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matching aboriginal languages
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, John Henderson, Language in native title, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Introduction /? John Henderson and David Nash Language and native title /? John Henderson Linguistic evidence and native title cases in Australia /? Peter Sutton Linguistic continuity in colonised country /? Jeanie Bell Country and the word: linguistic evidence in the Croker Sea claim /? Nicholas Evans Linguistics and the Yorta Yorta native title claim /? Heather Bowe The language of the Peak Hill Aboriginal people: a linguistic report in a native title claim /? Tamsin Donaldson Labels, language and native title groups: the Miriuwung-Gajerrong case /? Greg McIntyre and Kim Doohan Historical linguistic geography of south-east Western Australia /? David Nash Language ownership: a key issue for native title /? Michael Walsh Can lexicostatistics contribute an absolute time-scale to discussions of continuity of occupation in native title determinations? /? Barry Alpher Linguistic stratigraphy and native title: the case of ethnonyms /? Patrick McConvell Making your skin fit properly: displaced equivalence in 'skin' systems in the Barkly /? Gavan BreenMaps, tables, b&w diagramsyorta yorta, yoda yoda, yabala yabala, bangerang, shepparton, miriuwung, gajerrong, native title -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Luise Hercus, The land is a map : placenames of Indigenous origin in Australia, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Place names often evoke important information about features of the environment and their place in Indigenous knowledge. On the other hand, place names given by European settlers are largely arbitrary.Maps, b&w photographs, b&w illustrations, word listsplace names, wik, cape york peninsula, ngalakgan, alawa, marra, yukgul, kaurna, yuwaalaraay, yuwaaliyaay, gamilaraay, ngiyampaa -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Leanne Hinton, How to keep your Language alive : a commonsense approach to one-on-one Language learning, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Contents: Some myths about language learning/ Overview of the philosophy and method/ What you can expect to learn/ The typical session/ A sample sequence for beginners/ Going ahead with your learning/ Developing vocabulary/ The framework of language: learning grammar/ Intermediate and advanced language learning/ Learning stories/ More on the written word/ Problems and plateaus in language learning/ Appendix A: how to develop a program in your community/ Appendix B: applying master-apprentice principles to the classroom/ Appendix C: Drawings.B&w illustrations, b&w photographslanguage revival, language maintenance, master apprentice language learning, language education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Leanne Hinton, The green book of Language revitalization in practice, 2008
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...1. Language Revitalization: An Overview /? Leanne Hinton 2. Diversity in Local Language Maintenance and Restoration: A Reason For Optimism /? Anna Ash, Jessie Little Doe Fermino and Ken Hale 3. Federal Language Policy and Indigenous Languages in the United States /? Leanne Hinton 4. "... To Help Assure the Survival and Continuing Vitality of Native American Languages" /? Robert D. Arnold 5. Language Planning /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Pueblo Languages /? Leanne Hinton 6. Native Language Planning: A Pilot Process in the Acoma Pueblo Community /? Christine P. Sims 7. The Key To Cultural Survival: Language Planning and Revitalization in the Pueblo de Cochiti /? Regis Pecos and Rebecca Blum-Martinez The Navajo Language: I /? Ken Hale 8. Navajo Head Start Language Study /? Paul R. Platero 9. Introduction to Revitalization of National Indigenous Languages /? Leanne Hinton Introduction to the Welsh Language /? Leanne Hinton 10. Welsh: A European Case of Language Maintenance /? Gerald Morgan Introduction to the Maori Language /? Ken Hale 11. Te Kohanga Reo: Maori Language Revitalization /? Jeanette King An Introduction to the Hawaiian Language /? Leanne Hinton 12. The Movement to Revitalize Hawaiian Language and Culture /? Sam L. No'Eau Warner 13. "Mai Loko Mai O Ka 'I'ini: Proceeding from a Dream": The 'Aha Punana Leo Connection in Hawaiian Language Revitalization /? William H. Wilson and Kauanoe Kamana 14. Teaching Methods /? Leanne Hinton The Karuk Language /? Leanne Hinton 15. Teaching Well, Learning Quickly: Communication-Based Language Instruction /? Terry Supahan and Sarah E. Supahan The Navajo Language: II /? Ken Hale 16. Tsehootsooidi Olta'gi Dine Bizaad Bihoo'aah: A Navajo Immersion Program at Fort Defiance, Arizona /? Marie Arviso and Wayne Holm 17. The Master-Apprentice