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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1992
Kew Festival Special Edition [16pp] / p1. Looking for deregulation in North America / Janet Dore p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. New Parking signs / p4. Disabled parking permits / p5. Long term parking p5. Girl Guides & Brownie Guides of Kew / p5. Anyone for tennis? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p5. Football in Kew / p5. New Principal at Hew High School [Alan Taylor] / p6. Trinity Grammar Open Day / p6. Youth Leadership Course / p7. Caritas Christi Hospice Awareness Week / p7. Kew Youth Arts Festival [programme of events] / pp8-9. Diary Dates for March [1992] / p10. Kew Festival Concert at Holy Trinity / p10. Direct Line 2 [Kew Cottages] / p11. Kew Recreation Centre 383-407 High Street, Kew / p11. Healthy fun activities / p11. Free bike identification / p12. Feet feature / p12. New courses at Kew Community House / p13. Kew Junction Commercial Centre / p14. Fundraisers extraordinaire [St. George’s Hospital Kew Ladies’ Auxiliary] / p14. Vale - John Hogan Gervasoni J.P. 1929-1992 / p15. Draft Gaming Machine Policy / p15. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew Festival Special Edition [16pp] / p1. Looking for deregulation in North America / Janet Dore p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. New Parking signs / p4. Disabled parking permits / p5. Long term parking p5. Girl Guides & Brownie Guides of Kew / p5. Anyone for tennis? [East Kew Uniting Church] / p5. Football in Kew / p5. New Principal at Hew High School [Alan Taylor] / p6. Trinity Grammar Open Day / p6. Youth Leadership Course / p7. Caritas Christi Hospice Awareness Week / p7. Kew Youth Arts Festival [programme of events] / pp8-9. Diary Dates for March [1992] / p10. Kew Festival Concert at Holy Trinity / p10. Direct Line 2 [Kew Cottages] / p11. Kew Recreation Centre 383-407 High Street, Kew / p11. Healthy fun activities / p11. Free bike identification / p12. Feet feature / p12. New courses at Kew Community House / p13. Kew Junction Commercial Centre / p14. Fundraisers extraordinaire [St. George’s Hospital Kew Ladies’ Auxiliary] / p14. Vale - John Hogan Gervasoni J.P. 1929-1992 / p15. Draft Gaming Machine Policy / p15. Revealing Villa Alba - Open Days / p16.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1991
Is Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionIs Kew a healthy community - have your say and win prizes / p1. Arthritis/Do you suffer / p1. Have a heart [National Heart Foundation Doorknock Appeal] / p1. Diary dates for September / p2. Swimming for older people [Kew Recreation Centre] / p2. Kew Bowling Club Invitation / p2. Commentary [Obituary for Cr Alfred Stevens; 120 Litre Mobile Bin Recycling Trial / Cr Daryl Oldaker p3. Chief Executive's Column [How Councils raise revenue] / Malcolm Hutchinson p3. Diary dates for October / p4. Kindergarten open days [Kew Preschool Association] / p4. Kew Festival [Kewmunity Living 1992] / p4. VicRoads competition / p4. Medical careers [St George's Hospital; Inner Eastern Geriatric Service] / p4. Kew Colts American Football Club / p4. Introducing Councillor John Vincent Murray [Studley Park Ward] / p5. Big print [books at Kew Library] / p5. So long, farewell [Tony Douglas Clerk of Works] / p5. Empress in Melbourne - 6th April 1938 [book] / p5. Spare time [Volunteering at Bodalla Hospital] / p5. Kew Scout Award [Queens Scout Duncan White] p6. Trinity Grammar prize winning students [Jerry Chiang] / p6. Young Women's Group / Sonia Lloyd p6. Advising Centre for women / p6. Carey Junior School / p7. 'How can you be boss of the bladder' [book] / p7. Swimming for intellectually disabled women [at Kew recreation Centre] / p7. Kew wins at golf [Studley Park Golf Course] / p7. The Mighty Lions of Kew [Lions Club of Kew] / p8. 'The Fabulous Nobody's Return' ['Godspell' at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. 'Dragon Girl' [at Kew High School Community Theatre] / p8. If not W.H.E.N.? [Worldwide Home Environmentalists Network] / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May/June 1990
Sponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionSponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kew Historical Society, Newsletter No.104, September 2013
