Showing 6847 items
matching 1984-1986
Deaf Children Australia
Book, Minutes April 1985 to July 1986
The minutes of each meeting of the Board of Management of the Victorian Deaf & Dumb Institution, the Victorian School for Deaf Children and Deaf Children Australia has been retained from 1862 to 2010.The minutes of the meetings provide an insight into the day to day running of the School, from Wages and Salaries, student issues to broader educational topics, building works and finances.Green leather (?) bound book containing typed notes glued onto pages of the blank book. Contains the minutes of meetings of the Board of Management of the Victorian School for Deaf Children from April 1985 to July 1986Spine: "MINUTES/Apr. 1985 to July 1986" in gold lettering on dark red backgrounddeaf children australia, deaf education, minutes of meeting -
Greensborough Historical Society
School Magazine, Kurnaji 1984 Watsonia High School Yearbook, 1984_
A permanent record of who attended Watsonia High School - both student and teacher in 1984 - includes photographs. Title "Kurnaji" not actually shown or used this year. Headmaster / Principal – Mr. Grant. Includes Roll Call section with names of all students.Depicts events and attitudes, primarily of students as they go through their adolescent years in the early 1980's. 50 Pages (approx), White cover with red graphic and "watsonia 1984". 2 copies. watsonia high school, yearbook, kurnaji, school magazines -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Comments on Presidential Year 1984 - JC Dean, 1985
The President in 1984 was John Dean. The document is dated 10 March 1985 as the presidential year ran from March to the following February. Was in a binder of documents that is passed from an outgoing President to the incoming President. It is primarily from the 1930s to 1990s. Most documents are being catalogued separately.A record of the ideas of the President in the 1980s.White foolscap paper x 1 page with black type of the President's comments in 1984.Signed in black pen 'John Crieghton Dean'.presidents, john dean -
Greensborough Historical Society
Folder, Rosalie Bray, Local Scene in Watsonia with Rosalie Bray 1986, 1986_
This local news column details events, people and places of interest as they occurred in Watsonia in 1986.This column was a means of advertising for local community groups and gives a snapshot of the Watsonia area at the time.Spiral bound plastic binder with 20 pockets. Contains photocopies of selected articles from Diamond Valley News 1986.watsonia, rosalie bray -
Greensborough Historical Society
Badge - Digital Image, Girl Guides Badge, 1986, 1986_
Digital image of Girl Guides Badge, 1986, awarded for participation in a Family Fun Day.Part of a collection of miscellaneous historical images with a connection to the local area.Digital image of cloth badge, blue with gold writing in cellophane package."Greensborough L.A. / 1986 Family Fun Day" with Girl Guides Australia logo.girl guides, badges -
Deaf Children Australia
Book, Minutes August 1986 to October 1987
The minutes of each meeting of the Board of Management of the Victorian Deaf & Dumb Institution, the Victorian School for Deaf Children and Deaf Children Australia has been retained from 1862 to 2010.The minutes of the meetings provide an insight into the day to day running of the School, from Wages and Salaries, student issues to broader educational topics, building works and finances.Red leather cover with black leather covered spine blank book containing typed notes glued onto pages of the blank book. Contains the minutes of meetings of the Board of Management of the Victorian School for Deaf Children from August 1986 to October 1987Spine: "MINUTES/Aug 1986 to Oct. 1987" in gold lettering on dark red backgrounddeaf children australia, deaf education, minutes of meeting -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Stanhope Reunion 1984, 1984
Photo from a book compiled about the Legacy children's residence called Stanhope. The photo was taken at a Stanhope reunion held at Kooyong Tennis Club on 3 November 1984. Names aren't labeled but Matron Dorrie Vines appears third from right. The documents include a letter sent to former residents on 27 September with details of the night signed Bill Saggers on behalf of the committee of Alison Ball, Frank Bury, Ron Dennis, John McBain, Bill Saggers. Two pages are a list of names of attendees, including their maiden names and Legatees that were attending. There is also an overseas telegram from Ken Clarke to the Legatee Robertson expressing apologies that he would not be able to attend the reunion. Stanhope was supervised by Matron Dorothy (Dorrie) Vines from the time it opened in 1946 until she retired in December 1966. It is likely she compiled this notebook as she is referred to as 'self' in one photo. Individual pages of photos or newspaper clippings have been added separately. Items 01817 to 01837. Blamey House (purchased 1947) , Stanhope (purchased 1945) and Harelands (purchased 1950) were residences run by Melbourne Legacy to take care of children whose fathers were servicemen, and who may have been left orphans, or whose mother may have been unable to care for them herself, or they needed to stay in Melbourne for further education. The children were cared for until they were old enough to become independent. A photo of a reunion showing how past residents kept in touch with each other an enjoyed reunions.Colour photo of a reunion of Stanhope residents in 1984 and four pages containing details and list of names.stanhope, residences, reunion -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Crypt, Montsalvat, Dec 1984, 1984