Language Learning Program /? Leanne Hinton 18. Linguistic Aspects of Language Teaching and Learning in Immersion Contexts /? Ken Hale 19. New Writing Systems /? Leanne Hinton An Introduction to Paiute /? Leanne Hinton and Ken Hale 20. Language Revitalization in the San Juan Paiute Community and the Role of a Paiute Constitution /? Pamela Bunte and Robert Franklin 21. Audio-Video Documentation /? Leanne Hinton Australian Languages /? Ken Hale 22. Strict Locality in Local Language Media: An Australian Example /? Ken Hale The Arapaho Language /? Ken Hale 23. Reflections on the Arapaho Language Project, or When Bambi Spoke Arapaho and Other Tales of Arapaho Language Revitalization Efforts /? Stephen Greymorning Irish /? Ken Hale 24. Continuity and Vitality: Expanding Domains through Irish-Language Radio /? Colleen Cotter The Mono Language /? Ken Hale 25. On Using Multimedia in Language Renewal: Observations from Making the CD-ROM Taitaduhaan /? Paul V. Kroskrity and Jennifer F. Reynolds 26. Can the Web Help Save My Language? /? Laura Buszard-Welcher 27. Training People to Teach Their Language /? Leanne Hinton Inuttut and Innu-aimun /? Ken Hale 28. The Role of the University in the Training of Native Language Teachers: Labrador /? Alana Johns and Irene Mazurkewich Languages of Arizona, Southern California, and Oklahoma /? Leanne Hinton 29. Indigenous Educators as Change Agents: Case Studies of Two Language Institutes /? Teresa L. McCarty, Lucille J. Watahomigie and Akira Y. Yamamoto /? [et al.] The Navajo Language: III /? Ken Hale 30. Promoting Advanced Navajo Language Scholarship /? Clay Slate 31. Sleeping Languages: Can They Be Awakened? /? Leanne Hinton 32. The Use of Linguistic Archives in Language Revitalization: The Native California Language Restoration Workshop /? Leanne Hinton The Ohlone Languages /? Leanne Hinton 33. New Life for a Lost Language /? Linda Yamane.Maps, b&w photographs, tables, word listslanguage policy, language planning, language maintenance, language revitalization, language immersion, language literacy, media and technology, language education and training, sleeping languages, navajo, arapaho -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Leanne Hinton, Bringing our Languages home : language revitalization for families, 2013
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Contents: I Starting from Zero 1.Miami Myaamiaataweenki Oowaaha: `Miami Spoken Here' /? Jarrid Baldwin 2.Wampanoag How Did This Happen to my Language? /? Jessie Little Doe Baird pt. II Learning from the Elders 3.Karuk Karuk Language and the Albers Basket /? Elaina (Supahan) Albers 4.Yuchi Family Language without a Language Family /? Renee T. Grounds pt. III Families and Communities Working Together 5.Mohawk Our Kanien'keha Language /? Theodore Peters 6.Maori My Language Story /? Hana O'Regan 7.Hawaiian E Paepae Hou 'Ia Ka Pohaku: Reset the Stones of the Hawaiian House Platform /? Kauanoe Kamana 8.Anishinaabemowin Language, Family, and Community /? Margaret Noori 9.Irish Belfast's Neo-Gaeltacht /? Aodan Mac Poilin pt. IV Variations on a Theme 10.Kypriaka Making Choices, Enriching Life /? Aliosha Bielenberg Pittaka 11.Warlpiri About Dad /? Ezra Hale Contents note continued: pt. V Family Language-Learning Programs 12.Kawaiisu The Kawaiisu Language at Home Program /? Julie Turner 13.Scottish Gaelic Taic/?CNSA and Scottish Gaelic /? Finlay M. Macleoid Conclusion 14.Bringing Your Language into Your Own Home /? Leanne Hinton.B&w illustrations, b&w photographs, word listswarlpiri, language revival, language maintenance, language education -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Aboriginal words : Aboriginal-English, English-Aboriginal, 1955
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A short book of definitions of Aboriginal words drawn from across Australia - includes state of origin of words and sometimes region within a state. Aboriginal-English and English-Aboriginal sections.word listsdictionaries, glossaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Australian Aboriginal words : Aboriginal-English, English-Aboriginal, 1955
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A short book of definitions of Aboriginal words drawn from across Australia - includes state of origin of words and sometimes region within a state. Aboriginal-English and English-Aboriginal sections.word listsdictionaries, glossaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Kenneth Katzner, The languages of the world, 2002
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...The major language families of the world are looked at closely. Sample texts of over 200 languages.Tableslanguage families, linguistics, world languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Justin Kenyon, The Aboriginal word book, 1964
