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matching cylcons-aborigines
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, Public Records Office, Establishment of the Aboriginal Protectorate: Copies of correspondence relating to same
Records Description (Registered Incoming Correspondence to C. J. LaTrobe 1839)61 p.; 30 cm.Records Description (Registered Incoming Correspondence to C. J. LaTrobe 1839)aboriginal protctorate-victoria-history-(1839), robinson g. a. - chief protector of aborigines-port phillip, native police-correspondence (1839) -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Booklet, Robson, Merryl K, Keeping the culture alive: an exhibition of Aboriginal fibrecraft featuring Connie Hart, an elder of the Gunditjmara people with significant items on loan from the Museum of Victoria, 1986
Exhibition held at Aboriginal Keeping Place, Hamilton and Westerm District Museum, June 18th, 1986-Feb 28th, 1987.Bibliography: p. 67.67 p. : ill., 1 folded geneal. table, ports. ; 24 cm.Exhibition held at Aboriginal Keeping Place, Hamilton and Westerm District Museum, June 18th, 1986-Feb 28th, 1987.Bibliography: p. 67.1. hart family. 2. aborigines, australian -- industries -- exhibitions. 3. aborigines, australian -- basket making -- exhibitions. i. museum of victoria. ii. hamilton (vic.). council. iii. hamilton and western district museum. aboriginal keeping place. iv. title. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bonyhady, Tim, Burke & Wills : from Melbourne to myth, 1991
The first half of the book examines the organization and conduct of the expedition by drawing on a wide range of sources either ignored by or unknown to previous writers. The second half considers the changing place of the explorers in Australian culture, examining the presentation of Burke and Wills in paintings and sculptures, poems and plays, films and children's books. Context of Burkes Victorian Exploring Expedition, the course of the expedition and its subsequent place in Australian history and culture; numerous brief references to Aborigines - as guides, the Yantruwanta (Yandruwantha) generosity to Bourke, Wills and King and hostility to expeditions.8-383; ill.; plates; maps; index; ref.; 26 cm.The first half of the book examines the organization and conduct of the expedition by drawing on a wide range of sources either ignored by or unknown to previous writers. The second half considers the changing place of the explorers in Australian culture, examining the presentation of Burke and Wills in paintings and sculptures, poems and plays, films and children's books. Context of Burkes Victorian Exploring Expedition, the course of the expedition and its subsequent place in Australian history and culture; numerous brief references to Aborigines - as guides, the Yantruwanta (Yandruwantha) generosity to Bourke, Wills and King and hostility to expeditions.burke and wills expedition (1860-1861) | burke and wills expedition (1860-1861) in art. | burke and wills expedition (1860-1861) in literature. | australia -- discovery and exploration. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Booklet, Aboriginal History Programme, Memories last forever, 1988
All letters are from the Board for the Protection of Aborigines correspondence files, held in the Australian Archives.All oral histories were recorded between October 1987 and April 1988 at Puunyart sessions, at the Lake Condah Mission and in Melbourne.All dated paragraphs are extracts from the Board for the Protection of Aborigines Correspondence files, held in the Australian Archives.The Annual Reports of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines are published in Parliamentary Papers, presented to both Houses of Parliament, Victoria, held at the La Trobe Library.96 p. : ill., facsims., ports. ; 21 cm.All letters are from the Board for the Protection of Aborigines correspondence files, held in the Australian Archives.All oral histories were recorded between October 1987 and April 1988 at Puunyart sessions, at the Lake Condah Mission and in Melbourne.All dated paragraphs are extracts from the Board for the Protection of Aborigines Correspondence files, held in the Australian Archives.The Annual Reports of the Board for the Protection of the Aborigines are published in Parliamentary Papers, presented to both Houses of Parliament, Victoria, held at the La Trobe Library.lake condah mission (vic.) -- history. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- condah, lake, region -- history. | aboriginal australians -- victoria -- condah, lake, region -- biography. | aboriginal australians -- missions -- victoria -- condah, lake, region. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Broom, Leonard, A blanket a year, 1973
