, canvas bag, storage bag, carry bag, equipment bag, drawerstring bag -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Traveller pulley block, 1860s
The life saving breeches buoy was attached to a traveller block such as this one. The assembly was sent from shore to ship and back to transport the stranded people and goods safely to shore. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest them.This traveller block is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost. Wood and brass pulley block or 'traveller', used in conjunction with the Breeches Buoy. The block has double brass inline sheaves and brass rollers on each cheek of the pulley. Each shell is scored for the strop. The thimble on the strop has a wooden slat attached for quick release of the Breeches Buoy. A portion of rope is connected.flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, lifeboat warrnambool, beach apparatus, breeches buoy, petticoat breeches, petticoat buoy, traveller chair, life jacket, traveller, traveller block, running block, block, pulley, hawser, faking, faking box, faked line, faking board, italian hemp, quadrant, protractor, tally board, light line, whip line, endless whip, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, welsh hand barrow, her majesty’s coast guard, harbour board, government of victoria, harbour master, l.s.r.c., lsrc -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Rocket Key, John Dennett, c. 1860s
This rocket launcher key was used with the Dennett's Rocket Launcher system to remove the end cap of the Dennett's Rocket to expose the propellant to be fused . Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest them. This rocket launcher key is a necessary part of the equipment for the the rocket launcher, which is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Key, part of the Rocket Rescue equipment. T shaped metal key, round handle across the top and hexagonal shaped shaft and square end. Used to remove the end cap of the Dennett's Rocket to expose the propellant to be fused . Donation from Ports and Harbour.flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, tramway jetty, breakwater, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, lifeboat warrnambool, rocket house, rocket shed, rocket machine, rocket head, rocket launcher, rocket line, beach rescue set, rocket set, john dennett, rocket key, rocket launcher key, life saving -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Line faking box, Government of Victoria, 1860s
The rocket line faking box with lid has a frame inside with a specifically designed perimeter of faking pegs. The rocket shot line has been faked, or skilful wound, around these pegs to prevent it from tangling. The line is stored in the box, ready for attaching to the line throwing rocket. Some line faking boxes have a false base that is removed before firing the line-throwing pistol, leaving the line to feed out from the box when the rocket is fired. After the line is attached to the rocket the box tilted slightly and faced towards the wreck to allow it to be freely dispatched. The equipment often includes more that one faking box to make allowance for possible errors, broken lines or the need for a heavier line. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built to house it. In 1858 the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for lifeboat stations in Victoria, and in 1864 a rocket house was built to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater area, and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifeboat and rocket crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. Some became local heroes but all served an important role. By the end of the 1950s the lifeboat and rescue equipment had become obsolete. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. This rocket line faking box is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Rocket line faking box with loose fitting lid, painted blue on the outside. Rectangular box has two rope handles within wooden rope holders fixed onto each long side and one at each end. The box has a hook and ring at the base each end for releasing the top from the inserted faking frame. The line faking frame is inside the box. It has seventeen wooden pegs along each long side of the frame and three pegs along each short side. A continuous length of rocket line has been faked around the pegs in a specific pattern.flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, maritime accidents, rocket crew, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, rocket apparatus, beach apparatus, petticoat breeches, breeches buoy, rocket house, rocket shed, lifeboat men, rocket equipment, rocket machine, rocket head, rocket launcher, rocket line, marine technology, line-firing pistol, line throwing gun, beach rescue set, traveller, hawser, faking, faking box, faked line, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, breakwater, lifeboat warrnambool, rocket rescue method, rocket rescue apparatus, shore to ship, italian hemp, line-throwing pistol, line throwing cartridge, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, tally board, light line, whip line, endless whip, petticoat buoy, traveller chair, traveller block, her majesty’s coast guard, harbour board, line thrower, line throwing, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, hawser cutter, life jacket, faking board, welsh hand barrow, rocket set, rocket line faking box, faking frame -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Line faking box, Government of Victoria, 1860s
The rocket line faking box has a frame inside with a specifically designed perimeter of faking pegs. The rocket shot line has been faked, or skilful wound, around these pegs to prevent it from tangling. The line is stored in the box, ready for attaching to the line throwing rocket. Some line faking boxes have a false base that is removed before firing the line-throwing pistol, leaving the line to feed out from the box when the rocket is fired. After the line is attached to the rocket the box tilted slightly and faced towards the wreck to allow it to be freely dispatched. The equipment often includes more that one faking box to make allowance for possible errors, broken lines or the need for a heavier line. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built to house it. In 1858 the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for lifeboat stations in Victoria, and in 1864 a rocket house was built to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater area, and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifeboat and rocket crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. Some became local heroes but all served an important role. By the end of the 1950s the lifeboat and rescue equipment had become obsolete. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. This rocket line faking box is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Rocket line faking box with loose fitting lid, painted black on the outside. Rectangular box has two rope handles within wooden rope holders fixed onto each long side and one at each end. The box has a hook and ring at the base each end for releasing the top from the inserted faking frame. The line faking frame is inside the box. It has seventeen wooden pegs along each long side of the frame and three pegs along each short side. A continuous length of rocket line has been faked around the pegs in a specific pattern.flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, maritime accidents, rocket crew, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, rocket apparatus, beach apparatus, petticoat breeches, breeches buoy, rocket house, rocket shed, lifeboat men, rocket equipment, rocket machine, rocket head, rocket launcher, rocket line, marine technology, line-firing pistol, line throwing gun, beach rescue set, traveller, hawser, faking, faking box, faked line, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, breakwater, lifeboat warrnambool, rocket rescue method, rocket rescue apparatus, shore to ship, italian hemp, line-throwing pistol, line throwing cartridge, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, tally board, light line, whip line, endless whip, petticoat buoy, traveller chair, traveller block, her majesty’s coast guard, harbour board, line thrower, line throwing, beach cart, hand barrow, sand anchor, hawser cutter, life jacket, faking board, welsh hand barrow, rocket set, rocket line faking box, faking frame -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container - Case, Early 20th century
This small case is lined with a metal insert and shows remnants of a carry strap. It could have been used for storing and carrying fuses or cartridges for the life saving Rocket Launcher machine. The protective metal insert would help keep the contents dry or cool and protect from flame. It is part of the collection of rescue equipment in the Rocket House used by the life saving rescue crew. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest them. This small leather carrying case is significant for its connection with the rocket rescue equipment, local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Leather case, brown with contrasting stitching, protective metal insert divided into two compartments. Rectangular shape. Roller buckle on front with remnants of the matching strap. Also remnants of a leather strap on the side, possibly a shoulder strap.flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, line-firing pistol, line throwing gun, schermuly pistol, pistol rocket apparatus, line throwing cartridge, l.s.r.c., lsrc, leather case, cartridge case, fuse case, ammunition case -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Uniform - Arm Bands, c. 1860s
Members of the Life Saving Rescue Crew would wear scarlet arm bands such as these as part of their uniform, with each member having a different number. The crew would work as a team to haul in the victims of the shipwreck. The leader of the crew would call out one or several member's numbers to give them a break during the rescue, while other members took their place. All members would then be relieved at some time during the rescue. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest them. This set of scarlet arm bands is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Arm bands; three scarlet flannel arm bands with black cotton backing and a metal buckle on one end. White cotton embroidery forms letters and numbers, with each arm band having a different number. Part of the uniform of the Life Saving and Rescue Crew.Embroidered on front "L.S. 1 R.C." "L.S. 8 R.C." "L.S. 13 R.C." flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, tramway jetty, breakwater, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, lifeboat warrnambool, arm band, armband, scarlet arm band, l.s.r.c., lsrc, red arm band -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Tally Board, 1860s
The boards each have instructions adhered to each side, printed in four languages (English, French, Dutch and German). At the beginning of a shore-to-ship rescue the instructions are sent to the distressed vessel after the first rocket line was received by them. The stranded people on the vessel follow the instructions to assist the life saving rescue crew in saving their lives. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. Victoria’s Government responded to the need for lifesaving equipment and, in 1858, the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for the lifeboat stations. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built for it on the Tramway Jetty, followed by a rocket house in 1864 to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater (constructed from 1874-1890), and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifesaving and rescue crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to rehearse and maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. In July 1873 a brass bell was erected at Flagstaff Hill specifically to call the rescue crew upon news of a shipwreck. Some crew members became local heroes but all served an important role. Rocket apparatus was used as recently as the 1950s. Rocket Rescue Method - Rocket rescue became the preferred lifesaving method of the rescue crews, being much safer that using a lifeboat in rough seas and poor conditions. The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy and traveller block rocket rescue apparatus was in use. It was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. . The British Board of Trade regularly published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle, determined by the Head of the crew and measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a light-weight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A continuous whip line was then sent out to the ship’s crew, who hauled it in then followed the instructions – in four languages - on the attached tally board. The survivors would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line with a tail block connected to it. They then secured the block to the mast or other strong part the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the survivors fixed above the whip’s tail block. The hawser was then tightened by the crew pulling on it, or by using the hooked block on the shore end of the whip and attaching it to a sand anchor. The breeches buoy was attached to the traveller block on the hawser, and the shore crew then used the whip line to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. The rescue crew wore scarlet, numbered armbands and worked on a numerical rotation system, swapping members out to rest themThis pair of tally board is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Tally boards, two, rectangular wooden boards, both with a hole drilled into one short end. Instructions are glued onto the boards. They were printed in light letters onto dark canvas in four languages (English, French, Dutch and German). Text (English) "MAKE THIS HAWSER FAST ABOUT 2 FEET ABOVE THE TAIL BLOCK. CAST OFF WHIP FROM HAWSER. SEE ALL CLEAR AND THAT THE ROPE IN THE BLOCK RUNS FREE, AND SHOW SIGNAL TO THE SHORE."flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, tramway jetty, breakwater, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, rocket crew, lifeboat men, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket equipment, marine technology, rescue boat, lifeboat, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, life saving rescue crew, lifesaving rescue crew, rocket apparatus, rocket rescue method, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, line throwing mortar, mortar, rocket rescue apparatus, line thrower, line throwing, lifeboat warrnambool, beach apparatus, rocket machine, rocket head, rocket launcher, rocket line, beach rescue set, rocket set, tally board, rescue instructions -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Sand peg set, Mid-19th to mid-20th Century