Colour photograph of crypt Montsalvat 1984montsalvat, cemeteries, eltham, crypt -
Vision Australia
Text, Newspaper clippings 22 (1986), 1986
News stories including fundraising events and from the blind and low vision community.1 folder with newspaper cuttingsVarious articles from 19/2/1986 - 11/12/1986association for the blind -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Print, 1834-Portland-1984, 1984
Print was part of "A Community View, 150 years in Portland Screenprint Exhibition." Part of CEMA Art Collection. Part of Angela Gee residency workshops, 1983 and 1984.Image of approximately 125 people's faces and two dogs, surrounded by a border of line-drawn flowers, leaves and stems. At top centre are the words "1834 Portland 1984" with a decorative underline in bold alluding to the shape of the Portland Bay and Cape Nelson. Background colours are in vertical swathes: aqua, pale green, apricot, blue, mauve, pink, turquiose.Front: (no inscriptions) Back: Portland C.S.P. (Community Screen Print) Design Studio 1983-1985. Initiated by C.E.M.A., Portland Access Printshop and Anne O'Kane, C.A.O. Purpose - an employment project to train 5 people in print-making, costume and design. A grant of $200,000 was obtained from the Commonwealth Employment Program; the products - costumes, flags, posters, banners - were used for Portlands 150th Anniversary Celebrations.angela gee, portland centenary, 1984, screenprint, cema, female artist, female artists -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Comments on Presidential Year 1986 - RN Wheeler, 1987
The President in 1986 was Dick Wheeler. He included observations based on his year as President. The document is dated 25 April 1987 as the presidential year ran from March to the following February. Was in a binder of documents that is passed from an outgoing President to the incoming President. It is primarily from the 1930s to 1990s. Most documents are being catalogued separately.A record of the ideas of the President in the 1980s.White foolscap paper x 2 pages with black type of the President's comments in 1986.Signed in black pen 'RN Wheeler 25.4.1987'.presidents, dick wheeler -
Hume City Civic Collection
Container - Wine Flagon, Sunbury 150/Living Today 1836-1986
This flagon was produced to celebrate Sunbury's 150th anniversary 1836-1986. Similar ones were filled with wine and were for sale or given as presentations at the time of the anniversary. This one is unused and therefore is in mint condition.Cream and brown small ceramic wine flagon with Sunbury 150 and a logo printed on the front and on the back is a short printed history of Sunbury. It has a small handle near the top and a cork in the top opening of the flagon."SUNBURY 150/Living today 1836-1986/AUGUST 9TH TO 17TH"1980s, shire of bulla, souvenir, wineries, sunbury, george evans collection -
Melbourne Legacy
Book - Register, Cash Book Record of Legacy Comradeship Committee 1986/1999
Cash Book Record of Legacy Comradeship Committee 1986/1999. Record of income and expenditure of Melbourne Legacy Comradeship: Detailing price, quantity, and items consumed. Significant for its record of the items purchased and costs involved in running the Comradeship committee and meetings.Green book with gold foil lettering on the front.Universal Analysis Book, Series 200, 4 Money Column 1986/1999financial records, comradeship, committee -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, report, Report to Board Management by Restructures Task Force Dated 6th Septenber 1984
The report makes recomendations to the Board about matters that were discussed earlier in August 1984 (refer to item 00926). The report also notes that change is not always accepted - it takes courage to make change. It is essential to carefully explain the reasons why to all involved with Legacy activities. The change should be done in an orderly manner. The task force makes 23 recommendations to take Melbourne Legacy into the future. Freehand drawn graph, page 1, shows decine of active Legatees to number of widows from 1980 to 2000.Melbourne Legacy accepted that "it would be morally wrong to suddenly and with little warning drop a responsibility". Melbourne Legacy could also see the need for change to survive into the future, and that it was necesary that all those who would be affected by these changes should be made awareof them. Once that goal had been achieved the transition would be made more easily.White A4 paper with black type, 7 page report by the Restructures Taskforce in 1984.Various notations/marks in blue biro. board of management, planning -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood Information Guide - 1984, 1984