Five Ways [Kew Junction] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities - KHS Members [Dorothy Benyei, Don Garden]; Exhibitions [Trinity Grammar School, Kew High School]; Past Meetings; Future Meetings; Then and now / p3. Gallipoli and Beyond [100th Anniversary commemorations] / p4. Churches of Kew - the first St Hilary's / Dione McIntyre / p3. The Clifton Hotel / Robert Baker p4. Being Involved [Collections & collecting] / Robert Baker p6. History at the Cemetery [Kew High School tour] / p6. [Vale] Eric Sibly / Tony Michael p6. A message from one of our members about the Kew War Memorial / John Hood p6. Jellis' Bakeries / Robert Baker p7-8. Glencara, Studley Park Road / Kerry Fairbank p9-10. Support Kew's History / p10. AGM advice and forms / p10-11. Book Sale / p12. Name the building / p12.Published quarterly since 1977, the newsletters of the Kew Historical Society contain significant research by members exploring relevant aspects of the Victorian and Australian Framework of Historical Themes. Frequently, articles on people, places and artefacts are the only source of information about an aspect of Kew, and Melbourne’s history.non-fictionFive Ways [Kew Junction] / Robert Baker p1-2. Society Activities - KHS Members [Dorothy Benyei, Don Garden]; Exhibitions [Trinity Grammar School, Kew High School]; Past Meetings; Future Meetings; Then and now / p3. Gallipoli and Beyond [100th Anniversary commemorations] / p4. Churches of Kew - the first St Hilary's / Dione McIntyre / p3. The Clifton Hotel / Robert Baker p4. Being Involved [Collections & collecting] / Robert Baker p6. History at the Cemetery [Kew High School tour] / p6. [Vale] Eric Sibly / Tony Michael p6. A message from one of our members about the Kew War Memorial / John Hood p6. Jellis' Bakeries / Robert Baker p7-8. Glencara, Studley Park Road / Kerry Fairbank p9-10. Support Kew's History / p10. AGM advice and forms / p10-11. Book Sale / p12. Name the building / p12.kew historical society (vic.) -- periodicals., kew historical society (vic.) -- newsletters, kew historical society (vic.) -- journals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.1 No.2 : July 1979
What is Kew Community Care? / p1. What's doing in Kew for July / p1. Hi neighbour [Barrington Street] / p1. Keep the mini-bus running [Kew Community Bus] / p1. Thank you everybody {contributors] / p1. Anyone for Bocce? / p1. Art School for School [Xavier College] / p1. Nominations for [Kew] Council / p1. Kew Historical Society / p2. Limerick of the month / p2. Arts & Crafts at Trinity [Grammar School] / p2. Glad Street Kindergarten / p2. The Copy Shop / p2. Parlez Vous? [Migrant English] / p2. Children's art [Deepdene Primary School] / p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Morning for S.C.F/ / p2. The 'Widow" is back [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p2 Council News [Council elections, Planning for Melbourne; Energy; Efficiency; Employment; Environment] / p2. Citizens Advice Bureau [Unemployment; Home Savings Grants] / p2.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionWhat is Kew Community Care? / p1. What's doing in Kew for July / p1. Hi neighbour [Barrington Street] / p1. Keep the mini-bus running [Kew Community Bus] / p1. Thank you everybody {contributors] / p1. Anyone for Bocce? / p1. Art School for School [Xavier College] / p1. Nominations for [Kew] Council / p1. Kew Historical Society / p2. Limerick of the month / p2. Arts & Crafts at Trinity [Grammar School] / p2. Glad Street Kindergarten / p2. The Copy Shop / p2. Parlez Vous? [Migrant English] / p2. Children's art [Deepdene Primary School] / p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Morning for S.C.F/ / p2. The 'Widow" is back [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p2 Council News [Council elections, Planning for Melbourne; Energy; Efficiency; Employment; Environment] / p2. Citizens Advice Bureau [Unemployment; Home Savings Grants] / publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.2 No.11 : May 1981
The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme / p1. How Red Cross helps [Trinity Grammar School Past Parents' Group] / p1. Backgammon [Eastern Bridge Studios] / p1. Scrabble / p1. News from East Kew Uniting Church / p2. Hyde Park Fellowship [refugees] / p2. What's doing in Kew for May / p2&3. Kew Uniting Church Highbury Grove / p3. Wanted [Volunteers; Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p3. The Copy Shop / p3. Council News - City of Kew Cultural & Charity Grant; May School Holiday tentative programme; Playcentre; Films; Kew Traffic School; Toddler Playgroups [The Uniting Church of Kew] / p4. Milking time in Kew [Watson's Dairy; Milk and Dairy Supervision Act] / Elizabeth Mackie p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionThe Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme / p1. How Red Cross helps [Trinity Grammar School Past Parents' Group] / p1. Backgammon [Eastern Bridge Studios] / p1. Scrabble / p1. News from East Kew Uniting Church / p2. Hyde Park Fellowship [refugees] / p2. What's doing in Kew for May / p2&3. Kew Uniting Church Highbury Grove / p3. Wanted [Volunteers; Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p3. The Copy Shop / p3. Council News - City of Kew Cultural & Charity Grant; May School Holiday tentative programme; Playcentre; Films; Kew Traffic School; Toddler Playgroups [The Uniting Church of Kew] / p4. Milking time in Kew [Watson's Dairy; Milk and Dairy Supervision Act] / Elizabeth Mackie p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.4 No.4 : November 1982