Land rights, perhaps the best known of Aboriginal grievances, is bitterly expressed in 'All they give us now for our land is a blanket once a year'. Yet, as Broom and Jones show in this book, the Aborigines are disadvantaged in every way. No one knows who are Aborigines, how many there are, what jobs they hold, what education they have received. Yet, until this extraordinary ignorance is rectified, there is no basis for planning vital improvements. The authors stress the urgent need for public authorities to gather information on Aboriginal health, housing, employment, and education. Without this information no attempt to overcome the gross inequalities can hope to succeed. A Blanket a Year offers constructive professional help. It is vital reading for politicians, administrators, social workers, educationists, and for all fair-minded Australians.98 p. ; notes; tables; references; 23 cm.Land rights, perhaps the best known of Aboriginal grievances, is bitterly expressed in 'All they give us now for our land is a blanket once a year'. Yet, as Broom and Jones show in this book, the Aborigines are disadvantaged in every way. No one knows who are Aborigines, how many there are, what jobs they hold, what education they have received. Yet, until this extraordinary ignorance is rectified, there is no basis for planning vital improvements. The authors stress the urgent need for public authorities to gather information on Aboriginal health, housing, employment, and education. Without this information no attempt to overcome the gross inequalities can hope to succeed. A Blanket a Year offers constructive professional help. It is vital reading for politicians, administrators, social workers, educationists, and for all fair-minded Australians.aborigines. social planning. information requirements. australia. surveys | aboriginal australians -- social conditions. | australia -- social policy. | -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Birckhead, J. comp, Aboriginal Studies : Readings, 1988
... Aborigines ...A reader by various writers prepared for the Aboriginal Studies at the Charles Sturt University-Murray for external Studies.iii-vi; 208 P.; ill.; figs.; maps; tables; refs.;30 cm.A reader by various writers prepared for the Aboriginal Studies at the Charles Sturt University-Murray for external Studies.aborigines, australia-social life and customs., aboriginal history-writing; anthropologists-attitudes; aboriginality-current attitudes; aboriginal sites-custodioanship; land rights-compensation. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Aboriginal History Inc, Aboriginal History - Volume 25. 2001, 2001
Special Section: 'Genocide'? Australian Aboriginal history in international perspective. A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.iiv-iv; 300 p.; footnotes; refs.; 25 cm.Special Section: 'Genocide'? Australian Aboriginal history in international perspective. A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.aboriginal australians -- periodicals. | ethnology -- australia -- periodicals. | yorta yorta - native title claim., | stolen generations - aborigines, australia., | genocide - aborigines, australia. | race relations - violent - genocide | race relations - violent | history, | child welfare - child / parent separation - stolen generations | -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Serials, Aboriginal History Inc, Aboriginal History - Volume 26. 2002, 2002
A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.iiv-viii; 275p.; footnotes; refs.; tabls; maps; plates; 25 cm.A series of articles by leading writers on Aboriginal History.aboriginal australians -- periodicals. | ethnology -- australia -- periodicals. | stolen generations - aborigines, australia., | walter, charles - photographer - coranderrk aboriginal station, victoria. (1865), | coranderrk-history - 1863-1924., | language-aboriginal, dhudhuroa - north-eastern victoria. |, mclean report-victorian aboriginal policy review 1955., | assimilation policies, victoria. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Printed Sheets, Public Record Office, Public Records Office Correspondence Files - Series VPRS 1694: Items l, 2 & 16
