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Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Framed montage, Arthouse - Picture Framing & Gallery, On the Seas, 2013
HUMBLE BEGINNINGS The Mission to Seafarers, which was originally known as the ‘Bethel Union’, was established in London in 1835, a recognition of the spiritual needs of seafarers who live a lonely life at sea. In 1857, the Bethel Union began a mission in Victoria aboard the Emily, a large hulk vessel donated by the government, with the object of establishing a floating church for sailors moored in Hobson’s Bay. The first chaplain, his wife and their eight children, three servants and livestock called the Emily home for two and a half years. Each week, sailors were taken to the Emily via a longboat to join in the Sunday services. Today following the same custom, seafarers are transported by bus to and from the docks by a volunteer bus service run from the Mission building at 717 Flinders Street. This window, named ‘On the Seas’, was installed in 1980 and represents the origins and history of the Mission to Seafarers through the symbols of a cross, maritime and Masonic imagery.Reflections of the Sea was an exhibition of 10 framed montage of photographs from the mission's archive collection showcasing 10 stained glass windows from the St Peter chapel. This exhibition curated by Georgia Melville and Catherine McLay, and funded by PROV and Creative Victoria, was displayed in the World Trade Centre Wharf Gallery in June July 2013 and toured to Queenscliff Maritime Museum. The photographs of the windows were taken by scientific photographer Justine M. Philip. This frame is showcasing the window by Greg Cummins with a photograph of seamen in front of a van and a view of Port Melbourne.Framed and mounted on black cardboard of black and white and colour reproductions from the MTSV collection for the exhibition Reflections of the Sea with brief label signageon label: ABOVE: View of the Princes Pier from the Port Melbourne Mission windows in 1928. BELOW: A group of visiting seafarers standing in front of the Mission bus during an outing to the beach, circa 1950s.reflections of the sea, georgia melville, exhibition, 2013, world trade centre, wtc, creative victoria, prov, mission to seafarers, stained glass windows, justine m. philip, greg cummins, flinders street, catherine mclay, arthouse -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Framed montage, Arthouse - Picture Framing & Gallery, Noli Me Tangere, 2013
A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE Before the increase of air transport, everything that arrived or departed from Australia did so via the ports and wharves. The Mission to Seafarersis not a Victorian initiative, but rather a global network that currently operates in over 260 ports worldwide, assisting over 1.3 million seafaring men and women each year. The importance of the Mission’s role is demonstrated in the Chaplain’s Report 1947, which notes that ships and their crews are: “...inextricably linked with the well-being of Australian industrial and economic life... This, in turn, means that you cannot escape some share in responsibility for their welfare.” This window, titled ‘Noli Me Tangere’, was installed in memoriam of Moira Oliver, the wife of the Reverend Frank Oliver, chaplain at the Mission 1930-60, and whose dedication in life and service to the welfare of seafarers was inspirational to many.Reflections of the Sea was an exhibition of 10 framed montage of photographs from the mission's archive collection showcasing 10 stained glass windows from the St Peter chapel. This exhibition curated by Georgia Melville and Catherine McLay, and funded by PROV and Creative Victoria, was displayed in the World Trade Centre Wharf Gallery in June July 2013 and toured to Queenscliff Maritime Museum. The photographs of the windows were taken by scientific photographer Justine M. Philip. This frame is showcasing the memorial window to Moira Bird Oliver, wife of Padre Oliver , a photograph of Padre Oliver listing a ship and a photograph of sailors playing tug-of-war during a picnic.Framed and mounted on black cardboard of black and white and colour reproductions from the MTSV collection for the exhibition Reflections of the Sea with brief label signageon label: ABOVE: Mission to Seafarers' chaplain Frank L Oliver, visiting a ship whilst in port, c1950s BELOW: The crew of the motor ship Nyhaugin a tug-of-war with the crew of the SS Madgeburg at the 1926 Boxing Day picnicreflections of the sea, georgia melville, exhibition, 2013, world trade centre, wtc, creative victoria, prov, mission to seafarers, stained glass windows, justine m. philip, moira bird oliver, moira bird oliver (nee good), padre frank leslie oliver, picnic, tug-of-war, flinders street, catherine mclay, arthouse -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Flyer, Annual Meeting, 1886
The Annual Meeting presenting the Annual Report was held on the 21st of September 1886 at the Melbourne Athenaeum. In the Standard (Port Melbourne, Vic. : 1884 - 1914), Saturday 25 September 1886, page 2 VICTORIAN SEAMEN'S MISSION. This institution held its annual meeting in the Melbourne Athenæum on Tuesday evening under the most favourable auspices. The hall was filled in every part, a very large pro portion of the audience being seamen. The half hour previous to the com mencement of the meeting was very pleasantly occupied bv listening to the capital playing of the band of the Naval Brigade, and precisely at eight o'clock the musicians heralded the entrance of the vice-regal party by playing ' The National Anthem.' Sir Henry and Lady Loch were received by the Mayor of Melbourne (Mr. Stewart), the Hon. F. T. Derham, Captain Pasco, Mr. H. R. Reid (hon. secretary), and Lieutenant - Colonel Templeton, and His Excellency imme diately took the chair. The venerable ex-chaplain, the Rev. Kerr Johnson, was present, but as he did not feel equal to taking part in the proceedings, the Rev. E. T. Miles opened the meeting with prayer. Nothing could have been more cal culated to give a distinctive character to the meeting than the singing of the Sailors' Hymn by the 300 odd seamen present. The rugged yet tuneful voices of the men blending with those of the ladies present, who heartily joined in, gave a most spirit-stirring effect to the beautiful words of the refrain : — Rocks and streams I'll fear no more, When on that eternal shore; Drop the anchor ! furl the sail ! I am safe within the vail. Next followed His Excellency's address as chairman. The Governor threw himself heartily into the pro ceedings, and his remarks, expressive of the utmost sympathy with the sea men of the empire, were applauded to the echo. In fact from the start all the speakers struck the right key-note. The institution was not held up as a charity on which Jack was more or less dependent. According to the gentlemen who one and all welcomed him as a friend, and a right useful friend too, the thing was all the other way. To the sailor it was, they de clared, that they owed all that the colony possessed, and more — the great ness and prosperity of the Empire, He was the sort of man who never turned his back on a fellow creature, or refused to give a hand to a comrade in distress. Therefore it was deter mined that Jack should not come to these shores and think there were none to care for the comfort of his body or the welfare of his soul, and with the object of greeting the sailor on his arrival, of grasping his hand as a friend, beguiling his hours on shore, and saving him from the scores of dangers and temptations which beset a sea-faring man's stay in port, the institution had in '57 been started. Its claims on the Victorian public, not as a charity, but as a means of show ing some recognition of the services of the brave men who man our mercan tile marine, were ably put before the meeting. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan de clared that if the Melbourne merchants contributed to the mission a tithe of the amount they spent in insurance, they would find their goods better looked after by the seamen than by the insurance companies. Captain McCallum, the treasurer, read the following report of the com mittees of the Port Melbourne and Williamstown Rests : — In no part of the Queen's dominions have there been more changes during the last thirty years than in the colony bearing her gracious name ; and it is therefore all the more pleasant to report that the Victorian Mission to seamen, which started so long ago as 1857, still pursues an active career of usefulness, holding out a helping hand to mariners of all nations, without distinction of colour, race or creed. Eight years ago, some of the supporters of the Mission, feeling the want of a Temperance Club, where the crews of the various ships might recreate themselves and enjoy the three ' C's' — Coffee — Comfort — Company, appealed to the public for assistance, resulting in sufficient funds being obtained to justify the establishment of Sailors' Rests at Sandridge and Williamstown. Both these institutions were opened by a distinguished gentleman who has always taken a practical interest in sea men, and who, but for illness, would have been present at this meeting — Sir W. F. Stawell — and the result jof several years' experience fully justifies the statement that these institutions have supplied a felt want — the attendance of visitors reaching now about 30,000 per annum ; whilst so economically are they managed, that the annual cost to the public is less than L150 The thanks of the committee are specially due to