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Harold Koch, Aboriginal placenames : naming and re-naming the Australian landscape, 2009
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ..."Aboriginal approaches to the naming of places across Australia differ radically from the official introduced Anglo-Australian system. However, many of these earlier names have been incorporated into contemporary nomenclature, with considerable reinterpretations of their function and form. Recently, state jurisdictions have encouraged the adoption of a greater number of Indigenous names, sometimes alongside the accepted Anglo-Australian terms, around Sydney Harbour, for example. In some cases, the use of an introduced name, such as Gove, has been contested by local Indigenous people." "The 19 studies brought together in this book present an overview of current issues involving Indigenous placenames across the whole of Australia, drawing on the disciplines of geography, linguistics, history, and anthropology. They include meticulous studies of historical records, and perspectives stemming from contemporary Indigenous communities. The book includes a wealth of documentary information on some 400 specific placenames, including those of Sydney Harbour, the Blue Mountains, Canberra, western Victoria, the Lake Eyre district, the Victoria River District, and southwestern Cape York Peninsula." -- Publisher description. Contents: Introduction: Old and new aspects of Indigenous place-naming /? Harold Koch and Luise Hercus NSW &? ACT: 1. Aboriginal placenames around Port Jackson and Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia: sources and uncertainties /? Val Attenbrow 2. Reinstating Aboriginal placenames around Port Jackson and Botany Bay /? Jakelin Troy and Michael Walsh 3. The recognition of Aboriginal placenames in New South Wales /? Greg Windsor 4. New insights into Gundungurra place naming /? Jim Smith 5. The methodology of reconstructing Indigenous placenames: Australian Capital Territory and south-eastern New South Wales /? Harold Koch Victoria: 6. Toponymic books and the representation of Indigenous identities /? Laura Kostanski 7. Reviving old Indigenous names for new purposes /? Laura Kostanski and Ian D. Clark 8. Reconstruction of Aboriginal microtoponymy in western and central Victoria: case studies from Tower Hill, the Hopkins River, and Lake Boga /? Ian Clark South Australia &? Central Australia: 'Aboriginal names of places in southern South Australia': placenames in the Norman B.Tindale collection of papers /? Paul Monaghan 10. Why Mulligan is not just another Irish name: Lake Callabonna, South Australia /? J.C. McEntee 11. Murkarra, a landscape nearly forgotten: the Arabana country of the noxious insects, north and northwest of Lake Eyre /? Luise Hercus 12. Some area names in the far north-east of South Australia /? Luise Hercus 13. Placenames of central Australia: European records and recent experience /? Richard Kimber Northern Australia: 14. Naming Bardi places /? Claire Bowern 15. Dog-people: the meaning of a north Kimberley story /? Mark Clendon 16. 'Where the spear sticks up': the variety of locatives in placenames in the Victoria River District, Northern Territory /? Patrick McConvell 17. 'This place already has a name' /? Melanie Wilkinson, Dr R. Marika and Nancy M. Williams 18. Manankurra: what's in a name? placenames and emotional geographies /? John J. Bradley and Amanda Kearney 19. Kurtjar placenames /? Paul Black.Maps, b&w photographs, tables, word listsaustralian placenames, sociolinguistics, linguistics, anthropology, sydney harbour placenames, blue mountains placenames, canberra placenames, western victoria placenames, lake eyre placenames, victoria river district placenames, cape york peninsula placenames -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Donald Laycock, Linguistic trends in Australia : papers presented to the A.I.A.S. Linguistics Group May 1968, 1970
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Various authors: technical linguistic studies of genetic classification of Australian languages, Daly family languages, and some language-specific notes on South Australian languages.Maps, word listsdaly, gugada, wirangu, dieri, tyemeri, mulluk, linguistics, grammatical theory, phonology, -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Joseph Lo Bianco, Australian policy activism in language and literacy, 2001