The research Report at the front of the folder is annotated and helpful as to some of the contents of the various records. The aim of this report is to provide a preliminary overview of archival files held by the PRO which were research October 1997. Research was conducted into selected files in the series VPRS 1694. the files largely contain correspondence relating to the mangement of the Aboriginal reserves, the condition of the Aborigines, land use and policy development. Document types also include general inward and outward correspondence for the Board for the Protection of Aborigines (BPA) individual stations which often contain attendance lists inventory lists and contracts for the supply of goods. The accompanying Research Report at the front of the folder is most valuable as it outlines the contents for each year.Item 1 : 1889-1899, Item 2, 1900-1916, ; Research Report (annotated)The research Report at the front of the folder is annotated and helpful as to some of the contents of the various records. The aim of this report is to provide a preliminary overview of archival files held by the PRO which were research October 1997. Research was conducted into selected files in the series VPRS 1694. the files largely contain correspondence relating to the mangement of the Aboriginal reserves, the condition of the Aborigines, land use and policy development. Document types also include general inward and outward correspondence for the Board for the Protection of Aborigines (BPA) individual stations which often contain attendance lists inventory lists and contracts for the supply of goods. The accompanying Research Report at the front of the folder is most valuable as it outlines the contents for each year.board for the protection of aborigines - correspondence files.1907 - 1921., lake condah mission - corrrespondence, aborigines- lake condah - lists of residents; closure of mission; petition;, framlingham-inventories of residents (women), lake tyers-correspondence-lists (attendance) 1917., coranderrk- reports. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Broome. Richard, Coburg : between two creeks, 1987
ix, 366 p. : ill., ports. ; appendices; maps; ; 26 cm.1. coburg (vic.) -- history. 2. aboriginal inhabitants-coburg., merri creek; woiworung; aborigines-social life and customs -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Report, Brown, Jill W. (Roisin Hirschfeld and Diane Smith; under the supervision of Professor Edna Chamberlain), Aboriginals and Islanders in Brisbane, 1974
Demographic data on race, age, sex, marital status and mobility; education levels; housing and problems in finding accommodation; occupations and income; medical, legal, welfare and other services; hostels.ix, 119 p. ; 25 cm.Demographic data on race, age, sex, marital status and mobility; education levels; housing and problems in finding accommodation; occupations and income; medical, legal, welfare and other services; hostels.australian aborigines. social conditions. brisbane | torres strait islanders. social conditions. brisbane | aboriginal australians -- queensland -- brisbane -- social conditions. | torres strait islanders -- queensland -- brisbane -- social conditions. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Butlin & Lloyd Pty. Ltd, Food and Nutrition Programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, 1997
i-xi; 221P.; tables; refs.; appendices; 30 and nutrition-programs-aborigines, australia. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Booklet, Baker, George, The role of Australites in Aboriginal customs, 1957
Australites formerly called obsidianites have been found in considerable numbers over vast areas of the southern portion of Australia. Many of them were treasured by certain aboriginal tribes as medicine-stones, death-pointers, punishment stones, hunting stones, sacred stones; magic stones; amulets etc.P.26; map; illus.; figs. references; 24 cm.Australites formerly called obsidianites have been found in considerable numbers over vast areas of the southern portion of Australia. Many of them were treasured by certain aboriginal tribes as medicine-stones, death-pointers, punishment stones, hunting stones, sacred stones; magic stones; amulets etc. australites-victoria-aboriginal useage, aborigines-magic-australites -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Magazine, Barrett, Charles, Piccaninnies
... Aborigines ...A magazine format with photographs of mainly Aboriginl children with captions.pp.48; illus.; 27 cm.A magazine format with photographs of mainly Aboriginl children with captions.aborigines, australian-social life and customs -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Berndt, Ronald M. et al, The World of the First Australians, 1988