This set of Victorian era wooden sand pegs was part of the equipment used by the Rocket Rescue Crew when attending a shipwreck. The broad pegs were designed to give a strong grip on soft sand and soil. The pegs could be used with the sand anchor as well as to give a stronger hold on the tripod holding the hawser. The same design is still available today and is used by the Army and by campers. The rocket rescue crews used a sand anchor at a beach rescue site to weigh down the rescue apparatus. The crew would connect the shackle to the other cable on the anchor and to the loose steel cable to form a triangle with the cable lengths. They would then bury the anchor in about a 0.75-meter trench, keeping the free end of the cable above the surface. This end of the cable was then connected to a block that was attached to the heavy hawser line. The block and a crotch pole were used to keep the hawser line high and taught as the survivors were hauled to shore on a line or in a breeches buoy. Saving lives in Warrnambool – The coastline of South West Victoria is the site of over 600 shipwrecks and many lost lives; even in Warrnambool’s Lady Bay there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905, with eight lives lost. In 1859 the first Government-built lifeboat arrived at Warrnambool Harbour and a shed was soon built to house it. In 1858 the provision of rocket and mortar apparatus was approved for lifeboat stations in Victoria, and in 1864 a rocket house was built to safely store the rocket rescue equipment. In 1878 the buildings were moved to the Breakwater area, and in 1910 the new Lifeboat Warrnambool arrived with its ‘self-righting’ design. For almost a hundred years the lifeboat and rocket crews, mostly local volunteers, trained regularly to maintain their rescue skills. They were summoned when needed by alarms, gunshots, ringing bells and foghorns. Some became local heroes but all served an important role. By the end of the 1950s, the lifeboat and rescue equipment had become obsolete. Rocket Rescue Method - The Government of Victoria adopted lifesaving methods based on Her Majesty’s Coast Guard in Great Britain. It authorised the first line-throwing rescue system in 1858. Captain Manby’s mortar powered a projectile connected to a rope, invented in 1808. The equipment was updated to John Dennett’s 8-foot shaft and rocket method that had a longer range of about 250 yards. From the 1860s the breeches buoy apparatus was in use. The apparatus was suspended on a hawser line and manually pulled to and from the distressed vessel carrying passengers and items. In the early 1870s Colonel Boxer’s rocket rescue method became the standard in Victoria. His two-stage rockets, charged by a gunpowder composition, could fire the line up to 500-600 yards, although 1000 yards range was possible. Boxer’s rocket carried the light line, which was faked, or coiled, in a particular way between pegs in a faking box to prevent twists and tangles when fired. The angle of firing the rocket to the vessel in distress was measured by a quadrant-type instrument on the side of the rocket machine. Decades later, in about 1920, Schermuly invented the line-throwing pistol that used a small cartridge to fire the rocket. The British Board of Trade published instructions for both the beach rescue crew and ship’s crew. It involved setting up the rocket launcher on shore at a particular angle measured by the quadrant, inserting a rocket that had a lightweight line threaded through its shaft, and then firing it across the stranded vessel, the line issuing freely from the faking board. A tally board was then sent out to the ship with instructions in four languages. The ship’s crew would haul on the line to bring out the heavier, continuous whip line, then secure the attached whip block to the mast or other sturdy part of the ship. The rescue crew on shore then hauled out a stronger hawser line, which the ship’s crew fixed above the whip block. The hawser was then tightened using the block on the shore end of the whip. The breeches buoy and endless whip are then attached to the traveller block on the hawser, allowing the shore crew to haul the breeches buoy to and from the vessel, rescuing the stranded crew one at a time. This set of sand pegs would have been used with sand anchor that is part of the rocket rescue equipment . It is significant for its connection with local history, maritime history and marine technology. Lifesaving has been an important part of the services performed from Warrnambool's very early days, supported by State and Local Government, and based on the methods and experience of Great Britain. Hundreds of shipwrecks along the coast are evidence of the rough weather and rugged coastline. Ordinary citizens, the Harbour employees, and the volunteer boat and rescue crew, saved lives in adverse circumstances. Some were recognised as heroes, others went unrecognised. In Lady Bay, Warrnambool, there were around 16 known shipwrecks between 1850 and 1905. Many lives were saved but tragically, eight lives were lost.Peg or spike; set of twelve wooden pegs, painted red. Pages have a long, thick square shank with bevelled side edges, flat top with broad hook on one side of the top and a point at the other end. A small hole goes from one side to the other side near the centre of the shank, on the face without the hook. flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, flagstaff hill, maritime museum, maritime village, warrnambool, great ocean road, shipwreck, life-saving, lifesaving, rescue crew, rescue, rocket rescue, maritime accidents, shipwreck victim, rocket crew, beach rescue, line rescue, rescue equipment, rocket firing equipment, rocket rescue equipment, rocket apparatus, beach apparatus, breeches buoy, rocket house, rocket equipment, rocket launcher, rocket line, marine technology, beach rescue set, traveller, block, running block, pulley, hawser, faked line, lady bay, warrnambool harbour, port of warrnambool, volunteer lifesavers, volunteer crew, breakwater, rocket rescue method, rocket rescue apparatus, shore to ship, rocket apparatus rescue, stranded vessel, whip line, endless whip, harbour board, sand anchor, rocket set, anchor backer, beach anchor, backer, steel cable, wire cable, sand peg, wooden tent peg, army peg, military peg -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - COMPENDIUM WW1 - WW2, 4) A H Pettifer, Government Printer et al, 2) 14.2.1946; .3) 1.3.1919; .4) 30.11.1954 .5) 24.11.19? - WWI; .6) 31.10.1917; .7) 12.6.1917; .8) Page 1: 20.12.1915, Page 2: 10.12.1915, Page 6: 19.1915; .9) 10.9.1918; .10) 18.4.1919; .11) c.2.3.19?; .12) 18.9.1920; .14) post WWI; .15) 24.4.1920; .17) 18.4.1942; .18) 19.6.1943; .19) 18.3.1947; .20) 1944; .21) 1944; .23) 22.10.1941; .26) 13.9.1944; .27) 1.1944; .30) 7.3.1950; .31) 31.7.1944; .32) 16.4.1942; .33) 13.6.1946; .34) 6.5.1946; .36) a) & b) 3.11.1947; .37) 24.10.1951; .38) 24.9.1957; .39) 9.10.1957; .40) 19.2.1958; .41) 26.2.1958; .42) 1.3.1958; .43) & .44) 7.3.1958; .45) 25.2.1958; .46) 3.1.1948; .47) 26.2.1948; .48) 22.4.1958; .49) 24.2.1958; .50) 12.3.1958; .51) 6.1958; .52) c.Mar/Apr 1958; .53) 5.4.1958; .54) c.end WWII; .55) a.b. 13.6.1967; .56) 26.5.1967; .57) 18.2.1954
Herbert Trangmar Allan, refer 2755.4 for his extensive service history and wards. .2) Details gifting of a pair of Japanese binoculars to Col H T ALLAN by Pacific Island Regiment. .3) Certificate issued by Winston Churchill, Secretary of State for War (The War of 1914-1918), awarded to Capt H T ALLAN MC. .4) Herbert Trangman ALLAN born 5.1.1895 at Woolwich, NSW. Middle name misspelled, should be Trangmar not Trangman. .6) Congratulating H T ALLAN on receiving the Military Cross award for leading 2 companies which had lost officers during action on Passchendaele Ridge on 9.10.1917. .7) Describes life behind the lines whilst H T ALLAN's battalion has been resting for a month. Daily life consisted of training drills, sport & entertainment. Writer takes time to describe the countryside & weather. .8) Relate to H T ALLAN's military exam results & his promotion to 2nd Lieutenant in 1915. .9) To Herbert Allan's father, Mr P Allan detailing the citation for awarding of the Military Cross to Herbert ALLAN. Original citation appeared in the London Gazette,5.4.1918. .10) Form addressed to Capt H ALLAN MC, 17th Battalion stating his period of enlistment in the 1st AIF was to expire 26.5.1919. .11) Letter from Lord BIRDWOOD (General) to Herbert ALLAN in response to a letter received 19.11.19?. General BIRDWOOD expresses his opinions on difficulties the allied troops face in their fight against the Japanese. .12) Letter to Capt H T ALLAN advising of MID oak leaves sent to him. Details guidelines for attaching oak leaves to both the larger Victory Medal & the small service dress medal. .13) Form details H T ALLAN's WWII Army No, Rank, Unit & Decorations & Medals held. The form has not been signed & dated. .14) Details service record of Lt Col H T ALLAN NX12229. Includes military service from 1912 - 1944, schools & courses attended, decorations, promotions & overseas service. .16) Form issued to H T ALLAN on 15.12.1939 granting permission to leave New Guinea for Australia & return within a period of 12 months. Issued by Customs Office in Salamaua. Lists H T ALLAN's age as 44, height 5' 10" & occupation. .17) Letter from Major General MORSHEAD GOC, AIF (ME) to Major H T ALLAN, OBE, MC congratulating him on being awarded the OBE for outstanding service at Tobruch. .18) Letter from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN, OBE, MC replying to ALLAN's letter of 15.6.1943. MORSHEAD is congratulating ALLAN on his appointment to New Guinea Force, also acknowledges his excellent service record. .19) Letter acknowledges H T ALLAN's resignation from the Office of Production Member of the Australian New Guinea Production Control Board, effective from 28.8.1946. .20) Major General WINDEYER commanded the 20th Brigade from 1942-1946. .22) Card sent from the CO of the 3rd Australian Anti-Tank Regiment. .23) Menu for Farewell Dinner held in the Officer's Mess of the 20th Infantry Brigade, Tobruch on 22.10.1941. .24) Menu & Toast list for Farewell Dinner to Brigadier J J MURRAY DSO MC VD. Attended by H T ALLAN & held in the Officers Mess, 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion on 22.12.1941. .25) Invitation to Col H T ALLAN by Lady Gowrie (wife of Governor General Baron Gowrie) to attend a Luncheon at Government House, Canberra, ACT. .26) Letter to Major (T/Lt Col) H T ALLAN from Major W A JENNER advising him of his secondment to 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion & appointment to command 5 Aust Base Sub Area. .27) Application for Africa Star with Eighth Army Clasp signed by H T ALLAN & approved by Lt Colonel of 2/17 Australian Infantry Battalion. H T ALLAN held the rank of Major (substantive) at the time of qualification, 1.3.1942 - 11.1942. He held the rank of Lt Colonel at the time of application in 2.1944. .28) Detailing changes in command & promotions including that of Lt Col H T ALLAN, dated 1.4.19? .29) For Lt Col H T ALLAN detailing movements required by First Australian Army command. .30) Acknowledgement & confirmation of Col H T ALLAN's application for campaign awards for WWII. .31) Letter addressed to Lt Col H T ALLAN from Lt Gen Stanley Sauige requesting information on New Britain for a forthcoming visit. .32) Certificate was presented to H T ALLAN on 16.4.1942 when he was awarded an OBE by King George VI. .33) Document details H T ALLAN's relinguishing of Command of the HQ of Pacific Islands Regiment. ALLAN also relinguished the rank of temporary Colonel & was transferred to the Reserve of Officers with rank of substantive Lt Colonel. .35) Official letter to Colonel H T ALLAN from Joseph Francis, Minister for the Army. The letter acknowledges Col ALLAN's long & distinguished career during both peace & wartime. .36) a) & b) From H T ALLAN (assumed) to Prime Minister J B CHIFFLEY referring to the production of copra in New Guinea, the actions of the Commonwealth Bank in relation to planters & the collaboration of New Guinea natives with the Japanese. Assumed to be a copy of original. .37) Letter to H T ALLAN indicating he had been placed on the Retired List with the rank of Honorary Colonel. .38) Letter invites H T ALLAN to officially open the State Conference in Lae in late March or early April 1958. Invitation was extended due to H T ALLAN for distinguished service in PNG. .39) Letter to H T ALLAN thanking him for accepting the invitation to open the Papua & New Guinea State Conference in late March or early April 1958. .40) Letter from H T ALLAN to Lt Gen Sir Henry WELLS, Chief of the General Staff, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne. ALLAN requests permission to wear his uniform for official engagements during his upcoming visit to New Guinea. ALLAN also offers advice on how to deal with native troops including serving time with them, learning their language & studying their customs. He suggests that this would help quell & dissent & revolt. .41) Reply from Major General DALY to HT ALLAN thanking him for his offer to spend time with the CO of the Pacific Island Regiment to address concerns with that unit. This meeting would coincide with ALLAN's upcoming visit to PNG. .42) HT ALLAN's reply to Major General T J DALY's letter of 26.2.1958. ALLAN requests an opportunity to discuss PIR issues with Major General DALY prior to his visit to PNG. .43) Major General T J DALY's reply to HT ALLAN's request for a meeting to discuss ongoing issues with the Pacific Island Regiment. .44) Letter from HT ALLAN to Brigadier D M CLELAND notifying him that he will be staying in Port Moresby on his way to the RSS&AILA Congress in Lae. .45) Lieutenant Colonel MCGUINN writes to invite Colonel ALLAN to visit the PIR during his visit to New Guinea at the end of March of the beginning of April 1959. .46) Letter of appreciation to H T ALLAN thanking him for his efforts in presenting the case for the Territory of New Guinea during the post WWII transition period. .47) Letter to H T ALLAN from New Guinea Citizens Association, Lae Branch, thanking him for his service on behalf of the people of the Territory of New Guinea. The association offered to send ALLAN a suitable present in recognition of his service. .48) Major General T J DALY's reply to HT ALLAN's suggestions for handling disquiet amongst the native troops in the Pacific Island Regiment. .49) Reply from Lieutenant General WELLS to H T ALLAN granting him permission to wear his uniform on his forthcoming visit to New Guinea. WELLS also notes that he has passed other requests made by ALLAN to Major General DALY. .50) Copy of H T ALLAN's reply to Lieutenant General WELL's letter of 24.2.1958 [.49)]. .51) A written account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's visit to New Guinea in 3.1958. Article appeared on p.65 & 67 of the 6.1958 edition of Pacific Islands Monthly. .52) Newspaper account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's opening of the Rabaul Branch of the Native Ex Servicemen's Association. Colonel ALLAN spoke of the involvement of the Pacific Islands Regiment during WWII. .53) The Rabaul Times account of Colonel H T Blue ALLAN's opening of the Rabaul Branch of Native Ex Servicemen's Club. Featured on p1, concluded p3. .54) Biographical account of Colonel H T ALLAN's service in WWI & WWII. In addition an account of his success in New Guinea between the wars is included. .55) a.b. Biography of Colonel H T ALLAN written by R W Robson who was the founder of the Pacific Islands Monthly. Article was written following ALLAN's death on 23.5.1967 aged 72. This item is a pre publication copy of Robson's article which appeared in the Pacific Islands Monthly. .56) Text of a valedictory given at the funeral of Colonel Herbert Trangmar ALLAN OBE, MC, ED, NX12229 held 26.5.1967 following his death on 23.5.1967. The speech summarized his life in both wars & civilian life. 57) Invitation issued to Colonel H T & Mrs ALLAN to attend a Garden Party at Government House on 18.2.1954. At this function Colonel H T & Mrs ALLAN were to be presented to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.Herbert T ALLAN Collection. The contents are all of various size, the Album is the size documented. .1) Large teal green album containing 16 plastic pockets each with white card insert. Various documents & photos contained in each pocket. .2) Typed letter, black type on cream paper. .3) Certificate mounted on fawn card backed with dark brown veneer. Presented to Capt H T ALLAN MC for being mentioned in despatches on 7.11.1917. .4) New South Wales Birth Certificate extract, printed on pink paper with watermark. .5) Telegram on tissue paper to a sheet of cream paper. Pin located top L corner. Requests the attendance of Lt Herbert ALLAN, Russell Hotel, Russell Square. .6) Typed letter mounted on grey cardboard. .7) 2 page letter on foolscap paper, secured by pin top L corner. Written from France by Herbert (Bert) ALLAN & addressed to his father. .8) 11 pages secured with a clip top L corner. 1st document typed, 2nd handwritten, remainder printed. Relate to H T ALLAN's military exam results. .9) Typed letter from Department of Defence Base Records Office to P ALLAN. .10) Document, printed form to inform the recipient that their period of enlistment in the 1st AIF had expired. .11) 4 page handwritten letter on 2 sheets of paper. 1st page has a printed letterhead. .12) BR Form No 20. Typed formal letter from AIF Base Records Office to accompany Mentioned in Despatches oak leaves sent to the recipient. .13) Form AAFA36 used for recommending the awarding of an Efficiency Decoration. Form details service record & details of a serving soldier. .14) 1 large / 1 small page, numbered, detailing the service record of Lt Col H T ALLAN. Black type on cream paper. 