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Australian Policy Activism in Language and Literacy presents the dynamics of language and literacy policy activism in Australia by capturing accounts of many of those most deeply engaged in Australia?s distinctive practice of Language and Literacy policy-making and its effects. This book describes how policy texts came about. 1. From policy to anti-policy: how fear of language rights took policy-making out of community hands /? Joseph Lo Bianco 2. Australia's language /? Paul Brock 3. Politics, activism and processes of policy production: adult literacy in Australia /? Rosie Wickert 4. Although it wasn't broken, it certainly was fixed: interventions in the Australian Adult Migrant English Program 1991-1996 /? Helen Moore 5. Advocating the sustainability of linguistic diversity /? Michael Singh 6. The cost of literacy for some /? Anthea Taylor 7. (E)merging discourses at work: bringing together new and old ways to account for workplace literacy policy /? Geraldine Castleton 8. The melody changes but the dance goes on - tracking adult literacy education in Western Australia from 'learning for life' to 'lifelong learning': policy impacts on practice 1973-1999 /? Margaret McHugh, Jennifer Nevard and Anthea Taylor 9. Sleight of hand: job myths, literacy and social capital /? Ian Falk 10. National literacy benchmarks and the outstreaming of ESL learners /? Penny McKay 11. Open for business: the market, the state and adult literacy in Australia up to and beyond 2000 /? Peter Kell 12. Inventiveness and regression: interpreting/?translating and the vicissitudes of Australian language policy /? Uldis Ozolins 13. Deafness and sign language in government policy documents 1983-1990 /? Des Power 14. Imprisoned by a landmark narrative? Student/?teacher ratios and the making of policy /? Merilyn Childs 15. Ideologies, languages, policies: Australia's ambivalent relationship with learning to communicate in 'other' languages /? Angela Scarino and Leo Papademetre 16. Reconciled to what? Reconciliation and the Norther Territory's bilingual education program, 1973-1998 /? Christine Nicholls 17. Sing out that song: the textual activities of social technologies in an Aboriginal community /? Jack Frawley.language activism, linguistic diversity, adult literacy, education, sign language, reconciliation, esl programs -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, The Macquarie Library, Macquarie Aboriginal naming book : an Australian guide to naming your home or boat, 1996
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...An English-Aboriginal word list for the purpose of naming houses or possessions - information is derived from ?Macquarie Aboriginal Words? and includes source languages for words.word listsbundjalung, datiwuy, diyari, eastern arrernte, gooniyandi, kaurna, meryam mir, murrinh-patha, ngiyampaa, nyungar, paakantyi, torres strait creole, wemba wemba, wik-mungkan, wiradjuri, yindjibarndi -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Ian Malcolm et al, Aboriginality and English : report to the Australian Research Council, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ..."The relation of Aboriginality to English has important implications for communication between Aborigines and other Australians, and especially for the education of Aboriginal and other Australian children within a context of reconciliation." Executive summary "The relationship between Aboriginal English and Australian English requires an appropriate educational response, and the report concludes by providing the rationale for two way bidialectal education which is the best way in which Aboriginality and English may thrive together within a schooling which will relate meaningfully to a life experience in which both English dialects have an important place". Executive summaryword lists, tableslinguistics, education, reconciliation, sociolinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, A E Martin, One thousand and more place names in New South Wales, 1943
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...word listsplace names -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aldo Massola, Aboriginal place names of south-east Australia and their meanings, 1968
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A first attempt to make a complete collection of all recorded Aboriginal names of towns, shores, homesteads, rivers, swamps, mountains and other natural features of south-east Australia. Gives meanings.word listsvocabulary, word lists, south east australian languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, John Mathew, Eaglehawk and crow : a study of the Australian Aborigines, including an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Australian languages, 2005
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Original text of comprehensive detail of Mathew?s observations and theories on Origin of Species of Aboriginal People, Traditional Lifestyles, Art and Social Customs. Includes maps and word lists and meanings. -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, John Mathew, Eaglehawk and crow : a study of the Australian Aborigines, including an inquiry into their origin and a survey of Australian languages, 1899