those ladies and gentlemen who so kindly made a special and successful effort to supply both of the Bests with new piano fortes, to the great enjoyment of ' Jack ashore.' The instrument which was pre sented to the Port Melbourne institution by Mr. J. M. Bruce, on behalf of the sub scribers, the funds having been collected by his daughter yet in her teens, being espec ially one of great value. Concerts free to all seamen, given by amateur singers, are held weekly on both sides of the bay, and are largely attended and much appreciated. The building at Port Melbourne, which, being of wood, is merely of a temporary character, is free from debt ; but there is a mortgage of L500 on the Williamstown institution, which cripples its usefulness. The committee have regretfully to report that during the year under review they have lost, through the weakness of increas ing years, tbe loving services of the Rev. Kerr Johnston, their venerable friend and chaplain, whose life is, indeed, the history of the Mission, for he has been connected with it from the commencement of the work. Mr. Johnston has proved himself a true disciple of his Divine Master, and the com mittee trust that in the evening of his days he may enjoy that peace and rest which he lias so well earned. The com mittee presented Mr. Johnston, on retiring, with an honorarium of L100. Mr. E. James has been appointed iu Mr. JohuBton'u room, and the committee believe that their choice lias been a fortunate one. The Mission aud Sailors' Bests have been kept afloat by the unwearied and self -deny-ing exertions of the Ladies1 Committee, who have personally collected nearly the whole of the income ; but it may fairly be asked whether, in this great seaport, where last year there entered in at Her Majesty's Customs 1711 ships, manned by 61,256 men, the mercantile community of Melbourne should net take a more active interest in the welfare of the thousands of brave men who, for a few weeks, temporary sojourners on our shores, away from friends and relatives, have a special claim on our sympathy and help. We are of the old land, ' that gem sunk in the silver sea and we can re-echo Mr. Gladstone's recent words to the crew of the yacht Sunbeam, ' The calling which you follow is a noble one, and is calculated to bring forth the highest qualities of our common nature ; ana if it is possible for any occupation to make a man, in the highest and wideBt sense of the word, it is ' the occupation to which your lives are given. How closely it is connected with the the prosperity and fame of tbi» great nation ; how closely, indeed, it is connected with advancement of civilisation, and tiie general welfare of the world, it needs no words of mine to tell yon, for in your work and life you know it well, and feel it truly.' Look ing at what we Victorians owe to the British sailor, the committee earnestly trust that, with the blessings of the Almighty God, increased success will attend the work of the Mission and Rests. Mr. James read the chaplain's re port: — Since my appointment as chaplain to tbe Seamens' Mission, I have met with greater success than I anticipated. I have visited all the ships that have come into port, also many of the vessels on the Yarra, and am pleased with the civil and courteous manner in which I have been received by captains, officers and men, and in most cases my invitations to them to attend our meetings have been most heartily responded to. . The attendance at the services in the Bethel has much improved — on some occasions scarcely sitting room is to be found. The services have proved a great blessing to many Christian seamen ; whilst several who have come into port caring for nothing of a religious nature, have left praying. God fearing men, with the request that those left behind would remember them in their supplications, that they should be kept through all the trials and temptations to which seamen are exposed. The weekly Tuesday evening concerts got up bj the ladies of the committee and others, have proved a great benefit to the Mission, and a source of great enjoyment to the seamen in port. The programmes are excellent; and are spoken of by the sailors as the best they have heard in any port. The Sailors* Rest is provided with a library, the daily papers, and illustrated literature, with games of chess, draughts, dominoes, quoits, and other amusements, which are much taken advantage of during the evenings. Seamen ' are alio provided with writing materials, free, bo that everyone may have any opportunity of writing to their friends; for many an anxious parent is counting the days and hoping for .the time to come when they shall get a line from their sons in the far distant land, and many a son is reminded of his obligation by the opportunity thus afforded. I am much pleased at this time to acknowledge the kindness of the committee, and the great help I have received from them, also from Mr. Douglas, the manager of the Best. I do not think I could have been blest with a better co-worker. I have no hesitation in recommending the seamen to go to the Best, and telling them that they will receive a most hearty welcome, to which they can all testify ; my thanks are due to the voluntary workers, who have given every assistance ft their power, especially to Miss Lloyd, who is an invaluable help, attending in all weathers, and playing the organ at every service. The Sunday School is progressing, and we aie now about to make another addition to the library, of good readable books. The work at Williamstown is also pro gressing well, the Wednesday night concerts being well attended, and the singing and reciting supplied by local talent really good; the sailors contributing largely to the programmes. Captain McCallum is the backbone of the work at Williamstown, well supported by many warm friends of the sailors. The services held every Sunday night are productive of mnch good. The work here, too, is very encouraging, having much improved of late. I am thank ful to God that He has so blessed the efforts of His people, and hope they may be long spared to carry on the work. The Rev. G. D. Buchanan in an eloquent speech proposed the first re solution : — ' That the Reports now read be adopted, and that the following ladies and gentlemen be the Committee for the ensuing year : — SEAMEN'S MISSION. Ladies Committee. — Mesdames Templeton, Campbell, Chamberlin, Elworthy, Lormer, Gourlay, Gowan, B. Johnston, Webb, Young, Plummer, Misses Elwortny, Webb, Gowan, and M. Hastie. Gentlemen's Committee. — Captains Pasco, R. N., Adams, McCallum, J.P., Dalgarno, Garside, Messrs. Courtis, A. J. Smith, Macpherson, H. R. Reid, J.P., Henry Berry, J.P., Revs. Kerr Johnston, and A. R. Edgar.' Captain Pasco seconded, and in formed the audience that Baron Von Mueller had written regretting his inability to attend, but had sent a substantial cheque. (Applause.) A collection was then taken up and liberally responded to, the band mean-time playing airs suitable to the occa sion, such as ' The Death of Nelson' and ' Rocked in the Cradle of the Deep.' The hon. F. T. Derham next pro posed the second resolution : — ' That the success which has attended the working of the Port Melbourne Sailors' Rest justifies this meeting in taking imme diate steps to raise the funds necessary to erect a Seamen's Institute worthy of the in creasing trade and commerce of Victoria.' This was seconded by the Rev. A. R. Edgar, and both were carried by ac clamation. The Mayor of Melbourne moved a vote of thanks to His Excellency, and Sir Henry in the course of his reply said his sympathies were not only with sailors because he had been much brought into contact with them, but because he had been a sailor himself and had had the honour and privilege of serving in Her Majesty's navy. At this the men sprang to their feet and gave three deafening cheers for the Governor and another for Lady Loch, who bowed her acknowledgment and appeared very pleased at the hearty reception accorded to her. During the evening Mrs. Pearce, and Messrs. Walsh, Woods, and Robinson, members of the Liedertafel, contributed songs. The lady, who has sung at the Tuesday evening concerts, sang ' When the Tide comes in' so charmingly that an encore, although against the rule of the evening, was insisted upon, which was responded to by a beautiful rendering of the old ballad ' Robin Adair,' Altogether the meeting was a com plete success, and will doubtless afford the committee fresh encouragement in their well-directed efforts. Printed programme for the 1886 annual meeting taking place in the Melbourne AthenaeumWritten in black ink at the back by WHC Darvall: annual meeting, melbourne athenaeum, 1886, baron ferdinand von mueller, sailors' rest, hugh ronald reid, captain fullarton, captain mccallum, henry loch, captain pasco, reverend kerr johnston -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg, Tied up at Port Lincoln, April 1950
This series of photographs captures life at sea and the conditions on the ship M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg in 1950.This photograph is part of the Allan Quinn collection, which is a pictorial autobiography, and it represents one of many moments of his time abroad as a seafarer.Black and white photograph of the M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg tied up at Port Lincoln in April 1950. The ship is situated on the left-hand side of the photograph with ropes dug into the sand on the right-hand side of the photograph with Port Lincoln in the background.m.s. mongabarra, port lincoln, goteborg -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph, April 1950