2 pages are loose but evidence of attachment visible. .15) Bachelor of Arts Degree Certificate (testamur) granted by the University of Sydney, awarded to Herbert Trangmar ALLAN. Printed on cream parchment. .16) Proforma document issued by the Territory of New Guinea permitting leave & return to the Territory. Printed 2 sides, black type on cream paper. .17) Letter on Australian Imperial Force letterhead from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN. .18 Letter on HQ2 Aust Corps letterhead from Major General MORSHEAD to Major H T ALLAN. .19) Typed letter on External Territories letterhead from J R Halligan to H T ALLAN. .20) Cream Christmas card folded in 2, sent to H T ALLAN. On front in black lettering is HQ 20th Australian Infantry Brigade below black Rising Sun emblem. Inside in black lettering is With Best Wishes for Christmas and New Year. Christmas 1944. .21) Cream card folded in 2. Front illustration depicts a devil figure riding a platypus & carrying a pennant with 2/13 on it. The devil is depicted attacking a German & Japanese soldier. Below the devil is a boomerang with Greetings Xmas 1944 printed on it. Illustration is in green & black. Inside on LHS is a message from 2/13 Battalion. On RHS is a list of 2/13 battle honours from 1940-1943. On back in black print is 1944-1945 New Guinea Australia. .22) Cream Christmas card folded in 2. Front illustration in brown with word Greetings in green. RHS inside printing in green & brown letters. Artillery badge on back in brown. .23) Cream card folded in 2. Typed menu on cream paper attached inside. Front cover illustrated with 20th Infantry Brigade colour patch & a rat over a scroll with words - So What? .24) Cream card folded in 2. On front black printing accompanied by 2/17 Battalion colour patch that is black over green diamond shape. Inside a list of Toasts & Dinner Menu printed in black. Back page for autographs. .25) Cream invitation card. Black cursive script printing below gold crown on front. .26) Typed letter on cream paper. .27) Typed foolscap application form to claim the Africa Star. .28) & .29) Message form filled with typed orders. .30) Typed letter acknowledging an application for campaign medals & listing eligible awards. .31) Typed letter on bond paper. .32) Certificate on cream parchment. Black print in cursive script. Text details the awarding of an OBE to the recipient. .33) Typed text on Australian Military Forces letterhead. Cream paper. .34) Typed text. Temporary note for H T ALLAN's discharge from AMF. .35) Typed letter on Commonwealth of Australia, Minister for the Army letterhead. .36) a) & b) 2 page letter in black type on cream paper. Pages are loose, letter unsigned. .37) 1 page typed letter on Australian Military Forces letterhead. .38) & .39) 1 page typed letter on Return Sailors, Soldiers & Airmen's Imperial League of Australia, Papua & New Guinea Branch letterhead. .40) 1 page typed letter, unsigned. .41) Single sided typed letter on Australian Military Forces letterhead on cream paper. .42) 1 page typed letter, unsigned on cream paper. .43) Single sided typed letter on Australian Military Forces, Northern Command, Victoria Barracks, Brisbane letterhead on cream paper. .44) Single sided typed letter on cream paper. .45) 2 page typed letter on folded cream paper bearing the letterhead of the Pacific Islands Regiment. .46) 1 page typed letter on cream, lined paper. .47) 1 page typed letter on cream paper. .48) 1 page typed letter on Australian Military Forces, Northern Command Headquarters, Victoria Barracks, Brisbane letterhead on cream paper. .49) 1 page typed letter on Chief of General Staff, Australian Military Forces, Army Headquarters, Victoria Barracks, Melbourne letterhead on cream paper. .50) 1 page copy of an unsigned letter on cream paper. .51) Magazine article: Building a New Nation in New Guinea : Some advice from Colonel Blue ALLAN. Black & white article with a 2nd small section stapled to the main page. Large page features a black & white captioned photo of a group listening to a uniformed Officer deliver a speech. Also features advertising front & back. .52) Newspaper article: Official Opening of Native Ex Servicemen's Club. Black & white typed newspaper article featuring a captioned black & white photo of a uniformed Australian Officer & a group of New Guinea Ex Servicemen. .53) a. b. c. Newspaper article: Master Blue Came Back to the Islands: 4000 Attend Club Opening. 3 Section article cut from a newspaper. One part is the banner of the newspaper with date published. Other sections contain the text of the article. The larger section features a black & white photo of an Australian Army Officer in uniform. .54) Newspaper article, untitled. Black & white typed newspaper article with black & white caricature of an Australian Army Officer featured. .55) a. b. Magazine article: The Story of a Big Man who Loved Soldiering. 2 page black & white typed article with sub headings. .56) Text of a Speech. 2 page typed text written for a valedictory given at a funeral. Pages connected with a staple in the top L corner. .57) Printed, cream card invitation to a Garden Party for the recipient to meet Queen Elizabeth II & The Duke of Edinburgh. Text is in cursive script under the Coat of Arms of Her Majesty. .2) Signature ? Capt S C PIR. .4) Date of issue typed: 30.11.1954 Name of recipient: Herbert Trangman Allan Stamped: T Wells, Registrar General NSW .5) Handwritten: To Lt Herbert Allan, Russell Hotel, Russell Square. Typed: Buckingham Palace OHS. Your attendance is required at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday next the Twentyeighth inst (28.11.19?) at ten o'clock am service dress please telegraph acknowledgement Lord Chamberlain London. Stamped: Central District 24 NO 19. .6) Signed in pencil: W Birdwood. In pencil on back: 15 x 12. .8) p1: Handwritten signature. Copy dated 29.12.1915. p2 Handwritten in ink: P Allan Esq, Mount Hunter Hill. Military Examination. Copy dated 29.12.1915. Handwritten in pencil: Results: H T Allan. Tactics - Distinction 92% HE Barff p3 Underlined in ink: 38th Infantry Herbert Trangmar Allan to be 2nd Lieutenant (provisionally). Dated 16 June 1914. p5 Handwritten: Total 139. Lieut Allan tied with 15 others for 20 place. p7, 9, 10 & 11underlined in ink: H T Allan. p8 Underlined in ink: Allan HT. .9) & .10) Signature in black ink. .12) Handwritten signature in black ink: On back handwritten signature in black ink: Clive Wilkinson, Buddong, Robinson St, Chatswood. Also ? Rd, Cremorne Pt. .13) Handwritten in black ink: Details of HT Allan's Commission Service from 16.6.1914 - 18.2.1946. .15) Handwritten signature of the University Chancellor, Dean of Faculty of Arts & Registrar. Handwritten name of recipient. Seal of the University of Sydney imprinted bottom LHS. .16) Handwritten in black ink: Details of recipient. Stamped in red ink: New Guinea Customs. Stamped in blue ink: H M Customs, Cooktown, dated 17.12.1939. Handwritten on reverse: Signature. Stamped on reverse in red ink: New Guinea Customs, dated 15.12.1939. .17) & .18) Handwritten signature: Major General Morshead. .19) Handwritten signature in black ink: J R Halligan. .20) Handwritten inside in blue ink: Lt Col Allan. Good wishes from your many friends here. Signed by Major General Windeyer. .21) Inside LHS handwritten in blue ink: Lt Col Allan & an indecipherable signature. .22) Inside RHS handwritten: To Major (Blue) Allan OBE MC from Lt Col? .23) On front handwritten in blue ink: H T Allan?. Inside in black ink & pencil are 19 signatures. .24) On front: 3 signatures in black ink & pencil. On back: 36 signatures in black & blue ink & pencil. .25) On back handwritten in black ink: Colonel H T Allan OBE MC, with 3 ink lines below name. .26) Handwritten in blue/black ink: Signature. Handwritten in blue pencil top R corner: A32/3477. Handwritten in black ink bottom L corner: Cond (?) 15/9A. Handwritten in black ink: Signature. .27) Stamped top R corner: 2/17 Bn Received 9.2.1944. Signature in black ink: H T Allan. Signature in black ink: ? Lt Col 2/17 Aust Inf Bn 10.2.1944 Page bottom in pencil: Blue will keep 1 1/4 for you? .30) Handwritten: Details of eligible medals. Handwritten signature: J C K Miller Capt 7.3.50. Handwritten bottom L corner: Col H T Allan Bottom R corner: OBE, MC, 1914-19, Victory, ED, MID 1914-18, MID 1939-45 On back: Steak & Kidney Morris ) Clark ) Vowood ) 10/- 70215 Maughan ) Allan ) .31) Top of page: Imprinted Coat of Arms Top LHS in black ink: TOP SECRET AND PERSONAL Handwritten signature: Stanley Sauige .32) Embossed top L corner: Seal of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire. Handwritten: Mary R. .32) Signed: Queen Mary, mother of George VI. .33) Handwritten signature. .34) Handwritten in blue ink: HERBERT TRANGMAR ALLAN 6 MAY 46 Handwritten signature. .35) Handwritten signature in blue ink: Joseph Francis, Minister for the Army. .37) Handwritten signature. .38) & .39) Handwritten signature: J W Knight. .41), .43) & .45) Handwritten signature in blue ink. .46) & .47) Handwritten signature in black ink: Henry G Eckhoff. .48) Handwritten signature in blue ink: With best wishes Yours sincerely T J Daly. .49) Handwritten signature in black ink: Yours sincerely H Wells. .57) Handwritten in black ink: Colonel & Mrs H T Allan.certificates, records, awards, administrative, compendium -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Wood Stove, circa 1880-1920
Stoves of this design are used for heating domestic places and were available in many designs and shapes. They commonly used wood as fuel and were not only used for heating but cooking as well. This stove was part of the original furnishings of the 1922 vessel 'Reginald M a South Australian costal trader it was made from material and fittings obtained from salvage yards. The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr. Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. Reginald M had a very shallow draft and a flat bottom that enabled it to come close to shore and to sit high and dry at low tide or to be beached on sand. The flat bottom was also to make the ship able to skim over reefs. Wagons could load and unload direct from her side. Her cargo included Guano, Barley, Wool, Horses, Cattle, Timber, Explosives, Potatoes, Shell Grit and Gypsum. On April 9th 1931Reginald M weathered a large storm in St Vincent Gulf, SA. The vessel suffered much damage; mast snapped and the crew labored for four hours to free her by chopping off the past and rigging. The crew patched her up and slowly returned to Port Adelaide with only a portion of the insured cargo being damaged. Her crew members at the time were owner Mr John H Murch of Wells Street Largs Bay, Skipper Mr R Murch John’s brother, Murray – son of Captain Murch and Seaman John Smith. Reg Webb purchased Carribie Station, at Marion in the Warooka District, south of Adelaide, in 1921. He cleared the land and farmed sheep and grain. In 1923 he shipped his own wool and grain from Marion Bay, having first carted 300 bags of the barley grain, 12 bags at a time, along the unmade track to the jetty. A photograph donated to Flagstaff Hill, dating about 1929 - 1942, shows two men on the Reginald M, holding between them their fishing catch of a large hammer shark. The photograph is stamped “GRENFELL STUDIO PORT LINCOLN PRINT” and titled “hammer shark caught on Reginald M”. The donor’s family lived on the Your Peninsular and dispatched their grain from a chute at Gleeson’s Landing to the awaiting transport vessel. Reg knew the Murch Brothers from Port Adelaide. The brothers had been using their ketch REGINALD M to ship Guano from the Islands, led by Captain Richard Murch. Reg approached them in 1934 about shipping grain from Marion Bay. The brothers visited the bay and thought it was an ideal place. They showed Reg where to stack his grain and they measured up the cliffs. When Reg was ready, they brought down and installed a ninety foot wooden chute. The bags of grain were then individually sent down the chute, landing in a waiting small boat then rowed to REGINALD M, 14 bags at a time. After 10 hours REGINALD M would be fully loaded with 1300 bags of grain and shipped to waiting ports. At one time a wild storm destroyed the chute but it was rebuilt and strengthened. REGINALD M was involved in shipping the grain from there until 1938. In 1940 Able Seaman Allan H Lucas served on Reginald M between September and December, being engaged and discharged from Port of Adelaide. His Certificate of Discharge was signed by ship’s Master W S Murch. It seems that at some stage Reginald M was used as a Customs vessel, as one photograph in Flagstaff Hill’s collection shows “H.M.C. No. 3, Pt Adelaide” on the bow. In 1969 the last freight left Marion Bay on the ketch REGINALD M carrying grain, wool and explosives. In late 1970 she was sold to the Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Company and was used by them as a barge to carry explosives. In 1972 the Navy League of Strahan, Tasmania, purchased her for use by the Strahan Sea Cadet Unit to use at Macquarie Harbour and renamed her T.S. Macquarie. However this plan for use of Reginald M did not come to pass. In 1974 Mr. Andrew Rennie, of East Brighton, Melbourne, bought her for a similar purpose. , paying $5,000 and donating a ‘Cadet of the Year” trophy to the Sea Cadets. He sailed her from Strahan to Melbourne, planning to use her for pleasure sailing. In 1975 Reginald M was sold to Melbourne Ferry Company at auction. Later in 1975 the Reginald M was bought by Flagstaff Maritime Museum for $20,000 . She has been restored and is now one of the exhibits in the Village lagoon or lake. It was restored in 2006 using funds from a $4,000 government grant. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s Collection holds several other artefacts associated with Reginald M. They include photographs of the Reginald M, including one photograph of her in Outer Harbour, S.A. dated 1947, with Skipper- R.F. Dale and Owner- John Murch. Another shows her docked at Port Adelaide, with the lettering H.M.C. No. 3 Pt ADEL (standing for His or Her Majesty’s Customs). The stove is significant as it represents the heating and cooking appliances used in late 19th and early 20th century, both on board vessels as well as for domestic purposes. The stove has additional significant for its association with the vessel "REGINALD M" a coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922 at Largs Bay. It is one of very few sailing coastal trading vessels built in Australia with its flat bottom, single chine shape designed for navigating shallow water. See additional comments in the Production section this documents under Comments for further information regards the stove. Stove a cast-iron, rectangular, four-legged stove with a hinged front door. This stove was part of the original furnishings of the vessel 'Reginald M', built in Adelaide 1922. Image of a log cabin with an illegible inscription below it.flagstaff hil, warrnambool, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, coastal trader, trading vessel, vessel reginald m, ketch, john murch ship builder, reg webb, carribie station, mt lyell copper company, queenstown navy league, andrew rennie, melbourne ferry company, r.f. dale, port adelaide vessel reginald m, macquarie training vessel, grenfell studio port lincoln, stove, domestic heating, domestic cooking, heater, cooking unit, wood fired stove, wood stove, wood-burning stove -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Digital photograph, Dorothy Wickham, Tower of London, 2016
The Tower of London, officially Her Majesty's Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower of London, is a historic castle located on the north bank of the River Thames in central London. It lies within the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, separated from the eastern edge of the square mile of the City of London by the open space known as Tower Hill. It was founded towards the end of 1066 as part of the Norman Conquest of England. The White Tower, which gives the entire castle its name, was built by William the Conqueror in 1078, and was a resented symbol of oppression, inflicted upon London by the new ruling elite. The castle was used as a prison from 1100 (Ranulf Flambard) until 1952 (Kray twins),[3] although that was not its primary purpose. A grand palace early in its history, it served as a royal residence. As a whole, the Tower is a complex of several buildings set within two concentric rings of defensive walls and a moat. There were several phases of expansion, mainly under Kings Richard the Lionheart, Henry III, and Edward I in the 12th and 13th centuries. The general layout established by the late 13th century remains despite later activity on the site. The Tower of London has played a prominent role in English history. It was besieged several times, and controlling it has been important to controlling the country. The Tower has served variously as an armoury, a treasury, a menagerie, the home of the Royal Mint, a public record office, and the home of the Crown Jewels of England. From the early 14th century until the reign of Charles II, a procession would be led from the Tower to Westminster Abbey on the coronation of a monarch. In the absence of the monarch, the Constable of the Tower is in charge of the castle. This was a powerful and trusted position in the medieval period. In the late 15th century the castle was the prison of the Princes in the Tower. Under the Tudors, the Tower became used less as a royal residence, and despite attempts to refortify and repair the castle its defences lagged behind developments to deal with artillery. The peak period of the castle's use as a prison was the 16th and 17th centuries, when many figures who had fallen into disgrace, such as Elizabeth I before she became queen, Sir Walter Raleigh, and Elizabeth Throckmorton were held within its walls. This use has led to the phrase "sent to the Tower". Despite its enduring reputation as a place of torture and death, popularised by 16th-century religious propagandists and 19th-century writers, only seven people were executed within the Tower before the World Wars of the 20th century. Executions were more commonly held on the notorious Tower Hill to the north of the castle, with 112 occurring there over a 400-year period. In the latter half of the 19th century, institutions such as the Royal Mint moved out of the castle to other locations, leaving many buildings empty. Anthony Salvin and John Taylor took the opportunity to restore the Tower to what was felt to be its medieval appearance, clearing out many of the vacant post-medieval structures. In the First and Second World Wars, the Tower was again used as a prison, and witnessed the executions of 12 men for espionage. After the Second World War, damage caused during the Blitz was repaired, and the castle reopened to the public. Today the Tower of London is one of the country's most popular tourist attractions. Under the ceremonial charge of the Constable of the Tower, it is cared for by the charity Historic Royal Palaces and is protected as a World Heritage Site.