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1984 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations.CONTENTS: (page no.) Building - General Information 23 By-Laws/Traffic Regulations 22 Canterbury Road Railway Bridge Widening 34 Commissioners for Taking Declarations and Affidavits 24 Council Elections 11 Council Representatives 1983/1984 7 Council Structure. 10 Deferment of Rates 11 Emergency Telephone Numbers 59 Employment Initiatives Programme 32 European Wasps 26 Facilities for Disabled Persons 15 From the Chief Executive Officer 8 Garbage 20 Genera] Use Buildings 39 Historical Museum 29 Home Help Service 14 Immunisations - Health Care 12 Immunisation Programme - 1984 13 Justices of the Peace 23 Library Service for Senior Citizens 15 Maintenance of Facilities 34 Management Executive 9 Mayor’s Message – Cr. F.J. Corr 2 Meals on Wheels 14 Members of Parliament 25 Parking Signs and Street Names 35 Pedestrian Hazards 36 Pensioner Rate Assistance Scheme 12 Property Records 11 Rates 11 Re-Cycling of Waste 21 Ringwood Centre (Hostel) for the Frail Aged 17 Ringwood Cultural Centre 40 Ringwood Festival 28 Ringwood Golf Course. 36 Ringwood Highland Carnival 28 Ringwood Lake Reserve 29 Ringwood Library 17 Shopping Centre Studies 38 Staley Gardens 32 Standing Committees of Council 6 Swimming Centre 37 Welfare and Community Services 41 rinx -
Melbourne Legacy
Article, Legatee J C Dean, President 1984
A cutting from from a Melbourne Legacy President's report showing a photo of Legatee John Creighton Dean (President of Melbourne Legacy in 1984). It was collected to be a record of a photo of past presidents. In World War 2 John served with Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, 2nd AIF in New Guinea and Borneo. He remained in the Australian regular Army after the war retiring in the rank of Brigadier in 1975. He joined Melbourne Legacy in 1975. The article was part of an album of past presidents from 1965 to 1989. The folder included biographical details and obituaries, eulogies and death notices of prominent Legatees. The items have been catalogued separately.A record of Legatee John Dean a past president of Legacy. The information was collected to record the lives of prominent legatees in a folder.An article with a black and white photo of Legatee J C Dean - President 1984.past presidents, john dean -
Marysville & District Historical Society
Photograph (Item) - Colour photograph, 06-1984
A colour photograph of El Kanah Guest House in Marysville taken in June 1984.A colour photograph of El Kanah Guest House in Marysville taken in June 1984.ELKANAH-JUNE 1984marysville, victoria, australia, el kanah, accommodation, photograph, christian community -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Slide, Ian McCann, 2 Slides at winery 1984, 1984
2 Colour slides of large wine barrels in a shed. 1984winery -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (item) - CAC Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation Board Meeting Agenda Tuesday June 22 1984 Minutes 22 May 1984 Budget 1984/1985
CAC Agenda Board Meeting Tuesday, June 22, 1984commonwealth aircraft corporation, corporate board meeting -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Manual - Folder, loose leaf, RAAC Advanced RATEL Handout 1986, 1986
Used by the Regiment21 photocopied pages of Advanced Ratel procedures used within the RAACAdvanced Ratel Handout 1986training, radio procedure, school of armour -
Greensborough Historical Society
Decorative object - Commemorative Plate, Westminster, City of Heidelberg Golden Jubilee - 1934-1984, 1984
A strictly limited edition produced for the Rotary Club of Heidelberg, Australia' for the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the City of Heidelberg (now City of Banyule).China plate with gilt edging; wording City of Heidelberg, Golden Jubilee,1934-1984 borders around the plate with the crest placed in the middle. "City of Heidelberg Golden Jubile1934-1984" with Coat of Arms. Underside Rotary International Crest; Fine China, Westminster Australia. The story of: 'Coat of Arms - The carriage wheels and lamp commemorate the early beginnings of the City about 1840 when the Heidelberg Road Trust was the local authority; the wavy band and wattle blossom are symbolic of the River Yarra, whilst the supporters represent the customary mode of transport at the time. The mural crown is the emblem of local government and these perpetuate the distinctive record of the City of Heidelberg in having the first suburban form of local Government of the Colony. An owl, the symbol of wisdom, is also embodied in the crest as our City is named after Heidelberg in Germany whose University founded in AD 1386, became one of the most famous seats of learning. The motto "Industrica" provides a link with the early seal of the City. The municipality was declared a City by Act of Parliament on April 11, 1934.'city of heidelberg, heidelberg, commemorative items, city of banyule -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, A broad socio/economic profile of Nunawading 1981 - 1986, 1984