Kew Philharmonic Orchestra / p1. Kew Garden Club / p1. Native Plant Group / p1. Early Planning for Retirement Group / p1. An Advent Carol Service [The Ministers of the Kew Fraternal; Trinity Grammar School] / p1. Kew Library / p1. 66th anniversary of Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p2. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p2. What's doing in Kew for November / p2&3. Trash and Treasure [Holy Trinity] / p3. Toddler-Kindy Play Gym [Group] / p3. East Kew Bowling Club / p3. Inner East Foster Care [Agency] / p3. School Fair [East Kew Primary School] / p3. The Way We Were [Kew history] / Barbara Giles p4. Building confidence through movement / p4. Exercise the rhythmic way [Rosemary Smart] / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionKew Philharmonic Orchestra / p1. Kew Garden Club / p1. Native Plant Group / p1. Early Planning for Retirement Group / p1. An Advent Carol Service [The Ministers of the Kew Fraternal; Trinity Grammar School] / p1. Kew Library / p1. 66th anniversary of Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p2. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p2. What's doing in Kew for November / p2&3. Trash and Treasure [Holy Trinity] / p3. Toddler-Kindy Play Gym [Group] / p3. East Kew Bowling Club / p3. Inner East Foster Care [Agency] / p3. School Fair [East Kew Primary School] / p3. The Way We Were [Kew history] / Barbara Giles p4. Building confidence through movement / p4. Exercise the rhythmic way [Rosemary Smart] / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.4 No.11 : July 1983
Art exhibition: Trinity Grammar School / p1. A new Musical at St Hilary's Kew ('Rocky & the Bloke' / p1. Visitors welcome (Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria) / p1. Uniting Church Congregational Casserole Dinner / p2. 1st Kew Scout Group bottle recycling depot change / p2. Native Plant Group / p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau / p2. Kew Historical Society / p2. Kew Library (displays) / p2. Billabong Club for boys and girls primary school age (Kew Baptist Church) / p2. Th treasures of our city (Villa Alba; Historic houses; Heritage planning; Louis Kahan - Kew Synagogue windows) / p3. C.A.B. volunteers need (Citizens' Advice Bureau) / p3. Daytime Garden Club / p3. East Kew Uniting Church (calendar of events) / p4. Kew Garden Club / p4. Evening Mission Group (Kew Uniting Church) / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship (Hyde Park Uniting Church) / p4. 'Rotaract Rave' / p4. Scrabble / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionArt exhibition: Trinity Grammar School / p1. A new Musical at St Hilary's Kew ('Rocky & the Bloke' / p1. Visitors welcome (Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria) / p1. Uniting Church Congregational Casserole Dinner / p2. 1st Kew Scout Group bottle recycling depot change / p2. Native Plant Group / p2. Save the Children Fund / p2. Kew Citizens' Advice Bureau / p2. Kew Historical Society / p2. Kew Library (displays) / p2. Billabong Club for boys and girls primary school age (Kew Baptist Church) / p2. Th treasures of our city (Villa Alba; Historic houses; Heritage planning; Louis Kahan - Kew Synagogue windows) / p3. C.A.B. volunteers need (Citizens' Advice Bureau) / p3. Daytime Garden Club / p3. East Kew Uniting Church (calendar of events) / p4. Kew Garden Club / p4. Evening Mission Group (Kew Uniting Church) / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship (Hyde Park Uniting Church) / p4. 'Rotaract Rave' / p4. Scrabble / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award - Kew High School trophy, 1880
F.G.Barnard, writing in 1910, recorded that Ernest Ingle opened a boys' school in a private house in Cotham Road, Kew, in 1872. The school was later moved to larger premises in Charles Street, where suitable school rooms were added. Ingle's career was cut short by a fatal attack of typhoid fever in 1875. The school then passed into the hands of Mr. J. Henning Thompson. Under Thompson's management the school speedily became a strong rival to the neighbouring Hawthorn Grammar School. Barnard also lists in his Jubilee History of Kew, that Dr N.C. Vance [winner of the trophy for the 440 yards running event] was a notable alumnus of Kew High School. It is assumed that N.C. Vance was the son of Rev G.O. Vance who was appointed vicar of Holy Trinity Church, Kew, in 1870. This is a tangible memento of the first Kew High School, awarded