This series of photographs captures life at sea and the conditions on the ship M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg in 1950.This photograph is part of the Allan Quinn collection, which is a pictorial autobiography, and it represents one of many moments of his time abroad as a seafarer.Black and white photograph of the ship "Moonta" from Port Adelaide docked at Port Lincoln. On the jetty stand approximately ten people facing the ship looking at the ship or into the water.ships, port adelaide, m.s. mongabarra, goteborg, moonta, children -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, Allan Charles Quinn, "Moonta" Sailing at Port Lincoln, April 1950
This series of photographs captures life at sea and the conditions on the ship M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg in 1950.This photograph is part of the Allan Quinn collection, which is a pictorial autobiography, and it represents one of many moments of his time abroad as a seafarer.Black and white photograph of the "Moonta" from Port Adelaide sailing at Port Lincoln. The ship is sailing in the middle of the frame surrounded by several seagulls, situated towards the bottom left of the frame. Port Lincoln is in the background.1950, ship, rope, sea, masts, mongabarra, allan quinn collection, allan quinn, port lincoln, moonta, port adelaide, seagulls, sailing, rigging -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Photograph - Photograph, Black and white, Allan Charles Quinn, "Mosnes" Departing Port Lincoln, 5 April 1950
This series of photographs captures life at sea and the conditions on the ship M/S "Mongabarra" Goteborg in 1950.This photograph is part of the Allan Quinn collection, which is a pictorial autobiography, and it represents one of many moments of his time abroad as a seafarer.Black and white photograph of "Mosnes" departing Port Lincoln on 5/4/50. This photograph captures the side of the ship and two men standing by some railing.1950, deck, rope, mongabarra, allan quinn collection, allan quinn, railing, port lincoln, mosnes -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Portland Lifeboat, n.d
Built in 1858 at the Port and Harbour Master's yard in Williamstown Victoria, the Portland Lifeboat was overseen by Harbour Master Charles Ferguson. It is understood to have been constructed from the same moulds used to build the Port Fairy Lifeboat, designed by William White, in 1857. Both boats are similar to the lifeboats designed in England by James Peake and adopted by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) in the UK. The Portland Lifeboat's 9.14 m (30 ft) long hull is double diagonally planked in New Zealand kauri, and many of the planks run from gunwale to gunwale in one piece under the inner keel section. Eucalyptus and oregon were used elsewhere and the local blacksmith made the iron work. The fastenings are copper. There are two flotation or buoyancy tanks at either end, with prominent whaleback style decking. Under the thwarts is a deck with scuppers so that the craft is both buoyant and self draining whenever large waves are taken aboard in rough conditions. The lifeboat was oar-powered with a sailing rig. The original rig was a lug mainsail, but this was replaced with a lug and headsail rig taken from a fishing boat in 1903. The lifeboat was manned by volunteer crews, mostly local fishermen from Portland. They maintained this service until 1915 when the boat was replaced with a new motorised craft. The lifeboat's most outstanding service was to the steamer ADMELLA in 1859 when the ship grounded on a reef off Cape Banks in South Australia, 150 km to the west of Portland. Survivors clung to the rigging in heavy seas for over a week and 89 people lost their lives in the shipwreck. Taken to the scene by the steamer LADY BIRD, the Portland Lifeboat was unable to assist until eight days after the ADMELLA's grounding when the seas abated enough for the lifeboat to manoeuvre close to the ship and rescue the last 19 survivors. Since its retirement in 1915 the lifeboat has been a memorial to those who manned it and those it rescued. For a long period it was on display in the Portland Gardens, first in the open and then under a canopy. In 2008 it was on display inside the Portland Maritime Discovery Centre, still in original condition complete with the rig from 1915. It is one of the oldest vessels of its type in Australia, and the world.Portland LifeboatPhotograph showing the Portland Lifeboatphotography, portland lifeboat, admella -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Sir Rohan Delacombe in Portland for opening of the grain terminal, 8th April 1965, 1965
Port of Portland Authority archivesFront: (no inscriptions) Back: M-G Sir Rohan Delacombe Governor General/ in Portland for opening of/ Grain Terminal 8th April 1965,., (pencil, top)port of portland archives -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Book - Family History, Joy, Shirley, The Search For The Beaumaris Cemetery Victoria 1855--1865 : The Wesleyan burial ground in the Parish of Moorabbin, 1995
A history of the Beaumaris Cemetery and who is buried there and the subdivision of the Wesleyan church.vii, 92 leaves : ill., facsims., 1 plan, ports. A large spiral bound book with a soft cover detailing the early burial sites in the Beaumaris Cemetery.The front cover is white with a drawn picture of three graves and a girl in a long dress standing beside them also on the cover is the The Wesleyan Burial Ground in the Parish of Moorabbin.non-fictionA history of the Beaumaris Cemetery and who is buried there and the subdivision of the Wesleyan church.beaumaris, cheltenham, graves, burials, cemetery, registrar's records, subdivision, wesleyan. -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Oil tanks, n.d
... Authority Archives Port of Portland Back: M, D '80 in pencil Black ...Port of Portland Authority ArchivesBack: M, D '80 in pencilport of portland -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Domestic object - Silver Goblets
Set of 61 silver port goblets, straight bowl design, 38 nominally engravedJ Purcell R Veale J O'Connor J Shepherd A McNeilage C O'Dell P Lucas C Robinson P Fernleigh R Hermon C Brown D Castelow D Rivers A Jones A Krucers G K Smith J Alexander D Crane N Hunter J O'Reilly D Holloway J Leicester D Taylor D Nicholas F Lewis P Martin D Jones M Phillips J McFarlane D McAnintey A Filer L Evans S Gallagher M Stevenson P Wella C Stoylesmess silver, port goblet -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Melbourne University Press, A History of Australia volume II by C.M.H. Clark, 1968
364 p., [10] p. of plates : ill., ports, 25 cm.australia history -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Book, Melbourne University Press, A History of Australia volume III by C.M.H. Clark
491 p., plates : ill., ports, 25 cmISBN 052284054xaustralia history -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Exercise Book, C 1946
... . warrnambool john m reid warrnambool port fairy, koroit and district ...These books were provided free of charge to pupils thanks to the support of the advertisers. The front pages which possibly contained student's work have been torn from the book and the following pages contain lists of names, times and dates . The entries relate to work at places such as E A Wright, Infectious diseases hospital, Ray Barnes as well as many names of local people and areas. Most appear to be associated with electrical work.A link to the district containing names of local people and the cover provides an interesting snapshot of businesses around the district in the 1940's.Green card cover with exercise book inside.There are advertisements for businesses on the outside and inside front cover.Some are local businesses and others relate to businesses further afield. In the top RH corner "Homework Exercise Book" is printed.John M Reid is handwritten at top of front cover.Advertisements included are for the following businesses: J C Williams & Co Port Fairy, Vic Becker clothing Warrnambool, X-L Motor oils, A J Oakes Port Fairy, John Newton Port FairyAlex J King Port Fairy Mrs A V Smith Koroit, R S Corson Koroit , W F Brebner Warrnambool,W J Gee Koroit,Vacuum Oil Company, SPC canned fruits Shepparton.warrnambool, john m reid warrnambool, port fairy, koroit and district state schools, homework exercise book -
Orbost & District Historical Society
glass rolling pin, 1930's
Starting in the 18th century, glassworks in English port towns like Bristol, London, Sunderland, and Newcastle began producing hollow glass rolling pins. They were originally produced for sailors to give to loved ones, particularly young women they were hoping to woo for marriage. Plain, clear glass rolling pins became a common kitchen item in the first half of the 20th century as they were seen to be more easily cleaned that wooden ones.This item is an example of a once commonly used kitchen item.A moulded clear glass cylinder rolling pin with glass handles at each end. It is hollow and can be filled with cold or warm water to better roll a preferred food. There is no stopper at one end. It is marked with M at one end (probably indicating size).one one end - Mdomestic kitchen glass rolling-pin, -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Compass, c. 1839