Pp.608, i-xxix, Forward to 1988 Edition,Forward to 1985 Edition, Illustrations, Tables and Figuresaustralian aborigines. cultural processes. | aboriginal australians. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brennan, Niall, Chronicles of Dandenong, 1973
The index to this book is very limited, leaving out a number of important entries particularly the aborigines, native police and early missions. His research extends from the Aborigines in the early days through to the great industrial sites which Dandenong now possesses.pp142; maps; illus.; 25 cm.The index to this book is very limited, leaving out a number of important entries particularly the aborigines, native police and early missions. His research extends from the Aborigines in the early days through to the great industrial sites which Dandenong now possesses.aboriginals-narug-wilam; nunurong., native police, dandenong-history, langhorne, george -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Journal - Periodical, Barrett, Charles, Northern Australia
This book covers the far northern parts of Australia, from Queensland to the Kimberleys and the romantic ports of the north-west, where early navigators made landfalls. Tthe photographs, many of them unique, were taken on sea and land expeditions, the latest in 1939, when a 1200 miles' cruise was made in the mission boat Larrpan, from Darwin to the farthest east coast of Arnhem Land.pp40; illus; 27 cm.This book covers the far northern parts of Australia, from Queensland to the Kimberleys and the romantic ports of the north-west, where early navigators made landfalls. Tthe photographs, many of them unique, were taken on sea and land expeditions, the latest in 1939, when a 1200 miles' cruise was made in the mission boat Larrpan, from Darwin to the farthest east coast of Arnhem Land.aborigines-northern australia, port essington, northern australia-aborigines-fishing, aboriginal women-northern australia-food gathering, goulburn island, elcho island, caledon bay, milingimbi, wessel islands, thursday island, wyndham, broome., aboriginal art - cave paintings -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bennett, Richard, Richard Bennetts early days of Port Fairy, 1984
Contents: Richard Bennett's Early Days of Port Fairy - ...; Three Articles by 'Bruni' - The Yangery Estate; Tower-hill Park; Koorongah.viii, 92 p. : ill. ; plates; maps; 25 cm.Contents: Richard Bennett's Early Days of Port Fairy - ...; Three Articles by 'Bruni' - The Yangery Estate; Tower-hill Park; Koorongah.port fairy-history, aborigines of port fairy district. im cain; -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Banfield, Lorna. L, Green Pastures and Gold: A history of Ararat, 1974
... Aborigines ...Early contacts between Thomas Mitchell and Aboriginal peoples and the later violent encounters involving settlers and squatters. The work and contacts of G.A. Robinson among the various peoples of the Western District. Gatherings of many Aboriginal peoples at Lake Bolac for eeling season, during which there was also trading of sandstone, obsidian and other materials for weapons and spears. Photograph of Jenny 'Ware' "the last of the Fiery Creek tribe of the Aboriginies" facing page 20.v-xi; 146 p.; ports;maps; index; bib.; appendics; footnotes; 22 cm.Early contacts between Thomas Mitchell and Aboriginal peoples and the later violent encounters involving settlers and squatters. The work and contacts of G.A. Robinson among the various peoples of the Western District. Gatherings of many Aboriginal peoples at Lake Bolac for eeling season, during which there was also trading of sandstone, obsidian and other materials for weapons and spears. Photograph of Jenny 'Ware' "the last of the Fiery Creek tribe of the Aboriginies" facing page 20.ararat -- victoria -- history |, aborigines, ararat district-conflict-social life and customs-bunjil's cave| place names- weapons and implements-hunting -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Butlin, Noel George, Our original aggression : Aboriginal populations of southeastern Australia, 1788-1850, 1983