(Wikipedia) A World Heritage Site is a landmark which has been officially recognized by the United Nations, specifically by UNESCO. Sites are selected on the basis of having cultural, historical, scientific or some other form of significance, and they are legally protected by international treaties. UNESCO regards these sites as being important to the collective interests of humanity. More specifically, a World Heritage Site is an already classified landmark on the earth, which by way of being unique in some respect as a geographically and historically identifiable piece is of special cultural or physical significance (such as either due to hosting an ancient ruins or some historical structure, building, city, complex, desert, forest, island, lake, monument, or mountain) and symbolizes a remarkable footprint of extreme human endeavour often coupled with some act of indisputable accomplishment of humanity which then serves as a surviving evidence of its intellectual existence on the planet. And with an ignoble intent of its practical conservation for posterity, but which otherwise could be subject to inherent risk of endangerment from human or animal trespassing, owing to unmonitored/uncontrolled/unrestricted nature of access or threat by natural or accelerated extinction owing to local administrative negligence, hence it would have been listed and demarcated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to have been identified or recognised and officially christened and internationally elevated through multilateral declaration by UNESCO as a universally protected zone. [1] The list is maintained by the international World Heritage Programme administered by the UNESCO World Heritage Committee, composed of 21 UNESCO member states which are elected by the General Assembly. (Wikipedia)The Tower of London is a UNESCO world heritage site.tower of london -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Machine - Steering Gear, Carron Ironworks foundry, before 1922
The ship's steering gear was used for steering and navigation of a vessel - it was a very important part of the ship's equipment. This steering gear was part of the original vessel 'Reginald M', which became part of the exhibitions at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village. The steering gear was manufactured by the Carron Company. ABOUT THE CARRON COMPANY The Carron Company established its ironworks on the banks of the River Carron in Stirlingshire, Scotland, in 1759, and became an incorporated company in 1773. One of the notable items produced by the company was the Carronade, a short-barrelled naval cannon, being produced until the 1850s. The company was the largest ironworks in Europe during the 19th century. It supplied ammunition and armaments, steamboat engines, pig iron, cast iron goods such as balustrades fire grates and bath tugs, pillar boxes and telephone boxes, and even cast iron rings for underground tunnels. In 1982 it became insolvent and was taken over by the Franke Corporation, using the brand Carron Phoenix. ABOUT THE 'REGINALD M' The Reginald M’s purpose was to serve the coastal trade of South Australia, to carry cargo cheaply and efficiently. It is believed that the keel was in fact hewn from two telegraph poles! Its builder frequented all the salvage yards for materials and fittings. The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr. Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. Reginald M had a very shallow draft and a flat bottom that enabled it to come close to shore and to sit high and dry at low tide or to be beached on sand. The flat bottom was also to make the ship able to skim over reefs. Wagons could load and unload direct from her side. Her cargo included Guano, Barley, Wool, Horses, Cattle, Timber, Explosives, Potatoes, Shell Grit and Gypsum. On April 9th 1931Reginald M weathered a large storm in St Vincent Gulf, SA. The vessel suffered much damage; mast snapped and the crew laboured for four hours to free her by chopping off the past and rigging. The crew patched her up and slowly returned to Port Adelaide with only a portion of the insured cargo being damaged. Her crew members at the time were owner Mr John H Murch of Wells Street Largs Bay, Skipper Mr R Murch – John’s brother, Murray – son of Captain Murch and Seaman John Smith. Reg Webb purchased Carribie Station, at Marion in the Warooka District, south of Adelaide, in 1921. He cleared the land and farmed sheep and grain. In 1923 he shipped his own wool and grain from Marion Bay, having first carted 300 bags of the barley grain, 12 bags at a time, along the unmade track to the jetty. A photograph donated to Flagstaff Hill, dating about 1929 - 1942, shows two men on the Reginald M, holding between them their fishing catch of a large hammer shark. The photograph is stamped “GRENFELL STUDIO PORT LINCOLN PRINT” and titled “hammer shark caught on Reginald Emm”. The donor’s family lived on the Your Peninsular and despatched their grain from a chute at Gleeson’s Landing to the awaiting transport vessel. Reg knew the Murch Brothers from Port Adelaide. The brothers had been using their ketch REGINALD M to ship Guano from the Islands, led by Captain Richard Murch. Reg approached them in 1934 about shipping grain from Marion Bay. The brothers visited the bay and thought it was an ideal place. They showed Reg where to stack his grain and they measured up the cliffs. When Reg was ready, they brought down and installed a ninety foot wooden chute. The bags of grain were then individually sent down the chute, landing in a waiting small boat then rowed to REGINALD M, 14 bags at a time. After 10 hours REGINALD M would be fully loaded with 1300 bags of grain and shipped to waiting ports. At one time a wild storm destroyed the chute but it was rebuilt and strengthened. REGINALD M was involved in shipping the grain from there until 1938. In 1940 Able Seaman Allan H Lucas served on Reginald M between September and December, being engaged and discharged from Port of Adelaide. His Certificate of Discharge was signed by ship’s Master W S Murch. It seems that at some stage Reginald M was used as a Customs vessel, as one photograph in Flagstaff Hill’s collection shows “H.M.C. No. 3, Pt Adelaide” on the bow. In 1969 the last freight left Marion Bay on the ketch REGINALD M carrying grain, wool and explosives. In late 1970 she was sold to the Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Company and was used by them as a barge to carry explosives. In 1972 the Navy League of Strahan, Tasmania, purchased her for use by the Strahan Sea Cadet Unit to use at Macquarie Harbour and renamed her T.S. Macquarie. However this plan for use of Reginald M did not come to pass. In 1974 Mr. Andrew Rennie, of East Brighton, Melbourne, bought her for a similar purpose. , paying $5,000 and donating a ‘Cadet of the Year” trophy to the Sea Cadets. He sailed her from Strahan to Melbourne, planning to use her for pleasure sailing. Also in 1975 Reginald M was sold to Melbourne Ferry Company at auction. Later in 1975 the Reginald M was bought by Flagstaff Maritime Museum for $20,000 . She has been restored and is now one of the exhibits in the Village lagoon or lake. It was restored in 2006 using funds from a $4,000 government grant. Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village’s Collection holds several other artefacts associated with Reginald M. They include photographs of the Reginald M, including one photograph of her in Outer Harbour, S.A. dated 1947, with Skipper- R.F. Dale and Owner- John Murch. Another shows her docked at Port Adelaide, with the lettering H.M.C. No. 3 Pt ADEL (standing for His/Her Majesty’s Customs). There is a black and white photo of her at a wharf and another showing a person on board.The steering gear is significant through its association with the Carron Company, the largest ironworks in Europe in the 19th century, and the manufacture of the short barrel, lightweight naval gun - the Carronade. The steering gear is significant for its association with the vessel REGINALD M is a coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922. It is one of very few sailing coastal trading vessels still extant, and its flat bottom, single chine shape illustrates a very simple but robust method of construction, compared to other round bilged examples of trading vessels. She is now listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV Number: HV000562.) Ship's steering gear that was part of the original vessel 'Reginald M', which was constructed in 1922. Inscription on both sides. Made by the Carron Company, UK."CARRON COMPANY"flagstaff hil, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, coastal trader, trading vessel, vessel reginald m, ketch, john murch ship builder, reg webb, carribie station, mt lyell copper company, queenstown navy league, andrew rennie, melbourne ferry company, r.f. dale, port adelaide vessel reginald m, macquarie training vessel, grenfell studio port lincoln, ship steering gear, metal steering gear, ship's gear, ship's navigation, carron company -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, Annual Meeting, 1886
The Annual Meeting presenting the Annual Report was held on the 21st of September 1886 at the Melbourne Athenaeum. In the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. This institution held its annual meeting in the Melbourne Athenæum on Tuesday evening under the most favourable auspices. The hall was filled in every part, a very large pro portion of the audience being seamen. The half hour previous to the com mencement of the meeting was very pleasantly occupied bv listening to the capital playing of the band of the Naval Brigade, and precisely at eight o'clock the musicians heralded the entrance of the vice-regal party by playing ' The National Anthem.' Sir Henry and Lady Loch were received by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. Stewart), the Hon. F. T. Derham, Captain Pasco, Mr. H. R. Reid (hon. secretary), and Lieutenant - Colonel Templeton, and His Excellency imme diately took the chair. The venerable ex-chaplain, the Rev. Kerr Johnson, was present, but as he did not feel equal to taking part in the proceedings, the Rev. E. T. Miles opened the meeting with prayer. Nothing could have been more cal culated to give a distinctive character to the meeting than the singing of the Sailors' Hymn by the 300 odd seamen present. The rugged yet tuneful voices of the men blending with those of the ladies present, who heartily joined in, gave a most spirit-stirring effect to the beautiful words of the refrain : — Rocks and streams I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore; Drop the anchor ! furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail. Next followed His Excellency's address as chairman. The Governor threw himself heartily into the pro ceedings, and his remarks, expressive of the utmost sympathy with the sea men of the empire, were applauded to the echo. In fact from the start all the speakers struck the right key-note. The institution was not held up as a charity on which Jack was more or less dependent. According to the gentlemen who one and all welcomed him as a friend, and a right useful friend too, the thing was all the other way. To the sailor it was, they de clared, that they owed all that the colony possessed, and more — the great ness and prosperity of the Empire, He was the sort of man who never turned his back on a fellow creature, or refused to give a hand to a comrade in distress. Therefore it was deter mined that Jack should not come to these shores and think there were none to care for the comfort of his body or the welfare of his soul, and with the object of greeting the sailor on his arrival, of grasping his hand as a friend, beguiling his hours on shore, and saving him from the scores of dangers and temptations which beset a sea-faring man's stay in port, the institution had in '57 been started. Its claims on the Victorian public, not as a charity, but as a means of show ing some recognition of the services of the brave men who man our mercan tile marine, were ably put before the meeting. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan de clared that if the Melbourne merchants contributed to the mission a tithe of the amount they spent in insurance, they would find their goods better looked after by the seamen than by the insurance companies. Captain McCallum, the treasurer, read the following report of the com mittees of the Port Melbourne and Williamstown Rests : — In no part of the Queen's dominions have there been more changes during the last thirty years than in the colony bearing her gracious name ; and it is therefore all the more pleasant to report that the Victorian Mission to seamen, which started so long ago as 1857, still pursues an active career of usefulness, holding out a helping hand to mariners of all nations, without distinction of colour, race or creed. Eight years ago, some of the supporters of the Mission, feeling the want of a Temperance Club, where the crews of the various ships might recreate themselves and enjoy the three ' C's' — Coffee — Comfort — Company, appealed to the public for assistance, resulting in sufficient funds being obtained to justify the establishment of Sailors' Rests at Sandridge and Williamstown. Both these institutions were opened by a distinguished gentleman who has always taken a practical interest in sea men, and who, but for illness, would have been present at this meeting — Sir W. F. Stawell — and the result jof several years' experience fully justifies the statement that these institutions have supplied a felt want — the attendance of visitors reaching now about 30,000 per annum ; whilst so economically are they managed, that the annual cost to the public is less than L150 The thanks of the committee are specially due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly made a special and successful effort to supply both of the Bests with new piano fortes, to the great enjoyment of ' Jack ashore.' The instrument which was pre sented to the Port Melbourne institution by Mr. J. M. Bruce, on behalf of the sub scribers, the funds having been collected by his daughter yet in her teens, being espec ially one of great value. Concerts free to all seamen, given by amateur singers, are held weekly on both sides of the bay, and are largely attended and much appreciated. The building at Port Melbourne, which, being of wood, is merely of a temporary character, is free from debt ; but there is a mortgage of L500 on the Williamstown institution, which cripples its usefulness. The committee have regretfully to report that during the year under review they have lost, through the weakness of increas ing years, tbe loving services of the Rev. Kerr Johnston, their venerable friend and chaplain, whose life is, indeed, the history of the Mission, for he has been connected with it from the commencement of the work. Mr. Johnston has proved himself a true disciple of his Divine Master, and the com mittee trust that in the evening of his days he may enjoy that peace and rest which he lias so well earned. The com mittee presented Mr. Johnston, on retiring, with an honorarium of L100. Mr. E. James has been appointed iu Mr. JohuBton'u room, and the committee believe that their choice lias been a fortunate one. The Mission aud Sailors' Bests have been kept afloat by the unwearied and self -deny-ing exertions of the Ladies1 Committee, who have personally collected nearly the whole of the income ; but it may fairly be asked whether, in this great seaport, where last year there entered in at Her Majesty's Customs 1711 ships, manned by 61,256 men, the mercantile community of Melbourne should net take a more active interest in the welfare of the thousands of brave men who, for a few weeks, temporary sojourners on our shores, away from friends and relatives, have a special claim on our sympathy and help. We are of the old land, ' that gem sunk in the silver sea and we can re-echo Mr. Gladstone's recent words to the crew of the yacht Sunbeam, ' The calling which you follow is a noble one, and is calculated to bring forth the highest qualities of our common nature ; ana if it is possible for any occupation to make a man, in the highest and wideBt sense of the word, it is ' the occupation to which your lives are given. How closely it is connected with the the prosperity and fame of tbi» great nation ; how closely, indeed, it is connected with advancement of civilisation, and tiie general welfare of