This magnetic compass is a good size to fit easily into a person's pocket or personal luggage and is protected from knocks by its wooden case. It could have been used for reference when travelling on land or sea. There is no visible manufacturer's mark, which may mean that it was not of high monetary value. Leith is a district of Edinburgh in the country of Scotland, the U.K. It was once the Port of Edinburgh and many migrant ships departed from here bound for the Australian colony. It had a busy shipbuilding industry, with wet and dry docks. It appears from the inscription on the case "Chas Gray, LEITH, 1839" that this pocket compass once belonged to Charles M. Gray (Chas is a common abbreviation for the name Charles). The inscription coincides with the name, place and date that the Western Victorian pioneer Charles M. Gray left Scotland and arrived in Australia. Charles Gray was born in Anstruther, Scotland, in 1818. His family was connected with the Royal Marines, which may have created his nautical instruments such as this pocket compass. Charles Gray arrived in Hobson's Bay on 15 June 1839 on the ship “Midlothian”. That same ship had departed from Leith, Scotland on February 15th 1839. Did Charles Gray acquire the pocket compass in Leith, perhaps as a gift or a souvenir of his motherland? Charles Gray was an early squatter and went on to become a very successful settler as a sheep pastoralist in the Western District of what is now Victoria (originally the colony of New South Wales). He and his wife had a large property called “Nareeb Nareeb”, Green Hill Creek District (now Glenthompson), Victoria, from 1840-1886. He was also a local Councillor and Justice of the Peace, and had an interest in the local indigenous people; he named his property after their tribe. Charles returned to England in 1890 and died there in 1905. Charles Gray had written an account in 1890 of his life at Nareeb Nareeb, called Western Victoria in the Forties: "REMINISCENCES OF A PIONEER The Western District in the 1840's By Charles Gray" , a valuable historical reference to colonial Victoria. His book was published by the Hamilton Spectator in 1932. Charles Gray's photograph is one of 713 historical photographs of early Victorian settlers, created as a montage by Thomas Foster Chuck in 1872. The State Library of Victoria holds the framed montage titled “The Explorers and Early Colonists of Victoria”. To qualify for inclusion on this montage the Settlers must have arrived in Victoria before 1843. Charles Gray's photograph is number 349! The pocket compass is associated with Charles Gray, one of the early squatters and settlers in Western Victoria, possibly given to him as a parting gift on his emigration to Van Diemans land in 1839. The item is very significant as it's connection with one of Victoria's early pioneers is well provenanced by the inscriptions on the wooden case. Pocket compass, brass, set into a square wooden case with hinged lid and small hook catch. Compass is marked with 360 degrees and compass points and has two pointers; one to show magnetic north and one to set the direction of travel. Hinges are triangular and inset into the wood. The lid has an attached brass plaque with the inscription "Chas Gray, Leith, 1839" (It likely belonged to Charles Gray, Leith, UK, who migrated to Port Philip Australia in 1839 and became a successful pastoralist.) “Chas Gray / LEITH / 1839” engraved on brass plaque on lid.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, magnetic compass, pocket compass, charles m. gray, chas gray, migrrant from leith 1839, charles gray anstruther, scottland, ship midlothian 1839, squatter western victoria, settler western victoria, hobson's bay port phillip australia, charles gray nareeb nareeb - green hill creek district, western victoria in the forties: reminiscences of a pioneer by charles m. gray 1890, leith edinburgh u.k., western victoria in the forties: reminiscences of a pioneer - montage by thomas foster chuck 1872, charles gray, reminiscences of a pioneer, the western district in the 1840's, compass, scientific instrument, nautical instrument, direction, directional compass, navigation -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Oil painting, W. Langley-Taylor, Cape Schank [Schanck], Late 19th to early 20th century
This painting is one of a pair of large paintings by W. Langley-Taylor in our collection. Currently, no further information has been found about the artist but research is ongoing. The subjects of these paintings are seascapes of notable areas of the coast on each side of Port Phillip Bay, south of Melbourne, Victoria. The subject of this painting is Cape Schanck, Victoria, which is on the east side of Port Phillip Bay. It includes the Cape Schanck Lighthouse and its Flagstaff. The Cape Schanck Lighthouse was built in 1859 and is the second of Victoria’s coastal lights. It is 21 metres tall and made from limestone. Unusually, its stairway is made from stone rather than wrought iron. Gilded tours are available to explain its use and significance to visitors. The lighthouse keepers at Cape Schanck kept records of the ships that sailed past them along Bass Strait; ship’s names, direction, time and date and so on. The details would also be passed on to shipping agencies, Harbour Masters and newspapers, which published Arrivals and Departures into and out of shipping ports such as Port Phillip Bay and the Port of Melbourne. INSCRIPTIONS “Mrs M Irby” (and on the Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, painting “980/Regency”) The inscription “Mrs M Irby” is on the back of both paintings but the significance of the inscription has not yet been discovered. Perhaps she was connected with the ship or shipping company “Irby”. A ship named “Irby”, built in Merseyside, Liverpool in 1881 by R & J Evans, Birkenhead. It was a four-masted iron ship built for the White Star Line. Henry Wilson Hewitt bought her in 1882, then later she was owned by Chadwick & Pritchard. In 1888 she was registered under the Irby Ship Co. Ltd. (trading as J. Joyce) in Liverpool. In 1912 Galgate Co. Ltd owned her. She traded between London, England and Australia, and is recorded as being in Melbourne and Hobart. In 1919 the Irby was destroyed by a mine when on her way to England. Or perhaps her name and the inscription in pencil “980/Regency” on the Eagle Rock Warrnambool, painting could be a delivery address for the paintings, perhaps an apartment in a hotel. NOTE: The artist’s spelling of the title “Cape Schank, Vic.” is incorrect. The location in this painting is named Cape Schanck. This painting is significant geographically for its representation of the coastal scenery of Victoria, Australia. It is also significant as one of a pair of paintings of seascape, one at sites each side of Port Phillip Bay. The painting is significant historically as an example of late 19th and early 20th methods and materials used to construct a painting’s frame. Painting oil on board in a dark wooden frame, portrait orientation. Seascape of coast with cliffs, lighthouse and flagstaff, flying birds, high waves breaking onto rocks, blue sky with clouds. The title is painted on lower left corner and the Victorian artist, W. Langley-Taylor, has signed his name on lower right. The inscription on back is handwritten script in red crayon or thick red pencil. The board is held in place inside the timber frame with small, dark metal tacks around all sides. Metal eyes join the wire to the frame. Small round, dark metal nail heads are dispersed around the frame and there is a change of colour on both the board and the wood of the frame. Painted on front “W.LANGLEY-TAYLOR.” and “CAPE SCHANK, VIC.” [NOTE: correct spelling is Schanck] Handwritten on back “Mrs. M. Irby” flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, painting, oil painting, cape schanck painting, w. langley-taylor, wall decoration, seascape of victoria's coast, art, mrs m irby, victoria's coast, pair of paintings -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Painting - Oil painting, W. Langley-Taylor, Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, Vic, Late 19th to early 20th century
This painting is one of a pair of large paintings by W. Langley-Taylor in our collection. Currently, no further information has been found about the artist but research is ongoing. The subjects of these paintings are seascapes of notable areas of the coast on each side of Port Phillip Bay, south of Melbourne, Victoria. This painting is of Eagle Rock, Warrnambool, which is on the west of Port Phillip Bay. Eagle Rock is located about 400 metres west of Thunder Point, near Shelly Beach. The painting includes the rocky cliff formations looking east towards the Warrnambool Breakwater. The walk from the Thunder Point car park westwards to Shelly Beach has been popular over the decades with residents as well as tourists. Many photographs include the rock, with varying backgrounds depending on the angle of the camera. It is a popular dive site for locals and visitors, in calm weather! The site can be approached by boat from the open sea in favourable conditions, and there is plenty of native marine to be seen in this marine sanctuary. This part of Warrnambool’s rugged coastline is unprotected from the Southern Ocean with its wild icy winds and high seas. The painting’s crashing waves and the northerly direction of the smoke on the steamship sailing north show the effect of the southerly wind. INSCRIPTIONS “Mrs M Irby” and “980/Regency” The significance of the inscription “Mrs M Irby”, on the back of each of the two paintings, has not yet been discovered. Perhaps she was connected with the ship or shipping company “Irby”. A ship named “Irby”, built in Merseyside, Liverpool in 1881 by R & J Evans, Birkenhead. It was a four-masted iron ship built for the White Star Line. Henry Wilson Hewitt bought her in 1882, then later she was owned by Chadwick & Pritchard. In 1888 she was registered under the Irby Ship Co. Ltd. (trading as J. Joyce) in Liverpool. In 1912 Galgate Co. Ltd owned her. She traded between London, England and Australia, and is recorded as being in Melbourne and Hobart. In 1919 the Irby was destroyed by a mine when on her way to England. Or perhaps her name and the inscription in pencil “980/Regency” on the Eagle Rock Warrnambool, painting could be a delivery address for the paintings, perhaps an apartment in a hotel. This painting is significant geographically for its representation of the coastal scenery of Victoria, Australia. It is also significant as one of a pair of paintings of seascape, one at sites each side of Port Phillip Bay. The painting is significant historically as an example of late 19th and early 20th methods and materials used to construct a painting’s frame. Painting oil on board in a dark wooden frame, portrait orientation. Seascape of rock formation and cliffs, two yachts, a two-masted steamboat with red funnel and smoke, flying birds, high waves breaking onto rocks, blue sky with clouds, some tinted pink.. The title is painted on lower left corner and the artist, W. Langley-Taylor, has signed his name on lower right. The inscription on the back is a handwritten script in red crayon or thick red pencil. The board is held in place inside the timber frame with small, dark metal tacks around all sides. Metal eyes join the wire to the frame. Small round, dark metal nail heads are dispersed around the frame and there is a change of colour on both the board and the wood of the frame. Painted on front “W.LANGLEY-TAYLOR.” and “EAGLE ROCK, WARRNAMBOOL, VIC.” Handwritten on back “Mrs. M. Irby” and “980 [underlined] Regency”flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, eagle rock warrnambool, w. langley-taylor, oil painting, wall decoration, seascape of victoria's coast, mrs m irby, art, seascape, pair of paintings -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Bosun's Chair, ca. 1922
This Bosun's char was part of the equipment on the vessel 'Reginald M. It is typical of items included on board a vessel in the late 19th and early 20th century. The nautical word 'bosun' is an abbreviation of the word 'boatswain' who is the person responsible for the repair and maintenance of the vessel. It could be used when rigging the sails and for rescue at sea, along with a thick rope anchored on shore or a rope between ships. It could also be used to move passengers to and from a ship as well as cargo on, to and from the vessel. A bosun's chair is a simple piece of equipment made from a short plank of wood and a sturdy piece of rope. It looks a little like a child's swing but usually has a pulley system that allows the user to adjust the length of the hanging piece of rope, and in so-doing adjusts the height above the floor or ground or sea. In modern times a harness would also be worn by the bosun’s chair user for safety reasons. Bosun's chairs are also used by window cleaners, construction workers and painters. The bosun’s chair is sometimes just a short plank, or even a canvas sling. The REGINALD M - The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr. Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. The vessel had many owners and adventures over the years until it was purchased by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum & Village in 1975 from the Melbourne Ferry Company at auction. It was then used as an active display until 2016. Visitors could go aboard, turn the ship's wheel, go below deck and get the feel of the captain's quarters, sailors' quarters and the storage space available. The Reginald M was a popular exhibit for young and old, until 2016.This bosun's chair is significant for its connection to the maritime history. It has been used for rigging, painting, maintenance and importantly for life saving and safety. The bonus's chair is also significant because of its connection to the history of the vessel REGINALD M, the coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922 and in existence until 2016. Its flat bottom, single chine shape illustrates a very simple but robust method of construction, compared to other round bilged examples of trading vessels. The Reginald M is listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV Number: HV000562.)Bosun's chair; seat is a rectangular plank of wood with a hole drilled in each corner and three reinforcing wood lengths attached below the plank. The ends of two looped thick ropes have been threaded through the holes in the plank, crossed over then spliced together. The loops of rope above the plank have been tied with light rope. A roughly made wire hook is attached at the base of one length of rope. Top surface reveals indents where the bottom wooden pieces are joined to the top and some of the metal fixtures can be seen along the edge. There are remnants of white paint on the top.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, bosun's chair, bosuns chair, boatswains chair, rigging, maritime equipment, bosun's seat, life saving, marine technology, ship rigging -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Ship's Wheel, 1922
This ship's wheel was hand made from wood and metal using a recycled cart wheel. It originally belonged to the "Reginald M", a 2 masted, flat bottomed, coastal trading ketch with single chine. The REGINALD M The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr. Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. The Reginald M’s purpose was to serve the coastal trade of South Australia, to carry cargo cheaply and efficiently. It is believed that the keel was in fact hewn from two telegraph poles! Its builder frequented all the salvage yards for materials and fittings. Reginald M had a very shallow draft and a flat bottom that enabled it to come close to shore and to sit high and dry at low tide or to be beached on sand. The flat bottom was also to make the ship able to skim over reefs. Wagons could load and unload direct from her side. Her cargo included Guano, Barley, Wool, Horses, Cattle, Timber, Explosives, Potatoes, Shell Grit and Gypsum. On April 9th 1931Reginald M weathered a large storm in St Vincent Gulf, SA. The vessel suffered much damage; mast snapped and the crew laboured for four hours to free her by chopping off the past and rigging. The crew patched her up and slowly returned to Port Adelaide with only a portion of the insured cargo being damaged. Her crew members at the time were owner Mr John H Murch of Wells Street Largs Bay, Skipper Mr R Murch – John’s brother, Murray – son of Captain Murch and Seaman John Smith. Reg Webb purchased Carribie Station, at Marion in the Warooka District, south of Adelaide, in 1921. He cleared the land and farmed sheep and grain. In 1923 he shipped his own wool and grain from Marion Bay, having first carted 300 bags of the barley grain, 12 bags at a time, along the unmade track to the jetty. A photograph donated to Flagstaff Hill, dating about 1929 - 1942, shows two men on the Reginald M, holding between them their fishing catch of a large hammer shark. The photograph is stamped “GRENFELL STUDIO PORT LINCOLN PRINT” and titled “hammer shark caught on Reginald Emm”. The donor’s family lived on the Your Peninsular and despatched their grain from a chute at Gleeson’s Landing to the awaiting transport vessel. Reg knew the Murch Brothers from Port Adelaide. The brothers had been using their ketch REGINALD M to ship Guano from the Islands, led by Captain Richard Murch. Reg approached them in 1934 about shipping grain from Marion Bay. The brothers visited the bay and thought it was an ideal place. They showed Reg where to stack his grain and they measured up the cliffs. When Reg was ready, they brought down and installed a ninety foot wooden chute. The bags of grain were then individually sent down the chute, landing in a waiting small boat then rowed to REGINALD M, 14 bags at a time. After 10 hours REGINALD M would be fully loaded with 1300 bags of grain and shipped to waiting ports. At one time a wild storm destroyed the chute but it was rebuilt and strengthened. REGINALD M was involved in shipping the grain from there until 1938. In 1940 Able Seaman Allan H Lucas served on Reginald M between September and December, being engaged and discharged from Port of Adelaide. His Certificate of Discharge was signed by ship’s Master W S Murch. It seems that at some stage Reginald M was used as a Customs vessel, as one photograph in Flagstaff Hill’s collection shows “H.M.C. No. 3, Pt Adelaide” on the bow. In 1969 the last freight left Marion Bay on the ketch REGINALD M carrying grain, wool and explosives. In late 1970 she was sold to the Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway Company and was used by them as a barge to carry explosives. In 1972 the Navy League of Strahan, Tasmania, purchased her for use by the Strahan Sea Cadet Unit to use at Macquarie Harbour and renamed her T.S. Macquarie. However this plan for use of Reginald M did not come to pass. In 1974 Mr. Andrew Rennie, of East Brighton, Melbourne, bought her for a similar purpose. , paying $5,000 and donating a ‘Cadet of the Year” trophy to the Sea Cadets. He sailed her from Strahan to Melbourne, planning to use her for pleasure sailing. Also in 1975 Reginald M was sold to Melbourne Ferry Company at auction. Later in 1975 the Reginald M was bought by Flagstaff Maritime Museum for $20,000 . She has been restored and is now one of the exhibits in the Village lagoon or lake. It was restored in 2006 using funds from a $4,000 government grant. This ship's wheel is significant because of its association with the REGINALD M. REGNIALD M was a coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922. It is one of very few sailing coastal trading vessels still extant, and its flat bottom, single chine shape illustrates a very simple but robust method of construction, compared to other round bilged examples of trading vessels. She is now listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV Number: HV000562.)Ship’s wheel, also called a Helm, eight spoke design. Centre of wheel is handmade of wood and has iron rings around each side. The spokes are fitted into this wooden hub. The outer wheel has an iron ring on one side and sections of a wooden ring on the other. There are both original and modern bolt and screw fastenings. The wheel has remnants of black paint. This ship’s wheel was originally fitted to the ketch REGINALD M and removed during its restoration. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, ship's wheel, hand made ship's wheel, coastal trader, reginald m, ketch, john murch, ch murch, reg webb, carribie station, mt lyell copper company, queenstown navy league, andrew rennie, melbourne ferry company, r.f. dale -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Document - Commemorative, The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown, circa 1944