... Aborigines ...Contents: Introduction and Disease Background - Black fellow fall down, jump up white man; Death at a long distance. Demographic Modelling - Assumptions and procedures - Basis of modelling; Depopulating disturbances - Diseases and population recovery - Smallpox; the potential for population recovery; Other diseases; Summary diseases effects - Resource competition - Resource depletion and depopulation; Black and white options. Appraisal of estimates - '1788' population possibilities; Possible extrapolations; Summary results. Towards an Ecological Model - Economy and ecology; Some general inferences.xii, 186 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.Contents: Introduction and Disease Background - Black fellow fall down, jump up white man; Death at a long distance. Demographic Modelling - Assumptions and procedures - Basis of modelling; Depopulating disturbances - Diseases and population recovery - Smallpox; the potential for population recovery; Other diseases; Summary diseases effects - Resource competition - Resource depletion and depopulation; Black and white options. Appraisal of estimates - '1788' population possibilities; Possible extrapolations; Summary results. Towards an Ecological Model - Economy and ecology; Some general inferences.aborigines, australian -- population. | aborigines, australian -- statistics, vital. | aborigines, australian -- treatment. | europeans -- australia. | australia -- history -- 1788-1851. | fire-stick farming -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Abbie, A. A, The original Australians, 1969
... Aborigines ...In this carefully documented work he presents an overall picture of the Aborigines; their physical and mental characteristics, tribal customs, sexual behaviour and diet; and discusses the social situation of Aborigines today, and their prospects for the future.xiii-xx; 271p.;illus.; footnoted, bibliography; index; maps; figs.;18 cm.In this carefully documented work he presents an overall picture of the Aborigines; their physical and mental characteristics, tribal customs, sexual behaviour and diet; and discusses the social situation of Aborigines today, and their prospects for the future.aborigines, australian-physical characteristics, aborigines, australian-social life and customs, aborigines, australian - migration, anthropology-aboriginals, australian., magic; artisic culture; ceremonies; beliefs. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bell, Agnes Paton, Melbourne : John Batman's village, 1965
..emphasis has been laid on the earlier history. It is predominantly the incident-packed years of the last century, whilst Melbourne was undergoing so many rapid changes, that has preoccupied her and which she recounts here with such warmth and perception.xiv, 178 p. : ill. (some col.), facsims., ports. ; 25 cm...emphasis has been laid on the earlier history. It is predominantly the incident-packed years of the last century, whilst Melbourne was undergoing so many rapid changes, that has preoccupied her and which she recounts here with such warmth and perception.1. batman, john, 1801-1839. 2. land settlement -- victoria -- port phillip bay region. 3. melbourne (vic.) -- history. 4. aborigines-melbourne-history. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bossence, William Henry, Numurkah, 1979
xi-xvi; 442 P.; indexes; maps; ill.; refs.; 22 cm.numurkah - history, wyuna station (vic.) aborigines - central protection board., maloga mission, bangarang tribes -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Barrett, Charles, White blackfellows : the strange adventures of Europeans who lived among savages, 1948
Stories of William Buckley (1835) - Victoria; Sammy Cox or Samuel Emanuel Jervis (1789) - Tasmania; James Murrells or Jemmy Morrill (1846) - Qld.; James Davis called Duramboi &? Wandi Bracefield or Bracefell (1826) - Wide Bay, Qld.; Mrs. Fraser (1835) - Qld. on the Stirling Castle; wreck of the Charles Eaton, survivors were John Ireland and William Doyley (1834) - Murray Is.; Thomas Pamphlet, Richard Parsons, John Finnegan (1823) Moreton Bay; William Jackman (1836) - Great Australian Bight; Barbara Thomson (1848) - Cape York; Chapter on Aborigines and bushrangers.xvi, 261 p., [23] p. of plates : ill., maps, ports. ; 22 cm.Stories of William Buckley (1835) - Victoria; Sammy Cox or Samuel Emanuel Jervis (1789) - Tasmania; James Murrells or Jemmy Morrill (1846) - Qld.; James Davis called Duramboi &? Wandi Bracefield or Bracefell (1826) - Wide Bay, Qld.; Mrs. Fraser (1835) - Qld. on the Stirling Castle; wreck of the Charles Eaton, survivors were John Ireland and William Doyley (1834) - Murray Is.; Thomas Pamphlet, Richard Parsons, John Finnegan (1823) Moreton Bay; William Jackman (1836) - Great Australian Bight; Barbara Thomson (1848) - Cape York; Chapter on Aborigines and bushrangers.wilderness survival -- australia. | aboriginal australians -- social life and customs. | australia -- history -- 1788-1851. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Olbrei, Erik, Black Australians : the prospects for change, 1982