to a pupil eight years after the school's establishment. The trophy is historically interesting as it was presented to N.C. Vance by Ann Bon, a notable Kew resident and a supporter of Indigenous People in Victoria, particularly William Barak and his family.Silver plated trophy in the form of a cup on a pedestal with two arms, each surmounted with pine cones. The trophy has a range of design features including convex and concave decorated surfaces created by repoussé (i.e.hammering). Specific decorative aspects include scrolling at the top of the cup and floral sprays at front and the rear of the trophy. There is a single inscription identifying the school, the event, the winner and the identity of the person presenting the trophy. The metal used in the cup section of the trophy is heavier and thicker than that used in the rest of the trophy.There are no compositional or maker marks on the trophy.Inscribed: "Kew High School / Old Boys Cup / Presented by / Mrs John Bon / Won by / N Vance 1880"dr n vance, kew high school -- kew (vic.), private schools -- kew (vic.), sports trophies -- kew (vic.), n.c. vance -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Villa, Redmond Street (Kew), 1977
Original black and white print positive of a double fronted late Victorian Villa in Redmond Street, Kew. When the photograph was taken in 1977, it was the home of Mrs Darby.Reverse: "Elderly Kew resident['s home]. Taken by Trinity Grammar School Boys during a history study of People and Places in Kew 1978."victorian villas, victorian architecture, redmond street -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Clothing - Evening Coat, 1920–1930
The donor, whose parents owned an antique shop believed that the evening coat was owned by the family of Cr Morris Nathan and his wife Margaret Frances, nee MacKay. Maurice Nathan was born in Kew in 1914 and died in East Melbourne in 1982. He was a student of Trinity Grammar School, Kew. He was Lord Mayor, and his wife Lady Mayoress, of the City of Melbourne for two terms between 1961 and 1963. The age of the coat, created in a design typical of the 1920s would suggest that it is of an earlier vintage, almost certainly dating from the 1920s, but perhaps earlier. The opulence of the sequinned and beaded embroidery have led to the supposition that it may be an opera coat inherited from an earlier generation.Three quarter length, red and cream silk, padded evening coat highlighted on the cuffs and hem with iridescent sequins, beading and pearls of different shapes and sizes. These decorative features are arranged in a formal design, particularly at centre back. Above the beaded sections are sunbursts outlined in gold beads.Trimmed rabbit fur at collar and cuffs. The sleeves are shaped above the embroidered sections while the hem features a zig-zag profile. MEASUREMENTS - Neck to hem front 93cm; Neck to hem back 100cm; Circumference 126cm; Shoulder to cuff 72cm; Shoulder width 36cm.Traditionally, pre acquisition, stored in brown suitcase embossed in gilt with the name R. NATHANevening jackets, opera coats, fashion -- 1920s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Award - Kew Bowling Club : Skippers Average Trophy, 1931-40
The Kew Bowling Club was formed in 1880 while the privately owned Auburn Heights Recreation Club was opened in 1904. By 1998, the two Clubs decided to amalgamate at the Auburn Heights site in Barkers Road, forming the Kew Heights Sports Club. The combined club was itself taken over by the Melbourne Cricket Club in 2012 becoming MCC Kew Sports Club. In 2017 MCC Kew closed and its landholding was subsequently sold to Carey Baptist Grammar School. The combined collections of the four sporting clubs making up the collection number hundreds of items that are historically and socially significant to the development of Kew. They are also significant to the sporting history of the greater Melbourne area and to the sports of lawn bowls and tennis in Australia in the 19th and 20th centuries. The collections illuminate two of the Victorian Historic Themes - 'Building community life' through forming community organisations and 'Shaping cultural and creative life' by participating in sport and recreation'.Kew Bowling Club : Skippers Average Trophy presented by S. R. PritchardKew Bowling Club presented by S. R. Pritchard / Skippers Average won by: 1931–2 G.H. Cole; 1932–3 W. Stronach; 1933–4 D.S.M. Norris; 1934–5 F.H. Rigg; 1935–6 A.E.H. Phillipps; 1936–7 P. Vance; 1937–8 D.B. Ross; 1938–9 C.G. Wood; 1939–40 W.H. Tregear; 1940–1 H. Coleman.kew bowling club, bowling clubs -- melbourne (vic.), sports awards, trophies -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Series) - Oral History Project {Kew]