A report by the Strategic Planning Unit of City of Nunawading 1984A report by the Strategic Planning Unit of City of Nunawading 1984A report by the Strategic Planning Unit of City of Nunawading 1984city of nunawading, population, housing, transport, education -
Vision Australia
Flag - Image, Guiding Light Square Dance Club 1984 Tour - Canada & America
Banner used during 1984 tour of Canada and America by the Guiding Light Square Dance club. Made by Margaret Fox, who along with her husband Colin, volunteered to teach square dancing at the AFB. Her son remembers that his parents rarely ever drove to a dance together, as they would need both cars to ship down the food made by Margaret to the hall, or ferry dancers to and from dances.Yellow satin banner with green outline of Australia and two people dancing inside and writing inside boomerang across Australia and enamel badges attachedGuiding Light Square Dance Club 1984 Tour - Canada & Americarecreation, association for the blind, margaret fox, guiding light square dance club -
RMIT GSBL Justice Smith Collection
Report, Refuji : report of the 1986 mission to Papua New Guinea, 1986
Report on mission to Papua New Guinea 25 August to 7 September 1986 Further inquiring into the refugee status of "Border Crossers" from Irian Jaya 10 December 1986ISBN: 090973805xrefugees -- papua new guinea, refugees -- indonesia -- papua, political refugees -- indonesia -- irian jaya, political refugees -- legal status: laws: etc -- papua new guinea, papua new guinea -- emigration and immigration -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Album - 35mm Colour slides, Pruning Day 1986, 1986
15 slides of Pruning/Open Day 1986 Jul 86.pruning day, 1986, open day -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newsletter, Miners Write: Ballarat School of Mines Staff Newsletter, 1984, 1984
The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. Two copies of a 1984 newsletter, both with red covers. .1) Articles include: Image of Student Representative Council for 1984 .2) Articles include: Andrew Johnson, Brendan Hunter, filming of Carson's Law at the former Gaolminers write, ballarat school of mines, martin forster, frank cullinan, tim stownix, andrew stokie, martin hibbins, tom dik, gratton hackwill, chris sedgwick, andrew johnson, vocational kills centre, andrew johnson, rod nicholls, ron sutton, john sullivan, albert peart, electrical trades department, r.a. nicholls, steve wall, carson's law, liz lumsdon, andrew stokie, ron sutton -
Orbost & District Historical Society
book, Croajingalong 1986, 1986
The name Croajingolong derives from the Australian Aboriginal Krauatungalung words galung, meaning "belonging to" and kraua, meaning "east". This is the thirty-eighth edition of the annual magazine of Orbost High School. The magazine belonged to Mary Gilbert, a former teacher at the school. Orbost High School / Orbost Secondary College has played a significant part in the education of senior students in the Orbost district . It is the sole senior educational institution. This item is representative of its history. This edition of the annual magazine is a useful reference tool.A school magazine of 36 pp, titled "Croajingalong 1986, A Pictorial History of 1986". The cover is a buff colour and has a brown print drawing of Halley's Comet with the school badge as part of the sketch. magazine-croajingalong orbost-high-school -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legacy Appeal 1986, 1986
A photo of two young ladies with metal Legacy Appeal tins, "Help Legacy care for families of those who cared beyond ____". The note says it is Su Davies and Carol Shaw / Staff members sold badges in the city on Badge Day, 1986. Promoting badge day in September 1986 It came from a Legacy envelope marked "P3 Fund Raising" in red pen, with assorted photos of fundraising events, including appeal tins in different years and a charity concert, and a marathon run (some are items 00433 to 0438).A record of fundraising in 1986.Black and white photo of two ladies with Legacy appeal tins. Yellow note paper.860902/152 in blue pen on reverse. Stamped Copyright Herald and Weekly Times in blue ink. Yellow note says: "Su Davies and Carol Shaw / Staff members sold badges in the city on Badge Day, 1986 " in black pen.fundraising, legacy appeal -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, VIOSH: Ballarat School of Mines, 3 February 1984
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. Photographs show Dennis Else and other outside Ballarat School of Mines buildings on 3 February 1984. VIOSH would have been at Ballarat Collegeof Advanced Education at that time.Colour photographs of group outside School of Mines Campus, 03/02/1984viosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, smb, school of mines ballarat, dennis else, bcae, ballarat college of advanced education -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Reverend Joe Rankin & the ex Moderator 1984, 1984
Photograph taken at the Tasmanian Synod.Head and shoulders photograph of Reverend Joe Rankin and Reverend Rob Kirwood."Rev. Joe Rankin & the ex Moderator 1984"rankin, joe, kirwood, rob