Contents: THE LEGACY OF THE PAST. Henry Reynolds: European justification for taking the land; Noel Loos & Jane Thomson: Black resistance past & present: An overview.FEDERAL POLICIES IN THE SEVENTIES. Lyndall Ryan: Federal policies on land rights: an overview of the seventies; Commentary: H.C. Coombs.LAND RIGHTS IN THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. Bob Collins: The march backwards; Proposed liquor laws & a draft criminal code for the Northern Territory.A TREATY & THE NAC. H.C. Coombs: The case for a treaty; Les Malezer: NAC proposals for a Makarrata; Marcia Langton: The international lobby and Makarrata; Judith Wright: In defence of a treaty. QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT POLICIES. Garth Nettheim: The Queensland Acts & human rights; Jim Keeffe: DAIA: The role of the protector - then & now.QUEENSLAND RESERVES AND COMMUNITIES. Kenny Jacobs, Roberta Felton & Darwin Mudunathi: Mornington Island perspectives; Delphine Geia: Life on Palm Island; Eric Kyle: Changes on Palm Island; Shorty O'Neill : The effects of Queensland policies on grass roots Aborigines; Granny Dolly speaks; Les Collins: The significance of the Aboriginal flag. TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PERSPECTIVES. Eddie Koiki Mabo: Land rights in the Torres Strait; Nonie Sharp: The seafaring peoples of the Cape York region: Themes in a quest for homelands; Ben Mills: Islanders' response to proposed repeal of the Torres Strait Islanders Act. POSSIBILITIES FOR COMMONWEALTH ACTION. Garth Nettheim: The possibilities for Commonwealth action in Queensland. THE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT. Al Grassby: Combatting racism in Australia. A HIGH COURT CHALLENGE? Barbara Hocking: Is might right? An argument for the recognition of traditional Aboriginal title to land in the Australian courts; Greg McIntyre: Aboriginal land rights - a definition at common law.xvii, 255 p. ; maps; 21 cm.Contents: THE LEGACY OF THE PAST. Henry Reynolds: European justification for taking the land; Noel Loos & Jane Thomson: Black resistance past & present: An overview.FEDERAL POLICIES IN THE SEVENTIES. Lyndall Ryan: Federal policies on land rights: an overview of the seventies; Commentary: H.C. Coombs.LAND RIGHTS IN THE NORTHERN TERRITORY. Bob Collins: The march backwards; Proposed liquor laws & a draft criminal code for the Northern Territory.A TREATY & THE NAC. H.C. Coombs: The case for a treaty; Les Malezer: NAC proposals for a Makarrata; Marcia Langton: The international lobby and Makarrata; Judith Wright: In defence of a treaty. QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT POLICIES. Garth Nettheim: The Queensland Acts & human rights; Jim Keeffe: DAIA: The role of the protector - then & now.QUEENSLAND RESERVES AND COMMUNITIES. Kenny Jacobs, Roberta Felton & Darwin Mudunathi: Mornington Island perspectives; Delphine Geia: Life on Palm Island; Eric Kyle: Changes on Palm Island; Shorty O'Neill : The effects of Queensland policies on grass roots Aborigines; Granny Dolly speaks; Les Collins: The significance of the Aboriginal flag. TORRES STRAIT ISLANDER PERSPECTIVES. Eddie Koiki Mabo: Land rights in the Torres Strait; Nonie Sharp: The seafaring peoples of the Cape York region: Themes in a quest for homelands; Ben Mills: Islanders' response to proposed repeal of the Torres Strait Islanders Act. POSSIBILITIES FOR COMMONWEALTH ACTION. Garth Nettheim: The possibilities for Commonwealth action in Queensland. THE RACIAL DISCRIMINATION ACT. Al Grassby: Combatting racism in Australia. A HIGH COURT CHALLENGE? Barbara Hocking: Is might right? An argument for the recognition of traditional Aboriginal title to land in the Australian courts; Greg McIntyre: Aboriginal land rights - a definition at common law.aboriginal australians. land rights. conference proceedings | aboriginal australians. race relations. conference proceedings | aboriginal australians -- land tenure -- congresses. | aboriginal australians, treatment of -- congresses. | australia -- race relations -- congresses. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Osborn, Betty et al, Maryborough, a social history, 1854-1904, 1985
The authors have given a picture of Maryborough from the earliest rough life on the diggings when a full-scale rebellion was narrowly averted over an incident at Tipperary Hill, to life at the turn of the century when a more sophisticated society had developed. Maryborough-History-1854-1904.Aborigines, Australian-Maryborough-Jajowurrong. (Dja Dja Wurrung); Aborigines-poisoningxx, 420 p. : ill., facsims., maps, plans, ports. ; 24 cm.The authors have given a picture of Maryborough from the earliest rough life on the diggings when a full-scale rebellion was narrowly averted over an incident at Tipperary Hill, to life at the turn of the century when a more sophisticated society had developed. Maryborough-History-1854-1904.Aborigines, Australian-Maryborough-Jajowurrong. (Dja Dja Wurrung); Aborigines-poisoningmaryborough (vic.) -- history. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Document - Report, Aboriginal Affairs Victoria et al, Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody : Victorian government 1994 implementation report, 1995