the world, it needs no words of mine to tell yon, for in your work and life you know it well, and feel it truly.' Look ing at what we Victorians owe to the British sailor, the committee earnestly trust that, with the blessings of the Almighty God, increased success will attend the work of the Mission and Rests. Mr. James read the chaplain's re port: — Since my appointment as chaplain to tbe Seamens' Mission, I have met with greater success than I anticipated. I have visited all the ships that have come into port, also many of the vessels on the Yarra, and am pleased with the civil and courteous manner in which I have been received by captains, officers and men, and in most cases my invitations to them to attend our meetings have been most heartily responded to. . The attendance at the services in the Bethel has much improved — on some occasions scarcely sitting room is to be found. The services have proved a great blessing to many Christian seamen ; whilst several who have come into port caring for nothing of a religious nature, have left praying. God fearing men, with the request that those left behind would remember them in their supplications, that they should be kept through all the trials and temptations to which seamen are exposed. The weekly Tuesday evening concerts got up bj the ladies of the committee and others, have proved a great benefit to the Mission, and a source of great enjoyment to the seamen in port. The programmes are excellent; and are spoken of by the sailors as the best they have heard in any port. The Sailors* Rest is provided with a library, the daily papers, and illustrated literature, with games of chess, draughts, dominoes, quoits, and other amusements, which are much taken advantage of during the evenings. Seamen ' are alio provided with writing materials, free, bo that everyone may have any opportunity of writing to their friends; for many an anxious parent is counting the days and hoping for .the time to come when they shall get a line from their sons in the far distant land, and many a son is reminded of his obligation by the opportunity thus afforded. I am much pleased at this time to acknowledge the kindness of the committee, and the great help I have received from them, also from Mr. Douglas, the manager of the Best. I do not think I could have been blest with a better co-worker. I have no hesitation in recommending the seamen to go to the Best, and telling them that they will receive a most hearty welcome, to which they can all testify ; my thanks are due to the voluntary workers, who have given every assistance ft their power, especially to Miss Lloyd, who is an invaluable help, attending in all weathers, and playing the organ at every service. The Sunday School is progressing, and we aie now about to make another addition to the library, of good readable books. The work at Williamstown is also pro gressing well, the Wednesday night concerts being well attended, and the singing and reciting supplied by local talent really good; the sailors contributing largely to the programmes. Captain McCallum is the backbone of the work at Williamstown, well supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held every Sunday night are productive of mnch good. The work here, too, is very encouraging, having much improved of late. I am thank ful to God that He has so blessed the efforts of His people, and hope they may be long spared to carry on the work. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan in an eloquent speech proposed the first re solution : — ' That the Reports now read be adopted, and that the following ladies and gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year : — SEAMEN'S MISSION. Ladies Committee. — Mesdames Templeton, Campbell, Chamberlin, Elworthy, Lormer, Gourlay, Gowan, B. Johnston, Webb, Young, Plummer, Misses Elwortny, Webb, Gowan, and M. Hastie. Gentlemen's Committee. — Captains Pasco, R. N., Adams, McCallum, J.P., Dalgarno, Garside, Messrs. Courtis, A. J. Smith, Macpherson, H. R. Reid, J.P., Henry Berry, J.P., Revs. Kerr Johnston, and A. R. Edgar.' Captain Pasco seconded, and in formed the audience that Baron Von Mueller had written regretting his inability to attend, but had sent a substantial cheque. (Applause.) A collection was then taken up and liberally responded to, the band mean-time playing airs suitable to the occa sion, such as ' The Death of Nelson' and ' Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.' The hon. F. T. Derham next pro posed the second resolution : — ' That the success which has attended the working of the Port Melbourne Sailors' Rest justifies this meeting in taking imme diate steps to raise the funds necessary to erect a Seamen's Institute worthy of the in creasing trade and commerce of Victoria.' This was seconded by the Rev. A. R. Edgar, and both were carried by ac clamation. The Mayor of Melbourne moved a vote of thanks to His Excellency, and Sir Henry in the course of his reply said his sympathies were not only with sailors because he had been much brought into contact with them, but because he had been a sailor himself and had had the honour and privilege of serving in Her Majesty's navy. At this the men sprang to their feet and gave three deafening cheers for the Governor and another for Lady Loch, who bowed her acknowledgment and appeared very pleased at the hearty reception accorded to her. During the evening Mrs. Pearce, and Messrs. Walsh, Woods, and Robinson, members of the Liedertafel, contributed songs. The lady, who has sung at the Tuesday evening concerts, sang ' When the Tide comes in' so charmingly that an encore, although against the rule of the evening, was insisted upon, which was responded to by a beautiful rendering of the old ballad ' Robin Adair,' Altogether the meeting was a com plete success, and will doubtless afford the committee fresh encouragement in their well-directed efforts. Printed programme for the 1886 annual meeting taking place in the Melbourne AthenaeumWritten in black ink at the back by WHC Darvall: annual meeting, melbourne athenaeum, 1886, baron ferdinand von mueller, sailors' rest, hugh ronald reid, captain fullarton, captain mccallum, henry loch, captain pasco, reverend kerr johnston -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Copies of newspaper articles, Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts Press Releases 1997, 1997
Reports published in The Courier newspaper of performances by Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts, including items naming students past and present of the University of Ballarat during 1997 plus articles of people and events connected to the Arts Academy. Also contains information about Ballarat University courses for performing arts. Articles are mostly from the Ballarat Courier newspaper in chronology year (1997) order with no page numbers. Two items are from December 1996 and three articles in October 2001. PRODUCTIONS : *' Pericles' performed by Ballarat's Ozact Theatre Company at Port Fairy's Battery Point. *'Maelstrom' written by Chris Dickens and directed by Peter Tulloch performed by BAPA third year students.(Oct. 28th - Nov 1st) Some cast members were: James McLaverty, Melissa Casey, Linda Judd, Angela Coad, Sarah Griffin, Kathy Lucas, Melissa Casey, Laura Hill, Grant Hickey, Jamie Robertson, Jon Catanzariti, Steve Kerr, Jeff Parker Natalie Zappulla. Performed at Ballarat University Studio Theatre (Nov 4th -8th) and also at Melbourne's CUB Malthouse (Nov. 25th-29th) *"7 Deadly" directed by Chris Dickens and performed in The Chapel at the Academy's Victoria Street campus by 1st year Ballarat University students. Some cast members were: Ash Abdou, Niniane Le Page, Alex Meerbach, Adam Davies and Elicia Bolger. *"Sounds of Broadway and Off' (Oct 9th - 11th) directed and choreographed by Judith Roberts and performed at the Studio Theatre , University of Ballarat, by 1st year students of Musical Theatre at BAPA. Some cast members were Paul Thomas, Shannon Palmer, Aakash Andrews, Justine Schnellbeck, Erica Chestnut,, Rebecca McGuinness, Matthew Heyward, Kellie Rode. Tickets cost $5.00 *'Bewitched" "a parody of the original television series" directed and produced by Ballarat performing arts graduates Adam Turnbull and Claire O'Sullivan. Most of the cast and crew were graduates from the University of Ballarat. Some cast members were: Katherine Evans as Samantha and Martin Cole as Darren. Simon Buckle was responsible for his original music, songs and special effects. *Concert: Featuring pianist Slavomir Zumis and cellist Robert Ekselman (Oct. 3rd) *"Charley's Aunt" by Brandon Thomas, performed by 2nd year Ballarat Academy of the Arts 2nd Year Company at The Venue Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat (Sept. 23rd-27th). Cast members: Derren Jackson, Ross Larkin, Kevin Dee, Adelle Gregory, Colette Bruggeman, Luke Doxey, Gavin Fenech, Dennis Marinovic, Nadia Andary, Narelle Werner. Cost: Adults $10, Concession $7.50, Bookings at Majestix. *'The Importance of Being Ernest' (by Oscar Wilde), performed by second year theatre company of the University of Ballarat, directed by Maureen Edwards, designed by Andrew Arney. Cast members included Narrell Werner as Gwendolen, Tim Haymes as Jack, Mark Gambino as Algermon, Adelle Gregory as Cecily and Heather Kent as Lady Bracknell. The production was at the Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat, September 16th-20th , 8pm. Ticket costs: $10 Adult, $7.50 Pensioners/students. Double bill tickets for The Importance of Being Ernest and Charley's Aunt (Sept.23-27) costs: $15 Adults,$10 Concession. *"The Man From Muckinupin' (by Dorothy Hewett), directed by Chris Dickens and performed by University of Ballarat 3rd Year Performing Arts at Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat from Aug 26th - Aug 30th 1997. Cast members: Lisa Judd as Polly, James McLaverty as Jack, Jamie Robertson, Natalia Rose, Steven Kerr, Jon Catanzariti, Melissa Casey, Grant Hickey, Sarah Griffin, Laura Hill, Kathy Lucas, Angela Coad, and Jeff Parker. Ticket costs: $10 Adults, $7.50 Concession from MajesTix *'The Inspector' (by John Cousins) director Bruce Widdop, performed by the Third Year Graduating Company, University of Ballarat, Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts; at Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat, Aug 19th-23rd, 1997. Cast: Jamie Robertson as the mayor, Jeff Parker as the supposed government inspector, Grant Hickey as Sidney, Melissa Carey as Rose, and Sarah Griffin as Rose's daughter, Laura Hill as the postmaster and Linda Judd as the headmistress. Some 1st year students had cameo roles - Adam Parsons and Adam Davies. *'Cosi' directed by Andrew Seeary and performed by Theatre Movement at the Grainery Lane Theatre, Doveton Street, Balarat. The story has a young, nervous director Lewis, played by Brett Edginton, arrive in a mental home to produce a play with the inmates. Other cast members are Karl Hatton (Roy), Miranda Crellin (Cherry), Rob MacLeod (Henry), Ray Craven (Zac), Narrell Werner (Julie), Nadia Andary (Ruth), Mark Gambino (Doug), Elizabet Stewart and Michael Cooper (Lewis' unsympathetic friends) and Bob House (the Social Worker). Nadia, Mark and Narelle are Ballarat University performing arts students. Season: July 24th,25th 26th and 31st and August 1st and 2nd, 1997. Tickets at the door or through Majestix. Cost: Adults $16; Concession $11. Reviewer: Barry Breen, a Ballarat author, poet and performance artist. *'New Works' involves two plays - 'The Inside Out', director Melissa Casey and 'Secrets'. director Jeff Parker, presented by Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts Third Year Company, both written and directed by third year students. All production areas handled by students of BAPA. Cast members: 'The Inside Out' - Jamie Robertson, Laura Hill. 'Secrets' - Sarah Griffin, Linda Jude, Steven Kerr, Angela Coad, Natalie Zappulla. Staged at University of Ballarat's Studio Theatre. Bookings MajesTix - $10 or $7.5 *Euripide's, 'The Bacchae', a tale of revenge, directed by Bruce Widdop and performed by 2nd year students from the University of Ballarat Performing Arts Department and the BAPA. Assistant directors' Tim Haymes and Derren Jackson. Cast members: Richard DiGregorio (Dionysus), Chris Stipic (Cadmus), Colette Brugman (Agaue), Denis Marinovic (Pentheus), Mark Gambino (Teiresias) and Ross Larkin as the messenger. Other supporting performers are Luke Doxey, Brendan Mayne, Heather Kent, Kevin Dee, Gavin Fenech, Nadia Andary, Karissa Clarke, Adelle Gregory and Narrell Werner. The play was performed at the Studio Theatre, Ballarat University, June 3rd-6th, 1997.Tickets MajesTix or at the door - $10 Adult, $7.50 Concession. *'Back to the Tivoli' School of Performing Arts - June 10th -14th. Venue: Academy of Performing Arts, Victoria Street, 8pm *Aristophane's 'Lysistrata', an anti-war comedy. Performed by first year drama students from the University of Ballarat and BAPA at the Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat, Mount Helen, on May 27th-30th, 1997. Cast members: Niniane Le Page (Lysistrata), Fiona Russell (Calonice), Anne Winter (Myhrrine), Dominic Phelan (Cinesias), Alex Meerbach (Stratyllis), Michael Rafferty (Leader), Melissa Lowndes (Lampito), Renee Francis (Ismenia), Kathryn Martin (Corinthian), Geoffrey Spink (doorman), Adam Parsons (magistrate), Adrian Dart (policeman), David Kambouris (policeman two), Max Grarock (negotiator), Phol Crompton (ambassador) and Ross Farrell (herald). Male chorus members: Paul Thomas, Adam Davies, Ashraf Abdou, Karan Khanna. Female chorus members: Lauren Oliver, Suzie, Lewis and Lindy Kerr. Tickets MajesTix - $10 Adults, $7.50 Concession; or $12 special double bill price including The Bacchae. *Roger Woodward Recital - a piano recital by the internationally acclaimed Australian pianist to launch the Ballarat Academy of the Arts asset drive. He performed on the University's historic Erard Grand Concert piano on stage in Founders Hall, describing it as "absolutely amazing.' The instrument was 93 years old and hadn't been played for more than eighty years. An audience of 500 were entertained with pieces by Schubert and Bach for the first half of the program and Waltzes, Mazurkas, and Polonaises by Chopin after the interval. Fittingly an encore of the Minuet in G by Paderewski was played on the very piano the composer had brought from England for his Australian tour in 1906. *'The Merry Wives of Windsor' by William Shakespeare; directed by Beth Child; designer Damian Muller; Production by Third Year Graduating Company, University of Ballarat Performing Arts Department. This play is a comedy not performed very frequently. Cast members: Angela Coad (Mistress Page), Laura Hil (Mistress Quickly), Gavin Fenech (Falstaff), Kathy Lucus (Justice Shallow), Melissa Casey (Mistress Ford), Jeff Parker (Mr Ford), Jamie Robertson ( Mr Page) and Karrissa Clarke (Simple). Staged at the Studio Theatre, University of Ballarat, May 6th-10th 1997 at 8pm. Tickets $10. Concession $7.50. *"Ship of Fools" SMB Performing Arts. Grainery Lane Theatre, 9th-10th May 1997 Cast members: Chris Lytas (Mac & Convinso), Kate Edwards (Mayor & Rachel), Ruth Sheridan (numerous characters) *'Lola Montez - The Musical' author Alan Burke; director Peter Tulloch; choreographer Fred Fargher; designer Damian Muller, musical director Graeme Vendy. Performed by twenty-eight second year Performing Arts students with Nadia Andary in the lead role of Lola,, Grant Hickey as Henry Seekamp the Ballarat Times editor who receives a whipping from Lola for his criticism of her. Tim Haymes is the character Smith, Karissa Clarke plays nurse Jane Oliver and Ross Larkin plays soldier Daniel Brady. Other cast members were Luke Doxey, Richard Di Gregorio, Chris Stipic and Brendan Mayne. A feature of the show is Lola's celebrated Spider Dance which was acknowledged many years ago by the crowd throwing gold nuggets onto the stage. Presented by the Hugh Williamson Foundation in association with the Begonia Festival organizers the performance was at Her Majesty's Theatre, Ballarat nightly from 12th-15th March at 8pm with a matinee at 2pm on the 15th. Tickets at Majestic: Adult $18.50, Concession $13.50, Group Adult $15.50, Group Concession $10.50, Culture Vulture $12.00 Family $46 Season 97. *' 2001- 'On The Town' a musical comedy performed by graduating Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts and directed by course coordinator Kim Durban from the Victorian Theatre Company; and BAPA assistant production manager Jo Pearson. It features a cast of 30 and music from a 15 piece band. Photo depicts three cast members: Keith Miles, Adam Lubicz and Glenn Quinn. It was performed in America in 1944 and tells the story of three sailors who arrive in New York on 24-hour shore leave. It was performed at Founder's Hall, University of Ballarat, Mount Helen campus. Tickets $15 adults, $10 concession and $7 for children and students. Family tickets were available. Bookings MajesTix. *'Play With Your Food' a new theatre restaurant show performed by SMB Performing Arts students at Craig's Cellar, Lydiard Street, Ballarat. It was an original show devised and written by Second Year SMB Performing Arts students. following their sold-out touring show 'unplugged' and Book Week play 'SapceDust'. There are also articles about people involved with the University of Ballarat Performing Arts course and the courses in the Arts. Lady Lush's world of unusual characters presented jokes, songs, music whisked together into a bizarre story for audiences to enjoy and even be tie up. Cast members: Melissa Porritt, Loenne Whitecross, Jess Matthews, Kristie Glab and Julia McNamee. It was performed over five nights, 7th-8th-9th-15th and 16th November, 2001. Cost $20. NEWSPAPER ARTICLES: Directors for University of Ballarat 2nd Year Performing Arts Maureen Edwards (photo) An advertisement for BA Visual Arts - Studio Studies available for Ceramics / Drawing / Graphic Design / Print Making /Painting / Multi-Discipline - Undergraduate and Post Graduate Studies. Also for BA Performing Arts - Major Studies available: Performance Acting, Theatre Production, Performance Music Theatre. Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts - New lecturers 1997: Lecturer in Design and theatre crafts - Damian Muller; lecturer in production and stage management - Leonard Bauska; and lecturer in theatre technology - Matthew Heenan. Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts - 1 st article in 'The Flag' Alumni Newsletter, University of Ballarat, Issue June, 1997 re 1st intake of students in February, 1997. 2nd article 'Where Are They Now' - Amanda Sandwith. Event - 'Lydiard Street Alive' : firebreathing act 'David and Goliath' performed by David Patullo. Article with information (includes advertisment for course) about the 3 year performing arts degree at Ballarat consisting of performance acting, theatre production and performance music theatre which are part of Ballarat Academy of Performi8ng Arts which resources from three institutions - University of Ballarat, Australian Catholic University and the School of Mines. BAPA launch: Photos of some attendees - June 3rd 1997 Ballarat Courier. Performers featured Erica Chestnut and Sue-Ann Thomas. Amy Young - Up Close and Personal article - Ballarat Courier - Saturday June 14 1997. Amy Young was the director and conductress of Ballarat 'Y" Choir for 45 years. In 1996 she donated her husband's (Dr Keith Young) Steinway grand piano and musical collection to BAPA. This article is about her life. Events calendar for the Month of May, 1997. Peter Tulloch ( University of Ballarat Performing Arts Co-ordinator 1997) Newspaper article - interview by Elise Sullivan that appeared in The Ballarat Courier Saturday May 3rd 1997 Weekend Edition . Many articles on Roger Woodward and a $3 million asset drive for the Ballarat Academy of Performing Arts. Advertisement for 3 Arts positions at the University of Ballarat - Lecturers in Theatre for Movement/Dance; Design, Theory and Craft; and Theatre Technology Article: 'Who's Who at the Academy' - A list of First Year, Second Year, Third Year, Performing Arts Staff (University of Ballarat and Australian Catholic University). Article about the Erard Concert Grande piano and its acquisition by the University of Ballarat. There are several articles linked to the production of "Lola Montez the Musical' including: *Lola Montez's life in a timeline -1818 to 1861 compiled by Peter Freund, Her Majesty's Theatre historian on behalf of Ballarat Begonia Festival. * A radio show in 1952 performed by Ballarat's "Y" Drama Group featuring 16 year old Joy Brehaut as Lola Montez and directed by 3BA's Ted Furling *Ballarat's Most Famous Scandal Advertising Poster for Lola Montez *Lola Whips In * Lola to Tread the Boards Again * Lola to Return to Ballarat - The "Minister for Purity, The Reverend John Potter" - (actor Jamie Robertson) * Veteran Takes His First Look at Lola * First Stage Lola meets the New Lola - Nadia Andary meets 1967 Lola, Nancy Brauer. * Lola Returns Home An article listing the 12th Annual Encore Awards held at Ballarat Village on Wednesday 5th March 1997. * Advertisement for major studies available in 1998 -Theatre Performance; Music Theatre Performance and Theatre Production plus upcoming productions - Aug - The Inspector and The Man From Muckinup; Sept - The Importance of Being Ernest and Charley's Aunt; Oct- The London Blitz Show and They Shot Horses Don't They? Nov - Graduate Exhibition * Article 3/12/1996: Amy Young donates her husband Dr. W. H. Keith Young's Steinway grand piano and studio stacked with historic documents to the jointly run Performing Arts Academy following his death. The book consists of A4 paper sheets, heat bound with blue card front and back cover with a plastic overlay. The pages contain photocopied articles printed in the Ballarat Courier during 1997. Two articles are from December 1996.bapa, pericles, ozact theatre company, ozact, maelstrom, chris dickens, joan petering, peter tulloch, 7 deadly, ballarat academy of performing arts, bpca, ballarat college of performing arts, sounds of broadway and off, judith roberts, graeme vendy, bewitched, adam turnbull, claire o'sullivan, katherine evans, martin cole, simon buckle, charley's aunt, brandon thomas, derren jackson, ross larkin, kevin dee, adelle gregory, colette bruggeman, luke doxey, gavin fenech, dennis marinovic, nadia andary, narelle werner, the importance of being ernest, maureen edwards, andrew arney, tim haymes, mark gambino, heather kent, performing arts courses 1997, the man from muckinupin, dorothy hewett, chris dickins, linda judd, james mclaverty, jamie robertson, natalia rose, steven kerr, jon catanzariti, grant hickory, sarah griffin, laura hill, kathy lucas, angela coad, jeff parker, john cousins, bruce widdop, melissa carey, adam parsons, adam davies, damian muller, leonard bauska, matthew heenan, cosi, grainery lane theatre, andrew seeary, brett edginton, karl hatton, miranda crellin, rob macleod, ray craven, elizabeth stewart, michael cooper, bob house, barry breen, the flag, performing arts academy - ballarat, bert labont'e, lydiard stree alive, david and goliath, david patullo, amanda sandwith, bapa launch, erica chestnut, sue-ann thomas, amy young, dr keith young, ballarat "y" choir, the bacchae, richard digregorio, chris stipic, colette brugman, denis marinovic, brendan mayne, karissa clarke, narrell werner, niniane le page, fiona russell, anne winters, melissa lownds, renee francis, kathryn martin, michael rafferty, dominic phelan, geoffrey spink, paul thomas, ashraf abdou, karan khanna, alex meerbach, lauren oliver, suzie lewis, lindy kerr, adrian dart, david kambouris, max grarock, phil crompton, ross farrell, roger woodward, erard grand concert piano, karrissa clarke, beth child, chris lytas, kate edwards, ruth sheridan, ballarat academy of performing arts asset drive, positions - school of arts, erard concert grande piano, ignace paderewski, professor david james, david james, robert allen, bapa opening, gabrielle mcmullen, dr ron wild, graham clarke, michael faulkner, sacred heart convent of mercy ballarat, lola montez the musical, spider dance, lola montez, grant hickey, fred fargher, peter freund, ballarat begonia festival, nancy brauer, james robertson, jo pearson, on the town, keith miles, adam lubicz, glenn quinn, play with your food, melissa porritt, loenne whitecross, jess matthews, kristie glab, julia mcnamee, smb performing arts students, the london blitz show, they shoot horses don't they?, graduate exhibition -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Certificate of Competency, Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade, 1883-1894
Fifteen year old Albert Edward Gill was born in Poplar, Middlesex, in 1868. He volunteered in May 1883 as an Apprentice Ordinary Seaman with the Merchant Services under the London shipping company James P. Corry & Co., owner of the Star Line. The shipping company by this time had a fleet of both clipper and steam cargo ships that sailed as far away as Australia and New Zealand. Gill’s apprenticeship was a four year unpaid term, with only his food, drink, lodgings, washing and medical needs provided for him. The contract had many conditions but it was a wonderful opportunity for a young man. His father James Gill signed the papers as his guarantor. In December 1887 Gill completed his apprenticeship and qualified as an Able Seaman. He served for another seven years with James P. Corry & Co. and earned his Certificate of Competency as a Master in the Merchant Service in April 1894, having passed the Ordinary Examination. (The transcription of Gill's two certificates is provided further down this page.) JAMES P. CORRY & CO. - The Belfast Company was formed in 1826 by Robert Corry, and imported timber from Canada to Ireland. In 1859 the company expanded to import timber from Calcutta, and relocated its offices to London. In the 1880s the company had a fleet of 13 tall clipper ships and included ports in Australia and New Zealand in its destinations. It continued to expand trade even further and by 1908 the Star Line had seven cargo steamers trading with the East and Far East (the ships were named Star of Australia, Star of Japan, Star of England, Star of New Zealand, Star of Ireland, Star of Scotland and Star of Victoria). In 1912 the Star Line ships added an emigrant service to Australia. TRANSCRIPTION OF CERTIFICATES - = = = = = = = = = = = = “Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture” Transcribed:- (Printed form with printed logo of the Marine Department, Commonwealth Council for Trade. Sanctioned by the Board of Trade, May 1855. ) Registered at the Port of London, Sixteenth of May, 1883, and signed for the Registrar General. Stamped in blue ink “REGISTERED IN LONDON, MAY 16 1883” “RECORD OF THE REGISTER GENERAL OF SEAMEN” “This Indenture, made the SIXTEENTH day of MAY 1883 between ALBERT EDWARD GILL aged FIFTEEN years, a native of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX of the first part JAMES P. CORRY & CO. OF 9 & 11 FENCHURCH AVENUE in the CITY of LONDON of the second part, and JAMES GILL, of POPLAR, in the county of MIDDLESEX, of the third part, WITNESSETH, That the said ALBERT EDWARD GILL hereby voluntarily binds himself Apprentice unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executers, Administrators and Assigns, for the term of FOUR years from the date hereof; And the said Apprentice hereby covenants that, during such time, the said Apprentice will faithfully serve his said Master, his Executors, Administrators and Assigns, and obey his and their lawful commands, and keep his and their secrets, and will, when required, give to him and them true accounts of his or their goods and money which may be committed to the charge, or come into the hands, of the said Apprentice; and will, in case the said Apprentice enters Her Majesty’s Service during the said term, duly account for and pay, or cause to be paid, to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, all such Wages, Prize Money and other Monies as may become payable to the said Apprentice for such service; and that the said Apprentice will not, during the said term, do any damage to his said Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor will he consent to such damage being done by others, but will, if possible, prevent the same, and give warning thereof; and will not embezzle or waste the Goods of his Master, his Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, nor give or lend the same to others without his or their licence; nor absent himself from his or their service without leave; nor frequent Taverns or Alehouses, unless upon his or their business, nor play at Unlawful Games : IN CONSIDERATION WHEREOF, the said Master hereby covenants with the said Apprentice, that during the said term he the said Master, his Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, will and shall use all proper means to teach the said Apprentice or cause him to be taught the business of a Seaman, and provide the said Apprentice with sufficient Meat, Drink, Lodgings, Washing, Medicine, and Medical and Surgical Assistance, NO WAGES, the said Apprentice providing for himself all sea-bedding, wearing apparel, and necessaries (except such as are herein-before specially agreed to be provided by the said Master): AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED, that if, at any time during the said term, the said Master, his Executors, Administrators or Assigns, provide any necessary apparel, or sea-bedding for the said Apprentice, he and they may deduct any sums properly expended thereon by him or them from the sums so agreed to be paid to the said Apprentice as aforesaid: And for the performance of the Agreements herein contained, each of them, the said A.E.GILL and JAMES P CORRY & Co., doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & CO., his Executors and Administrators, unto the other of them, his Executors and Administrators, in the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; and for the performance of the covenants on the part of the said Apprentice herein contained, the said JAMES GILL as surety, doth hereby bind himself, his Heirs, Executors, and Administrators unto the said JAMES P. CORRY & Co., his Executors and Administrators, the penal sum of THIRTY pounds; Provided, that notwithstanding the penal stipulations herein contained any Justice or Justices of the Pease may exercise such jurisdiction in respect of the said Apprentice as he or they might have exercised if no such stipulations had been therein contained. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year above written. Signed, sealed, and delivered, in the presence of - - Weston, 9 & 11 Fenchurch Avenue Signed, James P. Corry (Master) Signed, Albert Edward Gill (Apprentice) James Gill (Surety) NOTE – This Indenture must be executed in duplicate, both copies must be taken to the Registrar General of Seamen; or if in the Outports to the Shipping Master; one copy will then be retained and recorded, and the other returned to the Master with the necessary endorsement. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of the Indenture, Transcribed:- “This is to certify that the herein mentioned Alfred Edward Gill has served the full term of the Indenture in our employ during which time he has conducted himself satisfactorily. According to the Captain’s report he has been strictly sober during the last – years [? from his failure?] Signed: James P. Corry & Co., Owner, Star Line 9 Fenchurch Avenue St, 13 Dec. ‘87 = = = = = = = = = = = = Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- (Board of Trade logo and printed text of the certificate, with hand written details filled in) By the Lords of the Committee of Privy, Council for Trade Certificate of Competency as MASTER to Albert Edward Gill Whereas it has been reported to us that you have been found duly qualified to fulfil the duties of MASTER in the Merchant Service, we do hereby, in performance of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1854, grant you this Certificat6e of Competency. By Order of the Board of Trade, this 19th day of APRIL, 1894 Signed INGRAM B WALKER (one of the Assistant Secretaries of the Board of Trade) Countersigned -, Regulator General. Registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen. = = = = = = = = = = = = Reverse of Certificate of Competency, Transcribed:- No. of Certificate - 020886 Address of Owner - SUNNY LAWN, WALLWOOD ROAD, LEYTONSTONE Date and Place of Birth – 1868, POPLAR Signature – A E GILL. This Certificate is given upon an Ordinary Examination passed at LONDON on the 17th day of APRIL 1894 Every person who makes, or procures to be made, or assists in making any false Representation for the Purpose of obtain for himself or for any other Person a Certificate either of Competence or Service, or who forges, assists in forgery, or procures to be forged, or fraudulently alters, assists in fraudulently altering, or procures to be fraudulently altered, any such Certificate or any Official Copy of any such Certificate, or who frequently makes use of any such Certificate, or copy of any such Certificate, which is forged, altered, cancelled, suspended, or to which he is not justly entitled or who fraudulently lends his Certificate to, or allows the same to be used by any other person, shall for each offence be deemed guilty of a Misdemeanour, and my be summarily punished by imprisonment with or without hard labour for a period not exceeding Six Months or by a penalty not exceeding 100 pounds, and any Master or Mate who fails to deliver up a Certificate which has been cancelled or suspended is liable to a penalty not exceeding 50 pounds. N.B. – Any person other than the Owner thereof becoming possessed of the Certificate is required to transmit it forthwith to the Register General of Shipping and Seamen, Custom House, London, E.C. Issued at the Port of LONDON on the 20th day of APRIL 1894. Signed J I-, - Supt. = = = = = = = = = = = = These certificates are significant as a record of the process required to qualify as a ship’s Master, which was required by the vast number of merchant ships that crossed the world to Australia with cargo and passengers, all contributing to the early settlement and development of Australia as a Colony and a Nation. The certificates are also significant for their association with James P. Corry & Col. owner of the Star Line shipping company that provided trade and passengers to Australia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Set of two documents from the Board of Trade, printed on cloth and wax paper, each relating to achieving the standard of Master Seaman, and belonging to Albert Edward Gill. They are dated 1883 to 1894. The forms have been stamped, signed, dated, details completed and sealed with three red wax seals. The certificate number has been stamped onto the document is such as was as to deter forgery. The forms relate to Albert Edward Gill and James P. Corry & Co, Star Line Merchant Services and show his registered number as a Master Seaman. 245.1 – Front: Ordinary Apprentice’s Indenture, printed certificate, with spaces completed and signed by hand, and sealed with three red wax seals. Signed and dated 16 May 1883 Reverse: Handwritten statement, signed and dated 13 Dec 1887. 245.2 – Front: Certificate of Competency, Master in the Merchant Service, printed and completed by hand, registered at the Office of the Regulator General of Shipping and Seamen, dated 19 April 1894. Reverse: Certificate, Ordinary Examination Passed, printed and completed by hand, dated 17 April 1894Signatures and other handwritten details. Stamped with security lines, Registration Number "020886"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, albert edward gill, certificate of compentency, apprentice's indenture, education, employment, 1880's, ordinery examination, able seaman, master seaman, james p. corry & co., star line, timber merchant, emigrant ships -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book, The Logbooks of The Lady Nelson, 1915