Various PartiesReference, Research, InformationArranged by Secondary Values (value of records to users)A contest from the City of Kew to students studying history in the area. Promoted students to interview members of the community that lived in the area in 1938. The file includes: A letter from the Mayor of Kew about the contest, list of names of possible interviewees, newspapers articles about the project, and tapes submitted by students at Carey Baptist Grammar and Trinity Grammar Schools, with letter of high commendation.oral history project (1980) – kew (vic.), carey baptist grammar – kew (vic.), trinity grammar – kew (vic.).oral history project (1980) – kew (vic.), carey baptist grammar – kew (vic.), trinity grammar – kew (vic.). -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
... historic houses -- kew (vic.) trinity grammar school melbourne ...Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in the photograph is of the front of the house, minus the first floor verandah that had been removed some decades before and preceding the reinstatement of the verandah sometime after 1988. Prue Sanderson, in the City of Kew Urban Conservation Study, Vol.2 (1988) stated that: 'The house originally had a fine cast iron verandah to two facades, however despite its removal, it remains as a most preposessing structure, The small cast iron perch is not original. Overall the design is in Italianate styling and the walls are clad in render, with extremely fine incised medallions in the render at both levels. The treatment of the tripartite windows with rounded upper corners is also atypical and is repeated in the joinery of the front entrance.'"Photo one / Trinity Grammar Project 1978 / Form 3R / "Otira" Walpole St"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
... historic houses -- kew (vic.) trinity grammar school melbourne ...Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in the photograph is of the panelled entrance hall."Photo 2 / Otira entrance / Trinity Bays Project"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- entrance halls -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
... historic houses -- kew (vic.) trinity grammar school melbourne ...Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view in of a fire surround and overmantel in the house."Photo 3 / Walnut mantle Otira / Trinity Form 3R"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- overmantels -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, 1978
... historic houses -- kew (vic.) trinity grammar school melbourne ...Sanderson P (1988): '73 Walpole Street (Kew), 'Otira'. Built 1887. Original use - Residence. Architect - Crouch. Henry Berry, a noted philanthropist and salt merchant of Melbourne, was the original owner of this two-storey, boom-period house. Berry occupied the residence until his death in 1923 while in February the following year, the property was auctioned. Subsequently purchased by the Methodist Church for use as a training college for missionaries, a number of additions and alterations were made at that stage including a memorial chapel that was built on the property in 1957.' Otira is now a private residence. Original colour positive photograph (polaroid) of 'Otira', 73 Walpole Street, Kew, taken in 1978 by students in Form 3R at Trinity Grammar School as part of a project. The view is of the painted glass panels surrounding the main door, viewed from the hall."Photo 4 / Stained glass door panels Otira"otira - 73 walpole street, henry berry, historic houses -- kew (vic.), trinity grammar school, melbourne architects -- crouch, interior design -- front doors -- 1880s, interior design -- painted glass -- 1880s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive showing six boys from Trinity Grammar School in a boat on the Yarra at Studley Park in a re-enactment of the survey party of Charles Grimes of February 1803.Annotated on reverse: "TRINITY BOYS AS GRIMES PARTY ON YARRA / 1978 FESTIVAL"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive showing six boys from Trinity Grammar School in a boat on the Yarra at Studley Park in a re-enactment of the survey party of Charles Grimes of February 1803.Annotated on reverse: "GRIMES PARTY COMING UP THE YARRA 1978 / TRINITY GRAMMAR BOYS IN RE-ENACTMENT / FESTIVAL CONTRIBUTION / BY KEW HISTORICAL SOCIETY"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive showing six boys from Trinity Grammar School in a boat on the Yarra at Studley Park in a re-enactment of the survey party of Charles Grimes of February 1803.Annotated on reverse: "TRINITY BOYS IN RE-ENACTMENT OF GRIMES' / EXPLORATION OF YARRA 1803. / FESTIVAL 1978 / ORGANISED BY K.H. SOCIETY"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive showing a boy from Trinity Grammar School in a tree, role-playing Captain Robbins, a member of Grimes' survey party.Annotated on