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Original text featuring Mathew's comprehensively detailed observations and theories on the origin of species of Aboriginal people, traditional lifestyles, art and social customs.maps, b&w illustrations, word lists, tablesjohn mathew, eaglehawk and crow, stories -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, New South Wales Aboriginal place names and euphonious words, with their meanings, 1959
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Includes map of NSW tribes, and numerical cross-referencing to those tribes if the language of the place name is known.Maps, word lists -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, G Millar, Working papers in linguistics, 1979
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ... -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Thesaurus, 1997
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A guide for library staff cataloguing, so tat culturally appropriate terms are used which enable researchers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander issues greater access to information.Glossarysubject headings, thesaurus, aboriginal and torres strait islanders -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Edward E Morris, Austral English : a dictionary of Australasian words phrases and usages, with those Aboriginal-Australian and Maori words which have become incorporated in the language and the commoner scientific words that have had their origin in Australasia, 1898
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...A dictionary of English usage in the Australasian region (Australia and New Zealand); includes numerous Aboriginal and Maori words. Full definitions with examples from contemporary texts, etymologies often given.word listsdictionaries -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Eve Mumewa D Fesl, A guide for Koorie community Language centres
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Looking at maps and word lists that record the use of languages and dialects in the areas. Gives tips for recording languages and language lists.Maps, word listskulin, ganai, wadi wadi, wemba wemba, wergaia, yorta yorta, dadi dadi -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Daniel Nettle et al, Vanishing voices : the extinction of the world's languages, 2000
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Looking at vanishing languages from around the world and what can be done to prevent it.B&w illustrations, b&w photographs, mapslinguistics, endangered languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, W J Oates, A revised linguistic survey of Australia, 1970
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Lists languages under areas and language classification; records location, previous research, degree of urgency of research and assessment of total linguistic knowledge; index of variant language names.Mapslinguistics -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Nicholas Thieberger, Paper and talk : a manual for reconstituting materials in Australian Indigenous languages from historical sources, 1995
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Collection of essays about language and language sources.Sheet music, b&w photographs, maps, word listslinguistics, murri, endangered languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Parish names and their Aboriginal meaning
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Includes local newspaper articles and non-Aboriginal names as well. Author and date of compilation not indicated. * Marked ?Hem 153.?newspaper clippings -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, J Hobson, Re-awakening languages : theory and practice in the revitalisation of Australia's Indigenous Languages, 2010
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Language policy and planning, Language in communities, Language centres and programs, Language in education, Literacy and oracy, Language and technology, Language documentationScreen shots, b&w photographs, b&w diagramslinguistics, sociolinguistics, kaurna, wiradjuri, ngapartji ngapartji, dharug, dhurga, language and technology -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, D Victoria Rau et al, Documenting and revitalizing Austronesian Languages, 2007
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Part 1: International capacity building initiatives, Part 2: Documentation and revitalization Activities, Part 3: Computational methods and tools for language documentation.Maps, b&w photographs, tableslanguage and elearning, endangered languages, austronesian languages -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Aboriginal place names and their meanings, 1994
... Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages 33 Saxon ...Lists place names and gives simple meanings. Designates which State the word comes from.word listsplace names, word lists, linguistics