This hardcover book, The logbooks of the 'Lady Nelson' : with the journal of her first commander, Lieutenant James Grant, R.N., by Ida Lee (Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott) was published over 100 years after the Lady Nelson arrived in Australia to navigate and survey this ‘new colony’. Included in the book are sixteen charts and illustrations from the originals in the Admiralty Library, showing the surveyed land and water. The transcribed Contents, below, summarise the trips of the Lady Nelson during this time. Book’s Content PLUS text of the Chart of ‘Part of Bass Strait’ - Chapter 1: The Lady Nelson built with centreboards. Her voyage to Sydney under James Grant. The first ship to pass through Bass Strait. - Chapter 2: Returns to explore the Strait. Her visits to Jervis Bay and to Western Port in 1801 - Chapter 3: Colonel Paterson and Lieutenant Grant survey Hunter River - Chapter 4: Murray appointed commander of the Lady Nelson. His voyage to Norfolk Island. - Chapter 5: Murray’s exploration of Bass Strait. - Chapter 6: Discovery of Port Phillip. - Chapter 7: The Lady Nelson in company with HMS Investigator examines the North-Eastern shores of Australia. - Chapter 8: The French ships in Bass Strait. The founding of Hobart. - Chapter 9: Symons succeeds Curtoys as commander of the Lady Nelson. His voyages to Tasmania, Port Phillip and New Zealand. - Chapter 10: The Lady Nelson in Tasmania. The founding of Port Dalrymple. - Chapter 11: The Estramina is brought to Sydney. The Lady Nelson visits Norfolk Island and Port Dalrymple. - Chapter 12: Tippahee and his four sons are conveyed to New Zealand in the Lady Nelson. - Chapter 13: The Lady Nelson accompanies HMS Tamar to Melville Island. - Chapter 14: The loss of the Lady Nelson Text included with the ‘Chart of Bass Strait’ … “Part of Bass Strait, including the discoveries made by Acting Lieut. J. Murray, commander of His Majesty’s armed surveying vessel Lady Nelson, between November 1801 and March 1802. By command of His Excellency Governor King.” “This chart, which bears Murray’s autograph, shows his explorations of Western Port, Port Phillip and King Island. It should be noted that Flinders Island is named Grand Capuchin. This is one of the charts referred to as "unfortunately missing” in the Historical Records of N.S. Wales, vol. iv. P. 764” The story of the Lady Nelson In 1798 the British Admiralty ordered a cutter of 60 tons to be built along the design of the armed cutter Trial that was developed by Captain John Schanck, with three sliding keels or centreboards that could be individually raised and lowered, for use on the River Thames. The new cutter was to be named Lady Nelson. Philip Gidley King, prior to taking up his appointment as third Governor of the colony of New South Wales, was in England at the time of the Lady Nelson’s fit-out and was aware of the need for such a ship for survey work in the colony in New South Wales. He convinced Captain Schanck, the Commissioner of Transport in England, to construct and rig the Lady Nelson as a brig rather than a cutter, keeping the feature of the three sliding keels, which would be very useful for mapping in shallow waters. The new Lady Nelson was launched at Deptford, England on the River Thames in November 1798, with the official commission to discover and survey the unknown parts of the coast of New Holland (Australia) and establish British sovereignty over the continent. The Lady Nelson sailed from Portsmouth, England on March 1800 under the command of Lieutenant James Grant. She carried an armament of two original and four extra brass carronade carriage guns and set sail as part of a convoy heading to Port Jackson, in New South Wales, New Holland. After a while she continued to sail on her own. Her journey was troubled with problems at times; damaged and broken keels, troublesome crew and leaking topsides between the waterline and the deck due to poor seals. She arrived at the Cape of Good Hope in July and waited for the winter to pass to avoid the strong winds of the ‘Roaring Forties’. While at the Cape, Grant received a despatch to travel to Port Jackson via the newly discovered Bass Strait, rather than the usual route via the tip of Van Diemen’s Land (Tasmania). This also gave him the opportunity to survey the strait on the way. He departed the Cape in October and in December he made his first sighting of New Holland near Mount Gambier in what is now South Australia. A report by Ecclestone in 2012, ‘The Early Charting of Victoria’s Coastline’, mentions that Grant charted and named Capes Banks and Northumberland, and sighted inland hills that he named Mt Gambier and Mt Schanck, the latter after the designer of his ship. Grant then reached the south-western shores of what is now Victoria on 3-4 December 1800, and from Cape Bridgewater he examined the coast eastward to Cape Patton. Although he had not continuously sighted the coast in the vicinity of Port Fairy and Warrnambool, the western part of Victoria became known as Grant’s Land. The Lady Nelson continued eastward and passed through Bass Strait, becoming the first vessel to reach the east coast of New Holland from the west, and arrived at her destination of Port Jackson later in December 1800. Grant, in the Lady Nelson, then left Port Jackson and began survey work. He discovered Port Phillip on Victoria’s coast and explored King Island, he helped establish the first European settlement in Tasmania on the Derwent River, and Port Dalrymple, Newcastle and Port Macquarie. He made several trips from Norfolk Island to Hobart Town. Governor Macquarie sailed on with him to Van Diemen’s Land for a tour of inspection in 1811. Grant helped establish the first settlement on Melville Island in Northern Australia. The Lady Nelson was used to transport cargo, civilians and convicts and to source pigs from Timor. In February 1825 the Lady Nelson sailed again for Timor and never returned. One report said that “Every soul on board, we regret to state, was cruelly massacred, and the hull of the vessel was seen some time after with the name painted on her stern.” The hull was sighted on the island of Babar, which is almost 200 kilometres east of Timor. This particular copy of the book ... This item is from the ‘Pattison Collection’, a collection of books and records that was originally owned by the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute, which was founded in Warrnambool in 1853. By 1886 the Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute (WMI) had grown to have a Library, Museum and Fine Arts Gallery, with a collection of “… choice productions of art, and valuable specimens in almost every branch and many wonderful national curiosities are now to be seen there, including historic relics of the town and district.” It later included a School of Design. Although it was very well patronised, the lack of financial support led the WMI in 1911 to ask the City Council to take it over. In 1935 Ralph Pattison was appointed as City Librarian to establish and organise the Warrnambool Library as it was then called. When the WMI building was pulled down in 1963 a new civic building was erected on the site and the new Warrnambool Library, on behalf of the City Council, took over all the holdings of the WMI. At this time some of the items were separated and identified as the ‘Pattison Collection’, named after Ralph Pattison. Eventually the components of the WMI were distributed from the Warrnambool Library to various places, including the Art Gallery, Historical Society and Flagstaff Hill. Later some were even distributed to other regional branches of Corangamite Regional Library and passed to and fro. It is difficult now to trace just where all of the items have ended up. The books at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village generally display stamps and markings from Pattison as well as a variety of other institutions including the Mechanics’ Institute itself. RALPH ERIC PATTISON Ralph Eric Pattison was born in Rockhampton, Queensland, in 1891. He married Maude Swan from Warrnambool in 1920 and they set up home in Warrnambool. In 1935 Pattison accepted a position as City Librarian for the Warrnambool City Council. His huge challenge was to make a functional library within two rooms of the Mechanics’ Institute. He tirelessly cleaned, cleared and sorted a disarrayed collection of old books, jars of preserved specimens and other items reserved for exhibition in the city’s museum. He developed and updated the library with a wide variety of books for all tastes, including reference books for students; a difficult task to fulfil during the years following the Depression. He converted all of the lower area of the building into a library, reference room and reading room for members and the public. The books were sorted and stored using a cataloguing and card index system that he had developed himself. He also prepared the upper floor of the building and established the Art Gallery and later the Museum, a place to exhibit the many old relics that had been stored for years for this purpose. One of the treasures he found was a beautiful ancient clock, which he repaired, restored and enjoyed using in his office during the years of his service there. Ralph Pattison was described as “a meticulous gentleman whose punctuality, floorless courtesy and distinctive neat dress were hallmarks of his character, and ‘his’ clock controlled his daily routine, and his opening and closing of the library’s large heavy doors to the minute.” Pattison took leave during 1942 to 1945 to serve in the Royal Australian Navy, Volunteer Reserve as Lieutenant. A few years later he converted one of the Museum’s rooms into a Children’s Library, stocking it with suitable books for the younger generation. This was an instant success. In the 1950’s he had the honour of being appointed to the Victorian Library Board and received more inspiration from the monthly conferences in Melbourne. He was sadly retired in 1959 after over 23 years of service, due to the fact that he had gone over the working age of council officers. However he continued to take a very keen interest in the continual development of the Library until his death in 1969 This book about the logbooks of the Lady Nelson is locally significant for its association with the brig Lady Nelson, in which Lt. James Grant made the first documented European discovery of the area later known as Warrnambool in December 1800. This book is also nationally significant for its association with Grant in the Lady Nelson being the first to sail from west to east through Bass Strait, opening up a shorter, faster route to the colony of Port Jackson rather than going all the way south around Van Diemen’s Land. The book is nationally significant for its contents of the logbooks of the journeys of the Lady Nelson under various commanders and the copies of the charts created from the surveyed information and the new land of Australia was discovered. This book is also significant for its association with the full-size non-sailing replica of the Lady Nelson from Mount Gambier’s visitor centre, which was restored by Flagstaff Hill’s Master Boat Builder in Warrnambool in 2012, and with a ship mode of the Lady Nelson in our Collection The Pattison Collection, along with other items at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, was originally part of the Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s collection. The Warrnambool Mechanics’ Institute Collection is primarily significant in its totality, rather than for the individual objects it contains. Its contents are highly representative of the development of Mechanics' Institute libraries across Australia, particularly Victoria. A diversity of publications and themes has been amassed, and these provide clues to our understanding of the nature of and changes in the reading habits of Victorians from the 1850s to the middle of the 20th century. The collection also highlights the Warrnambool community’s commitment to the Mechanics’ Institute, reading, literacy and learning in the regions, and proves that access to knowledge was not impeded by distance. These items help to provide a more complete picture of our community’s ideals and aspirations. The Warrnambool Mechanics Institute book collection has historical and social significance for its strong association with the Mechanics Institute movement and the important role it played in the intellectual, cultural and social development of people throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and the early twentieth century. The collection of books is a rare example of an early lending library and its significance is enhanced by the survival of an original collection of many volumes. The Warrnambool Mechanics' Institute’s publication collection is of both local and state significance. The Logbooks of The Lady Nelson Author: Ida Lee ( Mrs Charles Bruce Marriott) Publisher: Grafton & Co Date: 1915Label on spine with typed text RA 910.994 LEE Inside front cover has a sticker that reads Warrnambool Mechanics Institute and Free Library shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, warrnambool, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, shipwrecked-artefact, book, warrnambool library, warrnambool mechanics’ institute, warrnambool city librarian, mechanics’ institute library, victorian library board, warrnambool books and records, warrnambool children’s library, great ocean road, the logbooks of the lady nelson, ida lee, mrs charles bruce marriott, captain john schanck, sliding keels or centreboards, lady nelson, british brig hms lady nelson, lieutennant james grant, bass strait discovery, surveying king island and port phillip bay, philip gidley king, survey map -
Seaworks Maritime Museum