reverse: "CAPTAIN ROBBINS LOOKING UP THE YARRA AND REPORTING: 'A LAND THAT OFFERS GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR SETTLEMENT' / RE-ENACTED BY A TRINITY BOY / 1978 FESTIVAL"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of Cr Allan Hutchinson, role-playing a town crier in the re-enactment.Annotated on reverse: "CR ALLAN HUTCHINSON AS TOWN CRIER, RE-ENACTMENT OF GRIMES' JOURNEY 1803 / KHS CONTRIBUTION TO FESTIVAL OF KEW 1978 / TAKEN BY S. WEST"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival, cr allan hutchinson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of Cr Allan Hutchinson, dressed as a town crier in the re-enactment.Annotated on reverse: "CR HUTCHINSON 1978 / TOWN CRYER"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival, cr allan hutchinson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of Cr Allan Hutchinson, dressed as a town crier in the re-enactment. Spectators and Kanes Bridge is in the background.Annotated on reverse: "FESTIVAL 1978 / CR ALLAN HUTCHINSON"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival, cr allan hutchinson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of from left: Cr Allan Hutchinson, Cr Noel Whiting, Mayor of Kew, and Trinity Grammar boys dressed in sailor costumes.Annotated on reverse: "MAYOR, CR HUTCHINSON AND SAILORS"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival, cr allan hutchinson, cr noel whiting -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of three girl guides who were attending the Charles Grimes re-enactment in 1978. The guide on the left is Kate Smith and the guide on the right holding the Australian flag is Ann Wilson. The name of the guide in the middle has been obscured by glue and paper. Kanes Bridge is in the background. Annotated on reverse: "KATE SMITH *** ANN WILSON / FESTIVAL 1978 / GRIMES RE-ENACTMENT AT YARRA BEND / DONATED BY M. ROLLEY"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of participants in the Charles Grimes re-enactment at Yarra Bend during the 1978 Festival of Kew. From left to right they are: Cr Noel Whiting (Mayor of Kew), Stewart Brunt, Scott Fulton, and Cr Allan Hutchinson.Annotated on reverse: "RE-ENACTMENT OF GRIMES' JOURNEY UP THE YARRA 1803 / TRINITY GRAMMAR BOYS"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival, cr noel whiting, cr allan hutchinson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of two schoolboys, dressed as Wurundjeri warriors, who were participants in the Charles Grimes re-enactment at Yarra Bend during the 1978 Festival of Kew. Annotated on reverse: "(NATIVES) RE-ENACTMENT OF GRIMES' 1803 EXPEDITION / FESTIVAL 1978 / DONATED BY M. ROLLEY"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of six Trinity Grammar students, dressed in costume as members of the Charles Grimes survey of the Yarra of 1803.Annotated on reverse: "TRINITY GRAMMAR BOYS DRESSED AS GRIMES' PARTY DURING RE-ENACTMENT / K.H. SOCIETY'S CONTRIBUTION TO 1978 FESTIVAL / DONATED BY M. ROLLEY"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Historic re-enactment during the Festival of Kew, 1978
At the 1978 Festival of Kew, a number of organisations, including the City of Kew, the Kew Historical Society, Trinity Boys Grammar School and local Girl Guides participated in a re-enactment of the expedition of the party of Charles Grimes in surveying the Yarra River as far as Kew in February 1803. The location for the event was Yarra Bend Park near the Studley Park Boat House. The event was organised by the Kew Historical Society. The re-enactment was captured by a number of amateur photographers as well as by a photographer from the local Progress Press.Local communities select events to commemorate according to their shared history and values. Commemorations of colonial exploration were popular with local historical groups such as the Kew Historical Society in the twentieth century. In re-enacting events such as the Grimes survey of the Yarra, students from a local school were encouraged to take on specific roles, including play-acting individuals involved in the survey party as well as members of the local Wurundjeri People. The photographs, taken by amateur and professional photographers, represent a period in time when the dominant values were those shared by the descendants of European settlers in Victoria. Original colour photographic positive of the site where the re-enactment of Charles Grimes' survey party of 1803 took place during the Kew Festival of 1978.Annotated on reverse: "GRIMES LANDING SITE / 1978 / DONATED BY MRS DEAN"kew historical society, trinity grammar school, kew girl guides, city of kew, yarra river, charles grimes, collins expedition, wurundjeri people, yarra bend park, colonial surveys, historic re-enactments, festival of kew, kew festival