This framed document titled "The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown" shows a list of donors of significant items to the St Nicholas Missions to Seamen's Church in Williamstown when the new building opened in 1944. The organisation ceased in 1966 and the furnishings were later donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool by the Missions to Seamen Victoria. The transcription of the document is as follows: The Victoria Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church, Williamstown To the Glory of God List of Gifts Altar - Mrs. and Miss J.R. Schutt Cross - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Chalice and Paten - Mr. and Mrs. Percy Taylor 1 Pair Altar Lights - Mrs. R.J. Ewart 1 Pair Altar Lights - Mrs. M. Jackson Sanctuary Lamp - Miss C. Roberts Rerebos - Miss. M. Breaks, in memoriam Miss. L.A. Breaks Sanctuary Window - Victoria Missions to Seamen Lightkeepers' Auxiliary Missal - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Missal Desk - Mrs. R. Hodgkiss Altar Vases - Mrs. R. Kaybould Bible - Mrs. R.J. Ewart Sanctuary Chairs - Mr. and Mrs. F.H. Twist Credence Table - Mrs. F. Clark Altar Dish – Mrs L. Clark Font - Mr. and Mrs. C.V. Dyble Prayer Desk - H.M.H.S. "Centaur" Reed Organ - "Joy Club for Fighters" Collection Plates - Mr. D. MacKae Hymn Board - St. David's Musical Society, Brighton Pews, Carpet and Hangings - Williamstown Lightkeepers' Auxiliary Bell - Mrs. A.L. Feenes THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centr4es in over 200 ports world-wide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981 and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This document is significant through its association with the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen Church in Williamstown, Melbourne, established in 1857. The document is socially significant as it connects the community of Williamstown with the St Nicholas' Missions to Seamen and represents the importance of the church to the community. The items in our collection from the Missions to Seamen in Williamstown, Victoria, have historical and social significance. They show that people of the 1800s and 1900s cared about the seafarers’ religious, moral, and social welfare, no matter what the religion, social status or nationality. It had its origins in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The first Australian branch was started in 1856 by the Rev. Kerr Johnston, a Church of England clergyman, and operated from a hulk moored in Hobson's Bay; later the Mission occupied buildings in Williamstown and Port Melbourne. Document titled "The Victorian Missions to Seamen, St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown". The document is a list of gifts originally given to the St Nicholas Seaman's Church in Williamstown, Victoria. The document is mounted in a decorative wooden frame with glass cover. This is one of the original items in our ‘St Nicholas Seamen's Church Williamstown Collection’.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, framed document, donations to st nicholas seamen's church williamstown, 139 nelson place williamstown, religion, religious service, sailors rest, bethel sailors’ church, bethel floating church, ladies harbour light guild, mission to seafarers, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, mission to seamen williamstown, st nicholas seamen’s church flagstaff hill, flying angel club, mrs. and miss j.r. schutt, mrs. r.j. ewart, mr. and mrs. percy taylor, mrs. m. jackson, miss c. roberts, miss. l.a. breaks, miss. m. breaks, victoria missions to seamen lightkeepers' auxiliary, mrs. r. hodgkiss, mrs. r. kaybould, mr. and mrs. f.h. twist, mrs. f. clark, mrs l. clark, mr. and mrs. c.v. dyble, h.m.h.s. "centaur", "joy club for fighters", mr. d. mackae, williamstown lightkeepers' auxiliary, mrs. a.l. feenes, st. david's musical society brighton -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Furniture - Altar and Reredos, Hadwen and Houghton, ca 1944
This altar and rear reredos were part of the original furnishings of the St Nicholas' Mission to Seamen's Church at 139 Nelson Place, Williamstown, Victoria. The Church was operated by the Mission to Seamen organisation. The reredos was donated to the Williamstown chapel by Miss. M. Breaks, in memoriam Miss. L.A. Breaks, who served a very active part in the Seamen's Mission, and the altar was donated by Mr and Miss J R Schutt. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen was an Anglican charity that served seafarers of the world since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports worldwide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria, the organisation began in Williamstown in 1857 as a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’ in an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981, and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This altar and reredos are significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. They are historically significant for their connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. The connection of this furniture to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Altar and reredos or altar panel, wooden. The timber is panelled, stained and has a varnished finish. The base has a detachable vertical panel with the decoration of a sword and two anchors, the reredos has a cross on a panel. It was made by Hadwen and Houghton, Malvern, Victoria. A plaque at the bottom right edge is marked with the maker's name. The altar is part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church collection.On removable panel; logo of [sword and two anchors] On bottom right of base: "Hadwen and Houghton, Malvern"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime museum, maritime village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, religion, religious service, st nicholas seamen’s church, williamstown, missions to seamen victoria, altar, reredos, church furniture, religious furniture, miss m breaks, miss l a breaks, mr and miss j r schutt., worship service -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Bible Rest, circa 1938
This decorative brass Bible rest was presented to the Mission to Seamen in Williamstown in memory of Richard Hodgkiss, after his death on December 14th 1938, by Mrs M A Hodgkiss. It was used during services at the Williamstown Missions to Seamen and is now part of the St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. THE MISSIONS TO SEAMEN (Brief History: for more, see our Reg. No. 611, Set of Pews) The Missions to Seamen, an Anglican charity, has served the world's seafarers since 1856 in Great Britain. It symbol is a Flying Angel, inspired by a Bible verse. Today there are centres in over 200 ports worldwide where seamen of all backgrounds are offered a warm welcome and provided with a wide range of facilities. In Victoria, the orgainsation began in Williamstown in 1857. It was a Sailors’ Church, also known as ‘Bethel’ or the ‘Floating Church’. Its location was an old hulk floating in Hobson’s Bay, Port of Melbourne. It soon became part of the Missions to Seamen, Victoria. In the year 2000 the organisation, now named Mission to Seafarers, still operated locally in Melbourne, Portland, Geelong and Hastings. The Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild was formed in 1906 to support the Missions to Seamen in Melbourne and other centres such as Williamstown. Two of the most significant ladies of the Guild were founder Ethel Augusta Godfrey and foundation member Alice Sibthorpe Tracy (who established a branch of the Guild in Warrnambool in 1920). The Guild continued its work until the 1960s. In 1943 a former Williamstown bank was purchased for the Missions to Seaman Club. The chapel was named St Nicholas’ Seamen’s Church and was supported by the Ladies’ Harbour Lights Guild, the Williamstown Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary and the League of Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Friends. It ceased operation in 1966. A Missions to Seamen Chapel and Recreation Room was a significant feature of ports during the late 1800s and into the 1900s. It seemed appropriate for Flagstaff Hill to include such a representation within the new Maritime