The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody was establishned in October 1987 in response to growing public concern that the deaths in custody of Aboriginal people were too common and that explanations failed to assure people that Aborigines were not subject to pressures beyond those normally experienced by persons held in custody. The task gi ven to the commission was to inquire into the Aboriginal custodial deaths occurring within the time frame of the Commission's investigation and to inquire into 'any subsequent action taken in respect of each of those deaths including the conduct of coronial, police and other inquiries'.The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody was establishned in October 1987 in response to growing public concern that the deaths in custody of Aboriginal people were too common and that explanations failed to assure people that Aborigines were not subject to pressures beyond those normally experienced by persons held in custody. The task gi ven to the commission was to inquire into the Aboriginal custodial deaths occurring within the time frame of the Commission's investigation and to inquire into 'any subsequent action taken in respect of each of those deaths including the conduct of coronial, police and other inquiries'.aboriginal australians -- victoria -- criminal justice system. | prisoners, aboriginal australian -- government policy -- victoria.| aboriginal australians -- government policy -- victoria. | aboriginal australians -- services for -- victoria. | law enforcement - criminal law and procedure - juvenile justice. | politics and government - political action - criminal justice. | law enforcement - prisons - prisoners. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Bourke, Colin, Before the invasion, Aboriginal life to 1788, 1980
Blurb: Before the Invasion gives a vivid overview of traditional Aboriginal life. It describes what Aborigines wore, their houses, weapons, tools, canoes, and shows their practical ingenuity and resourcefulness in making the most of what their environment offered. It also covers families, clans, roles of men and women, attitudes to children and the old; and the religious world-view which determined the rhythm of their life and underlay all their laws art and music. The authors bring out the broad patterns Australia-wide, but they are careful to note the differences between groups in different areas and to give specific documented examples...112 p. : ill. ; 21 x 23 cm.Blurb: Before the Invasion gives a vivid overview of traditional Aboriginal life. It describes what Aborigines wore, their houses, weapons, tools, canoes, and shows their practical ingenuity and resourcefulness in making the most of what their environment offered. It also covers families, clans, roles of men and women, attitudes to children and the old; and the religious world-view which determined the rhythm of their life and underlay all their laws art and music. The authors bring out the broad patterns Australia-wide, but they are careful to note the differences between groups in different areas and to give specific documented examples...1. aborigines, australian -- social life and customs. schools - project referencers. i. johnson, colin, joint author. ii. white, isobel m., joint author. iii. title -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Osborne, Peter D. (Peter Douglas), The other Australia : the crisis in Aboriginal health, 1982
144 p. ; 30 cm. .health services for australian aborigines | aboriginal australians -- medical care. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brown, Anne, Koorie Bush Tucker of the Murray Basin, 1992
... Aborigines ...Accompanied by detailed charts this booklet explores the bush tucker of the Murray Basin Aborigines and the methods they used to obtain these foods.15 p.; ill.; tables; footnotes, bib.Accompanied by detailed charts this booklet explores the bush tucker of the Murray Basin Aborigines and the methods they used to obtain these foods.aborigines, murray basin - bush tucker., hunting and gathering - murray basin, aborigines.