Large paper document including colour illustrations of Melbourne Harbor Trust shield and other shields. Includes three wax seals attached to document with blue ribbon."To All and Singular to whom these presents shall come, Sire Anthony Richard Wagner/ Knight Commander of the Royal Victorian Order Garter Principal King of Arms. Sir John Lunamace Heaton Arm/ Strong Knight, Member of the Royal Victorian Order. Clarenceux King of Arms an Aubrey John Toppin Esquire/ Commander of the Royal Victorian Order. Norroy and Ulster King of Arms Send Greeting! Whereas Victor/ George Swanson. Esquire upon whom has been conferred the Australian Efficiency Decoration Chairman of the Melbourne Harbor/ Trust Commissioners hath represented unto The Most Noble Bernard Marmaduke, Duke of Norfolk, Knight of the Most/ Noble Order of the Garter Knight Grand Cress of the Royal Victorian Order, Earl Marshal and Hereditary Marshal of/ England and one of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council that the Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners is a body/ corporate with perpetual succession and a Common Seal duly constituted by Act of Legislature of the Colony of Victoria number/ DLII bearing date Twenty second day of December 1876 the said Act having been amended from time to time and various Acts passed consolidating such amendments that under the said/ Act the exclusive management and control of the port and the preservation and improvement of the port generally as vested in the said Commissioners. That the Melbourne Harbour Trust/ Commissioners being desirous of having Armorial Bearings, Supporters and a Device or Badge duly assigned under lawful authority and he hath therefore requested the favour of His Grace's/ Warrant for Ouigranting and assigning such Armorial Ensigns and in the same Patent such Supporters and such Device or Badge as may be proper to be borne and used by the Melbourne/ Harbor Trust Commissioners on Seals otherwise accoding to the Laws of Arms. And forasmuch as the said Earl Marshal did by warrant under his hand and Seal bearing date the Sev-/ enth day of March 1962 authorize and direct Us to grant and assign such Armorial Ensigns and such Supporters and such Device or Badge Accordingly. Know ye therefore that we/ the said Garter Clarenceux and Norroy and Ulster in pursuance of His Grace's warrant and by virtue of the Letters of Patent of Our several offices to each of us respectively granted do/ by these Presents grant and assign unto the Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners the Arms following that is to say: Azure a representation of the constellation of the Southern Cross/ Argent on a Chief enarched on five Pallets of the first. And for the Crest Out of a Coronet composed of eight Masts each with sail set and upon Rim Or in front of a Bollard proper/ two Anchors in saltire Azure Mantled figure doubled Argent as the same are in the margin here of more plainly depicted. And by the Authority aforesaid We do/ further grant and assign the following Device or Badge that is to say: Two Anchors in saltire Argent as here depicted And by the Authority aforesaid the said Garter/ do by these Presents further grant and assign unto the Melbourne Harbor Trust Commissioners the Supporters following that is to say : On either side a Sea Horse/ (Hippocampus) or collared and lined Gules in front of a representation of the Melbourne Harbour front proper as the same are also in the margins here of more/ arms plainly depicted the whole to be borne and used forever hereafter by the Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners on seals otherwise according to the laws of/ Arms. In witness whereof we the said Garter Clarenceux and a Norroy and Ulster Kings of Arms have to these presents subscribed Our names and affixed the seals/ Of our Several offices this fith day of March in the Twelfth Year of the reign of our Soveriegn Lady Elizabeth the Second by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great/ Britain and Northern Ireland and of Her other Realms and Territories Queen head of the Commonwealth Defender of the Faith and in the years of Our Lord One Thousand nine/ hundred and sixty three" "Prosperity Through Service" -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Album - Postcards & Photographs - Vic Solomons and others - Australian Tramways, Vic Solomons, 2023
Contains 184 images of postcards and photographs collected primarily by Vic Solomons of Sydney, with others from the collection of Wal Jack and Warren Doubleday. Covers almost all of Australia's tramway systems. 1 Post Card Hay St Perth Looking East No 3 Unknown Perth 2 Post Card Cars 30 & 90 both on Route 19 pass in Barrack St looking South Perth WA 1935.02.18 Perth 3 Post Card Hay St Looking East Perth WA Unknown Perth 4 Post Card William St Perth WA Unknown Perth 5 Post Card Perth from Shaftsbury Hotel Unknown Perth 6 Post Card Hay St Perth WA Looking East Unknown Perth 7 Post Card Barrack St Perth Unknown Perth 8 Post Card Murray Views No 3 High St Showing Town Hall Fremantle WA Unknown Fremantle 9 Post Card High St Fremantle WA Unknown Fremantle 10 Post Card View of Bolder City Golden Mile in the Background (Section No 1) 1908.08.20 Kalgoolie 11 Post Card Hannan St Kalgoolie 1900.08.19 Kalgoolie 12 Post Card Hannan St Kalgoolie WA (No 2) Unknown Kalgoolie 13 Post Card Intersection Hannan & Maritana Sts Kalgoolie WA Unknown Kalgoolie 14 Post Card Hannan St Kalgoolie Unknown Kalgoolie 15 Post Card Lane Street Bolder City Unknown Kalgoolie 16 Post Card Hobart Double Deck Tram Unknown Hobart 17 Post Card Macquarie St Hobart Unknown Hobart 18 Photo Liverpool Street Hobart Unknown Hobart 19 Photo Hobart 21 Unknown Hobart 20 Photo Hobart 14 in Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 21 Post Card Macquarie St Hobart Unknown Hobart 22 Post Card Macquarie St Hobart Tas Unknown Hobart 23 Photo Double Decker Tram 3 at G.P.O. Hobart Tas No 31 Unknown Hobart 24 Post Card Double Decker Tram 19 Hobart Tas A B Series No 24 Unknown Hobart 25 Photo Hobart Municipal Tramways Tas No 95 Unknown Hobart 26 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 27 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 28 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 29 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Tas Unknown Hobart 30 Post Card HMT 21 with crew at Beach Road Terminus Unknown Hobart 31 Post Card HMT 9 & another with crew at Beach Road Terminus. Front cover photo of Destination GPO 1921.01.00 Hobart 32 Post Card Cascade Road and Mount Wellington Hobart Unknown Hobart 33 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 34 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Unknown Hobart 35 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart 1915.04.07 Hobart 36 Post Card Macquarie St Hobart Tas Unknown Hobart 37 Post Card Macquarie St showing Post Office Hobart 1908.03.12 Hobart 38 Post Card Hobart Municipal Tramways 21 Unknown Hobart 39 Post Card Elizabeth St Hobart Tas Unknown Hobart 40 Post Card Liverpool Street Hobart Unknown Hobart 41 Post Card Electric Tram Launceston Tas 446 W J Little Photo 1919.02.08 Launbceston 42 Post Card Launceston Tram no 3 1911.08.30 Launbceston 43 Post Card Launceston Tram no 3 passes tram No 1 Unknown Launbceston 44 Post Card Tram 6 at Trevallyn a popular suburb Launceston Tasmania Unknown Launbceston 45 Post Card Tram 7 at Trevallyn Road Terminus Launceston Tasmania Unknown Launbceston 46 Post Card Tram 4 in Brisbane St Launceston Unknown Launbceston 47 Post Card Tram 9 in Brisbane St Launceston Tasmania Unknown Launbceston 48 Post Card Camerom Street Launceston Tasmania Unknown Launbceston 49 Post Card Murray Views No 15 Jetty Road Glenelg Terminus 1962-02-08 Adelaide 50 Post Card Bay Tram at Jetty Road Terminus Glenelg SA Unknown Adelaide 51 Post Card Tram 3 in King William Street Adelaide S Aust Unknown Adelaide 52 Post Card Valentine Series No 3065 The Old Horse Tram Victor Harbour Unknown Victor Harbour 53 Post Card Bourke Street Melbourne with Cable Car Looking East 1904.04.25 Melbourne 54 Post Card Opening of New Electric Tramway Elsternwick 1913-11-13 Melbourne 55 Post Card Cable trams in Clarendon St Sth Melb Unknown Melbourne 56 Post Card Pall Mall from Charing Cross Bendigo Unknown Bendigo 57 Post Card Tram 4 & 7 pass at The Fountain and Mitchell Street Bendigo Vic Rose Series P 3198 Unknown Bendigo 58 Post Card M&MTB 133 at Charing Cross bound for Eaglehawk Bendigo Vic Murray Views No 45 Unknown Bendigo 59 Post Card Pall Mall Bendigo Vic Unknown Bendigo 60 Post Card Charing Cross & Mitchell St Bendigo Trams passing 1919.00.00 Bendigo 61 Post Card Pall Mall Looking East Unknown Bendigo 62 Post Card Electric Trams and City Hotel Bendigo Vic Unknown Bendigo 63 Post Card Moorabool Street Geelong V 23 Unknown Geelong 64 Post Card Murray Views No 3 Moorabool Street Geelong Vic Unknown Geelong 65 Post Card The Rose Series P 2487 Ryrie Street Geelong Vic Unknown Geelong 66 Post Card Southern Cross Series 2696 Ryrie Stret Geelong Vic Unknown Geelong 67 Post Card The Rose Series P 1490 Ryrie Street Geelong Vic 1920-03-04 Geelong 68 Post Card Valentine Series No 1568 Lower Sturt Street Ballarat Unknown Ballarat 69 Post Card Rose Series P 1710 Sturt Street Ballarat Victoria Unknown Ballarat 70 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Victoria Unknown Ballarat 71 Post Card Horse Tram In Sturt Street Ballarat 1905.11.10 Ballarat 72 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Looking North-West Unknown Ballarat 73 Post Card Shoppes Square Sturt Street Ballarat Looking North Unknown Ballarat 74 Post Card Junction Sturt and Lydiard Streets Ballarat 1909-09-01 Ballarat 75 Post Card The Electric Supply Co Souvenir Tram Ticket No 3085of the opening of Electric System August 18 1905 1905.08.18 Ballarat 76 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Victoria 1907.11.25 Ballarat 77 Post Card Off to the Gardens Electric Tram Ballarat Unknown Ballarat 78 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat 1907.04.16 Ballarat 79 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Looking East Electric tram with Double Deck Trailer 1911.04.17 Ballarat 80 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Looking East Unknown Ballarat 81 Post Card Sturt Street Ballarat Looking West 1911.03.01 Ballarat 82 Post Card Town Hall and Sturt Street Ballarat Unknown Ballarat 83 Post Card Lydiard Street Ballarat 1906.11.23 Ballarat 84 Post Card Looking North along Adelaide Street from George Street Brisbane Sidues Series No 764 Unknown Brisbane 85 Post Card Looking South along Queen Street from the Creek Street Intersection Brisbane Qld Sirues Series No 1379 Unknown Brisbane 86 Post Card George Street from near Supreme Court Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 87 Post Card Queen and Eagle Streets Brisbane 1907.07.04 Brisbane 88 Post Card Queen Street showing His Majesty’s Theatre Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 89 Post Card Queen Street Treasury Building 1908.01.20 Brisbane 90 Post Card G P O and Queen Street Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 91 Post Card Queen Street Brisbane Looking from Wharf Street Unknown Brisbane 92 Post Card Customs House Brisbane 1905.02.16 Brisbane 93 Post Card Queen St Brisbane 1905.09.16 Brisbane 94 Post Card Queen St Brisbane 1907.11.19 Brisbane 95 Post Card Treasury Buildings Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 96 Post Card Queen and Eagle Streets Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 97 Post Card The Valley Corner Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 98 Post Card Brisbane Queen Street opposite General Post Office Unknown Brisbane 99 Post Card North Quay and Milton Beach Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 100 Post Card Victoria Bridge Brisbane South Side 1907.08.14 Brisbane 101 Post Card Victoria Bridge Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 102 Post Card Breakfast Creek Bridge Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 103 Post Card Melbourne Street Station South Brisbane Queensland Unknown Brisbane 104 Post Card General Post Office Queen Street Brisbane 1955.09.23 Brisbane 105 Post Card Customs House Brisbane 1904.11.04 Brisbane 106 Post Card Queen St Brisbane 1919.11.00 Brisbane 107 Post Card Queen St Brisbane Sidues Series No 627 Unknown Brisbane 108 Post Card Creek Street Brisbane Queensland Unknown Brisbane 109 Post Card Customs House and Garden Reach Brisbane Queensland 1910.00.08 Brisbane 110 Post Card Queen and Creek Streets Brisbane 1909.06.07 Brisbane 111 Post Card Queensland National Bank andd Queen Street Brisbane Queensland Unknown Brisbane 112 Post Card Queen Street and Treasury Buildings Brisbane 0000.09.07 Brisbane 113 Post Card Queen Street showing “Courier” Buildings Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 114 Post Card Intersection George & Roma Streets Brisbane Q 1916.05.11 Brisbane 115 Post Card Adelaide Street Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 116 Post Card G P O Queen Street Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 117 Post Card Treasury Building Brisbane 1906.03-20 Brisbane 118 Post Card Queen and Eagle Streets Brisbane 1907.02.01 Brisbane 119 Post Card Queen St Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 120 Post Card Queen St Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 121 Post Card Victoria Bridge Brisbane 1906.07.30 Brisbane 122 Post Card An Unusual View showing Head of Queen Street Victoria Bridge & South SideSuburbs Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 123 Post Card Petries Bight Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 124 Post Card South End Victoria Bridge Brisbane Q Unknown Brisbane 125 Post Card Customs House Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 126 Post Card Photo of toastrack car circa 1910 Unknown Brisbane 127 Post Card Treasury Buildings Brisbane Unknown Brisbane 128 Post Card East Street Rockhampton with Steam Tram & trailer Unknown Rockhampton 129 Post Card Post Office Rockhampton with steam tram Unknown Rockhampton 130 Post Card East Street Rockhampton with Steam Trams Rose Series P 7154 Unknown Rockhampton 131 Post Card William Street Rockhampton Rose Series P 7156 Unknown Rockhampton 132 Post Card Central East Street Rockhampton Q with Steam Trams Unknown Rockhampton 133 Photo Sturt St Ballarat Unknown Ballarat 134 Photo Bridge Street Ballarat Unknown Ballarat 135 Post Card George St Sydney Unknown Sydney 136 Post Card Elizabeth St Sydney Unknown Sydney 137 Post Card Railway Square Unknown Sydney 138 Post Card Sydney Harbor Bridge - pending receipt 139 Post Card Kings Cross - Mowbray Series with description on rear from C Roy G Field Unknown Sydney 140 Post Card Kings Cross - Mowbray Series with description on rear from C Roy G Field Unknown Sydney 141 Post Card Central Railway Station Sydney - Rose Series P6033 1954-01-26 Sydney 142 Post card William Street Darlinghurst looking towards City - Rose Series P6602 unknown Sydney 143 Post Card Circular Quay Sydney - Rose Series P6680 Unknown Sydney 144 Post Card View at Manly NSW - Rose Series B1003 Unknown Sydney 145 Post Card Hunter St Newcastle NSW - Rose Series P7843 Unknown Newcastle 146 Post Card Bank Corner Newcastle NSW - Mowbray Series No. 155 Unknown Newcastle 147 Post Card Hunter St Newcastle NSW Unknown Newcastle 148 Post Card Criterion Hotel Hunter St Newcastle NSW Unknown Newcastle 149 Photo Horse tram at Newtown Station 1894 to 1898 - PTC photo c1894 Newtown 150 Photo Steam tram motor No 3 at Railway Square 1879 1879 Sydney 151 Photo Railway steam tram c1900 with a horse drawn double deck bus c1900 Sydney 152 Photo Steam motor 5A and doubled deck bus Unknown Sydney 153 Photo Steam motor 53A with detail notes on rear 1922 Sydney 154 Photo Cable tram set at Milsons Point ferry terminal c1900 Sydney 155 Photo Early Sydney electric car - Ocean St - Rose Bay Unknown Sydney 156 Photo George St looking souoth c1905 c1905 Sydney 157 Photo Tram 165 at Circular Quay Unknown Sydney 158 Photo Tramcar ferry or transporter at The Spit Unknown Sydney 159 Photo tram 882 George St at Marti Place, 1937 1937 Sydney 160 Photo Tram 826 Railway Sq area Unknown Sydney 161 Photo Railway Sq in background, Broadway with double decker bus and toastrack car late 1930s Sydney 162 Photo Coupled St Pitt St? - photo Ben Parle Feb. 1950 Sydney 163 Photo Electric tram No. 2 - North Sydney with side trolley pole running Unknown Sydney 164 Photo George St - Horden's Corner Unknown Sydney 165 Photo George St at Martin Place c1920 Sydney 166 Photo Castlereagh St Sydney c1928 c1928 Sydney 167 Photo Railway Sqare c1920 c1920 Sydney 168 Photo Darling St Countereweight Unknown Sydney 169 Photo Trolley bus depot Unknown Sydney 170 Photo Trolley bus No. 14 Unknown Sydney 171 Photo Newcastle Railway Station with steam tram - Wharf Road?? Unknown Newcastle 172 Photo High St West Maitland - steam tram Unknown Maitland 173 Photo High St West Maitland - steam tram Unknown Maitland 174 Post Card Argent St near tram terminal Broken Hill NSW c1900 Broken Hill 175 postcard Argent St looking south Broken Hill - with Ken Magor's notes on rear Unknown Broken Hill 176 Photo Toronto - steam tram 61A Unknown Toronto 177 Photo 124A trial run 1911? Sutherland - Cronulla line 1911 Sutherland 178 Photo 103A at a tram stop Unknown Sydney 179 Photo Cable tram set at Crows Nest terminus grip car 12, trailer 22 Unknown Sydney 180 Photo Cable tram Queens Square Sydney 1903 Sydney 181 Photo cars 2078 and 2077 Chatswood late 1950s Sydney 182 Photo car 1877 Balmain area late 1950s Sydney 183 Photo Trolley bus - Rockdale destination Late 1950s Sydney 184 Photo Broken Hill steam tram - motor 18A North Tram Unknown Broken Hill 185 Photo Millars Point Sydney NSW - ferry/tram interchange, unknown Sydney All items imaged including the rear or back where there was writing of information. All files stored on the Museum's Photo Collections directory. Demonstrates through the medium of many images, Australian tramway systems and Ballarat's place in them.Album - heavy card covers, plastic lined with postcard or 6x4 photo sleeves.australia, tramways, postcards, photographs, steam trams, horse trams, cable trams, trolley buses -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book, Souvenir of Her Majestys Diamond Jubilee Procession
June 22nd 1897 With the compliments of W D & H O Wills Ltd. Souvenir of Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee Procession Date 1897flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, souvenir of her majestys diamond jubilee procession, book