Village, so the Melbourne Board of Management of Missions to Seamen Victoria gave its permission on 21st May 1979 for the entire furnishings of the Williamstown chapel to be transferred to Flagstaff Hill. The St Nicholas Seamen’s Church was officially opened on October 11, 1981, and closely resembles the Williamstown chapel. This item is significant historically for its origin in the St Nicholas Mission to Seamen's Church in Williamstown, established in 1857 to cater for the physical, social, and spiritual needs of seafarers. It originated in Bristol, England when a Seamen's Mission was formed in 1837. The Bible rest is historically significant for its connection to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary, an organisation of women, formed to support seafarers. It is also connected to one of its members, Mrs Hodgkiss, who presented it to the organisation. The connection of this item to the Mission to Seamen and to the Ladies Lightkeepers’ Auxiliary highlights the strong community awareness of the life of people at sea, their dangers and hardships, and their need for physical, financial, spiritual and moral support. Lectern, tabletop design, also called a Bible rest or book rest: brass, rectangular surface with clover motifs holes in each corner. Triangular leg frames are screwed beneath the short to create a slope. The lower edge has a vertical, decorative shelf. The inscription is on the top surface, dedicated to Richard Hodgkiss, 1938. This item is in our St Nicholas Seamen's Church Collection. "In Loving Memory of Richard Hodgkiss - passed away 14 12 38. Presented by Mrs M A Hodgkiss."flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, great ocean road, religious service, missions to seamen victoria, st nicholas seaman’s church williamstown, church furniture, religious worship, bible rest, tabletop lectern, bible reading, preaching accessory, book rest, memorial object, m a hodgkiss, richard hodgkiss -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Razor and case, Ford & Medley (F & M), ca 1900-1928
This straight edge razor, The F & M Wake, was made by Ford & Medley in Sheffield, England. This style or razor was a popular choice for men's shaving in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Ford & Medley were cutlers by trade and registered their first silver mark in 1900. The firm were also did electroplating. The firm was contracted to the government during World War I. The company was using the trademarks EMU and WIZARD as well as the logo of 'knotted ropes' with the letters "F M"by the end of that war at their factory called Emu Works. The firm's most popular razor was The Arrow. In 1928 the firm closed down. The Ford & Medley razor is now part of Flagstaff Hill’s comprehensive W.R. Angus Collection, donated by the family of Dr W R Angus (1901-1970), surgeon and oculist. The W.R. Angus Collection: - The W.R. Angus Collection includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) and Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. It includes historical medical and surgical equipment and instruments from the doctors Edward and Thomas Ryan of Nhill, Victoria. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1927 at Ballarat, the nearest big city to Nhill where he began as a Medical Assistant. He was also Acting House surgeon at the Nhill hospital where their two daughters were born. During World War II Dr Angus served as a Military Doctor. He was a Surgeon Captain for the Australian Defence Forces, Army Medical Corps, stationed in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W. He completed his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool in 1939, where Dr Angus operated his own medical practice. He later added the part-time Port Medical Officer responsibility and was the last person appointed to that position. Both Dr Angus and his wife were very involved in the local community, including the planning stages of the new Flagstaff Hill and the layout of the gardens there. Dr Angus passed away in March 1970.This razor is an example of men's shaving equipment used in the early 20th century. It is significant for its association with the local doctor, W.R. Angus. Dr W R Angus (1901-1970), surgeon and oculist, collected a range of military objects including those he personally used during his time as Surgeon Captain in the Australian Defence Forces in World War II. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The Collection includes historical medical objects that date back to the late 1800s.Razor, cut-throat straight blade razor, in black cardboard box with slide-off lid. Black composition arc shaped handle with pin to attach blade that folds inside the handle. Inscriptions are on handle, blade and case. "The Wake" razor, made by Ford & Medley, Sheffield, England. The pouch belonged to Dr W R Angus and is now part of the W. R. Angus Collection.On razor; "THE F & M WAKE" "CELEBRATED HOLLOW GROUND RAZOR" "FORD & MEDLEY / SHEFFIELD ENGLAND" On case; "WARRANTED GORMAN" "HOLLOW GROUND" Logo on razor [""F" "M" either side of entwined rope symbolflagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, dr w r angus, w.r. angus collection, personal grooming accessory, razor, shaving accessory, the wake, the f & m wake, hollow ground razor, ford & medley, sheffield, cutler, electroplater, emu works -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains four items pertaining to activities at the Caulfield RSL: 1/A pamphlet published by the RSL (undated) providing cursory information about it; briefly describing its history and listing its amenities. Included are four colour photographs; two of the exterior of the building and two of patrons seated in its eateries. 2/The minutes of the 18/09/1979 meeting of the Angling Section of the Caulfield RSL. The main issue discussed is an impending vacation to King Island. A more minor issue discussed is the need to institute a recordkeeping system. 3/A typewritten letter, dated 26/08/1981, from the Caulfield RSL;s secretary, J. W. Pugh, to Jack Campbell, congratulating the latter on his re-election to the Caulfield Council. 4/An article dated 07/08/2012 from the Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader 'A flying start for new club'. It is annoucning the launch of a live music venue called the Flying Saucer Club at Caulfield RSL on 05/08/2012.caulfield, caulfield returned servicemen league (rsl), exservice organisations, clubs and associations, returned servicepeople, armed forces, gambling, restaurants, angling section caulfield returned servicemen league (rsl), fishing, beard f. m., dusting d., de la perrelle e., kerr l., donaldson d., caulfield returned sailors’ soldiers’ and airmen’s club, moore h. r., pugh j. w., soldiers, aged people, senior citizens centres, williams a., davidson d., heather c., campbell jack., campbell a. j. e. cr., flying saucer club, burchett mark, art deco style, fireplaces, the revelators, camilleri joe, black james, creighton joe, conway deborah, st georges road, elsternwick, musical events and activities, musicians -
Federation University Historical Collection
Domestic object - Bottle, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) Graduate Port, c1988
Graduation port bottled for the Diploma of Applied Nursing class 1986-1988Empty brown glass wine bottle Includes original plastic screw top lid and collar (gold colour) with printed labelFeatures printed self adhesive label which reads: 'Ballarat C.A.E. Diploma of Applied Science (Nursing) Graduate Port 1896-1988 J. Avard ; M. Bardwell ; N. Bath ; J. Brown ; G. Coad ; B. Conrick ; M. Devlin ; S. Dohle ; J. Drennan ; J. Dunne ; K. Fort ; H. Fraser ; R. Green ; J. Grose ; L. Hamer ; L. Harrison ; J. Henry ; M. Hill ; C. Hoffman ; J. Hogan ; A. Huynh ; T. Johnston ; B. Jones ; P. Knott ; M. Kopp ; W. Leigh ; C. McGeachin ; S. McLaren ; D. McNaught ; J. McTavish ; K. Melih ; K. Moore ; D. Mould ; S. Neil ; D. Nicholson ; A. Norman ; M. O'Rourke ; L. Orr ; L. Phyland ; S. Richards ; M. Roberts ; F. Russell ; M. Sahajdak ; A Schuurmans ; I. Simcic ; H. Simcocks ; V. Sims ; P. Smith ; I. Snow ; J. Spink ; C. Spinks ; J. Stokes ; A. Symonds ; A. Talwar ; L. Taylor ; g. Tennant ; K. White ; J. Williamson ; L. Windust Produced & Bottled by Best's Wines Pty Ltd Great Western, Australia 750ml Preservative (220) added 18% alcohol/vol' Bottle features embossed details around its lower edge: '14 [?] M 15555-D'ballarat college of advanced education, j williamson, p smith, w, j, ballarat c a e diploma of applied science nursing, graduate port 1896 1988, j avard, m bardwell, n bath, j brown, g coad, b conrick, m devlin, s dohle, j drennan, dunne, k fort, h fraser, r green, j grose, l hamer, l harrison, j henry, m hill, c hoffman, j hogan, a huynh, t johnston, b jones, p knott, m kopp, leigh, c mcgeachin, s mclaren, d mcnaught, j mctavish, k melih, k moore, d mould, s neil, d nicholson, a norman, m o rourke, l orr, l phyland, s richards, m roberts, f russell, m sahajdak, a schuurmans, i simcic, h simcocks, v sims, i snow, j spink, c spinks, j stokes, a symonds, a talwar, l taylor, g tennant, k white, l windust, bcae -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Toolbox, ca. 1922
This toolbox was part of the equipment of the coastal trader Reginald M. It is typical of general-purpose toolboxes of the early 20th century. The covering of pitch on the outside was likely to be a form of waterproofing and protection. The vessel “Reginald M” was a two-masted coastal ketch, owned and built by Mr Jack (John) Murch of Birkenhead, Port of Adelaide, South Australia. Its construction took approximately 6 months and it was launched at Largs Bay in 1922. The vessel had many owners and adventures over the years until it was purchased by Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum & Village in 1975. It was then used as an active display until 2016. Visitors could go aboard, turn the ship's wheel, go below deck and get the feel of the captain's quarters, sailors' quarters and the storage space available. The Reginald M was a popular exhibit for young and old, until 2016.This toolbox is significant because of its connection to the history of the vessel REGINALD M, the coastal trading ketch from South Australia built in 1922 and in existence until 2016. Its flat bottom, single-chine shape illustrates a very simple but robust method of construction, compared to other round-bilged examples of trading vessels. The Reginald M is listed on the Australian Register of Historic Vessels (ARHV Number: HV000562.) Wooden toolbox with hinged lid covering tree-quarters of the box. A case handle is attached for carrying. Hook on one side but nothing to catch it on. Toolbox has been covered with pitch on the outside. flagstaff hill, warrnambool, reginald m, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, maritime museum, coastal trader, ketch, john murch, sailor's equipment, ship maintenance, wooden toolbox, toolbox -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Book - Record Book, Warrnambool Harbour Board, Port Book, 1933
A book used by Warrnambool Ports and Harbours. The book has the official stamp of the Port of Warrnambool, Australia Harbour Masters Board, with the Coat of Arms in the centre above the word Victoria. It records various office information from 1933.Significant in that it is associated with Warrnambool port when the facility was used as a port for import and export of goods from the Warrnambool area.Record Book titled Port Book, for Port of Warrnambool, hard cover, red spine and corner protectors, green cover. Book's fly page has official round, ink stamp and handwritten ink notes. Label on front cover.. Remnants of adhesive labels on page.Handwritten text includes "23/3/37" and "23/6/38" Text within two rings of stamp "PORT OF WARRNAMBOOL" "AUSTRALIA H.M. B - - - - - " Within the stamp rings "VICTORIA" and logo [Victoria's Coat of Arms] Handwritten on label on cover "Port Book"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, port book, book, ports & harbours, port of warrnambool, australia h. m. board, harbour masters, victoria ports -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Deadeye, Barclay Curle & Co shipbuilders, 1873
This example of a sailing ship’s ‘dead-eye’ is from the wreck of the Loch Ard, which sank near Port Campbell in 1878. The Loch Ard got its name from ”Loch Ard” a loch which lies to the west of Aberfoyle, and the east of Loch Lomond. It means "high lake" in Scottish Gaelic. The vessel belonged to the famous Loch Line which sailed many vessels from England to Australia. The Loch Ard was built in Glasgow by Barclay, Curle and Co. in 1873, the vessel was a three-masted square-rigged iron sailing ship that measured 79.87 meters in length, 11.58 m in width, and 7 m in depth with a gross tonnage of 1693 tons with a mainmast that measured a massive 45.7 m in height. Loch Ard made three trips to Australia and one trip to Calcutta before its fateful voyage. Loch Ard left England on March 2, 1878, under the command of 29-year-old Captain Gibbs, who was newly married. The ship was bound for Melbourne with a crew of 37, plus 17 passengers. The general cargo reflected the affluence of Melbourne at the time. Onboard were straw hats, umbrella, perfumes, clay pipes, pianos, clocks, confectionery, linen and candles, as well as a heavier load of railway irons, cement, lead and copper. There were other items included that were intended for display in the Melbourne International Exhibition of 1880. The voyage to Port Phillip was long but uneventful. Then at 3 am on June 1, 1878, Captain Gibbs was expecting to see land. But the Loch Ard was running into a fog which greatly reduced visibility. Captain Gibbs was becoming anxious as there was no sign of land or the Cape Otway lighthouse. At 4 am the fog lifted and a lookout aloft announced that he could see breakers. The sheer cliffs of Victoria's west coast came into view, and Captain Gibbs realised that the ship was much closer to them than expected. He ordered as much sail to be set as time would permit and then attempted to steer the vessel out to sea. On coming head-on into the wind, the ship lost momentum, the sails fell limp and Loch Ard's bow swung back towards land. Gibbs then ordered the anchors to be released in an attempt to hold its position. The anchors sank some 50 fathoms - but did not hold. By this time the ship was among the breakers and the tall cliffs of Mutton Bird Island rose behind. Just half a mile from the coast, the ship's bow was suddenly pulled around by the anchor. The captain tried to tack out to sea, but the ship struck a reef at the base of Mutton Bird Island, near Port Campbell. Waves subsequently broke over the ship and the top deck became loosened from the hull. The masts and rigging came crashing down knocking passengers and crew overboard. When a lifeboat was finally launched, it crashed into the side of Loch Ard and capsized. Tom Pearce, who had launched the boat, managed to cling to its overturned hull and shelter beneath it. He drifted out to sea and then on the flood tide came into what is now known as Lochard Gorge. He swam to shore, bruised and dazed, and found a cave in which to shelter. Some of the crew stayed below deck to shelter from the falling rigging but drowned when the ship slipped off the reef into deeper water. Eva Carmichael a passenger had raced onto the deck to find out what was happening only to be confronted by towering cliffs looming above the stricken ship. In all the chaos, Captain Gibbs grabbed Eva and said, "If you are saved Eva, let my dear wife know that I died like a sailor". That was the last Eva Carmichael saw of the captain. She was swept off the ship by a huge wave. Eva saw Tom Pearce on a small rocky beach and yelled to attract his attention. He dived in and swam to the exhausted woman and dragged her to shore. He took her to the cave and broke the open case of brandy which had washed up on the beach. He opened a bottle to revive the unconscious woman. A few hours later Tom scaled a cliff in search of help. He followed hoof prints and came by chance upon two men from nearby Glenample Station three and a half miles away. In a complete state of exhaustion, he told the men of the tragedy. Tom then returned to the gorge while the two men rode back to the station to get help. By the time they reached Loch Ard Gorge, it was cold and dark. The two shipwreck survivors were taken to Glenample Station to recover. Eva stayed at the station for six weeks before returning to Ireland by steamship. In Melbourne, Tom Pearce received a hero's welcome. He was presented with the first gold medal of the Royal Humane Society of Victoria and a £1000 cheque from the Victorian Government. Concerts were performed to honour the young man's bravery and to raise money for those who lost family in the disaster. Of the 54 crew members and passengers on board, only two survived: the apprentice, Tom Pearce and the young woman passenger, Eva Carmichael, who lost her family in the tragedy. Ten days after the Lochard tragedy, salvage rights to the wreck were sold at auction for £2,120. Cargo valued at £3,000 was salvaged and placed on the beach, but most washed back into the sea when another storm developed. The wreck of Lochard still lies at the base of Mutton Bird Island. Much of the cargo has now been salvaged and some items were washed up into Lochard Gorge. Cargo and artefacts have also been illegally salvaged over many years before protective legislation was introduced in March 1982. One of the most unlikely pieces of cargo to have survived the shipwreck was a Minton majolica peacock- one of only nine in the world. The peacock was destined for the Melbourne 1880 International Exhibition in. It had been well packed, which gave it adequate protection during the violent storm. Today the Minton peacock can be seen at the Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum in Warrnambool. From Australia's most dramatic shipwreck it has now become Australia's most valuable shipwreck artifact and is one of very few 'objects' on the Victorian State Heritage Register.The shipwreck of the Loch Ard is of significance for Victoria and is registered on the Victorian Heritage Register ( S 417). Flagstaff Hill has a varied collection of artefacts from Loch Ard and its collection is significant for being one of the largest accumulation of artefacts from this notable Victorian shipwreck of which the subject items are a small part. The collections objects give us a snapshot of how we can interpret the story of this tragic event. The collection is also archaeologically significant as it represents aspects of Victoria's shipping history that allows us to interpret Victoria's social and historical themes of the time. Through is associated with the worst and best-known shipwreck in Victoria's history.A weathered ship’s rigging deadeye, showing signs of submersion and erosion in sea water. The flat sides of this thick wooden disc have three holes drilled through in a triangular configuration.Noneflagstaff hill maritime museum, shipwreck coast, loch line, loch ard, captain gibbs, eva carmichael, tom pearce, glenample station, mutton bird island, loch ard gorge, deadeye, rigging